Elizabeth: September 1577, 1-5

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1901.

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'Elizabeth: September 1577, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1901), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol12/pp132-141 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: September 1577, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1901), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol12/pp132-141.

"Elizabeth: September 1577, 1-5". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1901), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol12/pp132-141.

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September 1577, 1-5

Sept. 1. 173. M. DE CHAMPAGNY to the ESTATES.
On receipt of your letter of yesterday. I wrote to Bergen and Stenberg, to order the troops that I have there to come towards Jodoigne. Hitherto I have been able to get nothing done about the money and the cloth which you assigned to me at Antwerp. Those who manage the business are no less cunning than were the Spanish pagadores, and while they are looking for their profits your service is delayed. The Portuguese. Melchior Garavello of whom I wrote the other day, was executed yesterday, though Van der Hagen and Shoquen were urgent that he should be kept, and also I had written to the magistrates in your name, as it was important to confront him with Jean Piers Florien and those were taken with him. His confession has been suppressed, and some of the magistrates say it was necessary to do so because he accused some respectable people whom they know not to be guilty. This makes one think that they hurried it on for fear of his saving more ; the bailiff Vandenmeeren having tried to stir up the people, saving that two other citizens had been put to death without difficulty, and that they were trying to save the Portuguese. This Vandenmeeren was brought up in the house of the late Rugomey, and I have always held him for an utterly bad man in respect of the office which he holds. The people complain of the Margrave and his arbitrary executions. Since he has gone to Brussels, it would be a good thing to make enquiry into his conduct, and to seize his papers, for he is said to have kept up close correspondences. It is more than ever time to recognise who acts sincerely, who not, especially in Antwerp, where I perceive great discontent among the people at the slackness (flochesse) used in looking for those who set a hand to their ruin. If some satisfaction is not given. I fear they will not only lose all respect for the officers, but will attack their persons, which would be a serious matter, and a bad example of disorder ; which ought to be obviated altogether in such a city. Copy. Endd. : Lettre de M. de Champagny aux Etats, le premier de Septembre, 1577. Fr. 1 p. [Holl. and Fland. II. 65.]
I sent a man to Frankfort at the last foire de Pasques, to pay the rest of the sum due on account of your journey made in my kingdom in 1567, as well as that due to the officers who served under the Duke of Deuxponts in 1569, but no one was there to meet him. The present bearer is also to settle the account for 1576. Please depute some one to meet him, and believe that any default of payment is not due to lack of good will, but to the disturbance arising from the war, which has hindered the payment of the revenues destined to the discharge of these debts. —Poitiers, Sept. 1, 1577. (Signed), Henry. (Countersigned), Brulart. Copy, in a French hand. Endorsed by Dan. Rogers : "Coppie du lre de Roy au Pr. Casimir, etc. Fr. ½ p. [France I. 26.]
Sept. 12. 175. Passport for Captain Roger through Champagne and Brie, on his way to Don John of Austria. (Signed) : Le Due de Guize, and sealed. (Countersigned) : [Qy.] Feseurvé.
Fr. Endd. P. ½. [Ibid. I. 27.]
Sept. 1.
K. d. L. ix. 495.
I understand that the resolution to send the Marquis of Havrech to England holds good ; and I learn that the substance of his negotiation is to enter into some treaty with her Majesty for assistance, which is not without need. Of the Emperor or French King they can expect no good, the one being of the house of Austria and the other having, it is said, hastened his peace at home with intent to direct the war hither. If her Majesty should abandon them, they would be in hard taking, and we in little better, 'for every man can tell our stuff stands next the door.' Don John, as appears by intercepted letters of his to Ressinghem, reckons to be master of the field within 14 days ; which has made the States hasten to the siege of Namur, whither their camp is already in march, under Count Lalaing. The Duke of Brunswick marches towards his Highness out of Germany, whence he expected at least 8,000 horse, besides footmen. Out of France he hopes for 10,000, besides the Rurgundians, Spaniards, Italians, and others which he reckons on. So that it would appear this is a war long projected, which will be of dangerous consequence to us as well as themselves. Of footmen they can have no lack, but of horsemen they have great want [not above 2 or 300 : draft]. Duke Casimir is to bring them 5 or 6,000. The Marquis of Havrech, as I hear, has offered 500 horse at his own charge, and the Prince of Orange 1,500. Of Scots they mean to entertain 15 ensigns, and horsemen. They are practising to gain Count Mansfelt, of whom they have some hope ; which, if they bring it to pass, shall be to great purpose. To the maintenance of their wars they have assigned 100,000 florins a week, and have set down good means for the continuance thereof, as you will hear by him I send over with the Marquis. I have received but one letter of yours by M. Fremin, which is half a discomfort to me, as the daily occurrents require daily advice and direction. If it would please you to appoint Mr. Thompson or some other of yours to advise me now and then of such news as you have, it will much satisfy me. For other things I refer you to the coming of Mr. Whitechurch. —Brussels, Sept. 1, 1577. P.S—I have spent the 'imprest' I had, and some of my own, and if your Honour take not some care of me, I shall not be able to do the service that I would. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holl. and Fland. II. 62.]
