Index: A

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1903.

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'Index: A', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1903), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: A', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1903), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: A". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1903), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.



'Abd el Malek I, Muley Habbiddlemecq, King of Morocco, his illness and death at battle of Alcazar, 210.

Abdola Benseque, 210 (p. 169).

Admiral, Lord. See Clinton, Edward, Earl of Lincoln.

Admiralty, Judge of Court of. See Dale.

-, Count of Neuenahr, offered his services to Queen Elizabeth
-, succeeds to patrimony, 488
-, letters from, to Davison, 543, 628.

-, Duke of Holstein, his suit for Queen Elizabeth's hand, 633.

Adventurers, Merchants. See Merchant Adventurers.

-, expected evacuation of, by Don John, 104, 112
-, action near, 134
-, enemy at, 142
-, captured for the Estates by the Viscount of Ghent, 157
-, sacked and abandoned, 178, 180, 227
-, Estates camp to winter at, 351
-, Spanish force resting at, 609, sent to, 675.

-, Arschot, Duke of. See Croy, Philippe III.

Affhusen, M. Jacques d', Agent of the Estates, 116.

-, Portuguese expedition to, 32, 37
-, sails, 71.

- See Portugal.

Agamemnon, Count Bossu compared to, 296 (p. 228).

Agen, submits to King of Navarre, 323.

Ahmad V, Muley Hamet, King of Morocco, commands at battle of Alcazar, 210.

-, Arye, Aryer, Ayr, description of, 60
-, doubts of fidelity of garrison of, 328
-, assured to M. de la Motte, 631
-, guns sent from, to M. de Montigny, 684.

-, Governor of. See Marbecke. M. de.

Aix-la-Chapelle, Aquisgrane, 271, 587.

-, in Spanish service, garrison Gravelines, 276
-, Albanese horse, massacre of, at Binch, 304
-, demand for their withdrawal from Netherlands, 568 (2).

Albert V, Duke of Bavaria, letters of credence from, found on Bishop of Ross, 516, 565.

-, , his murder, 560
-, his secretary in prison, in chains, 609.

Albuquerque, Alba Carca, Alfonso de, 689.

Alcazar. See El Kasar.

Aldegonde, Sieur de Sainte. See Marnix.

Aldersey, Mr, 240.

Aldraca, Pedro de, 542.

-, Duke of Anjou at, 21
-, sister and mother to visit him there, ibid (p. 16), 37, 47
-, Queen Mother's visit to, 95
-, the Duke returns to, 550, 555, 619, ibid (p. 465).

-, letter dated at, 28.

-, Duke of. See Francis.

-, Aleynne, M. d', associated with Spanish party in Artois, 568(3)
-, present, with M. de Montigny, at meeting of the Estates of Artois, 580 (1)
-, on the Estates' army estimate for coming year, 585
-, in command of Walloons, 609.

Alessandria, Alexandria, in State of Milan, 32 (p. 24).

Alexandria. See Alessandria.

Aleynne, M d'. See Alennes.

-, Alferon, , Agent at Antwerp of Duke of Anjou, 65, 109
-, at Gravelines, 112, 126
-, at Arras, 374 (p. 289).

Alfonsas, Paul, 689.

Algarves, the, wild men of Algarvie, 210.

-, reinforcements from, for Morocco, 95
-, 'Spanish enterprise of,' alluded to, 682
-, attack from, feared, 682 (p. 513).

Alicanus, Capitan, 210 (p. 169).

Alkera, in Morocco, 210.

-, Count. See Alennes
-, Lalaing.

'Almans'. See Germans.

Almeida, George de, Archbishop of Lisbon, 689, 690.

Alonso, Captain, his Light Horse in camp of the Estates at Bois-le-Duc, 61, 62, 63.

-, 'under the subjection' of Ghent
-, company of Count Lalaing's horse quartered on, destroyed by Governor, 211
-, men of Ghent break images at, 287, compelling Governor to give orders for their admission, 295 (p. 225)
-, rising of peasants near, 555
-, Count Hohenlohe's soldiers expelled from ibid (p. 417)
-, men of Ghent fail to secure, 675.

-, Governor of. See Hennin, Jacques de.

Altham, Mr, the Court at his house on progress, 106.

-, English loan to be partly paid in, 34, 35
-, supplied by Pallavicino, 509.

Alva, Duke of. See Toledo.

Alvarez, Gonzalo, 615.

-, M., in command at Arras, for Prince of Orange, 60 (p. 47)
-, endeavour to remove, 329.

