Elizabeth: January 1578, 1-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1901.

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'Elizabeth: January 1578, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1901), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol12/pp441-452 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: January 1578, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1901), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol12/pp441-452.

"Elizabeth: January 1578, 1-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1901), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol12/pp441-452.

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January 1578, 1-10

Jan. 1. 573. DAVISON to 'The GOVERNOR of the MERCHANTS.'
The bearer, Nicholas Carington, is with Mr. Gilpin, your secretary, authorized by her Majesty to take up certain sums of money upon her credit to relieve the necessities of the Estates, for which she has promised to give her own bonds with the obligations of the City of London as soon as she has received satisfaction on some points at present in treaty. In the meantime, being in some distress of money and having to employ 20,000 and 30,000 crowns in some present important service, they have thought good to send this bearer to Antwerp to see if by virtue of his procuration some may be furnished there, and for the better effecting thereof, have entreated me to recommend the matter to you, and to pray that your company would vouchsafe to become caution for that sum till the obligations are made over ; wherein though I have made a difficulty about interposing myself without commission, yet being earnestly solicited by them I could not refuse to recommend the matter, leaving the handling of it to your discretion.—Brussels, 1 Jan. 1577. Draft. Endd. ½ p. [Holl. and Fland. V. 1.]
Jan. 3.
K. d. L. x. 211.
I wrote to you last Saturday by Williams, and on Sunday by the post. I came here on Monday about the time of the Marquis's arrival, and have since had daily conference with him. Next day he reported his negotiation to the States, so much to their satisfaction that divers in the company could not refrain from expressing their joy with tears. Yesterday they sent for me to their Town House, where, after the Marquis had acquainted me with his report to them of her Majesty's gracious inclination and promise of assistance, and had acknowledged the great obligation wherewith they and the whole county were bound to her, he let me understand that they had ratified all that he and Meetkerke had treated in England, and resolved forthwith to send over M. de Famars, whom they had chosen for their Ambassador resident in England, not only to present their most humble thanks, but with such instructions for the perfecting of the negotiation as should fully content her Majesty. Meantime, their necessity being great, their enemy strong, and his forces daily increasing, especially by way of France, whence they flock to him on all hands, he told me that they earnestly entreated me to recommend their cause, and most humbly to beseech her 'to stand so much their gracious lady' as to hasten the preparing and transporting of her promised succours, the charge whereof they besought her to commend to my Lord of Leicester ; whom for his valour, judgment, and wisdom, matched with a singular affection towards them, they above all desired to be employed. This in substance he delivered me in their names ; the importance of the request is so well known to you that I need not urge it in a long letter.—Brussels, 3 Jan. 1577. P.S.—After I finished this the Marquis sent a gentleman to me asking me to convey certain letters of his to her Majesty, by which you may perceive how the advancing of her forces is desired. Draft. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid V. 2.]
575A. Another copy, without P.S. Draft. Endd. ¾ p. [Ibid. V. 2a.]
