Index: S

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 14, 1579-1580. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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'Index: S', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 14, 1579-1580, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1904), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: S', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 14, 1579-1580. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1904), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: S". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 14, 1579-1580. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1904), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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-, Sawe, Francisco de, Lord Chamberlain to King Henry of Portugal, 167, 242
-, Governor of Portugal, escapes from Setubal, 359
-, his death, 488.

Saa Hieromo Pietra de, 53.

-, Henry, spoiled by French pirates, 10
-, his ship commits piracy on some Danish merchants, 19.

Sael, Michael, factor for Spanish merchants, 185.

Safra, 491.

Saint Agreve, book describing capture of [Lyons, 1580], 500.

Saint Aignau. See Beauvillier.

Saint Amand
-, 98, 111, 127
-, taken by Spaniards, 129, 144, 146, 147
-, Spaniards place camp near, 544.

St. Bartholomew, massacre of, 116, 132.

Saint Basille, 419.

Saint Cloud, 131, 329.

Saint Denis, 97.

St. Dominic, Order of, 244.

Sainte Aldegonde, M. de. See Marnix.

Saint Ermy, 419.

Saint Estienne, M. de, governor of Montaign, 302.

St. Eustacius, church of, 502.

St. Francis, Order of, 244.

Saint Gelais, Gui de, 'young Lansac' son of the following, 159, 172, 327 bis.

-, Louis de Luzignan de, Seigneur de Lansac [better Lanssac], 140, 298 bis, 410, 419, 434
-, wishes all in the French Court that bore affection to the King of Spain were hanged, 463, 502.

-, letter to, 256.

-, Urbain de, bastard son of the above, Bishop of Comminges, 255, 266.

Saint Germain-en-Laye
-, 4
-, King intends to ride there, 12
-, mentioned, 27
-, King returns from, 97
-, mentioned, 140, 148, 178, 185, 192, 202, 205, 213, 262, 263, 328, 395, 405, 411.

St. Gertrude, abbot of. See Linden.

Saint-Gouard. See Vivonne.

Saint-Jaille. See Tholon.

St. James de Compostella, 'St. Jacobs,' 310 471.

Saint-Jean-d'Angely, 183, 205, 346, 350, 386 403, 434, 443, 447.

St. Jerome, Order of, 244.

St. John, Portuguese fort, 437.

Saint-Lary. See Bellegarde.

Saintleger, Stallenger, John, Stafford's messenger, 398.

-, -, letter from, 458.

Saint-Luc, M. de. See Epinay.

St. Maur-des-fosss
-, St. Mowre, St. Moro, edict made at, 116
-, Queen Mother at, 328, 350, 352
-, Court at, 358
-, mentioned, 413, 493, 494.

-, letters and dispatches dated at, 389, 391, 396, 488, 489.

St. Michael, Order of, 509.

St. Nicholas. See Archangel.

Saintonge, Xaintonge, 205, 405, 419.

Saint-Paul, surprised by Montmorency, 301.

Saint-Quentin in Dauphine, 'Cinquantin.' 335, 464.

'St. Victoires'. See San Vitores.

St. Vincent, 270.

Sale, M. See Salet.

Salet, Sale, Salle, M. de, of Hainault, Captain, murdered, 403, 405, 419.

Salic law, 453.

-, Bertrand de, Seigneur de la Mothe-Fenelon, promises money to the Queen, 27
-, mentioned, 85, 172, 182, 262, 544.

-, -, letter to (?), 115.

Salisbury, , Welsh Papist in Paris, 279.

-, castle of, yielded to Bellegarde, 4
-, mentioned, 12, 22, 26, 27, 28
-, to be restored to the Duke of Savoy, 27
-, Marquisate of, thought to be lost beyond redemption, 34
-, mentioned, 45
-, broken state of, 46
-, mentioned, 73
-, broil in Marquisate of, 83
-, government of given to la Valette, 113
-, will be kept by young Bellegarde, 142
-, Spanish King's practice concerning, 178
-, mentioned, 183, 185, 222
-, 'Saluzzo,' 236, 252, 271
-, King of France has small authority there, 320
-, mentioned, 408, 413, 419, 464, 500, 522, 524.

