Elizabeth: April 1578, 11-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1901.

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'Elizabeth: April 1578, 11-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1901), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol12/pp612-623 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: April 1578, 11-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1901), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol12/pp612-623.

"Elizabeth: April 1578, 11-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1901), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol12/pp612-623.

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April 1578, 11-15

April 11.
K. d. L. x. 413n.
We received yesterday your letter of the 7th, and were glad to learn from it that an answer had arrived from the King to ours of December 31. We request you, with a view to saving time and that we may see whether his Majesty appears inclined to peace or not, to send us at once the said letter and reply in writing without letting us be kept waiting as heretofore, considering that until we have it we cannot give any pertinent instructions, or depute persons of such quality as the importance of the matter requires. If you find any difficulty in sending it, please be at Louvain on the 19th of this month, in order on the following day to meet some deputed by us at the village of Meerbecke between Louvain and Mechlin, and at the house of the lord of that place to declare the King's answer and resolution, to the end that having heard the report of our deputies we may give them further orders as may be fitting. In case it should be necessary, we send you herewith a sufficient passport to enable you to reach the place in question, though we do not think the people would do you any harm, our former letters being sufficient guarantee.—Antwerp, 11 April 1578. Copy. Endd. Fr. 1½ pp. [Holl. and Fl. VI. 11.]
April 11. 787. VALENTIN DE PARDIEU, SIEUR DE LA MOTTE, and the authorities of GRAVELINES to M. M. D'OFFAY, DE MARCEKERKE, CAPTAIN SALLET, and the authorities of BOURBOURG [including 'viconte,' 'poortmaistres,' and 'Cuerheers'].
We have had this morning reports of meetings held in divers places, and that persons came in the night to break down the stone bridge, to the inconvenience and annoyance of those in this town. We find this strange, having given no occasion therefore, but on the contrary desire to live as hitherto in good neighbourly correspondence. If anyone has told you anything about what happened yesterday, beyond that twenty men, all subjects of his Majesty, entered in order to fill up the companies, we beg you not to believe ; for we and they desire to continue united as before, according as we dealt yesterday with the deputies of the members, expecting their answer to-morrow. Meantime, subject to your correction, it would be well to contain yourselves, fearing the consequences which might ensue. We were informed yesterday that M. de Licques and Bryas with 40 horse were between Calais and this town unknown to us. We can assure you that we had no desire to receive them, but hope to maintain ourselves as hitherto ; unless anyone forces us, to our great regret, to do otherwise. We are sure that all persons of sound judgement will try to bring about the contrary.— Gravelines, 11 April 1598. Copy. Fr. 1½ pp. [Ibid. VI. 12.]
Week ending April 12. 788. [DAVISON to — (not POULET ; see No. 746).]
I have only written one letter to you since my coming into these countries, which I sent by M. de Mailleroy, a gentleman belonging to the Prince of Orange, dispatched before Christmas last to that Court ; but having neither by him at his return nor by any other heard from you since that time, I have been in doubt whether any letters came to your hand, and the slower to advise you of what has happened in the meantime. Howbeit, understanding that this bearer repairs towards Paris, I would not forget to accompany him with a line or two ; though not knowing the man, I forbear to commit to his fidelity any matter of consequence. The present condition of things here is such as you can guess. The enemy, having since the overthrow effected little of importance, is now encamped about Philippeville, a town sufficiently manned if the defenders do their duty. Meantime the States begin to 'redress' their camp near Mons, where Count Bossu is strongly entrenched with 5,000 foot and 1,200 horse, having put four companies into Mons, and reinforced the garrisons of Enghien, Ath, Condé, and other places thereabouts, both to keep the enemy occupied in that corner, so that the reiters may be less hindered in their entry, and to assure and be the better assured of the Henuyers, who hitherto have been suspected, especially by reason of the practices of the French, whose faction both there and in Artois is not yet extinguished. M. de Frezin is dispatched this last week to Cambray to meet some deputies from the Duke of Alençon, or to repair to the Duke where he is. Sainte-Aldegonde departed the same day for Worms. You may safely guess at the negotiations of both. We are waiting to see what the Duke of Alençon's departure may bring forth ; whether a war against the King, some attempt against the Protestants, or the offence or defence of these countries. Rough draft. 1 p. [Holl. and Fl. VI. 13.]
April 12. 789. DAVISON to BURGHLEY.
