Index: G

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1901.

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'Index: G', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1901), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: G', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1901), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: G". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1901), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Gainsforth. See Gainsworth.

Gainsworth, Gainsford, Gainsforth, Gensfort, Captain, 209, in Netherlands, 336, in command of English companies at Lierre, 658, 737, 759.

Gambell, Thomas, ironmonger, 4 s. (p. 427).

Gamboa, Don Juan de, poisoned, 129.

-, Maximilien Vilain de, Seigneur de Rassenghien, intermediary between Don John and the Estates, 43, 44, 45, 49, 55, 65
-, a 'suspected patriot,' 142
-, letters to, of Don John, intercepted, 176
-, his double dealing, popular resentment probable, 233 (p. 172), 320
-, thrown into prison by people of Ghent, 389
-, his conspiracy at Douai, 395, 404
-, his distrust of Prince of Orange, if backed by English troops, 429
-, his Douai plot, 434
-, his arrest at Ghent a proof of internal dissensions in States, 449
-, his government at Douai not yet filled, 455
-, Governor of Lille, Douai and Orchie, 546.

Gand, Vicomte de. See Ghent.

Gantzenmuller, Lo., Emperor's letter collated by, 303.

Ganymedes, 264.

Garavello, Melchior, Portuguese, executed at Antwerp, 173.

Garboils, 691 bis (p. 539).

-, M. de la, officer in army of States, 546, 755
-, commands French in garrison at Brussels, 657, 759
-, Mr. Wodehouse to serve with, 853.

Garnache, M. de la. Ses Savoie, Charles Emanuel.

Garter, Order of the, solicited for Henry III., 595.

'Gascoins', to serve with Duke Casimir, 866.

-, La Noue in, 35, 36, 37
-, Huguenots in, attacked by Valois, 132.

Gassot, —, clerk to Villeroy, sent to Spain, 475, returns, 640.

Gastel, Gaste, Gastray, Gatty, M. de (or du). See Marmier.

Gavre, Baudouin, Seigneur d'Inchy, reckoned an ally of Prince of Orange, 41.

-, Charles de, Seigneur de Fresin, one of the 'best of patriots,' 14, accounted friendly to Prince of Orange, 47
-, sent to invite Prince to Brussels, 236-238, to invite Archduke Matthias, 503, 521
-, of the Archduke's Council, 522, 731
-, desires his compliments to Wilson, 733
-, appointed Commissioner from States to Duke of Anjou, 768, 788, 789, 862, 834.

Gelders. See Guelderland.

-, taken by Don John, 117, reoccupied for States, 141
-, taken by Don John, 152
-, States' forces at, 199, 203, 218, attacked, 231
-, 'Germans' at, 261
-, States' army near, 455, defeated at battle of, 620, 621, 623, 624
-, surrender of town, with store of money, 623
-, news of defeat in England, 625
-, battle of, described, 627, followed by revolt of Louvain, 636, 637
-, money thought to be at, safe, 637
-, in hands of Don John, 642, 657, 827
-, Don John's pride in victory of, 830 (p. 649).

-, Castle of, taken by Don John, 657
-, Count Mansfield's French routed near, 664.

-, designs on, of Duke of Savoy, 14
-, Huguenots seek to sell salt in, 136
-, news from, 507, 607 (p. 471), 691 (p. 537), 701
-, design to seize, 774, 890.

Genewaye. See Genoa.

Gennes. See Genoa.

-, Portuguese levies at, for Moorish expedition, 145
-, Spanish troops at, withdrawn from Flanders, 145, to return, to aid Don John, 218
-, reported seizure of, by King of Spain, 356
-, Final, on Genoese riviera, seized by Spaniards, 379
-, Spanish troops for Don John at, 447, 607, 651 bis, 663
-, La Fin at, 507
-, Spanish loan negotiated in, 553
-, news of Spanish movements from, 15 s. (p. 433)
-, departure of galleys from, 18 s.
-, return to, of Genoese navy, 21 s.
-, money sent from, to Don John, 596
-, Spanish loan negotiated in, 620 bis (p. 484)
-, news from, 640
-, torture applied at, for discovery of plot, 720 bis (p. 556)
-, Sovereignty of, offered to Duke of Anjou, 803 (p. 625)
-, Bernardo Uccello caught, and offered to government, by persons banished from, 821
-, Spanish troops landed at, for Don John, 848
-, money from, for Don John, 917 (p. 726).

