Elizabeth: November 1581, 21-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1907.

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'Elizabeth: November 1581, 21-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1907), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol15/pp378-389 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: November 1581, 21-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1907), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol15/pp378-389.

"Elizabeth: November 1581, 21-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1907), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol15/pp378-389.

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November 1581, 21-30

Nov. 22. 406. COBHAM to WALSINGHAM.
It having been given me to understand that Don Antonio intended to depart from about Paris and repair to those parts where he proposes to gather his forces, I thought it convenient, for her Majesty's better satisfaction, to visit him and learn from his own speech in what state he found himself ; as also through conference with himself to understand somewhat of his intentions. After ordinary compliments had passed, he 'uttered' to me that he was well satisfied with her Majesty's good demonstrations, but otherwise he lamented to me the evil expense of above 30,000 crowns, employed in the preparation of a navy, which was not suffered in the end to do him service. Otherwise he said he doubted not the English nation would stand the Portuguese in stead, and so seemed to pass over the matter. I learnt from him that he had sent for his diamond. Then I understood that this king had given him commissions to gather fighting men, so that he meant, as he said to me, to levy 7,000 or 7,500 at his own expense. He intends them to be commanded only by M. Strozzi and the young Count of Brissac. The king gives him leave to embark his army where he thinks good, with authority to make arrest of ships to serve for that purpose. The French king has given him eight cannons, with other pieces of artillery, which otherwise, I hear, belonged to Portugal. He bestows on him certain munition and powder, suffering him 'for his money' to make any provision for the enterprise. Lastly the king has written to Marshal Matignon to assist Don Antonio in all his preparations as if it were his own service. The Queen Mother promises to pay 3,000 soldiers, and further disburses to him at this instant 15,000 crowns, wherein there was some difficulty. Don Antonio hopes to levy 3,000 landsknechts and in time, upon occasion, to embark 200 French horsemen, which I think he will find too heavy and too hard a point to compass. But all these things he 'passed' with me in speech ; and this is as much as I have learnt concerning his purposes. I enquired of him whether capitulations had passed between their Majesties and him. He assured me not, neither for marriage nor otherwise. The secretary Andrea Albertani, sent from the Duke of Tuscany, has made request to the king to be paid certain sums of money owing to his master ; and withal, as I am informed, has made overture to understand if the Princess of Lorraine will be married to the Duke of Savoy, requesting the king's good liking that, if he will consent, one of the Duke of Florence's daughters might be bestowed on the Duke of Savoy, and offers the marriage of his son with one of the daughters of Lorraine, thus 'showing' to seek this king's favour with these introductions. But as I hear, all this is held suspected, and it is thought that he is moved herein by the Spanish king to enter the better into this king's interior meaning. It is said likewise that the Duke of Florence has sought to match with Ferrara, wherein the Cardinal of Este is a dealer, thinking by these alliances to become Pope. This Albertani is known to you. He was sometime secretary to Aliman [qy. Alamanni], ambassador for Florence in this Court. Albertani has propounded to the Duke of Lorraine a marriage of one of his master's daughters with the Marquis of Ponts [Pont--Mousson], the Duke of Lorraine's eldest son, who is here, newly recovered of his sickness ; for whom there is 'spoken' a marriage to be had with the Princess of Navarre. And now the marriage of M. du Bouchage with Lavalette's sister is to proceed at once, for the king will absolutely have it 'pass.' I hear that the Queen of Navarre is in good health, and in that Court there is an opinion she will come into these parts shortly. The peace is maintained through France, though there was a bruit to the contrary of Marshal Montmorency. Enclosed I send a letter of M. Lansac, which he has written to his son for the well-using of Mr Luke Ward's ship you wrote to me of some days ago. I enclose with this an order of prayer, which this king has caused to be published, to desire God to send them children ; whereon it is reported the young queen is with child, and yesterday the king, with the Pope's Nuncio and the young cardinals, visited the relics in the Holy Chapel. God guide them better, and give you health.Paris, 22 Nov. Add. Endd. 3 pp. [France VI. 64.]
