Index: P

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1903.

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'Index: P', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1903), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: P', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1903), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: P". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1903), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.



Pacification of Ghent
-, importance of, 16
-, demand the, by Prince of Orange for liberties in accordance with, 57 (p. 40), the like by the Estates, 72, 73, 74
-, States subscribing, 163 (p. 133)
-, the religions freidt as alternative to, 329
-, universal attachment to
-, King Philip's refusal to uphold, not to be alluded to by his Agents, 363
-, Gueldres and Friesland stand by, 443, Artois opposed to, 496 (p. 379)
-, Articles based on, drawn up by the Estates of Artois, 500
-, the stumbling block to peace negotiations, 505
-, upheld by Hainault and Artois
-, condition of peace imposed by Spain, 523
-, on condition of the King's undertaking to observe, the Viscount of Ghent, M. de Capres, M. de Montigny, and others, return to their allegiance, 568 (2 and 3)
-, Bourbourg professes to stand by, 580 (4)
-, the Estates of Artois reconciled to Spain on basis of, 581 (1 and 3), 587, 601
-, peace on basis of, offered by Prince of Parma to the Estates, 621
-, M. de la Motte proposes it shall be observed, where not already violated, 642.

Paderborn, route via, to Frankfort, 626.

Page, Paidg, William, 'post,' carries letter to England, 694.

Paidg. See Page.

Paita, 615.

Palatine, Elector. See Lewis.

Pallacio, , officer of Don John, 142.

-, Horatio, Orazio, merchant of Genoa, lends money to the Estates on Queen Elizabeth's bonds, 43
-, bond by Estates to Queen, to indemnify her in respect of her bonds to him, 56
-, a 'merchant stranger,' urgent for delivery to him of Queen's and City's bonds, 77
-, his bonds still unsigned, 86, 89 (p. 71), Davison's remonstrances, 98, 112, Lord Burghley's 123
-, bonds to be delivered to, 199, signed, 208
-, a note of the bonds made to, 225
-, payment made to, 240, 244
-, Queen's intention to repudiate debt to, 356
-, mentioned, 382
-, Spanish suspicions of his dealings with the Estates of the Netherlands
-, his brother arrested at Rome, his factors in Spain
-, Davison directed to give him quittance for Alum received of, to Queen's use, to lend better colour to his transactions, 509
-, Queen repudiates her bonds to, 546, 569, 571, Davison's suggestion for a compromise, 597, mentioned, 638
-, Queen refuses to pay
-, interest to be arranged, 645
-, representations on behalf of, by the Estates and Davison, 658.

Palma, Captain George de, 615 (p. 458).

Palsgrave. See Lewis.

Panadillyen, 179.

Panama, depositions taken at, 615, 616.

Papal Nuncio to Cologne conference. See Castagno.

Pardieu, Valentine de, Seigneur de la Motte, Governor of Gravelines :

threatens Dunkirk and Bourbourg, 4.

bribed by Spaniards, 9 (p. 7).

letter from, professing desire for peace, covering copy of French King's instructions to his Agent with the Prince of Orange, 27, he having obtained possession of the instructions by force, 33.

letter from, to Spanish Ambassador in England, forwarded by Lord Burghley to Walsingham, 50, 52.

Duke of Anjou's Agent with, 112, invites Flemish deputies to confer with, ibid. (p. 91), 126.

Wilson's anxiety at his French leanings, 155.

adheres to his Spanish allegiance, 165.

takes in Spanish troops to garrison Gravelines, distrusting the Walloons, 236, 237.

brought the Walloons into Flanders, 295 (p. 225).

inclined to leave Spanish party and join Malcontents, 338, conspires with Walloons, 339 (p. 260).

letter from, to the Governor, &c., of Dunkirk, to preserve the Catholic faith and their allegiance to Spain, 368.

confers with Montigny, at Cassel, 394, seeking to secure Walloons for Spanish service, 398.

with Count Egmont, at St. Omar, 399.

secures the Walloons for Spain, 413 (p. 322).