Gentil, —, signature of, as representative of Reformed Churches of Languedoc, 34.

George, Mr. [? George Russell], at Frankfort, 337.

George, Duke, of the Palatinate, baptism of his son, 323 (p. 244).

George Frederick, Marquis of Brandenburg, Marquis of Anspach :—

-, proposed inclusion in Protestant League, 41.

-, Beale's credentials to, 130.

-, reliance on, of his cousin Duke Casimir, in matter of Ubiquitarians, 288.

-, Beale's letter to, covering Queen's letters, 316, 333 (p. 245).

-, next heir to Duke of Prussia, seeks to be invested in government, the Duke being 'foolish,' 337, 412.

-, obtains government of Prussia from King of Poland, by mediation of German Princes and payment in cash, 691 bis (p. 538).

-, to attend meeting at Rotenberg to publish Andreas' book, 774.

-, death of his wife, daughter of Marquis of Kustrin, ibid.

George Hanns, Duke of Lützelstein. See John George.

George Joachim, Marquis (Elector) of Brandenburg. See John George.

-, 'Alemans,' 'Dutches,' in Spanish service, in Netherlands, question of their removal, 11, 42
-, offer of the like mercenaries to England, 13
-, number and disposition of, in Netherlands, 14, 47
-, to be employed in France on behalf of Reformed Churches, 34, 35
-, their continued presence made an excuse by Prince of Orange for non-delivery to States Of Nieuport, 42
-, money due to, from States General to be used in expelling them, 47
-, remonstrance by States on their retention, 48
-, garrison fortresses for Don John, 49
-, in arms at Antwerp, 49
-, negotiations between the States General, their Colonels and the Imperial Commissioners for their payment and discharge, 50, 476
-, those commanded by Vanden Ende quarrel with pay offered by States, 53
-, to be introduced into Antwerp, protest by States
-, their outrages where in garrison, 57, 65
-, failure of plot to introduce them into Citadel of Antwerp, 76
-, expelled from Antwerp, 87
-, their presence alleged by States as excuse for citizens remaining in arms, 93, for refusing to surrender M. de Treslong, 93
-, account of their expulsion from Antwerp, 95
-, those in Bergen-op-Zoom surrender, 95, 101
-, grievance of, alluded to by States, 110
-, holding out for Don John, 117
-, forces raised from, anew, by Don John, 119
-, their peril in Antwerp, described by Spanish friar, 129
-, Don John's true history of his dealings with, 146, States' reply, 150
-, to be employed by Duke Casimir, 169
-, States insist on their dismissal by Don John, 191
-, their reported dismissal by Don John, 192, insisted on by States, 194, 208
-, Don John's intrigue with, set out in letter from States to Philip, 198
-, German mercenaries raised by Duke of Brunswick for Don John, difficulty of paying them, 203
-, their dismissal promised by Don John, 216, 217
-, movement to succour those in Bois-le-Duc, and Breda, 218
-, permanent force to be maintained by States to guard against, 223
-, gradual clearance of, from Netherlands
-, their appetite for drawing pay greater than for fighting, 226
-, order for their withdrawal from Breda and Bois-le-Duc, put in Grobbendonck's hands, 227
-, Bois-le-Duc surrendered by, to States, on terms, 231, 239
-, their bad plight at Breda, 231
-, stipulations by Don John as to, 244, 261
-, anxiety of States to be quit of, 329
-, sufferings from, of Brabant, 330
-, mentioned by Don John, 338
-, mentioned, 341 (p. 257)
-, delay to join Don John, awaiting pay 'without which they will fight for no man,' 356
-, attempt to relieve those in Ruremonde, 421
-, those with Don John, 434
-, their relations to Don John reviewed, 470, 476, 479
-, with Don John, 517, 546
-, hired by Portugal for Moorish war, 531, 611, 657, 696
-, marshal of, in France, 546 (p. 409)
-, appeal by States to Empire to withdraw those in service of Don John, and for leave to levy, 711
-, in service of States, their commander, 759
-, those hired for Portugal start, 834.

