Elizabeth: July 1580, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 14, 1579-1580. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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'Elizabeth: July 1580, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 14, 1579-1580, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1904), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol14/pp352-359 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: July 1580, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 14, 1579-1580. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1904), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol14/pp352-359.

"Elizabeth: July 1580, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 14, 1579-1580. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1904), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol14/pp352-359.

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July 1580, 11-20

July 11. 366. WALSINGHAM to COBHAM.
Since making up my packet, I have received the enclosed scroll from the Borders, whereby it appears that the Lord of Arbroth seeks to made his peace in Scotland without her Majesty's privity ; which in my opinion you will do well to charge him with as of yourself, upon some knowledge that you may say is come to you of the matter, letting him understand that as by taking that course he will greatly wound his own reputation with the blame of ingratitude towards her Majesty, to whom he and his brother are so much bound, so she will be discouraged from hereafter embracing the protection of any of that nation in their extremity, when she sees that they seek only to make their profit of her favour, and in the end requite it with unthankful dealing. But if any such offer be made to him, you do not doubt but that she will very well like him to accept it [if] he do it [by he]r advice [and] privity ; in hope that being restored to his country and called to a place wherein he may do good, he will by calling to mind how much he is bound to her, prove a good instrument to nourish and maintain the mutual amity between the two Crowns, especially wherein he shall see the same to be 'behovefull' for the King and his realm. I have great cause to credit this advertisement, for one Gawen Hamilton, who is a great man with Lord Claude, came here two or three days since under colour of seeking relief at her Majesty's hands, which in the end proved to be to have a passport to go over into France to the Lord of Arbroth. He is this day to take his journey, which I verily judge to be about this matter. Wherefore you will do well to deal earnestly with the said lord either by speech or letter ; letting him understand that he will greatly forget himself to betray a princess in this sort who has dealt so graciously with him and his house ; the supporting of whom is the chief matter whereon they in Scotland ground their quarrel against her, and would so much the more aggravate his unthankfulness in case he deal so ill with her as to make his peace without her consent, especially as it is not likely she will be a hinderer but rather a furtherer of his good and preferment.—11 July 158 [0]. Draft in hand of L. Tomson and endd. by him. 1¼ pp. [France IV. 115.]
July 11. 367. ADVICES from MADRID.
Don Antonio against the will of the nobility is by the people proclaimed king in Lisbon, where the plague is great ; whereupon the king's camp departed from 'Badeioys' and entered Portugal the 27th of June, towards Lisbon, to visit the new king, whose reign is not likely to last long ; for besides the division among themselves they have no forces, arms, money, captains, nor practised soldiers. These towns (with the 'contents of households' subscribed) have already yielded : Campo Mayor (1,000), 'Yelves' (6,000), Olivença (3,000), Ebora and University (16,000), 'Porta Alegro' (1,000), Yborla (1,000), Estremos (2,000), Villa Viciosa, the Duke of Braganza's chief house, town and castle, 'Morte More' [qu. Tomar], the strongest hold of Portugal, Braga (12,000), with many others of less importance. The king's army :—Italians, 4,500 ; Almaynes, 3,500 ; horsemen, 2,500 ; footmen, 22,000 ; 'venturers' (well-furnished), 22,000 ; pioneers, 26,000 ; artillery, 50 pieces ; carts, 24,000. Cardinal Riario is come as legate, and is now at Alcalà on his way to the king. One Clerke and 100 Englishmen, with a ship of his own, after two months' stay without 'entertainment,' is at last received. Don Antonio sent a gentleman to the Duke of Alva, who refused to speak with him, but sent him to the king. Endd. by Burghley's secretary (date in his own hand) : The Spanish Army. From Mr Parry. 1¾ pp. [Ibid. I. 53.]
July 12. 368. COBHAM to the QUEEN.
Having been informed that the Bishop of Ross had lately caused to be printed in Latin at Rheims his book of the Succession and Title of the Crown of England and Scotland, with a Genealogy, I sought means to 'recover' some of them, that they might come to your sight, being a matter something touching your estate, as it seems to me. I send one of the books herewith that you may let me know your further commands concerning them. The Bishop lately sent some to the Pope, to the Duke of Florence and to Cardinal Granvelle. It may be also that sundry of your subjects will convey some of the books to their friends, not knowing your pleasure to the contrary.—Vanves besides Paris, 12 July 1580. Endd. by L. Tomson. ¾ p. [France IV. 116.]
July 12. 369. COBHAM to the QUEEN.