M. Pinart on the morning he departed sent me word about 6 o'clock that he was then taking his journey towards England by order given him only late the night before, when the contents of this were ready to be sent. Howbeit, it seems he gave me but 'Scarborough warning,' for he sent to me only at his mounting. I hear that M. Lansac will follow, as I signified in my last dispatch sent some days ago by my servant Burton. I have been told that M. Pinart said to a friend of his that the Queen would be drawn by the leg into the wars against King Philip. I trust that before that be, his master shall be drawn by the arms. And whereas I told you that the two Turkish ambassadors were arrived at this Court, with such circumstances as I then understood, now the other day one of them, whose name is Azanaga, was accompanied to the Court by Gondi, and met at the entering in of the gates by M. Capello Orsini and Chevalier Orason, a Provenal, and so accompanied, passing through all the guards, to the king's presence ; where he first used after the Turkish manner three low 'inclinings,' at the last kissing the king's knee. This being done, he delivered his master's letters, uttering therewith very few words. But the king delivered by his 'Trusheman' many courteous speeches. He had in his train only three Turks, besides his own son. The other, Aliaga, is not admitted as yet to his audience. By him they conjecture there will be delivered some negotiation and confirmation of their league, and that he is to require of the Queen Mother two slaves, daughters to a woman serving the Sultana, mother to this great Turk ; who are both in these parts. One, as I hear, now serves the Queen Mother ; the other is married, and served sometime the last Duchess of Savoy. This Aliaga is akin to, or at least had in good opinion with the great Turk's mother, and therein has shown himself worthy to be esteemed above Azanaga. The king intends to send the Count de Sau ambassador into Turkey, to 'accomplish' with the Grand Seignior for these two legations. Howbeit Queen Mother is desirous that M. 'Dentragas,' one of the captains of the king's guard, should rather be sent, being a person for gravity, comeliness of stature, and experience, to be thought more fit for that purpose. It is certified from Constantinople that the Sophy's eldest son is married to the daughter of one of the chief governors among the sect of the Georgians, with the condition that the Sophy shall renew and continue the war against the Turk. It is written from Spain that King Philip remains at Lisbon with some mistrust, doubting the malice of that people ; whom he finds to mislike his government. He has discovered many attempts whereby they intended to destroy his person. They also advertise that in Lisbon a harquebuss was discharged at Don Pietro de Medicis. The shot passed under his arm, slaying one of the footmen that went along beside him. Cardinal Granvelle has written to a friend of his in these parts that 'no stay is meant to be made in Spain, but the Viscount Turenne may be ransomed.' Howbeit, he thought those to whom he was prisoner would make the most money of him. The Chevalier d'Orason's brother, lately come from Dauphin, has brought information to the king from 'Duke de Mena' that he has razed the walls of all the towns in Dauphin, saving eleven which he has secured for the king's service. He has also fortified the citadel of Valence. They of Genoa are 'in suspect,' doubting the companies of Spaniards which are come from Naples, Milan, and other places in Italy, attending on the Empress. She is lodged in Principe Doria's house, and the 2,000 Spaniards of the tierce of Naples , which came last, embarked in the galleys of Naples, are at Porto Fino. The other companies of Spaniards, who 'should be' about 3,000 soldiers, gathered from the garrisons of Milan and other places in Italy, are lodged in villages about Genoa. So the Signoria of Genoa has appointed two of the chief citizens to ward daily at the gates with their ordinary garrison of 500 Germans ; and the Empress remains there, the winds being contrary, and the weather 'improper' for her embarking. Prince Doria has caused his galley to be gilded down to the place where the oars are placed, having apparelled his Ciurme (which are the persons appointed to row in her) in green velvet, and the other officers in green satin, so that it is esteemed he has spent above 250,000 crowns in furnishing her. The Empress is much displeased to understand that whereas there are 5,000 old soldiers of the tierees of Milan and Naples to pass with her, there are found by muster and visitation lately but 2,500, who daily steal away ; being unwilling to return to Spain, to