-, the King's Surgeon. See Par.

Amurath III., 'the Turk,' reported murder of, 496.

Anabaptists, in Antwerp, 374.

Andalusia, 682.

Andelot, M. d'. See Coligny.

-, James, 'Ubiquitarian,' triumphant, 565
-, called by Philip Melancthon 'the Suabian fool,' 673
-, quarrels with Saleneccerus, ibid.

Angel, Miguel, despoiled by Drake, 615.

-, Franois d,' Marquis de Montlouet, Chamberlain and Counsellor of the Duke of Anjou, brother of M. de Rambouillet, sent by the Duke to the Swiss, 323, to the 'Lords of the Leagues,' in Frauche Comt
-, returns, 463.

-, Nicolas, Seigneur de Rambouillet, the elder, Envoy to Queen Elizabeth, to advance match with the Duke of Anjou, 171, 205
-, the substance of his negotiation, 228, 229, 230
-, his brother Montlouet acting for the Duke, 323.

Angers, Angiers, Duke of Anjou at, 33, returning to, 478, 569.

Anjou, Duke of Anjou returning to, 468.

-, Duke of. See Francis.

'Annals of the Republic of Genoa', printed at Antwerp, 267.

Anonymous intercepted letter
-, referring to death of Don John, and plague at Louvain
-, the Emperor's peace negotiation
-, the Union of Utrecht, and revolt of the Walloons, 339.

Ansone. See Hantsamen.

Anstrade, M. d'. See Lalaing.

Anstrate, English encamped at, 407.

'Antipappi', work by Sturmius, 673.

Anton, San Juan de, Master of the 'Nuestra Seora' of La Concepcion, deposition by, 615.

Antonello, , 682.

-, Don, of Portugal, claims crown, 661
-, takes oath of fealty to his uncle King Henry, 689, 690
-, his address to the people of Portugal, 696 (1)
-, summoned by King to appear before Cortes to plead his right to the succession, 696 (2).

-, mentioned, 22
-, English troops to be equipped from, 23
-, English mission due at, 24
-, mentioned, 27
-, 'ancient merchants adventurers of London and,' 29, 30
-, address of Dampmartin to Estates at, 45, 46
-, observations on towns between, and Dunkirk, 58
-, expenses of English Agent at, 59
-, delay of Duke of Anjou's Agents in arriving at, 84
-, English subsidy sent to, 123 mentioned, 125
-, Protestants preaching openly at, 126
-, mentioned, 130 (p. 112), 143, 195
-, places of worship for Protestants and Lutherans opened in, 211
-, fortifications of, 227
-, public preaching at, 236, 237
-, book printed at, 267
-, child of Prince of Orange baptized at, 276
-, complaints by Merchant Adventurers at, with the Estates' replies, 280
-, agreement arrived at, for use of churches in, by Protestants, 287, the agreement in danger, 295 (p. 225)
-, dispute between Governor of English Merchant Adventurers at, and their chaplain, 299, 308, settled, 327, 328, 349
-, two colonels from, sent to Ghent, 304
-, headquarters of Prince of Orange, 304 (p. 236)
-, bond of city, given for English loan, 308, 321
-, the 'religions friedt' in force at, 309
-, opposition in, to Duke Anjou's proposed occupation of Mechlin, 318
-, Marquis of Havrech quits in discontent, 333
-, deputation from Artois arrives at, 333
-, mentioned, 336
-, Duchess of Aerschot to leave, 338
-, bond of City of, obtained by Davison for English loan, 349, 353, 355, 373
-, mentioned, 358
-, commissioners of Duke of Anjou at, 362
-, Beuttrich at, ibid
-, mentioned, ibid (p. 276)
-, Duke John Casimer invited to, 365
-, English church at, needs a deacon, 370 (p. 285)
-, reported attack on Calvinists in, by Catholics, Lutherans and Anabaptists
-, the Prince of Orange anxious to leave, 374
-, Duke John Casimir proclaimed schelm in, ibid
-, Count Bossu at
-, house to house visitation at, undesirables expelled, 380
-, deputies from, at Ghent, 383
-, Emperor's peace proposals discussed at, 396
-, Duke of Aerschot and Count Lalaing go to
-, ibid
-, embassy from Emperor on way to, 399
-, Duke of Aerschot and his son at, 399
-, Fremin going to, 401
-, mentioned, 408
-, diamond-cutting in, 429
-, mentioned, 436
-, not firm for Prince of Orange, 443
-, mentioned, 449
-, Count Bossu ill at, 455
-, M. des Pruneaux' discourse before the Estates at, 457
-, Prince of Orange returns to, 492
-, Rogers leaves, for Ghent, 496
-, general assembly of the Estates will be held at, 502
-, Imperial Ambassador returns to, 504, 506
-, protest of Brussels against general assembly of Estates being held at, ibid
-, wine to be bought for Lord Leicester in, 506
-, collateral bond of, forwarded by Davison to England, 517
-, ill effect of Prince of Orange's absence from, 519
-, merchants of, complain of Tipper's patent, 571
-, food at famine prices in, 573
-, threatened by Prince of Parma, 587, 591
-, treason in, against the Estates, 587, 591, 595
-, arrest at, of merchandise destined for Artois, 587 (p. 440)
-, Estates' troops driven back on, 592, 595
-, bond of, sent to England, 592, 610
-, bearing the whole burden of the war, 597
-, harmony among citizens in, on occasion of the the attack on suburbs of, attributed to the religions freidt, 600
-, flight to, of English thieves, 606
-, mentioned, 617
-, Count Lalaing recalled to, 635
-, general assembly of the estates General at, 638, 642, to be attended by Count Lalaing, under safe conduct of Prince of Orange and the 'Colonels of Antwerp,' 642
-, Queen satisfied with bond of, 645
-, horsemen reach, escaped from Maestricht, 653
-, 'hundredth penny' levied in, voluntary loan readily paid by, 675, 695
-, account of religious disturbances provoked in, by action of the Archduke Matthias, 684, their effect elsewhere, 688, 691
-, Brussels secured by troops from, 688
-, 'masspriests' received back into
-, mass said openly in four churches in, 694
-, chimney-tax refused in, 695
-, text of the agreement between the magistrates of, and the Prince of Orange, 697.

