Index: P

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1901.

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'Index: P', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1901), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: P', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1901), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: P". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1901), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Pacification of Ghent
-, the charter of the liberties of the Netherlands, Prince of Orange appeals to States to hold by, 16
-, causes return of 'Papists' into Holland, 42
-, Prince of Orange accused by Don John of infractions of, 42
-, Queen Elizabeth's allusion to, in Davison's credentials, 56
-, importance attached to, by States, 60, 65
-, negotiations concerning, referred to, 69
-, English Agent instructed to urge the due observation of, on Don John, 72
-, Prince of Orange urges States to adhere to, 74, 75
-, M. de Hèze mentions, 79
-, alleged by States, as justifying presence in Brussels of Prince of Orange's Agents, 93
-, infractions of, by Prince of Orange, detailed, 93
-, mentioned, 95
-, observance of, recommended by Davison, at his reception by States, 101
-, appealed to, by States, in reply to Don John, 110
-, Don John asserts that King would not have consented to, if he had supposed it would lead to change of religion in Holland, 113
-, violations of, by States, alleged by Don John, 126
-, Don John's offer to govern according to, 133, 157
-, historical review by States of Don John's breaches of, 170
-, Philip orders it shall be maintained, 193, 194
-, to remain in force by Don John's 'Articles,' 216, 217
-, history of its concession by Don John, 226
-, invoked by Orange, quâ exercise of Roman Catholic worship in Holland, 242B
-, basis of final Articles of States, 261
-, Prince of Orange free to come to Brussels under terms of, 276
-, Don John appeals to, 338, 367, 371
-, mentioned, 341 (p. 257)
-, Emperor's letter touching, 356
-, mentioned, 373, 404
-, New Association to interpret, 429
-, mentioned, 470, 476, 479
-, text of New Association, 498-501, 531
-, mentioned, 524
-, appealed to, by burgesses of Brussels, 539
-, mentioned by Leighton, 581
-, mentioned, 619, 648
-, cancelled by King Philip by his offer to States of such liberties as they enjoyed in time of Emperor Charles, 646, 649, 655, 655A, 697, 698, 699, 789
-, alluded to by Mendoza, 700
-, appealed to, by States, 710
-, mentioned, 715, 740, 743
-, appealed to, by M. de la Motte, 761 bis
-, mentioned, 771.

Pacification of Marche-en-Famine, 74, 75. See Marche-en-Famine, Perpetual Edict of.

Paderborn, Padelborn, Bishopric of, 365.

Padstow, Padisto, letter dated at, 250.

Pagadores, Spanish, 173.

Pageants, in Netherlands, described, 264.

-, custom of partition of towns in, between Elector's sons, 140
-, Calvinistic deputies from, at Frankfort, 313.

-, Duke John Casimir of. See Casimir.

-, Elector of. See Frederick
-, Lewis.

Paleseau, Captain, killed, 20.

-, Horatio, 169
-, Queen's bond to, 928, the like of Mayor and Corporation of London, 929.

Palley, —, dispatch from, 595 bis (p. 458).

Palmer, Captain, sent to Netherlands by Walsingham, arrested at Nieuport, 920.

Palsgrave, Palgrave, the. See Lewis, Elector Palatine.

Pamele, President, escapes from Ghent, 434.

Pamplona, 70.

Panelez, 486.

Paniers, provision for government of, 21.

'Pannonia', 890.

-, its policy of extermination of the Reformed Religion, 172
-, 'leagues' and disturbances promoted by, 211, 249, 285, 323 (p. 245), Queen Elizabeth's pronouncement on, 392
-, the great plot hatched by, at Bayonne, 467, 472. See also Gregory XIII.

Papal States, salt exported from, 575.

Pappart, —, Flemish merchant, 695.

Parchons, 426.