Germany (Holy Roman Empire) :—

-, messenger from Emperor with Prince of Orange, 38.

-, Imperial Commissions in Netherlands negotiate between States General and German mercenaries, 50, 476.

-, 'Emperor's deputies' negotiate with States on Don John's behalf, 96.

-, Don John's secret intelligences in, 103.

-, letter to Empress from Don John, touching politics in Netherlands and money due to her, 104, 105, 106.

-, meeting of Electors of, to formulate demand on Henry III. of France for past services of 'Reiters,' 136.

-, levies in, for Don John, 140, 159.

-, Protestant Princes of Empire
-, their differences qua the Sacrament
-, proposed league of, 172. See also 'League' and 'Ubiquitarian Controversy.'

-, hope of securing election of Emperor against House of Austria, 172 (p. 173).

-, no help from Emperor for States General of Netherlands, in struggle with Don John, 176.

-, 'deputies from the Empire' confer with Don John, 197.

-, Don John's plot laid with knowledge of Emperor, 214.

-, 'Deputies of the Empire,' expected remonstrance by, with Duke Casimir, at instance of France, 246 (p. 179).

-, Diet of Ratisbon for election of Emperor, 246 (p. 180).

-, collection of money in, for defence against Turk, 246 (p. 182).

-, to succour Dantzig, 246 (p. 182), 258, 412, 9 s. (p. 429), 12 s.

-, measures taken by Catholic Swiss against league of German Protestants, 247.

-, Imperial Chamber at Spires, 247.

-, proposed intervention by Empire on behalf of Dantzig, 258, 412, 9 s. (p. 429), 12 s.

-, basis of alliance between, and England, for protection against Turk and France respectively, 258.

-, Emperor's consent necessary to alliance of Evangelical Princes of, with England, 258 (p. 195).

-, reported entry of 'reiters' into France, for recovery of Imperial towns, 267.

-, surrounded by enemies, 285.

-, persecuting stupidity of Evangelical Princes of, characterized by Rogers, 314.

-, Diet of, at Frankfort, Envoys of Don John appear before, 315.

-, 'Lutheran divines rule all,' in courts of Evangelical Princes of, Beale's report, 323 (p. 245).

-, custom of inheritance and 'partage' among Princes of, 323 (p. 246).

-, 'deputation of the commissions of the Empire,' i.e., Diet, at Frankfort, to be adjourned on account of plague, ibid.

-, slowness of Princes of, to recognize danger from France, 323 (p. 247).

-, Imperial intervention touching Prussian succession, 337, 412, 691 bis (p. 538).

-, deputies to Diet meet daily to no effect, but 'invite one another' and make good cheer, 337, 365.

-, crafts, expelled from Netherlands, carried to, 341.

-, Imperial Commissioners sent to Netherlands, 356, 359, to invite them to declare themselves part of Empire, 365, 412, 413.

-, national characteristics of Germans, 373 (p. 281).

-, none of the Princes of, 'consenting' to enterprise of Archduke Matthias, 380.

-, English pensions to Germans, 403 (cf. 258, p. 196).

-, jealousy on part of Princes of, to Archduke Matthias' adventure, as promoted by Emperor, 412.

-, Counts of the Empire, one of the four, 413.

-, Turk prepares to invade, 412 (p. 312), 469.

-, banks and banking in, 465, 467, 474, 789.

-, notes on the Schmalcaldic war in, 467.

-, growing habit of Princes in, to retain 'reiters,' 467.

-, forecast by Sturmius of part to be played in, by 'some great military man' retained by a League of Princes, 467.

-, Sturmius' suggestion of legation from Evangelical Princes of, to Netherlands and Prince of Orange, jointly with England, to support election of Archduke Matthias, 474.

-, assertion by States of unity of Netherlands with, 489 (p. 369).

-, ruin to, of war in Netherlands, 553.

-, coins 'called' higher in France and Netherlands
-, Germany forced to do like, or lose all her treasure, 18 s. (p. 435).

-, 'all Germany on fire' with Ubiquitarian controversy, 604.

-, 'harquebuses' and 'dags' bought in, 613 bis (p. 477).

-, interference on behalf of Empire, to settle dispute between Palsgrave and Duke Casimir by arbitration, 640 bis (p. 496).

-, proposed levy for Spain in, 701.

