Elizabeth: December 1580, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 14, 1579-1580. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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'Elizabeth: December 1580, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 14, 1579-1580, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1904), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol14/pp508-520 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: December 1580, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 14, 1579-1580. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1904), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol14/pp508-520.

"Elizabeth: December 1580, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 14, 1579-1580. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1904), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol14/pp508-520.

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December 1580, 11-20

Dec. 11. 511. GILPIN to WALSINGHAM.
The Commissioners for Brabant departed last Thursday towards Holland, and having the day before conferred with M. Scheurmans, who was one of those that went for this town, 'did promise me' he would deal very earnestly in the cause of Signor Pallavicino. Since I received your letter, and according to commission having got leave of Mr Governor, who at your desire was most ready to conform himself thereafter, I resolve to depart towards Holland about the middle of next week, to which end I am settling my business in good order with all the endeavour I can, and have given M. Junius and Ymans knowledge thereof. They promise their earnest letters to the Commissioners ; as also to those of Flanders. Though my provision towards charges is not very plenty, I would not be in default to accomplish my duty, for all I have is ready at all times and my body if need require, to do you acceptable service. The news of Ireland were no less joyful than welcome amongst all good patriots, wishing they could once come forward to make such good wars, thereby to ease their troubles, which multiply daily. If I might, by your order, hear during my stay in Holland what passes in Ireland or at home, it would not only be a means to procure the understanding of what these parts yield, but also greatly pleasure his Excellency and those of Holland, who will not a little rejoice to hear of the Irish overthrow. I will leave orders with my man for the conveyance of letters from you or for you during my absence. From Friesland no particulars are heard, only that the States' men are gone to the rescue of Steenwick, a place of small importance, but worthy to be cared for, for the valour of those who defend it. The Englishmen have done great service ever since their being there, with small loss of their side ; having plagued the Duke of Cleves' country for favouring the enemy. Mr Norris is said to have taken one of the Duke's chief men, called his 'overste Marschalke,' and will not release him till Mr Rogers is set at liberty. The States from all sides, and united provinces, are together in Holland, and begin to treat of their affairs. Here there is now no more meeting of any of them, nor yet of Brabant ; but the late new Council erected to direct the business of this province is established, and meets daily. They have since their entry, to begin good orders seized upon all suspected receivers, treasurers, and paymasters ; calling them to account for their dealing since these troubles, and the States Government. The Court of Chancery, which has this good while been kept here, must depart to Brussels, as the chief place of wonted residence. The camp of the four Members of Flanders that was lately gathered there lies before Alost. They are minded to 'lay battery' before it, having taken two or three strong houses which the enemy had seized not far from 'Dermondt,' to the great annoyance of that town. The Flanders Malcontents lie round Cambray, distressing the town greatly, so that if the French do not make haste, there is no doubt of danger of that place. There has been great talk here of the King of Spain's death ; and reported for certain that in all towns which the Malcontents hold, prayers and processions were made for his health. Monsieur is said to be on his journey hither ; the peace concluded and proclaimed ; and the King of Navarre's forces to make for these countries. But the greater sort believe nothing less. We hear here that Don Antonio has had an overthrow, but not wholly discomfited, nor yet 'Port Port' lost, as was reported. The Hollanders as yet, it is said, will not hearken to the coming of Monsieur, though they can abide to hear of his help and suffer Flanders and Brabant to accept it.—Antwerp, 11 Dec. 1580. Add. Endd. 2 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XIII. 79.]
Dec. 11.
[Lettres de C. de M. vii. 299.]
I would not let this bearer Mr Stafford return without this word merely in order to refresh your memory of the best sister and surest friend that ever you will have, and who desires to be by all means continued in your favour, and to see the friendship between us closely confirmed and increased. Every time that I see a need for putting off the effect so desired by me, I cannot help regretting it as much as if it shortened [? ambregayt] my life ; and it would be a great displeasure to end it before I can have the happiness of calling you daughter instead of sister. Now that the commissioners are going to you, let me entreat that nothing may turn you aside from making such a prompt and good conclusion that before I die I may see you the mother of a fair son, and have the greatest joy I could desire in this world.—Blois, 11 Dec. 1580. Holograph. Add. Fr. 1 p. [France IV. 186.]