letter to, from Prince of Parma
-, the Prince quitting Namur on his advice
-, progress of intrigue to reconcile Hainault, &c., to Spain, 422.

secures Montigny by bribe, 430.

uncertainty as to whether he is French, or Spanish, in affection, 443.

lends troops to garrison St. Omer, 444, 450.

on his road to Arras
-, returns on hearing of presence there of the Viscount of Ghent, 447, 455, 457.

passes his muster
-, 'all for the Spaniards,' ibid.

his Lieutenant killed by 'bowers' near St. Omer, 455, 488.

his designs on Ypres, 455, and Ostend ibid.

takes the field, his object uncertain, 473, 480, 488 (p. 372).

Englishmen serving with, 488 (p. 372).

Walloons join, for attack on Winoxberghe, 492, his attack on, foiled, 498.

Rossel forwards to Walsingham letters patent sent to, from Spain, 494.

hinders agreement between Walloons and the Estates, 496
-, the Estates insist Walloons shall not serve with
-, his agreement with St. Omer, ibid. (p. 379), 498.

the Prince of Orange encourages the jealousy of MM. Montigny and Hze towards
-, they being noblemen and he 'scant a gentleman,' though the better general, 516.

M. de Montigny arrests Walloons who wish to betray Cassel to, 535.

M. de Montigny makes it a condition of our own assent to the protest of the Viscount of Ghent and M. de Capres (that on certain conditions they will serve the King), that it be also signed by, 568 (3)
-, Hainault approves contract, 655, 656.

negotiates with M. de Capres and the Viscount of Ghent at Quinchy, 580 (4).

sends ultimatum to Bourbourg, 580 (4), his letters, ibid. (6 and 7).

mentioned, 587, 591, 600, 609.

on bad terms with M. de Mauny, 609.

M. d'Hierges desires to visit
-, Walloons refuse, 609.

reported to have won over the Walloons
-, usurps title of 'Governor of Flanders,' 621.

at Hesdin, to meet the nobility of Artois, 623.

proclaimed enemy of country by the Estates, ibid.

occupies St. Omer. 629, 630, 631
-, fails to occupy, 635.

assured of Bethune and Ayre, 631.

M. de la Noue's campaign against, 635, 638, 642, 643, 647.

offers, through Count Lalaing, hostages for his declaring against Spain, if King does not withdraw Spaniards by May, provided Pacification of Ghent be observed where not so far violated, 642.

his men defeated by M. de la Noune near Nieuport, 647, he retreats to Gravelines, 653, 655, 657, 668.

promises M. de Montigny 200,000 guilders, 653.

Walloons, seduced by, declare for Spain, 654.

French with, decline to serve against M. de la Noue, 668.

Spanish doubts as to value of, 668, 670.

aids M. de Montigny against M. de la Noue, 684, cut off from by la Noue, 694.

-, letters from, 27, 368, 422, 580.

Par, Ambrose, 'Ambrose the King's Surgeon,' summoned to the Duke of Guise, 9 (p. 7).

-, King expected in, 21 (p. 16)
-, English grey friar to be received into Cordeliers at, 37
-, mentioned, 52, 85
-, procureur gnral of, 323
-, proposal to lodge Ambassadors outside, 323
-, Bishop of Ross expected in, 347, 348
-, Sir Francis Englefield arrives in, 348
-, money for Spanish army sent vi, 362
-, news from, 494 (p. 377)
-, surreptitious arrival in, of the Duke of Anjou, 618, 619, 638
-, the Duke of Guise welcomed in, 619, 635.

-, letters dated at, 9, 20, 21, 27, 37, 71, 111, 186, 187, 188, 235, 298, 323, 340, 341, 342, 347, 348, 360, 374, 393, 423, 424, 478, 529, 548, 551, 552, 553, 579, 618, 619, 650, 667 (p. 500), 677, 686.

-, Parliament of, Procureur Gnral of, on mission, 323, 393.

Parma, Duchess of. See Margaret.

