Elizabeth: December 1576, 16-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1880.

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'Elizabeth: December 1576, 16-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp444-458 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: December 1576, 16-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp444-458.

"Elizabeth: December 1576, 16-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1880), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp444-458.

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December 1576, 16-31

Dec. 16. 1071. Don John of Austria to [Secretary Escovedo].
Is pleased to hear of the good reception that those Lords had given them, and hoped that the peace and good offer of the King would have been accepted. Since reading their letter of the 14th, he remains more confused than ever, and marvels that they should not have written to him in cipher. Since he has come for the purpose of pacifying these States, and has given them so many pledges that he will perform what he has promised in the King's name, they should trust him, for though he sees that they had cause to be suspicious on account of the past, yet they should consider the difference of the persons and of the times. If he had intended to deceive them he would not have come in the manner in which he has done. Knows not what to understand by their letters, except that they insist on the withdrawal of the Spaniards as soon as possible, and that he should entrust himself to the native born subjects. His levy of reiters was, as they well know, for no other purpose but for his security, without having recourse to the Spaniards, as there is so little agreement amongst them that if he was by himself some of them might enterprise something against him. As to their complaint that they are not trusted, they should write clearly what they mean by the same, for as for their saying that they would not fail in their duty to the King or the law, if that had been sufficient for his assurance he would be doing wrong to ask for more; but notwithstanding this both before and since his arrival they have only manifested their intention of continuing the war. Cannot see any reason why he should put himself in their power, and enable them to use his name in the furtherance of their designs, as he is persuaded that they intend nothing but deceit. Desires him to do what he can to procure the coming of the Council and the States to Namur, he being himself on his way to Marche-en-Famine. Is disgusted at the news that certain cavalry and infantry have crossed the Meuse. Declares that he will not withdraw the Spaniards, or put himself in the power of the States, unless they first come to Namur and give him other satisfaction than mere words, which no one would advise him to do after so many marks of their malice. Thinks, however, that they will merely send fresh deputies as he has always suspected. If the Spaniards depart it will be for the King's service that they do so by sea in order that they may arrive quickly in Spain and be able to serve in Barbary. Fears that the passing of the Meuse by the above-mentioned soldiers is for the purpose of making him prisoner. Has written to the Duke and Marquis thanking them for what they have done, and doubts not but that they will bring these matters to a good conclusion as they ought to do considering the great trust that his Majesty has in them. Desires them to write to him with all the information they can procure, for if as he believes the negotiations are broken off he does not want to lose time. Though he would strongly deplore this, and do much to avoid it, still he will not put trust in people who give him so little reason so to do. In the meanwhile their people should fortify themselves and make all ready. The courier Lantz has brought a letter from the King of the 26 Nov. approving and commending that which has been done by Antonio Fugger and his nephews. One of Octavio's men has arrived from Lombady with news that Madame Cecilia is well and also his household and horses, and that the health of Milan is improving. As payment for this good news he wishes he would send a certain Fray Luis de Grenada to him for his confessor, and that he might be with him by Christmas. Delays sending to the Court until he may better see how affairs will turn out. Desires to know how he can best write as the ways are kept so closely. Is sorry that the States are so mistrustful of him. Sends this by the Marquis de Havre.— Bastogne, 16 Dec. 1576.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 3.
Dec. 16. 1072. Sir John Smith to the Queen.
Gives the same account of his audience as is contained in his letter to Burghley of this date. The Princess of Rochesur-Yon, an old widow, and the Princess of Lorraine, a child of 10 or 11 years old, were in the Queen Mother's chamber. "There were besides other ladies, young and old, fair and foul, to the number of nine or ten, but this I do assure your Majesty of my faith that there is more beauty in your Majesty's little finger than there is in any one lady that there was, or in them all." Had heard the French Queen commended as very fair and of good presence, but as far as he can judge she is clear-skinned, but without colour of stature convenient if she be not heightened with high "pantobulls;" she stoops, and bears her head something forward, but has a very womanly and modest countenance, and her face reasonably well formed, but for presence or majesty of a princess she has none. Her attire was all in black, as all the rest of the ladies were, but of no comeliness, "and therefore not worthy to be described to your Majesty." The King is of good stature, and has an indifferent good presence; the hair of his head is black and something long, but turned and rolled up, as I think, with some hot iron like a very roll round about his head, and from the roll to the crown of his head is very smooth. His cap was black, with only one jewel, and so little that it covered little more than the crown of his head, and all the rest of his garments were also black." Has written of some other matters which appertain to his duty to Mr. Secretary Walsingham.—St. Die, 16 Dec. 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 12/3.