Dec. 12. 513. COBHAM to the QUEEN.
The king commanded MM. Chiverny, Villequier, and Secretary Pinart to enter into conference with me, appointing the place in a garden beside the Court, where to-day I met those personages. Our conference tended to this effect : that the king determined to 'able' Monsieur, if you would favour him likewise with your means, to be the person who might oppose himself to the Spanish ambition. This should be done by sundry attempts, as their 'tempting and tasting' speeches showed. I have enlarged on this conference to the Secretaries. Your Majesty will I suppose be advertised of it by M. Mauvissière, for I understand the king has ordered what passed to be signified to him. The king has given order that Marshal de Cossé and the Count of Soissons should come to Court, to 'prepare themselves towards' England. The Queen Mother says now peace is made in France, she hopes no further mischances will happen, but that they may enjoy their wishes, and this long desired alliance.—Blois, 12 Dec. 1580. Add. and endt. gone. 1 p. [France IV. 187.]
Dec. 12. 514. COBHAM to [the SECRETARIES].
On Sunday the 11th inst. Mr Secretary Pinart came to tell me that the king had assigned M. Chiverny, M. Villequier, and himself to confer with me, appointing a place of meeting in the king's garden apart from the Court. I repaired there to-day at 7 o'clock. After I had walked there some time they came together towards me ; when, after salutations, M. Chiverny showed me that his Majesty had commanded that they should spend some time in treating of the affairs concerning the king and the queen my Sovereign. On entering the room prepared, M. Chiverny said they would impart to me the good news his Majesty had that instant received, how the point of difficulty for the exchange of Réolle was 'accorded on,' the king of Navarre being pleased to take Montségur and Puymori (Puymirol). I assured him the Queen would receive it as great good news, knowing it to be a matter which the king seemed to have found very convenient for his state, and would also conceive it to be an advancement of Monsieur's honour and dignity, which she desired. Being set down to enter into conference, M. Chiverny said that the king desired not only to continue the amity and treaties made heretofore by their predecessors, but further coveted exceedingly to have a more entire intelligence and mutual benevolence to pass between them than hitherto had been ; for the present estate for divers reasons so required, and he also supposed the Queen would find it good, considering the time. Therefore they were sent to understand of me if her Majesty had the like will. If she had, would I declare to them what she required to be added to former treaties, either for the increase of the amity and strengthening of their Majesties, or the better assurance of the traffic, which he thought had not had so free course as was meant by the last treaty, since divers of her Majesty's subjects had complained, and likewise many of the king's subjects on the sea-coast lamented on the injuries done them by depredations. So the king had commanded them to do all things necessary for the satisfaction of the Queen, not doubting but that she would do the like. Whereon I said that as I understood from M. Pinart it had pleased the king to command me to repair to that place, perceiving how I might conceive good hope that his pleasure is to mean well to my sovereign ; considering he had appointed three such persons as M. Chiverny, who for his knowledge of the laws and experience in the government and ordinances of this realm had the honour to be Keeper of his Seal ; as also M. Villequier, whose worthiness had made the king use him as a most private servant, having employed his counsel in his greatest affairs, being entrusted with the government of his chief city, and the Isle of France ; and M. Pinart, one of his chief Secretaries of State, managing the affairs not only of a good part of this realm, but of regions adjacent. So that for wise consideration of matters of importance, his Majesty could not have made greater choice ; which may also move the Queen to think that he now intends thoroughly to go forward in this treaty ; as it has pleased him of late, both by messages delivered by M. Mauvissière, as also by speeches uttered to me of great show of goodwill, for further entrance into straiter amity with her ; which is confirmed by the present relation of M. Chiverny. In return for this I lately delivered to his Majesty at Olinville my sovereign's entire thanks, assuring him that she not only accepts in singular good part his offer of friendship, but also binds herself in honour to shew 'gratuity' in deeds. Further, whereas the king has signified, both by his ambassador and by me, that he thought it convenient both for the better satisfaction of his own mind, respect to his commonwealth and country, and the good consideration he has for the repose in which her Majesty has so long governed, that they should enter into mutual consideration how they might by due means oppose the greatness of the Spanish King. Which purpose the Queen has not only liked, but has commanded me to confer either with his Majesty or with such as he shall appoint to deliberate on affairs to that end. M. Villequier then said that the king not only meant to enter into amity with the Queen more