-, English loan to States to be negotiated in, 707.

-, formal appeal by States to protection of, 710, 711, 712, 713, 732.

-, 'In Germany all things are done by Doctors,' plea for employment of Dr. Wilson, 744.

-, money collected in, against Turk, lent by Emperor to Don John, 744.

-, peace between and Turk, renewed, 777.

-, Imperial Diet to be held at Prague, 890.

-, changes in embassy of, at Constantinople, 890.

-, English loan negotiated in, 930.

Germany (Holy Roman Empire)
-, Emperor of. See Maximilian
-, Rudolf.

Germersheim, Captain of Castle of, 640 bis (p. 496).

Gerrard, Gilbert, Attorney-General, letter sent to Paris by his cook, 838.

-, 47
-, letter dated at, 149
-, Marquis d'Havré visits Prince of Orange at, 199
-, Prince at, 202, 214, 220
-, Champagny at, 231
-, Prince leaves, 235
-, first news of Archduke's coming given to Prince at, 386
-, mentioned, 479.

Geuses, Gewses (Gueux), term applied by Hoddesdon to Dutch, 604 (p. 466).

-, fortifications of, raised by States, 95, 142, 202, 226
-, siege of, alluded to, 341 (p. 256)
-, populace of throw the Duke of Aerschot and his companions into prison, 389
-, Archduke Matthias alludes to incident, 399
-, formal justification of act, 404
-, reported attack on, by boats, 389
-, citizens revise their constitution, 405
-, plot against, known in France, 408
-, English comment on, 417
-, States negotiate with, 421, with success, Duke released, 426
-, ancient privileges, abrogated by Charles V. restored to, by States 429, 434
-, controlled by Prince of Orange, 429
-, Davison's notes on arrests at, 455, which are 'allowed' by States, 456
-, letter to, from States, repudiating intention of calling in the Duke of Anjou, 459
-, demolition of castle of, 476, 479
-, Prince of Orange to go to, to reform, 513, 531, 541, 545, 577
-, Councillor Bevere of, on the Council of the Archduke Matthias, 522
-, escort from, for Prince of Orange on leaving, 596
-, Prince leaves, 597
-, Count Lalaing demands release of prisoners at, 605
-, troops called up from, after Gemblours, to defend Brussels, 623, 627
-, 'the faction imprisoned in,' 643
-, men of, save 'Aelst,' 703, save Bruges, 728, 747, 749
-, 'none are comparable to those of Ghent,' for zeal, 733
-, men of save Courtray, 746, 749
-, deputy of City of, to have licence to import gunpowder from England duty free, 753
-, plea for liberation of prisoners of, 761 bis, 805
-, growth of Protestant party in, right of worship claimed, 789
-, Prince of Orange negotiates with deputies from, for release of the prisoners at, 834
-, mentioned, 850
-, councillors arrested at, on proclamation against Protestant worship, 850, 858
-, prisoners of, transferred to 'King's house' in, 858
-, English loan secured on, 872
-, threatened expulsion of friars from, 903
-, church prepared in, for 'public exercise of religion,' 917 (p. 727).

-, Castellan of. See Arteveldt.

-, letters dated at, 576, 580, 834.

-, Pacification of. See Pacification.

-, Viscount of. See Melun.

Ghibersi, M. de. See Giberchies.

Gianitzaren. See Janissaries.

Giberchies, Ghibersi, M. de, in suite of Marquis d'Havré, 761.

Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, prepared to sail, 132.

-, Sir John, 486.

Giloa, Joao Gomez da, Portuguese Ambassador, at Florence, 611.

-, George, secretary to Merchant Adventurers, in Antwerp, with Prince of Orange, on behalf of Merchant Adventurers, from Antwerp, 41
-, letter from, 245
-, acts for Queen with Carenzoni, 573
-, Hoddesdon warns, 656
-, Queen's procurations to, and Davison, to receive and hand over loan to States, 693, 694, their instruction, 707, 708, 709
-, Wilson's thanks to, 739
-, to negotiate loan in Germany, 789, 805, 815, at Frankfort and Nuremberg, 903, 930.

Ginger, sale of, in England, Portuguese representations, 26, 94, 310.

