Elizabeth: August 1576

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1880.

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'Elizabeth: August 1576', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp356-367 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: August 1576', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp356-367.

"Elizabeth: August 1576". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1880), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp356-367.

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August 1576

August 1. 864. M. Danville to the King of France.
Has received his letter of the 17th July and regrets that he should consider him other than his faithful subject. Assures him that the garrison he has placed in towns in his government of Dauphiny and Languedoc are for the most part so small as to cause no alarm to the inhabitants. Whatever measures he has taken have been rendered necessary by the deeds and sayings of those who desire not the peace of the realm but rather war, and strain, as do the Courts of Parliaments, at the meaning of the Edict.—1 August 1576.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 22/3.
August 1. 865. Troubles in France.
An act made and signed by the King of France, the Princes of the blood, the members of the Privy Council, and others about his person, renouncing all intelligence with foreign Princes, confederations, gatherings of men, &c., which are said to be made throughout France, and promising inviolably to keep the pacification.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 2¾.
August 4. 866. Pietro Bizarri to Walsingham.
Has written to him at length by means of Mr. John Masters of Tournay concerning the news of Germany, inclosing the articles proposed by the Emperor.—Cologne, 4 Aug. 1576. Signed. Ital.
News from the Imperial Camp in Hungary.
The Bassa of Buda amongst other shows caused an Ayrian soldier to be tied to a stake and a fierce lion let loose on him. The lion, after he had torn off his shoes without injuring the soldier, tore his own keeper in pieces. The bystanders interceded for the captive, as the wild beast had spared him, and the Bassa consented to set him at liberty.—1576, June 14. Lat.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
August 6. 867. Dr. Dale to Burghley.
Du Plessis is stayed because the Queen Mother will not suffer Marcel, Monsieur's treasurer, to furnish him for his voyage; it seems she would not that Monsieur had intelligence with the Queen. The King is very much cumbered at this time, for they of Picardy have made a league neither to receive the Prince of Condé nor the peace. The King of Navarre and the Prince of Condé assemble forces to constrain the King to put the Edict in execution; it is said Danville is to meet them to enter into a new league with them, whereby they may have free passage from Dauphiny and Provence to the Loire, now that Danville has Pont St. Esprit on the Rhone. They solicit Monsieur to join with them, and have sent to Duke Casimir desiring him to stay in the country till the peace be better performed. It is doubted whether Monsieur will join in this action, but he has sent to the King to advertise him earnestly to put this peace in execution with speed for avoiding of new troubles. There is much ado for a day or two in Court for that the Guises would not subscribe the peace, but in the end they have done so, and are gone all together to Meudun, three leagues from Paris, to the marriage of the Duc de Maine. All the money the reiters should have is sent them 10 days agone.—Paris, 6 August 1576. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. P. 1.
Aug. 868. Du Plessis to Dale.
Was promised his despatch at a certain day by M. Marcel and made ready to depart, but on the day assigned M. Marcel departed to Bourges leaving charge to no one. Has written to Monsieur, who has advised him therein, by which he perceives this voyage is not much liked. Is afraid that he is too honest a man for them, and that those who desire Monsieur's ruin care not to have such as he about him.
Copy. Endd. Fr. P. ½. Enclosure.
August 6. 869. W. Wade to Burghley.
Understands the King of Navarre, the Prince of Condé, and M. Danville have resolved to take arms again, whereof they have advertised the King if he will give order for the performance of the Edict and peace. The King has despatched a broad commission to punish the breakers of the peace in any sort, whereto the Duke of Guise has subscribed with much ado and after great protestation to the contrary, whereof many note his weakness, being the chief of a faction, to yield after great resistance and declaration he made to the King to the contrary. The Duke of Nemours went suddenly out of the town to avoid the subscribing. There has been a massacre committed by a gentleman of Bordeaux on certain his subjects of the religion, whereof the King of Navarre is determined to show notable punishment.—Paris, 6 August 1576. Signed: W. Waad.
Add., with seal. Endd. Pp. 1½.
August 7. 870. Castelyn and Others to the Elector Palatine.
