Elizabeth: October 1578, 21-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1903.

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'Elizabeth: October 1578, 21-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1903), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol13/pp244-255 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: October 1578, 21-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1903), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol13/pp244-255.

"Elizabeth: October 1578, 21-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1903), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol13/pp244-255.


October 1578, 21-31

Oct. 21. 319. WALSINGHAM to DAVISON.
I am sorry to hear of the proceedings in Flanders between the Gantois and the Walloons ; and so much the more because Casimir seems to be called into the action and has become a party. If good order be not taken in time it is to be feared that it will break forth into a perilous combustion. When the packet came I was at my house in the country, so that I could not travail in those causes to the effect I would ; but only, as my commodity served me, acquainted my lord of Leicester with my opinion of what I thought were not the worst way to help to prevent the inconveniences that may grow from those violent proceedings. These in sum consisted of two points : the one for aid to be given to the States by giving credit for 20,000, which might be some stay to keep their army from falling into mutinies, or slacking present services, which are now most requisite considering the time of year and the great advantage they have by Don John's death and the great mortality and penury in that camp ; and also in part to content the Walloons, whose chief pretext for discontent seems to proceed from want of pay due for former services and lack of employment. Which two points being provided for, as by some such means of loan, it is not unlikely the camp of the States would be better assured, and the Walloons more easily drawn to some reasonable composition and to unite themselves as before to that body to which they have twice sworn fidelity and service. The other is, that by her Majesty's direction you might repair both to the Gantois and Duke Casimir with letters of credit, to lay before them the peril that may ensue by the course they are entered into. And first to let the Gantois understand how by these kind of proceedings they will give the world just cause to judge that their meaning is to continue the wars in those countries which all their neighbours would willingly have extinguished, and that they are not so desirous of peace as they pretend ; that if the success of their compatriots against the common enemy be not so good as in all probability may be looked for, it will be imputed to them that their private quarrels have been the sole hindrance of so great happiness to the country ; that they being one member have much forgotten themselves to enter into any such attempt without the authority of the whole body ; that their friends will conceive that they seek an anarchy ; and so may be induced (sic) to help the States to bring them to conformity as they have shewn them favour, in assisting them against their common enemy for like respects. And therefore they should look well that for some private respects they hinder not the weal of the whole country, strengthen not the common enemy, turn not their own fellow-members against themselves, make not their friends abroad become their enemies ; the event of which must be desolation to the country and ruin to themselves. And whereas it may be thought that Duke Casimir being brought in by her Majesty has entered on that new course by her secret direction, you shall let them understand she dislikes it, disavowing utterly his doings in that behalf. And as for Duke Casimir, he is to be let know that the world may think she is privy to his strange actions because his coming into the country was chiefly at her request, but that she would be loth to be so touched in honour as to be the 'sedesman' of civil dissensions where she intends to procure peace ; that he can remember he is, as a prince of his quality, to be admitted into the council of war, but not to take any course of himself without the consent of the general and the States, who have command over all ; that his taking part with the Gantois at their request only, without authority of the whole body, will sound greatly to his dishonour, and bring his person in danger, besides a hazard of his whole army. What her Majesty will resolve in this behalf, I know not ; notwithstanding, for the second remedy, though you receive no instruction from her you may of yourself, in discretion, deal both with the Gantois and Duke Casimir to the aforesaid effect, as her minister in her name. Your service in this cannot but be well accepted of, if by your travail so apparent a mischief may be stayed. Thus much I thought good to write to you by way of prevention, till further good may be wrought here ; which I mean to solicit the best I can at my return to the Court. How it will be best for you to deal with the Gantois and Duke Casimir, and with which of them first, you will do well to confer with the Prince : who being thoroughly acquainted with their humours can best direct you what course to take. Henceforward, if you send me a private letter, do not put it into the packet ; for in my absence they are commonly opened before they come to any hands. Though Spinola has not as yet delivered the whole sum to you, I should be glad to see his accounts ; and therefore please procure a copy of them for me. I like the stay of money in your hands till you have the particular bonds delivered you, of which it seems they make small haste.Odiham, 21 Oct. 1578. Add. Endd. 3 pp. [Holl. and Fl. IX. 74.]
Oct. 21. 320. French rendering of the above. Draft with corrections in Davison's hand. 2 pp. [Ibid. IX. 75.]
