Index: G

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 14, 1579-1580. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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'Index: G', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 14, 1579-1580, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1904), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: G', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 14, 1579-1580. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1904), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: G". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 14, 1579-1580. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1904), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Gabry, James, 135.

Gaeta, 'Gayetta,' 61, 132.

Gage, Mr., 401.

Gaillon, Gallion, Gallyon, King of France proposes to go there, 44, 373.

Gainsford, Captain, 134.

-, Spaniards carried away from, 40
-, mentioned, 57, 185, 240, 263, 265, 310, 318, 320, 488.

Gallio, Tolommeo, Cardinal of Como, writes to the Duke of Guise, 178, 181.

Gallion, Gallyon. See Gaillon.

-, Maximilien Vilain de, Seigneur de Rassenghien, governor of Lille, Douay, and Orchier, wrongly reported to be taken prisoner, 349
-, mentioned, 476.

Gap, 509.

Garche, Vicomte de la, 301.

Garcia, Coutinho, 488.

-, M. de la, regiment of admitted into Mechlin, 22
-, French soldiers to be replaced under, 55
-, recommended by Prince of Orange for good service, 55
-, mentioned, 287.

Gardener, John, letter from, 521.

Garonne, river, 403.

Garrett, Anthony, 10.

Garter, Order of the, 246.

Gascons, King of Navarre too easily stirred by, 346.

-, 457
-, castles in, ordered to be razed, 464.

Gascoyne, English Papist in Paris, 279.

Gat, M. du, 100.

Gates, —, English Papist at Rouen, 279.

Gauer, 151.

-, Baudouin de, Seigneur d'Inchy, Governor of Cambray, attacks Count Egmont, 60
-, agreement between M. de la Ferté and, 69
-, negotiation between Duke of Alençon and, 127
-, sends companies of horse to Bouchain, 147 (2)
-, mentioned, 204, 462
-, news from, 525
-, letters from, 147 (1), 544.

-, Charles de, Seigneur de Fresin, in danger, 3
-, imprisoned in Antwerp, 5.

Gawdy, —, English Protestant in Paris, 279.

Gaya, Castle of, 488.

Gayenta, Castellan of, quartermaster, 288.

-, amount paid by for soldiers, 287
-, mentioned, 476.

Gemblours, 5, 151.

-, taken under the protection of the King of France, 12, 34, 35
-, alliance with French King mentioned, 45
-, mentioned, 83.

'Genevoys', 45.

-, sickness in, 51
-, King of Spain takes, 110
-, mentioned, 283.

-, Doctor, bearer of letter from Jacques de Somere to Davison, 3
-, mentioned, 8, 144.

George Frederick
-, Duke of Brunswick, 217, 240
-, general of the Almaynes, 320
-, sends falcons to Elizabeth, 438.

-, -, letters and dispatches from, 438, 455.

George John, Duke of Lützelstein, letter from, 466.

-, Almains, Allmaynes, Tudescos, admitted into Bois-le-duc, 5
-, French King raises six regiments of, 24
-, in Maestricht, 52
-, two regiments of, to be broke, 52
-, German cavalry, 150
-, mentioned, 162, 168
-, German reiters, masque of, 172
-, mentioned, 178, 202, 236, 266, 283, 287, 291
-, help Malcontents, 360
-, in Spanish army, 367, 373, 462.

-, religion in, 56
-, mentioned, 100, 102, 142, 148, 150, 157
-, Princes of, mentioned, 170
-, Swedish King's sister in, 178
-, mentioned, 230, 231
-, princes of, 235
-, mentioned, 252, 264
-, princes of, 265
-, Condé in, 271, 272
-, nobles of, 289
-, letters from, 291
-, mentioned, 293, 296, 302
-, Condé goes to, 319, 320
-, Reformed Churches of, 324
-, news from, 327
-, French King sends for levies from 329
-, Condé leaves, 339, 340
-, French King intends to levy reiters in, 344
-, Condé unable to obtain reiters in, 346
-, Elizabeth to employ ministers in, 363
-, mentioned, 373, 394
-, news from, 395, 399
-, King of Navarre receives help from, 423
-, Princes of, 434
-, mentioned, 457, 461, 476
-, secretary from, in Paris, 482
-, mentioned, 494
-, Princes of, offer friendship to France, 509
-, mentioned, 514, 544.

