Index: C

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1907.

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'Index: C', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1907), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: C', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1907), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: C". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1907), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Cabo Verde, Don Antonio releases his estate of, to use of French Crown, 607.

Cabrera, Peter James de, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

Cadenet, Antoine, Baron d'Oraison, brings news from Dauphin, 407.

-, Carles Lyon, Chevalier d'Oraison, a Provenal, brother of above, receives Turkish Ambassadors in Paris, 407.

-, Monsieur and King of Navarre at, 75
-, Queen of Navarre receives Biron at, 85.

-, 7 (p. 11)
-, money levied in to be given to duke of Joyeuse, 361.

Csio, Cardinal. See Cesio.

-, refuses to surrender to Navarre, 49
-, news of surrender of, 62.

'Cahors', M. de. See Cavour.

-, Signor Ruberto Altemps sent into, 130 (p. 124)
-, King of Spain offers to Don Antonio, 162.

-, 7, 12, 43
-, letters from, 60
-, report of two youths from, 69
-, Roman Catholics from Bruges go to, 72
-, mentioned, 223
-, Portuguese in disguise land at. 256
-, mentioned, 275, 328, 349
-, part of Monsieur's forces near, 410
-, Elizabeth proposes to have, 455
-, mentioned, 513, 514, 541, 550, 574
-, wine sent to, from France to strengthen enemy, 605
-, mentioned, 613
-, Aastro to be detained at, 627
-, mentioned, 631, 640, 662, 668, 700.

Calais, captain of. See Gourdan.

Calicut, Calico, Spanish ships going to, 105.

Calignon, Geoffrey (or Soffroy) de, chancellor of Dauphin, 95.

Callis, John, reference to offence of, 704 (p. 650).

Camarena, Gonzalo de, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

-, men of, defeat Malcontents, 1
-, mentioned, 5
-, orders given for relief of, 6
-, Malcontents discomfited near, 9
-, mentioned, 11
-, men of, defeat Malcontents, 19
-, Monsieur sends forces to, 30
-, skirmish between Malcontents and men of, 35
-, Fervacques marching to aid of, 40
-, Montgomery sent to, 44
-, much distressed, 49
-, men of, send to Monsieur for help, 50
-, mentioned, 53
-, Monsieur coming to, 60, 62
-, Malcontents near, 67
-, Monsieur sends money to, 72
-, men of, succoured with provisions, 79
-, Malcontents reported to have forsaken, 80
-, mentioned, 84, 85
-, enterprise for relief of, goes forward staggeringly, 94
-, mentioned, 95
-, succouring of, breeds much trouble in minds of French sovereigns, 97
-, enemy lies 'sharply' about, 98
-, succouring of, likely to come to small effect, 99
-, mentioned, 108
-, Malcontents near, 127, 135
-, mentioned, 130, 137
-, Fervacques victuals, 151
-, mentioned, 162, 167
-, in great danger, 172
-, French army withdraws from, 173
-, Prince of Epinoy fears for, 174
-, Duke of Anjou hopes to take steps for relief of, 177, 178
-, King thinks Monsieur will not be able to succour, 182
-, discovery of treason in, 186
-, mentioned, 190
-, Malcontents camp round, 193
-, Monsieur promises to relieve, 195, 198, 202, 203
-, Viscount of Ghent withdraws from, 213
-, Monsieur's forces near, 214
-, men of, in good heart, 215
-, in great danger, 217
-, Monsieur hastens his coming to, 224
-, French King does not wish Monsieur to attempt relief of, 228
-, mentioned, 232, 239, 243, 245, 252, 254
-, French King will help, after Monsieur's marriage, 263
-, relief of, mentioned, 278, 280, 295
-, Monsieur marching in battle array near, 305
-, Monsieur relieves, 309, 310, 312, 313, 317
-, reference to relief of, 319, 325
-, Monsieur at, 327
-, Monsieur between Arleux and, 329
-, mentioned, 331
-, reference to relief of, 344
-, men of, fight against Malcontents, 359
-, mentioned, 370, 372, 375
-, reference ot relief of, 384, 388
-, questions on cost of Monsieur's holding, 437
-, mentioned, 448
-, reference to treaty made at, 474
-, King of Spain demands to have back, 499
-, reference to relief of, 503
-, mentioned, 518, 519
-, forces come to, from France, 582
-, French of, surprise Lens, 640, 642, 643, 646
-, garrison of, keeps Lens, 647
-, burghers of Lens carried prisoners to, 651
-, slenderly provided with victuals, 665
-, men of, said to have taken Landrecies, 681.

-, letters dated at, 309, 310.

Cambrano, Peter Rodriguez, money owing to, 401.

