Elizabeth: February 1577, 15-28

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1880.

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'Elizabeth: February 1577, 15-28', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp518-534 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: February 1577, 15-28', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp518-534.

"Elizabeth: February 1577, 15-28". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1880), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp518-534.

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February 1577, 15-28

Feb. 16. 1269. Paulet to Burghley.
It is thought the King will take good leisure to answer the Cahiers exhibited by the Estates, the demands of the nobility being such that he shall have Nomen Regis sine re if he grant them, and those of the third Estate not easy to be observed if wars ensue, as disposing of spiritual promotions, selling of offices, and such like. The Protestants have been admitted in so small number to the Estates that their voices have gone for nothing, the deputies having been especially appointed and named by those of the contrary party, and yet the King finds to his pain that the Estates are general and free, as may appear by their free demands. The King has persuaded with the Estates in consideration of their great charges to leave 12 for every Estate to receive his answers, and the rest to depart. The nobility and clergy yielded unto it, but the third Estate refused with great and high words, concluding that they had no such commission. The new league or association is put in practice in all parts of this realm, the consequence whereof may seem to be of great and imminent peril, not only to the Protestants of the realm, but to all other of like profession. The intelligences between France and Spain were never greater and straiter than at this present, and therefore good for them to care for their neighbours lest when they be in trouble none shall remain that care for them. If reason and judgment do not suffice to move them to provide for their surety by succoring their distressed neighbours, yet necessity will force them to learn that their own arm cannot defend them, and their safety consists chiefly in their union of foreign nations of like profession. Bussy d'Amboise, Governor of Angers under Monsieur, has been long looked for at the Court, and now at the last is reputed for a malcontent. The castle of Angers has been shut against him by his lieutenant, and he now lies at Pont de Cè, as his only place of succour and refuge. Puygalliard is sent to Angers with six companies of footmen. Mauvissiere wrote to the King on the 20th, saying him that the English hearing the resolution of the Estates with regard to religion have made ready as if for some great enterprise, and warning him to keep good watch on the coast. Is advertised that in the beginning of January, Fitzmorris remained quietly in the town, and did not make any preparations for the sea. The King has promised the President of Bordeaux and the deputies of Guienne to come in person to those parts. The ambassadors of Casimir are said to be at Nancy in Lorraine. M. d'Humays and all his company are returned from La Charité with the loss of their labour. M. de Guitery scours the country with his light horsemen, and has intercepted divers of the King's packets from Rome and other places. Charatier, secretary to Danville, is said to have taken 1,000 crowns in reward at his late being at the Court, and at his return has received his last reward at Montpellier, where he was hanged. The young Bricquemault having assembled some forces and intending to join with Clemont d'Amboise was suddenly killed in his house. The deputies of the King of Navarre were dismissed the 13th, and were willed to declare that the King was resolved to have but one only religion in his realms. Though it may appear the King of Navarre answered the Estates in milder terms than the Prince of Condé, yet is he resolutely bent to defend the cause of religion, and has taken this course in his dealings upon good and deliberate advice, only to avoid some hard sentence that might have been pronounced against him by the Estates, and to entertain his good friends which are in good number amongst them in good opinion towards him. It is said that the Duke of Saxe, seeing the Emperor obstinately bent to extirpe all other religion than the Romish, will essay to elect some Protestant prince as King of the Romans, and that doubting lest if the Spaniards were in good quiet he might be a block in his way, the Duke will assist the Estates of the Low Countries, and to these purposes he and the Duke of Brandenburg have in readiness 40 cornets of reiters. The Queen of Navarre keeps her chamber, grieved in one of her legs with a disease thought to be incurable. The Bishop of Paris is departed towards his brother the Count de Retz yet in Provence, who is said to continue in extremity of sickness, and to have lost his hearing.—St. Die, 16 February 1576. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. Pp. 3.
Feb. 1. 1270. The King of Navarre to the Estates.
Copy of the letter, No. [ ] of the same date.
Enclosure. Fr. Pp. 1¼.
Feb. 16. 1271. Paulet to Walsingham.
