Elizabeth: April 1582, 6-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1907.

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'Elizabeth: April 1582, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1907), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol15/pp612-625 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: April 1582, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1907), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol15/pp612-625.

"Elizabeth: April 1582, 6-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1907), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol15/pp612-625.

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April 1582, 6-10

Finding the Prince at my brother's arrival in worse terms 'than Mr Greville at his parting left him,' having this night past bled again very much, so that there is less hope of his recovery, I thought it best to advertise you thereof, not knowing how much it might import or 'passionate' her Majesty to have any sudden knowledge of worse. I have therefore dispatched this gentleman, meaning to stay my brother a day or two to see the final sequel of it, and myself with him, that I may be readier to be commanded to any service that her Majesty shall employ me. The enterprise of Namur, not unknown to Mr Greville, failed, not being so well executed as it might be. Also the Prince of Parma lies before Lens, and has battered it, and taken a mill from them, which imported them much ; and is drawing his whole troops to the recovery of it. Yet great words are given out here that they will hold it good. In Guelderland the enemy is strong, with four regiments of infantry and six cornets of horse, ready to put himself in the field ; so that I am much pressed by son Alteze and the States to hasten thither. So if you have occasion to write, please address your letters to those quarters. The physicians this forenoon by an 'anatomy' have found which is the vein that bleeds, so that they are put in some hope that it is possible to stop it.6 March [sic] 1582. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holl. and Fl. XV. 101.]
April 6. 659. Copy of the above. Endd. p. [Ibid. XV. 101a.]
Notwithstanding Mr Greville's late departure, and that he was able to certify the Prince's new accident of bleeding, which 'as then' was thought without any great danger, yet my brother considering how necessary it is that her Majesty should know in what state he stands, being almost past hope of recovery, has dispatched the bearer on purpose ; who is a gentleman of her Majesty's guard that came hither with me, by whom I would not fail to write this much to you, and request that her Majesty may understand that by reason of the ill state the Prince is in, I have not been able to deliver her letter to him, nor to say anything which I was commanded. I hope within two days, which I am minded to stay, I shall see what will become of him. I thought good to tell Monsieur of my brother's sending, and he has written to her Majesty, which I have also enclosed in this packet. The rest I will 'refer' till my coming.Antwerp, 6 April 1582. Add. Endd. p. [Holl. and Fl. XV. 102.]
April 7. 661. "Extract from the letter written by the Deputies of the Town of Bruges, being at the Court, to the Burgomasters, aldermen, and Council of that town."
Respecting the condition of the Prince, he is, thank God, in a better state, the bleeding having been checked yesterday after the application thereto of extreme remedies, so that the surgeons and doctors have firm trust and can assert that his Excellency is out of most danger, but is through the past alteration greatly debilitated. It is feared that he will not be able quickly to recover his former state and constitution. His Highness yesterday with the approval of the States, conferred on the Count of Laval, son to M. d'Andelot, the post of general of all the light horse in his intended camp, and is at present busy in nominating the chiefs, and all the principal commanders. We hear of great levies of men made in France, England, and Germany for the service of his Highness and this country. Antwerp, 7 April 1582. Copy. Flemish. p. [Holl. and Fl. XV. 103.]
April 8. 662. GILPIN to WALSINGHAM.