-, subject to Monsieur, 7
-, Monsieur prepares to besiege castle of, 317
-, Monsieur takes castle of, 335
-, mentioned, 342, 359, 370, 372, 375
-, reference to taking of, 384
-, mentioned, 417, 633
-, Frenchmen of, take Lens, 643
-, garrison of, keeps Lens, 647
-, said to have been surprised by enemy, 665.

Cambridge, University of, 572.

Camerina, John de, widow of, transfers bonds to Bierboom, 708.

-, Monsignor, Pope will send to Emperor of Muscovy, 117
-, Pope sends as nuncio to Venice, 130.

Campen, castle near, betrayed to Malcontents, 2.

-, letters dated at, 71, 421.

-, Father Edmund, 294
-, his book printed, 489
-, reference to French book about death of, 491, 493, 508
-, reference to capture of, 513
-, mentioned, 521, 634.

'Camshire', [qy. Campen], Stewart and Colvill to embark for Scotland at, 627.

Campo, Lopis del, master of Spanish ship, 158.

Canary Isles, the, said to be in revolt against King of Spain, 581.

Candia, 690.

Cangey, , chief valet of Monsieur's chamber, 203, 210.

Canoy, M. de, lieutenant to Marquis of Risbourg, captain of Malcontents, taken prisoner by men of Cambray, 35.

Canoy, castle of, near Lille, taken by States, 335.

-, French Commissioners to be at, 152
-, Hoddesdon at, 549.

-, letters dated at, 494, 536.

Capet, Hugh, Guises said not to be descended from, 16 (p. 21).

Capponi, Alessandro, gives money to Duke of Florence, 7 (p. 10).

-, Pietro, son of above, 7.

Capres, M. de. See Bournonville.

Capua, Hannibal da, Archbishop of Naples, 16.

Capuccini, the, wife of Viceroy of Sicily, dines with, 94 (p. 93).

Caraffa, Pope (Paul IV), reference to King of Spain's attack on, 56.

Carcassonne, Montmorency said to have taken, 521.

Carceris [qy. Caceres], Luis Martinez de, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

Cardona, Don Juan de, to be transported in galleys to Portugal, 275.

-, Carlell, Christopher, Walsingham's step-son, 71, 388
-, his account with States, 680
-, Fremyn objects to his proposed marriage with a milliner, 717.

Carlos, Don, Prince of Spain, 189.

-, reference to restoration of, by Bellegarde, 75
-, mentioned, 117.

-, house of, 379
-, Cobham has conference with Strozzi in garden of, 418, 517.

Caron, Noel de, Lord of Schoonval, serving in Council of State, 576.

Carrouges. See Le Veueur.

Cartwright, Thomas, 66.

-, Henry, Lord Hunsdon, Governor of Berwick, to bring Monsieur to Low Countries, 537
-, mentioned, 564.

Cascaes, King Philip orders to be fortified, 424.

Case, John?, Jesuits resort to house of, in Oxford, 541, 550.

Casenbroot, Nicolas, Doctor of Laws, serving in Council of State, 576.

Casimir, Duke of Pomerania, letter from, 506.

-, Duke John, of the Palatinate, 4
-, Cond enters into composition with, 24
-, mentioned, 170, 173
-, French King makes means to win, 370
-, troops of, to go to Frankfort, 388
-, Estates of Flanders wish to write to, for troops, 395
-, Hembize and Dathenus wish to send for, 503
-, Empire gives commission to, levy reiters to protect Augsburg, 717.

-, -, letters from, 14, 18, 194, 346, 354, 380, 664.

-, -, letter to, 345.

-, [in West Flanders], 19
-, Governor of, 707 (2).

-, Giovan Battista, Bishop of Rimini, nominated as Papal nuncio in Paris, 7 (p. 11), 130, 182
-, a severe Theatine, 203
-, Abate del Bene visits, on behalf of Monsieur, 224
-, mentioned, 254, 275, 370, 392, 406, 423
-, has audienee with King, 455, 491
-, has audience with Queen Mother, 493
-, mentioned, 508
-, wishes to bring Inquisition into France, 511
-, mentioned, 513
-, wishes to have ordinances of Council of Trent exercised throughout France, 606
-, presses Queen Mother to stay sending of forces to Teceira, 616
-, mentioned, 619
-, bestows whipping discipline on Franciscan friars, 634
-, mentioned, 668 (p. 622)
-, wishes to have decrees of Council of Trent published and put into execution, 669
-, undertakes to do correction on French King's subjects, 696
-, mentioned, 700.

-, Michel de, Seigneur de la Mauvissire, French Ambassador in England, dispatch sent to, 7
-, mentioned, 16, 24, 25 (2), 45, 62, 63, 64
-, French King's commission to, 81, 141
-, mentioned, 188, 263
-, to return to France, 318
-, mentioned, 321, 327, 331, 336
-, wishes to be 'revoked,' 352
-, mentioned, 391
-, forbidden by Monsieur to write anything touching marriage, 422
-, memorial for, 465
-, mentioned, 486
-, sends French King and Queen Mother's new hope of marriage between Monsieur and Elizabeth, 573
-, mentioned, 616, 696
-, wishes for an English tutor for his son, 711.