Germigny, Jacques de, French ambassador at Constantinople, 257, 285.

Gévaudan, 335.

-, Count de Reulx' troops at, 76
-, mentioned, 127.

-, in a worse state than ever, 2, 7, 9
-, men of, defeated by the Malcontents, 15
-, mentioned, 16, 22, 24, 25, 31, 36, 38, 60
-, men of defeated, 25
-, send deputies to Bruges, 26
-, burn castle of Sottenghien and are defeated by the Malcontents, 26
-, promises help to Brussels, 29
-, Prince of Orange there, 41
-, Pacification of, 50
-, matters deliberated in council at, 55
-, quiet, 83
-, mentioned, 92, 100, 270, 282, 292, 293, 355
-, suggestions made by magistrates of, in the treaty of alliance with Duke of Anjou, 384
-, mentioned, 393, 399, 425, 426
-, pacification of, 454
-, mentioned, 484, 490, 525.

-, letters and dispatches dated at, 7, 43, 58, 144, 505.

Ghent, Viscount of. See Melun.

Giacetto. See Diaceto.

Gibraltar, 283.

Giele, M., 133.

Gien, 522.

Gifford, Mr., 401.

Gilbert, Sir Humfrey, demands of Spaniards against, 57.

Gille, Henry, English priest in Spain, 327*.

-, George, Secretary of Merchant Adventurers in Antwerp, commends himself to Davison, 24
-, mentioned, 66, 108, 111, 393, 427, 429, 462, 476, 498, 517.

-, letters and dispatches from, 30, 37, 81, 96, 100, 393, 426, 442, 454, 484, 490, 506, 511, 529, 532.

-, letters and dispatches to [? 84], 237, 313.

-, Giraldez, Francisco, Portuguese Ambassador at Paris, formerly in England, cipher from, 58
-, letters from, 136, 207, 203, 211
-, mentioned, 285, 295
-, King of France will not accept as ambassador, 430, 433
-, mentioned, 447
-, Mr. Waad visits, 468
-, becomes pensioner to King Philip, 492.

-, -, letters and dispatches from, 136.

Giram, Manuel, 488.

-, Pedro Lopez, 488.

Glanc, Aimé de, Seigneur de Cujie, 'Cugi', Protestant commander in Dauphine, 178.

Glasgow, archbishop of. See Beaton, James.

Glymes, Jacques de, governor of Nivelle, taken prisoner, 150, 151.

Gnoyffin, —, of Warwickshire, English Papist in Paris, 279.

Gobbins, —, English Papist in Paris, 279.

Gobillin, Gougillon, ? Goupillon, Antoine, French officer at Landrecies, 147.

Godfrey, —, English Papist in Paris. 279.

Goignies, Goigny, Antoine de, 'who lost the battle of Gemblours' set at liberty, 5.

Goldwell, Thomas, ex-Bishop of St. Asaph's, 351, 372.

Gomez, Guiomar, wife of Antonio Carlos, witness of alleged marriage of Don Antonio's parents, 53.

-, Albert de, Duke of Retz, Marshal, Queen Mother lodges at his house, 85
-, lodges Simier, 130
-, mentioned, 162, 239, 285, 301, 320, 327
-, dispatched to Savoy, 423, 432, 447
-, with Duke of Savoy, 515
-, mentioned, 522.

-, Gondy, Jerôme, Baron de Cordun, letters delivered by him, 4
-, receives orders from Henry III, 27
-, mentioned, 85, 110, 140, 170, 447.

Gonner, 183.