'Laus Deo,' Hamburg, 3 Jan. 1577.—Since the date of my last, which was Dec. 20, Mr. Doctor Pawley has come here. With him I only am joined in commission for the re-hearing of the company's privileges in this place. On Dec. 31 we had audience, and delivered her Majesty's letters, which were very acceptably received, 'and our entertainment very good.' At the same time I delivered to the magistrates a book in Latin of the common prayers and orders of our Church in England, whereby they may be the better persuaded of our Christianity ; in order that when we come to treat thereof they may be the better mollified to grant us the use of prayer and Christian burial. But nothing will help the matter more forward than her Majesty's letters, which we live in great hope of ; and the more by reason of your good affection to the maintenance of God's glory. In this point the company here has great need of her Majesty's aid ; for otherwise, by means of the outrageous railing of some of the preachers, I fear we shall in time be in danger of some spoil by the common sort. As I am bold to give you to understand the necessities of our nation in these parts, so, according to my former demeanour, so am I bold to trouble you with some stale news written on the other side ; not doubting but you consider that I am here in an out side of Europe, and cannot advertise so speedily as if I were in the bowels or middle part of the same. News from Castowe [Kaschau] in Hungary, 10 November, 1577. On St. Martin's day a fair was holden at Sixe [Szikszo] about seven miles from Castaw, whither resorted from all the places thereabouts a great number, both high and low estates of men and women. But 'whilst' the lord or 'beighe' of Fillech had knowledge of it, he secretly gathered together of Turks, neighbours there, as out of 'Pescht, Setschine [Szecsen], Hattwoyre, Parin, Dewin, Plauenstaine, Sabatka' and other parts, to the number of 2,500 men, and unlooked-for fell upon the fair, spoiled the town and it, and carried away the spoil with 2,000 Christians. In which hurley-burley a great number of Christians took flight into the churches and into the 'Fret hoffe' [Friedhof], environed about with a wall ; whom the Turks besieged, but through their policy and the help of God they gave the said Turks the repulse, and with damage drove them away, whereby the Christians were saved. Meantime tidings of the 'premisses' being brought to the garrisons thereabout, as 'Zendro, Tockhey [Tokay], Lalo, Erlaer [Erlau], Onod, &c.," God did wonderfully provide that the Emperor's soldiers, and especially the garrison of 'Rascowe,' chanced to come together, with whom travelled an honest soldier of Hungary, called Prepotawny Balnithe ; and so appointing themselves in order, made towards and entered upon the enemy, with whom they fought so long that they rescued all the Christians taken by the Turks and recovered the spoils. To the help whereof the 'bores' out of all the villages did not least ; for what they found of the enemy they slew. And although the Christian soldiers were not above 600, and the enemy four times that number, they notwithstanding manfully ventured, and with the help of God made of small force and assuaged the unreasonable minds of the enemy ; which would scarce seem credible, considering our small to their great number, of whom were found about 660, of the chief Turks. Item, six Turkish 'vandells' [fähndeln], their trumpets and drums, &c., with certain field-pieces, and many horses did our folks bring back again, together with the Lord of 'Olay,' item, the 'beege' or Lord of Fillech's principal 'zanche' or herald ; also certain of his 'Jenitshars' or soldiers. And these Turks so taken said that they knew certainly that the 'begge' of Fillech himself with most which fled were wounded. The night approached so fast upon the Christians that they were forced to leave off. And because to-day all the soldiers that went out are not yet come in, it is hoped they are bringing more with them. Others of ours being at home, having seen the new comet star, hold it to be a like token more will follow hereafter.
From Rome, 16 November, 1577.
The Pope has appointed Bishop Spineno to go to 'Tryende,' partly to accord certain differences between the Archduke Ferdinand and those of Madrutsch, which is referred to the Pope's judgement ; and specially admonishes the Archduke by letter that his Grace do not meddle with any alteration of religion. The Portugal ambassador is departed towards Florence, some say to meet and receive his successor by the way. Some say his journey is wholly to the Great Duke of Florence, and to 'stablish' with his Highness the aid which he promised the King his master, "which finally should be there resolved that such power should go into Africa." The Spaniards who were to go to the Low Countries have lately given out that the 20 galleys are passed towards Vado, and that Figueroa's folks have met and joined them with the nine galleys of Naples. The Duke of Sessa has prepared six galleys for Spain. The rovers from Corsica have taken four vessels laden with wines within the haven of Toscano, under the Great Duke of Florence.
From Venice, 22 November, 1577.
The King of Sweden's ambassador has lately had audience of the Lords here, but what he has proposed or what answer he has had is not yet publicly known, save that the Lords have presented him with a chain of gold worth 400 crowns. The astrologians here cannot agree touching the signification of the comet which they have seen since the 1st inst. ; for some say it is stella crinita, other affirm it barbata. But they agree that because it is so very black in colour it does not signify so much evil as other like tokens.
From Rome, 23 November, 1577.