serve by sea in Barbary, or against the Portuguese. They certify from Prague that the Duke of Saxony was looked for to come and visit the Emperor, with whom he had to treat, it is thought, of some matter of great importance. The Emperor seeks by all means to have the Hungarians come to a Diet, to be held either before Christmas or shortly after. It is written from Rome that the Grand Master of Malta is come from Malta and landed at Naples, where he was received by the Viceroy with much honour. Alessandro Piccolomini of Monte Maricano is 'keeping the fields' on the territories of the Pope with almost 300 horsemen, banished persons. He has lately slain about 100 buffaloes near Ancona on the lands which belong to the Romish Bishop, doing much harm to the bishop's vassals. He has lately divided his horsemen, sending one part towards Recanati, the other towards Ancona. He himself is gone to the frontiers of his own territories, whereby he may the better defend the passages against his enemies, whom the Bishop of Rome has dispatched against him under the conduct of Captain Giacomo Matteucci, accounted to be an expert and valorous soldier. The Cardinal of Guise is expected at Rome in the spring. In Croatia, as they advertise, an overthrow has been given by a lord of that country to a zangiac with 200 of his Turks. Also the Archduke Charles of Austria has defeated another zangiac, who thought to surprise a town of his. By later letters it is advertised that the Grand Master has arrived at Rome and had audience once of the Pope. He is lodged in the Cardinal of Este's palace, being visited and much honoured by the rest of the cardinals and the principal personages in Rome. For the government of Malta there is left M. Visconti, sent from the Pope, and Cavaliere Romagas, who has been chief of the faction against the Grand Master. They certify that the brother of the Prince of Cond is looked for at Rome, and shall be very much made of. At the next promotion the Pope will make him Cardinal, as he promised the Cardinal of Bourbon. There has passed by Turin an ambassador sent to the Duke of Savoy by King Philip, to break off the marriage between the Duke and the Duke of Lorraine's daughter, which is held in those parts to be concluded. Since writing thus much, the other Turkish ambassador, Aliaga, has had audience of the king and Queen Mother I am informed he offered them his master's forces both by sea and land, against the King of Spain, as well for the recovery of the kingdom of Portugal as otherwise. He presented to the king two fair scimetars, with excellent knives [qy. blades] of 'Damasco,' a little cap of 'porsellyne,' full of the Grand Signior's balsamum, and certain boxes of his treacle. To the Queen Mother he presented certain needles and pins of that country, with sweet powders, together with 'Esamplars' of needlework, of which he gave part to the Princess of Lorraine. The king prepares to bestow upon this Aliaga a bason and ewer of silver gilt with 2,000 crowns in it, and two pieces of cloth of gold. To the other he intends to give a great piece of scarlet cloth and seven other pieces of singular cloth and silks made in France, with an excellent fair clock, which is to be presented to the Grand Signior. The value of his present in all will amount to 8,000 crowns. One of the 'semytories' presented to him he has bestowed on the Duke of Guise. It is understood they will both be dispatched back again very shortly.Paris, 22 Nov. 1581. Add. and endt. gone. 3 pp. [Ibid. VI. 65.]
In reply to yours of the 12th, I will say first that I am much rejoiced at the reputation which you have here, and I pray God that the consequence may be most to the advantage of these two Crowns. At least his Majesty ought to fortify himself with some good and wholesome counsel, tending above all to persuade him to furnish himself with good and faithful servants. As for Don Antonio, Lavalette started today to go to visit him on the part of the king, since he departs tomorrow from where he is ; Strozzi goes with him to conduct him, some say as far as Tours, after which Strozzi is to go to the sea. Others say he is to take him to Britanny. As for Strozzi he will embark on a special business in which the Queen is interested, towards America [?] and Don Antonio will follow the advice of his advisers and will go to that island with 1,500 or 2,000 French to make a fort and works to the best of his power. The King of Spain has by now made such good provision for the affairs of Portugal that he will have no need to make great account of it ; and he has no means, nor we here either ; nor do we have things first (?).Paris, 24 Nov. 1581. Add. Endd. by L. Tomson. Ital. 1 pp. [France VI. 66.]
