Elizabeth: September 1577, 26-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1901.

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'Elizabeth: September 1577, 26-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1901), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol12/pp200-218 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: September 1577, 26-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1901), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol12/pp200-218.

"Elizabeth: September 1577, 26-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1901), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol12/pp200-218.

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September 1577, 26-30

Sept. 26. 266. POULET to BURGHLEY.
I do not need to write again the particulars of my negotiation yesterday with the King, of which I have advertised her Majesty. Fair words are 'good cheap' in this country, and I have received my part of them. The King says that this peace is his peace, that he will have it called his peace. He seems resolute to maintain the amity between your Majesty and him, and yet in this matter of Lansac he deals somewhat coldly. I fear his answer does not depend so much on the equity of the cause as on her Majesty's good or ill taking of Lansac's doings. I have not yet received the articles of the peace, but this is their substance : For their surety eight towns, three in Guyenne, two in Languedoc, one in Provence, and two in Dauphiné, besides St. Jean d'Angely, which remains in the hands of the Prince of Condé till he is in full possession of his government of Picardy ; one town in every bailiwick for the exercise of religion, save that in Picardy it is granted in two bailiwicks only ; liberty to levy 600,000 fr. among themselves to pay their debts ; the towns to remain in the hands of the Protestants for six years, and to be guarded by 2,000 soldiers at the King's charges. The reiters shall be satisfied, and other things touching matters of justice.—Poitiers, 26 Sept. 1577. Add. Endd. p. 1. [France I. 38.]
Sept. 26. 267. JOHN CHEKE to BURGHLEY.
In the beginning of September, after the surrender of Brouage, there were offers made by M. Lansac to the Isle de Ré with his forces, which made those of the island suspicious of the landing of his men for the taking of it to the King's use. They put themselves to as good force and strength as they could. According to their expectation the 17th of the same month he entered the Rade of St. Martin's with eleven ships, two galleys, and many pinnaces, wherein it was thought he had 1,000 men. So many scarecrows, in shape of men, might very well have brought to pass the conquest of a company always cowardly and so dishonourable merchants, for the sea favoured him with an unlooked-for fortune, and with less loss and hazard his friends yielded him a better prey than with that sort he was like to get honour or victory by his enemies, for the Isle was very well provided of 2,000 very good soldiers and resolute men, and the most carefullest regarded by the Governor, who was M. de Moranville, so as I think it would have cost M. de Lansac very dear if he had once put foot ashore. Notwithstanding, the taking of the flees being a 60 sail would have hardly beset the Isle if M. Lansac had employed the men and little ships, to have forced them as enfans perdus to have been the foremost ranks. But having in his own opinion honoured himself sufficiently by the surprise of so many English ships, whose credit and force is more accounted of than merchants understand to use, he contented himself so well with the gain he meant to make of their ransoms that under the colour of a little storm, which happened the night afore, he departed thence the 22nd, driving our merchants away like sheep, as the sight fretted all us Englishmen to the heart that were there. Mr. Norreys and Mr. Zouche, with their ship, hazarded themselves for the good of the Isle, and quitted themselves so well of danger as they have honoured their country and stopped, in the opinion of those of the religion, the disgrace of the cowardly fleet. The report of the Reiters being entered France in the Emperor's name for the recovering of the Imperial towns maketh the King desirous to treat of peace with those of the religion ; the truce is already taken, but the articles of peace not fully agreed of, neither is there any opinion of its continuance. The Queen mother is very desirous to come with Rochelle, but they of the town will not in any case consent to it. The Prince of Condé is looked for here every day. M. de Vigeu, his chief counsellor in Rochelle, since my last writing, is dead. The loss of him here is much lamented.—Rochelle, 26 Sept. Add. Endd. pp. 3. [France I. 39.]
Sept. 27. 268. POULET to WALSINGHAM.
Have recommended Jacomo to my Lord of Leicester. My men are bound to pray for [? to] you for their speedy dispatches, or rather I, in their behalfs. Please let Wollcot be the first of my men to return to me. George Poulet arrived the 25 of this month at nine o'clock at night. I trusted to have made this dispatch yesterday evening, but could not. Time has not served me to write to any other than the Earl of Leicester and the Lord Treasurer.— Poitiers, 27 Sept. 1577. P.S.—Although I send Drysdall's letters to you sealed as I receive them, yet I trust you will consider of them before they go out of your fingers. Add. Endd. p. ¾. [France I. 40.]
[Sept. 27.]
K. d. L. IX. 540 and x. 103. (From other sources.)
269. MEMORANDUM presented by the MARQUIS OF HAVRECH, with the decisions of the Estates.
That in consideration of the extreme necessity in which the Estates-General are placed by the preparations against them on foot in France and elsewhere, and of the old treaties between the English crown and the House of Burgundy, and seeing that the Estates only ask help in order to maintain their allegiance towards his Catholic Majesty, your Majesty will promptly aid them with a sum of not less than £100,000 repayable in 8 months. And further, as Don John is relying on as many princes as he can to bring him foreign reinforcements from all quarters, that her Majesty will assist them with 5,000 foot and 1,000 horse, all English, under some chief lord of her kingdom, giving them one, two, or three months' pay in advance, commencing from the day of their sailing, to be refunded by the Estates at such time as her Majesty shall appoint. During their service their pay and all their expenses, including the cost of their return home, and their equipment, shall be defrayed by the Estates.