Last Monday Cardinal Granvelle came back from Naples, where he has long conferred with the Duchess of Parma touching the matters of the Low Countries. She intends to prepare herself about the 10th of next month for her journey to the said Netherlands, if in the meantime she be not hindered ; and that the Pope, with Cardinals Farnese and Granvelle, should appoint her folk. The Pope has already sent to her the Lord Silvio Sanello to let her know his meaning by word of mouth. She has likewise sent towards Spain the Lord Ferrando Zuniga to the King, for final answer touching the causes of the Low Countries. The Lord Paul 'Gardano' Orsino is said to be gone to Spain to 'request the King to serve under him' in the Low Countries ; and as soon as he returns the captains will be appointed to take up soldiers. The Switzers' ambassadors are this day departed. They were very friendly entertained by the Pope, three of them he made knights ; and money provided by the town for their charge. Also at their suit the Pope has granted them a great abundance of salt to pass out of the jurisdiction of the spiritualty in Italy. Last Thursday a post, come out of Sicily from the viceroy Colonna, passed through towards Spain to let his Majesty know the necessary strengthening of certain places in the isle ; but chiefly touching 'Trapany,' by whose means all such at the first was remedied [?] ; and that they of Trapani have embarked 1,000 soldiers in the galleys at Naples. By letter of the 18th from Naples it is written that the galleys in which were embarked 1,500 Spaniards only await a wind to sail for Lombardy. The Duke of Sessa does the same ; he will travel by land to Cività Vecchia, and from thence with his seven galleys is minded to ship for Spain.
From Venice, 19 November, 1577.
Yesterday 'fresh writing' came through Cattaro from Turkey, whereupon counsel has often been holden here ; as they say, touching the truce between the Turk and the King of Spain, because it is said that the King's ambassador at Constantinople has had a passport given him. Touching the fall which the Turk had, and to take away the people's doubts as to his being worse hurt, he has shown himself openly in health and sound ; but he that died is called Bassa Mamate.
From Gustrar, 15 November, 1577.
To-day messengers are come from the 'Muscoviter,' with a company of ten persons, who some days ago came to Rostock by sea. Being asked, they give out that they will go towards the Emperor, and that they have commission to treat with him and the Empire about the treaty of peace holden at the Parliament lately assembled ; and further, that the great Prince of 'Muscowe' will maintain unbroken peace between him and the Empire. But the cause of his preparation against Lefland and Revel is that Liefland is his old patrimony ; out of which quarter certain are fled. Therefore he accounts Revel and the King of Sweden his enemies, against whom he will make ; to which end his power lies in field in Finland. Add. Endd. 3 pp. [Hanse Towns I. 24.]
Jan. 4.
K. d. L. x. 215.
I have been informed by some of my friends that the Marquis of Havrech and M. de Meetkerke, when reporting their negotiation to the Estates, declared that her Majesty had counselled them to maintain the Roman religion in which they were born and bred. This would be so prejudicial to our affairs that nothing could come more inopportunely at this time. I beg that you and Mr. Leighton, to whom please show this, will tell me what you know about it, and what steps you think we ought to take in this matter ; the more so that the Marquis has decided to come and see me, and that from the letters he has written to me, it seems likely that he may speak to me about it. I beg you also to tell me what, if he speaks to me, I can say, without giving offence to her Majesty, whose affectionate and humble servant I desire with all my heart to remain.—Ghent, 4 Jan. 1577. (Signed) Guille. de Nassau. Add. Fr. ½ p. [Ibid. V. 3.]
Jan. 4.
K. d. L. x. 213.
577. The MARQUIS of HAVRECH to the QUEEN.
In pursuance of your Majesty's command, I will lose no opportunity of letting you know how matters have gone with us. I arrived here in Brussels on Dec. 30, when I at once gave an account of my charge to the States-General, who unanimously ratified all the matters transacted between your Majesty and them ; with such satisfaction that I cannot express the credit which you have gained with them and with all the people. They have appointed M. de Famars to repair with all diligence towards your Majesty with the principal dispatches in conformity with the plans laid down there, and also to pray you to send your succours without delay, for the extreme necessity arising from the forces of France, which are coming down without respite, while those from Spain and Italy are approaching. We judge it to be the King's will to settle matters only by force of arms, as has been revealed by several letters lately intercepted. I found several here far too well affected to the French party ; though since my coming they have cooled entirely, and their negotiations have been broken off. In order that you may be advertised more particularly I send herewith a paper containing all their secret practices, which I beg you to communicate only to those most in your confidence. Above all, for all our interests, your Majesty should send over your forces without delay or loss of time, as they are so acceptable here. Also, as I fear that the Estates will not on your Majesty's credit get money as promptly as they require, I know that they are going to ask you through M. de Famars to grant them some ready cash. By doing this you will easily establish in your devotion all who have gone astray. The Prince of Orange is busy putting affairs into better order at Ghent. We have as yet no certain news of improvement ; but good hope that by his prudence and destiny he will bring them to reason, the more so that his coming has pleased them and he has great credit with them. He was as openly rejoiced as could be at the good dispatches which I brought, as his letters to me testified. The Archduke ought to be here in 2 or 3 days, to govern under the conditions which he has approved ; after which I shall repair, with your ambassador, to the army, to dispatch M. de Famars. The Estates have been very glad of the coming of Mr. Leighton, sent by your Majesty, who ought to be here to-day. I will tell him of the conduct of our affairs, and of the humours with which he will have to deal.—Brussels, 4 Jan. 1578. (Signed) Charles Philippes de Croy. Holograph. Add. Endd. by L. Tomson. Fr. 2 pp. [Ibid. V. 4.]
