Index: A

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1907.

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'Index: A', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1907), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: A', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1907), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: A". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1907), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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-, Ail-la-Chapelle, 'Acon,' attacked by Duke of Cleves, 662
-, troubles at, settled, 694
-, great perplexity at, 698. See Aquisgrane.

Abad, Francisco, master of Spanish ship, 477.

-, Abbadie, Jean Pierre d', 148
-, his brother tortured at Lisbon, 209.

-, money to be sent to, from England, 325, 330, 331
-, Monsieur at, 348
-, mentioned, 378.

-, Governor of, 445.

-, letter dated at, 445.

Abendaño, Iñigo de, money owing to, 401.

Abiberch (Abiberg), Landamman of Schwyz, Swiss Commissioner in Paris, 511.

Abrantes, 92.

Accorambona, Vittoria, Pope imprisons, 521.

Acerbo, Mr. See Vellutelli.

'Acon,' attacked by Duke of Cleves. See Aachen.

Adame, Diego Niso, money owing to, 401.

-, Henry, servant of Cobham, dispatched to Monsieur, 31, 44
-, mentioned, 45, 250, 270, 379, 607.

Adirane [qy. Adrian], Mr, takes letters from R. Yorks to Walsingham, 579.

-, Diacetto, Ludovico d', Comte de Châteauvilain, 237
-, French King borrows money from, 619.

Admiral, the Lord. See Clinton.

Aelst, Peeter van, Peter Alostanus, Burgomaster of Antwerp, formerly Councillor to Count Palatine, 498, 577, 600.

Aerschot, Duke of. See Croy Phillippe de.

Aerschot, mentioned, 707 (2).

-, Don Antonio said to have fled into, 16
-, mentioned, 109, 176.

-, M. d' [qy. Honoré de l'Age, Sieur de Puylanreas], a President of Parliament of Paris, 16
-, said to be nominated as Mauvissière's successor, 318.

Agen, 44, 75, 85.

Agoult, François Louis, Comte de Sault, King intends to send as Ambassador to the Turk, 407.

Agurto, Martin de, money taken from by Englishmen, 401.

Aigues Mortes, Count Vimioso lands at, 118.

Aire, Viscount of, 707 (2).

-, 213, 342
-, Governor of, 707 (2).

Alamanni (Luigi?), Aliman, ambassador for Florence in France [sic], 406.

-, Nicolas, son of the above. See Allemaigne.

-, Albanese, Albanois, Albernoyes, 5, 10, 35, 40, 80, 151, 374
-, Teligny skirmishes with, 543
-, mentioned, 584
-, commanders of, taken prisoners at Menin, 612
-, mentioned, 706, 717.

Albano, Cardinal (Giovanni Francesco Gambara), 94.

Albenga, near Genoa, bishopric of, bestowed on Malespina, 521.

Albert V, Duke of Bavaria, 'Baviers,' rumours that he will replace Prince of Parma, 60, 67.

Albert Frederick, Duke of Prussia, Hanse towns sue to, against English traders, 704 (p. 650).

Albertani, Andrea, secretary sent from Duke of Tuscany to French King, 406.

Albizzi, 'Mazin' degli, imprisoned for riot, 85.

Albret, Henri d', Sieur de Miossans, comes from King of Navarre, 85.

Albrothe, Lord of. See Hamilton.

Alciatus, Cardinal (Francesco Alicati, of Sta. Maria in Porticu, etc.), 32.

Alcocar, Gaspar Valez de, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

Alcocer, Alvaro de, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

Aldersey, —, buys gunpowder on Hoddesdon's account, 59.

Aldren, —, priest, 668.

-, companies ranging in, 49
-, Monsieur repairs to, 171, 173, 181
-, Queen Mother goes to, 182, 190, 195
-, mentioned, 198, 352.

-, letter dated at, 177.

-, Duke of. See François.

Aleppo, 'Alepey,' plague in, 105.