Where he desires to know what will be the annual pension or recompense that the Queen of England is willing to give for the money, they can offer 3, 4, 4½ or 5 per cent., and as security writings under the great seal of England, and the bonds of the city of London and the Merchant Adventurers. They will not refuse 50,000 or 60,000 crowns or even more.—Cologne, 7 Aug. 1576.
Lat. P. 1.
August 12. 871. Intelligence from Antwerp.
On the 6th inst the drum was struck about Brussels for men to serve the King and Council of State, the harquebussiers to receive seven guilders and the pikemen 10 per mensem, since which time there has entered the service to the number of 2,400 men. The like was done in Louvain and divers other towns, where there are many ready to serve. Their general is M. de Hierges. The Council of State is joined with the States of Brabant and Flanders against the Spanish rebels, and the abbots will disburse one third of the money granted for levying men against the revolters. The mutinied Spaniards in Alost sent on Monday a letter to the Duke of Arschot excusing their insolence, with request to speak to him. The Council finding it good that they should be heard, the Duke went towards Alost and had conference with four of their number, who carried themselves very proudly and arrogantly, and afterwards letters passed between them and the Council, but all is in no better state than at first, but rather worse. On Tuesday there was proclamation made at Brussels against the false rumour that the Council should be stayed prisoners by those of the town. There are 12 ensigns of footmen of the old garrisons in readiness at the Council's devotion, and three or four bands of ordnance are also about Brussels. The mutinied Spaniards have demanded money from the villages round Alost under threat of fire and spoil of their goods. M. de Havre has gone to Ghent to make report of his answer from the King, as also to assist them in their difficulty with the mutineers. M. de Ruissingen is appointed to go to Zericksee for the pacification of the Walloons, who have sworn to sack the town. Sancho de Avila has refused to come to the Council, and Roads and M. Ruissingen have gone to meet him. On Thursday certain of the Gueux' ships came very near Antwerp and fought with the King's ships that met them, and drove them under the town walls, and took certain cattle, and so withdrew to their accustomed place two leagues from the town. It was said this morning that the Spaniards were agreed, and that all was pacified.—Antwerp, 12 Aug. 1576. Signed: [Tilwyn.]
Endd. Pp. 2⅓.
August 15. 872. Dale to Burghley.
Suspects a packet of his of the 6th is taken by them of Flushing, but supposes they will not forget themselves so much as to stay the Queen's letters. The letter of Danville to the King he has got with some difficulty, being kept very secret, for it discovers the estate of Languedoc, Dauphiny, and Auvergne, and is well worth the reading. The leagues of Picardy against the Prince of Condé and the peace continue, and stretch into Champagne and Burgundy; the King has sent M. Carrouges to stay it in Normandy. It is known that the Duke of Guise is to be the head of it, both by the report of themselves—yet they will not name him, but that he is as great as was the Admiral—and also by the standing of the Guises in subscribing the Edict of Pacification. The Queen Mother is much troubled with that matter, for she understands the first request of this league will be that the King should take the government of his realm into his own hand, and not suffer it to be governed by his mother, which makes her to make the more store of Monsieur, and where it was appointed she should go to Chenonceau to get Monsieur thither, she begins to excuse herself of that voyage, or at the least it is thought she will not be so earnest to have him in the hands of his enemies as the others would have her to be. The King of Navarre is gone towards Bordeaux, and if he be admitted there, farewell Guienne! Duke Casimir marches homewards with his money, yet the King's reiters are not discharged nor his Swiss departed. M. la Noüe has travailed to procure the King of Navarre and the Prince of Condé to meet Monsieur, but it is thought it will not be brought to pass. They say the troubles are renewed again in Genoa. Monsieur has written to the King in the favour of young M. Chatillon for restitution of his father's goods, and especially to have the company of men-of-arms that his father had, and also to have the surveyance of the Office of the Admiralty, which the Duke of Maine looks for, which thing troubles much the Guises, doubting the King shall be enforced to relent somewhat to this request, or at the least shall with the more difficulty prefer the Duke of Maine to that office. Now they have a new device that Strozzi should have the room and the Duke of Maine to be colonel-general of the footmen.— Paris, 15 August 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¾.
