Elizabeth: September 1578, 6-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1903.

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'Elizabeth: September 1578, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1903), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol13/pp181-192 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: September 1578, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1903), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol13/pp181-192.

"Elizabeth: September 1578, 6-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1903), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol13/pp181-192.


September 1578, 6-10

Sept. 6. 231. DUKE CASIMIR to the QUEEN.
You have no doubt heard from my councillor Junius of the straits I am in for having wished to please you. Since he went, they have increased more and more, so much so that if you do not take prompt order shortly by aiding me from your resources, I can assure you on the faith of a prince that this whole army will vanish to the great disadvantage of your reputation and the confusion of the common cause. As for me, my only regret will be to have been abandoned by a princess on whose faith and assurance I embarked upon this confusion. But I hope you will not let things go so far as that.From my camp, 6 Sep. 1578. Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Germ. States I. 71.]
Sept. 7. 232. POULET to the QUEEN.
Your Majesty will give me leave to express the great joy I have conceived at seeing it confirmed that you embrace the matters of the Low Countries with so good and godly affection ; not after the manner of ambitious princes desiring to decide their neighbours' controversies with intent to enlarge their own territories, but to deliver the oppressed from thraldom and tyranny, and to give the oppressor his ancient and patrimonial right with honourable and reasonable conditions. I think I do not abuse my terms, to say that to be given which without your favour were clearly lost, and as we commonly say, without redemption. There is no hope under God that any other than you can deliver that poor people from the tyranny of the Spanish and French, and the government of these two nations is in such extremity of pride, covetousness and cruelty, that I cannot tell which is the more tolerable. I say nothing of the danger likely to ensue by such guests to their neighbours adjoining. It was not enough to know that Monsieur had no intelligence with the Spaniards, whereof in my opinion there was no question, unless due consideration were had of the drift of his actions, which no doubt shot chiefly at the mark of making himself great and satisfying the ambition of himself and his followers. Good and provident counsel prevented this mischief ; and yet if peace be concluded between the King of Spain and the Estates, it may be feared lest new dangers will arise. Some think it probable that the peace of the Low Countries will work new friendship between Monsieur and the Spaniard, which may work new trouble here and elsewhere. Your Majesty's plain and honourable dealings grounded upon honour, equity, and conscience would deserve to be requited with like roundness ; but who can look that foreign Princes, trained up from their infancy in the school of 'tromperie' will be sincere in their dealings when it is not to their advantage? Experience has taught what is to be expected in like cases, and that we must bind surely if we look to find surety. I have long since been induced by many arguments to believe that Monsieur has no intelligience with the Spaniard ; but I must also believe that his army will not be idle. The French humour will not permit it ; necessity must seek another remedy, and then perhaps a new match may be made with the Spaniard, unless the young ambitious counsellors think it easier and safer to make themselves great in their own country than among the swords of their armed neighbours. We say here that the king has changed nothing but his habit ; a new man only in outward appearance and trifling shows ; but prodigal in his gifts and disordinate in his affection towards some young men about him, to the great offence of his nobility and to the utter ruin of his poor people, whose miseries indeed are without end or measure. It behoves him to cherish peace abroad when he has not peace at home ; I mean that he wants the loving hearts of his subjects, the only true blessing of all kings and princes. I am not one of those that take pleasure in publishing the infirmities of great personages ; yet I think it not impertinent to let your Majesty know the state of this country, which depends greatly on the good or bad disposition of its King. Besides this discontent at home, the Popish cantons threaten to renounce their league with the King, for want of pay, and new practices are in hand for new associations. The details I have imparted to Mr Secretary Wilson. For my part, I make the less account of these foreign doings, or of any danger that may seem to hang towards us, so long as I see that your Majesty stands on good terms with Scotland. Yet we say here that there is some beginning of troubles in those parts. If this postern door be safely shut, our known enemies will want occasion to annoy us ; which they desire much and can only effectuate by this way ; and others who are now our friends in appearance will not be moved by advantage to be our enemies. Neville [i.e. Neufville=Villeroy] has been dispatched lately from Monsieur to the King, and now is gone to Queen Mother and the King of Navarre, having secret orders from Monsieur to require the King of Navarre to put his whole power of horse and foot in readiness to serve when required. Fitzmorris is shipped at Nantes for Spain with his wife and family. The King was advertised the last of August that the King of Portugal was overthrown in battle in Africa, the greater part of his nobility slain and himself dead or prisoner. This is the reward of covetousness and ambition, and God grant the princes of this country to profit by this notable example. Queen Mother and the Queen of Navarre left Cognac on the 30th ult., and it is said that the King of Navarre had started towards them. The King is now at Fontainebleau, having advertised the ambassadors that he will return after three weeks ; but some think he will not be here till Michaelmas, because he is not attended by knights in sufficient number to solemnize the Order of St. Michael to his honour.Paris, 7 Sep. 1578. Add. Endd. 3 pp. [France II. 68a.]