(The Estates have resolved to adopt this article ; but they refer the conditions to the Prince of Orange.)
That her Majesty will be pleased to renew the ancient leagues between England and the House of Burgundy, due allegiance to the King of Spain being maintained.
(Decided to write to the commissioners that the intention is to make a good alliance with the realm of England ; but it will be necessary to specify the ancient leagues or to make a new one, such as not to cause war whether with the French or others.)
That she will give express direction to the ambassador in France to let the king and queens [sic] of France clearly understand that she will not suffer any attempts to the prejudice of the Low Countries and of their ancient privileges ; with especial reference to the coming down of the forces of the Duke of Guise.
Lastly, for better intelligence, if her Majesty thinks good, some person of quality shall be sent as ambassador to her court, and they beg her to do the like.
On their side the Estates offer as follows :—
First that all important discussions of peace and war, and of the maintenance of the country, shall take place with the advice and counsel of her Majesty.
(Good communication and correspondence shall be maintained, and she or her ambassador shall be advertised of all important transactions here.)
In case she requires assistance or an armed force for an occasion such as may supervene any day, the Estates will aid her with a like number of soldiers on the same conditions.
(The Estates will if called on render like aid to her.)
And if any prince or people has any designs against the repose of her Majesty or her realm, for religion or otherwise, the Estates will do their utmost to aid her, and will lend no assistance in any fashion, nor suffer or consent, so far as in them lies, that any such shall be given to those who are attempting any such thing.
(Omittatur, considering the general terms of the preceding clause, and until the ancient leagues have been looked at, or a new one made.)
That whereas all discord in any society is the ruin thereof, and an alliance of one with another cannot remain firm unless it rest on a solid basis, the Estates will not separate to attempt or practise anything against one another, without first laying before her Majesty the causes of such division, and receiving from her such advice as she, knowing the circumstances, shall deem to be for the good of the country.
Nor shall they, on being duly informed, suffer any of her Majesty's rebels in the Low Countries, but turn them out as enemies to the common cause.
(May stand, on the condition that her Majesty does the same to the enemies of the Low Countries.)
That no duties or taxes shall be levied on English merchants during the troubles, contrary to their privileges.
(May stand, as regards the privileges that they have and can prove to the Estates ; on condition of reciprocal treatment for merchants of the Low Countries in England.)
Assuring her Majesty that the foregoing shall be ratified by those who now are or shall hereafter be admitted to the Government.
(The Estates will use their best endeavours so to do.)
Copy. Endd. by L. Tomson : The States' postills to the marquess' negotiation. Fr. 4½ pp. [Holl. and Fland. II. 126.]
E. B. 270. Copy of the above in Entry Book : postills in the hand of L. Tomson. 2½ pp.
Sept. 28. 271. LEICESTER to DAVISON.
Many thanks for all you have done and daily do for me ; but I will not dwell in your debt if all my credit can requite you. I am glad to find your service so agreeable, not only to those there, but her Majesty here conceiving so good an opinion of you that you have cause to rejoice. As I know you look to hear how the Marquis speeds about his negotiations I will write to you as much as hitherto is done. First for the 5 ...... as I doubt not but he ...... as well satisfied as any ...... so I think he will report. And for himself, I assure you he is worthy of it, carrying himself so well and courteously as any man may do, without any ceremony or curiosity at all, but already a very Englishman in all his dealings, hitherto very sincere and reasonable, and a most earnest and zealous man to his country, commending the Prince above all other men of his nation, without affection either to his brother or other. Thus much for the man. For the causes he came for, one for loan of money, the other for aid of men. They are both granted ; for money, her Majesty gives her credit for £100,000, with the City's of London and her merchants' bonds, with which the Marquis is fully satisfied. For men, to have the number they desired, viz., 5,000 foot and 1,000 horse at their pay. With this the Marquis was ready to depart to-morrow or next day. This afternoon he came to her Majesty upon some conference he had with Sir Thomas Gresham, which was that finding by him that money cannot be so speedily taken up in Antwerp without either great hindrance to merchants generally, or their extreme charge by interest being sought for ...... may have 19 or 20 ...... is contented with the bills of credit. And I doubt not [his] request will be granted, for her Majesty is of very good minding in those matters as ever I saw her ; and I hope you will hear the certain resolution by M. de Famars, who will be the next 'dispatch.' He chiefly goes to procure the Prince and the States to send over to her Majesty for some of our nation to be sent forthwith to them ; which matter I pray you consider well with the Prince, as a thing that in my own opinion greatly concerns them. I think if they had "made their cause presently needful to have had them," it would have furthered their affairs, and now they find it had been good so to have done. If they still seem to press her Majesty for them, especially if the persuasion come from the Prince ... have the charge of the ... being such a picked company as has not past the seas these 40 years, for their number ; which I wish should be 6,000 foot and 1,000 horse. You know my mind in this matter already, but the condition they make is, if the French should enter to aid Don John, then her Majesty to help the States with men ; which if they stay till the French enter, it will be very late, considering we have a sea to pass. M. de Famars can tell you all our resolutions, which I think he mislikes not ; for since I began this letter, I was fain to 'cess,' till we had finished their cause for this time, which you shall hear more particularly from Mr. Secretary, but this much shortly : Their demand for £100,000 is granted ; her Majesty to lend her credit with bonds of lading and merchants, and if there appear any difficulty that present money cannot be had now, to share their ... sent to ...... of Carington their agent for those... or the Marquis if he find ... now to ... or better out of her coffers. But this is without warrant I speak, albeit I mistrust it not ; but if it may be had there upon the bonds, it will be much better liked I know. If the peace break, I wish you to write to her Majesty to animate her in these her good doings for her neighbours, as also to procure the prince to do it to herself effectually. When all is done, 'he is the man she doth repose upon.' And I hope he will not easily be abused with Don John's stratagems, nor put his person too far into their hands there till he see how the peace proceeds, for if they grow toward any, it is no being among them for him in my opinion, lest his person solve all other difficulties, and be the sacrifice for all other offences ; but God I trust will preserve him. So this ... I know not how this letter hang together, being written at hasty fit. I leave [it] to your discretion to understand, and commit you to the Lord.