Samos, 305.

Sanagenada, Captain Gonsalez de, killed before Maestricht, 20.

Sancta Capella in Paris, bill set up on door of, 494.

Sancy, Nicolas de Harlay de, French ambassador in Switzerland, 509.

Sandes, Lord, 278, 279, 435.

Sandwich, letter dated at, 330.

Sanfr, Chanfrey, Saintfrey, Count of, special ambassador of Savoy at Paris, 464, 500.

San Giorgio, Count Guido di, killed before Maestricht, 20.

San Juan, castle of, 385.

San Lucar, 'Saint Lucas,' 210, 213, 222.

-, letters and dispatches dated at, 306, 307, 334, 375, 504.

Sansac. See Prvost.

San Sebastian
-, 436
-, English merchants put in Inquisition at, 495.

-, letter dated at, 463.

San Sisto of Avignon, 28.

Santa Cruz, Marquis of. See Baan.

-, 'Sanct Andro,' 'Saint Tanderes,' 270, 336, 452, 477
-, Bishop of, 310.

Santarem, 252, 255, 342, 359, 377, 424, 488.

-, letters dated at, 253, 255.

Santiago, Archbishop of, 283.

Santome, 412.

San Vitores, Juan Bautista de, Spanish merchant in England, an allegedspy, 46, 504.

Saone, river, 335.

Sara, Marquis of, 320.

-, Sarrazin Thophile, escapes from Ghent, 43
-, goes to England, 92
-, Cond's secretary, 320.

Sardini, Italian financier, 252.

Sardinia, 61.

Saunders, , of Northampton, English Papist in Paris, 279.

-, Dr. Nicholas, his promises to Ireland, 153
-, mentioned, 401, 477.

Savadge, , of Cheshire, English Papist in Paris, 279.

Savary, Jacques de, seigneur de Lancosme, 157, 159, 162, 183, 447, 515.

Savile, Mr.? Henry, not in Paris, 74.

Savoie, Jacques de, Duke of Nemours, in Savoy, 432.

-, Duke of. See Emanuel - Philibert
-, Charles-Emanuel.

Savourny, , 343.

-, Queen Mother offers to meet Bellegarde in, 46
-, young Bellegarde's doings in, 144
-, Marshal de Retz sent to, 432
-, Order of, 525.

-, Ambassador of, at Paris, 408
-, and see Montereal, Sanfr.

Saxony, 380.

-, Duke of. See Augustus.

-, 'Hertigh,' Frederick, sometime Elector of. See John Frederick.

Sayas, Saias, Zayas, Zoaial, Gabriel de, Secretary to King of Spain, 40, 128, 216, 533.

Scheld, river, 111.

-, Skinke, Martin, raids Gueldres, 15
-, letter to, concerning Rogers, capture, 459, 467
-, keeps Rogers prisoner, 472, 476.

Schetz, Caspar, Baron van Grobbendonck, 128.

Scheurmans, , echevin of Antwerp and deputy with the States, 442, 511.

-, Chamberg, Chomberg, Gaspar, Colonel, 172
-, his mission to Germany, 252, 264, 320, 327
-, his return, 464, 492, 494.

Schwartz, Frederick, Baron de Ruissingen, writes to Walsingham, 150.

-, Otto Henry, Count of, Marshal of court of Emperor, treating of peace, 55
-, mentioned, 129.

Schwarzenburg, George, Count of, 142.

-, Poulet ignorant of the state of, 44
-, Ambassador of, 72
-, quiet, 83
-, mentioned, 117, 122, 132, 133, 148
-, news from, 153
-, affairs of, earnestly solicited, 162
-, Pope gives pension to scholars of, in Paris, 168
-, mentioned 213, 239, 241, 252, 264, 267, 274
-, gentlemen of, 598
-, enterprises of, 300
-, mentioned, 316, 320, 327*, 328, 366, 373
-, affairs of, 421
-, ships sent to, 446
-, d'Aubigny successful in, 447
-, King of Spain seeks alliance with, 471
-, news from, 482, 514
-, mentioned, 523.