Has been content at the request of a friend to take the charge of this French packet, and yet thought good to be assured the Queen should receive the advertisements before the delivery of the packet, therefore has required the bearer to deliver the same to him, praying him to take order for its conveyance to the French Ambassador. Trusts he remembers Mr. Jacomo's pension. Is very sorry to hear he leaves the Court for a season, fearing lest the poor churches of God in France and Flanders will repent his absence; God increase his health and preserve him therein.—St. Die, 16th February 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
1272. Mr. Heneage to Paulet.
His service is very acceptable at the Court, and will satisfy the expectation of the best, which opinion to have and to deserve is not common. Hears from Court they are certainly come to an accord in Flanders. Prays him return the bearer within 10 or 12 days.—London, 2 February 1576.
Copy. Enclosure. P. 2/3.
Feb. 16. 1273. Dr. Wilson to Walsingham.
Though Don John has sent his mind in writing to the Bishop of Liege of his conformity to the accord, and sent to the States to deal for a full end of all things, the States will not deal as yet with his deputies until they have received an answer from the Prince of Orange of his mind. It is said that the Prince will shortly be at Ghent, and Don John comes to Namur and on to Louvain. Many of the wiser sort, and such as are inclined to the Prince, begin greatly to conceive a suspicion of Don John's dealings. It is to be feared that some great matter will fall out shortly, and some begin to say plainly "nolumus hunc regnare super nos," but desire rather that one of the Emperor's brethren shall take the place, one that is lawfully born and not wrongly begotten, yea, and one that is less transformed into a Spaniard's nature. Thinks there is no great hope of peace before the fortresses are delivered up and the Spaniards marching beyond Luxembourg. Sends the capitulations given by Count Bossu to the captains and soldiers at Utrecht the 9th inst. Whereas Francisco de Leon and Gonsalvo de Raddondo are reserved, the Countess of Egmont has gone hither to entreat that they may not be delivered until her son be fully discharged, not having the best opinion of Don John. Sends the Prince's instructions to MM. Haultain and Mansarde given on the 7th inst.; also a doleance to the King, which he is never like to see. Has desired Swevenghem to deal with the States for the enlargement of Sympson and others of Cotton's company at Nieuport. The French Ambassador, being chief chamberlain to the Duke of Alençon, was set on by his master to do as he has done and never by the King. The King, fearing his brother's greatness, took displeasure with M. de Mondoucet, his ambassador here, that he should proceed so far without commission. M. de Haleyan, the chronicler and secretary to the King, being here of late for the enlargement of Count Mansfeldt, bears such hatred to Mondoucet, as at his being here he said he would do his errand to the King to make him feel the smart.—Brussels, 16 Feb. 1577. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Feb. 9. 1274. Terms of Surrender of the Citadel of Utrecht.
The garrison may march out with their arms and baggage, and shall be safely conducted to the next Spanish garrison, together with those who are in the citadel who are not soldiers, except Francisco de Leon and Gonsalvo de Raddondo. The castle, with all munitions of war and provisions, is to be delivered over to Count Bossu.—Utrecht, 9 Feb. 1577.
Copy. Endd. Enclosure. Fr. P. 1.
Feb. 17. 1275. Publication of the Perpetual Edict at Brussels.
Publication at Brussels in the King's name of the Perpetual Edict confirming the pacification of Ghent, consisting of 19 articles, providing for the departure of the Spanish and German soldiers, amnesty for the past, and the delivery of prisoners, maintenance of the Catholic religion, also of all privileges and rights pertaining to the Low Countries, together with the reception of Don John as the Governor.—Brussels, 17 Feb. 1577.
Endd. by Burghley. Fr. Pp. 15¼.
1276. Copy of the above.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 10.
1277. Second and eighteenth articles of the above.
Fr. Pp. 2⅓.
Feb. 17. 1278. Negotiations between Don John and the Prince of Orange.
1. Don John demands—1.—The publication of the Edict of peace in Holland and Zealand. 2. That they should show him what further assurance they would have for their surety, and they shall be satisfied therein. 3. That the Prince of Orange should cease from fortifying, and should disarm, as his goods and honours are restored to him, and the Spaniards departed the country, which were the two only causes of his entering into arms.
2. The Prince of Orange and the States of Holland and Zealand reply—1. That they will not assent to the publication, as the conditions on which they agreed to do so have not been fulfilled. 2. They require no other assurance but the accomplishment of the pacification of Ghent. 3. That the loss of his goods and honours, and the Spaniards being in the country, were not the only causes of his entering into arms, but the maintenance of the liberties of the country, which are not yet restored, neither is he restored to his goods and honours as alleged.