particularly than with any other prince, but also had commanded them to deal as frankly with me as if I were a natural Frenchman, being disposed to satisfy the Queen in anything for the better defence of her states if occasion required. Then M. Pinart. seeing me silent after those speeches, said there were certain points in the last treaty which had not been hitherto fully accomplished ; as the point to have two 'Estaples,' one at Rouen, the other at London, for the English and French merchants, which would be a good means for the quiet and commodious traffic of both nations. Likewise there had been certain 'notes of order' devised (which I delivered from her Majesty) which were considered by the king and his Council, and something added thereto by M. de Meilleraye, which being sent to England were never returned. The putting in use of these might serve the quiet trafficking of the subjects of both nations. In this, or anything else which might be thought convenient, the king had commanded them to declare to me his willingness, if I should move any matter. I told M. Pinart that for the two staples, it was a thing with which I was not acquainted, being a treaty of 1572, and not considered since my entry into this service. I answered the point in this sort, because I had understood in England and perceived by conference with English merchants here, since my coming, that to have a staple at Rouen would be very prejudicial and dangerous to the Queen's subjects. To the other point, concerning the articles of piracy and depredations, I showed that the Queen having ordered the matter by the advice of her Council, commanded those articles to be sent to me, and I delivered them to the king. They were afterwards considered by the Court, but what effect they have since taken, I have not heard. But M. Pinart not being satisfied with this, wished (according to the conference he had with me concerning the increase, altering, or mending of the contract made in 1572, or for matter of offence or defence which might be for the benefit of both realms and contentment of the Queen), that I would propound, and they were ready to hearken and take order therein. On this M. Villequier said the point of offence or defence was chiefly to be considered as a cause of great moment ; forasmuch as the Spanish king had already sent forces into Ireland, which country, though it belonged to her Majesty, the king had 'in recommendation,' as all other her states. Besides, how far his ambition in time might stretch, the king thought it good in policy to be provident. Wherefore if it seemed good that either succour might be sent thither, or forces employed elsewhere to withdraw the Spanish king from those enterprises, 'if I would declare the same, they meant to consider thereon with me.' On my remaining silent after these speeches, M. Chiverny took occasion to say that the employing of forces toward the frontiers of Italy or some such place might move King Philip to withdraw his enterprise in Ireland and his forcible manner of proceeding in Portugal. M. Pinart added that an occasion might now be taken hold of for the king to deal underhand in favour of Monsieur, if the Queen would join him ; 'upon that' the Albanese and Spanish Malcontents had 'distressed' certain of Monsieur's companies. Villequier said it was a very good occasion for the king to help his brother underhand, if the Queen would 'do for' him. Chiverny gave as an example that when Charles V made war against the Protestant princes in Germany, the king's father helped the Landgrave and other princes with the sum of 100,000 crowns and other favours, that they withstood the malice of the Emperor. To which I replied that the Queen would very well like anything to be done for the advancement of Monsieur's honour, or to content him ; but it might seem to them, as men of judgement and experience, that it was necessary for them of the Low Countries to be of confederacy with the king, or if he intended anything in Italy, it was no less convenient to be known what assurance of amity he had in those parts. Upon knowledge of this the Queen might assist him with such intelligence as she has there ; otherwise the King of Spain would 'prevail' himself over them, and make the enterprise more dangerous to this king. Villequier took occasion to say that it was not honourable for the king and the Queen to have them of the Low Countries, being another prince's subjects, to join in confederacy with them, nor 'were it much pertinent to have any other of those mean princes' of Italy or Germany made privy to the treaty. It would suffice if the king's and Queen's power were united, having the person of Monsieur as the enterpriser, maintained and backed by them ; notwithstanding he should be so restrained that he might not make any further enterprise than to both their Majesties should seem good. "This," said Villequier, "is the matter and person whereon we may take the best subject for this treaty, as a ready means to impeach the greatness of the King of Spain." They wished me therefore to make no further difficulty, but to 'utter myself' so far as I had commission, as they had done for their parts. For, M. Pinart said, matters are now so passed, that there is great intelligence and sincere love between the king and Monsieur. Besides other good demonstrations, Monsieur's late travails for effecting the peace have stirred up and confirmed the king's good will towards him so far that he esteems him his good brother, friend, and son ; purposing to favour him in his actions, if the Queen will join therein, as they hope. To this speech of M. Pinart's I replied that the Queen had sufficiently testified her good will and 'gratuity' towards his Highness, and now would be most glad to understand the king's affection to be so entirely settled on him ; which being signified to her, it is very likely she would willingly resolve to accompany or assist Monsieur above any other prince in Christendom, the rather when she understands that by the mouths of such confident ministers it is declared that the king is bent to advance his enterprises with all his means and forces. 