Nov. 24. 409. STROZZI to WALSINGHAM.
Pursuant to the conversations which we had lately at your lodgings in the presence of the ambassador and M. de Torsay, whom I was to send to you, I send you this gentleman, who will tell you on my part all that M. de Torsay would have done, with whom I cannot at this moment by any means dispense. Wherefore I pray to give him full credence, and send me by him a detailed and decided answer.Paris, 24 Nov. 1581. Add. Endd. by L. Tomson (November alt. to December, but the date in the letter is plain). Fr. 1 p. [France VI. 67.]
Nov. 26. 410. STOKES to WALSINGHAM.
My last to you was the 19th. There have revolted from the enemy's camp 80 German footmen, for want of victuals and money, and have fled into Tournay. Besides these, three cornets of Walloon horse have left the camp, malcontent for want of victuals and other evil usages, and are gone to Artois. The common soldiers in the enemy's camp die daily, very many, of the bloody flux, for which cause their courages begin to fail. On the 22nd the Prince of Parma caused a great assault to be given to Tournay ; and they were most valiantly repulsed, to the loss of the lives of a great many of their best and chiefest captains and soldiers. Among these it is said that a Colonel of the Germans and M. de Glasson [Glajon] were slain, M. de Bours broken one of his legs, and M. de Montigny, with divers other captains, sore hurt and not likely to escape it. It seems this assault was intended eight or ten days before ; for the Prince of Parma, in hope to prevail, had chosen all the best soldiers out of every company of horse and foot in his camp, so their loss in this assault is very great. Schenk with his horse and foot are in mutiny in Hainault for want of their pay. They 'lie upon' the poor peasant, and will march no further till they are paid. There is come between Calais and Gravelines some part of Monsieur's forces, namely 2,500 foot and about 1,000 horse. They look every day for their passing over Gravelines river, and M. de Rochepot is their general. God send them well over in time, for the Prince of Parma has sent from his camp 12 cornets and two regiments of foot, to keep them out if he can. And though the numbers of these French are small, yet the magistrates and commons here in this country are very glad of their coming, and would, it seems, be much gladder if Monsieur were here, for they surely desire his presence here very much, and still look how the wind blows in hope of his coming from England every day ; such is their desire to have him among them. The 'Gentners' begin to wax angry at the evil government in the country. This week a great many of them were with the Prince of Orange at his lodging about it, and to have some better order set. By report the Prince was glad to speak them fair, and put all the fault on the Four Members of Flanders, who have been here in this town these seven months about the affairs of the country, and now should depart from hence and lie at Ghent. But it seems they are afraid to lie there, fearing they should deal with them as they did with the Duke of Aerschot and the rest who were then at Ghent ; for surely if their dealing do not like them, they will not be afraid to 'shope' them up, such is their rude dealing, and therefore they are called rude 'Gentners.'Bruges, 26 Nov. 1581. P.S.Enclosed I send you a copy of a letter from the Governor of Meenen to the magistrates of this town, which came 'even very now' ; wherein you will see the good news of 300 horse that have entered Tournay, of whom half were Scots and the rest the Prince of Epinoy's gentlemen and soldiers sent from Ghent to Meenen to join the Scots. They thrust valiantly through the enemy's camp, and so entered the town to the great comfort of all the people. This was done last Thursday night, and they went out of Meenen, as by the copy of the letter you will see more at large in what order ; also in what sort the enemy was repulsed at their last general assault on Tournay, as aforesaid. They left upon the ramparts as a witness ten or twelve of their ensigns, to their great dishonour and shame. This news of Tournay, with the coming of Monsieur's troops aforesaid, has greatly comforted their hearts here. From Meenen to Tournay is great miles, and very foul way. This afternoon is come one from England with letters from Sainte-Aldegonde to the Prince ; and he has also sent one to the magistrates of this town ; in which he writes that the marriage is made between her Majesty and 'Duke Dallenzon.' For which cause, for the good news' sake, he writes them to make some show and 'fire of joy' ; which they will do it after they have received some advice from the Prince, for they are very glad of the news in this town. Add. Endd. 3 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XIV. 124.]