-, -, letters from, 295, 347, 639, 711.

-, Pierre de, elder brother of above, with Monsieur, 295.

Castelnau d'Arri, three Estates of Languedoc to be held at, 423.

-, 86, 94, 366, 424
-, wheat from, taken for King, 458
-, mentioned, 668.

Castillo, Dr. Antonio de, Ambassador from late King of Portugal, in England, 308, 523, 721.

-, -, letter from, 523.

Castres, Dr. Beutrich and Clervant with, Cond at, 32.

Castro, Antonio, Lord of Cascaes, flies from Portugal, 228 (p. 218).

-, Duke of Terranova to be Viceroy of, 130
-, Malcontents in, 190
-, Catalan vessel robbed by English pirates, 477.

Catania, , his claim on Benedict Spinola's estate, 158.

Cateau Cambrsis
-, 325
-, taken from Parma, 329
-, Malcontents intend to besiege, 344
-, mentioned, 493.

-, letter dated at, 321.

Catherine de Medicis
-, Queen Mother of France, her government, 5, 6
-, mentioned, 15, 16
-, Cobham's conversation with, touching Monsieur's marriage, 24
-, mentioned, 25 (1), (2)
-, Spanish Ambassador has audience with, 32
-, reference to Cobham's conference with, 33
-, mentioned, 35, 44
-, reference to conversation of, with Marchaumont, 45
-, mentioned, 48, 49
-, makes selection of commissioners, 62
-, Cobham's audience with, 62
-, Sainte Aldegonde has audience with, 62
-, mentioned, 63, 75
-, ill. 76
-, government of France given to, for two months, 80
-, mentioned, 84
-, Cobham has audience with, 85
-, mentioned, 92, 93
-, recovered from illness, 94
-, receives Cobham, 94
-, irresolute about succouring of Cambrai, 97
-, dispatches Strozzi to Monsieur, 99
-, mentioned, 100
-, King uses advice of, 104
-, her chief councillors, 104
-, wishes for la Noue's release, 117
-, mentioned, 118, 122
-, Villequier in favour with, 130
-, treaty for establishment of amity between England and France moved by, 141
-, mentioned, 146
-, 'koine moder,' 147
-, mentioned, 148, 162
-, desires to content Cond, 173
-, mentioned, 177, 178
-, French King sends to Monsieur, 182
-, mentioned, 184
-, Cobham to repair to, to discuss marriage negotiations, 187
-, mentioned, 188
-, visits Monsieur, 190, 195
-, has private conference with the King, 200
-, mentioned, 203, 210, 216, 220
-, with Monsieur at Mantes, 224
-, Elizabeth sends messenger to negotiate with, 225
-, Cobham has access to, 228
-, mentioned, 232, 239
-, Cobham and Somers have audience with, 243
-, mentioned, 245
-, does not encourage Strozzi's enterprise to Azores, 246
-, dislikes Monsieur enterprise in Low Countries, 247
-, with Monsieur at Mantes, 250, 252
-, mentioned, 254
-, Tassis suspects of friendship for Don Antonio, 256
-, mentioned, 261, 263
-, Cobham and Somers refer to their audience with, 266, 268
-, mentioned, 275
-, pretends some title to Portugal, 278
-, Walsingham sent to, 280
-, mentioned, 288, 289, 292, 294
-, laments French King's hard dealing towards Monsieur, 312
-, mentioned, 331, 348, 352, 361, 370, 379
-, anxious about Monsieur's voyage to England, 389
-, Cobham's audience with, 391
-, Duke of Lorraine has long talk with, 392
-, sends to meet Turkish Ambassadors, 405
-, promises to pay Don Antonio's soldiers, 406
-, Turkish women serving, 407
-, mentioned, 413, 414
-, Elizabeth refers to conditions of marriage propounded to, 415
-, mentioned, 418, 423, 429, 433, 438
-, commands Strozzi to accept certain gentlemen into his association, 444
-, desires marriage of Princess of Lorraine with Duke of Savoy, 454
-, mentioned, 459, 474
-, intends to meet Queen of Navarre at Chenonceau, 491
-, wishes Lansac to be sent to England, 493
-, mentioned, 508
-, Swiss Commissioners have audience with, 511
-, receives picture of Elizabeth, 513
-, takes up Don Antonio's enterprise warmly, 515
-, mentioned, 516, 517, 521
-, Cobham confers with, 553
-, mentioned, 560 (2)
-, indisposed, 572
-, mentioned, 573, 580
-, at Chenonceaux, 606
-, nuncio presses, to stay sending of forces to Terceira, 616
-, journeys to 'St. Mesants,' 619
-, keeps a diet at Fontainebleau, 652
-, mentioned, 657, 662
-, bears a good hand in helping Monsieur, 666
-, King and Queen of Navarre visit Queen Mother at Saint-Maixent, 668
-, desires conclusion of marriage between Elizabeth and Monsieur, 695
-, mentioned, 696
-, reference to King of Narvarre's conference with, 700
-, mentioned, 723.