—This 28 of September. P.S. I have shown her Majesty Borus Kwalysh [Qy. Boris Kovalitch] letters. Her pleasure is you should 'serve' to him (if he send to you, as I think he will upon an answer I have given him) that at my request you are content to let it go no further, and that I mean you perceive to suppress the letters at this time, for that his causes were by friends in a good forwardness for him ; and this say to any that shall happy come from him. Add. Sealed (with bear and ragged staff, in a garter). Endd. 3 pp. Damaged. [Holl. and Fland. II. 127.]
Sept. 28. 272. The QUEEN to the PRINCE OF ORANGE.
M. de Famars wishing to return according to your orders, we send this word by him, both to bear witness how much we value your affection, testified not only by your homely good offices, but also by what you have said to Mr. Davison, whereof we shall retain so good a remembrance as reciprocity on our part shall show ; and also to let you know the care we have taken to recommend you to the Marquis, letting him see that we hold you for one of our dearest friends, and how necessary it is for them to call you among them, and place the government in your hands. We have dwelt more fully on this matter to Famars.—Windsor, 28 Sept. 1577. Copy. Fr. ½ p. [For. E.B. Misc. II.]
Sept. 28.
K. d. L. ix. 546.
Just after I had despatched the last post, his Excellency did me the honour to come from his lodging to the English house, which was a long mile off, to see me. He spent an hour walking in the garden in discourse of divers things, and afterwards partook of a little banquet which we had provided for him, behaving himself with so great humanity and courtesy as did infinitely content and satisfy our whole nation. The same night I came with him hither when he was received ut Pater Patriæ, the particulars of which you may see in a little report which I send herewith. Since then he has gone daily to council, and by his advice they have once again sent to his Highness the Bishop of Bruges and M. de Willervall (for Schetz feigning himself sick for some consideration tarries behind). Among other points they have now at his Excellency's sole instance, inserted a special article for comprising her Majesty within this peace, which Grobbendonck and some other ill-patriots, have done their best to oppose. What will succeed of their journey we shall see between this and Tuesday night. The wisest cannot tell what to assure, for on the one side the continuance of the Duke of Guise about Metz ; the abode of lords and gentlemen of this country with his Highness, though they were summoned to return within a limited time upon pain of confiscation ; the insolent act of the Count of Mansfelte, who, receiving a letter from the Estates, tore it in pieces with his teeth and trod it under foot, threatened the messenger, and used very ill language of the Estates ; the resolution of the soldiers at Marienbourg (practised as it thought by his Highness) not to abandon that hold, whatever terms may be made ; together with other considerations, may argue that he hath nothing less in mind than peace, though on the other side the loss of his principal strongholds in this country, the revolt of divers of his companies, the opinion of his want of money and rumours of some new inclination to troubles, both in Naples, Sicily, and Spain, make them believe he neither can nor will make war, there is no peace to be expected. If his Highness be forced to accord a peace, his abode in Luxembourg shall be to lay the plot and foundation of a new war, which he will handle with greater dexterity than he did the last. To hinder the joining of the French with his Highness, they are minded to send M. d'Aubigny forthwith ; who being long since ready, has for some reason been stayed by the Estates till now. I guess the chief reason has been the awaiting of some answer from the Marquis. Touching his journey the Prince discoursed with me yesterday, asking my opinion whether her Majesty would take it well, and assuring me that it was but to entertain Monsieur with some vain hope, to see if by him they could hinder the diverting of their forces upon these countries. I answered that so long as the intelligence with Monsieur tended no further than to assure themselves, without their own peril or the prejudice of her Majesty, I though she could not mislike it, but if it tended any further, I was sure she could no way digest it. But he assured me at once that if it did, there was no man living would be more enemy to it than he. 'Mary,' this inclination he saw in the Estates, that if her Majesty should abandon them it was their next refuge, which for his own part he could not think well of. Coming to speak of the necessity of this country for money, he besought me to solicit your honour to advance by all means the loan of that sum which her Majesty had in their last troubles destined to lend them, which would now be worth ten times more than if lent at any other time. Hereof I cannot but beseech you to have some consideration, both in respect of their present necessity and to avoid the inconvenience of leaving to France an alliance which cannot but be of perilous consequence to us. All this was this morning in my own house, whither his Excellency came to impart to me what had passed between him and certain persons, touching the article above-mentioned, which was this morning called again in question by some over-thwart ministers ; but his Excellency had so wrought the Duke of Aerschot and others, that they would in no wise hear of the cancelling thereof. In all occasions he shows the entire devotion he bears to her Majesty. I beseech your Honour take some occasion to pray her Majesty to take some occasion to let M. de Famars understand hereof, and as there shall be occasion, to remember the like yourself. His Excellency every day expects news of the surrender of Breda. They of Amsterdam have been in speech here with him, but they cannot fall to accord. At Antwerp there were found in the house of one Carlo Lanfranchi, an Italian merchant, the number of 1,500 coats, as it is judged, made for pioneers, some of grey, some of other colours with red crosses, which Carlo confesses to have been sent to him by Diego d'Ayala, a Spanish merchant in that town. It is thought they were made in the time of the wars and have lain since upon his hands, though as the manner is the people suspect the worst.—Brussels, 28 Sept. 1577. P.S.—Don John doth very ill digest the receiving of the Prince into this town, for such as come thence say it doth fret him to the "guitts" [in draft, "hart."] Add. Endd. 2 pp. [Holl. and Fland. II. 128.]