August 1. 873. M. Danville to the King of France.
Another copy of No. 863 of August 1.
Endd. by Dale. Fr. Enclosure. Pp. 22/3.
August 16. 874. The Prince of Condé to Burghley.
Takes advantage of the coming over of M. Estafort [Stafford] to assure him of his service, and to pray him to have him always in favourable remembrance to the Queen of England.—Cognac, 16 Aug. 1576. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
August 16. 875. Sir Robert Constable to Lord Burghley.
Whereas he wrote to him and the Privy Council for assured knowledge of his entrance into this charge, and also by his means to be somewhat eased in the defalcation of his imprest, being in either petition fully satisfied, he gives him his most dutiful thanks as the chief instrument of his procured contentation.—Berwick, 16 Aug. 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 2/3.
August 16. 876. Robert Bowes to Lord Burghley.
Has satisfied the garrison for their pays for this half-year, which was the more difficult as 700li apportioned to the receiver of Yorkshire is yet unpaid. Hopes that hereafter he may receive in due season the sums apportioned for the two yearly pays of the garrison. The works and the amendment of the haven rest upon their resolute order, which he requires. Has not defalted anything from the entertainment of Sir Robert Constable for payment of the 200li imprested of him by the Queen, and commanded to be taken from his wages, as his need is presently so great. The captains and soldiers are in good love and concord amongst themselves, but the townsmen, after their accustomed manner, are in mutual discord and contention. Sundry of the wealthier sort and others have newly complained of the mayor and aldermen for disorders used in the election of mayor, the exactions imposed on the poor, and wrongful disfranchisement of divers freemen. Their neighbours in Scotland live in good peace, with great obedience to the King and the Regent.—Berwick, 16 Aug. 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
August 17. 877. News from Antwerp.
Intended sack of the Grand Canary by the Holland fleet. Great plague at Madrid, whereof 200 people die daily.
Extract from a letter written to Ruggieri Niccola of Antwerp, 17 Aug.
Endd. Ital. P. ¼.
August 18. 878. The Regent Morton to Walsingham.
Recommends the bearer, who is not unknown to him, and refers the state of affairs here to his efficiency.—Dalkeith, 18 Aug. 1576. Signed.
Add.: "Sir Francis Walsingham, Knight." Endd. P. ½.
August 18. 879. The Regent Morton to Lord Burghley.
This old gentleman, Captain Cockburn, well known to his Lordship, being deliberate to pass into France and visit the Court there by the way, he has thought good to send by him his hearty commendations.—Dalkeith, 18 Aug. 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
August 20. 880. Edward Castelyn to Walsingham.
By reason of the extreme cold weather last spring, the unseasonable snow and frost in the summer, and now these unkindly rains daily falling, the vineyards are so blasted and marred throughout Germany that little wine will be made this year. Has therefore thought good to practise a provision of 200 tuns of Rhenish to be transported to London, where her Majesty may have all or what she pleases of the same. Has travailed with John Moir and Herman Quachart to purchase 200 or 300 tuns of "Elsasser," in the provinces beyond Strasbourg, where the best wines grow. Begs that they may have the Queen's letters to the magistrates of Strasbourg to suffer the said wines to pass. They require Walsingham's letter to John Sturmius to help to the same effect. Sends this by John Dymock, who is returning this way from Sweden.—Cologne, 20 Aug. 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. Seal. P. 1.
August 22. 881. The Senate of Cologne to the Queen.
Express their great reverence towards her and desire to please and serve her in every way in their power. Are not able to accede to the request brought by her envoys without the consent of the great and little Senate (that is to say, of the old Senate and 44 supernumeraries). Think that it would be useless to convene them, as the Emperor and other neighbouring potentates have not been able to obtain their consent to similar requests. Moreover the matter is full of difficulty, as they will be called to contribute towards resisting the Grand Turk, besides having many other imposts and charges. Begs that she will not take this answer in bad part, as they are ready to do anything else in the world to serve her.— Cologne, 22 Aug. 1576. Signed: "Lincks."