I have been informed of Paulo Innocentio, born at Montalto nella Marea, and banished his country for murdering certain gentlemen in the Piazza at Rome, by whom their Majesties have been practised with to favour a conspiracy which certain noblemen and others, banished from Naples and the States of Rome, 'pretend.' But as there is in Paris one of your well-qualified subjects, Mr Bodleigh, who has had conference with him, and is well-informed of his proceedings, I have desired him to set down in writing his offers and the purposes of his accomplices and confederates ; which I have sent herewith to Mr Secretary Walsingham inclosing a copy of what Paulo Innocentio 'treated' with their Majesties in this Court. Thanking the Almighty power for His divine grace in giving late recovery to your health 'whose sickness is a death to yours.'— Vanves, 12 July 1580. ½ p. [Ibid. IV. 117.]
July 12. 370. COBHAM to [? BURGHLEY].
Although, my Lord, Monsieur has been hitherto by message an earnest solicitor for the surcease of arms, the king has not hearkened so thoroughly thereto that he can be 'framed' to condescend without marvellous hard conditions to the disadvantage of the King of Navarre and his accomplices. Therefore unless some unlooked-for assistance arises by some other means, or some shew of further friends, there will be small hope of pacification. Marshals Montmorency and Biron, with their associates in Languedoc, intend to resist the forces of the King of Navarre and 'Viscount Thuraine.' The Duke of Maine addresses himself towards Lyons to encounter the Protestants and Malcontents of Dauphiné and Provence. In this sort they are 'drawn and travailed,' but now there appears no 'doubt' of reiters. The King 'shows to be' marvellously pleased with her Majesty's handling and entertainment of the prince, and very glad of his short abode. God be his guide. We hear from Spain that the king has entered Portugal, having taken certain towns. The Duke of Florence 'pretends' to go next month with his wife to Venice, and Cardinal de Medicis comes from Rome to govern in his absence. It is judged in Italy that the amity which the King of Spain has made with the King of Sweden is to great purpose for those seas. I enclose a letter from Milan, from Captain Augustino Susarini ; desiring to understand your pleasure before answering.—Vanves, 12 July 1580. Endd. by L. Tomson. 1 p. [Ibid. IV. 118.]
July 12. 371. COBHAM to [WALSINGHAM].
I have been for some months past informed of an Italian who had offered a practice to their Majesties here, and was very well hearkened to ; but now that I hear they have by his overture acquainted themselves with some sure and great personages that are parties, it seems that he is 'licensed' and shifted hence. Whereon in conference with Mr Bodley I entered into some speech, knowing his good acquaintance with Italians ; so that the said Italian, Paulo Innocentio, and he have had such conference together as you may perceive by the inclosed, with the circumstances of which I have written a few words to her Majesty. I think you may persuade Mr Bodleigh to negotiate with that party or do her Majesty any further service herein.—Vanves, 12 July 1580. P.S.—Please consider the inclosed, directed to me 'by the name of' Thomas Taylor, and your opinion [sic] of the party who has subscribed thereto ; and if it be for her Majesty's service, let me know whether I shall continue the trade with him. Also cause the inclosed to be sealed and sent, if you think good. (In another hand.) I have just received a packet from Mr Stafford which I was requested to have conveyed to you, and now inclose. 1 p. [Ibid IV. 119.]
July 12. 372. COBHAM to [WALSINGHAM].