Sept. 1. 177. Draft of the above
1 p. [Ibid. II. 63.]
Sept. 1.
K. d. L. ix. 493.
The Marquis of Havrech is going to England. They certainly account here that the home war terminated in France shall be thrown upon their shoulders. They hope well of her Majesty that she will follow her accustomed goodness in assisting the oppressed. The forces they have ready, which are reckoned about four score ensigns, march with Count Lalaing towards Namur, partly in hope to entrap Don John there, and partly to cut off his forces before they join together. [Remaining information as in above letter.] Draft. 1¼ p. [Ibid. II. 64.]
Sept. 2. 179. The QUEEN to the EMPEROR OF MOROCCO.
To the high and mighty Prince Abdemelech, Emperor of Morocco, King of Fez and Sus, &c., greeting. We thank you much for the honorable reception and treatment which we learn by your letters and the report of our servant Edmund Hogan, that you have extended to him, as well as for the good order you have taken in the affairs of the merchants our subjects, trading in your realms, according to the request we made to you ; not only facilitating their trade in sugar, by good ordering of the manner in which they are to receive them, thus doing away with the losses received by them in that trade, but likewise commanding the Jews, owners of the factories, that they should repay to our subjects within three years, either in money or value, the sum received from them. Wherewith we hold ourselves content, not only for the benefit which our subjects will thereby receive, but also for the singular affection which you have thereby shown us. We cannot but think much of it, and receive it as a signal pleasure, which we shall [not] fail to acknowledge in regard to yourself and your subjects if a similar occasion presents itself from your side. And whereas you write that you have long determined to send one of your servants here, we do you to wit, that as we shall be glad of his coming, so we beg that for many good reasons you will send him secretly, so that his coming may not be in any way known ; promising that we will not fail to do him all the honour we can.—Oatlands, Sept. 2, 1577. Copy. Sp. ¾ p. [For. E.B. Misc. II.]
Sept. 2.
K. d. L. ix. 496.
Your good diligence is well liked here. I can return you no news worth writing. Burwage [Brouage] is rendered, and upon reasonable conditions for the soldiers therein. You have heard, I am sure, how Mr. Beale hath been used in his passage. I doubt it will prove a 'knake' of Monsr. Mova's doing ; if it do, every man will not gay [?] clothed, though 'beall' go naked. The rest I have to say is touching your own cause, wherein both I and Mr. Secretary have dealt, and we find her Majesty so well disposed toward you as I have no doubt but to make you a present of your bill ere long. In the mean time, learn to understand what those States will do or how they are knit together. If you see Swevingham there you may tell him that her Majesty prays him to remember the effect of his last ticket, and looked to have heard from him ere now. If St. Aldegonde be there, commend me to him ; and so farewell, good Davyson.—Oatlands, 2 Sept. Add. Holograph. Endd. 1 p. [Holl. and Fland. II. 66.]
Sept. 3. 181. — MENTETH to D. ROGERS.