Sealed with the privy seal of the Senate of Cologne. Endd. German. Pp. 4¼.
882. Translation of the above into French.
Endd.: "Not satisfy her Majesty's request." Pp. 3.
[August 23.] 883. The Prince of Orange to the Queen of England.
Trusted that her Majesty, having heard the report of Winter and Beale, would approve of their agreement with the Merchant Adventurers, whereby there was great likelihood that she would not be further troubled with their complaints. They are very sorry to learn that not only is she not contented with the said agreement, but is equipping certain ships against them. Humbly begs her to consider if it is probable that they would advisedly do anything to anger or miscontent her, whom after God they acknowledge as their greatest stay and support, and that she will not allow herself to be irritated against her humble servants, who are as much at her commandment as her own subjects. Trusts that she, having regard to their preservation, will not bind them in a matter from whence their ruin might follow. Begs her to do nothing to diminish her reputation of being of all princes the refuge of the afflicted.
Copy. Endd.: Letter from his Excellency to the Queen. Fr. Pp. 1½.
August 23. 884. The Prince of Orange to Walsingham.
Has learnt two or three days ago that the Queen is not willing that the accord made with Winter and Beale should be carried out, and has armed certain vessels which have seized three of their ships of war. If the cause of this seizure does not proceed from their own faults, he trusts that the Queen will not allow an action so contrary to the promise made by the said Winter and Beale under the express authority of her Majesty and her Council. Hopes that she will have regard to the justice and equity of their cause, and use her accustomed favour towards them in this matter. Has written to her Majesty, and begs that Walsingham will continue his good offices towards them in this behalf.—Middleburg, 23 Aug. 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. Pp. 1¾.
August 23. 885. The Prince of Orange to the Earl of Sussex.
To the same effect as his letter of this date to Walsingham. —Middleburg, 23 Aug. 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. Pp. 1½.
August 24. 886. Monsieur St. Aldegonde to Mr. Tamson.
Since his departure Winter has received no letter from him. Has been expecting to hear from him. When they were hoping that everything was proceeding favourably a storm has sprung up, from whence he does not know. Cannot understand the causes of the Queen's anger. If trade between their enemies and England is permitted it will be their manifest destruction. Complains of the silence of Walsingham and the other members of the Privy Council when they see them so unjustly calumniated. Certain merchants came over with the Queen's envoys from whom they asked a subsidy of 250,000 crowns, to which they assented willingly, and when they demanded that the rest of the ships which were arrested should be set free they were liberated. Begs that he will assist them in this matter. Signed.
Add. Endd.: "24 Aug. 1576." Lat. Pp. 2¼.
August 24. 887. St. Aldegonde to Walsingham.
1. Was marvellously astonished at seeing the fruit of Messrs. Winter and Beale's mission turn out so contrary to the opinion which he had conceived of it, for, looking at their prudence and their good will towards peace, he was sure that when her Majesty had heard their report she would have agreed to that which was promised by them. They have since been astounded by the common report that not only has she refused to ratify the contract which has been entered into with the Merchant Adventurers, but that she has fitted out ships of war to interfere with the affairs of Zealand and hinder their war with their enemies. He can scarcely credit this, but the seizure of three of their vessels has given occasion for this report, though he thinks they must have committed some fault worthy of punishment. Knows that it may be said that they have given cause for this by the seizure of the English ships about which Winter and Beale were sent if they had not apparently treated with them to their contentment. As for their dealings with the Merchant Adventurers, it is no new thing to borrow money in that manner in time of great necessity. Assures him of their willingness to obey the Queen in all matters that will not tend to their utter ruin, but begs him to consider that this trade with their enemies can only tend to their utter undoing, for this is the real sword with which their enemies cut their throats. They do not pretend to treat with her as princes and monarchs but beg that out of her special grace she will have regard to their preservation. Their ruin will bring no profit or honour to her, but having the Spaniards so near she will have to be constantly on her guard, neither will the overthrow of the Prince of Orange and the extirpation of the Gospel in the Low Countries lend to her reputation. Begs that he will assist them, by doing which he will oblige them all.—Middleburg, 24 Aug. 1576. Signed: Ph. de Marnix.