-, letters and dispatches dated at, 1, 13, 14, 33, 34, 35, 39, 43, 48, 56, 57, 65, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 80, 81, 87 (1), 87 bis, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 104, 107, 108, 119, 121, 126, 127, 135, 139, 140, 156, 163, 164, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 178, 180, 182, 207, 211, 213, 218, 227, 236, 243, 247, 260, 267, 269, 270, 271, 276, 277, 280, 287, 290, 294, 295, 301, 304, 308, 309, 318, 329, 333, 334, 335, 338, 349, 350, 351, 352, 355, 362, 373, 380, 381, 382, 397, 398, 407, 412, 413, 416, 426, 427, 430, 435, 443, 444, 445, 450, 451, 453, 457, 460, 468, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473, 475, 476, 477, 485, 488, 493, 494, 502, 504, 521, 522, 523, 532, 535, 538, 540, 544, 549, 555, 559, 560, 571, 573, 576, 587, 591, 592, 595, 596, 597, 598, 600, 601, 609, 610, 611, 614, 623, 629, 630, 635, 638, 639, 641, 642, 643, 647, 654, 655, 656, 658, 675, 678, 679, 680, 684, 687, 688, 691, 692, 693, 694, 695.

-, Burgomaster of. See Stralle.

-, Secretary of. See Martini.

Anzam. See Hantsamen.

Apen, in Oldenburg, 626.

Apizna, in Morocco, 210.

Aquisgrane. See Aix-la-Chapelle.

Aragon, Arragon, Viceroy of, 682.

-, Charles d', Duke of Terranova, Nova Terra, Spanish Ambassador to the Emperor, 178 (p. 143), 211
-, not sent, 271
-, starts 287 (p. 219). arrives at Cologne, 468 (p. 360). 473
-, 'well disposed to peace' of Netherlands, 494
-, report that he will be 'general conductor' of the Spanish army, 496 (p. 379)
-, the Prince of Parma refers question of armistice to his decision, 520, 523
-, arrives at Cologne, 647, 653, orders Prince of Parma to leave siege of Maestricht, 653, 654, 694
-, articles presented by, to Conference, preclude hope of peace, 692, 695.

Arandia, Pedro de, notary public of Portogalete, 528, 562.

Arcanty, Arcanti, Archanty, M. d', 343 (p. 263), 347, 379, a Spaniard resident at Paris, 423.

Archant, M., brother to M. de Goignes, lieutenant to Governor of Valenciennes, 60 (p. 47).

Archanty. See Aroanty.

Archy, M. d', sent by Prince of Orange to men of Ghent, 295 (p. 225).

Ardenne, Marche in. See Marche.

Arechaya, Baltasar de, notary public of Bilbao, 578.