-, Valentine, Seigneur de la Motte, in command at Mechlin, 47, 48, 450
-, Governor of Gravelines, 546
-, enquiry by order of the States into his conduct at Gravelines
-, his replies to Articles, concluding with request for release of prisoners (at Ghent) and maintenance of Catholic magistracy, 761 bis
-, letter from, to authorities at Bourbourg, repudiating suspicions of his loyalty, 787
-, receives M. de Licques into Gravelines, 789 (p. 616)
-, Queen Elizabeth dispatches special messenger to, to keep loyal, 797
-, hopes of keeping him 'a good patriot'
-, his declaration in favour of prisoners of Ghent and Catholics
-, demands arrears of pay
-, practised with by divers clergy, 805, 811
-, surrounded by Jesuits
-, resents desecration of Church ornaments, 815
-, takes money from enemy, offering the States to repay it with theirs, 834
-, all hope of reconciling gone, 858
-, expects reinforcements from Don John, 877
-, takes in men and victuals, 917 (p. 727).

Pardo, 821.

Parin, 575.

-, English rebels at, 14, 447
-, King about to return to, 58
-, 'timid people of,' the backbone of King's party
-, untouched so far by war
-, Huguenots' design to harry, 68
-, Queen of Scots' death reported in, 124
-, expense of living in, greater than in provinces, 134
-, murder of Coligny at, alluded to, 242
-, Court moves to, from Poictiers, 256
-, English Jesuit at, 257
-, King's return to, 306
-, people of, discontented at fall of money, ready to revolt, 447
-, muskets and corselets ordered in, for Don John, 517
-, mentioned, 541
-, loans for Don John negotiated in, 555
-, Spanish money sent to, for Duke of Guise, 21 s. (p. 439)
-, wine of, 589
-, news from, 604 bis (p. 466)
-, story of letters lost in, 663
-, money sent viâ, to Don John, 691
-, letters to, from Netherlands, 788
-, Bussy d'Amboise in, 796
-, the approaches garrisoned by King, 813, 814.

-, letters and dispatches dated at, 124, 355, 388, 414, 420, 432, 447, 448, 496, 497, 507, 523, 540, 542, 543, 584, 587, 592, 607, 608, 629, 630, 640, 650, 652, 653, 654, 662, 663, 674, 686, 691, 701, 706, 762, 776, 795, 796, 813, 814, 836, 837, 838, 848, 864, 865, 906, 907, 908, 909, 914, 915.

-, Court of Parliament at, President in. See Arennes.

-, cases reserved for Parliament of, 283 (p. 214).

-, Louvre, 663.

-, St. Thomas' Church, 663.

-, Tuileries, garden of the, 837.

Parker Society's Publications, cited, 258n.

Parma, Duchess of. See Margaret.

-, Prince of. See Farnese.

Partelets, linen, 158, 185.

Pasquier, Licentiate, letter touching, 25.

Pastel. See Woad.

'Pastolet', alias of M. d'Argenlieu.

Paten, —, Scot, with Don John, 846.

Pauli, Pawley, Dr. Andreas, Commissioner at Hamburg, 575, at. Warsaw, 691 bis (p. 538).

Pawley. See Pauli.

Payan, —, Signature of, as representative of Reformed Churches of Languedoo, 34.

Pedro, —, carries letters to Spain, 240.

Piers, Peris, Balthazar, Portuguese, 560.

Pennemantz, Jan de, 589.

Pepoli, Count of, sent Ambassador from Pope to Spain, 620 bis (p. 484).

Pepper, contractors of, in Hamburg, application to, by Sebastian, King of Portugal, 15 s. (p. 432).

Pequaiz, near Aigues-Mortes, source of salt supply, 136.

Perck, M. de, in suite of Marquis d'Havré, 761.

Pereira, Nunnalunez, 696.

Perez, Antonio, Secretary of Philip II., letters to, intercepted, 38, 170, 476.

-, Louis de, merchant of Antwerp, 231.

- See also Peirs, Peris.

Peris, Diego, 560. See Peirs, Perez.

-, Count d'Escars of, 140 (p. 106)
-, violation of passport in, 283 (p. 214).

-, 20
-, Turenne in, 68, pay of garrison charged on taille of, 282
-, attacked by Papists, 584, King's dread of consequences, 607 (pp. 466-467), 654.

Perona. See Peronne.

-, Perona, in Picardy, claimed by Condé, 20, 21
-, flight to, of conspirators from Netherlands, 736, 744, 746, 747
-, Governor of Picardy at, 909.

Perpetual Edict. See Marche-en-Famine.