Jan. 4. 578. The MARQUIS of HAVRECH to the LORDS of the COUNCIL.
As I was writing to her Majesty I would not omit to send you a word, to thank you on the part of the Estates and my own for your goodwill towards this country, and your kindness to me during my stay there ; and to beg you always to bear a friendly hand in the direction of our affairs. I arrived on the 30th ult., and related my negotiations at large next day. They avowed them entirely, and will reply by M. de Famars, who will be able to start in 5 or 6 days. He will ask her Majesty to hasten the succour of troops.—Brussels, 4 Jan. 1578. Add. Endd. by L. Tomson : All accorded by the States. Desire expedition in transporting the men. Fr. 1 p. [Ibid. V. 5.]
Jan. 4. 579. DAVISON to LEICESTER.
[Draft, almost obliterated by water, but apparently urging speedy action, and containing information similar to that given in the last letters.] Endd. ½ p. [Ibid. V. 6.]
Jan. 5.
K. d. L. x. 217.
Since mine of yesterday, I have received an extract from the article containing the Queen's wish in regard to the Roman religion, which I subjoin. You can judge how important it is and how much injury it will cause us. I can at any rate assure you that nothing would be more injurious to the advancement of religion ; for when those who demand its suppression see that those from whom we might look for some favour not only do not favour us but oppose us, I leave you to think if they will ever agree to anything for the sake of the religion, on which, nevertheless, the union of these countries is founded. For my own part, nothing could happen more inopportunely to make me lose all credit, than these news. I am really sure only of those who are of the religion or favourable to it ; and when once they hear that this is her Majesty's resolution they will never have the opinion of me which it is expedient they should have, seeing that I have promised them the contrary. I should never have expected her Majesty to prejudice them against the religion which she herself professes, as M. Famars will tell you more fully. Which makes me all the more beg that you and Mr. Leighton will advise me, for which I shall be grateful.—Ghent, 5 Jan. 1578. Appended is the following : Also that so far from wishing to introduce any novelty, her Majesty desires, on the contrary, that you should know that she will not permit any novelty to be in any way introduced ; still less that anything should be attempted prejudicial to the obedience of our sovereign prince and natural lord, or to the Catholic religion, in which we were born and brought up, and our prince would have us continue. Add. Endd. Fr. 1½ pp.+9 ll. [Ibid. V. 7.]
Jan. 5.