Sept. 28. 274. Draft of the above.
Endd. (also in a later hand). 2 pp. [Ibid. II. 129.]
Sept. 28. 275. DAVISON to BURGHLEY.
Encloses a copy of the 'little discourse.' 'With such singular demonstrations of joy was he welcomed of every man, as if he had been an angel come down from heaven they would have done no more.' Refers him for information to his letter to Mr. Secretary.— Brussels, 28 Sept. 1577. Add. Endd. ½ p. [Ibid. II. 130.]
Sept. 29. 276. The ESTATES to their DEPUTIES with DON JOHN.
In reply to yours we would say that his Highness ought not to find anything strange or sinister in the coming of the Prince of Orange to this town, seeing that by the terms of the pacification of Ghent he or any other is free to come and go in these provinces. His Highness himself has desired to speak with the Prince, and we have received him to no other end than that we might consult in common for the good of these countries. As to the armistice of which you speak, we are content that there should be one for two or three days, while the present negotiations are being completed, and we are writing to that effect to the Marshal and other officers. As to the questions of the offices, etc., though we have just cause for persisting, nevertheless, in order to be as pleasant to his Highness as possible, we are content that abeyance of the said offices should extend only to governors of provinces, towns, etc., in charge of troops, and also to Councillors of State or finance. Pass lightly meanwhile over the right of decision reserved to the Grand Council at Mechlin with the selected provincial councillors. You will not make these concessions except in the last resort, and if a rupture is imminent. We hope you will return in two or three days at the latest.—Brussels, 29 Sept. 1577. Copy. Fr. Endd in Fr. 1 p. [Holl. and Fland. II. 131.]
Sept. 29.
K. d. L. ix. 549. (In French version.)
277. The ANSWER to the ARTICLES proposed by the MARQUIS, that was debated upon by the LORDS, &c., of his MAJESTY'S COUNCIL, but not fully concluded upon to be put in writing.
Her Majesty is content to grant the sum which they require on these conditions :
That in exchange for her Majesty's bonds and those of the City of London, the Estates shall deliver their bonds and those of such towns as shall be named by her Majesty's deputies to the person commissioned to receive them ; That within forty days [French version, quinze jours], next following the bonds of the particular provinces shall also be delivered ; That the first payment, in case of the war continuing, shall be made at the end of four months after the receipt of the bonds, and the other half four months later ; In case the Estates fall to agreement with Don John full payment of the above sum shall be made before the ratification of the said agreement, and twelve hostages shall be delivered as security, six of the nobility and six burgesses ; six of either side ; Interest on the loan shall be comprehended as part of the sum ; Payment of the 20,000l. already due shall be comprised in the said obligation. In writing of Laurence Tomson. Endd. : The answer made to the Marquis' demands, sent to the Prince of Orange by Famars. 1 p. [Ibid. II. 132.]
Sept. 29. 278. Another copy of the same. [Ibid. II. 133.]
Sept. 29.
K. d. L. ix. 550.
I wrote lately by M. de Famars, yet I would not let this messenger pass without revisiting you. Use your best means to make them there know it is altogether done for their own best good. That her Majesty may be persuaded from them, and specially the prince, how necessary it is to have some of our nation forthwith to be sent, and not to tarry the coming first of any other strangers, French or others. And this must be set down gravely and substantially by them with as many just persuasions as may be. And myself most ready and willing to be an executor to the furtherance thereof. —September 29. P.S.—I assure you the Marquis uses himself here very discreetly and modestly. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holl. and Fland. II. 134.]
Sept. 29.