-, Anthony, Cardinal Granvelle, mentioned, 112
-, at Rome, 15 s. (p. 433)
-, with Duchess of Parma at Naples, 575.

Perrenot, Frederic, Baron de Renaix, Seigneur de Champagni en Franche-Comté,

-, commends himself to Queen Elizabeth, 6.

-, 'best of patriots'
-, his civility to English Ambassador, 14.

-, mentioned in correspondence of Don John, 38.

-, his authority with the States, 41.

-, to be Governor of Antwerp, 44.

-, negotiations of Agent of Prince of Orange with, 47.

-, his regiment for Antwerp, 57.

-, his negotiations in England, at time of Pacification of Ghent, 69.

-, ordered by States to prevent entry of Germans into citadel of Antwerp, 95.

-, goes to reduce Breda, 101, 102, 103, 117.

-, proposed mission to England, 159.

-, letter from, to States General, touching affairs at Antwerp, 173.

- sent to Prince of Orange, 199.

-, his regiment heretofore disbanded, 223.

-, secures Bois-le-Duc for States. 231, 239.

-, his nephew, M. de Vers, 298.

-, in plot to bring in the Archduke Matthias, 318.

-, member of new Council of State, 379.

-, arrested by the 'Gauntoys' but 'playing the good orator' escapes, 434, 455.

-, requests Davison, by order of States, to go to Antwerp, 461.

-, men of his company, 517.

-, of the Archduke Matthias' Council, 522.

-, promotes union of Catholics, to attack Protestants
-, detected and expelled from Brussels, 545.

-, officer in army of States, 546, 755.

-, his regiment routed at Gemblours, 620.

-, with his companies at La Halle, 658.

-, his Walloon regiment reforming, 760.

Perrenot, —, Seigneur de Vers, nephew of Champagny, in action, 298.

-, John, knt., Lord Deputy in Ireland, 486
-, complaint against, forwarded by French Ambassador, 663 (p. 518).

Perseus alias Ganymedes, 264.

-, the Sophia, 620 bis (p. 483)
-, cause of Turkish war with, 604 bis (p. 466)
-, the Sophy poisoned by sister, 701
-, death of Ismael, King of, 720 bis (pp. 555, 556)
-, Turkish war against, 777
-, history of its origin
-, fortunes of, 890 (pp. 696, 697).

-, François de la, Agent of Condé, 23
-, endorsement by, 34
-, received by Queen Elizabeth, on his way to Duke Casimir, 61
-, heads of his negotiations, for army under Duke Casimir, and loan from England, 68
-, minutes of his negotiations with Duke Casimir, 136
-, his arrival at Frankenthal, 138
-, Duke Casimir's distrust of, 138 (p. 100), deprecated by Rogers, 138 (pp. 103-4), his own explanation, 138 (p. 104), copy by, 287
-, Duke Casimir's answer to
-, returns home, crossing France in disguise, 305 (p. 229)
-, at Frankfort Assembly, 313.

Pertal, Abraham, 9.

-, Englishman in, 132
-, French expedition for, 475, 497, 584, 592, 639, 654.

Pescione, Domenico, 26, 310.

Pesth, Pescht, 575.

Petain, —, sea captain, 842.

Peters, Feck, Portuguese, 560.

Peterson, Peter, Burgomaster of Amsterdam, 457.

Petitpiere, Duke of. See Lützelstein.

Petrucci, Petruzzi, —, Ambassador to Henry III. from Tuscany, 20.

Pettipeire, Duke of. See Lützelstein.

Petune. See Béthune.

Peucelius, Dr., banished by Duke of Saxony, 249.

Pewter, 4 s. (pp. 426-7).

Pézenas in Languedoc, 447.

Pharaoh in Red Sea. See Comet.

Philip, Duke of Brunswick, to act with Duke Casimir in Low Countries, 305 (p. 230), with Don John, 434 (p. 326), 703.

Philip II., of Spain :—

-, his decision concerning Pasquier in doubt, 25.

-, Queen Elizabeth's respect for his soverainty in Netherlands
-, his intrigue with Duke of Norfolk alleged by Prince of Orange in reply, 38.

-, Don John's correspondence with, intercepted, 38.

-, head of the league of Papists, to be confronted by Queen Elizabeth as head of a Protestant league, 41.