Alfeyran. See Viçose.

Algarves, Philip II calls himself King of, 105.

Algiers, King of, 477.

Aliaga, Lawrence de, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

-, [? Ali Aga], Turkish Ambassador in France, 405, 407
-, Cobham visits (called Mutapharaga), 414
-, has audience of King, 423.

Allemaigne, M. [? Nicolas Alamanni], in suite of Prince Dauphin, 155.

-, Dr William (afterwards Cardinal), 224, 513, 517, 541, 550
-, comes to Paris from Rheims, 634
-, mentioned, 668 (p. 622).

-, Mr, ship-owner, 425.

Allmans, Almains. See Germans.

Alonso, Michael, tailor, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

-, Aelst, Alst, Halst, 43, 170, 186
-, enemy places regiment in, 420
-, mentioned, 496
-, M. de Thiant fails in enterprise on, 503
-, enemy near, 666, 671, 676
-, enemy victuals, 681
-, taken by Thiant, 701, 702, 706
-, Governor of, 707 (2)
-, reference to taking of, 715, 716, 717, 719.

Alostanus, Peter, 'burrowmaster.' See Aelst.

Altemps, Signor Ruberto, sent from Viceroy of Naples to be present at birth of Duke of Bisignano's child, 130.

Alva, Duke of. See Toledo.

Alvaredo, Francis de, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

Alvarez, Alonso, money owing to, 401.

-, Garcia, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

Amboise, castle of, 130, 190.

Ambrosio, Italian dwelling in France, plots against life of Prince of Orange, 379.

-, 109
-, Strozzi to go on special business to, 408.

-, 173, 324
-, money to be sent to, from England, 325, 330, 331
-, mentioned, 340, 517.

Ammian, M. d' [d'Amians], to go as envoy from Flanders, 168.

Amonte, Marquis. See Ayamonte.

'Ampyre', Mme d'. See Dampierre.

-, 35
-, Prince of Orange goes to, 79
-, prisoners sent to, 167
-, meeting of Estates at, 173
-, reference to Gilpin's letter from, 199
-, mentioned, 212
-, ships belonging to, arrested in London, 400
-, mentioned, 551
-, reference to trade at, 704 (p. 651).

-, letters and dispatches dated at, 195, 196, 400.

-, Aniastri, Gaspar, 'Jan Astro,' 'Anyase,' 'Lanyastrey,' suggested murderer of Prince of Orange, 621
-, to be detained at Calais, 627
-, mentioned, 628
-, not yet taken, 631
-, thought to be with Malcontents, 640
-, at Tournay, 642
-, letter from, brought to Ghent, 646.

Ancelmo, Anthoni, Colonel, of Antwerp, 577.

Ancona, 407.

-, Don Antonio in arms near, 24
-, mentioned, 304
-, ships from, arrive at Antwerp, 693 (p. 637)
-, mentioned, 716.

Andarra, Nicholas de, money owing to, 401.

Andelot, M. d'. See Coligny.

-, King goes to, 414
-, King breaks off journey to, 423
-, King goes to, 454.

Anfremez, — d', letter from, 445.

-, Nicolas d', Marquis de Rambouillet, sent to Duke of Nevers and Prince Dauphin, 7, 16
-, government of Metz bestowed on, 572.

-, Louis d', Marquis of Maintenon, brother of above, created Knight of St. Esprit, 493.

-, Governor of, 62
-, at Montagu, 95, 341
-, news from, 541
-, Lord Hamilton said to be at, 606.

Angerville, 'Angevil,' M. d', Bishop of Ross has secret conference with, 424.

Anghen. See Enghien.

Anglesey, 57.

-, Governor of, 366, 367
-, city of, 440.

-, letters dated at, 366, 367, 439, 568.

Angus, Earl of. See Douglas, Archibald.

-, 47
-, Rogers' papers found at, 235.

Anholt, Anhalt, Baron of. See Bronkhorst.