233. Later copy of first jew sentences of the above letter, by one of Sir J. Williamson's clerks. p. [Ibid. 68a.]
Sept. 7.
K. d. L. x. 800.
234. Memorandum as to the marriage negotiations.
Die Dominica, 7 Septembris. At Horham.The Queen being minded to give his answer to M. Baqueville, sent from the Duke of Anjon to solicit the cause of his former suit of marriage, commanded him to be brought to her in a withdrawing chamber and that Lord Burghley, the Earl of Leicester and Sir Christopher Hatton should be present and hear her speech, all others excluded. Her Majesty said that she could not but thank the Duke, his master, for his good will in sending him to renew the suit of marriage, though it had been intermitted almost two years. For his reasons alleged to excuse this, as in no wise proceeding from himself, she said she was content to admit some, but others she could not allow of. As for the matter itself, concerning her marriage with anyone, she continued in the mind wherein she had always been firmly determined and had so answered no small number of princes, that she would never marry any person whom she should not first herself see. Concerning his coming here, she charged Baqueville to require the Duke to be well advised thereof, and to determine with himself not to come with a meaning to diminish his goodwill towards her in case there should be no agreement ; but that he would continue the mutual amity, and whatever fortune should do, whether continue his estate as brother to a French king, or should be a French king himself by the natural death of his brother, would continue towards her Majesty 'a good friend and a good sister' as she had deserved and would so continue. For if he meant to come otherwise and not obtaining his purpose of marriage should alter the good terms of amity betwixt them, she would he would in no wise attempt to come. And therefore she concluded with an earnest request that Monsieur would take advice of his friends, and not adventure his coming but with a determination that if there was a mutual liking there were no difficulty to breed any offence ; but if it should not succeed as he desires, he would not alter his goodwill but that the friendship professed not only between his brother and her but between the Duke and her might continue without any diminution. She added that this manner of dealing was only what had passed from her to a number of princes in like cases, as to the Emperor Maximilian for his brother, the Kings of Denmark, Sweden and others. If the Duke were disposed to come, she wished it might be without any pomp, but as privately as he might, with pretence to see her and her realm, so that if he do not obtain his purpose, no offence may grow thereby. For the articles heretofore conferred upon, which Baqueville had desired to see, she thought it best that their consideration were deferred. Finally Baqueville pressing to have a sight of them without taking a copy, it was answered that they are not here at the Court, but were thought to be in the keeping of Mr Secretary Walsingham ; whereupon Baqueville asked that Mr Secretary might have leave, if the Duke sent to him, to come and speak with him, and show them to him if he had them, or else report the substance of them. To which her Majesty assented and he took his leave. In Burghley's hand. Endd. 3 pp. [France II. 69.]
Sept. 7. 235. POULET to BURGHLEY.