-, sum of his expenditure in Netherlands, 42.

-, prepares for war in Netherlands, 42.

-, letter to, of Queen Elizabeth, touching Englishman in Canary Islands, 66.

-, Sir Henry Cobham's mission to, referred to, quâ Pacification of Ghent, 69.

-, anxiety of Don John for instructions from, 87.

-, question as to his raising army in Spain, 129.

-, league between, and Turk, 140.

-, bad reception by, of Escovedo
-, forbids war, 192.

-, his commands communicated by Don John to States, 193, joyful acceptance of news, 194, 195, authentic copy required by States, 208.

-, letter to, from States, requesting authority for Council of State to govern, pending arrival of Don John's successor, 198.

-, his monastery of the 'Scuriale' burnt, 199, by lightning, 226 (p. 166).

-, report of his death, 199, 202, 204, 205, 206, 211, 258.

-, utter improbability, in Davison's opinion, of his putting up with actions (detailed) of States, 214.

-, proposed match between his daughter and her uncle Anjou, 233, 404, 421, 429, 434, 599.

-, Don John foretells his anger at invitation to Prince of Orange and demolition of strong places in Flanders, 289, 290.

-, coming of Archduke Matthias unknown to, 330.

-, his decision, requiring absolute submission under penalty of war, announced by Don John to States, 338-340.

-, direct communications to be made to, by States
-, Don John's report to, that people of Netherlands 'spett' at mention of his name, 346.

-, suspected of setting on the Turk, 412
-, his truce with, 429, 434, 503.

-, mediation between, and States, offered by France, 432, 433.

-, States of Netherlands write to
-, 'no man of quality' to be found to take letter, 434 (p. 326), 455.

-, stirred up by the Inquisition to deal pitilessly with Low Countries, 465.

-, represses Netherlands for fear of like revolt in Italy, 465.

-, Queen Elizabeth's letter to, notes for, 495, mentioned to States, 510, the bearer's instructions, 524.

-, to hold great Council at Milan, 507.

-, reported to have seized Genoa (Gennes), 356, 379.

-, negotiates marriage of Infanta to Emperor, 365, 599, 600.

-, fallen into a 'phrenesy,' 365, 379, 389.

-, reported intention of, to visit Netherlands, appointing Empress to govern in Spain while absent, 378, 429, 15 s. (p. 433).

-, seizes Marquisate of Final, 379.

-, reception by Netherlands of Archduke Matthias as Governor would commit them to throwing off his yoke, 385.

-, his partizans and pensioners in French Court, 385.

-, Queen Elizabeth's missive to, text, 524, 525, 538.

-, letter from, to States, 528, their reply, 632, 633.

-, Queen's letter to, not calendared, 537.

-, borrows money in Genoa
-, mints money in Spain
-, proposes Margaret of Parma as Governess of Netherlands
-, accepts Archduke Matthias as Governor
-, writes to Emperor, 553.

-, King of Sweden's claim against, 15 s. (p. 433).

-, sends Ambassador to Turkey to entertain Sultan with hope of peace, ibid.

-, sends money to Duke of Guise, 21 s.

-, Duchess of Parma's Envoy to, 575.

-, defects in defences of Sicily communicated to, ibid.

-, aware of Archduke Matthias' arrival in Netherlands, 604 bis (p. 466).

-, letter to, from Guaras, known to Poulet, 607.

-, Papist Cantons grant him twenty-five companies, 607 (p. 467).

-, proposed sale by, of towns to Duke of Tuscany, 608.

-, suggested mediation with ('King of Castile'), of Portugal, re Flanders, 611.

-, negotiates peace with Turk, 630, 651 bis, without hope of success, 663 (p. 518), efforts to prevent, 848.

-, letter from, to M. de Selles, refusing Archduke Matthias, but proposing to give Netherlands a new Governor, 655, 655A.

-, sends Mendoza Ambassador to England, 663
-, his negotiations. See Mendoza.

-, Duke of Anjou aware that he 'means nothing less' than to give the Infanta to him, 663 (p. 518).

-, letter from, to M. de Selles, reiterating demand for withdrawal of Archduke Matthias, promising new Governor, cancelling Pacification of Ghent, and approving of insolent proposal made to Prince of Orange, 697, 698, 699, 789.