Dec. 16. 1073. Sir John Smith to Lord Burghley.
Has had divers lets which have much injured the expedition he has sought to use in her Majesty's service which he has certified Walsingham at large. Arrived here at St. Die on the 13th inst. where Sir Amias Paulet and the rest of the ambassadors lodge, being within one post of Blois, where the King holds his Court of Parliament. Meant for more expedition only to have visited the Spanish Ambassador and to have obtained passport from the King by means of her Majesty's Ambassador, but he alleged certain good causes why it would be necessary for him to do reverence to the King, and know whether he would command him any service. Therefore gave notice to M. Gondi that he was going into Spain on the Queen's affairs, but that as she knew not that he would find the French King and his Court she had not given him anything in charge to say to the King, but that he thought it part of his duty to offer him his service and desired to know whether it was the King's pleasure that he should see him. The King having appointed the 15th for him to come to Blois, the English Ambassador presented him to the King, to whom he told his embassy to Spain and offered his services, for which the King thanked him, but told him that he had no present occasion to use his offer. From the King they were brought to the Queen Mother, the young French Queen, and the Duke of Alencon, to whom he used in a manner the words and offers and received the like thanks and compliments. In the Kings and Queen Mother's company there were many gentlemen, but no noblemen of name that he could hear of. The Dukes of Guise and Maine, the Archbishop of Rheims, the Cardinal of Guise, and the Marquis D'Elbæuf were all at the Court but not present whilst they were there. All other matters concerning the Ambassador's and his talk with M. D'Aubigny of the Low Countries who came to their lodgings at Blois with all other particularities he has written in cipher.—St. Die, 16 Sept. 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2¼.
[Dec. 16.] 1074. Intelligence in cipher.
1. If ever the [Queen of England] had or shall have oppurtunitye to take Calis by stealth I thinck tyme doth now serve her best. When I came that wayes I learned there are not above two hundred and nintie in garison, and most of them towne dwellers and unable men. Monseir Gurden, the governoure, hath licence to be absent fowre monethes, he hath left for his deputie capteine Campneg there are but two gates open thone towardes the haven and thither towardes Geynes vearie slenderlye garded. If it should please the [Queen] to send two or thre captaines, of the which one of them to be such a one as doth knowe the towne and contreye, and that hath served there before, to view and consyder howe the matter myght be best brought to passe, and after to suffer some number of horsemen and fotemen to go over into "Bleptis" with good leaders under the pretence to serve the "Colchos," I thinck that three or fowre hundred horse with everye one a foteman behinde him the Tyme beinge well taken, and they well ledd from Bleptis, might take the gate that is open to the fieldes and so the towne by stealth.
2. As far as I can learne if the "Gonsalva" have no warres with the "Cambyses" and the "Empedocles" he will under hande aide the "Colchos" with intente to possesse the same under the name of the "Philolaquus." This was tould me at Orleans by a gentleman called Monsier, Lacalle who dwelleth by Lyons, and came from the Courte, and others.
In cipher. Endd.: "from Sir John Smythe's Cypher." Pp 3. Enclosure.
[Dec. 16.] 1075. Sir John Smith's Embassy into Spain.
Certain points contained in Sir John Smith's instructions. What answer from the King of Spain for her Majesty's subjects imprisoned by the Inquisition, and touching their goods; whether any were released, and who they were, and how many remained, and what was answered for their detention. What answer touching the residence of an ambassador, and liberty for freedom of his conscience. For the merchants of Spain, to certify what grievances they have against Spain; what goods stayed or confiscated there; what ships and mariners; what cause pretended; what suit has been made, what answer given, and what "constat" they have for all or any parcel of this."
Endd. P. ½.
Dec. 17: 1076. Laurence Jonson to Daniel Rogers.