Nothing is more dangerous than security in these bad times, when ambition and dissimulation have so great place in the heads of princes, and the only remedy for the danger, as your Lordship writes most truly, is to be trained in continual exercise ; sometimes it is even profitable to be wakened by false alarms. The old saying is confirmed by new experience, that our case is in question when our neighbour's house is on fire, and nothing is more certain than that our well or ill-doing depends greatly on the well or ill-doing of our neighbours abroad. England has therefore great occasion to shake off that sluggish sleep of security when it sees its only assured friends 'traveled' and consumed with continual troubles. It seems that this exercise has bred good effects in our country, and that her Majesty being plentifully 'endewed' with God's blessings has now also put on a will to profit by them and to put them in execution for the safety of herself and her state and to the benefit of all Christendom. The matters of the Low Countries give great hope of some good conclusion likely to ensue, if we proceed as we have begun. Although in my former letters I have been somewhat resolute that Monsieur had no intelligence with the Spaniard, and was induced by many evident reasons to be of that opinion, yet as I never doubted that ambition was the principal or only end and scope of his enterprise, if peace be concluded in the Low Countries, I do not see but that necessity, joined with the mediation of so many great personages will reconcile him again to the Spaniard, and then I fear that the sequel will be as dangerous as the beginning was suspicious. Such as follow Monsieur make their account of the other side, and now hold Luxembourg and Franche Comt their own already, and that Milan will not resist and then that Naples will yield by necessity. Nothing but kingdoms and great states will serve those fellows, and [they] do not think that their host when he comes will call them to a new reckoning. If war continue in the Low Countries then is good hope that Monsieur may also continue in well-doing ; but it is a necessity for his army to be employed, the ambition of his followers and want of money will force him to new adventures, and perhaps to a new match with the Spaniard. The only hope to the contrary that is conceived here is that his counsellors may counsel him to seek his greatness in his own country. The will of the Almighty must be fulfilled ; experience has shewn that He is a principal workman in these dealings, sparing and punishing at his pleasure. You have no doubt heard of the overthrow of the King of Portugal in Africa, and that the greater part of his nobility is slain and himself prisoner if he be not dead. The King here heard of it on the 30th ult. Some think this will serve to work a peace in the Low Countries. It is thought that Queen Mother and her daughter have now joined the King of Navarre.Paris, 7 Sep. 1578. Add. Endd. 1 pp. [France II. 70.]
Sept. 7.
K. d. L. x. 797.
You may have heard from the ambassadors how little fruit their labour has yielded in the treaty of peace ; Don John excusing his breaking off by an advertisement which he says he has received from the king that the whole handling of the matter is remitted to the Emperor, and himself being by that means unauthorized to proceed [al. excluded from proceeding] any further with the States, who, holding peace desperate, now go roundly forward with the French. Hitherto they have heard nothing from the Duke of Aerschot and M. de Frezin since their departure into Hainault, which causes the resolution where to employ the French troops to be still in suspense. The Camp near Mechlin are to remove in a day or two, the States having sent money thither for a general 'imprest,' not being able to satisfy them otherwise at present. The difference at Valenciennes is not yet decided, the greater part protesting against the government of Count Lalaing and such as are of his 'partiality' in inclination [al. having sent to the States to have a particular governor assigned them, being unwilling to have to do with Count L. knowing his partiality] to the French. The Gauntois 'do wade roundly thorough' with their alteration in religion, having utterly suppressed popery in their towns and liberties. [al. In Flanders religion goes notably forward, the contrary being in Ghent clearly suppressed, etc.] At Lille, Ypres, Bruges, this town, Brussels and other parts they now preach openly ; whose example is in hope to be [al. is daily] followed all the country over. [In draft to Leicester only.] Deventer is still unsurrendered to the States of Guelders, who still entertain certain companies before it. The levies for Don John in Germany are confirmed, and some say that part of them are already in Luxembourg. La Motte has lately received 200 Spaniards into Gravelines, to reinforce his garrison [al. being as is thought in 'jealousy' of his Walloons] ; but hitherto has attempted nothing against his neighbours. The plague, which is severe in the enemy's country now begins to wax warm in our camp, where the numbers are already greatly diminished [al. the fear whereof with other accident has greatly diminished the regiments of all the nations that serve].Antwerp, 7 Sep. 1578. Draft. p. [Holl. and Fl. IX. 8.]