K. d. L. ix. 551.
Though you have not written to me of late, whereof I make no account, much less will I pick a quarrel, yet others that are our betters, especially my Lord of Leicester, have given a good report of you to me ; the fruit whereof I hope you shall reap all in good time. I have prayed my Lord to join with me in getting you 200l. over and above your allowance, which his Honour has promised to do. If your "diet" might be increased, I would like it well, and that you had fully my allowance. I will also confer with Mr. Secretary Walsingham for your aid and relief ; and if you would declare your expenses in writing I would, perhaps, show them to the Queen herself. The Marquis's behaviour and wisdom is highly esteemed here, and he is likely to get what he demands, as this bearer, M. de Famars, can more at large declare to you. Remember to deal against the rebels as I have written, and take advice of the Prince, to whom I pray you make known my affection and excuse my not writing at this time. When M. de Lyra comes (who remains here), I will not fail to write to his Excellency. Pray excuse me also to the Duke of Aerschot, M. de Hèze, M. Liesfelt.—Windsor, 29 Sept. 1577. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. II. 135.]
Sept. 29. 281. The PRINCE OF ORANGE to the ESTATES of HOLLAND and ZEALAND.
The English Ambassador asks me to favour the suit of an Ipswich merchant named Robert Cutlar for payment of 230 pounds Flemish, the balance of 1,200 owed by the Estates to his father of the same name. As he has also represented that Cutlar's welfare depends on it, I have written according to his desire, begging you, in the interest of the Ambassador, who is daily using his good offices for the furtherance of our cause by her Majesty, promptly to pay the 230 pounds to the said Cutlar.—Brussels, 29 Sept. 1577. (Signed) Guille de Nassau. Add. Apparently the original. Flem. 1 p. [Ibid. II. 136.]
Sept. 30. 282. INSTRUCTIONS given to the SIEUR DE LANGUILLIÈRE for the private affairs of the KING OF NAVARRE.
(1) That his Majesty will reply to those articles in his memorandum, to which no answer has yet been made.
(Is being attended to.)
(2) Removal of all governors, captains, &c., of his private provinces and towns appointed during the troubles, where such did not exist in the time of the late King Henry.
(Provided for by the edict, and already answered at Bergerac with regard to the government of Guyenne.)
(3) That for the payment of the pensions granted him similar charges may be made on the receipts of Guyenne as M. de Montpensier has on those of Brittany.
(The King thinks of taking the advice of experienced persons, when he is at Paris, with a view to putting his affairs in order.)
(4) That his new guard may be continued indefinitely and with a good and certain assignment of pay.
(Provided for by Act 5 of the last memorandum.)
(5) To assign the payment of arrears due to the old and new guards, at least for the time preceding the late troubles.
(Must first verify their amount.)
(6) After the last peace his Majesty ordered that the pay of the garrison of Périgueux should be found by the district, and be chargeable on the taille. Owing to the opposition of the Catholic garrisons and of some noblemen, who have levied the taille themselves, the King of Navarre has been obliged to advance his own money, or get private persons to do so, up to the sum of 7,000 livres. His Majesty is requested to order this to be reimbursed out of the last taille, or to have the charge imposed as he is best able to decide.
(The King, in the first place, cannot afford it. The district is still divided ; and besides, having all these revenues in Guyenne, it is not reasonable that he should pay it.)
(7) Request his Majesty to keep the Sieur d'Arennes in the position of President in the Court of Parliament at Paris, unless it be to make him President of the Chamber to be established for the trial of cases between those of the Religion. Or that at the least he remain Seventh President.
(The King of Navarre can appoint him president of one of the courts of officers of their religion which have to be set up, of which his Majesty will provide him.)
Poitiers, the last day of September 1577. (Signed) : Henry, and below : de Neufville.
Articles, additional to the instructions given to the Sieurs de Calignon and Ségur, our envoys to negotiate the peace, upon which they are strictly to insist, as equitable, fundamental to the peace, and of real importance to the position of the reformed churches, though they may seem to refer to a private matter.
(8) The justification of the late Admiral and the restoration of his family to their honour and possessions.
(Sufficiently provided for by the Edict.)
(9) Payment to them of arrears of revenue, and compensation for damage.
(Refer to the Edict.)
(10) That the King will call upon the Catholic King and the Duke of Saxony to do the same in respect of property formerly held by the Admiral in their countries.
(Will write to the ambassador.)
(11) The Admiral's papers and documents having been mostly destroyed, and all recognisances and notes of hand being thus lost, his debtors refuse to pay. Will the King give orders that all debts of which lists or memoranda remain shall be paid, and enjoin the judges to issue the necessary writs for the exploitation of the debtors.
(The King will grant letters of Committimus et debitis to M. de Châtillon and the other heirs, to compel the payment of all debts that can be proved.)
(12) That for the security of those of the Religion in the Isle de France and neighbouring provinces, the town of Orleans, or any other that his Majesty pleases may be given to them to hold, the Sieur de Châtillon being appointed governor.
(His Majesty has at the King of Navarre's request appointed M. de Châtillon to command at Montpellier.)
Signed as before.
Provisions and declarations to be made in pursuance of the Edict.
(13) The Edict to be at once published in the Court of Parliament at Paris, and other supreme and inferior courts.
(Edict will at once be sent for publication wherever necessary.)
(14) Letters to be granted declaration that the Chamber to be established in Languedoc shall be elsewhere than in Toulouse for six years, after which to be removed as suits the convenience of the subjects resorting to it.