-, his relations to Netherlands reviewed by Mendoza, 700.

-, Emperor's intervention with, sought by States, 711.

-, his Ambassador in Constantinople, 720 bis.

-, M. de Robles sent to, by Don John, 744 (p. 578).

-, Henry III. invited to interfere in Low Countries, replies, 'I will have no war with the Spaniard,' 796.

-, treaty of marriage for his daughter with Emperor, 813, 814.

-, Escovedo's murder at his Court reported, 815, 827.

-, reports as to his decision, touching Netherlands, from Genoa, 821.

-, his Queen and Court move, 821.

-, his policy in Netherlands stated by Don John, 830.

-, dependence on, of Henry III., from fear of his brother, manipulated by Guises, 864.

-, sends order by M. de Billy for vigorous prosecution of war, 877.

-, purchases truce from Turk on terms of yearly tribute, 890.

-, his Ambassador requests Henry III. to stop Duke of Anjou, 908.

Philip le Bel, privileges granted by, to England, 394.

Philippa, the Lady, married to King of Denmark, temp. Henry IV., 171.

-, garrisoned by Don John 42, 47, 49, deserts him for States, 117
-, Governor of waylaid by Don John's men, 141
-, mentioned, 517
-, attacked by Don John, 637
-, unsuccessfully, 664
-, besieged, 728, 729, 733, 737, 744, 746, 747, 749, 767, 788, 789
-, siege of, raised, 789 (p. 617), 805
-, again besieged, 805, 812
-, States' camp near, 827
-, besieged, 858, 861
-, Don John's intelligence in' fails, 862
-, holding out, 877, surrenders, 897, 'a loss of great consequence to the States'
-, Walloons and French fail ignominiously to relieve
-, to be assigned to Duke of Anjou, if he could recover it, 903
-, distribution of companies from, 910
-, three out of eight companies in, go over to Don John under the Governor, 917 (p. 726).

-, Governor of. See Florennes.

Philippi, Edwardi, 560.

Phipson, George, his alleged piracy, 8.

Phrise. See Friesland.

Piacenza, Pizance, rebellion in, 720 bis (p. 556).

Pibracq, —, Chancellor of Queen of Navarre, 796, 864.

-, Condé's claim to government of, 20, 21, 266
-, Duke Casimir to be employed in, 555
-, La Roche goes to, 796
-, levies in, for Duke of Anjou's adventure, 796, 814, 867.

- See also Péronne.

-, Governor of, 475.

-, Receiver General of, 314.

Pichou, —, Notary Royal, 863.

Pickotins of oats, 744.

Picquigny, 837 (p. 660).

Piedmont, passage through of Spanish troops for Don John, 507, unwelcome, on account of 'droyth' in, 848.

Piedmontese soldiers for Don John, 346, 356.

Pierre, M. de la, alias of Argenlieu, 418, 425.

Pina, Francisco de, 560.

Pinart, —, Secretary of French Council, 84, 99, 224, 253, 306, 307, 587, 607, 640, 663, 691 (p. 537).

-, Queen Elizabeth promises to punish one Phipson
-, she commissions ships for repression of piracy, 8.

-, English pirates off Scottish coast
-, three ships sent to arrest, 64, 200.

-, English mariners sent to galleys in France as pirates, 99.

-, men of Flushing despoil Mr. Beale, the Queen's Agent, 164, 180, 202.

-, burgesses of Ostend complain of capture of ship trading to Königsberg by forty-six English pirates, 196.

-, French pirate, Niepeville, escapes from England, aided by French Ambassador, 252, prepares fresh voyage, 475, 497.

-, Portuguese ships plundered by English pirates
-, Queen's ships arrest Danish pirate, 310.

-, special escort required for passage from London to Flanders, 'to avoid the danger of pirates, who are plentiful on that passage,' 347.

-, King of Denmark complains to Queen of the pirate Callis, 364.

-, reparation demanded by Queen from Netherlands for losses by piracy, 536.

-, Corsican 'rovers,' 575 (p. 443).

-, 'ships set forth in warlike manner by order from the King' of France 'to spoil her Majesty's subjects,' 595.