Anjou, assembly of clergy in, 162.

Anna, Duchess of Saxony, letter from, 460.

-, Captain [Anselme Peyrussis], surrenders Cental to King of France, 62 (p. 69), 75
-, mentioned, 634
-, levies companies in Dauphiné and Piedmont, 670.

Anthony, cashier to Añastro. See Veniero.

Anton, San Juan de, master of Nuestra Señora de la Concepcion, report of losses owing to Drake's capture of his vessel, 401.

-, Don, prior of Crato, rumours concerning, 6, 7, 9, 16, 24
-, mentioned, 33, 40, 45
-, Elizabeth refuses to help, 47
-, in safety, 62
-, Prin affected to, 63
-, sends to King Philip for pardon, 85
-, Cobham writes news of, 92
-, mentioned, 93, 95
-, Queen Mother 'apassionated' in favour of, 104
-, money offered for him, 105
-, mentioned, 118
-, proclamation by King of Spain of amnesty for those who took part in rebellion of, 128
-, rumour of his death, 130
-, mentioned, 142
-, statement of terms to be granted to English fleet serving, 143
-, Elizabeth affects, 148
-, mentioned, 150
-, King of Spain labours hard to agree with, 162
-, wishes for help from Elizabeth, 176
-, negotiations with, 179, 180
-, his cause doubtful, 190
-, desires friendship and alliance of Elizabeth, 197
-, his requests to Elizabeth, 206, 207
-, mentioned, 208, 209, 219, 220
-, supposed to be at La Rochelle, 223
-, Elizabeth wishes to assist, in order to check greatness of King of Spain, 225
-, Elizabeth will not negotiate with, till she knows how French King intends to act, 228, 241
-, Isle of Tercera loyal to, 248
-, not supposed to be in England, 249
-, mentioned, 250
-, said to have come to France, 256
-, mentioned, 260
-, Elizabeth wishes to make league with France to aid, 263
-, no help preparing for, in France, 271
-, mentioned, 275
-, Elizabeth wishes French King to aid, 277, 278, 280, 282
-, mentioned, 284, 285
-, supposed to have been received by Elizabeth, 314
-, in England, 318
-, mentioned, 340, 356
-, said to be at Dieppe, 361
-, Strozzi with, 362
-, English captain helps, 366
-, to meet French sovereigns, 370
-, mentioned, 375
-, affairs of, in France, 379
-, has hope of succour from France, 387
-, Isles of Terceras affectioned towards, 389
-, hopes and entertainment shown to in France, 392
-, Cobham visits, 406
-, departs from France, 408
-, English ships attack Dutch ships under pretext of serving, 412
-, mentioned, 418, 423, 433, 434, 438, 439, 440, 441, 443
-, Count Vimioso said to have separated from, 454
-, takes Spanish ship, and sends merchandise to England, 457
-, nobility affected to, intend to retire from Portugal, 459
-, touching Elizabeth's aiding of, 474
-, reference to pirate ships of, at Isle of Wight, 478
-, circular on behalf of, to coast towns, 482
-, mentioned, 499
-, reference to letter from, 504, 505
-, Queen Mother favours, 508
-, Spanish King accuses Queen Mother of aiding, 511
-, mentioned, 517
-, Botelho wishes Elizabeth to aid, 530
-, all goods coming to England from countries owing obedience to, to be received without hindrance, 531
-, Prince of Orange grants ships to, 532
-, mentioned, 540
-, Schomberg wishes to do some exploit for benefit of, 551, 552
-, Ambassador of, accompanies Monsieur to Town Hall of Antwerp, 562
-, Governor of Terceira desires to see, in royal estate, 568
-, ships of, routed, 588
-, said to have renounced all claim to use of Crown of France, 607
-, preparations in France, under pretence of helping, 613
-, mentioned, 616, 672
-, Madeira revolts in favour of, 676
-, preparations of, in France, feared to be for Rochelle, 693 (p. 638)
-, French fleet preparing for, 700
-, Botelho requests Elizabeth to help, 720
-, Cobham to relieve, upon Strozzi's enterprise, 723.

