Index: G

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1880.

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'Index: G', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: G', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: G". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1880), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Gaige, an English mercenary in Flanders, 36.

Gaisford, Capt., 314.

Gandia, Duke of, 369.

Garde, see La Garde.

Gargrave, Sir Thomas, 241, 244, 256.

Garter, Knight of the, Emperor of Germany made, 1149.

Gartley, George Barclay, Laird of, 405.

Gas, M. de, slain, 434.

-, -, 365.

Gasbeck, Baron, 919.

Gascoigne, George, letters from, 915, 951.

-, -, 955.

Gascon wine, 1393.

Gascony, preaching of Protestantism in, 834.

-, league for maintenance of the Edict in, 1085.

-, 1130.

Gaspero, Governor of Tergoes, slain, 397.

Gastel, M. de, a Burgundian, sent to Elizabeth, 1164.

-, -, speech of, to Don John, 1292.

-, -, 1158, 1175, 1236, 1284.

Gasto, Francisco del, 454.

Gaston, 1010.

Gate, M., vide Gastel.

Gates, Sir Henry, 241, 350.

Gause, 643.

Gavis, M. de, 310.

Genese, M., chosen Speaker of the nobility in France, 1085.

Geneva, reported enterprise against, 937.

-, Prince of, called a bastard by his father the Duke of Nemours, 640.

Genlis, Jehan, 40.

Genoa, advices from, 369, 495.

-, arrival of Don John at, 178, 263.

-, -, Fregoso at, 263.

-, disturbance at, 65, 100, 287, 338, 340, 341, 369, 387, 454.

-, accord at, 733, 748.

-, renewal of troubles in, 872, 1311, 1318.

-, preparations at, against the Grand Seignory, 397.

-, departure of Spanish galleys from, 932.

-, discovery of treason at, 1238.

-, 138, 405, 491, 494, 652.

Genoese, money due to, by the Queen, 9.

-, embassy of, to Henry III., 942.

Gerard, William, son of Sir Thomas, 51, 897 (?).

Germany, Maximilian II., Emperor of, letter to, 496.

-, -, desires to abdicate, 100.

-, -, seeks to be elected King of Poland, 617, 932.

-, -, league of, with Turkey, 485.

-, -, truce of, with Turkey, 491.

-, -, death of, 969, 983, 992.

-, -, 6, 7, 117, 228, 310, 452, 500, 809, 905, 949, 1386, 1420.

-, Rudolph, Emperor of, letters from, 1353, 1386, 1403.

-, -, Elizabeth's letter to, announcing his election as Knight of the Garter, 1149.

-, -, letter to, 1286.

-, -, rumoured projected marriages for, 133, 247, 1163, 1202, 1238.

-, -, speech of, on the affairs of France, 993.

-, -, mediation of, in Flanders, 1227, 1236, 1241, 1308.

-, -, fears a revolt in Hungary, 1359.

-, -, resolutely bent to "extirpe" Protestantism, 1269.

-, -, embassy of, to Russia, 932.

-, -, 1021, 4060, 1213.

-, Princes of, 955, 1455.

-, -, (Protestant), projected league of Elizabeth with, see England.

-, Ambassador of, detained in Constantinople, 1286.

-, Diet of, 247, 509, 809, 840, 932, 1286.

-, Elizabeth's negotiations for a loan in, see England.

-, levies of mercenaries in, 421, 983.

-, demand of liberty of religion in, 932.

-, threatened invasion of, by Turkey, 932.

-, plague in, 949.

-, destruction of the vines in, 880. See also Topographical Index.

Ghent, Bishop of, 910.

-, citadel of, siege of, 927, 938, 969, 971, 983, 984, 999, 1046.

-, -, surrender of, 1013, 1014, 1020.

-, -, desirability of razing, 1445.

-, -, 989, 1394.

-, troops sent by Prince of Orange to, 1011.

-, Spanish soldiers in, 1207.

-, Pacification of, 1004, 1247, 1278, 1304, 1396, 1440, 1458.

-, -, the Prince of Orange's complaint of the non-observance of, 1481.

-, Viscount of, sent by the Estates of Flanders to Don John, 1089, 1091.

-, -, embassy of, to Elizabeth, see England.

-, -, character of, 1457, 1470.

- 910.

Ghiazzo, Count, slain, 17.

Gien-sur-Loire, 1285.

Gifford, of the Temple, 21.

Gilles, Jean, 1289.

Gillingham, 487.

Gilpin, H., letter from, 1201.

Giraldi, Francisco, envoy to England of the King of Portugal, letters from, 900, 928, 997, 1478, 1479.

-, -, letter to, 651.

-, -, 368, 1012.

-, Lady Lucretia wife of, taken on the sea, 650, 657, 658, 663, 768, 819.

-, -, released, 723.

Glascock, Mr., 1201.

Glasgow, Archbishop of, Ambassador of Mary Queen of Scots in France, 75, 506, 1368, 1408, 1428, 1448, 1453, 1456.

Gleichen, Count, 6.

Glover, 588.