Oct. 23. 321. Declaration by the Estates that whereas the English Ambassador in return for an obligation given by the City of Antwerp for 40,000, has at their request given to that city his acceptance [revers], containing a promise that its inhabitants shall not be liable to arrest or execution in England on account of that obligation, if he have not previously obtained similar obligations from Brussels, Ghent, Bruges, Dordrecht, and Middelburg, they promise to solicit those obligations, and use them so that his acceptance may be returned to him before next Christmas.24 Oct. 1578. (Signed) A. Blyleven. Copy. Fr. 1 p. [Ibid. IX. 76.]
Oct. 24. 322. WALSINGHAM to DAVISON.
After long conference and persuasions used with her Majesty, I have with great difficulty obtained the use of the 8,000 for the States, which remain in your hands ; the other request which we exhibited to her in their name remaining undetermined. The cause of these difficulties is the contrariety of humour, wherewith we find her somewhat out of taste ; which being corrected, I am in hope that such practices as have been instilled into her ears for the better advancing of the party of Spain and to alienate her from those countries, her Majesty will be drawn (sic) to taste better of their state and cause that yet can apparently be discerned. And as she has accorded them the use of this sum, her will is you should deliver it to them, on condition that it be delivered to Casimir, as she has written to them by Mr Junius, if he be not otherwise contented already ; marvelling greatly that they have had so small respect to him as well in this as in former means she has yielded them, her meaning being that in all that has been taken up by virtue of her bonds, he should be specially regarded. This being dispatched, I am returning to the country, to remain nine or ten days. As for the widow of Grobbendonk's cause, I have conferred with the ancient counsellors about it, who do not find it good that I should move it to her Majesty, both because like requests have been formerly refused, and because it would open a gap to the challenge of more such old debts.Richmond, 24 Oct. 1578. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holl. and Fl. IX. 77.]
Oct. 25. 323. POULET to [the SECRETARIES].
The late 'accidents' in the Low Countries are better known to you than here ; but I may say that some of good judgement in those parts are of opinion that these rash follies will be dearly bought, and that the repentance will reach to other countries which are not guilty of the fault. God has dealt mercifully and mightily with that people in many ways ; their capital enemy taken from them beyond all hope or expectation, the pride of the Spaniard daunted and now ready to run into a corner, true religion embraced and openly practised by great numbers of all ages and degrees ; when suddenly, impatient of their welfare and unthankful for these blessings, they enter into new occasions of civil troubles, and wanting a foreign enemy that was able to annoy them they use their own swords to their own destruction. I am sorry at my heart to see the triumphs and 'insultations' of the Papists here upon these occasions. There is no remedy for these violent mischiefs but in the beginning, and I am deceived if any physician can heal this disease, but her Majesty, whose counsel joined with authority may work great effects, if the patient be not wilful, or rather if God have not decreed his ruin. These things are above my reach, and so I leave them to the better consultation of her Majesty. The King of Navarre met Queen Mother and the Queen of Navarre at La Role on the 4th, where nothing was omitted that might serve to make demonstration of sincere amity between those princes. The confreries at Bordeaux and other places in Gascony being overthrown, in outward show, and those of Agen submitting to the King of Navarre, or rather to the queen his wife as lady of that town, which is included in her 'appennage.' So the King of Navarre is now in hope to enjoy his government quietly ; and seeks by all means to conserve himself and that country in quietness. Of this there is no great likelihood, so long as the jar continues between him and Biron, which is thought to be nourished by some great personages. I trust you think the King of Navarre has his hands full between those two Queens. God grant him wisdom and constancy, to foresee danger, and to prefer the service of the Highest before all other dignities whatsoever. Queen Mother is said to be departed towards Toulouse, and intends to confer with Damville ; some say to appease a dangerous controversy likely to ensue between him and Chastillon, Damville requiring to be restored to the castle of Beaucaire, a place of great importance, and the captain there refusing to admit him, wherein he is 'comforted' by Chastillon. There is likelihood of troubles in Provence between M. d'Escars and the Count of Susa about the government there. The old device for creating a certain number of knights of the order of St. Esprit is now renewed, and l'Aubespine is on the point of being dispatched to the Pope for his licence. This new order will consist of 300 to begin with, but it is intended