-, letter from, 450.

Antragues. See Balsac.

-, 10, 26, 35
-, charges for Hoddesdon's journey between Delft and, 37
-, commissioner of, visits Hoddesdon, 38
-, Gilpin's expenses in, 41
-, mentioned, 112
-, letter sent from, 123
-, mentioned, 124, 134, 167
-, priests driven out of, 173
-, proclamation by corporation of, 240
-, mentioned, 249, 256, 272
-, altars and images taken away from, 285
-, mentioned, 286, 356, 372, 376, 384, 388, 398, 421
-, Council of Ghent goes to, 446
-, Rochepot joins Prince at, 447
-, States General at, request Elizabeth to pay debts, 451
-, people of, murmur against Prince of Orange, 452
-, news from, 486
-, debt to be paid at, 497
-, Parma preparing to block navigation from, 499
-, news from, 510
-, mentioned, 515, 519, 526
-, meeting of States General in, 535
-, mentioned, 548
-, Monsieur enters, 555
-, mentioned, 560 (2)
-, description of Monsieur's entry into, 562
-, Monsieur received in, 564
-, reference to letter dated at, 573
-, Monsieur persists on having Catholic church in, 574
-, officers of city of, 577
-, people of, wish to agree to 'Religion's frede,' 581
-, reference to Monsieur's journey to, 582
-, burgomasters, colonels and magistrates of, godfathers to Prince of Orange's daughter, 585
-, Mildmay weatherbound at, 596
-, meeting of Common Council of, 599, 600
-, church in, granted to Monsieur and Roman Catholics, 602, 603
-, M. de Vienne dies at, 605
-, mentioned, 608, 611
-, burgomaster of, see Aelst
-, proclamations made by Council of, 615
-, mentioned, 621, 626
-, advertisements from, 640
-, Prince Dauphin leaves, 642
-, Greville at, 644
-, Monsieur's preacher swears to be loyal to, 646
-, German Ambassador supposed to be at, 647
-, assembly of States General at, 648
-, reference to letters from, 649
-, extract from letter sent from, to magistrates of Bruges, 650, 665
-, copy of oath taken at, 674, 675
-, mentioned, 704 (p. 651)
-, governor of, 707.

-, letters and dispatches dated at, 2, 8, 9, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 50, 51, 59, 61, 66, 67, 68, 77, 79, 83, 88, 101, 107, 115, 124, 125, 132, 134, 167, 168, 192, 199, 211, 212, 215, 285, 350, 356, 368, 388, 419, 422, 432, 448, 452, 498, 499, 503, 507, 519, 533, 535, 545, 548, 549, 555, 556, 557, 559, 560, 562, 564, 574, 578, 579, 580, 581, 583, 584, 585, 586, 587, 590, 592, 593, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598, 600, 601, 603, 610, 612, 613, 614, 617, 621, 623, 625, 627, 628, 630, 631, 638, 642, 644, 645, 646, 650, 655, 656, 660, 661, 662, 663, 666, 671, 673, 676, 679, 680, 691, 692, 693, 694, 698, 699, 706, 714, 715, 716, 717, 719.

-, exchange, 4, 18.

Apostolic Chamber, the, 139.

Aquila, Prince of Parma made Governor of, 16.

-, (Aachen), besieged by Parma, 213
-, freed by Protestant princes, 621.

Arabs, in rebellion in Syria, 130.

Arambura, Diego de, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

Aranda, Julian de, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

Arbrothe, Lord of. See Hamilton, John.

Ardres, Monsieur's troops between Boulogne and, 349.

'Ardenbourghe'. See Hardenburg.

Argenlieu. See Hangest.

Arges, M. de, with Monsieur in England, 293.

Arleux, 317, 329, 331.