'Wherewith pausing,' M. Villequier said he thought the present occasion was to be taken, and no time to be deferred ; saying that though our meeting would be cloaked, yet men of judgement would penetrate into the consideration of it. And since the peace was now concluded, the king having armed men in readiness, and the season of the year approaching, the sooner the resolution were had, the better provision for the 'effectuing' would with like speed be put in readiness. M. Pinart further said, he doubted the Queen continued in the opinion she was wont to show, that she mistrusted there was some assured association and secret intelligence between the King of Spain and his Majesty. I answered that what her opinion therein was, I had not heard ; but it might appear that other princes deemed so much, as the king perhaps may find by their manner of negotiation with him. But when given clearly to understand the contrary by his frank proceeding against his only competitor, King Philip, it was likely that other princes, both Protestants and Catholics, would declare themselves his friends in better manner than perhaps hitherto has been discovered. Therefore it were pity that a prince of magnanimity should seek by dissimulation to compass his affairs ; but rather with valour and courage in a just cause to [sic] make himself known. Whereon M. Chiverny said that the king determined to show himself as they had clearly dealt with me ; so to spend any further time were but labour lost. He wished me to utter my opinion in the causes they had propounded. I said that it had pleased the king to make good demonstrations to the Queen of his desire to enter into further amity ; but how particularly, or in such sort as had now been discovered, I suppose she had not been made privy to. So I could not be so fully instructed as to her commands, to satisfy them as they required at that instant. The chief 'purposes' in which it pleased the King and Queen Mother to confer with me lately, were for the succouring of the Portuguese, in which matter my sovereign is ready to join him, and accomplish her part. Then M. Pinart said, the cause of Portugal, if Monsieur were helped by the Queen with money and shipping, would be a good ground on which his Highness might take occasion to enter into further actions ; though they doubted that, matters being so far altered since my conference with Queen Mother, it were to be considered whether the aid would profit them or not. Howbeit they would tell the king what had passed, and as occasion served, I should hear his further dispositions. I have thought good thus with all the circumstances to dilate the conference I had, in order that it may be the more clearly 'induced' and discerned by her Majesty and yourselves, whether they seek hereby to discover her mind, or would be content to make overture of their 'pretended' actions, which as yet seem to me to remain doubtful. Please let me understand her Majesty's mind as to acceptance of them, for my case is earnestly bent to satisfy the charge committed to me, so that she may be satisfied in every respect ; as also what further answer she thinks may be made to the proposition for joining with the king in aiding Monsieur in the aforesaid intended enterprises. As to what has passed in deliberation of framing the peace, and the end it is drawn to, it seems to me that Mr Stafford is well instructed. Of the defeat that has been given beside Cambray to M. Balagny's and other companies belonging to his Highness, Mr Stafford has been advertised by M. Marchaumont and otherwise. There seems to be an opinion here that the troubles of Ireland will be continued and nourished by the Spanish King. Of this M. Pinart says her Majesty has long been advertised ; as also that there are in her own realm certain 'indisposed' persons, pensioners to King Philip, who have also been heretofore signified to her. It is written from Scotland, I know not how truly, that Sir James Balfour is at that Court ; and that Earl Morton and the Douglases are 'persons disgraced,' having retired to the borders of England.— Blois, 12 Dec. 1580. P.S.—Before the making up of this, M. Pinart came to me, telling me that Chiverny, Villequier, and he, having been with the king, declared to him the effect of our conference ; wherein he had already signified the same to his ambassador M. de Mauvissière word by word as it passed. The king wished me likewise to signify it to the Queen. Whereby I conjecture they are dissatisfied that I had not larger powers to confer with them in more ample sort. Endd. by L. Tomson. 6½ pp. [France IV. 188.]