-, letters from, 58, 70, 161, 267, 337, 487.

-, Princess of Barn, sister of King of Navarre, 21
-, at Bazas, 94
-, suggested marriage between James VI and, 278
-, suggested marriage between Marquis of Pont--Mousson and, 406
-, Duke of Savoy said to be in love with, 414
-, Scots wish their King to marry, 588
-, returns to Barn, 606.

Catholics. See Roman Catholics.

Cavalcanti. Signor Cavalliero [qy. Guido], ready to do service for Elizabeth, 361 (p. 335).

Cave, Lisle, endorsements, etc. by, 225, 441, [534], 558.

Cavour, 'Cahour,' Bernardino di Savoie, Sieur de, son of following, Duke of Savoy causes to be legitimated, with his father, 117.

-, 'Cahors,' M. de, Count of Racconigi, 'Racony,' chief favourite of Duke of Savoy, 117, 607.

Caza, Giovanni Baptista, French consul at the Porte, 111.

-, William, Lord Burghley, Lord Treasurer, 9
-, Prince of Orange sends copy of proscription published against him to, 54
-, mentioned, 88
-, Commissioners to dine with, 120
-, speech uttered by, jointly with Queen's Commissioners to treat with French, 140, 150
-, Commissioners to dine with, 152
-, report addressed to, concerning demands of my Lord Ambassador of Spain against executors of Spinola, 158
-, speeches delivered by, to Commissioners, 183, 189
-, mentioned, 233
-, substance of letter to Walsingham from, 313
-, notes in hand of, 374, 375
-, acknowledges receipt from Monsieur for loan, 435
-, notes in hand of on cost of troops for Monsieur, 437, 453
-, notes in hand of, 469
-, draft in hand of, 472
-, note by, 484
-, mentioned, 523, 539
-, furnishes Monsieur with money, 865
-, mentioned, 567
-, reference to his dealing between Herle and Wade, 592
-, mentioned, 633, 716, 724.

-, -, letter from, 273.

-, -, draft in hand of, 723.

-, -, letters to, 6, 13, 38, 39, 67, 107, 175, 211, 247, [261], 284, 287, 288, 289, 291, 294, 296, 298, 302, 303, 311, 312, 315, 318, 320, 323, 324, 325, 339, [351], 377, 405, [416], 458, 494, 536, 559, 587, 590, 602, 613, 623, 641, 647, 649, 709.

Cely, Thomas, servant to Sir Thomas Gresham, 158.

Centbouet [?], President, 607.

Ceri, 'Cere,' Portia d'Anguillara di, wife of Giordano Orsini, Marquis of la Mentana, claims estate of his brother Paolo Orsini, deceased, 139.

Cernigi, Giovan Battista, Florentine Captain, wishes to come to England, 63.

Cervantes, Christopher Ortez de, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

Cerre, la [qy. = Seurre], sends notes of the Marriage Commission to Paris, 171.

-, Captain, Italian, 491
-, kills Gerbe in a duel, 493.

'Cesara Romena', French King's interpreter for Turkish, 405.

Cesio, Pietro Donato, Cardinal Legate, punishes disorders at Bologna, 7.

Ceuta, said to be 'rendered' to King Philip, 6.

Chabot, Guy de, Sieur de Montlieu, son of Lonor, Sieur de Jarnac, in Prince Dauphin's train, 155.

Chalande, M. de, in train of Prince Dauphin, 155.

Chlons, infantry coming from Lyons to, 636.

Chamberlain, Lord. See Ratclyffe, Thomas.

Chambry, Duke of Savoy takes pieces of battery from, 275.

Chamborant Pierre, Sieur de Drou, with Monsieur, 293.

Chambord, 'Chomberg,' King's house near Blois, 16, 25.

Chambre, Franois Chevalier de la, abbe de Vendme, deprived of Priorate of Auvergne, 94.

-, Guedon (?), d' Esclavolles de, French Colonel, flies from Mons to Antwerp, 544
-, Monsieur sends to Dunkirk, 612, 614.

-, 5, 16
-, Duke of Guise feasts gentlemen of, at 'Jenville,' 62
-, mentioned, 78.

Champagny, Champigny. See Perrenot.

Champernoll, , English captain, killed before Steynwick, 42.

Champernon, Champernowne, , Walsingham's servant, 652.

Champigny, Queen Mother intends to visit Duke of Montpensier at, 606.

Champigny, , captain of Malcontents, dead, 581.