I have this week dealt with the magistrates of this town, imparting them my charge to press their present resolutions for her Majesty's contentment, and that during the Assembly general they were best to procure some way or means for their assurance and indemnity, because she will be, at such times as the interest falls due, satisfied at their hands ; and not to make more suit and procure delays. 'Which' they promised all care, endeavour, and conformity, acknowledging themselves most bound to her, and to you no less beholden for many good offices ; for which they requested me to make their infinite thanks, with humble desire of her favourable continuance in that consideration it pleased her to have of their present estate. For their parts of the interest past, they would forthwith deal for the furnishing and payment thereof. Those of Holland and Zealand promise in like sort presently to prepare their portions ; and they of Flanders will write to their 'Mrs' [qy. Members] for provision to yield me satisfaction. I dealt this week with M. 'd'Allegonde,' charging him with his promise to you ; and after long conference about the matter 'said' he had and yet would do his utmost endeavours to procure what her Majesty in all reason required. Seeing I must proceed to the appointed journey to Augsburg, I 'have begun and will' confer with Reynold Copcott, leaving him the best advice I can for his better direction to prosecute the suit, which I have brought to such towardness that I doubt not but good and short end will ensue. Further he will have my man, whom I leave here for the discharge of my business, to use at his pleasure in any respect in or about his suit. I understand from Mr Governor the favour you bear me in every reasonable respect, to deserve which with increase I will show every endeavour in my power. By the next I expect your answer to my former ; which had, I mean, if the Diet be not prorogued ('by reason of' the Archbishop of Mentz is said to be dead), to depart hence with all expedition, and will not fail to write you from time to time from the places where I may be travelling or abiding. For our present news, I cannot forbear to add hereto the common report, but refer to others for the more 'certainer' and particular. The Prince has all this week been very ill, and not without danger, because the bleeding cannot conveniently be stopped, and by coughing and other like motion he has bled these few days often and much ; so that if God's omnipotent hand work not the good generally prayed for and desired, assuredly on man's help no great account can be made, but doubted [sic] to be past hope of recovery. He takes the pain and extremity very patiently, having made his last will and by speech and writing committed himself wholly to God's good pleasure, accounting no more of this transitory life. His house, and most of this town, have been all this week, and yet are (though today it is said he is somewhat better, and of more courage [sic] among the doctors and surgeons) full of sorrow and heaviness. It was not thought he had been so generally beloved as since his hurt appears. Howbeit, if God calls him away, the grief 'nor' stir will not be such as it would have been if he had died on a sudden. Though this mischance has somewhat hindered the States' dealing, and was [sic] delayed in hope of amendment, yet now seeing the uncertainty thereof they are forwarding their business by all endeavours, and the duke daily travails with them, in Council or otherwise, so that the hope conceived of his good intent begins to increase daily. This week 600 horse and 800 foot were sent from these quarters to Namur, in hope to have surprised it ; but being discovered by the secret watch, failed of the enterprise and returned home in safety. 'Acon' was environed by certain soldiers, set on, as the speech went, by the Duke of Cleves. They meant to have put in papistry, but effected nothing and left the place after the loss of some men whom the town's men, issuing out on the sudden, overthrew and slew in a castle they had taken and kept within half a league and less of the town. On this side Mzires Monsieur has already certain men 'in wages' that keep the passage of the river so strait that they suffer nothing to come down out of France or Lorraine towards Namur or those parts ; so that the Malcontents will be greatly pinched for lack of victuals and other provision. His Highness has a like intent and practice in hand about Calais, which if he compass the Malcontent provinces will be driven to terms of great extremity and breed discontent among themselves. It is given out here that the King of France has discharged all his ordinary bands, and are [sic] entertained by others for the service of Monsieur. I hear that the king does not dislike his brother's proceedings in these parts ; and yet will not declare himself openly, but the Queen Mother is very forward, and applies all her endeavours. Of the enemy's proceedings in Flanders, all is still since they took the last strong house ; to 'rencounter' which, the Scots and French that lie at Meenen took a place from those that lie between them and Lille. The French are fortifying Lens and mean to keep it, though the enemy 'travail the contrary,' being in respect of the passage of some importance. There are still speeches here of disagreement and contentions growing among the Malcontents for authority and governments, which at length 'are hoped will turn' to the good of this side. About Doesborg the enemy has lately overthrown and slain certain Englishmen who were environed in a fort and insufficiently provided with munition and 'furniture.'Antwerp, 8 April 1582. P.S.The Prince has for certain been indifferently well all yesterday, and a tent which the surgeons had put to the wound, and so lost that they could not devise what was become of it, by God's only working as it seems, came out on Friday about midnight, and voided it [sic] without pain or bleeding at the mouth, and ever since has been better than before, having taken good rest and sustenance with more ease and stomach. So it is hoped by God's help the worst is past. Add. Endd. 3 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XV. 104.]