-, King of. See James VII.

-, Regent of. See Douglas, James.

Scoto, Signor, Italian, 168.

-, at Nymegen and Bois-le-Duc, 5
-, called in to defend Bruges, 7
-, six ensigns remain at Bruges, 9
-, Ypres, Courtray and Oudenarde manned with, 9
-, Stewart's, at Brussels, 15
-, eight companies at Rollet, 22
-, maintenance of, undertaken by people of Bruges, 22
-, at Lierre, Breda and Vilvorde, 22
-, may be put into Ghent. 36
-, to be replaced under Captain Balfour and Stewart, 55
-, mentioned, 72
-, enter Menin, 84
-, defeat Montigny, 96
-, wish their King to marry a princess of Lorraine, 132
-, mentioned, 183, 268, 274, 282
-, pensioners at Rome, 285
-, in Low Countries, 287
-, Queen of Scots' pensions to, 309
-, wish to enter the service of Portugal, 316
-, marching towards la Fre, 372
-, in the Netherlands, 379
-, preparing to go to Portugal, 403
-, sent to Vilvorde, 454
-, mutiny, 484
-, defeated by Malcontents, 490, 496
-, mentioned 529.

Scott, , priest, 401.

Scudamore, , , Welshmen, Papists in Paris, 279.

-, Captain, commanding company of Scots, defeats Montigny, 96
-, mentioned, 490, 496.

-, King of Portugal, his body obtained from the Moors, 137
-, mentioned, 138, 222, 242, 285, 488.

Secretaries, the, in England (Sir Thomas Walsingham and Dr. Thomas Wilson), 176, 182, 353, 374, 508, 513.

-, letters and dispatches to, 34, 44, 46, 51, 67 (143), 172 (178), 185 (205), (213), (222), 236, (252), 264, 285 (351), (352), (358), 373, 387, 403, 405, 411, 313, 416, 419, 423, 431, 432, 434, 447, 457, 476 (482), 494, 500, 509, 514, 524, 534, 544.

Sedan, 272, 278, 302, 403.

Sedgwick, Richard, spoiled by French pirates, 10.

Sguier, President, 252.

Segura, Diego Lopes de, 'Dewgolopis Desikera,' escapes from Setubal, 359.

Selles, M. de. See Noircarmes.

Sells, Thomas, spoiled by French pirates, 10.

Senlis, 341.

Srillac, M., 447, 457.

Serniago, Martin de, 270.

Serra de Estrela, submits to Don Antonio, 488.

'Sesse' Cardinal, ? Cesio, comes from Spain to Rome, 373.

Seton, , in command of cavalry, for the States, 84.

-, Alexander, 'Jesuit pensioner of the Pope' (afterwards Earl of Dunfermline), 449.

Setubal or St. Ubes
-, port of, 242, 264
-, Santoval, Centuval, 259, 342
-, Duke of Alva near, 375, 377, 385
-, King Philip takes, 403, 437.

Seure or Sevre
-, Michel de, Grand Prior of Champagne, 85
-, kills Chevalier de Tenance, 107
-, mentioned, 430.

-, 128, 265, 270
-, rising of Moors in, 373, 375
-, mentioned, 437, 509, 515.

-, letter dated at, 32.

-, Cardinal, Pope makes him his Vicar-General, 395
-, mentioned, 414.

Sforza, Count Malatesta, 185.

Shacroste, William, spoiled by French pirates, 10.

Sharlock, , , English Papists in Paris, 279.

Shawe, Randolph, delivered from 'holy house' in Spain, 534.

Sheffield, Edmund, Lord, 406.

-, , English Papist in Paris, 279.

Sheffield, 252.

Sheldon, , English Papist at Rouen, 279.

-, , of Worcestershire, English Papist in Paris, 279.

Shelton, Humphrey, 500.

Shelley, , , , English Papists in Paris, 279.