-, Prince of. See Farnese, Alexander.

Pasquier, , Secretary to M. de Mauvissire, 188.

Patagalena, , ship of, despoiled by Drake, 615.

Patagonian Indians, 615.

'Patroneryo', castle of, 32.

Pau, Po, Queen of Navarre settled at, 619.

Paulet, , at Antwerp, 299.

-, See also Poulett.

Payne, , Queen not disposed to grant reversion of office, sought by Davison, to his son, 356.

Pelham, , Walsingham's cousin, 86, 89 (p. 71), 90, 93.

Pembroke, Earl of. See Herbert.

Pereira de Sa, Peritathesa, Jerome, 689.

Perico, 615.

Prigueux, attack on Huguenots in, 21.

Peritathesa. See Pereira.

Peroe. See Perwez.

Perpetual Edict, the, 568 (2), 581 (1), 587, 601.

Perrenot, Frederic, Baron de Renaix, Seigneur de Champagni en Franche-Comt :

his regiment, in the Estates' service, at Enghien, 61, 62, 63.

opposed to the Duke of Anjou
-, his desire to retain (1) liberties of Netherlands, (2) his Spanish allegiance, 120.

draws up petition against toleration of religion at Brussels
-, he is arrested, and his house wrecked, in consequence, 166, 167.

conveyed to Ghent by men of Brussels, 178 (p. 143), 180
-, Queen Elizabeth comments on the mismanagement resulting in his defection from the Estates, 197.

process against, prepared by the Estates, 246.

sentenced to be beheaded, by men of Ghent, anger of the Estates, 304 (p. 236).

to be released, 476
-, Queen Elizabeth and Lord Leicester intercede for
-, to be delivered to the custody of the Duke of Cleves, 506, 516
-, at Dendermonde
-, to be sent to Cologne, 535 (p. 404)
-, escapes from Ghent, recaptured, 694.

Perrigny, Perrilly, Precilly, in Franche-Comt, captured by Duke of Anjou, 283, 287.

Perrilly. See Perrigny.

Persia :

death of 'Sophia' of
-, peace overtures to Turkey, 32, 95
-, war with Turkey renewed, 95
-, great victory of, over Turks, 496
-, great preparations of Turks against, 686.

Peru, 615 (p. 459).

Perusse, Francois d', Comte d'Escars, of Prigord, his quarrel with the Count of Susa, whom he declines to recognise as Governor of Provence, 323, 347.

Perwez, Peroe, English Embassy at, 194.

Peteghem, Lettenghen, Deyuse near, 374.

Petersem, letter of Prince of Parma dated at, 629.

Pethytha [? Pereira] Dr. Jaspar de, Chancellor of the Court of Supplications, of Portugal, 689.

Pettit piere, Duke of. See George John.

Pewter, trade in, 665.

Pfalzburg, the Bishop of Ross 'stayed at,' 516.

Philip II., King of Spain :

secures Gravelines by bribes, 9 (p. 7).

Queen Elizabeth's desire for the obedience of Netherlands to, as 'to their natural Prince,' 17.

devotion to, of the Duke of Guise, 21.

danger of his arresting English goods in Spain, 24.

Henry III. offers to mediate between, and Prince of Orange, on basis of the acceptance by the Estates of Spanish conditions, viz., the maintenance of the Roman Catholic Religion and privileges 'as in the days of the Emperor Charles V.,' 27.

'not affected to the Spaniard,' Poulett's phrase concerning the Duke of Anjou, 37, opinion confirmed by Dampmartin, 45, 46.

gives salary to Mr. Copley, ibid.