April 8. 663. ROSSEL to LEICESTER.
I have received yours of the last of April [sic] and recognize from it that mine was agreeable to you and that you desire me to go on, wherein I desire to do your pleasure. It is true that I perceive a great jealousy in the matter of correspondence since the coming of his Highness, who intends to examine the packets both of merchants and of others. This will make us write oftener. I would not forbear to continue to make you acquainted with all that takes place as befits the service of her Majesty and the repose of the realm of England ; as you will have learnt verbally from Mr Greville, to whom, on the credentials of 'M. de Walsinghien,' I confided the things that I desired myself to represent to her Majesty in person, both Scottish affairs and others concerning our State. And as you desire to know particularly what dispositions are making here for the war, alike by his Highness and in the intention of the States-General, these last, with my 'assistance,' and persuasion applied to several individuals, have granted him besides the 200,000 florins a month promised in the treaty, 100,000 more for military purposes ; so that his resources for the war are to this extent increased ; and this on the representation made to them of the great levies that are being made in his name. His Highness intends to have 8 regiments of French infantry, without counting those that are in the Low Countries, and 70 cornets of horse, including those already here. These troops to be redistributed under two chiefs, of whom one is M. de Laval, under whom will be all those of the Low Countries, with others. Until the redistribution the other French troops will be under the command of M. de Bellegarde ; 1,500 reiters and 3,000 Swiss will be ready, and will march before the end of this month. The rest of the arrangements here remain in suspense till the Councils and the Finances are set in order ; meanwhile his Highness has asked for two months in advance, on which the States are deliberating, and working to do it. Meanwhile our levies go on. The enemy is occupied in retaking Lens in Artois. They have laid siege to it with six guns ; and it is hoped they will not succeed. That is the military position here. As for the political, you will hear of it from the letter I am writing to Sir F. Walsingham, to whom I am sending the discourse of the assassination done upon the Prince of Orange.Antwerp, April 8, 1582. Add. Endd. by L. Tomson. Fr. 1 p. [Holl. and Fl. XV. 106.]
Though there is nothing worth imparting to you, this bearer, who has come to see me, gives me opportunity for these two words. It is a great pleasure to me to hear of the Queen's good health ; God grant her a long and happy life. Some people do not much like this long negotiation of the Duke of Anjou in England. For my part, I have so high an opinion of the wisdom of the Queen and her Council, that I cannot be persuaded that the issue will not be good and fortunate for England. If my man Zolcher has not yet received his dispatch from the Court I pray you to bear a hand that he may be sent off shortly and fittingly, and I shall be grateful to you to the best of my power. Lautern, 8 April 1582. Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Germany II. 29.]
April 89. 665. STOKES to WALSINGHAM.