that the number shall be increased as convenient 'livings' may be procured for them. The first hundred will have 3,000 francs a year, the second 2,000, and the third 1,000, and shall be bound to maintain a certain number of horsemen ready for the king's service 'upon every sudden.' This device is misliked on every side, the clergy seeking earnestly to impugn it, while those of the Religion begin to suspect that it has no good meaning towards them ; and indeed when the Abbeys and Priories are possessed by those half-spiritual knights the authority of the clergy will be greatly diminished. So too the increase of this number of horsemen, who must be papists by profession, fortifies that party at the expense of the protestant. I have thought good to send you the enclosed letter, which I received lately from Monsieur. Being informed by the messenger that he was to pray my answer in writing, I would not refuse to obey his command, but performed it in general terms which I trust will give no cause of offence. The Deputies of Burgundy, Lyonnais, Auvergne and 'Forest' [Forez] desiring to be released from their burdens and impositions left the Court laden with fair words. Now the King's Procureur-gnral in this town, who is a native of Auvergne and has been president in Burgundy, and is therefore thought to have some credit in those parts, is sent into those provinces, in the hope of appeasing or at least dividing them. Those of Burgundy are said to be peremptory in their demands, and will not be easily satisfied. Montlouet, brother to Rambouillet, sent by Monsieur to the Cantons 15 days ago for their better satisfaction touching his doings in Franche-Comt, is not yet returned. The first part of his commission is full of fair words and large promises of pensions to the 'Cantons Papists' and protection of those of the religion ; but in case this will not serve, he is to offer to divide the country between them. This is reported to me by a man of credit who has seen his commission. It is advertised from Lyons that a great number of Italians have arrived in Savoy, and that the Duke is marching in person to the succour of the Low Countries or rather of Franche-Comt ; but I can hardly believe it, though I mention it because it is written to a man of 'countenance.' The messenger who brought in the letter from Monsieur, and du Vray also, promised to come to me immediately after their return from the Court ; which was six or seven days ago, yet I do not hear of them. Possibly they are awaiting the coming of Simier, who is expected here daily. Of Monsieur I say nothing, for I know that his doings are better known in the Low Countries and sooner advertised from thence. His Captains and soldiers returning from him have been slain in great numbers. The Ambassadors having refused Melun by reason of the sickness said to be frequent in that town, it was appointed that they should be lodged at Moret ; but the gentlemen of the Court will not be moved from thence, so the Ambassadors must remain at Paris unless they will be content with Melun. Though to give freer passage to these letters they bear the superscription of a packet, yet considering that the contents are not of such moment as to require speedy dispatch, I have delivered them as ordinary letters to an ordinary messenger. Please have consideration of his pains, as he promises to go with speed.Paris, 25 Oct. 1578. Endd. : Lres from Sir Amias Poulet about the marriage (sic) ; and below in L. Tomson's hand : From Sir Am. Paulett. 3 pp. [France II. 76.]
Oct. 25. 324. DUKE CASIMIR to DAVISON.
My Councillor Junius whom I sent to the Queen of England, having reported to me on his return his negotiations with her Majesty, I have thought good to send him to you, that he may give you also an account of his negotiations and give you her Majesty's packet addressed to you. Please give him credence as to myself in person.Ghent, 25 Oct. 1578. Add. Endd. Davison notes on back, in French : Proceedings of the Gantois. Alterations which have ensued throughout the country, to the prejudice alike of the State and of religion. The likelihood there is of a civil war by these means. Fr. p. [Holl. and Fl. IX. 78.]
I have received yours of the 19th, and am sorry to hear of the state of your camp. Pray advertise from time to time such matters as shall fall out, and if your camp is dissolved what order you mean to take for staying in garrison or otherwise.Richmond, 25 Oct. 1578. Add. Endd. by Davison's Secretary. 10 ll. [Ibid. IX. 79.]
Oct. 25. 326. RANDOLPH to DAVISON.
I am not a little beholden to you for your letter, especially at this time being in some melancholy through the sickness of my wife and son, she being in childbed sick of the 'pocks,' infected by her son. I have now some hope of both their recoveries. I send two letters from two good friends of yours, specially willed by Sir Walter to give you thanks for his son. I have been so long absent from Court that I know not what is done there. I must crave to be commended to your wife.London, 25 Oct. 1578.
Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holl. and Fl. IX. 80.]
Oct. 327. WALSINGHAM to NICHOLAS LODDINGTON, Governor to the Merchants Adventurers at Antwerp.