-, Poulet disclaims English pirates, 607.

-, piracy of men of St. Malo, Ardern's case, 609, 653, 686.

-, proposed joint action by England and France for repression of piracy, 663.

-, piracy by men of Low Countries, 842.

- See also Marque, letters of
-, Rover
-, Saint-Gélais.

Pirford, Purford, co. Surrey, letter dated, 412 (p. 313).

Pisa, 777.

Pizance. See Piacenza.

Placard, or Edict, 43, 858.

-, the, in London, 100
-, in Germany, 246
-, at Frankfort, 323 (p. 246)
-, at Vienna, 337
-, at Lierre, 457
-, in Milan and Lombardy, 507, 18 s. (p. 437).

Plantin, Plantyne, press, book ordered from, 847.

Platte, Otto, Colonel of 'reiters' with Don John, 546, levying 'reiters,' 775.

Plauenstaine, 575.

Plessis, du. See Mornay.

-, guns, &c., shipped from to Spain, 19, 70, 250
-, trade from, to Spain. 240
-, French ships arrested at, 457
-, ship of, detained in France, 522.

Podolia, ravaged by Tartars, 752.

-, prisoner at, 283
-, mentioned, 587.

-, letters dated at, 20, 22, 35, 36, 37, 81, 82, 84, 134, 135, 154, 174, 224, 225, 252, 253, 253A, 254, 255, 256, 266, 268, 306.

-, seneschalry of, 283 (p. 214)
-, wine of, 589
-, levies in, 639
-, heavy guns sent from, to Bordeaux, 640.

Poland, deputies from Reformed Church of, 246 (p. 181).

-, at mercy of Turk, 258, 285.

-, Protestant deputies from, at Frankfort, 313.

-, Henry III.'s flight from, 323 (p. 245).

-, Emperor's brother candidate for throne of, 337.

-, Prussia held from, 337, 412, 691 bis (p. 538).

-, election of Maximilian as King of, 412.

-, threatened by 'Tartars,' 412, by 'the Muscovite,' 571 (p. 425), 701.

-, 'accounted the defender' of Riga, 12 s. (p. 431).

-, agreement made with, by Dantzig, the terms, 595 ter (p. 460), 604 bis (p. 465).

-, Pole, exiled at Russian instance, seizes Moldavia, 691 bis, 701.

-, Tartars let loose on, by Turk, 720 bis (p. 555).

-, States of, at Warsaw, offended at peace with Dantzig, discuss peace with Russia
-, desire 'three chambers, as in the Empire,' and 'establishment of the succession,' 752.

-, refugee from, appeals to Rome, 777.

-, King's flight from, 866.

Poland, King of. See Stephen.

-, Pullison, Alderman of Ipswich, his claim on States of Holland and Zealand, 41
-, sharp order by Privy Council for settlement, 466
-, payment ordered, 478.

-, Polweiler, Colonel, besieged at Ruremonde, 258, 296, 330
-, request for his removal, under pain of ban of Empire, 711, 732.

Polycarpus, 140.

-, Pomer, Pomerland, French hostage to be sent to, 286
-, levies for States of Netherlands in, 595 ter (p. 460).

-, -, Duke of. See Casimir.

Pomster, Earl of, Envoy from King of Poland, 606.

Pons, 20.

'Pont de Veau', Count of, 117.

Ponte, kindred of, 821.

Pontoise, 837 (p. 660).

Pooley, —, soldier, complains to Davison, 690.

Pope, the. See Gregory XIII.

Porter, John, commands English troops for States, 759.

Porto, town on Mediterranean, seized by Moors, 199.

Porto Ferraio. See Porto Venere.

Porto Venere, Porto Ferraio, 'a port in Ferrara,' 21 s. (p. 439), 651 bis (p. 504).

Portsmouth, 486, 842.

Portugal, complaint by Ambassador of, concerning English relations with Morocco, 94.

-, reported landing of 5,000 Portuguese in Ireland, 117.

-, expedition from, against Moors, Spanish troops from Flanders embark at Genoa to take part in, 145.

-, alleged offer to Parma of command of African expedition from, 145.

-, recruiting by, for expedition, in Italy, 145, 181, 575, 611.

-, Portuguese executed at Antwerp, 173.