Aremberg, d'. See Ligne.

Arequipa, port of, 615.

Argenlieu, Viscount of. See Hangest.

Argilla. See Azla.

Argolets, 89 (p. 71).

Argyll, Argyle, Earl of. See Campbell.

Arica, Drake at, 615.

-, Armentire, report on state of, 58
-, expenses at, 59
-, town near seized by Walloons, 287, 302
-, mentioned, 429.

Arnem. See Arnhem.

Arnhem, Arnem, in Guelderland, anti-Catholic revolution in, 621.

Arques, , one of the King's 'minions,' sent to Queen-Mother, 619.

Arragon. See Aragon.

Arras, Artois :

description of, 60 p. 47).

town of Artois applies to the Estates General for instructions re Duke of Anjou
-, referred to the Provincial Estates, 104, 112.

magistrates arrested at, by townsfolk, on suspicion of intrigue with French, 329, 333.

the Governor of Artois goes to, stirs up people of, and priests against the Fifteen, who are seized, the magistrates released, and three of the Fifteen hung, 338.

allusion to civic revolution in, 339.

letter from Prince of Parma to citizens of, forwarded by Franois de Moncheaux, with appeal to return to Spanish allegiance and preserve Catholic faith, 343
-, communicated to Governor and Alderman, 363.

formerly 'at the devotion' of Ghent, now of M. de Capres, the Governor, who hangs four of the fifteen men who had arrested their magistrates, 352.

reports by Gilles, and Jrome, to Franois, de Moncheaux, of reception of his letter in, 363, 367.

further arrests and executions at, 367.

account of progress of Catholic reaction in
-, reported adhesion of to the Prince of Parma, 374.

Franois de Moncheaux proposes to return to, 379.

reported, by Rossel, to be inclined to French interest, 380.

Estates General of Artois assembled at, 430, 443, 447.

prisoners at released by the Viscount of Ghent, 447, his astonishing success at, 449, frightens M. de la Motte away from, 455
-, reassumes Governorship, 458.

M. de la Motte's design on, 473.

the Estates of Artois, Hainault and Douai, assemble at, 550, 555, 576.

the Marquis of Havrech detained prisoner at, 600, escapes, 647, to Mons., 656.

fresh assembly at, 614, refuses to follow lead of nobility, 623, 629.

deputies sent to, by Estates of Hainault, to conclude with Agents of Prince of Parma, 675.

-, letter to citizens of, 343.

- See also St. Vaast.

-, Bishop of. See Moulart.

-, late Bishop of, reported arrest, at Arras, of his nephew, 374.

Arrire Conseil of Prince of Orange
-, 468 (p. 360)
-, cf. No. 443
-, 494 (p. 376), 522.

Arschot, Duc d'. See Aerschot.

Artois, Roman Catholic efforts to secure, 58 (9).

-, Noblemen of, with Don John, 60 (p. 48).

-, cavalry from, in service of Estates, 61, 62, 63.

-, dislike in, to intervention of French, 76.

-, Duke of Anjou's intrigues in, 84.

-, free exercise of 'religion' opposed in, 260, 276.

-, in danger from rabble of unpaid soldiery, 292.

-, Estates of, meet at Bethune, 329
-, deputation from, to the Estates General, 333.

-, secession of, from the Estates of the Netherlands assured, ibid.

-, Estates of, declare for the Walloons, against Ghent, 351.

-, deputation to, from the Estates General, to dissuade from aiding the Walloons, 352.

-, Estates of, meet at Arras, 367.

-, request from, to Pope, for Duke of Anjou, as Governor, refused
-, Duke hopes to become 'Protector' of, 372.

-, Prince of Parma writes to the Estates of, 374 (p. 289).

-, Davison points out to men of Ghent that they are opposed by, 383 (p. 295).

-, reconciliation of, to Spain, discovered by Sir Amyas Poulett, 403.

-, meeting of the Estates of, attended by the Marquis of Havrech at the request of the Estates of Hainault, 404, by the Viscount of Ghent, 447.

-, Estates of refuse, the religion Wlitz, 407.

-, reported recall to, of MM. de Licques and Rossignol, ibid.

-, reconciled to Spain, 413, 425.

-, the Estates of, in session at Arras, about their reconcilement with King
-, Marquis of Havrech sent to by Hainault, to 'impeach,' 430
-, willing to treat with King on condition no Spaniard be admitted to country
-, assembly broken up, 443, 444, 445, 457.