2. P.S.—The troubles in Brabant increase. The Duke of Arschot has declared that he will live and die with the States, but the people mistrust him. There is a report that Don John will not now come on account of Turkish affairs.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. Pp. 2¾.
August 27. 888. Dr. Furstemberg to Queen Elizabeth.
Has done all in his power, but the Senate has been unable to advance the money on account of heavy charges, the poverty of the treasury, and other causes, so that he hopes she will not be angry with them. Though it seems like rolling the stone of Sisyphus they will try further means. Having heard from her letters and from both her envoys of her intention of bestowing a pension on him, he is much disturbed to know how to deserve it, but thinks that if he cannot do so by his actions she will take his goodwill and desire to serve her into account. Cologne, Kal. Sex, Sept. 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2¼.
August 27. 889. Dr. Furstemberg to Walsingham.
Is sorry that their negotiations with the town of Cologne for a loan have not been successful, and trusts that the Queen will not be angry with them. Expresses his gratitude for the pension which has been conferred on him.—Cologne, Kal. Sex, Sept. 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd.: "Excuse for lewd dealing." Lat. Pp. 1¼.
August 28. 890. Dale to Burghley.
1. The opinion of the estates to be kept so shortly and weariness of trouble keep this country calm for the time; the truth is neither the one part or the other has any means to stir, and therefore Danville governs peaceably in Languedoc, though not so much as a servant, as if in his own right. If any man put the Edict in execution where he is able he is not reprehended, and they which are able to withstand it are suffered. The Queen Mother is practising to have away the Guises from Court; it is thought they will shortly away to the marriage of the Duc d'Aumale. Casimir is passed Lorraine homewards, and carries Bellieure with him instead of the other hostages which were promised, which thing the King stomacheth much, or at least his secretary's pen, for he has written very sharply in the matter. He would gladly please the King of Navarre and the Prince of Condé, for they are the only men feared at this time. And because the Prince of Condé may keep St. Jean d'Angeli and Cognac even against the will of the King, the King is contented he shall have one or both of those towns rather than fail until he may have Peronne. The King's reiters and Swiss are still in this country. Monsieur remains at Tours and minds to go to Angers; the Queen Mother makes no haste towards him. Don John of Austria is passed in haste from Genoa into Spain to take instructions for his voyage into the Low Countries, and in the meantime his army tarries him in the Duchy of Milan.—Paris, 28 August 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
2. P.S.—James Fitz Morris arrived here the 26th, and was brought to the King by Secretary Pinart the next day before 6 o'clock in the morning.
On a slip of paper.
3. P.S.—The Treasurer of the Espargne sent him word that Nutshaw's money is come from Angers, and demands the acquits to discharge and pay it. Answered they were in England and might be delivered to the man whose goods were stayed in England at Nutshawe's suit or to the French Ambassador paying the money there, which man might receive the money here of the Treasurer for Nutshawe. Knows not how this notion is liked.
On a slip of paper.
August 28. 891. Dr. Dale to the Privy Council.