Occurrents from France are very scarce. The Edict is like to be disannulled and the Gospel banished. It has been duly propounded in the Assembly and passed by the consent of the clergy and people, and at length, though hardly, by the nobility. The deputies for the religion proposed a nullity of the assembly of Estates, and when they met at their next session it was moved what should be answered to their proposition; the clergy and commons decreed punishment of death as contra perturbatores paeis publicæ, and the nobility resisted that determination. The deputies from the States of the Low Countries are still at the Court of France, expecting the return of Fontpertuis, who they say has gone to his house near Blois. There is good likelihood that France will be to them no better than a broken reed. Colonel Bassompierre has agreed to serve Don John, and numbers of troops are to be levied in Picardy. Don John shall have all the aid that may be from hence. His long parley with the States is but to trim time. At his coming through France he had talk with the Queen Mother at Chenonceau, and there was the Holy League of Trent confirmed again. He received lately from Paris 1,700 crowns and send three mails full of money by Secretary Escovedo about the 4th inst., who came through France. This free passage may sufficiently witness to the States what they may look for at the French King's hands. Monsieur and he are all one, as two brothers cannot be more. Bids Dr. Wilson to be on his guard. It were well not to enter into treaty with Don John before his is bereft of this Spanish soldiers. The King of Navarre is at Agen, where Mons. Danville was of late three days. La Noüe is there with him. The Prince of Condé is at St. Jean d'Angeli, Beauvais la Nocle at La Charité, and Thore at Niort St. Esprit.— Hampton Court, 17 Dec. 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2⅓.
Dec. 19. 1077. The States of Flanders to M. Swevenghem.
By his letter of the 13th they understand of his arrival in England and hope of success in his negotiations. The deputies have returned from Luxemburg with Don John's consent to all their demands signed with his hand, merely demanding from them their continuance in the Catholic religion and the King's obedience, requiring the attestation of the bishops and the Council of State that there shall be nothing derogatory to those two points contained in the articles of pacification. His Highness has ordered the Spaniards to withdraw, which they have agreed to do provided they may go by sea, which, however, cannot be allowed. In the meanwhile the States have required the strong places to be given up to them. A cessation of arms for 15 days is granted, to commence on the 15th inst. They have resolved to go next Friday to Namur to settle all remaining points and to bring his Highness with them. Beg him to use diligence in his negotiations.—Brussels, 19 Dec. 1576.
Copy. Endd. by Burghley. Fr. Pp. 1¼.
Dec. [19]. 1078. Reply of the Spanish Soldiers to Don John.
Express their willingness to retire from the Low Countries, but as owing to the season of the year the passages of the mountains will be impassable through snow, and it will be most difficult to obtain provisions, they desire that they may return by sea, defraying their own charges. The Almain colonels also say that they are ready to obey his Highness on receiving the money due to their soldiers. Signed by Rodas and seven principal officers.
Endd. "Translated out of Spanish into French." Pp. 1¼.
Dec. 22. 1079. Catherine de Medicis to the States of the Low Countries.
Thanks them for their goodwill and affection shown to her son the Duke of Anjou, and offers to do all in her power to relieve them from the troubles they are in, and to intervene between them and the King of Spain.—Blois, 22 Dec. 1576.
Copy. Endd. Fr. P. 2/3.
Dec. 22. 1080. The Duke of Anjou to States of the Low Countries.
Letter of credence for M. d'Aubigny, who will inform them of his intentions.—Blois, 22 Dec. 1576.
Copy. Endd. Fr. P. ⅓.
Dec. 23. 1081. The Duke of Anjou to the States of the Low Countries.
Letter of credence for M. de Berrangreville, gentleman of his chamber.—Blois, 23 Dec. 1576.
Copy. Endd. Fr. P. ½.
Dec. 23. 1082. M. de Swevenghem to Walsingham.
Thanks him for his good offices, which he begs him to continue. Spoke yesterday with the Lord Treasurer, who received him very graciously. Desires him to send him the names of certain English rebels.—London, 23 Dec. 1576. Signed: François de Halewyn.
Add. Endd. by Walsingham: 24 Dec. Fr. P. ½.
Dec. 24. 1083. Sir Amias Paulet to Burghley.
Sends a copy of the oration pronounced by the King the first day of the assembly of the Estates, and a register of the names of so many of the principal persons present as he can learn. There is great expectation of the resolution of the Estates, which are composed of many and sundry contrary humours, and yet will agree he fears in one thing to banish all other exercise of religion than the Romish, unless some foreign war keep them in peace.—St. Die, December 1576. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. by Burghley: 24 Dec. 1576. P. 2/3.
Dec. 6. 1084. The Oration of the King to the Estates.