-, intercepted letters relating to Spanish intrigue in, handed by Davison to Prince of Orange, 446.

-, Spanish negotiations of, undermined by Tournai, Valenciennes, &c.
-, body of the people in, true to the union, 449, 450, 451.

-, willing to 'continue the general union,' if not 'compelled to the religions freidt,' 457
-, pay their taxes, 468 (p. 360).

-, alienated from the Estates, 460.

-, the Estates of, in session, restore the Bishop of Arras, sent Ambassador to them by the Prince of Parma, to his estate
-, persecute those of the 'religion,' 473.

-, St. Omer acts with other towns in, 488 (p. 372).

-, consideration of affairs of, by the Estates General, 496.

-, Meetkerke's hope of conciliating, 496 (p. 379)
-, opposed to the 'Pacification of Ghent,' ibid.

-, assure the Estates they will not separate from, but beseech to secure pacification, 498.

-, report that the Estates of, have sent deputies to the Prince of Parma, 499.

-, articles drawn up by the Estates of, on basis of 'Pacification of Ghent,' forwarded to the Estates General, with threat to seek other remedy within month, 500, 501, 523.

-, gentleman from, incites garrison at Cambrai to mutiny, 504.

-, Bishop of Arras loses credit with, 516.

-, Walloons ready to serve against, 516.

-, the Marquis of Havrech sent to combat their demands, 532, 534, 535, 540.

Artois, letters sent to, by M. de Montigny, 535.

-, the 'association of those of Artois, Hainault, &c.' furthers the Union of Utrecht, 544.

-, Estates of, assemble at Arras, with those of Hainault and Douai, 550, attended by the Marquis of Havrech and fellow Commissioners, 555, 576
-, the Commissioners report the proceedings to the Archduke Matthias, and the Estates, 580 (1, 3 and 4)
-, letter from, to the Estates General, announcing their reconciliation with the King, 581 (1), on the basis of the Pacification of Ghent, the Union, and the Perpetual Edict, as promised by his letter, ibid (2), and the declaration of the Prince of Parma's Commissioners, ibid (3).

-, estimate of contribution from, to the Estates army for coming year, 585.

-, the Estates General reply to their negotiations with the Prince of Parma by arresting all merchandise destined for, at Ghent and at Antwerp, 587, 601, 656.

-, dependent on Holland and Flanders for all necessaries but grain, ibid.

-, the Prince of Parma's advance on Antwerp intended to influence, 591.

-, Rossel approves of the Marquis of Havrech's negotiations in, ibid.

-, replies to the detention of merchandise, by arresting the Marquis of Havrech, 600
-, he is ordered to stay by the Estates, 601
-, he escapes, 647.

-, trouble in, due to the ambition of the 'lords of the country,' 600.

-, answer of the Estates General to, is printed, 609.

-, influenced by fresh outbreak at Ghent, ibid (p. 452), 614.

-, mentioned, 617.

-, terms offered to, by Prince of Parma, proposed by him to the Estates General, 621.

-, people in, unwilling to separate from other provinces on whom they depend for living, oppose policy of nobles and clergy, ibid.

-, Duke of Anjou writes to, ibid.

-, the nobility of, assemble at Hesdin, 'to decide on disunion,' having been unable to persuade Arras to it, 623.

-, wanton intrigues in, 629, 630, 631.

-, the Viscount of Ghent confirmed as Governor of, by King Philip, ibid.

-, agree to three months' truce with Prince of Parma, 634.

-, state of, considered desperate by the Estates General, 635, 638.

-, decide to send their deputies to peace conference at Cologne, 641, 642.

-, their application for release of merchandise refused, 641.

Artois, alarmed at approach of M. de la Noue, ibid.

-, the Marquis of Havrech detained by, ibid.

-, come to terms with Estates
-, if the King does not make reasonable peace, &c., they will declare against him
-, the Religion wlitz to remain in six towns, 642, 643.

-, the 'industry' of the Prince of Orange in reconciling, 643.

-, not represented on the assembling of the Estates General, 647
-, believed to have 'agreed with the enemy,' 655, 657
-, popular opposition, 670
-, agree with, 691.

-, the Marquis of Havrech to be again sent to, 668
-, his opinion of the ill effect produced by their seccession, 680.

-, deputies from, insulted in Spanish camp, for insisting on withdrawal of Spanish troops, 695.

-, Governors of. See Capres, M. de
-, Ghent, Viscount of
-, Roche, Marquis de la.

-, the estates of, letters and dispatches from, 500, 581, to, 581.