Armenia, pretended Bishop of, comes to Paris, 861.

Armentières, 89, 98, 172, 359, 563.

Armuyden, Armewe in Zealand, Armieu, Hoddesdon's expenses at, 37, 41.

Arnheim, 235.

Arnim, John von, Bishop of Halberstadt writes to Elizabeth on behalf of, 300.

'Arondale', 'Arondel.' See Arundel.

-, Anne d' (afterwards Viscount and Duke of Joyeuse), one of the King's minions, 49
-, King causes company of men-at-arms of, to make muster, 85
-, proposed marriage between daughter of Count of Cherny and, 104
-, mentioned, 148, 203
-, match concluded between Christine of Lorraine and, 268, 271
-, mentioned, 275
-, reference to marriage of, with young Queen's sister, 312, 340, 348
-, mentioned, 361
-, shows affection to House of Guise, 379
-, dispute between Lavelette and, 275, 389
-, mentioned, 423, 429, 454, 469
-, to be elected Knight of Saint Esprit, 493
-, mentioned, 504
-, Malassise deceives, 511
-, mentioned, 516
-, admitted to be King's 'intrinsical coadjutor,' 517
-, Duke of Maine's office of Admiralty to be bestowed on, 553
-, competitor for office of Constable, 606
-, French King seeks to bestow county on, 619
-, mentioned, 652, 668.

-, Guillaume, Sieur de Joyeuse, father of the above, dislikes marriage of Bouchage, 493
-, to be Marshal of France, 508, 511.

-, Henri de, Seigneur du Bouchage, brother of above, office of Master of Garderobe bestowed on 361
-, reference to his proposed marriage, 379, 389, 406
-, marries Lavalette's sister, 413
-, reference to marriage of, 493.

Arragon, Charles d', Duke of Terranova, 130.

Arragon, 190.

Arran, Earl of. See Stewart, James.

-, 135
-, Risbourg goes to, 543
-, French forces raid, 582
-, mentioned, 642
-, fear and trouble in, 643
-, Governor of, 734 (2).

-, Bishop of. See Moulart.

Arteaga, John Martinez de, money owing to, 401.

-, reference to letters from, 1
-, discord among gentlemen of, 19
-, news from, 35
-, deputies of States complain of, 38
-, discontent in, 40
-, French troops arrive on frontier of, 42
-, towns of, refuse defence against French troops, 43
-, ecclesiastics of, propose to bring back Spaniards, 50
-, mentioned, 51, 53
-, news from, 60, 72, 89
-, mentioned, 89, 108, 137
-, French camp near, 151
-, Prince of Parma tries to persuade Estates of, to raise army corps of foreigners, 167
-, mentioned, 213, 214
-, Montigny on frontier of, 217
-, Walloons go to, 410
-, mentioned, 503
-, Parma stays forces in, 512
-, mentioned, 518
-, news from, 532
-, rumour that Monsieur wishes his heirs to possess, 541
-, Malcontents do not wish Spaniards to serve in, 563
-, mentioned, 574
-, ammunition comes to Courtrai from, 582
-, people of, buy French wine, 605
-, people of, rejoice over Prince of Orange's wound, 646
-, Governor of, 707 (2).

Arundel [qy. John], of Tolverne, 'le Sieur Arondel,' Vice-Admiral of Cornwall, 465.

-, of Langhorne, Thomas [afterwards Lord A. of Wardour], 'young Mr. Arondale,' 700.

-, [Hassan Aga] 'Chizinier,' Turkish Ambassador in France, 405, 407, 423
-, departs from France, 499.

Ashley, Ashle, —, letter bearer, 5, 607.

Aspetio, Domingo de, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

Aspra, 139.

Assan Aga, viceroy of Algiers, 45.

-, Jehan d', audiencer, Doctor of Laws, 574
-, signs for States-General, 376, 398, 412.

-, Philippe d', Governor of Herentals, 707.