We have been able hitherto to effect nothing on our procuration, the 'Foulkers,' the Welsers, and other principal 'counters,' having upon these troubles removed hence, some to Germany and some to France. This 'burse' was never worse provided, and the merchants that remain are utterly indisposed to enter into the negotiation ; so that I think Gilpin will have to go into Germany to see what may be done there, though it is suspected that the matter having been very indiscreetly handled the market is already so forestalled that the difficulties will be all the greater there. Howbeit, the States have signified to me that they are desirous he should go, to make a trial, accompanied by a commissioner of theirs. M. de Frezin and Baron d'Aubigny, dispatched last week towards the frontier, to meet some deputies from the Duke of Alençon, are still at Mons ; where hearing that La Fougère was returned hither from the Duke they await fresh advices from hence before proceeding with their journey. He is come, because their time is expired, and his master heard nothing of their commissioners, to remind them of their promise, and to inform them that he had deputed M. de Rochepot and M. des Pruneaux, who are already at the frontiers of Artois, to treat with such as the Estates should appoint ; requiring them to determine the place and dispatch them with their answer as soon as may be. It is thought he will be dispatched to-day ; and as the French deputies, during their stay in Hainault and Artois, might under colour of this treaty be able to do much harm, considering the number of their friends in that corner, it has by some been thought expedient that they should be brought to Brussels or Ghent, and continue there during the negotiation. But I do not yet learn what is decided. The matter which the States' deputies at their departure had chiefly in charge, as far as I can learn—for I cannot yet get a copy or sight of their instructions—is to make some overture to the Duke to enter Luxembourg and Franche Comté with a suitable force, and thus divest and withdraw the enemy across the Maes. I cannot hear that they have absolute commission to conclude anything ; only to sound the Duke, and learn upon what conditions he would embrace this overture, reporting to the Council and States, that they may determine accordingly. This traffic tends so far as I can observe to one of their ends ; either to see if by some such expedient they may set the two Kings in pique one against the other, a thing as profitable for them as difficult in itself ; or to set the two brothers together by the ears ; or else by temporizing with the Duke to gain time and to break the intelligence, which, if they were to abandon him, might follow between him and the enemy, his partaking with whom could not fail to have very dangerous results for them. However, wise men here feel that all this traffic on the part of Monsieur is but flat 'abuse,' and a thing in which the French King and Queen Mother have their interest. They are confirmed in this opinion because one de Revers, born in the principality of Orange, sent hither lately by the French King and Queen Mother, seems by the language he has held with the Prince and others to inveigh vehemently against Monsieur, accusing his departure from Court, asserting that there is great hatred between him and his brother and another, and in short disgracing him all he may, in order, as is conjectured, to settle the better opinion of him here, and push forward his negotiations. What other end the journey of de Revers has is still in 'expectation,' because he has not yet had his audience with the Prince ; though he pretends that it is chiefly to make some overture for peace, and offer the interposition of the King and Queen Mother, if those here have any 'devotion' to use them. But the man, being well known to be expert in giving an Italian boucon, is suspected by the Prince's friends to have some such mischievous charge besides ; and the Prince has been advised to dispatch him with all the expedition he can ; a counsel which I think he will follow. 'In the neck' of these messengers from the French King and the Duke, one arrived here with letters to the States from M. de Selles, who having, he says, received an answer from Spain to what they propounded to him at Brussels, and finding his Majesty greatly disposed to peace, has thought good to signify it to them, and advise them withal that not omitting so great an occasion as is offered of procuring their own quiet, they would send commissioners to some town in the country of Liége to negotiate in that behalf ; to which end he has sent them safeconduct, 'bearing them in hand' that if the fault grow not from themselves, he doubts not but the result will be to their profit. To this they have answered that they have ever so earnestly affected a peace that they have left no means untried to induce their enemy thereto ; and although they now have little hope that negotiations with him can yield them much fruit, yet to satisfy his request and to show their prompt inclination to such a peace as might be consistent with their safety, they will send deputies to Mechlin, if he will appoint some place midway between there and Louvain for their meeting, that they may see what commission he has, and proceed accordingly. To 'confront' this motion from M. de Selles, the Emperor's ambassador, having heard from his master to the like effect, signified the same day to the States his Majesty's wish to send down his often-named commissioners, with one of the Prince's Electors, to labour in the mediation of this peace ; earnestly recommending to them meantime the two half-worn points of the Romish religion and due obedience to the King ; though, as he said, he doubted not their dutiful regard to entertain both as