Points wherein the pacification of Ghent is not accomplished.
1. All foreign soldiers are not voided the country, as the Almains remain.
2. The Prince's lands and honours are not yet restored to him.
3. The Count of Buren is not sent home to him.
4. The Prince's government is not rendered to him in such sort as he had it by commission from his Majesty.
5. The deputies of the States have submitted the assembly of the States General to Don John's pleasure, which is directly contrary to the pacification and priviliges.
6. They of the religion are not received into their dwelling places without molestation.
7. They have admitted Don John to the Government without the consent of the Prince and the States of Holland and Zealand.
8. Don John is suffered to have strangers about him contrary to the pacification of Marche-en-Famine.
9. Divers strangers and factious men are suffered about him, who have been great authors of the former troubles, as Octavio Gonzaga, Fernando Nunez, &c.
A new Inquisition brought into the country whereby no man escapes without trouble for his conscience.
The condition on which the Prince and the States of Holland and Zealand consented to agree to the pacification was that the States General should be bound to them in sufficient bonds, signed and sealed with their hands and those of the governors of the provinces, and all captains and colonels, that they would see the pacification of Ghent really and effectually fulfilled from point to point, and take order for the redress of anything attempted against the rights, priviliges, and liberties of the Low Countries.
Endd.: 17 Feb. Fr. Pp. 2.
Feb. 19. 1279. Dr. Wilson to Lord Burghley.
Sends a copy of some articles of the peace. The peace was published with sound of trumpet, Te Deum, and ringing of the great bell, and yet with so little rejoicing that he takes it for malum omen. Many will not be persuaded that the Spaniards will go away, and a number are very sorry that the Prince was not a doer in this peace. They send this day Swevenghem and Meetekirke to the Prince not to ask counsel, but to tell him what they have done. It is hard to say how he will brook their dealings. His secret friends here wish him to assent, but not to trust, putting him in hope that somewhat will be done hereafter. Thinks that upon any good advantage this peace will be broken either by the Prince or Don John. The Earl of Westmorland, Stuckley, and Jenye are come with the other rabble of rebels to Don John, and use themselves very insolently against the Queen, as he is informed by Mr. Powle's son. Has written to the Queen for her letters against these lewd persons. The Bishop of Liege has promised to take order against them.—Brussels, 19 Feb. 1577. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Burghley. P. 1.
Feb. 18. 1280. Dr. Wilson to the Queen.
The long desired peace was proclaimed by sound of trumpet in the Town House of Brussels yesterday, the copy whereof he sends herewith. On the 15th it was agreed that the accord should not be signed until the Prince of Orange had been spoken withal and made acquainted with their doings; but yesterday they went through with the peace and signed it amongst themselves, purposing to send M. Swevenghem and M. de Meetekirke to the Prince to show him all their proceedings, who is persuaded to allow their doings, so that the act of pacification stands still in force. Went this day to speak with the Duke, but could not, nor any other "propter histernam crapulam," therefore he went to the Bishop of Liege, and found him a very grave, wise man, and after congratulating him on the peace, prayed him to have regard to certain evil strangers that lurked within his territories at Liege, Hoye, and other places. He answered that there were some English in some of his towns. Wilson told him that they had committed actual rebellion in their own country, and continued still in the same lewd mind without repentance or seeking for grace, and therefore prayed that he would not allow such evil-disposed people to be cherished within his government. He said that such people were not fit to dwell among Christians, being enemies to God and all good policy, and desired to understand who they were that he might cause them to remove out of his country altogether. Recommends the Queen to write to the Bishop, whom he hopes will be as good as his word, as he seems a marvellously discreet and godly man. This evening Champigny and a councillor named Endevilde came from the Council of State to declare this joyful news of the peace, and to express their thanks to the Queen, as the chief cause of the peace, by aiding them in their most need, which feared others from attempting to quell them. As they confessed this goodness, he desired them to remember it, and when Don John came to endeavour to procure the banishment of the English rebels, which they promised to do. Has been with Count Barliamont, Count Mansfeldt, M. Dassonville, and Boissot, declaring that he had been sent here from the Queen to know the cause of their imprisonment, and to procure their enlargement, who, being now all at liberty, thank her for her princely dealingBrussels, 18 Feb. 1577. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2½.
Feb. 16 & 19. 1281. English Merchants in the Low Countries.