(The King has agreed that the Chamber shall begin in the town of Revel [or] Sonrese (Sorrèze), and be afterwards shifted as convenience directs.)
(15) In regard to the marriages of priests and religious persons, male or female, belonging to the religion, a declaration that proceedings shall not be taken against them either now or in future, and this not to be limited to marriage already contracted as has inadvertently been entered in the articles. Rather let his Majesty cancel altogether the clause provided that they shall not be molested for marriages already contracted, leaving the rest of the article relating to children and succession.
(The article on this subject inserted in the secret articles of Bergerac is precisely similar to the 7th article of the peace of 1576, and no charge can be made in it.)
(16) Pending the establishment of the new Chambers, to authorise the nomination of the present President and Counsellors by the King of Navarre for the Chambers of Languedoc and Dauphiné. And that his Majesty will depute some of his Council to preside at the nomination of Presidents and Counsellors, of whom there is no suspicion, from whom his Majesty may select the new Chambers for the Parliament of Paris and elsewhere.
(When the Commissioner, whom they have sent to Paris to inquire as to suspicious persons, has returned, and the lists from Paris, Dijon, Rouen, and Reims have been received, the necessary commission shall be dispatched. Meantime his Majesty has authorised for the first time the nomination as denied for Languedoc and Dauphiné.)
(17) The nominations of the towns, etc., to be appointed in each bailiwick, etc., for the exercise of the Reformed Religion, which may be done in presence of the same deputies.
(After inquiring into the convenient towns, etc., and where there is least danger of popular excitement the King will at once give orders pursuant to the Edict.)
(18) Statement of the governors, captains, and soldiers appointed in the guarantee towns with security for their payment. Otherwise complaints will arise which cannot fail to annoy his Majesty.
(Statements will be drawn up, and good and sufficient security for pay given for the 820 men granted for the surrendered towns, according to the article settled at Bergerac.)
(19) Commissions for the governors whom the King of Navarre shall nominate in these towns.
(The King has ordered them to be sent. But before they arē delivered the persons appointed must take the oath prescribed by the Edict.)
(20) Confirmation by the King of the King of Navarre's selection of six towns for the exercise of the Religion and the Prince of Condé's two.
(Granted, according to the tenor of the secret articles, with the exception of L'Isle Jourdan and Châteauneuf en Themeraye, which for divers good reasons the King cannot grant. The King of Navarre may name others.)
(21) Leave for the exercise of the Religion in the suburbs of the town of Loudun as previously allowed.
(M. de Montpensier declares that it was agreed between him and the King of Navarre that there should be no exercise there.)
(22) A declaration by his Majesty by brevet, signed with his hand, that at the instance of the said King and Prince and for the singular affection which he bears to the Duke of [sic] Casimir he intends to keep up the annual pension of 50,000l. to the said Duke.
(The Duke has voluntarily remitted to his Majesty the pension which he had from him, his Majesty regards him as his good friend and neighbour, and would not think it right for any but himself to have any understanding with foreigners, and it would be a contravention of the Edict.)
(23) Letters empowering the King of Navarre to levy on those of the Religion and others of his party during the late war the sum of 600,000 livres, with power to appoint such persons as he may see fit to collect it.
(24) To grant the very humble requests of the Lords of Châtillon and St. Romain.
(The case of M. de St. Romain has already been met by the reply to the 8th article, and in regard to the pension claimed by him all possible satisfaction shall be given. A separate reply will be given to the note presented on behalf of M. de Châtillon.)
(25) And whereas in the articles of peace it has been inadvertently omitted to prohibit generally any molestation or prosecution of those of the Religion, for the sole fact of psalm-singing, his Majesty will greatly oblige [sic] the King of Navarre if he will have such prohibition expressly stated in the Edict.
(It is not expedient to add anything to the Edict.)
Signed as before. Copy. Fr. 10¼ pp. [France I. 41.]
Sept. 30. 283. PARTICULAR points with which the KING OF NAVARRE expressly charged the SIEUR DE LANGUILLIÈRE, at his setting forth, to bring to his MAJESTY'S hearing.
(1) Peace having been granted by the King, the King of Navarre would like nothing better, having regard to his own dignity and the public utility, than to see the Queen, his wife. He will receive her as befits the great honour which he derives from the alliance, and with all the gratification and friendship enjoined by the bonds of holy wedlock.
(This is the intention of the King and Queen Mother. The latter is thinking of escorting her daughter, who is herself desirous to go.)
(2) Ask the King to set free the son of M. de Nemours.
(The King intends that M. de la Garnache shall have the benefit of the Edict. But he wishes it to be observed also on behalf of Catholic prisoners, and that restitution shall be made to such as have paid ransom since the peace, as it is said that MM. de la Guiche and Quaylus have done.)
(3) The King of Navarre offers an amnesty to such of his vassals in Guienne as have fought against him in the late war.
(The King is very glad to hear it.)
(4) The King of Navarre begs that the Admiral [Villars], who has shown great animosity, may be removed from his post in Guienne.
(The King has already made known his wishes through the Sieur de Chémerault, and will do so again through MM. de Biron and Languillière.)
(5) That the King of Navarre's bodyguard of six score men-at-arms may muster in the first quarter, in which all the others do.