they were in the time of Charles V (saying nothing of the Pacification of Ghent)—which indeed is as much to say, as to revive the placards and persecution, the original cause of all the alterations that have happened in these countries. So these negotiations, in some wise men's opinion, tend to no other end than the sowing of zizanie and division among them under colour of religion, in hope that the Catholics, when they see they may have peace, though patched with some plausible conditions, will be ready to accept it ; and the Protestants, whose number grows singularly in all parts of the country, seeing themselves secluded and unprovided for, neither will, nor indeed can with safety embrace it. Thus, the one part banding against the other, the enemy hopes to prevail the more easily over both, to the flat disjoining of the country ; which the Prince long since foreseeing has by all means sought to prevent, especially by withholding as much as he was able the breaking forth of religion into public exercises, though the Gauntois, those of this town, and others, have importunately pressed him in that behalf. But as it is a thing that cannot be suppressed much longer, the number of Protestants being very great, and the impression of religion being of the greatest force in men's consciences, he fears it will in the end be the pretext for some notable division, a thing which can only be remedied by maintaining the Pacification of Ghent. That the enemy has no meaning to observe this may appear from their captious interpretation of a clause in the States' letter to the King. The procuring of some tolerable moderation for the cause of religion was a special cause, as he has often protested to me, of the Prince's desire for her Majesty's open declaration of herself ; not that he intended in any sort to supplant and root out the Romish religion by establishing the other in liberty, but only with the toleration of the one to provide for the other, that the poor souls that desire to serve God in liberty of conscience might no more return under that tyrannous persecution, which they have heretofore suffered. For this cause he would beseech her Majesty that whenever she pleases to interpose for peace, she would vouchsafe to have a tender care for the general cause of God and particular estate of her poor neighbours that profess His true religion. But hereof he discoursed more particularly with Mr. Wilkes. The forces with which Count Bossu was encamped last week near Mons are now mostly at Avesnes, Landrecies, Quesnoy, and other places on that frontier ; some think lest the French, who have departed from Don John as malcontent, passing along that frontier, should 'have to surprise' some of those important places. The Count himself is to return to Brussels to-night. The enemy is still encamped before Philippeville, where the defenders have made two or three brave sallies, and it is hoped will be able to keep the town for six weeks. The enemy, being ill-provided with artillery to batter it, and sending to Marienburg for certain pieces and provision, was refused by the governor and magistrates on the excuse of the importance of the place, which had no more artillery than it required for its own defence. He met with the like repulse at Charlemont, as also in seeking to change the garrisons of both places, suspecting, as it seems, some traffic between those towns and the States ; who indeed have upon this news sent secretly to see if they may do any good with them. We have here been long in distrust of la Motte, Governor of Gravelines, who, having been several times sent for by the Governor and States, and always excused himself with one delay or other, has now, as we learn by two or three posts come this day from Bruges, one 'in the neck' of another, deciphered his long-dissembled treason and confirmed the suspicion, by declaring himself and that town for Don John, and receiving M. de Licques with some companies of French, who have long hovered about that corner. There is no doubt a beginning of some great alterations, but you shall hear more in a day or two.—Antwerp, 12 April 1578. P.S.—News has just come that the enemy has abandoned the siege of Philippeville and has come down to Nivelles. Add. to Burghley, but apparently written as to the secretaries. Endd. 5 pp. [Ibid. I. 14.]
April 12.
K. d. L. x. 411.
Identical with the last. Marginal notes by Lisle Cave. Endd. by L. Tomson. 4 pp. [Ibid. I. 15.]
[April 12.]
K. d. L. x. 410.
Draft of two paragraphs of a letter, practically identical with portions of the last two. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. VI. 16.]
Your goodwill to the common cause does not suffer me to let slip the opportunity of sending you this word, to let you know that I took the road to continue my journey the day before yesterday. I should have started some days sooner, but that, among other reasons, Duke Eric of Brunswick's reiters were still passing through the places where my road lay. I would send herewith the articles which in compliance with your wish I promised to let you have, if my servant had not, in pursuance of my orders, communicated them to you. As for news, you shall know that a certain Christoffel von Holtstein has been taken by Duke Eric's people, and it is to be feared that he either has been or will be put to the torture. I am sorry that the good fellow did not keep a better lookout. Don John has received some Italian companies, called earless and noseless ; people banished from their own towns and countries for their perpetual misconduct. It seems strange to me if such a stamp of people can ever be employed for any good ; and I know not why he seeks good fortune from or relies on such people, abominable and execrable above all others.—Brouck, 13 April 1578. Add. Fr. 1½ pp. [Ibid. VI. 17.]