1. Request of certain English merchants to the Prince of Orange that as they have already discharged the customary dues at Antwerp they may be allowed to proceed on their voyage without further detention or charges.
2. Note in margin to the effect that they may be allowed to proceed on giving caution for the payment of any further dues for which they may be found lawfully liable.—Middleburg, 16 Feb. 1577.
3. Extract from the treaty of 1507, defining the tolls to which the subjects of England trading in the Low Countries are liable.
4. Note in margin by the Council.—Middleburg, 19 Feb. 1577.
Fr. and Latin. P. 1.
Feb. 19. 1282. Dr. Wilson to Walsingham.
Informs him of the proclamation of the peace at Brussels, and of the mission of M. Swevenghem and Adolphe de Mertekirke to the Prince of Orange. The greatest matter which will trouble the Prince is the article of religion, which is strangely agreed on by the States. Never saw so little rejoicing for a peace, and the reason is that some do not like these proceedings, because they tend to the destruction of the Prince and the ruin of religion, and others think there is no peace at all until the Spaniards be clean rid out of the country. This is called the Duke of Arschot's peace, whose soft and fearful nature has yielded to all things, and the rather to keep out the Prince of Orange from the government here. Has written to the burgomasters of Nieuport for the enlargement of Sypson. The Duke of Arschot goes on Tuesday next towards Namur to bring Don John to Louvain. The French Ambassador goes with him, in whose train he has sent Mr. Fremin. The rebels swarm about Don John, being come to him of late, the lewd Earl, Stuckley the Romanist, and Jenye who was at Milan, besides the whole rabble of the rest. Has given bills to the Council of State for their banishment, and they have promised to deal earnestly with Don John. The Bishop of Liege has promised that none shall rest where he has government. It is said that the Prince is in possession of Amsterdam.—Brussels, 19 Feb. 1577. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1¾.
Feb. 19. 1283. The Prince of Orange and the States of Holland and Zealand to the States General.
In reply to their request for their opinion on the conclusion of the Edict of Pacification with Don John, they cannot but approve of their zeal in endeavouring to obtain restoration of peace and tranquility to their afflicted country, but considering the articles separately they are not so well satisfied, as their ancient rights and privileges and the release of the Count of Buren do not seem so well provided for as they might be, and are contrary to the pacification of Ghent. Also the approbation to them is not given simply and categorically, but is subject to an infinity of cavillations similar to those which, since the time of Madame de Parma, have led to a horrible effusion of blood. They further find some points most prejudicial to the honour and reputation of the country, as they are entering into a composition with those whom they have declared to be scoundrels (schelms), villains, and rebels, and who have leagued and plotted with the Spaniards. Besides, the Queen of England and Monseigneur, who have behaved so well to them in their trouble, should have received more express and honourable mention than they have done. Also they do not find in the said articles that any assurance is provided for the inhabitants of Holland and Zealand, as was done in the treaty at Breda and that of Ghent. Neither is there any mention of restoring individuals to the enjoyment of their properties and offices, either in the Low Countries or in the Franche Comté of Burgundy. There is no mention of the demolition of the citadels and castles which have been the cause of infinite woes, which matter cannot but be suspected by the people, so lately threatened at Hoye, who certainly ought to be well assured for the future, when they will be disarmed, and Don John will be governor of the country. Express their surprise at the suddenness of this understanding with Don John, especially after all the communications that have passed between them. As, however, it is no use to debate about matters already concluded, they promise that for their part they will observe the terms of the pacification of Ghent, and trust that they are ready to do the same. Will agree to the present accord providing that the States General will give a solemn promise that in the event of the Spaniards not withdrawing at the time appointed they will break off all further negotiations with Don John and proceed to drive them out by force of arms, and that they will not recognise Don John or any one else for governor until all points that may be prejudicial to the stipulations of the Pacification of Ghent may be satisfied.—Middleburg, 19 Feb. 1577.
Copy. Endd. Enclosure. Fr. Pp. 5½.
Feb. 1284. The Prince of Orange to Dr. Wilson.
Thanks him for his advertisement of what has passed in England between M. de Gastle and certain English captains, and also for his advice concerning the pacification with Don John, which entirely agrees with the resolution that they have already come to, a copy of which he encloses, by which he may see that his sole intention is to procure the deliverance of this country from oppression. Trusts that the Queen will assist their just cause, seeing that in their preservation rests the assured peace of England.—Middleburg, Feb. 1577. Signed.