(Granted, on condition that the said vue de quarante shall serve and be employed for the payment of the guards, old and new, and that the muster shall be made at the first quarter, when all the others have to pass it.)
(6) That the companies of the Prince of Condé and of MM. de Turenne and Laverdin may be placed in Guienne ; by which means the King of Navarre will be able, first to get the King duly obeyed and to keep the peace ; and secondly, to remove many suspicions from those who think they have offended deeply, and bear ill-will in consequence.
(The King will consider of it when he is attending to the subject of garrisons, together with the regulations which he means to make for all the armed forces.)
(7) His Majesty should know that in order to retain all his guard in his service, the King of Navarre must pay them at least two quarters, and keep his new guard like his old.
(Satisfied by the answer to no. 5.)
(8) Wishes to send a gentleman to the Queen of England, and meantime has told Languillière, if his Majesty please, to speak with her ambassador.
(9) For passport for M. de Bonnecourt, whom he is sending to Germany.
(10) To have the request which was handed to M. de Montpensier seen to, viz., that the children of the late President de la Place may be compensated.
(Answer will be given when the request has been seen.)
(11) That the King will not withdraw his disavowal of the pillage done by the Sieur de Boricq in Périgord upon the Sieur de Boillebault, equerry to the King of Navarre, who was on his way to him in Guyenne to "serve his quarter," having a good passport, as M. de Villeroy can testify.
(The King desires this infraction of passport to be subject to reparation and restitution, as was granted in the articles signed at Bergerac.)
(12) To release from the prison of Poitiers a procureur du roi named Antonin Bourguignon, called Le Sonchault, of Le Blanc in Berry, who is confined on charges falling under the amnesty ; and if he has offended, to send him to Paris to be tried by judges free from passion in the new court.
(The King agrees to send the case before the Chamber appointed to try the cases of those of the R.P.R.)
(13) Point cut that Châtellerault is a duchy and seneschalry eclipsée and not comprised in the seneschalry of Poitou, and that all appeals from the judge there lie before the Parliament of Paris, except such as go before the presidial court of Poitiers, and this has no authority in the Duchy, as was argued last December before his Majesty at Blois ; and the place is also a government under the Governor-General of Guyenne, just like Poitiers. But in every seneschalry places have been granted for the exercise of the Religion, and, therefore, Languillière must insist strongly on its being allowed at Châtellerault as in the suburbs, as by the Edict of 1568.
(The King wishes the regulations made by the Edict and the secret articles touching the establishment of the prêches to take effect, and will enquire as to the most convenient spot for the purpose in the seneschalry of Châtellerault.)
Copy, apparently by Poulet's secretary. Endd. by L. Tomson : "Instructions for Languillier sent by the King of Navarre to the French King." Fr. 13½ pp. [France I. 42.]
Sept. 284. Reports from the ENVOYS sent to the GERMAN PRINCES.
From Daniel Rogers.
The 22nd September Daniel Rogers returned answer from the Palsgrave, which arrived October 3. The sum of it is that in the matter gone about by the divines and others of the Augustan confession he will hold correspondence with her Majesty for the withstanding of all inconveniences that may arise, and will not permit within his jurisdiction any condemnation of those of the other profession. He gladly inclines to the league so far as may stand with his honour, and that other princes of Germany professing the religion do forthwith enter into it.
From Mr. Beale and Mr. Rogers.
The 7th October arrived letters from Mr. Beale and Mr. Rogers of the 16th September, advertising their negotiation with the Landgrave, touching the assembly of the princes of the Augustan confession and the league. The sum of them was that the purpose of those princes goes very fast on, and that the Duke of Saxony is a great furtherer of it, and had already assembled all the Earls that are under him to have their consent to the declaration of the divines ; but what they had done, they could not certify ; that the assembly was like to be holden at Nuremburgh ; that the Landgrave thought it very expedient for her Majesty to write to the King of Denmark, who may do much with the Duke of Saxony to persuade him to forbear to proceed any further in the matter ; that meanwhile he would travail the best he could to stay it. As for the league he could not presently resolve upon it, but would consult with other princes, being for his part ready to enter it. Copy. ½ p. [For. E.B. Misc. II.]
End of Sept. 285. Copy of MEMORANDUM handed by MR. BEALE to the ELECTOR PALATINE.