[Sept. 7.] 237. DAVISON to LEICESTER.
Practically the same as the last. The chief variants are given above. Draft in Davison's own hand. p. [Ibid. IX. 9.]
Sept. 8.
K. d. L. x. 799.
The Queen wishes you to know that at Baqueville's departure when he had received his answer, he desired to have either a copy or a sight of the articles which heretofore had been treated on for the marriage between her Majesty and the Duke of Anjou, to which she answered that she would be loth to deliver up a copy of them, and for the sight of them, they were not to be seen here, but she thought they were in your custody. Whereupon he asked if the Duke should send to speak with you or send to you for the sight of them, whether she would be content you should speak to him, to which she agreed, and commanded me to write to you. When I doubted whether you had them there, she answered, it made no matter, 'for then he may make a report in words of the substance of them,' so that I see if he had not so pressed the having of them, or the sight of them, she could have been content to have it forborne till there was more probability of effectuating the principal matter. Of this I cannot tell what to affirm, yet I, with my Lord of Leicester and Mr Vicechamberlain only, heard her make the last answer to him at his departure, which was yesterday afternoon. The substance was that whereas she understood a disposition in Baqueville to 'provoke' his master to come hither, there being no assurance given of 'speeding,' her Majesty not expressly refusing his coming earnestly requested that he would not come except with the intention of continuing in amity with her if it should chance that the marriage should not take place with so long 'delatation' thereof that truly I cannot tell how Baqueville understands it, but I know how I should understand it, if I were in his place, and be very loth to 'provoke' my master to come over upon such an uncertain answer. The will of God be done to her comfort and her poor realm, which cannot but suffer by her lack, either by not marrying or by a husband. Thus I end marvelling that since Jacomo came we have not heard from you.From Sir John Cutts', 8 Sep. 1578. Holograph. Add. Endd. : Backeville see treaty or his master confer. 2 pp. [Holl. and Fl. IX. 10.]
Sept. 8.
K. d. L. x. 801.
Though I had nothing special to write I was loth that so convenient a messenger as this bearer should be dispatched without my letter of salutation to you. I may also advertise you her Majesty's good hope of the success of your present negotiation, wherein as you have laboured to notable good purpose, to the very good liking of her Majesty and Council for your wise and discreet proceeding, so I trust that her acceptance thereof at your return will appear to your good contentment. For news we have only that 'Signor Barkevill,' ambassador for Monsieur, was dispatched hence on the 7th ; who on taking leave specially requested that you might not depart from the Low Countries till Monsieur had digested her Majesty's answer ; in order that if occasion of conference with you might be offered, she might direct her commission to you for the same. Of which you need take no advertisement from me unless by her Majesty or my Lords it be otherwise signified to you.From the Court at Horram [Horeham] Hall, Sir John Cutt's, 8 Sep. 1578. Add. Endd. : No notice to be taken of stay for Monsieurs digesting the matter. 1 p. [Ibid. IX. 11.]
Sept. 8.
K. d. L. x. 802.
We have received your letters dated the 3rd inst., and have been advertised by Mr 'Oratio Palavasina' that the Queen has taken order for the 16,000 due to him and the 12,000 due to Mr Baptist Spinola, and had signed the warrant, and that the Lord Mayor and citizens have given their seal for the same on the 5th inst., so you need take no further care for it. And as Mr Smith and Mr Aldersey were out of the city at the receipt of your letters we thought good to let you know the state of the case.London, 8 Sep. 1578. Add. Endd. p. [Ib. IX. 12.]
Sept. 3.