After the delivery to the King of the Queen's letters in favour of certain of her subjects who are suitors for the restitution of their goods recovered at Marseilles from the Turks, it was his pleasure he should communicate the matter unto the Marshal de Retz, who was at that time to depart towards Marseilles within a day or two, unto whom the King said he would commend the case, and also write letters to the Parliament of Aix. The Marshal de Retz afterwards came to him, to whom he said that knowing his good affection towards England he doubted not but that the Queen's subjects should have speedy restitution. He answered he was desirous to do them any pleasure he might, but as to these goods they appertained unto him by right and were his own by law and just title, both in his own right and in the right of his office, for that he is Admiral of the Levant Seas and Lord of the Island where the goods happened to be sunk, and that this ship was utterly forsaken and lay without any person in her for the space of six months, in such wise that Spaniards sailing along that coast were about to recover part of the goods in her, and so he said the goods were his as wreck of sea and confiscate for lack of claim within six months by the King's ordinance; further, that the ship was good prize to the Turks, and that he had bought her of them, by reason whereof he had right in the goods by bargain from the Turks, if otherwise they should not be his by wreck; and thereupon he had a plain judgment given for him upon the matter. Answered that it could not be called a wreck by any law of the world when a man is chased from his goods by force of the enemy, and that by the King's ordinance the owners have time to make their claim a year and a day. As touching the right of the Turks, as the ship was within the King's port and within his jurisdiction and district and so under safe conduct of the King she could not be good prize to the Turks, and so consequently the alienation from them of none effect, namely, being a case rather to be pitied and extraordinarily to be relieved, and being against all humanity to gain by such extreme loss. He said he did well to preach to him charity, but inasmuch as the goods were his the merchants should not take it strange if he used the benefit of the law and of his office. In the end he said he would send a man expressly to render the Queen reason of his doings, being desirous to continue the good opinion it pleased the Queen to conceive of him, and if the merchants came to him at Marseilles and could not otherwise agree they should be heard by justice in the Parliament of Aix. Said that the merchants were profferred 7,000 francs, but this he denied, and thus with many fair words, whereof he has no want, they parted and he has gone towards Marseilles. Since writing the letter has obtained the King's letter to the Parliament of Aix.
Copy. Enclosure. Pp. 32/3.
August 30. 892. [M. de Villiers to Walsingham].
Had audience with the Prince again this day, who showed him the copy of a letter which he wrote not long since, whereby he trusted her Majesty might understand that he is not so unadvised as to attempt anything against her honour or that of the realm of England. He was greatly amazed when he understood that her Majesty took these matters so much to heart that she had resolved to be revenged on him by way of arms, considering in what terms he stood. Though he was advertised of the taking of certain of his ships he built so on the contract passed between himself and Winter that he made account that haply they had committed no act against the Queen's subjects that might be a just cause of their stay, and in consideration thereof had restrained his own men of war from going to sea. He was given to understand afterwards that his ships of war were taken daily by way of hostility and his men murdered, and the ships of Holland and Zealand arrested in England, yet he would not arrest one English ship. As for the ships of war licensed not three days past to go to the seas, they had strait charge to use themselves friendly to English ships and only use force in case they were assailed.
2. As for the merchants arrested at Middleburg, this was done by certain private merchants for assurance of their debts upon news that the letters of exchange were not accepted in England; and the Prince has declared that he will cause them to be set at liberty. Has shown his Excellency some means of accord which he has willed him to write down in order that they may be shown to the council. Perceives that unless he have money his affairs stand upon a most dangerous period and that his forces by sea will quail, which is in man's sight his greatest hope. He humbly desires the Queen to consider that it is a bare loan, and that the whole commonalty of Holland and Zealand are bound for it, and further protests that his extremity is such that without it he is utterly undone, and for the ships that are arrested begs that they may be released and orders given to the Queen's ships to cease from all acts of hostility. Though he is content to endure all extremity rather than to incur the Queen's displeasure, yet if she prosecutes him by force of arms, and they of this town by that means sustain more losses, then will follow great discontentment, which is like to turn to his utter ruin. For his own part he most strongly advises that the ships and prisoners be set at liberty at once. Sees divers particularities, which any man may perceive, are like to breed great occasions of further bitterness, and therefore beseeches him without delay to give him a speedy answer.—Flushing, 30 Aug. 1576.
2. P.S.—Since writing his letters has had speech with his Excellency again, and perceives more what pain he is in, for upon the contract which he made with Winter and Beale he assured upon the word of a Prince all the captains of her Majesty's goodwill, which caused them to misdoubt no whit the English ships, and restrained them against their will from enterprising anything against them. Has assured him that the chiefest in England desire that all things may be peaceably ended and made up. Beseeches him to give him answer as soon as he can to the end which his Excellency looks for; to wit, that the Queen will be content not to prosecute him with arms, but give commandment to her ships that they use no kind of force,
Endd. Pp. 3.
August 30. 893. M. de Villliers to Walsingham.
The bearer having made some difficulty about undertaking the journey [into England] unless assured that he shall not fall into any trouble, he begs Walsingham to dispatch him back as soon as possible.—Flushing, 30 Aug. 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. ⅓.