Dec. 13. 515. COBHAM to [? WALSINGHAM].
I thank your honour for the good news of the happy success in Ireland, of which I advertised M. Pinart and M. Marchaumont. It shall be distributed among the rest of the ambassadors 'this next day.' Now that peace is concluded, M. de Lancôme is come from Montagut, and the Duke 'di Mena,' the Admiral of France, has put his troops into garrison in the towns of Dauphiné, himself remaining at Grenoble. The Count 'Mounta Reall' is passing through Lorraine 'accomplishing with' that Duke ; whence he takes his journey towards her Majesty's Court with the robes and order of the Garter sent from the young Duke of Savoy, with whom Marshal de Retz still remains, treating of the marriage with the Princess of Lorraine, and to get a French party in that Court. They of Rochelle have taken a Portuguese ship laden with sugars. The king has written for the release of it, because Don Antonio's ambassador has written to him of it. I refer the declaration of the king's health to Mr Stafford, who well marked him. The Queen Mother since her coming here, has sermons on Sundays in her own chamber. The king gives out that after 'Nuyerstide' he will go to Paris. The King of Spain has given Cardinal Riario, late legate in Spain, 5,000 crowns a year pension out of the bishopric of Seville. The Nuncio Monsignor Suoto (?) is dead in Spain. Duke Medina Sidonia goes to be governor of Milan. Count Olivares is expected at Rome as ambassador of the Catholic king.—Blois, 13 Dec. 1580. I have received the cipher. Add. and endt. gone. 1½ pp. [France IV. 189.]
I have sent you the articles as they are now fully agreed upon, and Villeroy is in a day or two to go to Monsieur to have the peace published. Marshal Cossé comes to the Court tonight or tomorrow, and the king according to Monsieur's earnest request means to dispatch him shortly as may be. He means to send the Prince of Condé's youngest brother, because the Cardinal of Bourbon bawls still after him that he will undo the other, that the Pope threatens wonders if he go this journey against him. He says he will send him with such company that her Majesty shall have cause to like him. Pardon me though I scribble this in haste, as 'John Fourrier' passed. I hope to be home almost as soon as he, though I was never so 'tayled' with so long a journey, so vile weather, and worse ways.—Paris, 15 Dec. 1580. Add. ½ p. [France IV. 190.]
I thank you for your courteous letter of the 3rd inst. finding therein matter of comfort to refresh me as it were in the midst of the trouble here. The enclosed I received lately from Embden, and thought good to send you, as it touches on the proceedings of the Hanse. It seems also that Count Edzard of Embden mislikes that her Majesty's last letter was first delivered to his younger brother. We have of late found great courtesy at his hands, and he is in a manner the only man that can of himself benefit her Majesty's subjects on this side the seas, having in effect the absolute government of East Friesland, though in name his brother is conjoined with him. Wherefore I beseech you that his good liking towards our Company there may by all means be so entertained and nourished that they may still feel its continuance in him. The messenger sent to her Majesty from the King of Denmark is still in this town on his return homewards. He makes a very good report of her here, greatly commending the order of her Court and manner of government, which we who are subjects cannot but rejoice to hear. Touching Mr Alderman Martin's cause, I find our Company very willing to do what they can at your request, so far as his admission do not turn to their prejudice in opening the way for others to come in. In my next I trust to advertise you more at large. Yesterday Mr Gilpin departed for Holland, according to your order. In this town the people are so discouraged, partly with the long dalliance of the French, partly with the departure of the Prince of Orange, and partly with the good success of the Malcontents, that I am in doubt we shall be forced ere long to retire into Holland or some other part for our better security ; the trade of this place waxing daily less and less, and the danger increasing 'by heaps.' It is advertised from Italy that the great Turk has lately received a great overthrow from the Persian ; his eldest son being slain in the battle and himself very sick and in great peril of life.— Antwerp, 17 Dec. 1580. Add. ("per me, Wm. Paige post mr"). Endd. by Walsingham. 1 p. [Holl. and Fl. XIII. 80.]