K. d. L. x. 798.
241. The QUEEN to the AMBASSADORS.
Besides what we have written to you by John Sommer, our will is you declare to the States that whereas we have at our charges disbursed willingly the first 20,000 to Duke Casimir for their aid and afterwards were content to defray other 20,000 at the place of muster, on condition that the latter sum should be repaid to us upon the bond for 100,000 and money had thereon ; and that moreover they not performing the said repayment seek to have 28,000, we marvel greatly what they mean herein, and so go about to charge us with new payments. You shall therefore deal plainly and roundly with them for this kind of dealing ; and require them, if they will have the 28,000 and odd upon such conditions as were lately sent by Sommer, to agree among themselves that Duke Casimir may have the 11,000 remaining to be received for the payment of his reiters, which, as we think, will much content him. Otherwise if they continue in this manner of dealing, and seek still to burden us with such excessive payments, we cannot endure to be thus abused by them ; and therefore would have them plainly to understand that if they persist in this kind of proceeding, they will force us to withdraw our aid from them, seeing they will no better consider us, who have so frankly aided them in their extremity. Nevertheless use the contents of this letter as you see occasion, according to your discretion.Horeham Hall, 8 Sep. 1578. Add. Endd. by L. Tomson. 1 p. [Holl. and Fl. IX. 13.]
242. Draft of above. Endd. : Sent by Fant, servant to Mr Secretary Walsingham. 1 p. [Ib. IX. 13a.]
Sept. 9.
K. d. L. x. 814.
As you write, he had need to be furnished with patience that deals in such sour service as we are employed in, 'being almost ashamed to show our faces abroad, having entertained them with hope of the continuance of her Majesty's favour ; and now in the end when they stood in the greatest need of her assistance to be as it were quite abandoned.' Besides the alienation of their hearts from her Majesty, which cannot but be perilous to herself and her realm, it will render her hateful to the world, many hard speeches being given out against her ; which we hear with grief, and you could not but read with grief, if we set them down. We forbear therefore to make mention of them. To have all the world your enemy at once, it is greatly to be feared you will return Monsieur's ministers unsatisfied. If that come to pass, I know not any prince whose friendship you may assure yourself of. The King of Navarre and Prince of Cond are to learn by your dealings with the Prince and States here what to look for in the time of their necessity. As for Duke Casimir, he curses the time he ever left his country, especially finding her Majesty now grown so hateful to this people and himself for her sake less esteemed. How unpleasant it is to be employed in so unfortunate a service, I leave to your judgement. We do what we can to remove this discontent, and to stay these people from running a desperate course, by putting them in 'comfort' that when her Majesty is truly informed by us at our return of the state of their affairs, she will take such resolution as shall content them. But when they ask us what assurance they may have of this to induce them to rely on it seeing how former resolutions have taken no better effect, we know not how to answer ; yet we are not silent, though our answers satisfy neither them nor ourselves. So the mischief grows irreparable, through distrust of the performance of what hereafter may be promised. I know no help but a peace, which might the more easily be brought to pass if by her Majesty's assistance their army now in the field might be maintained in good countenance for two months ; which I fear will otherwise fall out for lack of pay. The King of Spain is weary of the war, especially as his return from the Indies (besides his fear of the French) fall not out according to his expectations ; having as I am credibly informed brought from thence only 900,000 [crowns] whereas he was wont to have two millions at least. I think that Don John too will find his expectations frustrate touching 100,000 which he looked for from Genoa, being advertised from thence that only 70,000 have been sent from Spain for the payment of his army ; which cannot but hasten the peace, especially if the States' camp could be enabled to continue in the field during the treaty.Antwerp, 9 Sep. 1578. Add. Endd. 2 pp. [Holl. and Fl. IX. 14.]
Sept. 9.