My last to you was the 3rd inst., since when few speeches have passed but these. This week, by good advice from Lille, those of Lens came suddenly out, and gave the enemy's camp a stout 'larame,' and skirmished with them two long hours to the loss of many on the enemy's side, and retired into the town again. They also write from Lille that the enemy has now mounted the cannon against Lens, making great vaunts that they will have it, or it shall cost the lives of all their camp, and when they take it, they will put them all to the sword, and so they have sent them word. So it is thought the cannon is now playing on it. Yesterday a French gentleman passed through this town to his Highness, who came from Lens, and says there are in it about 800 good soldiers, horse and foot, and the town well victualled for four or five months ; but they want powder, which is their greatest want. Notwithstanding, he says they are determined to keep it as long as they can, in hope they will be succoured before they are driven to extremity. But it is feared they will not be able to keep it, because it seems it will be yet five or six months before Monsieur's forces come out of France, if any come then. The oath that is to be taken to his Highness by the people of this country came this week to the magistrates of this town. Many have taken it and many have refused it. Those that have refused it depart out of the town and country ; so a great many have left the town, and more it seems will follow every day, who are all of the Catholic religion. This week the four companies of English soldiers that lay in this town went from hence and are now at Eccloo. The cause of their departing was about some words between the magistrates and the captains of the companies for their pay, 'which' before they left the town they were contented and paid. But their departure was some great grief to all the commons here, for they had rather have had them in the town than the Frenchmen, of whom there are here five ensigns, whose company likes not the commons very well. By report of those who are lately come from Cambray, it seems that town is very slenderly provided with victuals and other needful things, and the soldiers not paid for a long time, for which cause soldiers depart from them every day ; so that it is greatly feared if the enemy should come before it, they would put it in great danger. And the enemy has daily victuals and all necessaries from France, with as much favour as they can desire. If it please God to work His will with the Prince of Orange, some 'alteration' of these troubles is feared by the greatest number in this town.Bruges, 8 April 1582. P.S.This morning being April 9, a speech is come from Meenen that Lens is yielded to the enemy by agreement, and that all the soldiers have departed without armour or weapon, with white rods in their hands. It is also said that the enemy in Hainault has taken Cambrsis by surprise. Enclosed I send copies of two extracts which were sent to the magistrates of this town. One is in French, from some good patriot that lies in the enemy's government ; the other in Dutch, from Antwerp. Add. Endd. 2 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XV. 105.]
April 9. 666. FREMYN to WALSINGHAM.
I last wrote to you yesterday by way of Secretary Gilpin, since which the only thing that has happened is that his Excellency continues to improve, for which God be praised. He does not bleed any more, and is getting stronger, and the flesh of the wound is beginning to grow round the vein, which it is hoped it will cover and entirely protect. Meantime a finger is always held on the vein, pending a perfect cure and convalesence. His Highness too is in good health and well-disposed. He has sent a lot of commissions into France on the return of M. de la Neufville, to levy soldiers with the permission of the king, who promised to help him not as a brother only, but as a father ; to which the Queen Mother at present is bearing a good hand. M. de Biron will be sent to the frontier with forces. M. de Laval should start for France to-morrow. The enemy has now laid siege to the castle of Likerke two leagues from Alost, with 1,200 infantry, 500 cavalry, and 3 or 4 guns to batter it. His Highness is sending M. de la Rochepot to succour it with a good force of infantry and cavalry. The enemy's troops who are before the castle had brought commodities into Alost, which was in great necessity. They tried to carry the castle with a rush. I presume they will do nothing much, but will retire to Alost as soon as our people approach. The bulk of their forces is before Lens, where they are doing what they can, and our people defending themselves well. His Highness has been very happy and joyous at the portrait which her Majesty has sent him. Mr 'Nort' is here, and has been making great suit to have commission from his Highness to levy a regiment of English troops. Mr Cotton is to be his lieutenant-colonel. I think also that Mr Norris is asking a commission to raise a regiment for his brother. You see how they are preparing for the war ; provided money does not lack. A rumour is current that the King of Spain will put himself on the defensive in these parts for this year, in the event of his Highness having a strong army which will make him quit the field, and that he will make his effort next year in hope that the French for want of pay will commit such disorders in these parts that most of the people of these countries will hold them far worse than enemies. If he draws his veteran garrisons from Italy, it is to be feared that revolts will occur in his states there. MM. de Guise and du Maine offer their services to his Highness, to be employed either in Jatalye (?) or in Franche Comt ; but it seems that he temporises in the matter, in order to give no occasion to the King of Navarre or the Prince of Cond to take offence (se formaliser) at not being employed in this war. As for the succour to Portugal, it gets to work very slowly for want of means. Only the Queen Mother is sending some vessels there at her own cost. As for the army from France which is to come here, it is to be feared that it will be very late, inasmuch as all things take a long time ; meanwhile it is very prejudicial to the setting up of a new state. And where affairs are distributed among many persons marked out by favour, it ends by causing a great disorder in public matters. His Excellency's wound came at a most inopportune time for the good of his Highness and the safety of the country.Antwerp, 9 April 1582. Add. Endd. Fr. 1 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XV. 107.]