I enclose Julio Bussino's [cipher ; ? Busini] letter, in which it may easily be seen on what occasion Best's evil mischance proceeded ; so that by this relation, as otherwise, I find that his assailants were some of those who are appointed daily and nightly to watch and look to that part of the Tournelles. The like is used at a little tower there by the water side, being a place suspected for the ease of going into or out of the city, and passing away without going through a gate. The party who discharged one of the pistols at Best is perfectly described, especially the young person who gave him his death, I mean, with a canvas doublet much worn, as is clearly specified in the enclosed. Howbeit, the Grand Prevost and the Prevost Mareschal will not 'understand thereof' but disguise it ; and would have the deed to have been committed by Italians in revenge for Xanto Pisano who was slain in England—much contrary to the truth as I suppose by the circumstances. They have made certain examinations, but the clear way would be for them to cause those who watched at the corner of Montpensier's house to be examined. I send herewith a book to Mr Secretary Wilson, another to my lord Treasurer, and a third to my lord of Leicester, in Latin, newly set forth by the Bishop of Ross ; which I have willed this gentleman to 'betake' into your hands to be delivered as shall be thought good. I have directed one to her Majesty as you may see by my letter to her, supposing that the book will come into your hands. The said bishop delivered me the articles of the confederates which I sent you in my last, and 'would seem with oaths to me' that he purposes to do her Majesty service, so as to be relieved. Thereon he has with his hand given me his faith, whether falsely or truly will appear by trial, as her Majesty may command. I hear he is not plentifully dealt with. He assured me that neither the Earl of Westmorland nor Dakars are parties or privy to the conspiracies and setting up of that person in England which the Pope and King Philip are minded to compass ; but that Morton, Goldwell and others, who are sent from Rome, are made instruments hereof. This may be published and 'informed me,' in opinion to save the Scottish Queen harmless. For the present he is gone to Rouen to stay, but I suppose upon occasion he might be brought to Paris. I have promised him this shall be kept secret ; whether it be worth or no, God knows. I have not, nor purpose to enter further until I may receive her Majesty's commands ; and beg that she may be made privy to all these particulars. I find by private letters from my friends that her Majesty has been sick, but amended. God continue her in health, aut perimus omnes, and I must be the first, and in the worst place. Nevertheless in the mean time I have many crosses. God give me sufficient patience, and you comfort, to countervail the sorrow for the loss of your daughter.—Vanves, 12 July 1580. Endd. by L. Tomson. 1½ p. [Ibid. IV. 120.]
July 12. 373. COBHAM to the SECRETARIES.
It seems that though Monsieur's mediation might be thought a sufficient means to make the king agree to a surcease of arms, to which his Highness by his agent, M. Marchaumont, has hitherto urged him, as also with daily messages he ceases not to intreat him, the preparations for war proceed so forwardly, that unless these last motions, which have been within these three days moved by his Highness and propounded by la Rocque from the King of Navarre, 'take place' in the king's mind, there will remain no likelihood of pacification until there fall out so many murders and evil events as will weary both parties. On the 9th they skirmished at la Fère, where three were slain on both sides ; and the king's forces have approached the fauxbourgs, whereon they have conceived in the Court a hope of the speedy taking of the town, if there do not grow some action elsewhere to cause the withdrawal of the siege. La Fère will hardly withstand an assault, considering how little artillery they have in the town. It is advertised here that 200 Scots and some other small companies are marching from the Low Countries, with mind to put themselves into la Fère ; but it is thought they will be too late. The king proposes to move towards Chantilly or 'Gallyon,' because the plague increases in Paris and thereabout. Marshals Montmorency and Biron, with the Seneschal of Rouergue, are trying to join their forces to defeat the King of Navarre in Languedoc. Turenne is marching to join his troops with the King of Navarre's, which are yet feeble. The Duke of Maine is to go to Lyons. I enclose a letter from a gentlemen, advertising of certain great numbers of 'biefs' slain and 'powdered' at Rouen ; which must serve for some enterprise more than ordinary. The Bishop of Ross repaired yesterday to Rouen, to be suffragan there for the Cardinal of Bourbon. There are sundry Englishmen who have heretofore been in Flanders, now lately retired to the seashore, 'drawing toward the air of England.' The Earl of Westmorland having been the last week at Rheims has returned to Paris, and with him Mr Dakers. Mr Copley is yet in town. They were at the burial of Vargas, the Spanish agent, who died last week. The Bishop of Ross has now published his book of the succession of England and Scotland. I send one to her Majesty. He has sent copies to the Pope, to the Duke of Florence by means of Diacetto, and to Cardinal Granvelle through Vargas's secretary. Paquier, M. Mauvissière's secretary, was dispatched with some the other day. They certify from Spain by letters of June 26 that the King has entered Portugal, having taken Yelves, Villa Viciosa, and Ronces ; but the Portugal ambassador does not believe it. He has 'made great means' to send much armour and weapons, which was granted by the king, but the king has changed his mind upon new occasions, so that the ambassador sues and resorts often to Court, to procure that some new munitions might be transported hence ; howbeit he is but deafly heard. He expects daily the return of Barretto from Rome. Don Antonio increases much in the people's favour. They write further that the Spanish King has about 25,000 fighting men in his camp, with the Spaniards expected from Italy, who served in the Low Countries. The 'Mores' of Andalusia had conspired to take the town of Seville, but the enterprise being discovered the king caused them to be spoiled and put to the sword, saving a few who are imprisoned. They certify from Italy that the Turk has so earnestly sought peace with the Sophy that he has obtained his purpose. They think he has been persuaded to do this by some Christian princes. The 23 galleys which last came brought from Spain the Cardinal 'Sesse,' a new ambassador for Rome, and the Duke Eric of Brunswick, by whom it is thought more Almaynes will be levied. The King of Spain has given him during his wife's life the estate which his mother-in-law had at Tortona in the Duchy of Milan, worth 15,000 crowns a year. With those galleys returned sundry ships laden with biscuit and other munitions with 6,000 corselets and as many Milan harquebuses, to arm the besonyos of Spain. As yet no viceroy has been appointed, though the Duke of Terranova remains there. It is 'discovered' continually in Italy that these Spanish preparations are addressed against his Majesty's territories upon the first occasion that offers. Mr George Farmer is imprisoned in Bologna by the Inquisition taken instead of another who was waited for. It is written from Germany that the book called Corpus doctrinœ has been printed at 'Lipsia,' but not permitted to be sold, because the Elector Palatine has revoked his signature to the approval of it ; whereon Dr Jacobus Andreæ was gone to Heidelberg to persuade him not to withdraw it. Lately after Casimir had been at the 'baynes' of Purckfeldt [qy. Birkenfeld] he conferred with his colonels and rittmeisters at Frankenthal ; but it is not known what will be done further. The Duke of Tuscany goes next month to Venice, and Cardinal de Medicis comes to govern in his absence.—Vanves, 12 July 1580. Add. Endd. 2¼ pp. [Ibid. IV. 121.]