Arundell, Charles, accompanies English Embassy to Netherlands, 'plays the right jack,' on his return, 201.

Arye, Aryer. See Aire.

Arzillan, in Morocco, 210 (p. 168).

Asa, 370.

Asby, Mr, report by, on state of Netherlands, 60-63.

Aschendorf, Askendorp, 626.

Askendorp. See Aschendorf.

Assche, Ask, M. d', surprises Ypres, 112.

Asseliers, Jehan des, or van, countersigns for Archduke Matthias, 72.

Assonville. See Assonleville.

-, Assonville, Christophe, d', Conseiller, devoted to Don John, 53
-, treating with the Estates to return, 455.

Astore, Franois, merchant of Toulouse, 525.

-, Atte, Hault in Hainault, near Mous, description of, 60 (p. 48)
-, offered by Prince of Orange to Duke of Anjou, 504, 512, 523
-, accepted, 535, 539
-, the town refuses to receive him, 540
-, seized by Count Egmont, 695 (p. 526).

-, Governor of. See Simerye, M. de.

Athol, Earl of. See Stewart, John.

Atte. See Ath.

Auberlieu, M. d', 'Doberbien,' of Arras, 367, 379.

Aubermont, M. d'. See Aubremont.

Aubespine, de l'. See L'Aubespine.

Aubigny, Baron de. See Lens.

-, Aubermont, Nicholas d', Daubermounte, Seigneur de Manuy-St.-Pierre, Governor of St. Omer, 60
-, lieutenant, at St. Omer, of Count Egmont, his intrigues at St. Omer, 380, 444, 450.

Audiencer, to Don John. See Overloope, M. d'.

Audley End, co. Essex, letters dated at, 113, 123, 124.

Augsburgh, Augustan, or Luthuran Confession, Queen Elizabeth's attitude to, 54.

Augustan Confession. See Augsburgh.

Augustin, Captain, in suite of M. de Mauvissire, 305.

-, duke of Saxony, shipment of lead to, from London, 624
-, Sturmins proposes to dedicate his 'Antipappi' to, 673
-, Queen recommended to send fresh embassy to, ibid.

Aussy, M. d'. See Auxy.

Austria, Catherine, Archduchess of, sister of Charles V, grandmother of King Sebastian of Portugal, dissuades him from African expedition, 696 (4).

-, Charles, Archduke of, his troops besieged by Turk, 95.

Austria, Don John of :

his designs on Gravelines, 4.

instructions and draft instructions to English embassy to Netherlands touching, 15, 16, 17, 18.

proposed English action, in event of Duke of Anjou co-operating with, 16.

English expectations from the employment of Duke Casimir against, 17.

Embassy to, from Emperor, 17.

recruiting for, in Italy
-, money sent to, from Genoa, 32.

minor successes of his troops, 33 (p. 26), 42.

scarcity of victuals in camp of
-, discouragement of his soldiers 50.

list of noblemen in Netherlands, at his devotion, 53.

list of towns held by, or revolted to, ibid.

his Agent in France, ibid.

instructions to gentlemen in suite of English Embassy to Netherlands, to observe disposition towards, of natives, &c., 55.

refusal of Prince of Orange to negotiate with, when urged thereto by English Ambassadors
-, English hopes from his ill-success in the war and his difficulties with his brother, 57.

supporters of, called 'Johannists,' 58 (3 and 4).

men of Bourbourg 'in no way affected to,' 60.

faction favours in Valenciennes, ibid (p. 47).

list of noblemen with, from Artois and Hainault, 60 (p. 48).

'the peril of his own estate'.
-, he 'will be ill-advised if he do not grow to a peace'
-, 'is like to have a hard bargain'
-, Walsingham's estimate 67, 68, 70.

reinforcements for, pass through Savoy, 71.

Estates decline invitation of Queen Elizabeth to negotiate with, 72, 73, 74.

his forces cross the Maas
-, will only fight on good advantage, 81.

assembling army between Tillemont and Diest, 87 bis.

Duke of Anjou's proposal to send a herald to
-, Walsingham's comment, 89
-, Emperor's Ambassador requested by Walsingham to visit, ibid (p. 70).

confessed and 'haseted,' in preparation for battle, 90.

refusal of Estates to negotiate with, excites Queen Elizabeth's anger, 91, 92, 93.

proposed visit to, of Imperial Ambassador in Netherlands, to induce him to withdraw, 104, 112.

abandons Soignies, expected to evacuate Diest and Aerschot, 104.