April 9. 667. COBHAM to WALSINGHAM.
In a late conference I had with the ambassador of Venice, he 'uttered' to me, as of himself, in the way of private speech, how the Signors of Venice were sorry that her Majesty permitted Acerbo Vellutelli, through the grant she had made to him, to raise and continue an imposition on small raisins of 10 per cent. Being moved therewith, they had at first 'made means' by some merchants that this grant might be revoked, persevering more than a year in the suit of it to her Highness. But finding they could obtain no grace, the Signori were constrained in their policy, as they say, to put the like tax of 10 per cent upon such small raisins as should be transported from their territories by any stranger ; because now the State of Venice is certainly informed that her Highness has no interest in the 'benefit' of this imposition, but that it is commodious only to Vellutelli. The ambassador thinks, if her Majesty would extinguish that grant she would give great satisfaction to the Signori, so that they would also abolish their imposition of 10 per cent, and become the more bounden to gratify her some other way. Again, yesterday, when I was with the ambassador to visit their ligier, 'Clarmo. Johanne Moro,' after I had delivered the ordinary compliments to the new-comer, with the declaration of her Majesty's affection and wellmeaning towards the Signori, as also that I had especially command to entertain by all good offices the mutual amity which has long been between the Crown of England and the Signori of Venice, both those ambassadors gave assurance of like affection from the Signori towards her Majesty. Afterwards they both 'entered' to speak of the matter of the small raisins, to the same effect as before. So it seems to me they would be glad the trade might be made more frank by the taking away of those new impositions. I leave the 'information of this to' her Majesty as you may find it convenient for her service. I find through the discourse which Moro used towards me that he comes more particularly 'instructed of the course of this cause' than the old ambassador was. Enquiring of him what he saw and understood as he passed through the State of Milan and Lombardy of King Philip's levies of soldiers and other preparations so much spoken of, he answered that there were some motions and speeches of levies, but no further matter as yet seen. I understood from him that the galley Spinola was come from Spain to Genoa with 800,000 'pistoletts' ; most part of which 'was of' particular merchants, and part belonging to the Spanish king. But through extremity of weather they were constrained for the lightening of their galley, and saving of the rest, to cast overboard almost to the value of 200,000.Paris, 9 April, 1581. Add. Endd. by Walsingham. 2 pp. [France VII. 49.]
April 10. 668. COBHAM to WALSINGHAM.