Copy of a long speech delivered by the King in which he adverts to the causes of the war, the present misery of the country, and to his own efforts and those of others, the Queen Mother especially, to obtain a better state of things, and he hopes that the Estates will aid him by their advice and assistance herein.
Endd. by Burghley. Fr. Pp. 2½. Enclosure.
Dec. 24. 1085. Events in France.
The Pont St. Esprit in Languedoc is lost by M. Thore, who forsook it with more fear than needed; Captain Almynes, a gentleman of Languedoc, has taken it. The Prince of Condé entered into Rochelle the 10th, where he discovered that the mayor, the president, and some others of the town had conspired against the town, and therefore commanded the mayor to keep his house and himself remains there as governor. The secretary to M. Danville assured the King that Montmorency and Madame Danville would make their speedy repair to the Court, but upon the surprise of Pont St. Esprit are countermanded. La Noüe is likewise countermanded. Divers gentlemen in Gascony, to the number of 500 or more, have leagued themselves for the maintenance of the Edict. The Estates of Languedoc have assembled at Bezieres, as well those that have committed themselves to Danville as those of Toulouse, Narbonne, and Carcassonne, where they have jointly resolved to defend the Edict. Those of Poitou, both clergy and others, demand the observation of the Edict. The nobility have chosen their speaker, M. Genese, lieutenant of the company of M. de Guise, and the third Estate have chosen Versoris, advocate of the Court of Parliament of Paris, a notable malicious Papist. The 15th, the matters of religion was propounded amongst those of the third Estate, where it was alleged that those of the Low Countries have capitulated with their King and refused the Prince of Orange, would endure no other religion than the Romish, and would banish all that professed any contrary religion and all their adherents; that the new Count Palatine had already banished all the ministers placed by his father, had reduced the policy and the "fournie" of the church in his dominions to the order of the Confession of Augsburg, and that there was great likelihood of sharp war between him and Duke Casimir, what may be inferred of this kind of reasoning refers to his better consideration. In conclusion they demand one religion et qu'on use les moyens doulx et sainctz por les reduire. The 19th, certain of the nobility propounded to break the Edict to establish one only religion, to banish all the ministers of the reformed religion within six weeks, giving liberty of conscience to those of the religion until other order might be taken by a general and national Council. Miraubeau, a gentleman of Provence, withstood this opinion with very stout and high words, protesting, seeing their doings tended to none other end but to the infraction of the peace and the renewing again of the civil troubles, that he would come no more amongst them. The deputies of Guienne took part with Miraubeau, and the contention grew to be very hot. The King sent for him and entreated him to keep his place, affirming that he desired nothing more than to continue his realm in peace, and that he had not only prayed but also conjured the deputies to follow this his intention. All the particular "cayers" of the provinces are upon the point to be agreed upon, and demand one only religion, Catholic and Roman. Picardy offers to serve the King with 6,000 horse and 12,000 footmen against those that demand the Edict, whereof those of Languedoc being advertised have made offer of 15,000 horsemen and 40,000 footmen to defend it. In Picardy the churches are dispersed, and divers gentlemen retired with their whole families. The Spanish Ambassador had audience the 11th, and used very high words to the King, and told him if he did not desist from his purpose to assist the Low Countries, his master would not fail to seek his revenge in such sort as the King would have little cause to thank the procurers of the voyage. The King was troubled with this message, and deferred him for his answer until the 14th. The ambassador said at that time to the Queen Mother that it was in her power to let this voyage, and to govern her sons at her pleasure. She answered that her sons had attained the age of 21 years and more, and were not now under her government, and that if they were affected to that enterprise she must conform her affection to theirs. The ambassador repaired again to Court at the day appointed, where he had fair words and large promises. Is given to understand the deputies of the Low Countries require 10,000 French, 2,000 horsemen, and 6,000 reiters, and proffer four frontier towns, whereof Cambray and Valenciennes are two, to receive Monsieur as their sovereign, and to pay during the maintenance of the war some say 123 pounds Flemish, some say more. It is said that M. d'Aubigny bears greater hatred to the Prince of Orange and his religion than to the Spaniards; he solicits her cause with diligence, and is conveyed from the Queen Mother to Monsieur by the back door. Two deputies from the King of Navarre arrived at Blois the 15th, their message contains especially these points to assure the King and the Assembly that nothing is arrived in Guienne, as was given out at the Court, to pray the King to conserve the Edict and to preserve his realm in peace, to inform the King of his great desire to continue in his favour, and to do him all faithful service. The 21st, the deputies of the Reformed Churches exhibited their bill of supplication to the King, by which they desired him to command the Estates not to touch the Edict. The King answered that he could not so do without breach of their liberty, a thing they did especially challenge, but that his meaning was to conserve his subjects in peace. Count Nigrepellisse, oldest son to St. Supplice and Count by his wife, unto whom he was married sixth months past, was slain on the 21st by the Viscount of Tours, late in the night:
Pp. 4¾. Enclosure.