K. d. L. x. 805.
Your advertisements of Aug. 22 and the 1st inst. are very well received. I make them known to her Majesty first, then to my Lords. Touching the bonds for which you have a procuration, I send them to you by this bearer, Fante, Mr. Secretary's servant, being 24 in number, 12 from our sovereign and 12 from the city, as Spinola and Pallavicino desired. You are to use them as directed by the message lately sent by Mr Sommers, and not otherwise deliver any of them till you hear further from her Majesty. I wished it might have been otherwise, but our sovereign's command must be obeyed. The condition annexed to the bond, which was that you should receive the money and not deliver it till her Majesty's pleasure was known, was well liked by her. I would she had disbursed 100,000 of her own, so the peace were securely made to her satisfaction, for I see we are not apt to abide troubles not to intermeddle with 'garboils' but to live quietly without breach of peace.From Sir John Cutts' house in Essex, 9 Sep. 1578. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holl. and Fl. IX. 15.]
Sept. 9.
K. d. L. x. 803.
The hope of peace conceived by your letters of Aug. 27 appears by yours of the 3rd inst. to fall out illusory and vain. The Queen likes well your dealings at both times and wishes they had taken good success. But now it appears to her that Don John seeks to gain time, and upon advantage, when other forces come (which it is thought are hastening towards him) he will hazard a battle. Would God the States were so provided that they might deal with him at once. He is thought to want men, money, and victuals, and to have a very mutinous camp, as Dr. Junius informs her Majesty ; who was lately here, and is dispatched to Duke Casimir without hope of any more money. And hereupon her Majesty has written to you both, that you may plainly show the States her mind, if you think it meet for her service to do so. I have been earnest for the bonds, which I send by this bearer, being 24 in number, that for the 17,000 received, of which you stand bound for 5,000, the bonds may simply be delivered, and the rest, for 11,000 upon gages and the conditions expressed ; but I could not move her Majesty herein, though I said I feared that Spinola being driven to desperation would perhaps arrest you both, when he saw no other remedy, and protest against her Majesty. But all would not serve. Then I desired my Lord Treasurer and Mr Vicechamberlain to join me, and her answer was that till she heard somewhat of Mr Sommers' message she would not determine otherwise than she had done. I moved earnestly for your return, and alleged that your stay was needless, as no peace could be had, but I could not receive any grace as yet. I am commanded to write to you, Mr Secretary, that if Monsieur sends for you, you must address yourself to him without delay, for so her Majesty has promised M. Baqueville. Yet what will come of these wooings, God only, I think, knows. I am certainly in doubt ; yet 'somethinks' that Monsieur will come over this next month upon hope only. But how that stands with policy you may judge, knowing the world here as you do. He who gave Don John that report of our sovereign's speeches was a bad subject, and I would he were known. But I think it was Don Bernardino, and so I said to the Queen. That man spoke of himself a great deal more evil against Don John than ever she did ; as that he was ambitious and aspired not only to be Lord of the Low Countries, but of all the dominions the king of Spain had. Matters of Scotland still stand in doubtful terms, and I fear that unless some nobleman be sent to deal with the king and the lords, there will not long be quiet there. The lords there seem to pretend a greater goodwill to our sovereign than Earl Morton and those that serve the king. But their informations are not lightly to be credited ; no more than that the Earl of Athol is suddenly become a most earnest Protestant. But as Mr Bowes, whose worthy service deserves good reward, has informed you of these matters I forbear to write any more.From the Court at Sir John Cutts', 9 Sep. 1578. Add. Endd. 2 pp. [Holl. and Fl. IX. 16.]
Sept. 9.