It has been certified to me that the King and Queen of Navarre went jointly together from Saint-Maixent to visit the Queen Mother at La Motte, a house of M. Lansac's, not two leagues from Saint-Maixent. The old queen received them with joyful countenance and gracious manner, demanding of the king in cheerful sort how far he would pass that way, and what would become of him after their meeting and conference. The king said he was come to wait on her as far as Paris, which the old queen told him she could not believe, doubting he did not mean it. Whereon he showed her he had in good faith no such earnest affection to that journey, but he meant to be advised ; requesting her to let him know if she would counsel him to pass on to Paris. She answered that she did not intend now to persuade him thereto, but rather to the contrary, in consideration of the present proceedings in this Court. So the first day was spent in cheerful entertainments only. But then the Queen Mother earnestly intreated the King of Navarre to stay that night at La Motte ; whereof he craved pardon, resolving to depart. So the old queen told him he was too mistrustful ; to which 'purpose' he was constrained to answer that he went away not for any 'defiance' he had of her, but because he could not find himself safe in M. Lansac's house, knowing the evil offices he and his son had done towards him. These words were spoken in the hearing of M. Lansac, who swallowed them without making answer. Thus the king of Navarre, having supped with the Queens, returned to Saint-Maixent ; which order he used nightly for three or four days during their interview, and every afternoon they were together very privately, conferring their affairs. I hear further that the Queen Mother has bitterly lamented to the King of Navarre of the evil treatment and overthwart dealing she finds in this Court, and has earnestly requested him there may be an entire intelligence and amity between Monsieur and him, wherein she would do the best offices she can. Likewise she promised to advertise him of all things that pass in this Court, hoping he would serve her turn so far as it should lie in his power. The king was accompanied during this interview by M. de Rohan, and 200 noblemen and gentlemen. The Prince of Cond remained without repairing to the old queen, at Saint-Jean-d'Angeli and thereabouts. The old queen and her daughter are now at Chenonceaux, where they pass these Easter holidays, intending to be in this Court about the end of this month. M. de Clervant is to be sent from the King of Navarre to the king very shortly, about divers affairs concerning the King of Navarre's private estate and for the causes of the reformed Churches. The Prince of Cond has dispatched a gentleman, who is in this town, ready to depart towards Monsieur to 'congratulate' his prosperous success in Flanders, and make large offer of the prince's services to him. It has been signified from Saint-Maixent that Mme de Duras, a lady highly in favour with the Queen of Navarre, has received a foul injury 'by' an unknown party, who finding her in the company of two or three other ladies, and plucking off her muffler, broke a glass of ink on her face. The 'fact' is attributed to Clermont d'Amboise. The Queen of Navarre, since coming to the Queen Mother, has received Mme de Sauve into her high grace, entertaining her with great show of affection. I have been informed by a principal nobleman of this Court that the Duke of Guise used lately to him these speeches : That though the king made more apparent show to him and his house than to the other nobility, yet they found all his revenues were little enough to be employed on two of his favourites, who pretended to overmatch and govern all the nobility of the realm. He asked the said nobleman what he thought best to be done ; who knowing the Duke of Guise was contrary to him and all his house, answered this 'purpose' very warily. He has, I hear, used the like tempting speeches to others. The Dukes of Guise and Mayne, and the cardinal their brother, with the Bishop of Langres, went the other day from this town towards the Duke of Guise's house, where it is said they will keep their Easter. The Louvre is put in order for the king's and young queen's coming. The king's two favourites, 'Monsieur Duke Joyeux' and d'pernon returned yesterday. The king has obtained from the clergy 1,300,000 francs extraordinary, to be paid in six years, having promised them that during that time he will impose no tenths nor other extraordinary payments. I hear he has offered to certain of his French financiers to sell this grant of the clergy for 350,000 crowns ready money. I send the king's edict of the new impositions 'of the clothes.' Some of these French courtiers pretend to have had of late advertisements that Monsieur would repair hither, accompanied by sundry noblemen and gentlemen of the Low Countries to persuade the king to let him have some better aid and advancement for his just and honourable affairs, 'in respect' he shall 'return' Flanders to remain in that state, subject to this Court of Parliament, as they were in his grandfather's time. The Queen Mother's letters, written since her conference with the King of Navarre, gave his Majesty some content, as appeared by his countenance. Monsieur has written to the king, and so to the Court of Parlement here in Paris, disavowing the levies of those soldiers which lately were made in sundry places in the realm ; assuring the king that he wrote only to his servants and friends to hold themselves in readiness to come to him when there should be further occasion, which he meant was to be done when his Majesty should show him the favour and do him the honour to permit him to be followed and assisted by those subjects who were minded to adventure their lives for the maintenance of the glory of the French nation and of the