Glymes, M. de, Grand Bailiff of Brabant, 102, 1007.

Godard, a merchant, 897.

Gondi, see Retz.

Gondy, M. de, 1394.

Gonzaga, Alexander de, 910, 1021.

-, Octavio, articles proposed by the Estates of Flanders, 1327.

-, -, dislike of, in Brussels, 1456, 1457.

-, -, 1071, 1089, 1113, 1226, 1241, 1278, 1434.

Gordes, M. de, Governor of Dauphiny, defeated by Montbrun, 212.

-, -, 17, 233, 1285.

Gordon, Adam, at Blackness, 670.

-, 212, 231, 224.

"Gotelincks," request to export, 586.

Gourdan, M., letter from, 129.

Gout, Wilson's remedy for, 1393.

Graemes, 14, 629.

Grand Canary, intended sack of, 877.

Grange, William Kirkcaldy, Laird of, 1301.

Granville, Cardinal, 652, 1298.

Grassani, Secretary to King of Spain, 714.

Gray, Sir Thomas, 220.

-, Mr., 1201.

Gregory XIII., see the Pope.

Gresham, Sir Thomas, a drinker of Rhenish wine, 1393.

Greville, Mr. Fulke, 1470.

Grey, John, letter from, 753.

Griffith, accused of speaking lewd words against the Queen's title, 89.

Grillon, M., regiment of, 954.

-, at La Charité, 1408.

-, slays young Douglas, 345.

-, 1448.

Grimaldi, Nicolo, buys Princedom of Salerno, 487.

-, -, becomes bankrupt, 587.

Grindall, Edmund, see London, Bishop of.

Groningen Castle, taken, 1060.

Groningerland, 1445.

Guadelupe, Monastery of, 1238.

Guarras, see Guerras.

Gueldres, Leoninus sent to appease, 1493.

-, 1445.

Guerchy, M. de, 345.

Guernsey, reported enterprise against, 330.

Guerras, Antonio, Spanish agent in England, letter from, 1264.

-, cipher letters of, intercepted, 1325, 1326, 1335, 1343, 1360, 1400.

-, writes in favour of the English rebels in Flanders, 1413.

-, -, letter to, 1449.

-, -, 21, 1158, 1290, 1416.

Guersteyn, Count of, 1327.

Gueux, the, take Ameland, 716.

-, take Crempen, 502.

-, attack by, on the Spaniards, 523.

-, engagement of Spaniards with, 871.

-, ravages of, 454.

-, "not to be talked of," 938.

-, 485, 494.

"Guezvensis," Archbishop of, 496.

Guibert, Loys, suit of, 295.

Guienne, deputies of, at the General Estates of France, 1085.

-, dearth in, 1426.

-, encounter in, 168.

-, exemption from taxes demanded for, 697 (63).

-, gentlemen of, 138.

-, apprehension of Huguenots in, 1238.

-, towns in, given to Huguenots, 769.

-, nobility of, 1180.

-, miserable state of, 1313.

-, stir in, 1238.

-, pacification in, 1129.

-, 1269.

"Guisards," 1020.

Guise, Louis, Cardinal of, 59, 365, 506, 836, 1073, 1285, 1456, 1467.

-, Francis, Duke of, levy of troops by, to go into Flanders, 954.

-, -, levy of army for, 1180.

-, -, levy of forces in Italy by, 955.

-, -, forces of, 1428.

-, -, sends to Don John, 1395.

-, -, kills two Huguenots, 948, 954.

-, -, gives Nanteuil to Henry III., 679.

-, -, sows dissension at the French Court, 784.

-, -, at head of leagues in Picardy and elsewhere, 872.

- -, doings of, at Rochelle, 1214.

-, -, quarrel of, with the Queen Mother, 860.

-, -, -, with Montmorency, 784.

-, -, practice for escape of Queen of Scots by, 614.

-, -, wounded in a skirmish, 403, 408, 411, 421, 450, 456, 519.

-, -, 19, 59, 101, 102, 114, 138, 168, 176, 231, 287, 321, 345, 365, 372, 374, 387, 393, 401, 407, 456, 461, 467, 525, 583, 742, 758, 761, 869, 951, 954, 1050, 1064, 1073, 1163, 1180, 1202, 1207, 1331, 1367.

-, Anne de Ferrara, Duchess of, a match for the Queen Mother, 35.

-, -, 89. And see Nemours, Duchess of.

Guises, the "authors of the troubles," 717.

-, practices of, against Duke Casimir feared, 776.

-, intrigues of, 1467.

-, practice of Queen Mother against, 890.

-, quarrel of, with Montpensier as to precedence, 51.

-, refuse to subscribe the peace, 761.

-, made by the King to swear to the peace, 783, 867, 869.

-, levy of troops by, 957.

-, 24, 25, 57, 89, 90, 320, 449, 604, 624, 634, 909, 921, 942, 947, 948.

Guitery, M. de, 365, 720, 1269.

Gunpowder, price of, 1443.

Gurden, M., governor of Calais, 1073.

Gybbon, Dr., letters to, 208, 301.

-, -, 300.