K. d. L. x. 215. (From another copy.)
581. REPRESENTATIONS made by MR. LEIGHTON, Ambassador, from the QUEEN of ENGLAND to the ESTATES-GENERAL.
Her Majesty, greatly regretting to learn the present condition of the Low Countries, and desirous, for the affection which she bears both to the Catholic King, her good brother, and to the welfare of his subjects, to obviate by all honest means the ruin which the renewal of the war is likely to bring after it has sent a gentleman to the King, both to point out the danger into which he will be flinging himself by continuing the war, and to advise him, as a débonnaire princess should do, to take steps towards a good peace with his subjects. The way and means thereto, in her opinion, is this : To permit them to enjoy their ancient privileges, to give them a governor acceptable to them, and to maintain the Perpetual Edict in conformity with the pacification of Ghent ; things which ought not, she thinks, to be difficult, seeing they desire to change neither their master nor their religion. But if the King will come to no terms, her Majesty has instructed her said servant to inform him, that as well in defence of their liberties as to avoid the dangers likely to ensue to her own realm, she is resolved by all means to assist them. Similarly, that nothing may be omitted which may lead to peace, she has sent Mr. Leighton to the Estates and to Don John, to bring about, if possible, an armistice until the King's answer is known. She thinks Don John will not refuse to listen ; but if he does, she has instructed Mr. Leighton to let him also know her resolution. Much as she desires that the Estates will lend an ear to the proposal of an armistice, she has no desire to lull them to sleep, or make them careless of their safety ; but rather advises them to provide for their own defence by all good means. Copy. Endd. : The declaration of Captain Leighton to the Estates. Fr. 2½ pp. [Ibid. V. 8.]
582. Rough copy of the above, with corrections in Davison's writing. Fr. 1½ pp. [Ibid. V. 8a.]
Jan. 7.
K. d. L. x. 218. (From another copy.)
583. REPLY of the ESTATES.
The Estates having heard Mr. Leighton's proposals, thank the Queen for her singular affection towards them, and him for the trouble he has taken in undertaking this mission. They have always desired peace, with the maintenance of the Catholic religion and the obedience due to the King ; and have used all their endeavours with Don John to this end, though they have not been successful, owing to his refusal of their offers. Touching the proposal of an armistice, they could not accord it without great danger and damage to their cause ; having their camp formed not only near Namur, but also before Ruremonde, which, if the siege were stopped, could be revictualled. On the other hand, it would give Don John an opportunity of augmenting his forces, while they would always be chargeable with the pay of their own men-at-arms, without getting any service out of them. Nevertheless, to show that they are not averse to the Queen's request, they would offer no objection to her Ambassador proceeding towards Don John to learn his views about the armistice. If he will agree to it, they will be in a position to consider the proposal more fully. While he is on the way they will advertise the Prince of Orange and those at the camp, so that on his return they may be fortified by their counsel, and able to give him a definite answer ; it being always understood that this resolution is not to be communicated to Don John. Lastly, they request her Majesty to carry out her good resolutions arrived at with the Marquis of Havrech and M. de Meetkerke, and hasten her succour of troops ; seeing that the enemy grows stronger every day, and reinforcements are coming to him from all quarters.—Done at Brussels, 7 Feb. 1578. Copy. Endd. Fr. 2½ pp. [Ibid. V. 9.]
Jan. 9. 584. POULET to BURGHLEY.
I have written to the Secretaries some things which I wish to be imparted to you ; and I pray for your advice, being not ignorant that I may 'offend' dangerously for want of knowledge and experience. I would be sorry to be inferior to the truest subject in diligence and faithfulness. I am sorry that I might not commit those things safely to your cipher, which I wish to be changed, if it please you. All things continue here after the French fashion ; we can abide neither heat nor cold. War is too sharp and peace is too sweet, and it is easy to see that we are in danger to fall into new troubles. Périgueux has been in danger of being surprised by the papists. Many of them are slain, and others remain prisoners. Nine or ten quarrels that have happened within these ten days in this court between the King's gentlemen and others appertaining to Monsieur may perhaps breed some 'alteration' among us ; being cherished by evil instruments, which love to fish in troubled waters. A great voyage is 'pretended' into far countries, and great preparations are being made, wherein they do not spare to use great speeches against the Spaniards. But I am much deceived if their malice reach so far ; as past time has given experience, those pretences serving no other purpose than to cloak their true meaning. I cannot be easily persuaded that those preparations have any intent to offend any other than their own countrymen.—Paris, 9 Jan. 1577. Add. Endd. 1 p. [France II. 1.]
Jan. 9.
K. d. L. x. 228. (Similar letter to the Earl of Sussex.)
We wish to inform you of our great satisfaction at the result of the negotiations of the Marquis of Havrech and Adolf de Meetkerke, and to thank you for your good offices. As our enemy grows daily stronger, we have sent over M. de Famars to beg the Queen to assist us at once with a good sum of ready money and some troops, without waiting for an answer from Spain ; and we beg you to show him all the favour in your power.—Brussels, 9 Jan. 1578. (Signed) Cornelius Weellemans. Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Holl. and Fland. V. 10.]