Ships :

the Antelope, 10.

the Bark Buckston, 10.

the Brave, 537.

the Christ, 10.

the Conie, of Bristol, 10.

the Corunna, Spanish, 40.

the Emanuel, 537.

the Falcon, 436.

the Flower de lice, of Lyme Regis, 336.

the Francis, Spanish, 57.

the Greyhound, of Bristol, 10.

the Huguenot, of Lythe, 327*.

the Jacques (French), of le Pouliguen, 440.

the Jonas, 342.

the Mary, Spanish, taken by Sir Humfrey Gilbert, 57.

the Minion Gale, or Star of Portsmouth, 232.

the Prodigal Child, 10.

the Robert, of Bristol, 10.

the Saint Peter, 114.

the Salomon, of London, 210.

the Scout, 105.

the Strellya, or Spera, galley, 106.

the Swiftsure, 477.

the Temperance, 10.

the William, of London, 10.

Shofield, Richard, spoiled by French pirates, 10.

Short, or Stalie, ? John, priest in Holborn, 401.

Shrewsbury, Earl of. See Talbot, George.

Shroughborowe (? Shuckburgh), , of Leicester, English Papist in Paris, 279.

Shute, William, writes to Poulet, 45.

Sicera, Diego Lopez de, Spanish commander, 437.

-, 61, 153, 178, 185, 283
-, galleys of, 377
-, mentioned, 494, 500.

-, Sir Henry, letter to, 174
-, advertisements sent to, 175.

-, Philip, Fremyn sends greeting to, 15
-, mentioned, 133, 150.

Sigismund, Augustus, King of Poland, 531.

Signy, M. de, 403.

Silesia, Slesia, 194, 323.

-, Dr. N., still at Mechlin, 9
-, detained by de Bours, 41.

-, Antoine de, Count de la Rochepot, Chamberlain and of the Council of Duke of Anjou, 423, 432, 443, 447, 454, 462
-, reported taken by Malcontents, 464, 494, 522, 525.

-, Henri de, Count of la Roche-guyon. "Rochegyen," elder brother of the above, 107
-, makes levies, 131, 132
-, mentioned, 178, 302, 320.

Silva, Antonia da, son of Don Antonio, 488.

-, Manuel da, 488.

-, Cymieres, Simiers, Jean, Sieur de Lamenitre, favourite of the Duke of Anjou, 4, 12, 83
-, commissioners negotiate with in respect of marriage between Queen and Duke of Anjou, 89, 95
-, 'Mounsewer Semyres' goes from Dover to France in the Scout, 105
-, comes to Paris, 110
-, quarrels with Bussy d'Amboise the elder and Balagny, 118, 130
-, leaves Paris, 131
-, mentioned, 140, 183, 196, 199, 213, 215, 308, 386, 387, 388, 395, 397
-, appointed commissioner for Monsieur's marriage, 405
-, mishap befalls him, 408
-, out of favour with Monsieur, 409, 426, 439
-, mentioned, 413, 414, 418.

-, -, letter from, 507.

Sinuatso, Rodorigo Kassapino, 270.

'Sketter', Captain, 287.

Skevington, , English Papist at Rouen, 279.

Skeyne, , , , English Papists in Paris, 279.

Slingsby, Mr., and Mr., 'the elder,' messengers, 177, 199, 209, 213, 288.

Smith, Sir Thomas, 509, 510.

Smith, , lawyer, 252.

-, , 536.

Smithe, Dr., English Papist in Paris, 279.

Smitheson, , English Papist in Paris, 279.

Smithike, Dr., English Papist in Paris, 279.

Smythe, , , , English Papists in Paris, 279.

Smythe, , English Protestant in Paris, 279.

Snagge, , English Papist in Paris, 279.

Snowe, , English Papist in Paris, 279.

Soleure, Solothurn, canton of, enters into an alliance with the King of France, 12, 34, 35.

Some, Richard, 484.

Somere, Jacques de, letters and dispatches from, 3, 8, 38, (?) 467.

Somme, Mr., 467.

Sommier, 403.

Sonhai, Captain, 129, 287.

Sonoy, Dirck, 'Derick Snow,' 287.

Sophy, Sophia, the.' See Persia.

