Elizabeth: October 1581, 16-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1907.

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'Elizabeth: October 1581, 16-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1907), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol15/pp341-349 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: October 1581, 16-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1907), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol15/pp341-349.

"Elizabeth: October 1581, 16-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1907), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol15/pp341-349.

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October 1581, 16-31

Oct. 20. 369. [MARCHAUMONT] to DU BEX.
You wrote to me very succinctly ; the master similarly. Pigalle knows nothing, and this princess asks a great many questions, and was certainly in a good deal of trouble and complained. Now I have put everything right, and I never saw any one more desirous than she is to see the master. She feels sure of it at the beginning of the week after next [qy.l'autre semaine]. Find out from him if I am to go and look for him at Stafford's lodging or not. I will see that he is well obeyed and his orders executed. You tell me that he will content me in all matters. I have given him plenty of cause to do so, and you see that I shall take as much pleasure in acquiring reputation for him as some do in making him lose it while doing business for themselves, and that he will recognise it is for his service. I fully calculate that if he does not marry, he will take me with him. I shall be pretty useful to him among that nation, and having made myself agreeable here among those of this religion, I hope to serve him well there. I have long been holding the eel by the tail and the devil by the horns. Service so faithful and signal merits a response. I ought to be sure of his bton. Assure Quinc that I told this princess he was coming, and that he will not be ill-come, but welcome ; and that she will love him whom the master holds for his servant as soon as the master is within the realm. Let me know if he will sleep the first night in my bed or not. I would not sleep in his two rooms in the gallery, though I was urged to do so. He will be quite comfortable there. The Earl of Leicester is determined to make good cheer for him, the other likewise ; who has sent for the Earls of Northumberland and of Uncester [qy. Worcester], who have been waiting for a month. Mention that the Queen has granted liberty to Lord Henry [qy. Howard]. You see that the master's coming has acted like Our Lady (Madonne) of Rury [?]. The Queen has sent to visit him, and ordered him to come. She is coming on (s'approche), but she is so weak that she cannot keep it up. Steer the ship well, and take care of your master.Richmond, Friday, 20 Oct. 1580 [sic]. Signed with a monogram which may be P. C. de M. or only P. D. with three [symbol]. P.S.You say nothing about money, and I have not a farthing, and you know what I have spent. It is not the way to build my house. In the same hand as most of the 'Moine' letters (sec Hatfield Calendar) ; riz. that of Marchaumont. Add. : Monsieur du Baiz . . . la part o il sera. Fr. 2 pp. [France VI. 49.]
Oct. 21. 370. COBHAM to [WALSINGHAM].
I have sought ever since the receipt of your last letter to have audience of their Majesties, but the king has deferred it ; being as he alleges weary with the continual exercise and care for the performance of those past triumphs, which continued almost daily until the 19th inst. The 'patrons' of their pageants I send herewith, having been present at the last three days' pastimes, as at the young queen's dance on Sunday the 15th ; when by order of his Majesty I and the Ambassadors of Savoy and Ferrara supped with M. Cheverny, and were better entertained than at the beginning of these triumphs. So at his Majesty's command, in the company only of the abovenamed Ambassadors (the Ambassador of Venice being sick of an ague, the Pope's nuncio sickly, and the Spanish King's minister taken but for an agent), I was present on the day when the king, the Duke of Guise, and the Duke of Mercur were challengers. The Duke of Mercur entered the field of battle in a chariot ; the Duke of Guise on horseback, armed, entered next ; with some five or six only of his own 'queries,' and two spare led 'barded' horses. Lastly the king, armed, came in a ship, in such manner as may appear in the papers I send you. The 'duke Mercury' alighted on the left hand of the field, where the ambassadors were placed, resting under his pavilion of green damask, awaiting all comers at the barriers, with the 'punshe' of the lance, and strokes with the truncheon. The Duke of Guise held the middle of the field, mounted and armed complete, with the sword, to 'torne' with all comers. The king alighted at the right hand of the field at his pavilion of 'cremesyn' cloth of gold, where the Queen and ladies sat ; he received all assailants at the barriers with the push of the pike and blows of the sword, wherein he showed more force than they looked for, 'being nothing spared.' The Duke of Lorraine was an assistant to his Majesty. The Duke of Guise showed himself well able to