English hopes based on his differences with Don John, 57 (p. 40).

the Archduke Matthias to remain Governor of Netherlands, in 'obedience' to
-, Prince of Orange's proposal, ibid.

like to lose the rest of his dominions, 'the fagot being once loosed,' i.e. the Netherlands lost
-, Walsingham's forecast, 67.

called 'their natural Lord' by the Estates, 72, 73, 74.

the Estates resolved to shake off their allegiance to, 76.

understanding between, and the Duke of Anjou, discredited by Poulett, 84.

gives no aid to Portuguese expedition against Morocco, 85.

tries a new pinnace
-, rewards the inventor, 85.

alleged design of the Duke of Anjou to oust, in Netherlands, 106.

desire of Queen Elizabeth that the Estates should continue in his obedience, 114.

wish of party in Netherlands to retain their allegiance to, while securing their liberties, 120.

'Representation' of his policy towards the Netherlands, religion, &c., 130.

M. de la Motte maintains his allegiance to, 165.

Queen Elizabeth approves treaty between the Estates and the Duke of Anjou, subject to Estates retaining their allegiance to, 174, 175.

reported to have sent Ambassador to the Emperor, to authorize him to arrange a peace, 178 (p. 143).

danger to, of French aggression in the Netherlands
-, design to set the Turk on him, and to attack the West Indies, 185.

suggested marriage of the Infanta to the Duke of Anjou, 187
-, cf. 95, 188.

insistance by Queen Elizabeth on allegiance due to, by Estates, 197.

authorizes the Emperor to conclude peace, 211, 221, 253, a device to gain time, 271, not genuine, 287.

inclined to peace for lack of means, 221.

Henry III. professes desire to conciliate the Netherlands to, 228.

expels English rebels from Spain, 228.

weary of the war
-, shortage in his supplies from the West Indies, 243.

the importance to, of Portuguese overthrow, 260.

held responsible by Don John for his disastrous plight, 287, 295 (p. 225).

his sons put in remainder to the Portuguese throne, 287 (p. 219).

his lavish bribes
-, his intrigue to secure the Duke of Anjou by offer of the hand of the Infanta, and governorship of the Netherlands, &c., 298, 318.

his daughter promised to the King of Portugal before the African voyage, ibid.

has difficulty in defending coast of Spain from Turk, 304 (p. 236).

alleged arrangement to meet the Queen Mother of France, 318, 362.

retaliates for the Duke of Anjou's attack on Binche, ibid.

Jacques Rossel formerly in service of, 338.

expected secession of M. de la Motte from, ibid.

the Duke of Anjou bids the Queen Mother not to solicit hand of his daughter, the Infanta, 338 (p. 258).

city of Arras, &c., invited to return to his obedience, 343, 363.

Poulett's suspicions of the movements of his fleet, 347.

death of his son Ferdinand, ibid., 362, 372, 407.

growth of French influence in Netherlands, opens the door there to him, 351.

his agreement with the Genoese, 362.

letters from, circulate in the Netherlands, recalling people to their obedience to, 363.

hand of the Infanta sought for Henry III., who would divorce his present Queen, as barren, 393 (p. 302).

English spy in service of, ibid.

Henry III. ready to embark on war with, if brother secures good footing, with title of 'Lord,' in the Netherlands, 397.

discovery by Poulett, of intended reconciliation to, of Hainault, Artois, Walloons, and most of the nobility, of Netherlands, 403.

intention of the Estates to disclaim allegiance to, 407, 445, 453, 573, 587.

alleged appointment of his bastard, by a Brussels bakeress, to command in Flanders, ibid.

illness of the Infanta, 407 (p. 312).

Davison reports reconciliation to, of Southern provinces, &c., 413 (p. 322)
-, Artois reconciled to, 425, 430, 443, 444, 445.

understanding between, and the Queen Mother of France, 423.