estates which God had sent him. Which he meant not to undertake without his Majesty's means and assistance. It is understood that the King of Spain has obtained of the Fuggers 1,200,000 crowns, of which 300,000 are to be paid at Milan next May, and 900,000 in Cologne ; which sums the Fuggers are to receive again with interest within six months next following, upon the rents and profits of the 'Crosiada' and tenths in Castile. They certify otherwise that all the Spanish king's rents in Naples, Milan, and Spain are engaged upon interest, so that there remains nothing clear to King Philip by the profits of these 'Crosyadas' and tenths granted by the Pope, with the commodities of the Indies, which must serve him for the maintenance of his greatness. I have been informed that the Abate del Bene is upon his departure hence to return to Monsieur in Flanders. He declared of late in conference to the Pope's nuncio that the Queen 'could like well' there should be one Head of the Church, so that it were agreed by a general Council ; whereon the nuncio answered that the general Council had been made, so there was no further question of that matter. I am given to understand that one Smith, a priest of Rheims, is gone into England. His father dwells in New Fish Street, in London. He crossed by way of Calais. By way of 'Newhaven' is gone a Lancashire man, named Hardwick, priest of Rheims. He intends to be landed in the North country. Lord Vaux sent a man hither with letters to Morgan, Copley, and Dr Allen ; he returns with letters from the Papists. I am informed that one Tankard, of Boroughbridge in Yorkshire, is a liberal giver of 'exhibition' to the seminary at Rheims and other persons. Many masses have been said in his house by five priests, who are still in England, and not understood here to be taken. One is named Boste, sometime fellow of Queen's College, Oxford, and one Parsons, sometime fellow of Balliol College. There is gone by way of Rouen one Aldren, a priest, sometime of Oxford. I am informed that Parsons [sic] the Jesuit is to be found in the house of one Bacon, a victualler in Pannier Alley, near St. Nicholas Chambells in London ; or else at Norrishe' house, a cook in Ex Lane. He resorts much to Randall and Morrish of Hart Hall in Oxford. Among these he may be found out. I hear that Mr Yakesle of Norfolk is a great benefactor to those of Rheims. In his house some priests may be found. They inform me that Mr Selby and Helle in Northamptonshire are receivers and harbourers of priests.Paris, 10 April 1582. Add. Endd. 6 pp. [Ibid. VII. 50.]
April 10. 669. COBHAM to WALSINGHAM.
By what I have understood, it seems the Pope's nuncio diligently 'procures' to have the decrees of the Council of Trent published and put into execution. But the king has as yet refused to command the execution, while consenting that they may be published, to see how the French will digest such strait orders, notwithstanding the king condescends to thus much but only conditionally, so that the Pope will permit him to alienate and impropriate 300,000 francs of ecclesiastical revenues. The king has ordered a chapel over his cabinet in the Louvre, wherein daily certain monks do their ceremonies and sing mass ; so in this sort he 'shows' to be a more conformable devout son to the Pope than heretofore. Wherein if he wax so obstinate as he is known to be naturally inclined in all his other purposes, the example of his superstitions with his authority may prove 'extreme' dangerous to those of the Religion. It appears that in all places the Pope's authority is more vehemently spread daily by the erecting of seminaries and colleges of Jesuits, which have 'gotten places' in the heart of Germany, nestling themselves in Austria and Bohemia. It is therefore to be desired that God may keep the other parts of Christendon from this corruption ; wherein those Popish ministers have intelligence, and are in great expectation. The worst is to be feared, because few princes' minds are zealously bent against the tyranny of Rome. Our papists are encouraged with a hope that the Scottish queen may be enlarged, as the letters of Anthony Standen partly testify, copies of which I enclose. The letters themselves are delivered to those to whom they are directed, because I trust to get the answers or at least more of these news. I hear also that the Duke of Guise has lately said to a 'confident' friend that he had the means to deliver the Scottish Queen before a year passed. They inform me that the Earl of Westmorland has repaired towards England, to be taken in by the ships wherein the Lady Fernhurst is at present passing by Dieppe to Scotland. I have given her, at her request, a few words in writing, signed with my hand, to request officers and others that she may be well treated if through contrary winds she is driven on her Majesty's coasts. I think it convenient to signify this much to you, that you may take such order therein as her Majesty's service requires. I am informed Thomas Morgan is to take his journey, which he gives out is to be towards Milan. It is supposed the Queen of Navarre does not intend to return to Guyenne, 'caring not overmuch for him she ought chiefliest to esteem.' Yet they think her abode cannot be long in this Court, without some sharp 'overthwart.' It is reported that the Scottish Queen is fallen sick of the dropsy ; and the cure of the Prince of Orange's hurt is thought doubtful, which is lamentable. The Prince Dauphin is come hither. He has visited the king at Saint Germain and is now gone to his own house. As I was making up this letter, Mr Antony Cooke and Mr Edward Gorge are come from Flanders, as they tell me. I send herewith a packet for Dr Lopetius, and a packet from Colonel Combelles directed to you.Paris, 10 April 1582. P.S.I beg that my nephew, Duke Brooke, may next be dispatched hither. Add. Endd. 3 pp. [Ibid. VII. 5.]