I received here at London on the 8th inst. your letter from the Castle of Tournay, dated the 2nd ult. From it I learned, very late, that you had wished one Robert Dennis appointed my lieutenant in place of him who lately, to my great regret, was killed. Having heard of his death soon after it took place, I did not like to be idle in providing another to supply the place of the late lieutenant ; and on consideration I assigned his post to my ancient, a person who has deserved well, and to whom by right of our discipline the place belonged. Nevertheless I am infinitely vexed that your letter arrived at a time when my power had been transferred to another ; for I beg you to believe that the chief thing at which I aim is to comply with and obey you in all things. To this end I will shortly send you a reinforcement of 400 English soldiers, hoping further, by your favour, to have the means of forming two ensigns more in the Tournay district, to serve, if you think well, under your government and not elsewhere. Please let me know speedily if this is agreeable to you. You will also be glad to hear about our rebels, how the Spaniards who had drawn up (pris fil) in Ireland are defeated, their fort razed, and all slain ; their commander only and 18 of the chief men spared, and brought here to be examined more fully ; with the discomfiture of the other rebels.—London, 17 Dec. 1580. Draft. Endd. : To the Pr. of Pynoys from Colonel Morgan. Fr. 1 p. [Holl. and Fl. XIII. 81.]
Dec. 19. 519. COBHAM to [? WALSINGHAM].
There were delivered by my order at Paris to Sir Jerome Bowes, 100 crowns first, and now upon receipt of my money from England, I gave order to John Touper that Raymundo Raymundi should deliver him 220 crowns in full satisfaction of the £100 which you had commanded me to deliver me (sic) after that rate and in the same sort as I had received it from England. For whereas my servant Adams had delivered to Corsini in London, the 24th of last November, £300, I received from Raymundo 'after 10 days' sight' 947 crowns, and in that sort I would have served Sir Jerome. But Mr Wade writes to me he refuses to allow any interest. For my part I seek for none, but have the money delivered to him as it is to myself ; having dispersed my money so long 'a freehand,' and yet to this day I cannot recover but £400. I 'wished' that Sir Jerome had been satisfied of my well meaning. I refer the ordering of the matter to you wishing it might content him to respect me, and 'injury' me no further than is meant on my part, or shown in words or deeds. I sent the letter to Raymundo by John Touper, and a quittance, but nothing accepted. What you further command, I shall accomplish.—Blois, 19 Dec. 1580. Add. and endt. gone. 1 p. [France IV. 191.]
Dec. 19. 520. STURMIUS to BURGHLEY.
In view of her Majesty's new order that no pensions are to be given to foreigners, Jeremias Nonius defends himself by the Queen's paper that what has been promised him is a reward for services rendered. Even if he had not this defence, I think I have a just ground for interceding ; not that he asks me to do so, but because I think he is a person whom it is useful and honourable to the Queen and the English realm to benefit. Neither your distinguished occupations nor your foresight and judgement make it desirable for me to say more. But I thought I ought to write this, that I may intercede and you may consider what is fitting for the Queen and her realm—truth in regard to promises. If this does not avail, at least let my intercession be of some avail with one so excellent as yourself.—Strasburg, 19 Dec. 1580. Add. Endd. Lat. 1 p. [Germ. States II. 9.]