I received yours of the 19th, and was glad to learn that the difference between you and your minister was so friendly and quietly compounded. If you have been misreported, I have to think myself not well dealt with ; notwithstanding, as appears by your letter, there was some ground for the information given. For your purpose to have the Book of England used I do not mislike it, seeing it is of itself good and commendable, and as such established and authorised within the realm ; nor, if I be not deceived, is your minister of other opinion. When we were there, in talking of the same matter he acknowledged no less, being willing to show his conformity not only therein, but also in points and articles of further matter, which have made some diversity among a few ministers within the realm, but of late have been yielded to, as we showed him, and he offered like submission. So that as we were content at the time upon his conformity, to let him go on with the order he was entered into, which otherwise we would not have done, so I doubt not but the difference between you being nothing else, he will carry himself as befits one of his profession and be for the peace and quiet of the charge committed by him. Of this as her Majesty's Agent will not fail to have a care, so on your part doubt not that will be performed which appertains to dutiful subjects, and such as desire to set forth the truth of God's religion. And the more I see your forwardness therein, the more you shall find me ready not only to conceive well of you but to show you what favour I may.Richmond, 25 Oct. 1578. Add. Endd. by Davison's Secretary. 1 pp. [Ibid. IX. 81.]
Oct. 26. 328. WALSINGHAM to DAVISON.
The day of my return from my house in the country to the Court I received your packet, and at once acquainted her Majesty with the advertisement contained in it. She was sorry to learn that the treaty of the Commissioners from the Estates to the Gantois took no better effect. Your labour to remove the suspicion conceived by some that her Majesty has any interest in the 'fact' of Duke Casimir is well to be liked, and I doubt not by this you have given better demonstration of it by dealing with Casimir himself and with the Gantois. The bonds for Spinola will not as yet be granted, and the best way to compass it is to advise the States to write letters of thanks to her Majesty for the 8,000 ; laying before her the great benefits they have received at her hands by the grant of it. And though the sum itself is not great, yet it stood them in so much stead that without it the dispersal of their camp had ensued, which had fallen out very unseasonably for them at this point. And further, to let her understand that they have acquainted you at large with reasons to move her to consider their other two requests, one for a bond of 30,000 'guilderns' for Spinola, the other for the residue of the 100,000 to be taken up by virtue of her credit ; which they have prayed you to impart to her. Whereupon you may aptly lay down such reasons as you see most pertinent and with as good words as you can devise. These I take to be the best means, and any assistance I can give you or procure shall not lack. Before our departure we wrote to the Gantoys to dissuade them from their violent proceedings, laying before them in how evil part her Majesty took it. We wrote also from Dunkirk to the Prince showing how necessary it was to have an eye to the garrisons both in that town as also in Ayr [Aire] and St. Omer. How our letters were accepted I would you could advertise me by your next, and whether our doings in that behalf may not be interpreted as proceeding from unnecessary curiosity, according to Mr. Villiers' 'gloses' ; who 'swerveth many times from the text.' If they conceive of our doing otherwise than well, they do us wrong. We intended nothing but their good, as the late disorder in Flanders has shown ; and it is to grow to further degrees of extremity if by timely prevention some redress be not procured. As for the Governor's yielding to reason, I am very glad of it ; and now you and your minister have to deal advisedly therein, that seeing he answers for himself his meaning was only to have the Book of England observed, occasion be not given him to think otherwise of the matter, and to misreport your doings. For prevention of which your minister will do well to show some conformity therein. And as the difference is but small between one and the other, he may arrange that in the time before the sermon, he that used to read the Chapters may begin with the Confession and read some Psalms till the time of the full assembly and the beginning of the sermon. At our talk with him we found him conformable enough therein ; and to redeem the peace and quiet of the Church with so small a matter will not be amiss. But hereof I have willed Tomson to write more at large to your minister.Richmond, 26 Oct. 1578. P.S. (autograph).You will do well to advise Spinola to seek release of the 400 rather at the States' hands than at her Majesty's, who will hardly be drawn to yield to any new bonds. The sum is so small that it is hardly worth troubling her. Some fault was found that you did not send a through post with the news of Don John's death. You will therefore do well in any like 'accident' to send an express messenger, and I will take care to have them speedily returned. Add. Endd. 2 pp. [Holl. and Fl. IX. 82.]
Oct. 26. 329. DAVISON to BURGHLEY.