The Queen of England being careful above all things for the defence and propagation of the Church, whereof Princes are ordained to be the nursing-fathers, and understanding that in the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation there is talk of drawing up a new formula of religion and holding an assembly at which, under pretext of defending the Augustan Confession, her Majesty thinks that condemnation may be passed on other Churches which, in many articles, hold with the German Churches against the common enemy, the Pope of Rome, and dissent in one point only ; and deeming that for this the present time is highly inopportune, considering the present state of France and the Low Countries, and that Germany is surrounded on all sides by enemies, the Duke of Guise being busy in Lorraine, Don John of Austria being in arms against the religion and liberties of the Low Countries, the King of Poland besieging Dantzick, whereby in another direction a way is opened into the Empire and the Baltic Sea to the Turk, the hereditary foe of the German name, while the Papists within the Empire are watching their opportunity ; has thought good to send me friendly to forewarn the princes of the Empire, etc. She doubts not but that all this proceeds from the common enemy, the Pope of Rome, that by this means the princes and states which profess the reformed religion may be set at variance, and afterwards become more easily a prey ; the princes who hold with him being meanwhile united in a league, and setting aside the old quarrels arising from claims upon each other's territories, intent only upon crushing those who profess the true religion. Hence the reported junction of their forces against the States of the Low Countries, and the truce of five years which the King of Spain has made with the Turk, far outstripping the disgrace of Goletta and Tunis, and the invasion of Fezzan by a Turkish vassal in the very teeth of Spain. Such a condemnation would not only breed distractions, and perhaps hostilities, in the Empire, but be contrary to the desire of charity, peace, and union which divines ought above all to cherish within the Churches of Christ ; wherefore her Majesty beseeches your Highness to endeavour by all means to preserve the union among the members of the Empire and between them and other princes and states professing the reformed religion, and to use your influence with others to that end. Consider what may be attempted by men who love piety more than charity, who sometimes (as the Gospel records of John Baptist's disciples joining themselves with the Pharisees) leaving the common foes with whom they should fight, join forces with them against the disciples of Christ, to the ruin of the Church and the overthrow of many commonwealths. Even so in the Empire and the German nation, whose strength when united is invincible, new tumults will arise, the Papists will deride our ill-considered actions, and will afterwards fall upon those by whom these divisions have been brought to pass ; it being certain that those who follow Luther are just as hateful to the Papists as our own people. Another yet more grievous and far-reaching evil will arise, namely, that as we say in the Creed that the Church of Christ is universal, so it will universally touch all the Churches which dissent from this new formula ; that is, the Churches of England, Ireland, France, Scotland, Poland, Switzerland, will be condemned unheard. This is to dissolve the unity of the Church, and to put a stumbling-block in its way The point in controversy is of no great moment, and her Majesty does not wish me to speak about it at present ; but seeing that the Spirit (as the Apostle teaches) distributes his gifts to the members of the Church diversly as He will, and wills not that any one man possess them all, and so our Churches do not claim the right over others to censure or condemn them, the Queen thinks that we and others shall be hardly dealt with if our Churches are thus imperiously condemned by certain divines, as though knowledge had been given to the divines of one nation only, or should go forth from them alone. Her Majesty hopes that your Highness and the other princes of the Empire will deem more honourably of herself and the Churches of her realm than to permit that to be done whereby their religion should be censured. The ambition of divines will not stop here if the princes allow them to do as they now wish ; they will venture further enterprises, which will tend, without doubt, to the setting up of a new Papacy and primacy over the consciences and goods of princes, from which they will with difficulty extricate themselves. Examples can be given, and those not far away. For in this Sacramentary controversy, beside Luther's reasons and arguments, some have wished to introduce some new bread-worship [αρτολατρειαν]. Others have gone on to a new dogma of the ubiquity of Christ's Body hitherto unheard-of in the Churches. Others have raised contentions and useless questions concerning Adiaphora, free will, predestination, justification, good works, original sin, whereby the Churches have been troubled, and would still be troubled, if the authority of princes had not withstood it ; so that if the princes are now going to let themselves be drawn at the pleasure of these men into approving this new formula and condemnation, it is probable that there will always be an advance in the coinage of one new dogma after another. The Queen thinks it strange that the old formula of religion, which has so long been accepted, should not suffice. If a new one is promulgated, all acts of assemblies and Churches under the former one will be invalidated, and confusion will come to pass in Church and State. The German princes have many times commended the French Churches, which this formula will condemn, to the Kings of France. What will their adversaries think of this change ? What will be their triumph ? Will not occasion be offered for the fiercer persecution of those Churches ? The Papists have long been trying to separate the foreign Churches from those of Germany. Similar attempts at Worms in 1557, at Naumburg in 1561, in the Imperial Diet in 1566, were rendered futile by the moderation of the princes and the divines. Her Majesty hopes the same will happen now. It has never been thought right in Germany hitherto that parties to a cause should be judges in the same, without even giving the other side a hearing. If something must be done, let an assembly be held to which all who profess the reformed religion may be summoned. Her Majesty will not, I think, refuse to send men conspicuous for authority and learning, who will so satisfy your Highness and the other princes that you will form a better judgement of our Churches and not proceed to these condemnations. Meanwhile her Majesty thinks it will be best to abstain from them. If your Highness thinks this matter of divines to be a private affair of Germany, whose constitutions permit only two religions, her Majesty judges very differently. We believe the Church of Christ to be universal, and matters affecting it should be universal and not particular. Nothing prejudicial can be done to the Churches in Germany who embrace the same confession as we without affecting us. The Queen wishes me to repeat the enquiries made by her servant Daniel Rogers, touching a defensive league against the common enemy. Although by God's mercy her Majesty's affairs are so ordered that she has little to fear from her adversaries, yet for love of Germany and her cousins the Princes Electors, she has wished this specially to be propounded. A similar league is now being negotiated between herself and the King of Denmark, and one has long been concluded with the French King, the cause of the religion being included. Copy. Endd. by R. Beale. Latin. 8 pp. [Germ. States I. 23.]
End of Sept. 285A. Copy of letter delivered by R. Beale to Richard, Count Palatine, uncle of the Elector. Latin. 1 p. Endd. by R. Beale. [Ibid. 23A.]