Dec. 24. 1086. Sir A. Paulet to Walsingham.
The King having signified that he would hear no ambassador until his coming to Blois, sent John Tupper, accompanied with his secretary, to M. Pinart to pray his friendly assistance, and to signify that he had letters from the Queen to the King to that purpose. Pinart promised his best furtherance, and desired to be instructed in some other things touching the captains of Newhaven, willing Tupper to resort to him again as soon as he could. In the meantime M. Gondi came with letters from the King to the Commissioners for matters of depredation, and to Madame la Gravache, a principal party in this piracy, and now Tupper follows his cause with the commissioners. Having audience with the King to deliver the Queen's letters, told him he took his good and grand dealing as an evident testimony of his willing disposition to minister speedy and favourable justice to the Queen's subjects. The King answered that he desired nothing more than to entertain the good amity between the Queen and him. Is charged daily with Mr. Dale's promise that commissioners should be appointed in England for the hearing and deciding of such complaints as shall be made by the French, and is desirous to hear what is done therein. The Estates here are so newly begun, and so far from any good end, that he has no other matter whereby to advertise him. The Baron d'Aubigny departed yesterday for the Low Countries, to procure, as he says, a final composition between Don John of Austria and the Estates of those countries. Some think the resolution herein stands on the good or bad success of this Assembly. It is said the voyage of La Nocle into Spain for a marriage to be had between Monsieur and the daughter of Spain is renewed again, and that he shall go shortly.—St. Die, 24 Dec. 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Dec. 24. 1087. Monsieur to the King of France.
Complains that an attempt has been made on his life by putting poison in his wine, which brought on a most violent sickness, that had it not been for the mercy of God and the prompt remedies that were applied his Majesty would have lost the most affectionate subject he ever had. Prays him to aid him in making diligent search after the offender.— Chalons, 27 Dec. 1576. Signed.
Endd. Fr. Copy. Pp. 1½.
1088. Another copy.
Endd. by Dale. Fr. Copy. Pp. 1½.
Dec. 28. 1089. Occurrents in Flanders.
On the 15th instant the Estates agreed with Don John for 15 days' truce, which began on the 15th, on which day he sent Juan Escovedo and Octavio Gongaza of the house of Mantua towards the Spaniards of Antwerp, since which time the Estates came to Namur, trusting by colloquy to make an end of the differences betwixt them, and on the 24th they sent the Viscount of Ghent to his Highness either to accelerate his coming or his answer. On the 28th a message came from him desiring eight days' respite in order that he might know what his deputies had done with the Spaniards at Antwerp; and furthermore desired to know what assurance the Estates would give him touching the obedience due to the King after the Spaniards' departure, and because it was not for his dignity to yield himself unarmed to armed men, he required them to send away at the same time all their Almains, Scotch, and French soldiers. He also required to know when and where the assembly of the Estates should be held to consider the Prince of Orange's affairs and the matters of Holland, and also what assurance he should have for his own safety. By this last point it appears he would have the assembly of the Estates to be held before the Spaniards' departure, in which lies all the difficulty, for the Estates require that they should retire incontinently. Don John declared to the writer that on the 27th the Estates had accorded the eight days' further respite, but M. de Ruissinghen, who has communicated to him the contents of this paper, has denied it.—From Marche-en-Famine, 28 Dec. 1576.
Endd.: "Copy of that note which the ambassador, Horsey, sent in his letter written to her Majesty from Marche, 29 Dec. 1576."
Injured by damp. Pp. 1¼.
Dec. 28. 1090. M. de Swevenghem to Walsingham.