Chancellor, the, of England (Sir Thomas Bromley, reference to alleged speech of, set forth among Malcontents, 627.

-, of France. See Birague.

Chancery Lane, French Commissioners to be lodged in, 152.

Chandu [Chandiou, Ph. de Bigny], captain of Queen Mother's guards, sent by her to Fervaques, 75.

Chanfrey, Count. See Sanfr.

Chanlivaut. See Viau.

Chantilly, 'Chantillowe,' French Court at, 141.

Chanvallon, Champvallon. See Harlay.

Chapell, John, draper of London, 542.

-, -, Margaret wife of, 542.

-, 'Chapelle Urzin,' 'Capello Orsini,' Christophe Jouvenel de la, Lieutenant-Governor of Ile-de-France, receives Turkish Ambassadors, 407
-, said to have met heads of the League, 454
-, letter from, 566.

Charlemont, Governor of, 707 (2).

Charles, Archduke, 286 (p. 285).

Charles V
-, Emperor, reference to treaty between Henry VIII and, 474
-, reference to government of, 722.

Charles II, King of England, papers in a hand ca. temp., 471.

Charles IX, late King of France, reference to amity between England and, 712.

Charles the Simple, King of France, statement of marriages between Royal Houses of France and England, from time of, 463.

Charles Emanuel
-, Duke of Savoy, proposed marriage with Spanish Princess, 9
-, his Ambassador at Paris, 33
-, governed by Duke of Nemours, 49
-, to keep Sental for three months, 62
-, 'M. de, Savoie.' 117
-, his pretensions to kingdom of Portugal, 190
-, levies Swiss, 246
-, mentioned, 275
-, proposed marriage between Princess of Lorraine and, 361, 370
-, mentioned, 389
-, suggestions for marriage of, 406
-, King Philip wishes to break off marriage between Princess of Lorraine and, 407
-, said to be in love with Princess of Barn, 414
-, does not wish to marry Princess of Lorraine, 438
-, makes claim to merchandise of Geneva, 444
-, seeks to marry daughter of Duke of Florence, 454
-, envoy from, 508
-, Queen Mother does not press marriage of, with Princess of Lorraine, 517
-, intends shortly to marry, 572
-, rumour of marriage with daughter of Mantua, 607
-, mentioned, 634, 676
-, said to be levying Swiss for enterprise on Montferrat, 687.

Charles Monsieur. See Valois.

Charlier, M., Governor of Bouchain, 707 (2).

Charolois, country of, held by King of Spain as vassal of France, 56.

Charreton [probably for Chartier, Bnoit Charreton was in Prince of Parma's service], , Monsieur's secretary, 560 (2).

Chartier, Mathurin, [Damville's, afterwards] Monsieur's secretary, 423, 698.

-, 220, 268
-, Coss to surrender government of, 491, 493
-, French Queen goes on pilgrimage to the Lady of, 517, 520, 522
-, King and Queen return from, 541.

-, M. de, agent of King of Navarre, confers with Villeroy, 119
-, mentioned, 148.

Chastean, M., with Duke of Anjou's Commissioner, 154, 155.

Chastelet [qy. le Ctelet], Duke of Ltzelstein with Duke of Anjou at, 378.

Chastre, Claude de la, with Monsieur, 293.

Chteauroux. See Bourbon.

Chteau-Thierry, 190, 201, 213, 224, 268, 378.

Chteau-Vieux, Joachim de, captain of the Guard, accompanies King to Saint Germain, 16, 49.

Chteauvilain, Comte de. See Adjacetto.

Chtelet, the, friars imprisoned in, 275.

Chtillon, Odet de, Cardinal, 85.

-, Admiral. See Coligny, Gaspard de.

-, Seigneur de. See Coligny, Franois de.

Chaumont, Jean de, Seigneur de Guitry, at Geneva, 32, 44.

Chaunfort, M. de, in train of Prince Dauphin, 155.

Chauvin, M., letter bearer from Duke of Anjou, 309, 310.

Chellandre, Robert de Thin, baron of, with Duke of Bouillon in England, 155.

Chemeraut, Sieur de. See Barbezires.

Chemitte, Schmidt [?], M. de, with Duke of Bouillon in England, 155.

-, 7, 16, 24, 32, 45
-, French queens at, 49
-, French queens leave, 62
-, mentioned, 203, 209, 275
-, Queen Mother intends to meet Queen of Navarre at, 491, 493, 508, 553
-, Queen Mother postpones her journey to, 572
-, Neuville goes to Queen Mother at, 606
-, Queen Mother and Queen of Navarre at, 668, 695.

-, letter dated at, 25.

Cherff (qy. Cherren), Captain, Governor of Nivelles, 707 (2).

Chester, merchants of, Cobham commands causes of, to Pinart, 696.

Chevreau, Baron de, captain in Malcontents' army, his death, 581.