Add. Endd.: Rece'd 24 Feb. Enclosure. Fr. P. 1.
Feb. 22. 1285. Proclamation of the King of France calling out the Gendarmerie.
Fourteen companies are to assemble at Poitiers under himself on the 25th March to march to Guienne, and on the same day and at the same place nine companies under the Count de Ludde for service in Poitou. On the 25th March, at Bordeaux, under the Marquis de Villars, Admiral of France, 23 companies at Bordeaux for such service as they shall be required. On the 20th March, in Gien-sur-Loire, 18 companies under the Duke of Anjou. On the 25th March, at Vallence, in Dauphiny, under the Sieur de Gordes, lieutenantgeneral of the province, 16 companies for such service as they shall be required. On the 25th March, at Carcasonne, under the Sieur de Joyeuse, lieutenant-general in Languedoc, five companies for such service as they shall be required. For service in Burgundy and Champagne, under the Duke of Guise, when they shall be called upon, 28 companies are to be in readiness. Other companies are to repair on the 25th March to the governments of Picardy, Normandy, Brittany, Haut Auvergne, Bas Auvergne, Limousin, and Angoumois. All are to come with the greatest despatch possible, and none shall receive pay who do not come with necessary equipment. —Done at Blois, 22 February 1577.
Endd. Fr. Large printed sheet.
Feb. 20. 1286. The States of Poland to the Emperor.
The Emperor's Ambassador is detained at Constantinople a prisoner in his lodgings, and it is reported that the Turk makes great preparations both by sea and land. Peace has been entered into with the Venetians, whose ambassadors have received presents of horses, robes, and Turkish swords. Three thousand horse have been levied for the French King in Germany. The Diet of the Emperor is deferred till April on account of the election of the Emperor as King of Poland, and perhaps may be put off longer. The Emperor hopes that his second son Ernest will be elected by the States of Poland as his coadjutor. The Emperor will require great subsidies at this Diet.—20 Feb. 1576.
Copy. Endd. Lat. and German. Pp. 1⅓.
Feb. 20. 1287. The King of Denmark to the Queen.
Requesting the apprehension of one Zacharie Loach, his subject, who having taken up great sums of money by counterfeiting his hand and seal has fled into her dominions.
Copy extract. Endd. P. ¼.
Feb. 20. 1288. Advertisements from Hoye.
1. There have been divers practices with Don John by Sir Francis Englefield and the Countess of Northumberland as concerning the Queen of Scots, who have let him understand that with a small number of horsemen upon the sudden it is very easy to carry her away. Gabriel Dennis is the solicitor of the matter for the said Sir Francis Englefield to Escovedo, and he the means to Don John. There have been of late in Namur many Englishmen, but since the writer's coming all gone but Sir Francis Englefield, who is hid in a nunnery.
2. Don John has within three leagues of Hoy 2,000 reiters, five ensigns of Almains, two ensigns of Walloons, besides one of Spaniards, and the ordinary bands of Luxembourg and Burgundy.
3. The following are ready upon sending for.
First, Count Hannibal, the nephew of Pius IV., has levied 30 ensigns of footmen; also in Burgundy 3,000 footmen. Brunswick has prest to levy 10,000 footmen and 5,000 horsemen.
Endd. by Burghley. P. 2/3.
Feb. 22. 1289. Release of Prisoners.
Whereas the States General of the Low Countries have given in charge to M. Buchoaytha, Archdeacon of Ypres, and to the councillor, Jean Gilles, to repair to John Escovedo to understand what day were fittest to be appointed for the Spaniards to go out of the towns and forts according to the treaty lately concluded; they entering into talk of the enlargement of prisoners on both sides, Escovedo desired particularly that Dr. del Rio, Hamilton a Scot, Paul de Somere, Lady Mondragon, and other persons detained at Mechlin might be set at liberty, and in exchange he would deliver the Count of Egmont and other persons detained at Lierre. Escovedo being put in mind that Hamilton was a stranger, answered that he must be set at liberty, for that the Queen of Scots had written to them to that effect in his behalf, which speeches Escovedo repeated in the afternoon, as Jean Gilles by these presents testifies to be true.— Brussels, 22 Feb. 1576.
Endd. P. ⅓.
Feb. 25. 1290. Dr. Wilson to the Queen.