Knowing that you are come to this country on her Majesty's service, I make bold to write and send you what I saw written from Rome on Aug. 7 last by a [?] German gentleman staying there, namely, that the kings of Spain and Portugal are equipping all the ships and galleys they can get in Italy and collecting men at arms to put in them, at the instigation of the King of France, to send them to England, in order to set the Queen of Scots at liberty, although it is reputed in Italy that they are to be sent to Africa. But he who writes from the Court of Rome says that, according to information which he has, it is to send against her Majesty, for it is not likely that the King of Spain would send an army into Africa, having, as he has, five years' truce with the Turk. Her Majesty has probably heard of this otherwise ; yet I think if you were to inform her or the Treasurer of what I send you, it would give opportunity to find out by more certain means to what end the said Kings are amassing so many men. The zeal which I bear to the true religion and to our country makes me dedicate my service to her Majesty more than to any princess in the world, and, on the contrary, hate [au contrer hayer] that Queen who bears the title of Scotland, because she is an enemy to my religion and my country. Since I have been in these parts in the employ of my master, the Count of Laval, I have written several times to Sir "Amiens" Paulet, whom I know intimately, and have sent him what I could ; but knowing that he is now far from here in Poitou, and that you were near, and wishing to let her Majesty know as soon as possible, I write to you.—Strasburg, 3 Sept. 1577. P.S—Please commend me to MM. de Clervant and Beutrich. Add. (Seal.) Endd., in Latin, by Rogers : Frankfort, Sept. 10, and again by Walsingham. Fr. 1 p. [Germ. States I. 17.]
Sept. 3.
K. d. L. ix. 498.
Requesting his good offices on behalf of the Marquis of Havrech, whom they are sending as ambassador to the Queen. (Signed), Cornelius Weellemans.—Brussels, 3 Sept. 1577. Add. Endd. Fr. ½ p. [Holl. and Fland. II. 69.]
Sept. 3. 183. The SAME to "M. DE WALSINGEN."
Add. Endd. Fr. ½ p. [Ibid. II. 70.]
Your servant requested me in your name to move his Honour for an advance of your allowance. It could not be done at once, either by warrant or by letter of exchange, in both which ways you know her Majesty is first to be moved. And just when the matter was mooted his Honour fell into an indisposition of health, which somewhat troubles him at present, and keeps him away from Court. When he is better I will do the best I can for you. —'Chorsay' [Qy. Chertsey], 3 Sept. 1577. Add. Endd. (in later hand). 1 p. [Ibid. II. 71.]
Sept. 3.
K. d. L. ix. 499.
You cannot but deserve well if you will use extraordinary diligence, not in giving advertisement to many, but in writing very often to Mr. Secretary. Make much of good espials, although they cost you dear, and spare in your diet, to bestow in rewards as occasion may serve, or else invite those to your table that may not be presented with gifts. Trifles content some, as well as great rewards satisfy others. Use M. Liesvelt much, because he is wise and well "satteled" to advance the common cause, and make account of M. Fremin. Commend me to Sainte-Aldegonde, and tell him I do not forget to do what good I can, which I hope will come well in the end, as of late I sent word to M. de Famars, who lieth at London, and is still in good hope to have some good answer. I pray you remember to deal with Mme de Havrech, to have one suit of her linen partelets as she wears them and as her picture showed which I brought over. This is the Queen's desire. For the carpet, you must use Edmund Smart's advice. I will make money over to you by exchange at Antwerp or "Bridges," as you please.—Oatlands, 3 Sept. 1577. Add. Endd. Holograph. 1 p. [Holl. and Fland. II. 67.]
I thank you for your remembrance of me in passing this town, where I wish I had been to welcome you. I was glad to learn the cause of your going that way, for there is hope of some good to be done by your means. Mr. Beale is gone another way. Mr. Rogers is also gone where good may be done. From hence I can write nothing that were profitable for you to hear, so barren we are of all matter among us. All our desires are to know what is going on abroad, and the oftener we hear from those that are now dealers in causes of the work, the more beholden we are to them. If I may at your convenient leisure hear from you, I shall think myself to be so.—Canterbury, 3 Sept. 1577. Add. Endd. 1¼ pp. [Ibid. II. 68.]
Your Ambassador Daniel Rogers has set forth your goodwill to us, for which we are grateful. As the friendship between your Serenity and our late father has thus been handed on to us, we shall persist in it. You will understand further from the Ambassador, to whom we have given an answer in writing.—Heidelberg. 4 Sept. 1577. (Signed) Ludovicus Comes Palatinus Elector. Add. Endd. Lat. 1 p. [Germ. States I. 15.]
Sept. 4. 188. THE ELECTOR PALATINE to the QUEEN.