Chvres, de, a baron of Burgundy, levies ensigns for King of Spain, 574.

Cheyney, of Toddington, Sir Henry Cheyney, Lord, reference to letters from, 275.

Chil, Diego, money taken from, by Englishmen 401.

Chimay, Prince of. See Croy, Charles.

Chisse, de, captain in Malcontents's army, his death, 581.

Chiverny, Comte. See Hurault.

Choard, Paul, Seigneur de Buzanval, 309, 317, 600.

-, letter from, 593.

-, Jean de, Sieur de Malicorne, 508
-, said to have been created Duke, 607.

Christian, King of Denmark, reference to treaties between Edward IV and, 689.

Cigoignes, M. de, 210. (Qy. Charles de Beausoneles, Sieur de Sigogne, governor of Dieppe).

Cinque Ports, the, 398.

'Civilia', Fernando de, 158.

Civille, Franois de, letter from, 637.

Clark, , Scottish captain, 148.

Clarke, Captain, pirate, French merchant robbed by, 454.

-, Henri, Seigneur de Fleury-Saint-Martin and du Ponts (?), brother of following, sent as Ambassador ligier to Switzerland, 148
-, mentioned, 285, 361
-, appointed Ambassador to Swiss, 619.

-, Pierre, Seigneur de Marchaumont, and de Courrances, agent of Duke of Anjou in Paris, 16, 24
-, Queen Mother's conversation with, 45
-, sent to England before Commissioners, 62
-, mentioned, 64
-, French King's commission to, 81
-, mentioned, 148, 188, 203, 210, 233 (?), his secretary, 295
-, mentioned, 305
-, reference to Elizabeth's speech to, 313
-, collection out of writing de ivered by, and notes on conference with, 437
-, mentioned, 494, 516, 539, 569.

-, -, letters from, 344, [369], 565, 726.

-, -, letters to, 285, 316, 385, 483.

Clayton, , papist, 619.

Clermont, Franoise de, Duchess of Uzs, Morgan takes letters to house of, 517.

Clermont d'Amboise
-, Georges de, Huguenot captain, Cobham visits, 24
-, said to have insulted Mme de Duras, 668.

Clermont de Dampierre
-, Claude Catherine de, Madame de Retz, 200, 203, 361, 521, 572
-, Queen of Navarre desires to 'cheer' with, 652.

Clervant, M. de. See Vienne.

Cleves, Catherine of, Duchess of Guise, 429, 511, 521.

-, Henriette de, Duchess of Nevers, 200, 203, 427
-, slight quarrel between Princess of Conti and, 455
-, Queen of Navarre desires to 'cheer' with, 652.

Cleves, Duke of. See William.

Cleves, town of, 157, 235.

-, letter dated at, 157.

Clinton, Edward, Earl of Lincoln, Lord High Admiral, 724.

Cobham, Mr., 574.

-, Sir Henry. See Brooke.

-, Lord. See Brooke, William.

-, Jeanne de, Countess of Montafi, 'Montaphia,' proposed marriage with Marquis of Conti, 414, 423
-, marries Conti, 429
-, sllght quarrel between Duchess of Nevers and, 455.

Cognac, King and Queen of Navarre sojourn at, 521.

Coimaus, Conrad, Dutchman resident in Lisbon, 528.

Coimbra, Don Antonio flies to, 7.

Cold [?], N., letter from, 227.

Coligny, Charles d', Marquis d'Audelot, son of the Admiral, 72.

-, Franois de, Seigneur de Chtillon (Chastillon-sur-Loing), Admiral of Guyonne, accompanies Cond to Nismes, 7
-, sent by Cond to Monsieur, 24
-, at Rochelle, 62, 94
-, in Brittany, 95
-, mentioned, 370
-, reference to 'mislike' between Schomoerg and, 551.

-, Franois de, Sieur de Rieux, 95.

-, Gaspard de, Seigneur de Chtillon, late Admiral of France, 693.

-, Guy de, Sieur de Laval, Count of Audelot, 72
-, Cobham visits privately, 85
-, mentioned, 95, 178
-, gathers troops to serve Monsieur, 224
-, with Monsieur, 287, 293
-, mentioned, 574, 585, 593, 608
-, seldom leaves Prince of Orange, 646 (p. 599)
-, created general of light horse in Monsieur's camp, 661, 663
-, about to start for France, 666, 671
-, opposed to M. de Hvre, 676
-, goes to France to levy troops, 693 (p. 636), 697, 703
-, to command cavalry of Low Countries, 716.

Colindes, 'Colendres,' in Biscay, 458.

Coln on the Spree ('Spraw'), letter dated at, 185.

-, 'Collein,' news from, 35
-, 'Cullyn,' 41
-, reference to peace of, 67
-, mentioned, 79
-, sends syndic of Hanse to Emperor's court, 165
-, magistrates of, examine traders with England, 211
-, mentioned, 235, 448, 574, 581, 627, 668
-, power of attorney granted by Consuls and Senate of, 708.