The Prince of Orange has given his consent to the peace signing, and agreeing to the whole with this caution, that they being authors of this accord so suddenly made should look well to themselves, for that they were nigher danger being in terra-firma than himself. The Prince has sent to him his resolution, together with the assent of the States of Holland and Zealand in writing, and a letter in answer to one of his touching M. Gastel's broad speech in England, of Don John and his opinion of the States' doings here. Cannot too highly honour his wisdom. Religion is the chief cause that fears the unlearned clergy and simple nobility here either to suffer the Prince to be amongst them, or her Majesty to have any authority with them. The Duke of Arschot has gone to Namur to Don John, at whose going Wilson delivered a list of the rebels and fugitives whom he desired might either be executed or delivered to him to be sent into England according to the Entercourse of 1495, article 55. Made like request to M. Champagny. Has promises from the Bishop of Liege and others that the fugitives shall not rest at Liege. Escovedo, King Philip's secretary, has been earnest with the States for the restitution to liberty of Dr. Del Rio, whose father was a Spaniard, of the younger Hamilton, whose brother killed the Regent of Scotland, and is now with Don John, having broken prison here; and of one Paul de Somers, a famous spy for the Spaniards and a great forger of writings and letters. These three were sent about a fortnight past to the Prince in Zealand, to be examined, the one for the Spaniard's dealings, the other for Scottish practices, and the third being a known forger of writings and a notorious spy could bring great matters to light. When Escovedo was asked what he meant to deal for Hamilton, being a stranger whose elder brother had murdered a Regent of Scotland, he answered that both the Hamiltons were creatures and pensionaries of the King, and that the Scottish Queen had written letters very earnestly in both their favours to Don John. The Scottish Queen has also written letters to Madame Blomberg, Don John's mother, in favour of Standen for his enlargement who was presently discharged by her means. By this may be seen the Scottish Queen's care to deal for such persons and the great liberty she has to write, and that for practises she is in as good case as if she were at liberty. Escovedo being in Antwerp to warn the Spaniards to give over the castle within 20 days, sends word that he dare not insinuate the date unto them to begin before he be assured that the 300,000 florins shall be paid to them at the very last twentieth days' end; so that it seems that no reckoning of days shall be made until the money be assured. Champagny excuses himself from writing to her Majesty at present, because at his last being in England Rodas slandered him to the King that he had laid a plot to destroy all the Spaniards and to dispose of the country as to the States and her Majesty should seem fit, and if his writing to her should become known to Antonio Guerras this evil conceived opinion would be confirmed more and more. Champagny notes Don John to be a man of small discourse and little experience, and has the same opinion of most of the Spaniards, who seem to know much by their pride and stoutness, and yet are very ignorant in political government. He commends highly the Prince of Orange for wisdom, and hopes when things are quieted the King will do justice upon the Spaniards, and cause Duke Alva's doings to be examined and his process to be made. The States had been earnest with him to return to the Queen for further service to be done, which he imagines is for more money. Is informed by Powles son of the Chancery, that the Earl of Westmorland lately received 2,000 crowns out of England. It is reported that Don John will come forward to Louvain with only his ordinary train.—Brussels, 25 Feb. 1577. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2¾.
Feb. 25. 1291. Dr. Wilson to Walsingham.
Sends a printed copy of the peace, together with the resolution and allowance of the Prince and States of Holland and Zealand, and a letter from the Prince, and desires him to show them to the Queen and the Lords of the Council. Sends also an attestation of Escovedo's speech touching the Hamiltons. The departure of the Spaniards is very uncertain, for the time of 20 days for the Spaniards to yield up their holds begins after the insinuation made by Escovedo, who is now at Antwerp, and whether he has yet given any such warning is very doubtful. He has sent word that until the Spaniards be assured of the first 300,000 crowns to be ready to be paid at the very last day after his insinuation he dare not insinuate any such matter unto them. The Treasurer Schetz and the Receiver-General were sent from hence the 22nd to satisfy the Spaniards. The States' camp is strongly seated within little more than a mile of Lierre, to the number of 14,000 footmen, who will break out to open war if the Spaniards do not shortly yield up their holds. Don John is to come from Namur to Louvain to take the government upon him.—Brussels, 25 Feb. 1577. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
[Feb. 25.] 1292. Du Gastel's speech to Don John.