Giraldi, Giraldez, Francisco, Portuguese Ambassador in England, correspondence between, and Sir Francis Walsingham, 1, 26, 94, 310, 345.

-, letter from, to King of Portugal, 611, secured by English Government
-, their anxiety to get it deciphered, 714, 768.

Glanburg. See Glauburg.

Glarus, Canton of, 247.

Glasgow, Bishop of. See Beaton, James.

Glauburg, Glanburg, Glaupurche, Johannes von (or à), Dr. Johannes, Beale lodged in his house at Frankfort, 246 (p. 182), 314, 316.

Glaupurche. See Glauburg.

Glebourse. See Gemblours.

Gleede, Gled, Thomas, of Ipswich, merchant, despoiled by men of Flushing, his claims pressed on Estates of Holland and Zealand, 41, again urged by Walsingham, 745.

Glymes, Glimes, M. Jacques de, in command at Lierre, 657, 760.

-, Goingnies, Gonney, Gougny, M. Antoine de, of Don John's party, 41
-, in command at Mechlin. 47, 48
-, Don John's apology to, 227
-, commanding troops for States, 450, 546
-, Governor of Chanry, 546
-, the adviser of Count Lalaing, 461
-, one of the few competent generals, 588
-, his conduct at battle of Gemblours, 620, 623, 624, blamed, 627.

Goletta, 285.

Golston, —, of Plymouth, sells munitions of war to French and Spanish, 19.

Gomez, Thomas, Portuguese, 560.

-, Gomiecourt, Adrien, seigneur de, Agent of Don John, 226 (p. 166)
-, with Don John, 586.

-, Gondi, Jerôme, Baron de Codun, 135 (pp. 93, 94), 224, 663
-, his mission to England
-, a 'Spaniard by birth and at heart, a Guisard'
-, to treat of Scottish affairs
-, intrigues to succeed Mauvissière, 796
-, nature of mission, 814, misliked by Huguenots and Duke of Anjou, 814
-, in England
-, is refused access to Scottish Queen
-, son of Italian by Spanish mother, brought up in France, &c., 839
-, fruits of his English mission, 864 (p. 682)
-, returned home, 907
-, mentioned, 909.

Gonney, M. de. See Goignies.

-, Armand de, Baron de Biron, Marshal of France, expected at Poitiers, 134, 135
-, reports conclusion of peace with King of Navarre 224
-, mentioned, 283
-, King of Navarre complains of, 836, 837.

-, Ottavio, proposal of States General to remove from Don John, 14
-, mentioned, 65, 476, 479
-, officer in Don John's army, 546, wounded at Sichenen, 664
-, Don John's chief adviser, 827.

-, Vespasiano, levies Italians for war in Netherlands, 821.

-, Louis de, Duc de Nevers, with army at Limoges, 58, marches on Brouage, 99
-, trusty friend of Queen-Mother, 908.

Gonzalez, Don Pedro, 821.

Goodman, Edward, carries Queen's dispatches, 18 s. (p. 435), 604 bis (p. 465), 651 bis.

Goshawk, presented to Walsingham, 15 s. (p. 433).

Gotha, Elector of Saxony and, 172.

Gothard, Marshal, captain of Castle of Germersheim, 640 bis (p. 496).

-, François, Seigneur de Crèvecœur, Governor of Picardy, 475
-, his younger son goes to Picardy with La Roche, 796
-, employed to bar passage of Duke of Anjou, 909.

-, Henri, Seigneur de Bonnivet, son of above, chamberlain of Duke of Anjou, 65
-, letter from, on recruiting business for Duke in Picardy, 867.

Gougny. See Goignies.

Gourdon, Goudan, —, Captain of Calais, employed in betrayal of Gravelines, 837 (p. 659), 858, attached to House of Guise, 909.

Grafton, Richard, settled in Canary Islands, 66.

Grammont, M. de, insults Bussy, 592, 607.

Grand Commander, the. See Requesens.

Grange, —, de la, letter signed, 766.

Grange, François de la, Sieur de Montigny, a prisoner, 20.

Granvelle, Grandvel, Cardinal. See Perrenot.