-, Roch des, Seigneur des Pruneaux, 'Premiaulx,' 'Prenoies,' 5, 12, 22, 59
-, audience before States, 100
-, mentioned, 301
-, ambassador from Monsieur to the States, 393, 399, 441
-, sent to French King from Monsieur, 454.

Sorcio, Captain, killed before Maestricht, 20.

Sorze, Sorreze, Sourez, 189, 329, 494.

Sotomayor, Don Pedro de, Spanish general, 283.

Sottenghien, castle of, burnt by the Gantois, 26.

Sound, the, 289.

Soury, M. de, 405.

Sousa, Don Diego de, Governor of 'Lentesio,' 242.

-, Souza, Zzossa, Diego Lopez da, 'Dewgolopis,' Governor of Portugal, 167, 222, 242
-, leaves Setubal, 359
-, his death, 437, 488.

-, Eitor de, 488.

-, John Rodriguez de, envoy of Don Antonio, writes to Leicester, 402
-, takes letter from Elizabeth to Don Antonio, 450
-, mentioned, 488
-, letter to, 489.

-, Lopo de, 488.

Southampton, 252.

Southcote, Mr., 457.

-, Hainault, Artois and Malcontents accept peace with, 5
-, troops of, near Brussels, 8, 9
-, Portuguese will not admit King of, 12
-, troops of, keep Bastien prisoner, 15
-, des Pruneaux has sufficient forces to drive out troops of, 22, passim
-, men of Antwerp fear to fall into hands of, 24
-, mentioned, 24, 26
-, Wotton goes through, 39
-, Artois, Hainault and Lille send deputies there, 41
-, mentioned, 46, 57, 58, 61, 62, 67, 72
-, designs of, 28
-, troops of, admitted by de Bours, 29
-, Louvain allied with, 31
-, army of, to go to Africa, 34, passim
-, tyranny of, preferable to that of France, 36
-, troops of, quitting places they held, 38
-, over-greatness of, to be feared, 39
-, mentioned, 40
-, troops of, to depart from Low Countries, 43
-, troops of, retiring from Louvain and Maestricht, 50
-, garrison of, in Maestricht, 52
-, mentioned, 57
-, troops of, leave Willebroek, 59
-, retire from Heusden, 60
-, companies levied by de Rieux to be employed against, 62
-, army of, embarked from Italy, 67
-, troops of, leave Mechlin, 68
-, mentioned, 69
-, cavalry of, at Turnhout, 76
-, army of, from Italy, going to Africa and Ireland, 77
-, troops of, near Antwerp, 78
-, mentioned, 81, attempting nothing, 83
-, Spanish horse spoil Eheren, 96
-, mentioned, 100, 106
-, Spaniards said to be leaving Flanders, 108
-, mentioned, 110, 111, 112
-, Spanish agent in France, 113, passim
-, England never received support from, 117
-, soldiers from, in Ireland, 122
-, merchants of, 125
-, agent of, 126
-, Spanish 'army' passes towards, 126
-, departure of Spaniards from Netherlands, 127
-, extract from Spanish letter, 128
-, Spaniards marching towards Lige, 129
-, mentioned, 132
-, Spaniards near the Meuse, 134
-, naval force fitting out in, 137
-, Spaniards at Luxembourg, 141
-, advancing on Oudenarde, 144
-, approaching Bouchain, 147
-, Spaniards ravaging country round Lige, 151
-, promises help to Irish, 153
-, mentioned, 155, 159, 162, 163, 172
-, forces of, in Italy, 164
-, Spaniards in Ireland, 168
-, troops of, will not return to Spain, 170
-, army being gathered in, 174
-, Cobham receives letters from, 176
-, mentioned, 178, 185
-, masque of, 189*
-, Portuguese will resist, 197
-, mentioned, 199
-, Spanish ambassador in Paris, 207, 208 (and see Tassis, Vargas)
-, Spanish preparations by sea, 213
-, mentioned, 218, 220, 222, 228, 230, 235, 236, 238
-, Spanish fleet off coast of Brittany, 239
-, soldiers in, 240
-, mentioned, 241, 252, 253, 255
-, ambassador of, at Constantinople, 257
-, news from French ambassador in, 263
-, army of, 264, 265, 266
-, mentioned, 267
-, Spanish bark, 270
-, examination of mariners of, 270
-, preparations for war in, 283
-, mentioned, 285
-, Spaniards defeated in Ireland, 295
-, mentioned, 300, 301, 303, 307, 310, 320, 325, 327*
-, army of, 333
-, news from, 336
-, merchants of, 351
-, treasurer of, with rebels near Tours, 357
-, Governors of Portugal help, 359
-, Spaniards help Malcontents, 360
-, no forces of, with Malcontents, 363
-, aid to be sent to Irish rebels from, 364
-, army of, 367
-, news from, 370, 373
-, conquering Portugal, 375
-, French Huguenots beg for ships to fight against, 393
-, Englishmen sent for into, 401
-, news from, 403
-, too powerful, 409
-, mentioned, 412, 413
-, news from, 424
-, ships of, sailing for Ireland, 428
-, mentioned, 432
-, proceedings of, against England, 434
-, Spanish money for England, 436
-, not likely to help Malcontents, 441
-, Earl of Westmoreland in, 454
-, Spaniards land in Ireland, 457
-, mentioned, 462, 463, 468, 469, 470
-, preparations of, against Ireland, 471, 474, 477
-, news from, 491, 494, 495, 500
-, illness in, 503
-, French ambassador in, 509
-, Spanish Malcontents, 514
-, Spaniards defeated in Ireland, 518
-, mentioned, 523
-, news from, 524
-, general view of, 533*
-, report of prisoners delivered from, and remaining in 'holy house' in, 534
-, Portugal to serve as barrier between England and, 538
-, Spanish troops near Bavay, 544.