April 14. 793. MEMORANDUM to the LORD TREASURER for the delivery of 5,000l. to the MARQUIS OF HAVRECH.
Whereas her Majesty has been pleased at the request of the Marquis of Havrech in the name of the States of the Low Countries to lend them 5,000l., to be repaid upon the receipt of the first money they shall receive by virtue of the procurations given them by order of her Highness for the taking up of 100,000l., or in case none be taken up upon the procurations, in such time and in such order as your Lordship shall appoint, these are to desire you that order may be taken for it, and delivery of it made to such as by the Marquis shall be thereunto deputed. And since security is offered, as reason requires, her pleasure is that upon view of the Marquis's authority, you shall take his bond or appoint it to be taken by those that deliver the money to those authorized by him. And that you should order Mr. Davison not to sign or make delivery of any bond for the reimbursement of such sums as shall be then taken up by virtue of the procurations until he see her Majesty sufficiently provided for according to such direction as he shall receive from your Lordship for the reimbursement of this 5,000l.—Greenwich, 14 April 1578. Endd. as above by L. Tomson, and corrected in his hand. 1 p. [Ibid. VI. 18.]
794. Another copy of the above. 1½ pp. [For. E.B. Misc. II.]
April 15. 795. POULET to WALSINGHAM.
I shall thank, love, and honour you as long as I live, and this is the recompense you may expect from me for your daily benefits, of which I will omit the greatest, being your friendly care to hide my faults and further my credit with her Majesty, and only mention the letters written by you and others at your procurement in my favour to any landlords of the City of London, and your friendly dispatch of my servants. I have taken order that you shall not hereafter be importuned by any belonging to me ; it being more than reasonable that my servants coming for my business should pass at my charges. I must not forget to recommend to you this bearer, Mr. Bracey, for a gentleman as well affected to religion and his duty to his prince and country as any that has come from England for this a long time ; begging you to let him know that my recommendation has added something to your gratification towards him. I have not written the other letters herewith without some pain, being but just delivered of a sharp fit, though only of two days' continuance, and therefore have forborne to write as fully as I wished, which I trust shall be recompensed hereafter ; and have written this time to no one else. Please excuse me to such of my Lords as you shall think good. I hope two days' rest will restore me to my former health ; and I am sure that one day's writing would make me unable to write for many weeks. I am persuaded that this accident of sickness will preserve me from a further mischief.—Paris, 15 April 1578. Add. Endd. 1 p. [France II. 30.]
April 15. 796. POULET to the SECRETARIES.
Bussy d'Amboise came secretly to this town on Good Friday last, and remained two days. It is given out that he came to renew acquaintance with his mistress, or to seek opportunity to kill 'Kellus,' or both, and the King pretends to be much offended with his coming 'in this order.' Others think his coming was to confer with the King touching the 'voyage of Flanders,' which carries no likelihood, for many obvious reasons. Wise men make choice of grateful messengers in matters of importance, which would be ill-observed if Bussy were sent for this purpose. It is certain that he had conference with divers great persons during his stay here. The matter is not worth further discourse ; I will only say that this journey of the Queen of Navarre will make many angry minds before it is executed. I know it is said both here and in England that the Protestants of this realm ought not to enter into any association with Monsieur, and many reasons are alleged. But it is one thing to say that his friendship is suspected, and another thing to say that it cannot be profitable. If they are satisfied touching the first, which few impugn, the second may easily be confuted. They will say that the Papists have no confidence in him, and that at his first going out, when he had not yet cracked his credit, he was not followed by two hundred good horse. I would wish these men to consider only two things, the force of Monsieur's name in France, and the importance of his appanage as it is at present. Whoever knows the French humour will not deny that things past are easily forgotten, and that the present state only is regarded, so that Monsieur's name will not be made abased by his former double dealings ; and I may conclude that he has far greater credit at this time than in the first troubles, when the King had made no proof of himself, and was not hated by his people as he is now, which gives force to his next heir. His appanage is known to be such that if he joins the Protestants they will be masters of the better part of France before a stroke be given. Private suspicions, private partialities, and private quarrels, are the only overthrow of this match, and I fear it will be repented. God forbid the King should be touched in life or crown ; I would hold them traitors and infidels that would attempt it ; but it would be happy for the French if some matters of policy were reformed, and happy for themselves and their neighbours if the King were by some good means drawn to perform the promises made by himself and his