Artois reconciled to, 425, 430, 535.

letters from, to M. de la Motte intercepted, 455.

appoints the Prince of Parma to succeed Don John, in his estate and in the governorship of the Netherlands, 468 (p. 360).

claims the throne of Portugal, ibid.

marriage of the Emperor to the Infanta Isabella decided, 494 (p. 376), 505, 550, 595.

will never grant any 'religion-freedt,' 496, 498.

provides great sums for war in Flanders, encouraged by dissensions there, and by Persian defeat of Turks, ibid.
-, has no inclination to peace, 535.

the Duke of Anjou incites Turk to attack, 550, 555.

death of another of his infant sons, 550, 555 (p. 417).

his encouragement to the Bishop of Ross, 565.

the Viscount of Ghent, M. de Capres, and others, promise fidelity to, on condition of observance of the Edict of Ghent, &c., 568 (2).

letters from, to the Estates of Artois, 576.

letter from, to Bourbourg, offering to aid them to shake off the yoke of the Prince of Orange, 580 (5).

letter from, to the Estates of Artois, agreeing to ratify terms offered them by the Prince of Parma's Commissioners, 581 (2), 587.

the conference at Cologne designed by, only to deceive, 591.

letter from, to the municipality of Lisbon, claiming the succession to his uncle King Henry, 607, 608.

entertaining Duke Eric of Brunswick, 609.

aid for, from France, assured, 619, (p. 464)
-, League between, France, and Pope, never stronger, ibid.

upbraided by Pope for buying peace from Turk, justifies himself that in re-conquering the Netherlands he was bringing them back to the Papal obedience, 619 (p. 464)
-, concludes truce with Turk, 661, 677, 686.

will 'make a great push' for Portugal, ibid.

confirms the Viscount of Ghent in post, 629, confers title of Marquis on, 634, 635, 638.

renewed rumour that he will marry the Infanta Catherine to the Duke of Anjou, 634, 638, 667 bis.

Artois will declare against, if he does not make peace, withdraw Spaniards, &c.
-, he is expected to allow the religious wlitz, 642, as his father did in Germany, 643.

recalls forces sent to Italy, for Low Countries, for campaign in Portugal, 654, 661
-, vast preparations by, their object doubtful, 677.

Walloons declare for, 654.

report of his death, 655.

report to, on means proper for the conquest of Portugal, 682.

finances scheme for landing 5,000 troops in Scotland, 686 (p. 518).

plan of, to invade Ireland, ibid.

takes up loan from the Grand Duke of Tuscany, ibid.

the Estates of the Netherlands will declare him deposed, if no peace in a fortnight, 695.

sends Ambassador to Portugal, 696 (2).

-, letters and dispatches from, 580, 581, 607.

-, surrendered to Don John, 13
-, Baron de Florennes, late Governor of, 53
-, held by Don John, ibid., 53
-, surrendered by M. de Haman to Don John, 60 (p. 48)
-, difficult for the Estates to recover, 76
-, assigned to the Duke of Anjou, if recovered, 163.

Philips, young, servant of Walsingham, with Sir Amyas Poulett at Paris, to be employed to decipher letter, 52.

Phillips, John, of London, 627.

Phrize. See Friesland.

Piacenza, citadel of, conferred on Prince of Parma, 468.

-, proposed levies in, for Duke of Anjou, 9 (p. 7)
-, towns in, on Somme assured to the Duke, ibid., gathering in, of Duke's levies, 80
-, revolts from King, 468.

Pietons, ensigns of, 13.

-, Claude, Seigneur de Cramailles, Secretary of French Council, assists Queen Mother, 393
-, mentioned, 650.

Piracy :

English vessels sail to deal with pirates westward, 25, 47.

Turkish corsairs take Spanish treasure ships, 32.

Danish losses from English pirate, 47.

proclamation touching, to be published, ibid.

pirate 'biremes' taken by Genoese, 95.

by Frenchman, at expense of French, 402, 525.

protest by the Estates of the Netherlands touching piracies 'committed upon them' by English, 571.

English, at expense of men of Lbeck, off Iceland
-, Danish complaint, 577.

by Drake, 615.

Pisson, , magistrate of Arras, 374 (p. 289)

-, Robert, Abbot, or Commendator, of Dumfermline, appointed Ambassador to England, 47, 66
-, Queen loath to recognize, 121
-, expected success of his negotiation, 124
-, dismissed without reward, and with general promises only, 141.

Placentia, Plasencia, 542, 562.