maintain that place, but being somewhat hurt in his sword hand, he was assisted by the Duke of Aumle. The Duke of Mercur performed his charge without any assistant. On the 18th, in the afternoon, the king, in the same place as before, entered the field with 13 others, all well mounted, armed 'at all pieces,' and their horses barded and covered with their caparisons of cloth of gold, having 6 of his company furnished as himself, and the other 6 [sic] with russet cloth of gold. The Duke of Lorraine entered at the other end of the field, with 13 armed at all pieces, their horses barded ; six of them with caparisons of russet cloth of gold, and the rest with crimson. So they continued at the tourney till night approached ; which being performed, the fireworks began, and thus ended their pastimes. The king showed himself as well on horseback, and as good a man-at-arms as any of the company ; whereby it appears these exercises have brought him health and good disposition. Notwithstanding that these feats of arms for the most part occupied the king's mind, he 'left not' to think of his affairs, having thought it necessary to solicit the Duke of Savoy about the marriage with the Princess of Lorraine. It was at first resolved by their Majesties that the Marshal de Retz should be the messenger ; but the king is now dispatching a private gentleman of the Queen Mother's, altering their purpose, as supposing they might provoke the Spanish king to enter into a new jealousy by sending a marshal of France into those parts. The king is entertaining the Count Rhinegrave and Bassompierre 'with' some especial manner, and as I have been informed continues to 'make means' to win Duke Casimir. The Pope's nuntio this week in his last audience satisfied the king in the case of the Grand Master of Malta, assuring him of the Pope's good disposition to content him ; and moved the king to renew some straight amity with the Spanish king. But I cannot learn that he shows as yet any inclination towards Spain, though in all causes he is wary, and loth to give any apparent special occasion of offence to King Philip. Don Antonio is today at Poissy, and I am informed is to meet their Majesties either tomorrow or Monday, at Madrid or at Saint-Maur ; but I hear it is judged it will be at St. Maur, at the Queen Mother's house. However, there appears as yet no settled intention for the relief of Don Antonio. I rather hear that a motion of mediation will be offered by the Spanish agent. The vanity of the Portuguese action has discredited them with their French friends. They also inform me that the Lorraine marriage has again been moved to Monsieur, and that the Pope offers, with many benedictions, the county of Avignon ; which will bring but small profit with it. The Spanish king will, they say, leave his claim to Cambray and the Cambrsis, with the gift of some other places thereabouts. The king is pleased also to bestow on his Highness the County of Provence and the Marquisate of Saluzzo ; which marquisate 'doth spend' the king yearly 12,000 and sometimes 20,000 in paying his garrison more than he receives of revenue. So Monsieur has fair show of rich proffers, but indeed they will be but an augmentation of further charge to him, as Cambray proves, as will appear from the enclosed note. The Duke of Savoy has ended his progress. He visited all his frontiers and most part of his territory, passing near Geneva. By his courteous, conversable manner, and especially by withdrawing from them some small taxations which his father had imposed, he has exceedingly won the hearts and goodwill of his vassals. M. Chtillon has returned within these five days to his house, having been in the parts towards Geneva ; and M. Clervant is come hither from Germany, departing hence tomorrow to the King of Navarre in Guyenne, where Marshal Matignon and Bellivre have about this time arrived.Paris, 21 Oct. 1581. Add. gone. Endd. by Walsingham. 5 pp. [France VI. 50.]
Oct. 22. 371. COBHAM to WALSINGHAM.
Before the receipt of your letter 'brought by this bringer' Mr Archibald Douglas had departed hence ; I therefore send back your letter directed to him. I trust he is safely arrived in England. Yesterday George Douglas went towards Scotland, not having left the letters he promised for Archibald. He went upon the receipt of the Scottish king's letter in which he has promised there shall be granted in Scotland, in this parliament, free exercise of liberty of conscience to the Papists. It were to be wished his pack were 'visited' before he arrived in Scotland. The Bishop of Ross departed hence 'with' George Douglas, to Rome, being in great hope to chant a mass shortly in Scotland. They have spread about that there has been a 'fray' made on the 'Count of Anquische's' followers by some of our borderers. They advertise that the Pope has lately renewed the practice to confederate in a league with himself the Spanish king, the Signiory of Venice, and the Duke of Florence. It may be that if the Turk has 'accorded' a peace with the Sophy, the Spanish king will seek all means to strengthen himself with the Italian princes who have galleys. Upon the occasion of my supping with Chiverny there passed some speech of the treaty we last 'passed' at your being here ; wherein he 'showed' that