Since my last there is no innovation, save that the Prince of Parma has blown up by mine a bulwark of Tournay and the same day gave an assault ; but 'were' repulsed, and, as a 'prisoner Italian' that my men took yesterday says, M. de Montigny and 'Manwishe' were hurt to the death. We have it very sure that M. 'Roshe potte' is marching with four regiments of infantry and 600 horse ; but if they come not stronger it will be but ruin to the country and do small pleasure. We hold it certain here that her Majesty has finished in the matter of marriage, to the great content ; in which the pleasure of God be fulfilled, that it may be to His glory. Pardon me for this ; but if it be for the advancing of these causes you know well the 'courses that running,' among which you will do well to remember that your country may withal receive some sensible good either in employing our people, be it as mercenaries, 'ventorieres' or otherwise, or else some good footing in the Islands, by any 'colour' it may beI mean Zealandlest we employ our time and money to the profit of others as others have done in times past. I would I were to speak that which I cannot write, being not a good 'sekeritary.' That you hear not where I am by any report of my actions, the fault is not in me ; for God knows in what 'passion' I have lived these three months, that either I have not been employed, or have not employed myself, seeing so many honest occasions that have presented, from which I have been cut off by envy. I trust in the end to overcome them all, and 'whatsomever' if God please. Thus much I signify to you as to him to whom I am bound to yield an account ; and having none to speak for me, I present you with what is truth. Already I have gained that my enemies cannot speak to my disadvantage either on matter of counsel or of execution, and speak me fair ; and that you may know that it is not want of 'treatment' that has discontented me, but want of liberty to execute that of which I might have had 'honesty' and my country honour, which all such as have been nourished under such a master ought to shoot for, I show you how my state is here. First, I have as sergeant-major or Sergent-de-bataille of all these troops here 400 florins a month, and two 'in pay' at 35 florins a month to attend upon me ; besides the entertainment of my company, which is worth as much more. Of the 13 months, I have been paid 4 well and truly ; yet all this, wherein I may do you any service, I will, I protest, set as nothing. I crave pardon for holding you with my tedious letters. The Princes of Orange and Espinoy are still at Ghent ; and now our camp, such as it is, receives a month's pay.Camp by Oudenarde, 27 Nov. 1581. (Signed) Rou : de Yorke. Add. Endd. 2 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XIV. 125.]
Nov. 27. 412. The COUNCIL OF STATE to the QUEEN.
The merchants trading by sea have complained to us that certain ships, fitted out in your realm under pretext of entering the service of Don Antonio, are boarding and holding to ransom vessels coming this way consigned to merchants resident in these countries, which is contrary to the freedom of the state, and very prejudicial to it, and will grow worse if not seen to, as evil-doers are wont to be emboldened by impunity ; and have desired us to petition you that for the maintenance of the traffic and the treaties passed between yourself and the provinces of this country, no hindrance shall be caused by the said ships whether on the high seas or in your ports to vessels coming to these countries from Portugal, Spain, or elsewhere, and that you will give orders to all admirals, vice-admirals, and captains of ports to see that no such robberies are committed under pretext of serving Don Antonio or others, and if they find any doing the contrary, to arrest them and proceed against them as pirates by seizure of their persons and ships. Ghent, 27 Nov. 1581. (Signed) van Asseliers. Add. Endd. Fr. 1 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XIV. 126.]