July 13. 374. COBHAM to WADE.
It seems by your letter that you desire to return hither, but your causes are such as do not suffer your paces to be directed this way ; else your tarrying seems too long to me. The chief causes which pass through men's mouths and ears are the siege-preparations for la Fère, and Monsieur's dealing for the appeasing of these troubles ; but with what mind God knows, to whom belongs the knowledge of the secrets of princes' hearts. Howbeit hitherto it seems to all appearance that he deals in favour of the King of Navarre, so that the best is construed of his meaning. Since Mr Stafford's coming, they have conceived in this Court a further hope of the alliance. I trust at your coming I shall hear something of the disposition that way in those parts. Vargas the Spanish agent is dead and the plague increases, so that for the present I find 'Vambe' is my safest refuge, because they die of the infection about my house in Paris, wherefore I again seek all means to dislodge myself. Please bring or send me half-a-dozen of Francisco 'Puchi's' book published and printed in England, intituled Informatione della religione christiana fondata su la divina e humana ragione, etc. Commend me to Mr Hopton and yourself.—Vanves, 13 July 1580. P.S. (Autograph.)—I have received yours of the 2nd, by which I perceive my hap will not be to enjoy you. I shall be content if it be for your advancement. Let me hear further. You write nothing of what I spoke to you concerning the 'night' that is in these parts, or the Secretary's opinion of the strangeness between us. Your letter shall be delivered to Pizzovyn. Add. : Mr William Waade at Mr Pope's house in Water Lane at London. Endd. by L. Tomson. 1 p. [France IV. 122.]
Days [sic] ago I wrote you, 'which I hope be come' to your hands. These few lines are only to advertise you that this country will be in great necessity this year, of wheat and barley and of all kind of 'wittaylis,' because the wheat has failed, and [sic] the great provision which is and continually will be made for the king's army. I have also written to Mr Controller of the same. If you please to send hither to me two or three ships laden with wheat or barley, there will be great gains in it. This is a time to gain a great piece of money ; wherefore according to my duty and good will to serve your honours, being in these parts, I have thought good to advertise you hereof. The value of it, whatever it come to, shall be sent you in the same ship in the best commodities that this country yields. I can save it from the king's 'takers' here ; which the merchants cannot do, as is well known. The news now here is that the Duke of Alva has entered Portugal, and by this is near Setubal, which is within 5 or 6 leagues of 'Lixborne.' Yesterday night the fleet departed to meet him there ; it is a port town. Divers towns have already surrendered to the king. The Duke of Medina Sidonia is at Ayamonte, keeping all that coast ; and although Don Antonio be proclaimed King of Portugal in 'Lishebor' by a few of the worse sort of people, he cannot 'let' the king to go through with his purpose out of hand. It will be the greatest conquest that ever Spain made since the conquest of the Indias. This is without comparison for Spain. A matter has happened here of late—it began at Seville, but it is now come to the mountains of Rondar. The Moriscos have risen again and have done great harm in all the fields near those hills and all the towns near them. 'Sheris' [Xeres] is in some doubt of them because they are many. It will trouble Spain more than Portugal can do. It is begun, but God knows how it will end, because they are desperately minded.—San Lucar, 12 July 1580. Add. Endd. by Wilson. 1 p. [Spain I. 54.]