he and Villequier were ashamed to have made that demonstration of the king's will and meaning to accord the league, and then to break it off. Howbeit he thought the accomplishment of it was not altogether disannulled, but rather deferred. I requested that if he had cause to think so, he would as good occasion offered remind the king to 'like of' the league. He said he thought the league most pertinent for the king, and promised to do what I asked. So we left that 'purpose,' and entered into speech of M. d'O, whom he very much commended ; giving me to understand that the king had that day said to him he loved d'O as well as he ever did, but for some respects he found it convenient to 'apart' him from his service for the time, and further that the king had given d'O at parting 40,000 crowns. By his manner and speech he gave me cause to imagine he was well-affected to her Majesty. The king, after fighting for some time at the barrier, left the Duke of Lorraine to 'assist' him, and casting on a short velvet gown came from his side to where the ambassadors sat, and 'used some gratious countenance,' 'axxing' of me how I liked their feats of arms. I answered that I liked them very well, and that they were worthily performed. Thereon he returned to his pavilion. I send you herewith a pasquil, made as they say by Mme de Tres [d'Estres], daughter to Mme de Bordesire and wife to the Captain of Boulogne. There is so foul stuff in it that I think it 'feeter' to be burnt by your hand than read with your eyes. I beseech you that 'if in case' Splendor [Duke of Anjou] repair to Oriens [the Queen] the matter may be so well handled that good assurance be had of his friendship. And methinks it may serve to good purpose that while he is in those parts somewhat be executed for the withstanding of 6,000 [ ] practices in such sort that the peril may not remain so great to her Majesty. Spanish galleys have arrived at Genoa with 800,000 crowns in coin. The Turkish ambassador is expected here about the 25th inst. I am sorry to hear tell that Fante your servant has been imprisoned at Rome by the Inquisitors, and Fane. I beseech you, persuade her Majesty to give me some comfort after so many years' service, in my latter days ; or else to put me out of the pain of the hope I have conserved, that her will is to restore me to what I have sold of my living since my coming hither ; with some recompense for my comfort, in such sort that I may not 'hang on the hedge.' In this you may bind me very much.Paris, 22 Oct. 1581. Add. Endd. 3 pp. [France VI. 51.]
Oct. 22. 372. STOKES to WALSINGHAM.
My last was of the 15th inst. since when very few speeches have passed worth writing, for all things have been still. On Tuesday last, the 17th inst., the Prince of Orange and the Prince of Epinoy left this town together for Ghent, where they still are. The Princess of Orange is gone to Antwerp by ship, where it is said she will lie in. The Flanders camp lies under Oudenarde, where they do nothing but spoil the poor peasants on both sides. As yet no means is made for the helping of Tournay, which much mislikes all men that wish well to the cause. So matters go not well on the States' side in these parts. The Prince of Parma with all his forces still lies before Tournay, where he has lost about 400 men in the assault of a 'bulwark' before the town gate, wherein they had made a small breach, which was assaulted twice and valiantly defended by the burghers. So the Prince has retired his battery, and begins to mine under the town walls ; which it is feared will 'turn' the town to some danger, if it be not foreseen in time. And whereas the magistrates of this town had advice last week that those of Tournay parleyed with the Prince of Parma for the delivery of the town, this is not so, for this week a letter is come from the town by which it seems they are of good courage, and fear not the enemy. But they desire that they may be succoured with as much speed as may be. This week a gentleman passed through this town, sent by Monsieur to the Prince of Orange. He left Monsieur at Saint-Valery, where he 'pretends' to embark for these parts, and his small troops of horse and foot will come by land. It is said the Prince of Orange returns shortly to this town to meet Monsieur here ; but for all that it is feared by many that Monsieur will not come yet to these parts. Those of Cambray and Cambrsis lie still and make no more war against the enemy in those parts ; which is not well liked here, for they might trouble the enemy very much there. The Count of Schwarzburg still lies in this town, for what cause I cannot learn. If Monsieur come not without further delays, I see it will not go well on the States' side here in Flanders, and all for want of a good government ; for 'there is a number that commands in the country and few will obey.'Bruges, 22 Oct. 1581. P.S.After the post was gone last week, I received yours of the 7th inst., in which was a letter to the Prince of Orange, which I delivered into his own hands. Also this week I received yours of the 14th, in which was one to M. Villiers and one to M. Rossel, which I have sent to them at Ghent. Add. Endd. 2 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XIV. 111.]
Oct. 29. 373. STOKES to WALSINGHAM.