April 10. 670. COBHAM to WALSINGHAM.
After writing my former letter, I was advertised that the Duke of Tuscany's only legitimate son was deceased, so Cardinal Medici remains the next heir. The Duke of Guise is gone to his 'haven' at Eu on the coast of Normandy, and his brother who accompanied him out of this town are returned. They assure me it is meant that the Duke of Maine shall pass into Italy with the Duke of Ferrara ; and that in Dauphin and Piedmont sundry companies are 'in levying' by Anselme. I enclose herewith a malicious bad printed pamphlet, which our papists have devised. I should be glad to be commanded what compliments I am to deliver to the Queen of Navarre from the Queen or otherwise. I beg to be informed of her Majesty's pleasure herein.Paris, 10 April 1582. Add. gone. Seal. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. VII. 52.]
April 10. 671. FREMYN to WALSINGHAM.
I last wrote to you yesterday, and nothing has happened since, except that the enemy who had laid siege to the castle which is between Termonde and Alost has retired, as it is reported, fearing to be caught by our people, who would not have been ready [or near] before tomorrow or later. Thus it was carried on, often as much by rumours as by actions. The castle is not called Likerque, though it is not far from there. There were some smart troops on the way there. Some members of his Highness's Court were of the party, and harquebusiers of the guard in great part. Thus they were vying with each other ; besides other gentlemen and volunteers. M. de Laval has been chosen colonel or general of all the light horse of this country, I mean those at present serving, to whatever nation they belong ; which is a fine post. He is to start tomorrow and take his journey into France to levy troops. There are some English who are urgent to have commission to levy infantry in England. I do not know if they will get it ; some difficulties are made, though Mr North is in hopes of having charge. But I know that they would prefer a certain number of cavalry, led by some honourable gentleman recommended by her Majesty, and it seems to me that Mr Philip Sidney would be well suited for this ; inasmuch as the time draws near for those who wish to be employed to appear betimes. There is some jealousy between the English commanders and those who wish to be employed, which spoils everything. Today the establishment of the Chamber of Finance was decided on, and they have all taken the oath ; and tomorrow in like manner it will be done by the Chancery. The Privy Council will not be touched till his Excellency is convalescent. He gets better every day, thank God ; which is an ocular miracle, contrary to the expectation of numberless persons. God has been the great physician, who has shown His work before our eyes. Mr Norris starts on his return this evening, from whom you will hear many particulars, as also about the imprisonment of a certain Frenchman who was said to have used certain expressions, whom Col. Norris handed over to the provost, notwithstanding that the prisoner denied using the language of which they accused him that was another in the English service, so that both served one master. They have imprisoned some who have been to mass, without taking the oath required by the edict, for breach and contempt of the magistrates' ordinances. There are few burghers of quality who go (voisent) to mass, on account of this oath, but many women, who are not bound to take the oath.Antwerp, 10 April 1582. Add. in English. Endd. : 10 April 1581. Fr. 1 p. [Holl. and Fl. XV. 108.]