Jan. 10.
K. d. L. x. 234.
Considering that in my letters to her Majesty, as well as in those to the Privy Council, which I know will be imparted to you, I have discoursed at large of the state of things here, I have not thought it well to trouble you further. Only I thought good to send you a note of such companies as I can with any certainty learn are come to Don John, and one of the names of such of the Low Countries as are with him.—Brussels, 10 Jan. 1577.
Names as follows : M. de Barllamont, le 'peere,' M. de Hearge, le Comte de Meghen, M. de Floyone, M. de Haultpen, 'Le vescke' de Cambray, M. le Comte de Ruse, M. le Baron de Fauckonberg, M. de Warloysion, M. de Gommingcourtte, M. le Baron de Licques, le Comte de Arremberge, le 'files' de M. de Licques.
Also : Copy of advertisement to the Prince of Orange of the number of Spaniards come to Don John, with that of the French, Burgundians, Lorrainers, Walloons, both horse and foot.
28 companies of Spanish infantry, being 4,000 men. 18 cornets of cavalry, Spanish, Italian, and Albanese, being 1,500 men ; viz., 12 cornets of lancers and 6 of carbineers. Provisions made ready for 6,000 Italians, who are coming after the Spaniards ; for I have been as far as Chambry [qu. Jametz] to make sure, and there I found the commissaries getting them ready. Also I passed through Count Charles's troops, who were being mustered last Sunday and Monday at 'Divoix' ; to wit, 25 ensigns, making 5,000 men ; in good trim and the companies full. 7 cornets of carbineers, 800 men, in very good trim, mostly gentlemen, who were to start on Tuesday for Marche-in-Famine. Puygaillard was sent by the King of France to bring them back, saying that the King did not wish them to come into these countries ; but it was only to make a show, for he told them afterwards that the King consented to their coming fearlessly, which they did. Baron Chevreau's regiment of High-Burgundians, 1,500 infantry.
I must not forget to tell your Lordship that Don John has chosen the Prince of Parma to be his lieutenant-general, who is esteemed a very brave soldier.
M. Masset's company of Burgundian carbineers. St. Balmont's Regiment, 1,800 infantry. The Count of Manderscheid's regiment, 800 men. Five Spanish captains, commissioned by Don John to make up their companies at La Prêvosté D'Yvoix. Thirty-two mules have passed laden with silver, and are at Luxembourg. Add. Endd. Eng. and Fr. 3 pp. [Holl. and Fland. V. 11.]
Jan. 10. 587. POULET to the SECRETARIES.
M. Lansac and M. Pinart came to me from the King on the 8th. After protesting his desire to entertain amity between the two Crowns, Lansac entered into a justification of his son's doings touching the English merchants ; not, as he said, by command of the King, but as a natural father that desired the honour of his own son. I answered that though I was not hasty to renew these old griefs, yet I could not forbear telling him that this conduct was unworthy of his son ; that if his father had been in his place he would never have done it ; that the English merchants had done nothing contrary to the treaties. Here I made a short recital of the cruelties used towards them, concluding that her Majesty could not with honour allow it. Old Lansac took my speech in very good part, or, at least, was content to use no replication. Indeed, he said nothing for some time, save that if I had heard what he had heard I should believe as he believed. Then M. Pinart entering into a long discourse of the demands of the English merchants, and of their slender value in comparison with the excessive damages sustained by the French merchants owing to the recent arrest, delivered me the enclosed bill, containing detailed answers to the complaints of the English merchants, praying me to consider it and to write in favour of the French merchants. Here he took occasion to tell me, as of himself, that the French merchants were badly treated in the west parts ; that gentlemen coming aboard their ships would cheapen the wares, and, agreeing upon the price, would carry them away without paying for them ; that this injustice ought not to be suffered. Therefore lest it should breed alteration in greater matters, he desired that order might be given for the redress of it. I told him I trusted that the French ships had been delivered long since, and that as I desired the continuance of amity between the two Crowns, I wished nothing more than that this contention were appeased to her Majesty's honour and the merchants' satisfaction. I had been informed from England that her Majesty had stayed only so many ships as might countervail the losses of her subjects, until sufficient caution were given for answering the damages sustained through the arrest made by young Lansac. M. Pinart used many words to prove that considering the place that I occupied here I might do many good offices to the benefit of both realms, wherein his speech tended to a manifest challenge, as if I had not interceded for these men and had