predecessors in matters of religion. It is best to leave this question to themselves ; yet our interest in it is so great that they cannot blame us for saying what we think. I will only say that if religion quail in France, the King of Navarre will be worthy of blame. He has two strings to his bow, and the weakest is strong enough to win him his game. War and peace, force and fair means are both for his advantage. He may do well with both, and cannot fail to establish religion in this realm, if he take his counsel from the Almighty. If the Protestants were of power to give the law to the King and his brother, I would allow of their neutrality ; but when they confess that the King continues ill-affected towards them and watches his opportunity to destroy them, I say they should rather hazard while there is some hope than wait till they are driven to yield by necessity. The King entertains the King of Navarre and the Prince of Condé with all the good offices that can be devised, and Queen Mother undertakes to conclude the marriage between the Prince and the sister of the French Queen. But I think she reckons without her host. It is said that the Princess of Navarre likes very well to hear of the mention of marriage between her and Monsieur, but many think the King of Navarre will never consent to it. Although this Latin copy enclosed is of no great importance, it may serve to confirm the opinion conceived of the preparations of Fitzmorris for Ireland. Also I have thought good to trouble you with these two copies of letters sent out of Britanny, and with an advertisement touching Monsieur. La Roche departed hence on the 6th, and took his journey towards Picardy with the younger son of M. Crèvecœur, so that it is likely he is of this match for Monsieur, if he be not dispatched towards Scotland. This enterprise touching the Low Countries has much troubled the King, who, hearing that some private gentlemen in Picardy assembled forces for that service, being at his house of Olinville sent for M. Pibracq to come to him with all speed ; where he 'spared not to say in his fury, that these fellows that mustered without his licence or authority should be cut in pieces.' It was answered that if he really wished to live in peace, he must seek some other expedient, that this could not be done without forces, that Monsieur would not take it well, and would use all possible means to further their enterprise, while the Protestants seeing their neighbours armed on every side would provide for their own safety ; that this combustion would not be easily appeased, and the only way to avoid mischief was to take the protection of the States upon himself, which would be gladly accepted by the most part of them. By this means he might not only keep his realm and subjects quiet, but also procure some honourable composition between the King of Spain and the Estates. 'I will have no war with the Spaniard,' says the King, 'and will provide some better remedy if I can.' Some interpreted these words to the disadvantage of Monsieur, grounding their opinion upon the practice used in the like case by Lewis XI. But it is possible that this speech extends only to the negotiation of Gondi, who came to me in the evening of the 12th and told me that he is appointed by the King and Queen Mother to repair to England, only to assure her Majesty of their great affection towards her, and of their desire to omit no good offices that may belong to good neighbours and friends ; wherein he used such prodigal speeches that I had rather refer you to his own reiteration than take upon me to make true reports of them, especially of what concerns Queen Mother, which he said was affirmed to him with great oaths. I wish this gentleman to be well used, because of the place which he holds here ; but when I consider of the man as he is indeed, as well of his own disposition as for the duty he owes to some great personages here, I cannot but suspect the choice of such an instrument ; the rather because the resolution has come from Olinville, where the King, the Duke of Lorraine, and the house of Guise have spent all last week, intending next week to go to Monceaux, a house belonging to Queen Mother, whence the Duke of Lorraine returns to his own country. If this man be well observed, I fear it will turn out that he has as much to say to the ambassador of Spain as to her Majesty. Some good men have come to me on purpose to pray me to suspect his voyage. The only way not to be deceived is to look for no plain dealing from this kind of people, while making your profit of the present time to be engaged no further than that you may turn your leaf with safety upon every new occasion. Though the States seek several patrons according to their several affections, it seems that they continue in one constant mind to expel the Spaniard, and some of good judgement here think that if they did but the third part of what they might do, they would make this summer so hot and so 'chargeable' for the Spaniard that he shall find cold lodging there next winter. Your letter of the 9th came to my hands yesterday. Its contents shall be accomplished with all expedition. I conferred about them with Delbene immediately upon its receipt, and asked him if he would deliver a message to Queen Mother from me touching the matter lately in communication between him and me. He refused utterly to do so at that time, saying that he was informed of Gondi's departure for England ; whom he knew to be a Spaniard by birth, a Spaniard of heart, a