Plage, M., Captain of company at Bourbourg, 60.

-, raging in Don John's camp, 193, 194, at Namur, 196
-, attacks servant of English Embassy and gentlemen of French Ambassador's suite while with Don John, 213
-, increasing in Don John's army, 221
-, ravages of, in camp of the Estates, 227, 236, 237, 247
-, allusion to, 254
-, raging near Namur, 278, deaths from, at Namur, 287
-, attacks the Duke of Anjou's army 291
-, Comte de Roeulx, his wife, and Mondragon reported death of, 295 (p. 225)
-, mortality from, at Louvain, 302, in army of the Estates, 307, 317
-, in London, bills of mortality from, 336
-, allusion to, in Louvain, 339
-, Duke of Anjou reported ill with 397.

-, Christopher, King's printer at Antwerp, 267
-, copy of pamphlet from his press, 629.

'Plato', Serranus presents his, to Queen, 584.

Plessis, Franois du, Seigneur de Richelieu, sent to the Prince de Cond, 21 (p. 16).

Plessis, du. See Mornay.

Po. See Pau.

Pistre, , of Ghent, 357.

Pointz, Poynes, Poyns, Anthony, in trouble, 111.

-, Ferdinando, at Antwerp, 282
-, his suit against men of Flushing, 676.

'Poitevin, a revolted', 552.

Poitiers, Queen Mother and Queen of Navarre, at, 187, 188.

Poland :

England obtains equal rights with
-, in Turkish ports, 613
-, journey to, of Henry III. alluded to, 667 bis.

Policastro, 32.

-, Polwiller, Colonel, on way to Don John, with German foot, 259, 271, 276
-, garrisons Louvain, 398
-, commands 'Germans' under Prince of Parma, 591.

Pope, the. See Gregory XIII.

-, Captain General of. See Fitzgerald.

-, Poperinge, observations on, 58
-, expenses at, 59.

Port St. Julian, 615.

Port Sainte-Marie, Queen Mother at, 579.

Portalegre, Porta Degna, 682.

Portogalete. See Portugalete.

Portugal :

Ambassador of at Florence, on matter of loan, 32.

English spy departed to, by Wilson, 47.

African expedition sails from, 71
-, Morocco well prepared to resist, 95.

Turkish attack on, threatened in, India, 95.

overthrow of forces of, at battle of Alcazar, described 210.

the news of the defeat reaches Europe, 212, 232, 235, 255, 259, 271, 276.

importance of Spain of overthrow of forces of, 260.

Henry I. chosen King of, seeks dispensation as a cardinal, from the Pope, 287 (p. 219).

account of Portuguese defeat forwarded by Rossel, 318.

French Ambassador to, appointed, 423.

the Prince of Parma renounces claim to crown of, 468 (p. 360).

Philip II. lays claim to, ibid. pedigree of royal house of, 484.

King Philip states his claim to succeed to throne of, on death of King Henry, 607, 608.

native of, on Drake's ship, 615.

complaint by Ambassador of, in England, against export of munitions of war to Morocco. 636.

Spanish troops recalled from Italy for service against, 654, other preparations for the invasion of, 661, 677.

report to Philip II. on means required to subdue, 682 (pp. 510-513).

overtures by, to England, 686 (pp. 518, 519).

copy of the oath taken by the three Estates of, to King Henry, 689, 690.

address to people of, by Don Antonio, against Spain, 696.

proceedings in the Cortes of, convened to consider the succession, ibid. (2).

-, Don Antonio of. See Antonio.

-, Don Antonio el senior of, his death, 484.

-, Don Lewes of, 484.

-, King of. See Henry I.
-, Sebastian.

-, Papal Nuncio in. See Frumentus.

Portugal causes, Commissioners for, 418.

-, Portogalete, near Bilbao, acquittance for purchase of ship dated at, 528, troops raised at, 542
-, sale of ship at, 562.

Posno, 664.

Postmaster-General of Netherlands. See Ohen.

Potts, expenses at, 59.