-, preparations by, for African expedition, alleged to be directed against England, 181, 249 (p. 188), 320, 323, 611.

-, fore-knowledge in, of Don John's designs in Netherlands, 214.

-, guns from Royal arsenal of, for James Fitzmorris, 427, 611.

-, statement of amount of Portuguese goods seized in England [A.D. 1573-76] and sold, for benefit of English merchants whose goods had been 'stayed' in, 486.

-, application from, to Prince of Orange, for passage by Zealand of German troops engaged for war with Moors, 531, 611.

-, abstracts of letters seized from merchants of, by English Government, 560.

-, Englishmen and their goods arrested in, 'because of Mr. Winter's letters of marque,' 560.

-, German troops hired for, 15 s. (p. 432), 611.

-, Ambassador of, at Rome, negotiates aid, at Florence, from Duke of Tuscany, 575, 604 bis (p. 466), 611.

-, Stewkley in, 651 bis, 656.

-, Hoddesdon furnishes invoice of goods bought for, in Hamburg, 651 bis, 656.

-, Portuguese armada, with Spanish ships destined, half for Ireland, half for Friesland, 651 bis.

-, great naval activity in, and Spain, 654, Poulet's suspicions as to, 813, 814, 890.

-, 'Germans' leave Netherlands for, 657.

- great levies of men in, 691 (p. 537).

-, Agent for in Paris, in daily correspondence with enemies of England, 837.

- See also Morocco.

Portugal, Ambassador from, in England. See Giraldi.

-, King of. See Sebastian.

Portugal salt, 486.

Portuguese troops in Antwerp, 129.

Posanio, the Jesuit, sent to Sweden, 15 s. (p. 433).

Poulett, Paulett, Amyas, knight, English Ambassador in France :—

-, his son, 82, 134, 587, 663 (p. 519).

-, report by, of interviews with the King and Queen-Mother, 100.

-, said to have been put in prison, in retaliation for execution, as reported, of Queen of Scots, 124.

-, his remarks on his proposed recall, 134.

-, reports his audiences with King and Queen-Mother, 135.

-, Scottish spy's relations with, 181.

-, swindled out of a horse by young de Vere, 256.

-, recommends Manucci to Lord Leicester, 268.

-, request by Henry of Navarre that his Agent may interview. 283.

-, to be ordered to procure a receipt given by Andreas for his pension, 314.

-, solicits a successor, 414.

-, reports interview with Ambassadors to France from States of Netherlands
-, reported escape of English ships from Lansac
-, and Scots applying to him for passports, 420.

-, news from, referred to, 456.

-, mentioned by Sturmius, 474.

-, deplores the pollution young Englishmen are exposed to in Paris, 507.

-, letter to, from Rogers, at Frankenthal, 529, recommending friend of Duke Casimir's, whom Poulet wholly disapproves of, 607, 630.

-, commends his late Secretary to Lord Burghley, 540.

-, anonymous payments made by, 542.

-, his present to the Queen, 543, well received, 595.

-, impatient for successor
-, the post his ruin, 543.

-, memorandum to, Aug. 1577, from Privy Council, 565.

-, Queen's letter to (1586), when keeper of Mary, Queen of Scots (not calendared), 565.

-, Queen's letter to (1579), on son's death (not calendared), ibid.

-, requests new cipher, 584.

-, hints at use of torture as serviceable, 607 (p. 467).

-, thanks God Englishmen cannot dissemble like French, 630.

-, gratitude of curé to, 639.

-, expresses his regard for Walsingham, 653.

-, fears a packet of letters gone astray, 663 (p. 517).

-, recommends acceptance of Duke of Anjou's overtures, 706, 796.

-,his anxiety Queen should not be abused by Spanish professions, 691 (pp. 535, 537), 762.

-, Davison acknowledges letter from
-, 'would have wished' his, Poulet's, 'letter some better subject,' 746.

-, the Queen-Mother, by one of her ministers, professes to him her mislike of Spanish successes in Netherlands, and her contentment with English control of Scottish affairs
-, his distrust of 'whatever they do or say,' 762.