News arrived here late on Saturday evening when the king had retired, stating that on Wednesday the 22nd inst. her Majesty was betrothed to his Highness. Since then nothing has been heard, nor has it been possible to get any good knowledge who brought the news, though some say it was M. Pier Landi. Nobody has been able to extract anything from him up till now. From what I have heard, it came from their ambassador. I congratulated the Queen Mother upon it on Sunday morning and found her very cheerful ; nor did I lose the opportunity of reminding her that on their side they had completed what they had been asked to do before concluding the league. Hereupon I received a very good reply, of which we shall have to see the issue. I pray God it may be such as good men would desire. The Tournay people are making a stout stand. On the 22nd a plucky attempt was made on them, which they yet more pluckily resisted. God be praised for all. Here the festivities go on continuously. Yesterday Lavalette was made Duke of Epernon, and he will buy la Fert-au-Vidame. Today his sister is married to the younger brother of Joyeuse.Paris, 28 Nov. 1581. Add. Endd. Ital. 1 pp. [France VI. 68.]
Nov. 29. 414. COBHAM to WALSINGHAM.
The king seemed to like the news brought him by 'Lande,' but I hear they do not purpose to dispatch him hence, nor to deliver the present of 1,000 crowns prepared for him till the advertisement of Monsieur's marriage is confirmed by some other courier. Thereon M. Champvalon is stayed, as he told me himself on Monday last, when it pleased him to visit me ; which was the first time I ever saw the gentleman. Last night the king supped at a long table in the lower great hall in the Louvre. Above him sat his young queen, apparelled in a French gown of cloth of silver, with wide long sleeves, furred with fair sables and set with rich pearls. Beneath the king, all on one side, sat his mother, the Princess of Lorraine, the Duchesses of Mercur and Aumale only. The bride was in a crimson velvet gown furred with miniver, 'imbrandered' all over with ciphers and burning candles, very richly set forth. She stood a time at the upper end of the king's table, and after the young queen had begun to eat, the bride sat down at the upper end of the table, above the young queen. No one else supped in the same hall, but only a dozen of the queen's ladies at the nether end of another table in the lower part of the hall. After supper their Majesties resorted to the upper hall to dance ; whither came from their supper the Duke of Lorraine, the Princess of Cond, and the Duchess of Nemours, with the other great ladies of state. The Duke of Guise entered, having with him the two gentlemen 'Polonoyes Bouroskyes' [Boroskis] ; who after they have spent some time in this Court intend to repair to her Majesty's. [Note of this in margin.] 'I have a friend of mine' who sometimes 'haunts to' them. They speak the Italian tongue. I found means to repair, in company of M. Vetison, to Vantadour house, where I saw and spoke with Aliaga, by means of his 'trusheman.' I 'perceive' that this Aliaga Mutapharaga is from Natolia. His profession is to write well in their Turkish language ; he speaks it distinctly. It is given me to understand that he has delivered the king five sundry letters, sealed some with golden, some with silver seals ; and has used long discourses with the king. In my conference with him there was occasion offered to speak of the Spaniards. He said there was a truce 'taken' by the Grand Signior with the Spanish king, but it was almost expired ; concluding with the words 'gli Spagnioli ingannatores.' He understands Italian, and speaks some few words in such sort, barbarously. It seems by what proceeded from him in speech that he had been informed that the Emperor of the Frenchmen's brother was to marry the Queen of England. It appears that he is a person employed in the Turk's Court 'unto' the ambassadors and in foreign affairs. He is very quick of spirit. The king has now appointed to depart hence about Monday or Tuesday next, the 5th Dec. [sic]. The first night I hear he lodges at 'Noyse' [Noisy], the Marshal of Retz', thence to Anet, to christen d'Aumale's son, next day to Gaillon, where the Marquis of Conti is to marry the Countess of Montafi. From thence to return to this town. The Duke of Guise has 'procured' to honour Mme de Sauve, as they informed me, with the marriage of the young Count of Bryen ; but except she can enchant the Duke of Epernon, the Count must marry that Duke's youngest sister. She has 'laid her beams abrande,' and is in show fallen out with the Duke of Guise. They seek to advance the marriage of Villequier's daughter with the Count of 'Chosyne,' the queen regnant's brother. The Duchess of 'Denamoures' waxes jealous of the love that is made to be between the Duke of Savoy and the Princess of 'Byorne,' [qy. Barn]. She says the duke has worn that princess's picture privily about his neck this year. In this sort the princesses are encumbered and entangled with loves, jealousies, and marriages. I remain 'in a trance' till I hear from you what passes there. Paris, 29 Nov. Add. Endd. and annotated by Walsingham. 3 pp. [France VI. 69.]