Poulett, Amyas, Knight, English Ambassador in France :

dispatch from to Queen, forwarding, with his comments, an abstract of a report made to the Duke of Anjou on affairs in France, 9, 10.

complimentary letter from, to Lord Burghley, 20.

dispatch from, to the Secretaries
-, approves of English negotiations with the Duke of Anjou, 21.

the Duke thanks him for his good offices, 28.

reports, in dispatch to the Queen, that the Duke of Anjou is acting independently of his mother and brother, instancing the Duke's plain dealing with himself, 37.

'young Philips,' Walsingham's servant, with him, 52.

dispatch from, to the Queen
-, continues in the opinion that the King and the Duke, his brother, are at variance, 71.

reports to Walsingham that an understanding has been arrived at between the King and the Duke, for French intervention in the Netherlands, and that the Duke has no understanding with Spain, 84.

Walsingham cites his opinions, 108.

letter from, to Lord Burghley, interceding for a cut-purse
-, still of opinion that King is opposed to his brother's adventure, 111
-, another letter from to same, 145.

recommends M. de Cuissy, 154.

dispatches from, of even date, to the Queen and Lord Burghley, 186, 187, 188.

the Queen's negotiation with M. de Rambouillet communicated to, 228, 229, 230.

dispatch from, to the Queen, on the danger of an agreement between France and Spain, French discontents, &c., 232, 233.

dispatch from, to Lord Burghley
-, an accord between the Duke of Anjou and Spain to be expected, &c., 235.

reports to the Queen the Spanish devices to secure Duke of Anjou, who under the influence of Bussy and Simier prefers English alliance, 298.

news-letter from, to the Secretaries, 323.

letter from, to Lord Burghley, congratulating him on his recovery, soliciting his recalls and reporting trouble brewing in France, 347.

dispatches from, to the Secretaries, on the Duke of Anjou's suit, 348, on French Discontents, &c., 393.

solicits his recall, 393 (p. 303).

his discovery of the intention of Hainault, Artois, the Walloons and the nobility of Netherlands to make their peace with Spain, reported by Walsingham to Davison, 403.

letters from, to the Secretaries and Walsingham on Simier's departure for England, who had 'baited him like a hear at a stake' with questions for a month, &c., 423, 424.

dispatches from, to Lord Burghley and Walsingham
-, solicits Lord Burghley for his recall, 478, 479.

forwards complaint of French merchants, 525.

thanks Walsingham for letter of condolence [on children's death], which has brought him to a right mind towards God in his trouble, 529.

letter from, to Walsingham, with thanks for good offices with the Queen, for whom he forwards a muff, to Walsingham's order, 548.

letter from, to Walsingham, reporting naval preparations in Brittany, 552, 553, and growing disorder in France, 579.

declines a visit from the Bishop of Ross, ibid. (p. 431).

dispatches from, to the Queen, on his audience with the Duke of Anjou, and to the Secretaries with general news, 618, 619.

duplicate dispatches from, to the Queen and Walsingham, on his audience with the King, 650, 651.

the King condoles with, on the loss of his children, 650.

dispatches from, to Walsingham, on King's relations to provincial Estates, and to Queen on the movements of the Duke of Anjou, 667, 667 bis.

dispatch to, from Queen, on the rejection of the Duke of Anjou's demands, 674.

reports to Walsingham the discovery of an alleged plot to land 5,000 French troops in Scotland, to deliver Queen Mary 686.

-, endorsements, &c., by, or by his Secretary, 7, 28, 343, 367, 374, 379, 481.

-, letters and despatches from, 9, 10, 20, 21, 37, 71, 84, 111, 145, 186, 187, 188, 232, 233, 235, 298, 323, 347, 348, 393, 423, 424, 478, 479, 525, 529, 548, 552, 553, 579, 618, 619, 650, 667 (p. 499), 686.

-, letters and despatches to, 28, 85, 86, 228, 229, 230, 674.

Poulett, George, servant of Sir Amyas, 686.