Our Flemish broil, notwithstanding all the labour of the Commissioners, is hitherto unappeased. The Walloons offer to lay down their arms and go to the camp or wherever the States may command them for service, on these conditions : that the Gauntois shall from henceforth desist from troubling their neighbours either under colour of religion or otherwise, as they have done of late ; that if the pacification of Ghent may not be kept, they shall at least permit the exercise of the Catholic religion in their town and elsewhere, subject to the Religions freidt or Interim agreed on by the States ; that they shall restore the Churchmen to the goods and living which they have seized without order or justice ; that the prisoners whom they detain shall be set at liberty, or committed into the hands of the Governor and States 'upon their trial' ; to receive such favour or punishment as the case shall be found to deserve. Lastly, for themselves, that the States shall at once give them four months' pay in full satisfaction of all that is due to them upon their gages. Which conditions, approved here as tolerable, the Gauntois will not incline to, especially the articles of not intermeddling with their neighbours, restitution of the Church livings, and release of the prisoners ; though for permitting both religions they make no difficulty. So the matter remains in debate, and the issue in suspense. The French of Combel's regiment who have gone to the aid of the Walloons, have during this treaty surprised and sacked the town of Lannoy, midway between Lisle and Tournay, and have besieged the castle into which divers of the townsmen had retired for safety ; which is said to have begun a singular discontent in the towns and country thereabouts. The Duke himself continues at Mons, where the townsmen have lately reinforced their guard, and look somewhat narrowly to the in and outgoing of that nation ; of whom they suffer few or none to nestle among them but such as are of the Duke's train, of whose names they keep a register. The States lately dispatched a deputy to him, and have done so again this day, to offer him Mechlin instead of one of the towns first promised him ; but he sticks hard upon the town of Brussels. Such of his forces as remain in the country, estimated at 2,000 besides the regiment in Flanders, are dispersed in Binche, Maubeuge, Rulx, Soigny and other places about Mons for the winter ; some tarrying voluntarily, others being made afraid to return home by the ill-success of their fellows, of whom it is asserted that above 2,000, among them divers gentlemen of mark, have been cut in pieces, besides 600 or 700 taken prisoners, by the peasants, who are all in arms all 'alongest' the frontier, to revenge the outrages committed by them in their repair hitherward. At Douay the townsmen have this week expelled the Jesuits and certain other churchmen, as also some gentlemen of the town, upon suspicion of some 'packing' with the French. And at Arras they have apprehended their magistrates upon some like jealousy ; conceived because they had privily sent their Deputies to Bethune, where the States of Artois were assembled, to devise some means for the removing of one Captain Ambrose and others being in garrison in their town, which the States had sent hither their deputies to solicit. The scope of both is, as I gather, chiefly to suppress the religion, which of late is like to break forth there as it has done in other places. Duke Casimir is still at Ghent and has solicited the Prince of Orange to come thither, and help by his presence to redress things amiss in that corner ; but neither are the States willing he should go hence, leaving things so 'rawghly' as they are, nor has he any disposition thereto, fearing that if things succeeded no better, the jealousy already conceived by some of his intelligence with the Duke and Gauntois would be increased. The camp, not yet dislodged from Ligny beside Gemblours, is immediately on receipt of the 'imprest' now sent them, about 200,000 florins, to remove towards Tillemont ; in which town, Diest, and some other towns on the river Demer, the States seem now minded to lodge the whole army, as in three camps, none above two leagues distant from another ; the season not serving to keep them longer in the field, nor their forces, incredibly diminished what with sickness, the enemy and 'bowres' [peasants], sufficing to 'exploit' anything upon the enemy where he lies. Besides that being so distributed they will keep him at bay, and make an end of wasting that part of the country that lies open to him ; which seems to have been their chief drift, thinking by famine to remove him quickly further off, though it be in the meantime with the great misery of the poor people of the country. As touching our peace, the courier sent to the Prince of Parma with the Emperor's letter addressed to Don John is returned without any answer but an attestation of the receipt of them. Upon this the Emperor's ambassador has sent the messenger back to request the Prince to vouchsafe him some answer for his own discharge towards his master, who is still awaiting it.Antwerp, 26 Oct. 1578. Add. Endd. in Burghley's hand. 3 pp. [Holl. and Fl. IX. 83.]
[Oct. 26.] 330. Draft of above. Begins : I wrote my last on the 19th of this month ; otherwise same as above, with slight variations. Endd. 2 pp. [Ibid. IX. 83a.]
[Oct. 26.] 331. Another draft. Endd. 1 pp. [Ibid. IX. 83b.]
Oct. 26. 332. DAVISON to WALSINGHAM.
Almost identical with that to Burghley. Par. between reads : being assembled consulted among other things upon the displacing of the 15 men a late erected tribunal at Arras and ; and between ; and to that effect sent hither their commissioners that they might the more easily execute that they pretend. Draft. Endd. 2 pp. [Ibid. IX. 84.]