-, Christophe d', President of Prince of Parma's Council of State, 46, 235, 617
-, reference to oration projected by, 627
-, to go on embassy to King of France, 636.

-, letters to, 47, 170.

-, John de, undertakes to provide instrument for Prince of Orange's murder, 621
-, 'Destassonza,' said to have procured to assassinate Prince of Orange, 627.

-, Peter, son of above, secretary to King Philip, plans murder of Prince of Orange, 621.

Ath, contribution of, to war, 388.

Atholl, Earl of. See Stewart, John.

Attiloys, M. del', Governor of Bêthune, 707 (2).

Aubespine, Guillaume de Châteauneuf de l', Secretary of Finance, takes Pinart's place in his absence, 75.

Aubeterre, Viscount of, gathers companies together, under pretence of a private quarrel, 443, 444.

Aubigny, Baron d'. See Lens

-, M. d'. See Stuart, Esmé.

-, 'Augusta,' Diet likely to be held at, 545, 547
-, Schomberg professes to be of confession of, 551
-, Diet to be held at, 574, 581, 583, 585
-, Merchants Adventurers wish Gilpin to represent them at, 610
-, M. du Plessis may be sent to, 612
-, Diet to be held at, 621, 645
-, Gilpin prepares to go to, 662, 692
-, Diet to be held at, 698
-, Empire gives Casimir commission to levy reiters to protect, during Diet, 717
-, Diet at, to be deferred, 719.

Aumâle, Margaret d', wife of Nicholas de Vaudemont, 619.

-, Duchess of. See Marie de Lorraine.

-, Duke of. See Lorraine, Charles de.

Aumont, Jean d', Marshal of France, 210.

Auquerque, M. d', 363, 679.

Aurich, letters dated at, 545, 547.

Auroy, M. d', in train of Prince Dauphin, 155.

Ausonius, quoted, 47.

Aussy, M. de. See Hennin.

-, Albert of, Cardinal, Portuguese desire to have as their Viceroy, 105
-, mentioned, 148.

-, Anne of, wife of Philip II of Spain, her burial, 7
-, condolence for her death, 57
-, her funeral, 79.

-, Charles, Archduke of, 407.

-, Elizabeth of, widow of Charles IX, Queen of France, 'the Queen Blanche,' King of Spain said to intend to marry, 203
-, proposes to go into a nunnery, 286.

-, Matthias, Archduke of, brother of Emperor Rudolf, 350, 389, 398
-, at Cologne, 448
-, to take Parma's place in Low Countries, 452
-, mentioned, 574
-, leaves Cologne and goes to Augsburg, 581
-, said to have been slain by Dannewitz, 676.

-, few noblemen of, at Emperor's court, 286
-, Jesuits nestle themselves in, 699.

Austrude, M. d', 155.

-, Grand Priory of, 45, 94, 117
-, Queen Mother's patrimony of, 392.

Ave Maria, the, inn at Amiens, 325.

-, Renée d', Dame d' Humières, Fervaques lodging in house of, 130
-, French King goes to house of, 572.

Avesnes, Governor of, 707 (2).

'Axsels,' Governors of, 707.

-, plague at, 94
-, Pope promises help of French troops of, against Huguenots of Dauphiné, 228
-, Pope offers county of, to Monsieur if he marries Princess of Lorraine, 370
-, Chiappino Vitelli's bastard son sent to be Governor in, 634.

Ayamonte, Manrique, Marquis d', Commissary-General of Spanish army, 69.

Ayamonte, in Spain, 478.

Ayberghen, enemy at, 218.

'Ayella', — d', slain by Count of Tournon, 572.

-, 'Assoures,' Assurez, 'Surres,' the Isles of, 93, 109, 207, 208, 246, 256, 268
-, notes relating to, 481
-, Schomberg helps Don Antonio to secure, 552
-, likely to be secured to Don Antonio, 573
-, ships of Don Antonio going to, routed, 588. See Terceiras.