My last was of the 22nd inst. In the last week nothing has passed here to write to you of, but of Tournay matters ; which are as follows. The Prince of Parma still lies before Tournay, where this week he made proof of his mine ; which has failed him, for when the fire was put to the train, the mine of itself fell down before the fire came 'at' it, and so spoiled his own men, very many, and did no harm to the town. When the Prince saw the evil success of his mine, having before planted his battery to a new place of the town, for revenge he began to shoot it off last Sunday at 5 a.m. and continued until noon, and so made a breach and incontinently gave a stout assault to it ; which continued four hours. It was valiantly defended by the town, to the loss of the lives of many of the enemy's best soldiers. It seems the Prince of Parma will not leave his enterprise so, for he begins to mine in another place, and withal has made a new supply of soldiers and pioneers to his camp ; for he has left all his other places as bare of soldiers as may be, saving at Cortricke, so that it is greatly feared he will put the town in danger to be lost. As yet the Flanders troops lie under Oudenarde, and both the princes are still at Ghent ; and by report there is no preparing for the succouring of Tournay, for their only hope is of Monsieur's coming ; and it surely seems if he come not they are not able to help the town, for the enemy has cut up all the passages and ways that lie round about Tournay, in such sort that no man can come to it but with great force. A new speech is now given out here that Monsieur is gathering a new force of horse and foot beside 'Montrill,' which will be here shortly in the country ; but it is thought to be given out only to content the commons. A secret speech also goes here that those of Flushing and Zealand have an enterprise upon Gravelines ; but I doubt it will not take place, because it is already known abroad.Bruges, 29 Oct. 1581. P.S. 1.I beseech you to have me in remembrance for my license of wheat. P.S. 2.This afternoon news is come to the magistrates that on Friday last 4 cornets of horse were sent from Oudenarde to make a 'proof' to enter Tournay ; who handled themselves so like cowards that 2 cornets of the enemy's made them all run away. Some of them are taken, some slain, and the rest returned to Oudenarde to their great shame. The Prince will never have other service of 'these country' people, for their hearts are all made of butter. Add. Endd. 2 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XIV. 112.]
Oct. 29 (?) 374. Five leaves of rough notes, chiefly in Burghley's hand, with calculations of the pay of certain 'forces to be levied,' Albanians, Walloons, reiters, 'Fryses,' lansquenets. (Last part perhaps a different document.) Endd. : The month's pay of certain horsemen and footmen to be levied. [France VI. 52.]
Oct. 29. 375. Paper in Burghley's hand containing (a) an estimate of the sum required to pay the troops in Cambray and the Cambrsis, under Inchy, Balagny, Rynsart and others, including a sum due to 12 gentlemen of Cambrsis for the fortification of Cambray ; (b) notes on points in Cobham's letter of the 21st (the tournament ; arrival of Don Antonio). Dated at head. 1 pp. [Ibid. VI. 53.]
Oct. 30. 376. The COUNCIL OF STATE in the Low Countries to WALSINGHAM.
Since my last, written to you in favour of Councillor Ymans, we hear that one Robert Pointz, a subject of her Majesty, having bought most of the States' obligations, which he holds, having acquired them as we hear by undue ways, in order to make his private profit to the injury of others and especially of a country at large, a thing deserving chastisement rather than favour, has made arrest upon certain of our merchants trading into England. This is a matter of great and very ill consequence at this juncture, when, owing to the excessive costs of war which these countries are compelled to bear in defence of their liberty and ancient privileges, they cannot meet their obligatons so soon as they would desire. If these arrests are tolerated by her Majesty, the way will be open for every one else to do the like, to the total ruin of these countries. In consideration whereof, other creditors having tried to do the same in other neighbouring countries and realms, it has not been permitted by the princes of the same. And whereas you are not ignorant that the cause we are sustaining is just and based on religion (selon Dieu) and reason, and it is of great importance to her Majesty that we be not tripped up (suppeditez) by our enemies, who are equally envious of the prosperity of her realm, so that having subjugated us, which God forbid, they will not fail to scheme against her either by treason or by arms, as you may have well perceived by experience heretofore ; and whereas by arrests of this kind which the creditors of the States may claim to make in England on account of their obligations, the traffic which in pursuance of ancient treaties has always existed between those of her Majesty's realm and these countries, and been maintained with all freedom, no permission being given by the treaties to hinder it except for debts personal to the merchants, will be impeded ; we beg that having regard to all this you will use your good influence with her Majesty to have these arrests removed and that in future the like may not be made, whether at the request of merchants, colonels, or other creditors of these countries ; but that those who claim that any moneys are due to them from the States may apply to them at their assembly to be held at Antwerp in November next, where we shall willingly do our best to have reasonable satisfaction given to them so far as public necessities, which in such extremity must take precedence of private, will allow.Ghent, this last but one day of October, 1581. The Prince of Orange and others of the Council of State appointed by the States-General. (Signed) Van Asseliers. Add. Endd. Fr. 1 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XIV. 113.]
Thomas Beberson, master of the ship La Providence, was bringing in that ship from Seville 48 chests of sugar and 3 barrels of cochineal to send into Flanders, and having discharged the said goods at 'Gorint' into a charrue [qy. carrack] as the custom at that place is to discharge the goods which are to be sent to Flanders, the said charrue laden with those goods in bad weather arrived at Sandwich, where the searcher detained the merchandise as forfeited goods (?). Please give orders, since they are goods belonging to Spanish merchants, that such a trick be not played on them, seeing that they have proceeded in this matter in all sincerity, and as the custom always is to discharge at that place. The bearer will give you fuller information.London, 30 Oct. 1581. Add. Endd. French. 1 p. [Spain I. 74a.]