Guisard, and a traitor to this country, and therefore should think himself unhappy if through himself a matter of this importance should be committed to him. He added that if it turned out that Queen Mother had taken this occasion to send Gondi into England he would renounce the service of the French nation ; not for the wrong done thereby to me, which he said he knew to be none at all, but of the wrong done to him ; meaning, as it afterwards turned out, that he thought himself as sufficient as Gondi to treat of these affairs in England. Thus you see how it is that you cannot hear from me in this matter so soon as I should wish, unless this message be committed to Gondi, of which I knew nothing. I asked Delbene if he knew the cause of this man's dispatch into England. He said he could not tell, but thought it was for Scottish matters, "and let them say here what they will," says he, "the late practices made by Moulins were authorised from hence." He tells me that Gondi does all he can to succeed Mauvissière in England, and thinks it will take effect. Please excuse what you find amiss in this letter. I have written with some pain, having kept my bed the better part of three days, by reason of a disease no less painful than strange to me. Some think it is the beginning of the stone. Whatever it is, it has been one of the 'hardest plucks' that ever I felt, M. Strozzi is sent to the King of Navarre and Prince of Condé with all the sugared words that can be devised to keep them quiet, which some think would be easy if the Protestants did not fear some further treason. Monsieur no doubt makes as great preparations as his power allows, and the loss of Gravelines may minister new proffers to hasten this journey. I lament the irresolute and negligent provision for the safety of those countries. Our sheriffs are wont to say in England that they can never yield a better penny than they receive. If Gravelines had been in our hands, though with displeasure, it might have been yielded again with favour and many thanks at our will and pleasure. We may perhaps live long enough to be driven to do more when it will not be so easy. The King and Queen Mother will not be here till the 19th, and hope to dispatch a messenger to you the 21st, or as soon after as I may.—Paris, 15 April 1578. Add. Endd. 6 pp. [France II. 31.]
Her Majesty is given to understand that M. de la Motte, governor of Gravelines, has lately revolted from the States to Don John, and by means of secret intelligence between himself and M. de Licques has seized that town on pretence of keeping it for the king. This sudden alteration of his breeds much jealousy in the hearts of those who seek the preservation of their country's liberty ; and as his meaning is not apparent to her Majesty, namely, whether he intends to keep neutral, or to 'impatronise' Don John of it, or to deliver it to the French (in respect of which two last there is no great choice as regards the benefit of those countries, whose liberty is by one and the other likely to be overthrown) her pleasure is that you should forthwith dispatch a messenger to la Motte to learn from him in her Highness' name what his intention may be and exhort him to have regard to the state of that country, which, as she is informed, seeks nothing in derogation of the king's superiority, but only to preserve themselves against the violence of such as go about to oppress them and to extinguish the government which from the beginning has been established among them. And as she is given to understand that this alteration may proceed from some jealousy conceived by him on occasion of some lewd speeches and other unkind dealings used towards him, she wishes him to be told that in such public actions as carry with them so great peril they that make account of their honour should always take heed that no private quarrel draw them to injure a whole state, lest while they persuade themselves to be revenged of private wrongs they call a sudden destruction both upon themselves and upon the rest. Therefore it is looked for that a man of his judgement should foresee the end of so dangerous a course as for a private revenge to throw himself and a whole state in peril. And if he thinks that her Majesty's mediation may prevail to salve such jealousies on both sides, and to procure satisfaction of such injuries as have been done him, she is pleased to interpose, and doubts not she will be able to bring to pass what shall be honourable to him and beneficial to the States, with no less good service to the king, whose interest in those countries she has a special care to conserve. To this effect she would have you dispatch the messenger with as convenient speed as you may ; and because the matter is of importance, and it is to be feared the effects will be worse than is given out unless they be prevented in time, when the certainty is known from him, order may be taken accordingly before the disease takes too deep root.—Greenwich, 15 April 1578. Copy. 2 pp. [For. E.B., Misc. II.]
Certificate of good conduct for William Cowley, a soldier in his company, and request that favour may be shown and help given to the said Cowley so far as is proper. "If one Vaughan, my soldier, or any of my soldiers comes to Lyre without a passport from me, kindly arrest him and let me know."—Herentals, 15 August 1578. Add. in English. Flemish. ½ p. On the back, beginning of a letter in Davison's hand ; and pen-and-ink drawing of a head, perhaps a fancy portrait of Don John. [Holl. and Fl. VI. 19.]