After compliments as in the last. Your Majesty counsels us to live in brotherly union with our brother, Count Palatine John Casimir. We make no doubt that you cannot have heard otherwise than that we have always maintained pacific unity with him and our blood relations. But if anything to the contrary has been reported, pray be assured that we ascribe it to unfriendly egotism (Ichheit). As to the matter in which your condemnation has been aroused, owing to certain ambitious theologians within the Holy Empire, and the warning attached thereto, we feel sure that this also is meant in all Christian sincerity, and quite agree that in view of the danger indicated, diligent heed must be given at all points. And as in these matters and in the various subjects for anxiety in the future, to which you draw attention, we are minded to maintain loyal correspondence with your Majesty, so we beg you similarly to advise us of any error that may conduce to the same. As to the desire of your Majesty for neighbourly intelligence and alliance with certain Electors and Princes of Germany, who have turned to the true Christian religion, we have been in some measure informed of the carefulness and goodwill you bear in that matter, and are glad now to understand that you are not indisposed thereto. We also hold that such a trusty Christian understanding and defensive assemblage is necessary, to which so far as we may without reproach, we are, for our part, not disinclined, since other German princes allied in religion are tending thereto. We are not minded to give room or place in our territory to the condemnation referred to, but will take such order in religious matters as we hope to answer towards God, by the help of the Augsburg Confession ; and wish nothing more than that the present misunderstandings may, with the permission of God, by suitable means, be brought to a steady universal Christian unity.—Heidelberg. Wednesday, 4 Sep. 1577. (Signed) Ludwig Pfalzgraf Churfürst. Original seal and string attached. Endd. by Rogers : The Elector Palatine's answer. German. 3½ pp. [Germ. States I. 16.]
Sep. 4. 189. The ESTATES to DON JOHN.
Although from the beginning of this correspondence your Highness has known our desire and intention, yet for fuller demonstration of our wish to satisfy you we have decided once more to answer in writing each article of those submitted by M. de Grobbendonck ; whereby you may know that we cannot feel it our duty to listen to any further communication unless our just demands are previously complied with. We see no other means of appeasing the present discontent than by your dismissing all persons suspected by the Estates, quitting the town and castle of Namur, and restoring it and the other fortresses to the government of those who were thereto appointed, and governing the country from Luxembourg till the King shall have provided another governor agreeable to the Estates, for the maintenance of the Catholic religion and the obedience due to his Majesty. Yet if your Highness likes to retire at once as you have offered, the government may be left in the hands of the Council of State, which we shall not fail to obey. We beg that you will not put us to the trouble of further writing, and will not take it amiss if in fulfilment of our union we are constrained to succour the oppressed.—Brussels, 4 September 1577. Copy. Endd. by L. Tomson. Fr. 1 p. [Holl. and Fland. II. 72.]
Sep. 4. 190. Another copy of the above.
Endd. in French. 1 p. [Ibid. II. 74.]
Sept. 4. 191. REPLY of the ESTATES to the ARTICLES sent by DON JOHN and proposed by GROBBENDONCK.
Having fully considered his Highness' recent proposals of Aug. 28, as well as those made by M. de Grobbendonck.
1. The Estates thank his Highness most humbly for his offer, and for the desire he shows for the restoration of tranquillity in these countries ; and beg him to carry it into effect as soon as possible.
2. They accept the first article of M. de Grobbendonck's paper, requesting that to put it into effect his Highness will dismiss all foreign troops from Bois-le-Duc, Breda, and elsewhere, agreeably to the 6th article of their dispatch of Aug. 24, and will for greater security furnish a list of all places with the commanders and captains kept and paid by them whether in Wartgelt or otherwise ; since only then can they know where or to whom to address themselves. Those deputed to this office to have safe conduct ; and all Governors in Luxembourg and Burgundy to make oath that they will not allow troops to be levied in their governments, or to pass through them to attack the Estates.
3. As regards the hostages mentioned in the 2nd article, they find the thing is more difficult than necessary, and can be dispensed with. The fulfilment of provinces will be far more efficacious than hostages.
4. As to the 3rd article, namely, that the Estates will similarly dismiss their troops, his Highness must remember that in the edict it is stipulated that the provinces are first to be treed from all foreigners. When this is done the Estates will not delay to dismiss their soldiers, as they greatly desire to do, to avoid exactions and expenses which have so long burdened the people. Many are willing to make oath that they will not in the meantime suffer any attempt to be made against the person of his Highness.