English Ambassadors urge Duke of Anjou to endeavour to secure a peace with, 109.

reinforcements arrive for, in Luxembourg, 112, 126.

arguments suggested by English Ambassadors to be employed by Imperial Ambassador with, to persuade him to withdraw, 114, 115.

Duke of Anjou's excuse for not negotiating with, 118 (p. 97).

desire of party in Netherlands to expel, while retaining Spanish allegiance, 120.

gives Emperor's Ambassador a safe conduct 120 (p. 99)
-, who goes to him, 126, 127.

at an abbey near Diest
-, reinforced and ready to fight ibid.

all parties in Netherlands insist on his retirement, as preliminary to peace, 127.

letter to, from English Ambassadors, forwarded by the Imperial Ambassador, in which they offer to wait on him, 128.

present in person at repulse of his army at Rymenan, 134, 139, 595.

his troops withdraw to Louvain
-, serious nature of his check at Rymenan, 142.

his reply to the English Ambassadors, with civil professions, discouraging their coming to him, 146, 147.

retires on Louvain
-, loses Aerschot 157.

effect on English action of his victory at Namur, 162.

English Ambassadors about to go to, at Estates' request, 166.

French Ambassador to go to, ibid, 167.

Imperial Ambassador reports him inclined to peace
-, renewed effort to bring him to conclude it, 167.

English Ambassadors wait a safe conduct to, 176, which he sends, 177.

desire for peace in his camp, 177.

speculations reported by Davison, as to his attitude, 178.

withdraws his troops on Duke John Casimir's advance, ibid, 180.

departure of English Ambassadors to meet, 180.

M. de Gastel's representation to, of his need for peace, 183, 184, 185, 191, 192.

English Embassy returns from, with doubtful reply, 189.

his letter to Queen Elizabeth, 190.

compelled by famine and plague to desire a peace, 193.

description of interview between, and English Ambassadors
-, his hesitation
-, his urgent need of peace, 194, 195.

Walsingham's personal admiration for, 196.

his camp moving towards Namur, 196.

Queen Elizabeth disapproves hard terms offered to, by Estates, 197 (p. 155).

receives the Deputies of the Estates, 206.

truce between, and the Estates, prolonged, 211.

encamped between Louvain and Namur, suffering famine and plague, 211.

motives inclining. to prolong war, as expressed by French Ambassador to Walsingham
-, a great prince, while at the head of an army
-, nothing without, 217, 220.

difficulties of his position
-, unable to get reinforcements vi France, &c., 218.
-, his army weakened by plague, and unpaid for months, 221.

breaks off negotiations for peace, on ground that, authority having been given to Emperor to conclude it, the matter is taken off his hands, 236, 237, cf. 211, 221.

fresh levies for, in Germany, 236.

disappointed of money from Spain, vi Genoa, 243.

seeks to gain time
-, reinforcements reaching
-, his camp mutinous, 245.

Mendoza reports Queen Elizabeth's speeches concerning, to him
-, Mendoza's own abuse of, ibid.

Lord Sussex hopes Emperor, England and France may jointly bring, to a peace, 249.

Queen Elizabeth directs Ambassadors to secure agreement between, and Estates, for mutual reduction of armaments, pending settlement of peace by Emperor, 253, 256.

Rogers' allusion to, 254.

Castle of Saney, in Luxembourg, captured from, 259, 276.

awaiting reinforcements from Germany, 259, near Namur, 271, 295.

Quesnoy, &c., prefer to be reconciled to, to being handed over to Duke of Anjou, 261.

fails to relieve Nivelles, 263.

likely to 'come abroad' on receipt of reinforcements from Germany, 271.

fortifies himself, near Namur, 272, 276.

fright in his camp at false report of attack by Estates' army, 279.

his reply to Emperor's Ambassador
-, Walsingham desires a copy 282.

'reported dead, or very ill,' 286.

the deplorable state of his army declared in his intercepted letters
-, condemns the King and his Council for the result
-, he has buried 1,000 Spaniards dead of plague and penury, &c., 287, 295 (p. 225).

reported 'extreme sick of the plague,' his death reported, ibid.

money arrives for, at Genoa, 287.

said to have died two days back, 291.

'departed this life last Thursday'
-, Prince of Parma chosen general in his place
-, 'his body taken to Marche, as some affirm,' 294.

'very ill,' 'carried in litter from Namur to Marche in Ardenne'
-, 'on Saturday it was published that Don John was dead at Marche,' 295 (p. 225).