-, Armand de, Baron de Biron, Marshal of France, 159, 168, 178, 189, 200, 205, 252, 262, 267, 301
-, ordered to besiege Bazas 320
-, preparing for war in Languedoc, 327, 329
-, besieging Bazas, 351
-, resisting King of Navarre, 370, 373, 387
-, retires from la Fère, 403
-, King of Navarre successful against, 413, 423
-, takes Montmassier, 447
-, continues fighting, 482, 494
-, mentioned, 500, 522, 525.

-, Ottavio, thought to be about to attack Brussels, 22
-, writes about an exchange, 25.

-, Louis de, Duke of Nevers, 140
-, quarrel between Duke of Montpensier and, 284, 285, 298, 302, 320
-, King visits, 347
-, at Mêzièrs, 327*
-, goes to Piedmont, 403
-, quarrel with Duke of Montpensier, 413
-, at Liêge, 423
-, mentioned, 434.

Goodeaar, Adrian, 270.

Goodgin, —, English Papist in Paris, 279.

Goodriche, English Papist in Paris, 279.

Goodwin, —, English Papist in Paris, 279.

Gordon, George, Earl of Huntley, 316.

Gorge, Nicholas, 477.

-, Sir William, 477.

Gossadge, —, English Papist in Paris, 279.

Gosson, Anthony, Seigneur de Wavrin, letter to Davison signed by him, 41.

-, -, letters from, 281, 297.

-, François, Seigneur de Crèvecœur, Governor of Picardy, 278
-, besieging la Fère, 386
-, placed in command of la Fère, 432.

-, Henri, Seigneur de Bonnivet, son to the above, envoy to Ghent, 7.

Gourdan, Captain, of Calais, 182, 189*, 336.

-, -, letters to, 136, 188.

Gourdes, M. de, Treasurer of Guyenne, 320.

Gouvernet, — de, 178, 285.

-, Jacques de, Sieur de Matignon, Marshal, receives command to repair into Champagne, 62
-, countermanded, 67
-, mentioned, 107, 142
-, to besiege la Fère, 329, 341, 351, 358
-, at la Fère, 386, 395
-, expected at court, 432
-, 'recovered,' 464
-, 'misliked' by the 'Italians,' 500.

Granada, 283.

Grandmont, M. de, 395.

-, consultation there between Count Lalaing, Montigny, Egmont and Hèze, 5.

Grand Prévost. See Plessis.

-, François de la, Sieur de Montigny, letter from (?), to Poulet, 183
-, quarrel with Fleurac, 509.

Granvelle, Grandvel, Cardinal. See Perrenot.

Gratiane, 300.

Gravelines, 147.

Graye, —, 316.

Greenfield, —, English Papist in Paris, 279.

Greenwich, 163.

-, letters and dispatches dated at, 70, 89, 99.

Gregory I, Papa Gregorius Primus, Magnus, 185.

Gregory XIII
-, (Hugh Buoncompagno), Pope, gives John Pond permission to visit Holy Sepulchre, 13
-, will help the King of Spain to take the Crown of Portugal, 39
-, Italian forces go to Ireland as from him, 46
-, empowers King of Portugal to decide on illegitimacy of Don Antonio, 53
-, King of Portugal gets a Bull from, 54
-, aids Irish, 77
-, mentioned, 114
-, enemy of England, 117
-, mentioned, 128
-, league between King Philip, Duke of Tuscany and, 131
-, news of his death, 146
-, mentioned, 163, 168, 170
-, ambassador from, in Paris, 172
-, mentioned, 175, 178, 185, 190, 218
-, Dom Duarte procures Bull from, 222
-, mentioned, 225, 226, 228, 235, 236
-, his army, 240
-, mentioned, 241, 252, 255, 263, 264, 285, 295
-, his legate in Paris, 300
-, his indulgence towards Portugal, 301
-, mentioned, 306, 307, 310, 325, 336, 351
-, secretary of, with rebels near Tours, 357
-, partial proceedings of, towards King Philip, 358
-, his legate at Santarem, 359
-, Prince of Orange professes religion against, 360
-, confederacy of King Philip and against England, 364
-, mentioned, 368, 372, 373, 395, 411, 414, 419, 428, 431
-, helps Duke of Maine against Protestants, 434
-, helps Spanish King, 443
-, mentioned, 447, 449, 454, 457
-, preparing against England, 471
-, mentioned, 474
-, 'great enemy of all honest people in the world.' 479
-, mentioned, 483, 492, 500, 502, 516, 523, 533.