-, Graveling, French designs on, 95, 101, 102, 103
-, plots to betray, 343, 344, 359
-, tolls on English goods at, 394
-, enquiry by States into M. de la Motte's conduct at, 761 bis
-, letter from authorities of, repudiating treachery, 787, which he executes, 789
-, Poulet's regret that it had not been occupied and held by England, 796 (p. 622)
-, not yet betrayed, 805, 811
-, surrender arranged by French, 814
-, betrayal of, imminent, 815, 834
-, French Agent employed in betrayal of, 837 (p. 659)
-, French troops pass towards for States, ibid. (p. 660)
-, reported reception of Spaniards into, 903
-, likely to be at disposal of House of Guise, 909
-, revictualling of, 917 (p. 727).

-, letter dated at, 787.

-, Governor of. See Pardieu.

-, Graves, 146
-, 'Germans' at, 216, 217.

-, 461
-, 'searcher' at, favours Papists, 654
-, passport, from, 692
-, Mendoza at, 695.

Gravina, Duchess of. See Ravina.

Gravius, Michael, 258.

Gray, —, master of ship of Leigh, 7 s. (p. 428).

Graye, Harry, of Newcastle, suspected by Poulet for spy, 837.

Greek woman, at Venice, 651 bis.

Green, Grene, John, servant to Mr. Morton, 475.

Greenwich, letters, &c., dated at, 8, 10, 66, 692, 693, 694, 704, 714, 715, 739, 740, 745, 765, 773, 779, 780, 793, 794, 797, 799, 826, 829, 831, 832, 835, 842, 846, 847, 869, 899, 902, 911, 912, 922, 924, 925, 926.

Gregory XIII. (Hugh Buoncompagno), Pope :—

-, his Nuncio eggs on Henry III. to war with Huguenots, 20.

-, close alliance between, and King of Spain, 41.

-, at bottom of renewed disturbances in Netherlands, 117.

-, his representative at Isburg, when Don John's plot against Netherlands was formed, 214.

-, Don John's expectations from, 346, 356, 378, 429.

-, sends Osmaro as Legate to Don John, 378, 434.

-, suspected of setting on the Turk, 412.

-, no communication made to, by States of Netherlands, or clergy, touching their revolt, 455.

-, his preparations against Netherlands, 531, 553, 620 bis (p. 483), 890, 914 (p. 720).

-, Bishop of Cambrai dispatched to, from Netherlands, 15 s. (p. 433).

-, French Ambassador informs, that his master made peace for want of money from Catholic Princes and his subjects to prosecute it, 18 s.

-, arbitrates between Archduke Ferdinand and others, 575.

-, in communication with Duchess of Parma touching Netherlands, 575 (p. 444).

-, receives embassy from 'Switzers,' ibid.
-, consequent trouble in Switzerland, 691 bis.

-, alleged gift by, to La Roche, of a land in India, 592.

-, recruiting for, by Duke of Sessa, 604 bis (p. 466).

-, included in 'Holy League,' renewed at Rome, 607.

-, equips Stukeley against England, or Ireland, 607, 640, 654.

-, sends the Abbot of Dandiso, a 'Guisard,' Ambassador to France, 607 (p. 467).

-, his pretensions in Ireland
-, Irish Bishop obtains Bull from, and joins Fitzmorris in Lisbon, 611, at Croisic together, then in France, bound for Ireland, 639, 654. See O'Hely.

-, sends Ambassador to Spain, 620 bis (p. 484).

-, his bastard son, the Castellan of St. Angelo, to command Italians for Don John, 657, 744 (p. 578).

-, creates nine Cardinals, three French, 674.

-, his Nuncio in France reports differences between King and his brother are provoked by Queen-Mother, 691.

-, sets new subsidy on clergy to raise money for Catholic cause, 691 (p. 537).

-, Spanish bishopric assessed to war, with his consent, 720 bis.

-, Swedish students presented to, ibid. (p. 556).

-, Corduña and Archdeacon Taxis sent to, by Don John, 744 (p. 578).

-, French application for creation of cardinals by
-, the like favour intended in Italy, 777.

-, Polish appeal to, ibid.

-, about to confirm election to See of Cologne, ibid. ;
-, the election appealed against
-, he appoints cardinals and others for the hearing, 821.

-, Captain of Apostolic See in Ireland. See Fitzgerald.

Grene. See Green.

Gresham, Sir Thomas, his financial advice to Queen, 271.