Oct. 26. 333. ROSSEL to WALSINGHAM.
I have received through Mr Davison yours of the 11th. He asked me what news I have, and I dissembled with him, for it seems to me that it would not be agreeable to him if he knew that I was continuing the correspondence. I would therefore desire you to put letters for me in the packet for the secretary of the merchants, to remove all suspicion ; being sure that it would be taken much amiss by 6 [Prince of Orange] if it came to his knowledge. Flanders remains in the same predicament. The Walloons are ready to obey on condition that the people of Ghent will give up the prisoners to the Estates and leave the three churches to the Catholics. The Gantois hesitate about consenting, saying that they want to be all one or the other. If all the provinces were agreed upon the reception of the 'Religion Wlit,' I hold that matters could be remedied. The deputies and commissioners are still treating for agreement at Ghent in order to remedy the pitiful state of our camp which is going to ruin for want of pay. This puts the enemy in heart. To-day an instalment is sent to the army of 150,000 florins, which M. de Bossu will distribute as he finds necessary. Owing to the differences at Ghent all the other provinces have withheld their quotas and will not contribute till those of Flanders have satisfied (sic). Then there will be a general muster. The people of Arras are very disquieted. They have taken prisoners their magistrates, accusing them of having intelligence with the French. Two commissioners have been sent, M. de Richardot and M. de Guiebercy, to put things right. Those of Douay have driven out the Jesuits and all the priests from Flanders who had taken refuge there, which causes some division in the town, many thinking that the French had intelligence there. Those of Mons having lately noticed that a great many French were assembling in their town 'under colour, who called themselves' of the household of Monsieur, reinforced the guard and sent the deputies of the people, requesting the Duke to send away all who belonged to his household ; which he did at once. Next day they requested the Duke to give them a roll, and the names of those who belonged to his household and his guard, that henceforward they might not come to importune ; which was done, and they have the roll on the town gates, that no Frenchman may enter whose name is not there. The army of the francs taupins have entirely retreated to France for want of money. They passed between Landrecies and Quesnot, where they plundered, ravaged, and burnt everything. They give out that they have satisfied the promise to the Estates to serve three months. So much for their fine lere de boucliers here and in Burgundy, where they have abandoned everything, after pillaging the open country. All the malcontents are with the Duke of Alenon, where they would willingly arrange some novelty if they were backed by the towns and people, who take sides against the French. The Marquis of Havrech is gone to Mons with others, having used language of discontent when he was at Antwerp. Those of Bthune and Bapaume with M. d' Inchy, Governor of the citadel of Cambray, styling themselves deputies from Artois, have come to Antwerp and made some protest to the Estates on the matter of religion. They are instigated by the malcontents, but are not avowed by the other towns. These particular passions would be the cause of great ruin if the people were not of contrary humour to the nobility, who are letting themselves be won over by the chattering Frenchmen ; neglected their duty of maintaining the natives of the country, and having no regard to the ruin which would ensue from such a change. We have other malcontents who want to maintain the Archduke and find themselves much scandalized by the little respect in which the Prince of Orange holds him ; which make them think that he wishes to seize the lordship of the country after introducing the religion everywhere. To obviate these events a peace is needed, which the Archduke and the Emperor's Ambassador are soliciting, according to the exhortation I made to them, and which all good men desire. If her Majesty would support this by writing to the Emperor, setting before him all sinister consequences, I think a good might come of it for which posterity would ever be bound to her.Antwerp, 26 Oct. 1578. Add. Marginal notes by L. Tomson. Cipher interpreted in Walsingham's hand. Endd. : Divers letters from M. Rossel of anno 1578, 1579, 1580, 1581, 1582. Fr. 3 pp. [Holl. and Fl. IX. 85.]
Oct. 28. 334. Personal promissory note, given by Davison to Baptista Spinola to let him have before December next the obligations of the Queen and the City of London for 400 2s., payable at any time in June 1579 ; that being the deficiency on the sum of 12,151 promised in the former obligations.Antwerp, 28 Oct. 1578. Copy. Fr. p. [Ibid. IX. 86.]
Oct. 28. 335. Two acknowledgements, signed 'Abraham van Goorle,' one of a sum of 1,222 livres 19 sous Artois, received in the name of Thierry Vander Bekan, the States' military treasurer ; the other of a statement of expenses upon the ingots of silver arrived from England, amounting to 850 8s. together with Thomas Morgan's receipt for 300.Antwerp, 28 Oct. 1578. Endd. Fr. p. [Ibid. X. 1.]