By your letter to the 'generalty' of the 10th inst. was 'touched' the receipt of a letter from one Anthony Knevytt and his fellow prisoners at Groningen, English gentlemen, 3 in number, as they write, servants to Daniel Rogers, with whom they were taken ; also of our letters written to the Senate of Groningen for their release, and sent by an express messenger at our charges, with our letters to the prisoners, concluding that if their release were not obtained by the lords of Groningen, and they directing their letters to their friends in England, would send them to us here, we would see them conveyed. Since which the messenger having returned, brought us answer from the Senate, that inasmuch as they were the king's prisoners and not under their power they could not, though they would willingly if it lay in them, consent to their release. Likewise by another letter from the Englishmen, it is by Knevett and the rest (not without some quips) again required that we would send them money to meet their expenses, which already, as we hear, are above 100 dollars, and likewise become surety for their expenses hereafter, and for their liberty, 'as true prisoners not to start away.' But as it seems they are not willing to write to their friends in England for money ; as by their last letter, taking themselves for persons sufficient to repay us. Wherefore, inasmuch they are unknown to us, and much doubted to be the persons by them given out, which is, that Knevytt is a worshipful gentleman, the second, one of Mr. Daniel Rogers's brothers, 'yea, so much the more' because the third man in Knevytt's first writing is now found to be of Groningen town, no Englishman, as also that the company have been heretofore cozened by suchlike persons, and money has been disbursed for gentlemen which is not hitherto repaid, we have as yet 'desisted' either to send them money, or to enter into suretyship. I therefore thought good to write, that having your and the company's opinions we may so deal with them as their persons and necessities shall be thought to deserve.— Embden, 20 Dec. 1580. Add. (seal). Endd. : M. (sic) of a letter to Mr Hoddesdon from Embden. 1¼ pp. [Holl. and Fl. XIII. 82.]
Dec. 20. 522. COBHAM to [? WALSINGHAM].
I send herewith copies of two French letters, beseeching you to let me know your opinion of them, whether they seem to be true copies, or framed as these intelligencers will devise to procure money. In my judgement they are to be suspected, because in one place it is said there was a conference had with the Cardinal of Ferrara in Rome in November, whereas he has not been there since September ; besides, there are other parts which are not 'perfect and to be weighed.' According as I am advised by you, I will proceed with the party. M. la Fin is come to this Court, having negotiated earnestly with their Majesties for support towards the maintenance of his Highness's pretence in the Low Countries ; which message, as I hear, proceeded upon request made by the Flemish Commissioners who are returning. La Fin has reported to their Majesties the compliments and affairs he passed with the Duke of Savoy and them of Saluces, with which the King seems well satisfied, and likes that Monsieur may be mediator for the appeasing of all those matters. Meantime letters are now come reporting that the castle of Carmagnola is restored to the king upon the entreaty of Marshall de Retz. Today Marshal de Cossé comes to this town, and M. Marchemont is departed to meet him this morning passing forward towards Gien. He is sent for by his Highness, it is supposed to receive his instructions to deal with the Queen. The king has declared his mind to M. Marchaumont, that he is of opinion this alliance and amity with the Queen should first be compassed and finished before any further progress is shown towards Flanders or elsewhere ; doubting otherwise how the Queen will suffer any invasion or hostility to be employed that way unless her consent and advice be obtained and joined with theirs. The king promises his brother to send such commissioners as he will like, to further the matter of his marriage so far as he may. With this dispatch M. Marchaumont is departed, and la Fin returns this week likewise. Fervacques is come to 'Towers' with Monsieur's commission to be his lieutenant-general in Flanders. He is accompanied by Count Montgoméry. It is doubted how Rochepot and Balagny will be contented to be commanded by him. Biron's troops have skirmished with some of the King of Navarre's, whereon Monsieur has taken strait order.—Blois, 20 Dec. 1580. P.S.—It has pleased Sir Jerome to receive the rest of the money, as Mr. Wade writes from Paris. Add. and endt. gone. 1½ pp. [France IV. 192.]