Is sorry that Walsingham was not at home when he went to take leave of him. Begs that he and Dr. Lewis will send as soon as possible the form of the assurance for her Majesty so that the money may be received and sent on safely towards Dover as soon as possible. If the deputies of Dunkirk receive a copy of the prohibition made to the Cinque Ports to proceed to reprisals without Lord Clinton's authority they will return in his company.—London, 28 Dec. 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. 1.
Dec. 29. 1091. Edward Horsey to Lord Burghley.
Knows not what to write of the peace, for sundry of the States have been here with Don John hoping of good success, and yet yesterday the Viscount of Ghent, being one of those sent, returned in choler nothing satisfied. Was here more than a whole day before he could speak with Don John, whom he perceived was not well persuaded of her Majesty's dealing between the King and his subjects; but after Horsey had delivered the effect of his instructions, and urged him by all the means he might to hasten the peace, Horsey could not find in him any resolution how or when it might be brought to pass, yet he let him understand that rather than the States should call in the French, or the government be subverted by the Spaniards, her Majesty would employ her forces in their behalf, whereunto Don John made no answer. The same afternoon, in reply to Horsey, Don John said with a loud voice that the Spaniards should away, and that he was very willing to yield to the peace, but that there were some difficulties not yet resolved, which he trusted very shortly should be. Could by no means get him to cause the English ships and goods to be set at liberty that yet remain at Antwerp, although, according to the Queen's command, he dealt substantially with him. In the end he requested him to be content for a time, saying that if the English went away discontented, the bruit thereof would discourage other nations from coming to Antwerp; promising to write presently that the bond for 5,000 crowns should not be demanded, and also that the merchants remaining in Antwerp should be used with all courtesy. Knows not what to think of the detracting of the peace and the restraint of the English merchants' goods. Don John this day sent the Baron de Ruissinghen to the States for eight days more to make an end of this peace. This is the most barren soil for intelligence, and all other things that ever he came in. Intends to tarry four or five days. Found Mr. Copley here who seems to have no lewd disposition towards her Majesty or his country.—Marche, in Luxemburg, 29 Dec. 1576.
Add. Endd. by Burghley. Pp. 1½.
Dec. 29. 1092. M. de Swevenghem to Walsingham.
Has been conferring this morning with the Lord Treasurer and Sir Walter Willemeth [Mildmay] on the affair which he knows of. They began the delivery [of the money] this afternoon. In order to avoid all trouble with the searchers it will be as well that they should be directed not to touch anything which he avows to belong to himself. Will bear in mind the rebels and fugitives contained in his note of yesterday.—London, 29, Dec. 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. 1.
Dec. 29. 1093. Instructions for the Marquis de Havre and others sent to Don John.
They are to tell Don John that, having considered on the proposition of M. de Ruissinghen, they do not consider it proper to assemble or negotiate in the town of Hoey, as it does not belong to the King of Spain, and it would not be to their honour to transport themselves out of the realm, and fresh mistrust would be occasioned by their so doing. They are to point out that the only difficulty consists in the Spaniards, whom he has authority to withdraw, and that they have conceded the two points of religion and obedience to the King's authority. They are to assure him of the safety of his person, and urge him to entrust himself to the States. They are to insist on the retreat of the Spaniards by land. If after their remonstrances they find that Don John will not listen to reason, they are to declare that the States consider themselves discharged from all responsibility of the troubles and inconveniences that may hereupon ensue.—Namur, 29 Dec. 1576.
Copy Endd. Seal. Fr. P. 22/3.
Dec 29. 1094. Edward Horsey to Walsingham.
Encloses a letter to the Queen unsealed with such intelligence as there is here to be learnt. Knows none here but Copley, who makes very earnest protestations of his loyalty to her Majesty and his country. "This morning Rogers being in his lodging saw Hamilton arrive that slew the Regent of Scotland." When he has seen her Majestys letter, begs him to set his (Horsey's) seal to it and deliver it. Sends his seal by the bearer. Don John is but slenderly accompanied, nor can he learn that he has any great forces prepared. If peace be not concluded within these few days he will return home and send Bingham abroad to learn news.— Marche-en-Famine. 29. Dec. 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1
Dec. 30. 1095. The Privy Council to Dr Wilson.