Spain, Queen of. See Austria, Anne of.

-, King of. See Philip II.

-, agent of, at Paris. See Vargas.

-, -, in England. See Mendoza.

-, -, at Rome. See Olivares.

Spanish agent. See Vargas.

Spark, 227.

Speaks, , English Papist in Paris, 279.

Spencer, Mr, 83.

Spesie, Spetie. See Spezzia.

Spezzia, Spesie, La Espeque, 45, 132, 283.

-, Benedetto, 58, 76, 99, 229, 303, 360, 426, 429
-, departs for England, 484
-, his cause, 490
-, mentioned, 497, 528.

Spinola, Hannibal, 497.

-, Edward, 103
-, has audience of the King in Paris, 110
-, mentioned, 112, 113, 126, 131, 140, 148, 155
-, has audience of King in Paris, 157, 159, 160
-, mentioned, 162, 163, 196, 328
-, goes to Paris, 341, 343
-, mentioned, 346, 350, 351, 371, 374
-, his audience with the King, 386, 387
-, mentioned, 389, 395, 397
-, his charges for his journey to France, 398
-, mentioned, 415, 435
-, going to Monsieur, 465
-, speech to King of Navarre, 479
-, mentioned, 483, 494, 500, 502
-, visits Simier, 507
-, takes letter to Elizabeth from Queen Mother, 512
-, mentioned, 514, 515, 523, 545.

-, -, letters and dispatches from, 149, 337, 341, 357, 388, 406, 516.

-, -, letter to, 340.

Stallenger. See Saintleger.

Stamp, Thomas, priest, 401.

Stapleton, English Papist in Paris, 279.

Staveren Castle, 268, 490,

Steelyard, Stilliarde, Easterlings, the company of the Stilliard or Stedes of the Hanse, in London, liberty and privileges of, 251, 380.

Stenwyk, Steenwick, Stewnick, 467, 490, 496, 511, 529, 532.

'Stene', Baron of, 142.

Stephen Batory
-, King of Poland, makes war against the Muscovite, 51
-, marching towards Perno, 78
-, mentioned, 175, 217
-, peace between Emperor of Russia and, 289
-, defeated and slain by the Muscovite, 505.

Sterkey, Thomas, Alderman, spoiled by French pirates, 10.

Stevenson, Scottish archer, 148.