Heads of a speech to be delivered to Don John, pointing out the danger that would arise from his not agreeing to the peace, chiefly from the side of France, who would certainly help his enemies and cut off the supplies that he has hitherto drawn from that country. Warns him of two intended practices against Spain; the one to break the truce between the Turk and the King of Spain, and the other to invade his Indian dominions with 6,000 men under Strozzi. The loss of the Low Countries would open a gap of further defection in other of the King's dominions, which would be imputed to Don John, as he has no lack of enemies in the Court of Spain. In Walsingham's writing.
Endd. Pp. 3.
Feb. 25. 1293. Dr. Wilson to Lord Burghley.
Sends herewith a printed copy of the peace to which the Prince has given his assent. Has not yet received any bonds from the six particular towns. Has spoken to M. Swevenghem, the Duke, M. Champagny, and the Greffier of the States, who all promised they should be delivered, if not at the day, yet very shortly afterwards. Has been earnest with the Duke and the Council of State for the apprehension of the rebels not only for their banishment, who have promised to be very earnest with Don John.—Brussels, 25 Feb. 1577. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
Feb. 26. 1294. Walsingham to the Regent Morton.
He may see by her Majesty's letter sent herewith in what good part she accepts his of the 5th inst., and since the receipt of the same she has entered into a deeper care and consideration of the defence of her own realm and her good neighbours, than at any time heretofore. By the advertisements from the Low Countries, which he sends, he may see how the States are like to be abused by a long and colourable treaty for peace. He may also see in what bad terms things stand in France for any hope of a sound peace. Spain, France, and the Pope no doubt concur and conspire in all things, and therefore a greater care should be had for a general amity and combination between all princes of the religion, at least to defend themselves if not to invade their enemies.
Draft. Endd.: 26 Feb. 1576. P. 1.
Feb. [26.] 1295. Queen Elizabeth to the Regent Morton.
Has received his letter of the 5th inst., exhorting her to take care for the preservation of her own person, the continuance of quietness in her realm, and the upholding of the common cause of religion, for which she thanks him, as also for the continual care and pains which he has taken for the administration of justice in behalf of her subjects and for the tranquillity of both these realms.
Draft. Endd., Feb. Pp. 1⅓.
Feb. 26. 1296. Petition of the Merchant Adventurers to the Prince of Orange.
As they have been unable to find any one who will be caution for them for the payment of certain tolls on their merchandise, and as they have already remained 40 days, being also 50 persons, which has put them to great expense and loss, they now beg that the Prince will allow them to go to England without paying any further charges on their goods. Short note in Dutch, dated Middleburg, 26 Feb. 1577.
Copy. Endd. P. 1.
Feb. 27. 1297. The Deputies at Antwerp to the States General.
The peace was published at Antwerp to-day to the great contentment, both of the people and also of the Spaniards. The notice will be given to-morrow to the Spaniards, so that their departure will take place by the 20th March. The peace has been proclaimed in various other towns, and all acts of hostility ordered to cease. It will be well if the States will publish the same orders in their camp. The forts on the Scheldt are to be disarmed so that traffic may be free. Julian Romero has bought a quantity of wheat at Bergen-op-Zoom, which he wishes to sell again. It will be advisable to purchase it and make it into bread, which may be sold again to the Spaniards at a good profit.—Antwerp, 27 Feb. 1577. Signed.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 1½.
Feb. 27. 1298. News from the Low Countries.
1. Brussels, 20 Feb. 1577.—The clerical party in the States General have been the principal cause of this peace, because they were very much afraid that if the States continued sitting, their credit would diminish and that liberty of conscience would follow. Besides this the prelates feared lest the States would turn out all bishops appointed by the Spaniards and Cardinal Granville, as being contrary to the privileges of the country. In addition, there was the jealousy of the Duke of Arschot and his brother towards the Prince of Orange, as they feared lest if the war continued he would become head of the State. They were also with many nobles and others bought over by the promises of Don John. This peace is called "La Paix des Prestres" from the number of clergy concerned in its negotiation. A copy has been sent to the Prince of Orange for his signature, but they have published the peace without waiting for its return. In the meanwhile the people are waiting in arms, and the States have numerous forces.