not been careful to prevent the danger that might ensue through her of contention between the Queen and his master ; and that if I had gone from Poitiers to Brouage, as I was desired, my report, upon examination on the spot, of Lansac's doings would have long ago appeased the strife. Concluding that he had received a packet the day before from M. Mauvissière, and had perused his own letters, but had not opened the King's (as he said, wherein he spoke as truly as in the rest) ; and that Mauvissière had written that the French merchants had offered caution any time these six weeks, and that they could not be released until her Majesty heard further from me. I said I should be sorry to be inferior to any man in desire to preserve the amity, and had omitted no good office to that end. I did not, indeed, go to Brouage, and did not repent it ; nor would I go again on like occasion. I had not been required by the King to do so ; though M. Lansac once meeting me by chance as he came out of Queen-mother's chamber told me that he wished me there, and would be content to have me judge in these causes ; this motion was too slender to persuade me to the journey. If I had been there I should not have reported more favourably for young Lansac than his own examinations did 'purport' ; and those were so slender and so contrary to themselves that for my part I was glad to see that the French 'injuries' had no better ground. These examinations were sent to England, so that her Majesty was not ignorant of the whole circumstances and was not waiting for any advertisement from me. The French Ambassador could not think so, and I found it very strange that he should write so. I cannot tell what to think of this kind of dealing, unless the French Ambassador, finding himself grieved in England, to work me some displeasure here would now lay the whole fault of the arrest on me. This is the substance of what passed between us, and it is easy to see that this little enlargement, contrary to the first resolution, has brought the French into such boldness that they now think they may be their own carvers. The merchants certainly departed hence with full resolution to redeem their ships with present payment. They did not look to find any favour, and seem to allow her Majesty's proceeding, laying the whole fault on their own countrymen. Upon perusing the bill delivered by old Lansac, finding it to contain partly a justification of his son's doings, and all the rest only bare promises, or rather mocks and frumps, I thought good to send it back to M. Pinart, declaring that I would be sorry to be the messenger of any such answer as would rather work a greater mislike in her Majesty than serve to appease her. If they thought this bill would stand them in any stead they might send it to the French Ambassador. I send a copy, however, that you may not be ignorant of its contents. Long speech passed between M. Pinart and my son on the occasion of this bill, my son affirming that I found it strange that young Lansac should try to justify doings which the King had already disavowed. "It is possible," said M. Pinart, "that you do not understand the true sense of the word disavow. If the King had done that, he must have punished Lansac ; and as he has not punished him, he has not disavowed him." My son replied that he had heard that the King was extremely offended with the doings, which he took to be disavowing them. Upon other questions moved by M. Pinart, my son told him, because he had charged me the day before with not having done as good offices as I might in this matter, that I was the more unwilling to be the messenger of that bill, lest it should rather incense than satisfy her Majesty. In the end M. Pinart told him he was not of opinion that the English merchants should return to France till the King had better considered of the matter. [In margin, in Poulet's hand : This is plain English ; I trust her Majesty will consider of it.] My son required my passport, and told him if he would send anything to the French Ambassador, my servant should be at his command. He answered in great choler that he would not borrow my servant, and that I should have my passport in the evening. He shall take my next offer in more thankful part, by the grace of God. I would not have made this, save in order that he might not deny, if he wished to help himself by this bill, that it might be with the French Ambassador in England as soon as my letters. When I was ready to sign this letter, a very honest man came to me and told me that La Roche is going away from here in two days, and that one Combelles is appointed colonel of 12 companies to serve under him in this journey, and that he has told his friends he knows not where he goes, nor shall know till the ships are under sail ; the same being 15 in number or thereabouts. He supposes that these preparations are made for Rochelle, yet he wishes me to look to it.—Paris, 10 Jan. 1577. Add. Endd. by L. Tomson. 4½ pp. [France II. 2.]