Nov. 415. [THE QUEEN] to COBHAM.
Being, upon the earnest solicitation of the Duke of Anjou, grown to a resolution touching our marriage, with condition that the difficulties lately propounded by our Secretary to the king and Queen Mother might be removed, which were that we foreseeing that if our marriage should be accompanied with the burden of such charges as are incident to a war, it could not be acceptable to our subjects, if the king desired the marriage, he should assure us that no part of the charge should light upon us, but be borne by himself, the duke, and the States ; we have thought meet, knowing how acceptable this news will be to the king and his mother (to whom we acknowledge ourselves infinitely bound for their earnest pursuit of the matter), that you should acquaint the king in what sort we have yielded our assent, and request him on our behalf that for the removing of the said difficulty we may receive from him assurance under the Great Seal of that realm that he will not only acquit us of all such charges as he and his brother shall be at in prosecuting his enterprise in the Low Countries, but shall also, in case the King of Spain attempts anything against us in respect of that enterprise, upon notice given him thereof, 'denounce' war to the said king, and proceed against him with all hostility ; and shall also further promise that, in case there shall in the same respect be any arrest made of goods pertaining to our subjects, he will immediately cause an arrest to be made of the goods of the King of Spain's subjects, whereby ours may be relieved. Which assurance if we shall receive from the king in form abovementioned, as also a ratification of the treaty of marriage lately concluded, you shall assure him from us that we mean to proceed to a full and absolute conclusion of the marriage. And since there may arise some doubts and difficulties upon some points of the instrument that we request to be made, you shall desire the king to send some one over with it, furnished with sufficient authority to 'reform' it as occasion shall require. These matters we would have you to accompany with some such speeches as is fit for a cause of so great importance ; wherein nevertheless we forbear to prescribe any particular direction for the manner thereof, referring it to your own discretion and judgement. Given at Westminster, the of November, in the four and twentieth year of our reign. Draft. Endd. Headed (in a somewhat later hand) : Copy of the letter written to our Ambassador in France, showing the points whereon the marriage brake off betwixt the Duke of Anjou and Q. Eliz. as appears by the Ambassador's letter next following. TW : [?]. 1 pp. [France VI. 69 bis.]
Nov. 416. THE QUEEN to [? BURGHLEY].
Do me not such wrong as to think that I have said a single word to Sta. except, shortly, that I am thinking of sending him to M. He said to me : "Madam, I believe that when he comes, you will treat me like the other time." I answered that he had other business, that he should approach him [?]. True, I swear to you, that is all I said to him. As for the messenger, it is true that he came this morning to Wals : and told him that he saw M : at Dieppe, and that he knows him as well as his own hand ; and declared to him how he put to sea in the Channel and had a very bad time in a great storm, and then returned in perfect safety, and put to sea a second time, and came straight to Rye. He commanded him not to speak of it to anyone, on pain of his head, and that he might assure himself he had not seen him at all, and he was to hold his tongue. As for the merchants they are not yet arrived, but when they get near London they will come straight here, and receive orders to keep from spreading such reports, being so false. I have told Wal : not to give a sign to any creature in the world that he has heard, and I am sure he will not. The searcher at Rye knew from the messenger that he thought M. was coming under his charge, and he said he wanted to know from Walsingham what he would direct him to do about that prince. Wals. laughed at it, and said nothing more. He would have written to him to supply him with horses and necessaries without seeming to recognize him, and also to follow him with seven or eight men for fear of any nocturnal 'brigands' ; but I would not consent, saying he would be a great fool who believed it. When the merchants are come, you shall ascertain whether they recognised him or not ; for they would suspect it, I am sure.
Let me know what you wish me to do, etc.
Holograph, but unsigned. Endd. by Burghley : Novemb. 1581. The Queen's Majesty's letter upon arrival of Monsieur at Depe. Fr. 1 p. A good deal faded. [France VI. 70.]