Grevenbroek, M. de. See Bocholt.

Greyhounds, sent by Wilson to Duke Casimir, 820.

Grimani, house of, 821.

Grindal, Edmund, Archbishop of Canterbury, alluded to, by Killigrew, 132.

Gritti, house of, 821.

Grobbendonck, Baron de. See Schetz, Caspar.

Groeningen, Groningen, 171.

-, Cruninge, Cruningen, M. de, nominated Captain of Don John's bodyguard by States, 65
-, officer in the States' army, 546.

-, Gérard de, Prince-Bishop of Liége, 65
-, neutral between Don John and States, 133
-, hatred to, of Count Lumey, 218
-, mentioned, 244
-, Papal Legate on way to, 378, 434 (p. 326)
-, affects neutrality, but 'wholly Spanish,' ibid., 455
-, to join in Emperor's negotiation between States and Don John, 545, as Imperial Commissioner, 631, 744, 746, 749, 768
-, made Cardinal, 744.

Guadagne, Jean-Baptiste de, 'the Abbot of Guadania,' 837.

Gualterus, the Divine, 246 (p. 181).

-, Guerras, Antonio de, 25
-, letters to, 70, 160, 240, 250, 308, 355
-, letter from, in prison, in England, to Don John, 428
-, his correspondence with Don John, Poulet's advices
-, torture suggested for, 607
-, Mendoza intercedes for
-, Poulet wishes he may stay prisoner, 674
-, the cipher of his letters lent by England to St. Aldegonde, 768
-, Spanish agent for all plots, 927.

Gué, M. du, Advocate, 84.

-, Gelders, Gueldres, States of, Agents from, with Prince of Orange, 38
-, Don John not received in, as Governor, 42
-, coupled with Holland and Zealand, 95
-, deputies of, approve of coming of Archduke Matthias, 330
-, son of ex-governor of, 356
-, 'will never separate from Holland and Zealand,' 429
-, insufficient representation of, in States, 539
-, office of Governor vacant, 546, the son of Count John of Nassau chosen, 736, 744, 917 (p. 727)
-, ancient connexion with, of Counts of Nassau
-, dislike in, to Philip and the Church, 736
-, its privileges re taxation, 744
-, 'reiters' arrive in, 861, 903.

Guérande, in Brittany, 766, 863.

Guernsey, possible French descent on, 607.

Guerras. See Guaras.

Guiche, Philibert de la, 'mignon' of Henry III., taken prisoner, 20, ransomed, 283.

-, Guiciardin, Guiardin, Lodovico, Italian, 'commends' himself to Wilson, 733
-, recommends that, as 'in Germany all things are done by Doctors,' Wilson should be sent, 744.

-, amnesty by Henry of Navarre to his vassals in, 283
-, Amiral Villars to be removed from place in, 283
-, Governor-General of, his jurisdiction, 283 (p. 214)
-, Edict violated in, 837 (p. 658).

Guilds and nations of Brussels, 43. See also Liége.

Guisart, the, 147. See Lorraine, Henri, Duc de Guise.

-, House of, attachment to, of Parisians, 68
-, aid Queen-Mother in 'blowing fire of division,' for own ends, 663
-, move King to renew war, assured of being King themselves, while war lasts, 701
-, surround King at Olinville, 796
-, Scottish intrigues of, and enmity of, to England, 836, 837
-, analysis of their position in French politics, 864
-, members of, leave Court, to disarm suspicion, a sure sign of trouble, 864 (p. 683), 865
-, Spain 'the only stay of Crown against ambitious greatness of,' 908. See also Lorraine.

Gunpowder, 125, 12 s. (p. 430), 17 s., 21 s., 611, 640, 640 bis (p. 496), 651 bis, 753.

Guns. See Falcons.

Günzburg, Quinseburg, Archduke Ferdinand at, 465.

Gustrow, Gustrar, newsletter from, 575 (p. 445).

-, demand of Henry of Navarre to be restored to governorship of, 20, 21
-, towns in, for Huguenots, 266
-, charge on revenues of, claimed by Henry of Navarre, 282
-, Duke Casimir to aid Huguenots in, 555.

Gwyse, the. See Lorraine, Henri de.

Gymmer, Randolph, 4 s. (p. 427).