Walsingham's hope of good results from his death, 299.

his death attributed to 'grief and melancholy,' a disease called les brognes, but chiefly to the 'French sickness,' 302.

his bowels buried at Namur, ibid.

his death least lamented by Spaniards in army, ibid.

the truth of his death not yet confirmed in England, 306.

ordered by Emperor to retire, pending negotiation of peace
-, the matter laid before his successor, the Prince of Parma, 309, 313.

news of his death welcomed in England
-, rumour there that he had repaired to Spain to inform King of state of things, 316.

Davison blamed for not reporting his death by special messenger, 328.

allusion to his death, 339.

his death affects policy of House of Guise, 347.

despair of his creditors, 362 (p. 276).

the Prince of Parma constituted his heir, 468 (p. 360).

ordered release of Graye and Ratcliffe, who are nevertheless executed, after his death
-, Ratcliffe owns, under torture, to design on life of, commissioned by Walsingham, who repudiates charge, 510.

mentioned, 542.

the Bishop of Ross has papal brief to
-, he promises the Bishop to aid Mary, Queen of Scots, 565.

allusion to his furious attack at Rumenam, 595.

-, letters and dispatches from, 146, 147, 190, to, 128.

Austria, Ferdinand, Archduke of, sends gentleman to Estates of the Netherlands, re peace negotiation of the Emperor, 398.

Austria, Matthias, Archduke of, brother of the Emperor Rudolf, Governor of the Netherlands :

English Embassy to, 15, 16
-, Queen's letters of credence, 19.

his gentleman receives Embassy, at Dunkirk, 38.

Ambassador's thanks conveyed to, 42.

to receive the Embassy, 48.

his continuance as 'Governor' of Netherlands, under Spanish obedience, insisted on by Prince of Orange, 57 (p. 40).

his regiment of horse in camp at Bois-le-Duc, 61, 62, 63.

the Estates insist on his retention as Governor General, 72, 73, 74.

his signature to reply of Estates to Queen Elizabeth, 72.

takes English Ambassadors to inspect camp at Lierre, 66, 89 (p. 71).

demand by Duke of Anjou for his dismissal, 87 bis.

to be made 'Governor' with the Duke of Anjou as 'Defenseur de la libert Belgique'
-, suggestion of Prince of Orange, 89.

Count Bossu reports to, on repulse at Rymenan, 134.

Queen Elizabeth's comments on his position, 197 (p. 156).

petition addressed to, by Quesnoy, 209.

his court to be moved to Brussels, 246.

amount of his salary, 285.

Duke John Casimir informs Estates he will take orders from no one else, 295.

his garrison at Brussels, 304 (p. 236).

Montigny writes to. 309, and Duke John Casimir, ibid.

malcontents scandalized at Prince of Orange's little respect for, 333.

loyalty to, of the Seneschal of Hainault and others, 338.

mentioned, 407
-, his brother's death, ibid (p. 312).

sends gentleman to Emperor, ibid, 550, 555.

memorial to, from Lille and dependencies
-, their 'composition' with the Walloons was made under constraint, and without prejudice to their connection with the Estates General, 420.

agreement at Ghent communicated to, 448.

scheme to oust, 453.

the Marquis of Havrech to be appointed Grand Master to, 468 (p. 361).

Count Schwartzenberg assures, of hopefulness of his negotiation with Spaniards for peace, 498.

his gentleman, M. de Mouillerie, returns from Emperor, 550, 555.

complains of Queen's patent to Tipper, 571.

report to, from the Marquis of Havrech on affairs at Arras, 580.

bond by, to Colonels of 'reiters,' for deferred pay, 552.

mentioned, 640.

account of the religious disturbances provoked by, in Antwerp
-, escapes personal violence
-, demands to return home, 684
-, effects of the disturbances elsewhere, 688
-, publishes 'regulation about religion to satisfy everyone,' 691.

members of his Privy Council deputed to confer with 'malcontents,' 694.

-, letters and dispatches to, 19, 134, 580.

Austria, Wenceslaus, Archduke of, dies, 407.

-, protest by deputies of, against burden of taxation
-, native of, sent to appease, 323.

Auxy, Aussy, M. d'. See Hennin.

Avantigny, M. d', his force cut up by peasantry on return to France, 317.

Avila, Sancho d', in Italy, preparing to conduct army to Low Countries, 591.

Ayman, M., Commissioner of Estates to confer with English Ambassadors, 65.

Aylc, Ayr. See Aire.

Azira, Argilla, in Morocco, 210.