5. As to articles 4 and 5, his Highness must have seen the affection with which he was welcomed to the Government, and may be assured that never was Governor so acceptable, nor will be if he observes the provisions under which he was received. Still if he is advised to retire he can do so at his discretion. They beg him, however, in order not to drive their poor people to despair, to complete this negotiation within six weeks at latest, which is quite enough to obtain the King's decision.
6. Touching the 6th, the Estates say that it will not be found that they have in any respect failed in their duty towards their religion and his Majesty.
7. The Estates adhere to what they requested in Articles 6 and 7 of their last dispatch, beseeching his Highness to quit the Castle of Namur, so that it may be known that he is bonâ fide seeking the welfare of the country, whereof it is impossible to be persuaded so long as that gate, so well adapted for introducing foreign forces, remains open. The Estates are, moreover, bound by the Union to succour their associates who are oppressed as are those of Namur and the neighbourhod.
8. Subject to this prompt withdrawal, and the replacement under their appointed Governor of the town and fortresses of Charlemont and Mariembourg, the Estates will not fail conformably to Article 8 to put a stop to all warlike operations, accepting and according free passage to everyone.
9. Finally, whereas his Highness declares that he thinks he has satisfied all points, the Estates, on the contrary, maintain that they are accommodating themselves so far as is possible or reasonable, conformably to the pacification, seeing that his Highness cannot state any just cause for distrusting them, as in fact they beseech him to hold it for certain that they will never fail in their faith and duty as regards the maintenance of religion and the obedience due to the King, which never were more seriously shaken. They protest that they are innocent before God and all men of the evils which may supervene if his Highness will not accommodate himself to a thing so just and reasonable, seeing that all that is claimed by the Estates is in order to secure this country and his Majesty's subjects from the outrage with which they are threatened. Coming to the articles proposed by his Highness, the Estates having satistied all to which they are bound by the pacification, beg that he will put the 1st and 2nd into effect. As to the 3rd article, the Estates have had much occasion, looking to his Highness' actions, to doubt him. And whereas certain information was given him, that was so far from being a reason for his acting as he did, that he might have been all the more assured on seeing that some chief persons in the Estates were so careful of his person as to give him information on mere suspicion, whereby he might have been assured that if anything more had supervened they would not only have warned him but defended him, he should not have concealed their warnings from the Council of State, nor from the Estates, who would have regarded the insult as to themselves. In regard to the 4th and 7th Articles, they will not fail to depute persons to ascertain and execute whatever remains. And touching the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th, refer to what they have said in their answer of Aug. 24.—Brussels, Sep. 4, 1577.
Copy. Endd. by L. Tomson. Fr. 4 pp. [Holl. and Fland. II. 73.]
I wish to take advantage of the good news which this bearer brings, to recommend myself to your favour, having no doubt of peace, since his Majesty sends such express injunctions that he will not have war. He gave a very bad reception to Escovedo. His Highness is sending all his Germans from here, and countermanding all others who might be coming. I see that many who have no love for our poor country are much vexed. God would preserve her, I see, from the ruin her enemies desire to inflict on her, wherefore we ought to praise His name eternally.—Namur, 5 September 1577. P.S. The messenger came yesterday with his Majesty's good decision. Copy. Endd. in Fr. Fr. ½ p. [Ibid. II. 75.]
Sept. 5. 193. DON JOHN to the ESTATES.
We are glad that the day is come when those who attributed our entry into this castle to anything but our personal safety, and imputed to us the intention of entering upon a war, will see that they were mistaken. His Majesty upon our representation of the state of this country and the distrust arisen to our regret between us and you, and our request that he would appoint a new governor, has just replied by express messenger that he is ready to discharge us, and to send some other prince of the blood to govern you. He wishes that the pacification should be inviolably maintained, and bidding us let you know. This while the deputies from Liége and Juliers are getting ready to go to you, from whom you will hear more fully that we are ready to do all that is proper for the general cessation of war and the repose of the country.—Namur, 5 September 1577. (Signed), Jehan. (Countersigned), Berty. Copy. Endd. in Fr. Fr. 1 p. [Holl. and Fland. II. 76.]