2. Brussels, 27 Feb. 1577. Don John of Austria entered Namur on the day of St. Mathias, where he was honourably received and escorted thence towards Louvain by the Duke of Arschot and 500 horsemen. The occasion of this peace was the lack of good chiefs on the side of the States, as the Prince of Orange was not yet appointed. The departure of the Spaniards would have been more honourable if after fair fighting they had been punished for their villainies; but considering the prisoners they had, and the occupation of sundry strong points by the Almains, together with the determination of the Spaniards that they could only be driven out by force at a great cost of life and money, the States have made this sort of peace. Great credit of the Prince of Orange with the people. It is thought that the Spaniards will march through France.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 2½
Feb. 28. 1299. Rowland Johnson to the Privy Council.
1. Shows them the double entries and false charges of Barton, the Controller's man, in his accounts of the cost of the repairs and new works at Berwick. He has made Barton make a correct copy of his book, which he encloses, and which shows the total cost to be 319l. 19s. 0¾d. For this Barton has caused Mr. Bowes, the Treasurer, to stay four poor men's wages, but by the testimony of the honest and substantial workmen, also enclosed, it will be seen that they did work both truly and painfully, and prays that their wages amounting to 46s. 8d., be paid them. He alleges he stays it because two of them are soldiers which ought not to work in day wages by the statute. Marvels that he and his master did never restrain the same these 16 years, and it has always been allowed for such necessary men as were needful, as masons, carpenters, smiths, and bricklayers. If soldiers should not be taken to do such work, to press men out of the country would not only be a hindrance to the Queen's service, but also be a great deal more charge for prest and conduct money, which Barton knows well enough.
2. Thinks it good to remember them of his suit touching the stay of his man's wages these two years, and also for his riding charges about the Queen's affairs, as appears, by the enclosed declaration, and to his charges at the Court last year, when he remained nine months and fourteen days at 6s. 8d. per day, which came to 95l., and also for his riding charges to survey Edinburgh Castle two several times before it was won, also Dumfries, Carlaverock Castle, Annan, Hodham, and such like places as appears upon the declaration. As he has a faith to God all these reckonings will do little more than pay his debts. "From my poor house at Middleton George in the Bishoprick."—28 February 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2½.
Sept. 30. 1300. Works at Berwick.
Corrected copy of Mr. Barton's book referred to above showing details of the works done at Berwick from the 1st October 1575 to 30th Sept. 1576, the total cost being 319l. 19s. 0¾d. Signed by Rowland Johnson.
Endd. Pp. 56. Enclosure.
1576? 1301. Works at Berwick.
Declaration of Rowland Johnson's riding charges referred to above amounting to 257l. 10s., and on which he remarks that had the Laird of Grange gotten him at Edinburgh Castle a greater sum would not have saved his life. Signed by Rowland Johnson.
Endd. Pp. 3. Enclosure.
1577. Jan. 26. 1302. Works at Berwick.
1. Particulars of the cost of labour and materials in erecting 21 watch-houses at Berwick, amounting together to 26l. 5s. 4d.
2. Copy of a certificate, signed by 14 of those on the work, that four other men whose wages are stayed by Barton's means were employed with them. Signed by Rowland Johnson.
Endd. Pp. 3. Enclosure.
Feb. 28. 1303. Rowland Johnson to Lord Burghley.
To the same effect as to the Lords of the Council.—Middleton George, 28 February 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2¾.
Feb. 1304. The States of Brabant.
Having read the opinion of the Prince of Orange and the States of Holland and Zealand on the accord made between Don John and the States General of the Low Countries on 19 Feb. 1577, declare that it has always been their intention to maintain the provisions of the Pacification of Ghent, if necessary by force of arms.
Endd. Fr. P. 1.
Feb. 1305. Francis Peyto to Lord Burghley.
The cause why he has not sent the genealogy promised of the House of England, which so good space was in perfection, the painting and arms only reserved, was that he was only able to find one young painter having will to enter on this enterprise, and before he began his labours his house was visited by the plague, all his servants taken to the hospital, where they have since died, and himself (and that by favour) fast bolted into his house for the space of 40 days. Three days after that, to comply to a new order taken throughout the city, he was obliged to return to a new caging called "generall quarentena," which is continued to this day. This is an invention to cut away all conversation, which is thought to be the nearest way to extinguish the malice of the plague, it growing as they say upon infection and upon no corruption of the air, wherein hitherto has seemed to have risen good effect, helped possibly much by the cold season of the year. The poor painter with whom he was in accord died more than two months past, so he has to seek a new man.—Milan, February 1577. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.