K. d. L. x. 819.
I wrote you a line or two last Sunday by the ordinary post. Our camp has since removed to Kempenhout on the further side of the river, whence it is thought it will again dislodge to-night or to-morrow ; but whether to seek the enemy, to attempt Louvain, or to intrench themselves in some place between it and Brussels is yet unknown. The Court is to remove from hence in a day or two to Brussels, both to content the Bruxellers who have long sued for it, and to draw them the rather to agree to the renovation of the moyens grands expired last month ; in which they must break the ice for the rest of the towns. Of the Duke of Aerschot's negotiation in Hainault we know nothing yet. The towns which should be yielded to Monsieur, especially Quesnoy, have sent deputies hither to declare to the States their resolution rather to die than suffer themselves to be dismembered from the rest of the country, disavowing the authority of the States to make any such alienation. The Abbot of Maroilles is dispatched to see if he can bring them to better terms ; though some think he has neither commission nor will to press them much in that behalf. The number of the French given out as 10,000 or 12,000 does not, we hear, much exceed half. The Abbot of 'Gertruyl' and Councillor Liesvelt are sent to Brussels to take information against Champagny, who from the house of M. de Riom [Ryhove] at Ghent is now 'translated' to the palace where the rest of the persons remain. Draft ; date at head. Endd. 1 p. [Holl. and Fl. IX. 17.]
Sept. 9.
K. d. L. x. 811.
As I have already written to you that this people, to put away the yoke of Spain, will take themselves to any master, so I now see plainly that having only declared her Majesty's answer, brought by Mr Sommers, to the Prince of Orange, the Marquis of Havrech, and the Count of Bossu, who at two separate times were sent to us by the States for supply of the money, a bruit is given out that she has forsaken them ; which breeds such alteration here, and such a confusion in the camp, that we were credibly informed it was likely to be broken, such is their desperate state. How unhappily this answer came you may judge, when the burghers of 'Landersey, Kenoye, and Bawaye' were here, and refused to open the gates to the French, though the States had written to them. They have as far as their treasure would suffer sent every regiment some pay, but so little that it contents neither the colonels nor the soldiers. But the plague is such, and the ground whereon they lie so 'steynchide,' that they were forced to cross the river and go to a village called Vueren, within two leagues of Louvain. What will follow of this confusion, and of this army of discontented persons, you may easily judge. I can assure you that the people will no longer depend upon uncertainties, for now 'they stand upon making and marring,' and that we do what we can to stay them from taking a desperate course ; putting them in hope that upon our return when her Majesty is thoroughly informed of the state of affairs, she will not abandon them. Casimir is most unsatisfied that having received such letters from her Majesty she will now abandon him ; and hearing that the bonds for 100,000 are to be revoked, whereby he hoped to have been paid, he is now 'grown to a marvellous discontentation,' insomuch that we have been told by an honest person that if some order was not taken to content him, he would do what would be to her disliking. We may think ourselves most unfortunate to be employed in such a negotiation. I hope the world will witness that we have spared neither life or travail to advance her Majesty's service ; but if the success be hard the fault is not ours. We have written to her at length and have as we hope satisfied her in all things ; which before we referred to Mr. Sommers, a person well known to her Highness and to my Lord.Antwerp, 9 Sep. 1578. Add. Endd. 2 pp. [Holl. and Fl. IX. 18.]
Sept. 10.
K. d. L. x. 820.
I wrote to you lately, and as I have no better hope of our proceedings here than when I wrote, I can say the less now. I am sorry in my soul to see the slack determinations here, fearing they must come in the end to her Majesty's utter harm. We make certain account here of Monsieur's coming though she has given his messenger no hope of speed, but 'to take his adventure,' as they say he will do. Casimir's servant Junius had but a cold welcome, nor so good words for his master as no doubt he desires. The man is much grieved, and will shortly be dispatched, I doubt with little contentment. I am at present at Wanstead, and came hither Monday last : and this Wednesday morning am returning to the Court. God send good news from your parts ; the best methinks that will serve is a peace. The bonds for the money are sent ; you see upon what conditions. I fear credit, honour, and all will be in hazard. I would rather than 1,000 that you were at home and a couple of greater folks in your place. In some haste, ready to horseback, having no better news to write, this 10 Sep. S.P.I trust you do and shall hear that I have failed (sic) to discharge my duty for my advice in these matters ; and so shall do, God willing. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. IX. 19.]