Colombires, M. de, with Monsieur, 293.

-, Marcantonio, Viceroy of Sicily, 94, 148
-, rumour that he will be sent to Low Countries, 275.

-, Prospero, at Lisbon, 16.

Colvi, Octavian, money owing to, 401.

Colvill, Sir James, of Easter Wemyss, 'Colvin, Lord of Weame,' treats with King of Navarre about marriage of Princess of Barn with James VI., 275.

-, 'Govyll,' , to be sent with letters to Scotland, 627.

Colvin. See Colvill.

Combelles, Colonel, 669.

-, -, letter from, 633.

Comines, Philippe de, reference to, 256.

Comines, 'Comen,' castle of, 172.

-, Governor of, 707 (2).

Commendador. See Zuiga.

Commissioners, English, to conduct marriage negotiations between Elizabeth and Duke of Anjou, 183, 184, 189, 205, 242.

-, from French King to Elizabeth, 6, 7, 23, 24
-, their names, 33, 44, 45, 49, 74, 81
-, leave Paris, 85
-, wish for shipping and horses, 85
-, mentioned, 91, 94
-, preparing to embark, 100
-, order for entertaining, in England, 120
-, proclamation against brawling or overcrowding during stay of, 133
-, English Commissioners' speech to, 140, 150
-, arrangements for, 152
-, names of, 154
-, mentioned, 162
-, well feasted and honourably received in England, 171
-, Elizabeth delays to receive, 181
-, form of speech delivered to, 183
-, mentioned, 184
-, only appointed to treat of marriage, 187
-, Elizabeth did not wish, sent so soon, 188
-, conference with, 189
-, mentioned, 205
-, Pinart writes for, 216
-, mentioned, 224
-, return to France, 225
-, French King willing to sign articles brought by, 228
-, French King promises to confer with, 241
-, reference to Elizabeth's conference with, 242
-, audience of, with French King, 243
-, mentioned, 245, 247
-, with Monsieur at Nantes, 250
-, mentioned, 254, 261, 263, 266, 268, 305, 433, 471
-, reference to sending of, to England, 696.

-, French, to conduct negotiations as to league between England and France, 106, 141.

Como, Cardinal of. See Gallio.

Company, the. See Merchants Adventurers.

Compiano, Vincent, witness to power of attorney, 111.

Compigne in Picardy, 228, 254, 696.

Cond, Prince of. See Bourbon, Henry de.

-, Princess of. See Orleans, Franoise d'.

Coningham, Cunnyngham, Robert, servant to Lord John Hamilton, visits Cobham, 352.

Connesbe, William, of Exeter College, 550.

Conninck, Cornille de, serving in Council of State, 576.

Constable of France. See Montmorency.

Constantino, John, money owing to, 401.

-, the Porte, 32, 45, 111
-, news from, 221, 407
-, French said to be busy at, 574
-, presents made by Grand Signior to English Ambassador in, 705.

Conti, Marquis of. See Bourbon.

Cooke, Antony, 641, 669.

-, Copcote, Renold, bills sent to, by Stokes, 451, 497
-, mentioned, 580, 626
-, Gilpin confers with, 662
-, mentioned, 719.

Copenhagen, 590.

Copley, Thomas, called sometimes 'Lord' Copley, 362, 668.

Coranus, Antonius, Spanish preacher in London, 574 (p. 520).

Corasco, Francis, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

Corco, John Baptista, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

Corde, John, master of St. Lucas, 158.

-, difference between General of, and Franciscans in Paris, 275
-, French King appoints monastery of, behind Louvre, 619.

Cordero, John, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

Cordua, Diego Hernandez de, money taken from by Englishmen, 401.

Cork, in Ireland, Portuguese caravel taken at, 534.

-, Antoine de, Sieur de Villeneuve and des Bordes, 'Neufville,' lieutenant to la Noue, in charge of his troops, 20
-, letter from, 201
-, colonel of French foot in place of La Noue, and reference to his letter, 213
-, his regiment to be sent to defend Bergen-op-Zoom, 432
-, regiment refuses to go to Nynhove, 446
-, at Eccloo, 486, 503
-, goes to France, 512
-, mentioned, 707. See also Neufville.

Corne du Cerf, the, Turkish Ambassador lodged at, 405.

Cornelis, Martin, ship-owner, complains of John Barker, 400.

-, Reiner, ship-owner, complains of John Barker, 400.

-, Richard, of Staffordshire and Exeter College, 550.

Corteney, Peter, merchant of Paris, 572.

Cortryk. See Courtray.

Correa, Antony, money owing to, 401.