-, Stuart, Colonel William, at Brussels, 1, 5, 22
-, Scots to be replaced under, 55
-, mentioned, 287
-, in Vilvorde, 461, 462
-, chief of all the Scots, 529.

Stewkley, Stukeley, Sir Thomas, 336, 474.

Stilliard. See Steelyard.

Stillington, , of York, English Papist at Rouen, 279.

Stirling Castle, 274.

Stokes, Thomas, letters and dispatches from, 292, 379, 416, 428, 431, 471.

Stotzingen, 'Stotsenghien,' Herr von, steward to Archduke Maximilian, 323.

Straelen, Jan van den, 'Stralen,' 'Straelie,' 80, 151.

Strange, Mr. Roger, mentioned, 65.

-, 'Stronsborough,' 81, 85
-, men of, turn out Frenchmen and Protestants, 175
-, mentioned, 235, 247, 320, 380.

-, letters dated at, 164, 520.

Strasburg, Bishop of, 320.

-, Strozzy, Strosso, Straccie, Philippo, Colonel, 159, 168, 183, 252, 257, 300, 302, 394, 395, 397, 403, 405, 412, 432, 434, 443
-, takes French troops to help Portugal, 462, 494
-, mentioned, 509, 524.

-, Alexander, affected to d'Aubigny, 316
-, mentioned, 327*.

-, Esm, Seigneur d' Aubigny, Earl of Lennox, 'd Obeny,' goes to Dieppe, 44
-, too friendly with the King of Scots, 112
-, mentioned, 131-132
-, devoted to French King, 133
-, 'practices' King of Scots, 148, 153
-, mentioned, 162, 183, 252, 264
-, has got the keeping of Stirling Castle. 274
-, mentioned, 285, 299, 316, 325, 327, 327*, 392, 421, 432, 446
-, his success in Scotland, 447
-, mentioned, 449.

-, James, Earl of Murray, 523.

-, William, governor of Dumbarton, 447.

-, William, 66
-, his book translated into Italian, 73
-, mentioned, 92, 98.

Stukeley. See Stewkley.

-, John, Rector of Strasburg, letter to, 466
-, letter from, 520.

Subiaury, Pedro de, 504.

Sudgrave, , , Irish Papists in Paris, 279.

Suengfeldianism (Schwenkfeld ), 75.

Surein, M. de, sent to the King by Monsieur, 346.

Susarte de Fonseca, letter from, touching capture of Rogers, 459 (1).

Sussex, Earl of. See Radclyffe.

Sustera, plain of, 377.

-, Susarini, Augustino, writes to Cobham, 276
-, mentioned, 284, 370.

-, -, letter from, 276.

Suttello, Antonio, 395.

Sutherton, , English Papist in Paris, 279.

Sutton, John, spoiled by French pirates, 10.

Suyuenghen, M. See Halewyn.

Suzane, 'Susanna,' M. de, envoy from Prince of Cond, 301.

Suze, M. de, arrival in Provence, 28.

Swabia, Swevia, 380.

Swart Sluys, 529.

Sweden, Swedeland, Sweneland, Swetheland, 178, 213, 417.

-, King of. See John.

Sweveghem, Suyuenghem, M. de. See Halewyn.

-, King of France maintains league with, 35
-, Duke Casimir levies Swiss soldiers, 130, 132
-, Swiss guard with French King, 140
-, Swiss promised to Casimir, 247
-, M. Bellivre sent to, 252
-, French King levies soldiers in, 329
-, French King requires assistance of Swiss against Huguenots, 395, 413, 492
-, Cond in, 500
-, French Ambassador returns from, 509.

Swynborne, , English Papist in Paris, 279.

Swynerton, , of Staffordshire, English Papist in Paris, 279.

Swytz, Captain, 287.

Sybons, William, spoiled by French pirates, 10.

Sydcotts, , , two Jesuit scholars, 77.

-, James, Captain, Syda, Jacome Saides, letters from, 218, 220, 226
-, Captain of Ferrol writes to, 225
-, Regent of Corua writes to, 227.

-, -, endorsement by, 227.

Sylvio, Dr., 261.

Synesqui, Seduiche, Zedwitz (?), Captain, 287