-, letter from, 179.

Gregory, Robert, spoiled by French pirates, 10.

Greite, 476.

Grémian, Gresmayn, Captain, 178.

-, Queen Mother there, 27, 44
-, conference between Queen Mother and Duke of Savoy, 32, 45
-, Bellegarde refuses to meet Queen Mother there, 32
-, new chamber to judge causes of religion, 116, 335
-, mentioned, 500, 515.

Grey, Arthur, Lord Grey de Wilton, 430.

Greysley, —, of Staffordshire, English Papist in Paris, 279.

Grillon, M. de. See Barton.

Grimberg, abbey of, La Noue encamped in, 76.

Grobbendonck, Baron de. See Schetz, Caspar.

-, Gérard de, Prince-Bishop and Cardinal of Liége, ordered by Prince of Parma to pay half the cost of the siege of Maestricht, and is taken ill, 52
-, his country ravaged by Spaniards, 151
-, his troops, 154.

Grolle, Captain, 287.

-, Groening, Groeningerland, 217, 246, 268, 281, 282
-, amount paid by, for soldiers, 287
-, mentioned, 289, 332, 394, 426, 476, 521.

Groyne, the (Coruña), 257, 310, 336, 364, 452.

Guadagne, Jean-Baptiste de, the Abate di Guadagna, 168.

-, river, 185, 228, 236
-, Our Lady of, 240, 252, 255
-, King Philip at, 320
-, mentioned, 488, 491.

-, letter dated at, 258.

Guarda, Bishop of, 359, 437, 488.

-, 5
-, fighting in, 15
-, people of agree to the pacification of Ghent, 24
-, revolt of towns in, 31
-, mentioned, 50
-, will put off paying for the war, 76
-, 'mined' with garrisons, 111
-, mentioned, 141, 150, 293, 383, 393, 461
-, enemy makes progress in, 473.

Guergny, M. de, 28.

Guernsey, 252.

Guiche, Philibert de la, master of artillery, 327.

-, 157, 159, 178, 183, 301, 302
-, Protestants in, 320
-, mentioned, 387, 395, 412, 434, 508, 509, 544.

Guimaraens, submits to Don Antonio, 488.

Guinea, 412, 499.

Guipuzcoa, King of Spain writes to officials of, 258.

-, Guisiane, the, to aid Count Egmont, 5
-, mentioned, 432
-, offer their service to Monsieur, 525.

-, House of, Bellegarde said to be of the faction of, 28
-, Queen of Scots related to, 117
-, possible marriage of King of Scots with lady of, 131, 132
-, mentioned, 164, 178, 247, 285, 395, 477.

Guise, Cardinal de. See Lorraine, Louis de.

-, Duke of. See Lorraine.

-, Duchess of. See Cleves, Catherine of.

Guitry. See Chaumont, Jean de.

Güstrow, Gustrar, Elector of Saxony meets King of Denmark and Duke of Mecklenburg at, 56.

Guzman, Captain Don Pedro, killed before Maestricht, 20.

Guzman y Zuñiga
-, Antonio de, Marquis of Ayamonte, Governor of Milan, 185, 264
-, his death, 285.

-, Alfonso Perez de, Duke of Medina Sidonia, 210, 222, 320, at Ayamonte, 375
-, to be Governor of Milan, 515.

Gyfford, —, —, of Staffordshire, English Papists in Reims, 279.

Gylbarte, Mr., 401.

'Gytry', M. de la. See Chaumont.