-, Queen, by Walsingham, signifies her complete confidence in him, with leave to him to deal, without special direction from her, as from himself, with anyone
-, particularly with the Queen-Mother touching Netherlands and Scotland, 779
-, his utter distrust of Catherine, 814, his interview with her, 836.

-, compliments from, to Walsingham, 795.

-, ill with 'the beginning of the stone,' 795, 796.

-, recommends an understanding between French Protestants and Duke of Anjou
-, forecasts success of King of Navarre in 'establishing religion' in France, 796, 864 (p. 682).

-, recommends civility be shewn to Gondi in England, 796.

-, patriotic compliments from, to Lord Burghley, 813.

-, again urges his recall, 836, 838, 907.

-, letters and despatches from, 20, 22, 35, 36, 37, 58, 81, 82, 83, 99, 134, 135, 224, 225, 252, 253, 253A, 254, 255, 256, 266, 268, 306, 388, 414, 420, 446, 447, 475, 496, 497, 507, 523, 540, 542, 543, 584, 587, 592, 607, 608, 629, 630, 640, 650, 652, 653, 654, 662, 663, 674, 686, 691, 701, 706, 762, 795, 796, 813, 814, 836, 837, 838, 848, 864, 865, 906, 907, 908, 914.

-, despatches to, 24, 229, 230, 529, 541, 595, 609, 639, 746, 779.

-, endorsement, &c., by, 766, 867.

-, George, joins embassy in France, 268, carries despatches to England, 507, 543.

Powder and saltpetre, 125, 12 s. (p. 430), 17 s., 21 s., 611, 640, 640 bis (p. 495), 651 bis, 753.

Powlter, Richard, master of the 'Mayflower,' 4 s. (p. 426).

Poyntz, Poynes, Ferdinando, Merchant Adventurer, in Antwerp, 41.

Prada, Secretary, 428.

-, Praga, 412
-, letter dated at, 15 s. (p. 434)
-, Diet at, 691 bis (p. 539), 890.

Prayer Book
-, Common, in Latin, 575
-, form of Common Prayer, Queen's insistence on, 852.

Precedence of Ambassadors, 701.

Prepotawny Balnithe, Hungarian, 575.

Presburg, Diet at, 890.

President de la Place, compensation for his children demanded, 283.

President of Council [? of Netherlands], plot to be divulged to 343. See Pamele.

Presles, M. de, officer in States' army, 450.

Preston, Edward, of Hull, merchant, 486.

Price, John, Hoddesdon's servant, 651 bis, 887.

Priescau, M. de, officer in army of States, 546.

Priests, marriages of (Protestant), 282 (p. 211).

Privy Council, English :—

-, complaint of Portuguese Ambassador referred to, by Queen, 1.

-, representation by, to Prince of Orange, of claim of merchants of Ipswich against Holland and Zealand, 3, 4.

-, despatch from, to Poulet, 440.

-, letter to, from Marquis d'Havré, 578.

-, hurried meeting of, 625.

-, passport signed by, 692.

-, statement for, as to non-employment of English troops in Low Countries, 727.

Procaccia, 604 bis (p, 466).

Prodigies, conscience of Duke of Saxony astounded by, 136, 140. See Omens and Comet.

Protestant League, proposed. See League.

Protestantism versus Papacy, disquisition on, 172, 249.

-, See also League.

Prothonotary in Chancery, to make office copies, 17.

Provant, John, 64.

-, towns in allotted to Huguenots, 266
-, effect in, of quarrel between King and brother, 908.

Proverbs :

'God sendeth a curst cow short horns,' 119.

'Turn the sow to the hay. 226.

'Cast the cat between the legs,' 235.

'Beware of had I wist,' 353.

News 'par le courrier boiteux,' 657.

'At the end of his Latin,' 837 (p. 657).

Pruneaux, M. des, Commissioner from Duke of Anjou to States of Netherlands, 789, 803, 805, 811, 818, 834.

-, Borissa, Prucia, French hostage to be sent to, 286
-, Dukes of receive investiture from Kings of Poland, 337.

-, Duke of. See Albert Frederick.

Psalm-singing, prosecution for, deprecated, 282 (p. 212).

Pullison. See Pollison.

Purford. See Pirford.

Puttingen, Lord of. See Ters.

Puygaillard, —, 586.

Pyati Pasha, his death, 777.