-, Charles de, younger, Comte de Brissac, 94
-, levies soldiers for Portuguese voyage, 379
-, Don Antonio intends French allies to be commanded by, 406
-, says he has secret commission from King against Huguenots, 443
-, Queen Mother commands Strozzi to accept, into his association, 444
-, mentioned, 454
-, (Brissac) to be Grand Panetier of France, 508
-, Spanish King accuses Queen Mother of sending aid to Don Antonio by, 511
-, ready to embark, 573, 616.

-, Artus de, Count of Serondigny, Marshal of France, 6
-, Secretary of, sent to Monsieur
-, has private conferences with French king
-, Cobham visits, 7
-, Cobham resolves to confer with, 15
-, Cobham's conference with, 16
-, appointed Commissioner to Elizabeth for marriage-treaty, 23
-, Cobham visits, 24
-, mentioned, 25 (2), 33
-, authorised commissioner to Elizabeth, 62
-, French king's commission to, 81
-, mentioned, 94, 100, 162
-, gathers troops to serve Monsieur, 224
-, King wishes, to undertake relief of Cambrai, 228
-, to repair to Monsieur, 243, 361
-, making levy for Don Antonio, 387
-, mentioned, 423
-, to surrender governments to Chiverny, 491, 493
-, his offices distributed at his death, 508
-, heirs of, wish Cobham to depart from their house, 635.

-, -, letter from, 25 (1).

Coste-Mzires, M. de la, 293.

-, Thomas, Williams hardly dealt with by, 258
-, mentioned, 666
-, Monsieur gives commission to, 717.

-, -, letter from, 703.

-, Mr, of Hampton, vessel belonging to, takes Catalan vessel, 477.

Couas, John de [probably=Souza, q.v.], letter-bearer from Count Vimioso, 118.

Council of State for Netherlands. See Netherlands, States-General of.

Couralin, Captain, governor of Notre-Dame-de-Hault, 707 (2).

Courcelles, M. de, brings despatch to Cobham. 25 (2).

Coursanne (qy. Courances, i.e. Franois Clausse, son to Marchaumont) M. de, with Monsieur, 293.

-, Courtray, 'Corttricke,' 'Cortryk,' 1
-, Malcontent forces come to, 20
-, Germans in garrison at, 80
-, Montigny comes to, 89
-, mutiny among soldiers at, 108, 127
-, mentioned, 135, 235
-, M. de Swevinghem burns suburbs of, 335
-, enemy preparing to attack, 349
-, mentioned, 373
-, news from, 404
-, enemy's forces cross river near, 427
-, Parma's forces near, 446
-, news from, 497
-, Parma at, 512
-, news from, 518, 532, 543
-, enemy at, rejoice at return of English nobles, 563
-, mentioned, 582
-, enemy removes camp to, 605, 613
-, Governor of, 707 (2)
-, mentioned, 716, 717.

-, Monsieur proposes to go to, 117 (p. 113)
-, King of Navarre goes to, 521 (p. 471).

Covert, Thomas, 'procuror' in Paris for Papists, 521.

Cowes Castle, Cook's Castle, 'Castillo de Cue,' 478.

Cranley [?], Kranle, English sea captain, 345.

-, Duarte de, amnesty not granted by King of Spain to, 128
-, taken prisoner in Medina de Campo, 228
-, mentioned, 389
-, Ambassador for Don Antonio in Low Countries, 574, 613.

Creighton, William (called 'John'), Scottish Jesuit, 517.

Cremona, King of Spain delivers to Venetians, 85.

Cressier. See Grissach.

Crevecur, 'Crevecu,' taken by Monsieur, 305.

Crey (Creil), castle of, near Clermont on the Oise, 379.

Crichton. See Creighton.

Croatia, news from, 407.

Croisic, Huguenot ships preparing at, 95.

Croker, Gerard, 709.

Cromwell, Captain, sent with company to Bruges, 427.

Cronenburg, letter dated at, 683.

Croy, Charles of, Prince of Chimai, son to Duke of Aerschot, 275, 636.

-, Charles Philip of, Marquis of Havrech, 'Havereigh,' loan to, from Elizabeth, 484.

-, Eustache de, brother of above, Count of Rulx, Governor of Saint Omer, 707 (2).

-, Jean de, Count of Rulx, Governor of Flanders, his former regiment comes from Namur to Courtray, 582.

-, Philippe (III) de, Duke of Aerschot, Prince of Chimay, tries to exchange Count Egmont for la Noue, 43
-, mentioned, 410
-, said to be dead, 446, 452
-, marries Mme de Beauvoix, 636.

Crussol, Jacques de, Duke of Uzs, Burghley's note on, 469.

-, 'Grave' of, castle belonging to, taken by enemy, 520
-, Schomberg married to lady of House of, 551.

Cutarra (qy. Scutari), in Greece, birthp ace of 'Asanaga,' 405.

Cypriot, a, interpreter to Turkish Ambassador in France, 405.