M. Swevenghem having shown her Majesty a copy of the requests sent by the States of the Low Countries to Don John, which are much different from those which Wilson sent, the one being no less dutiful and reasonable than the other most arrogant and unseemly; she has graciously condescended in case Don John shall refuse to yield to the said requests to lend them 100,000li for eight months. There has been delivered to him 20,000li in bullion, which, however, he is not to dispose of without Wilson's consent, which he is not to give until he understands that the treaty of accord between the States and Don John is quite broken off; or in case the accord shall follow that it shall be agreed that the Spaniards are to be paid by the States. He is to take care to procure sufficient bonds for the repayment of the loan, and if possible to have an article inserted in the treaty of accord for the repayment of such sums of money as have been borrowed from her Majesty "for the reducing of those countries to the King's full obedience" and so shall he cause it to be imparted to Don John for the avoiding of any unkindness.— Hampton Court, 30 Dec. 1576.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
Dec. 30. 1096. Dr. Wilson to the Privy Council.
Received their letters of the 10th inst. on the 18th at Antwerp, from whence he went to Brussels, and communicated to him what he had in charge to say to the States, and found him very glad to receive such news. Afterwards he went to the Duke of Arschot, with whom were two or three of the States General, to whom he declared her Majesty's sage, godly, and courageous mind in this time of their great distress, and how she meant to send a gentleman to Don John, and if he should not be ready to satisfy their lawful requests, joined with their true and faithful obedience to their natural King, that then the Queen would employ all her force to do them good. On Wilson giving the Duke a brief note of his message he seemed revived that was before with fear and despair greatly dismayed, and sent to the Town House to acquaint such of the States as remained. Wilson told him that now they must all join together as brethren and be all of one mind, who said that they had all sworn to that end. On the next day Mr. Horsey came to him, who after communicating with M. Champagny and others took his journey from Brussels the next day. In passing through Mechlin he found Count Lalain, who was very glad to hear his news, and promised to be at Namur himself to join with the States for his country's welfare. Praises Mr. Horsey as a wise, honest, and valiant man. Has dealt roundly with Rodas for the merchants' ships and goods, whom, notwithstanding his promises, he will not allow to leave Antwerp, who answered that Don John was the let thereof, to whom he accordingly wrote. Encloses the answers which he received from Don John and Rodas, together with his own letters. Don John will in no ways yield to their release by any means that Horsey can make, notwithstanding M. Champagny has written to him pointing out what need he has to have a care to preserve the amity betwixt the houses of England and Burgundy. Has sent all letters and writings that he could get to Mr. Secretary.—Brussels, 30 Dec. 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Dec. 30. 1097. Dr. Wilson to Walsingham.
Having told the Duke of Arschot and M. Champagny that he had no commission to deal about money, M. de Swevenghem was sent to his lodgings to read him a piece of a letter written by the Duke of Alençon to the States, but he could by no means get a copy of the same. Afterwards Wilson sought elsewhere, and found such writings and matters as he made her Majesty and her Council acquainted with, but what intention the French have he does not yet know certainly. They are said to be upon the frontiers. M. Bonnivet continues his solicitation to the States that they would accept Monsieur for their protector, and giving him towns for his safety, he would aid them upon his own charges. All this notwithstanding it may be that this is but a French practise and a Spanish trick by the ambassador resident there. Howsoever it is his doings at no hand can be good for England. Does not believe that the marriage betwixt him and his sister's daughter is in hand. Is well informed that the daughter of the King's first bed shall be heir to Brabant, Hainault, and Gueldres, and so Monsieur in no right of his wife should be lord of those countries. Thinks this is a practise to divert his mind from dealing with the States, still rather than the Prince [of Orange] should continue with the free exercise of his faith, he thinks King Philip cares not what Papist has it, such is his deadly malice against all who are not of the Catholic Roman church. Can by no means understand whether Don John had speech with the Queen Mother at his passage through France. M. de Swevenghem is overmuch bent against the Prince in favour of the House of Croy, whereof the Duke's wife is his nigh kinswoman, by whom he hopes to rise. Mr. Horsey, by his advice, has dealt with St. Aldegonde, and declared that the Queen minds well to the Prince, as he would perceive if he sent any one to her, which St. Aldegonde promised to report. Gives a long list of letters and copies, which he sends. Touching the Regent's demand for Hamilton, he brake prison from Brussels the 19th inst., and is at Marche-en-Famine waiting upon Don John. On the 28th inst. Baron D'Aubigny came out of France, and the next day dined with the French Ambassador. —Brussels, 30 Dec. 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 3½.