-, See also Paulet.

Powder and saltpetre
-, requested by Estates from England, 72 (p. 56)
-, saltpetre exported from Morocco, 636.

Poynes. See Pointz.

Prague, letter dated at, 520.

-, Archbishop of, Papal brief to, in favour of the Bishop of Ross, 565.

Prayner. See Preinder.

Precilly. See Perrigny.

Preto, Simon Gonzalez, Chancellor of Portugal, 689.

-, Preyner, Prayner, Baron, supplementary Agent of the Emperor with the Estates of the Netherlands, 89 (p. 71)
-, fails to hinder the Duke of Anjou's enterprise, and goes home, 104, 112
-, notes of his negotiations, 114 (p. 95).

Price, John, Hoddesdon's servant, 32.

"Primate of Ireland". See Craigh, Richard.

Privy Council, the, English :

dispatch from Davison communicated to, 6.

meeting of, in the Star chamber, referred to, 25.

Queen declines to call, before Sunday, 'at what time they ordinarily meet,' 31.

dispatch from, with expression of personal regret, recalling the English Embassy from the Netherlands
-, condemning the 'extreme conditions' proposed by the Estates to Don John
-, demanding repayment of former loans and the delivery of towns 'in pledge'
-, and refusing further advance, 91, 92.

dispatch to, from the Ambassadors in the Netherlands, 120.

Merchant Adventurers' petition to, 133.

dispatch from, to the Ambassadors, conveying the Queen's approval of treaty between the Estates and the Duke of Anjou, 175, 176.

dispatch to, from the Ambassadors, describing their interview with Don John, 194.

forced to smooth matters in Scotland without the Queen's authority, 208.

dispatch from, to Poulett, with substance of M. de Rambouillet's negotiation with Queen, 228, 229, 230.

Ambassadors dispatch to, re loan to the Estates, jewels in pledge, &c., 269.

their interest in Mr. Sootheake's case, 282.

letter to, from M. de Mauvissire, touching cargo of woad impounded at Guernsey, 402.

Hogan and Field summoned before, for exporting munitions of war to Morocco, 636.

decree of, against the London Steelyard, 644.

appeal to, by Ferdinando Pointz, touching his claim against Flushing, 676.

mentioned by Poulett, 686.

appeal to, by Jan van Witenhorst, 693.

-, letters and dispatches from, 91, 92, 174, 175, 228, 229, 230.

-, letters and dispatches to, 120, 194, 269, 402.

Procureur-gnral of the Parliament of Paris, a native of Auvergne, sent thither, 323, and to Burgundy, 393.

Protectorates, danger of, to the protected, 130 (p. III).

Protestants, secret, in Netherlands, 58 (3 & 4). See also Religion.

-, dispute as to governorship of, 323, 347
-, reported revolt in against King, 468.

Proverbs :

'The States beard is too long for them to comb.' 50.

'To play blind Bayard,' 84.

'To beat still upon the stithy,' 123.

'To play double hand Irish,' 124.

'To play the right Jack,' 201.

'Our case is in question when our neighbour's house is on fire,' 235.

the plague less dangerous than a Spanish fig, 254.

'Those whom God has marked in the face,' 306.

'de fivre es chaud mal,' 317.

of a 'baster' vine seldom come sweet grapes, 336.

ugly thing to want to be master where your footing is not sure, 339.

'ex unguibus judicare leonem,' 396.

truth is the daughter of time, 457, cf. 468.

in [principem] cudetur hc faba, 505. a deceiver must be mindful, 516. at the end of their Latin, 579, 619. des vray botte feu en fontainne, 600.

think their penny no bad silver, 619 (p. 464).

buggs to fear little children, 686.

lion poil follet, 691.

Pruneaux, M. des. See Sorbiers, Roch des.

Prussia, English trade with, 131.

'Pucelle of France', 696.

Puerto San Domingo, in Chile, 615.

Punta de la Galera, 615 (p. 458).

Pyne, Mr, carries dispatches, 573.