Elizabeth: May 1576

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1880.

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'Elizabeth: May 1576', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp325-337 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: May 1576', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp325-337.

"Elizabeth: May 1576". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1880), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp325-337.

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May 1576

May. 765. Fortifications of Berwick.
Warrant to the High Treasurer for the payment of 1,400li to the Treasurer of Berwick to be expended on the fortifications of that town; also for the disbursement of certain sums for the repairs at Carlisle and Dover.
Draft in Burghley's writing. Endd.: May 1576. P. 1.
May 3. 766. M. Calvart to Walsingham.
As the answer of the Prince to Mr. Beale's complaints may not give entire content, he hopes that the difficulties in which he stands may be taken into consideration, and how the dangers and hazards to which he is daily exposed serve for the tranquility of the Queen's kingdom. On the 27 ult. the Admiral in a large vessel of 600 tons in endeavouring to succour those within [Zericksee] received such a heavy fire that his vessel foundered, and he with a great number of his people were lost. It is thought that the besieged did not know of the time of this enterprise, through the pigeon which was sent to give them warning being shot in its flight. Yesterday a large number of pigeons were introduced into the town so that they hope this day to have news. As there is a beginning of peace in France he begs that he will procure a passport for his wife to go over with her family and goods without hindrance. Middleburg, 3 May, 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2⅓.
May 3. 767. Dr. Dale to Lord Burghley.
1. The 2nd, M. de Plessis brought him a letter from Monsieur to the Queen, with advertisement that the peace was concluded. Monsieur is to have La Charité, besides the duchies accorded to him before. The Prince of Condé Peronne, for St. Quintin, for the King will not forgo Boulogne. The reiters are to have 200,000 francs paid part present, part in June and July next, and the rest in March following, for the which they take hostages. The matters of the King of Navarre are not yet concluded; he is looked for to be with Monsieur within a day or two. Randolphe was sent for to the Queen Mother and Monsieur in all haste at his return.— Paris, 3rd May 1576. Signed.
2. P.S. It is not to be asked that the Reiters are discharged in such haste before the princes have possession of their towns, the King's forces remaining. He remembers how the sheep sent away the dog when they made their peace.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
May 3. 768. Daniel Rogers to the Prince of Orange.
Desires him to write to the Admiralty of Flushing ordering them to make restitution of certain ships and goods taken from the subjects of the Queen of England, and to set at liberty the rest of the company of the Lady Lucretia as well as Mr. Herbert who was sent from Her Majesty to his Excellency and who is detained in Zealand; and lastly that they will expedite matters with the writer without further delays and cavillations.—Delft, 3 May 1576.
Signed. Copy. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
May 6. 769. Hostages and Towns delivered at the conclusion of the Peace in France.
1. M. de la Vaugrion, Comte de Corse [Cures] de Limosin, Mallegre, St. Sulpice for the King.
2. Comte Rochefoucault, M. de Rochepose for Monsieur.
3. Sums of money to be paid to Casimir. The first to be paid 6th June in this present year, 2,000,000 florins, amounting to 3,000,000 francs, the rest to be paid at the next two fairs at Frankfort. In consideration of Metz, Toul, and Verdun, he has of the King 20,000 florins in possession of lands; in pension as much, and 100 men-at-arms. For the assurance of these he has the Bishopric of Metz and the Duke of Lorraine bound. Monsieur gives to Duke Casimir his whole seignory of Chateau Thierry, which the Queen Mother gave at this time to Monsieur, being worth 20,000 francs by the year.
4. Monsieur has in appanage the duchies of Alençon, Maine, Anjou, Touraine, Berry, La Perche, and for his strength Moulins and Decize.
5. The Prince of Condé to have the government of Picardy, the town of Peronne for his safety, discharge of his whole debts in Germany, as well his father's as his own.
6. Towns delivered for the surety of them of the religion: —In Languedoc, Beaucaire, and Aiguesmortes, in Guienne and Perinne Le Mas de Verdun, in Poitou Niort, in Dauphiny Livron; in Provence Senez, in Burgundy and Champagne La Charité.
7. Towns that are the appanage of Monsieur:—Bourges, Loches, Tours, Saumur, Le Pont du Sel, Amiens, Mantes, Meulan, Alençon, and many small towns.
Endd. Fr. P. 1.
770. Another copy.
Endd. Pp. 1.
May 6. 771. The Accord of the King of France and the Deputies.
1. Free exercise of religion to be in all towns, castles, &c., belonging to them of the religion, the Catholic places of worship being undisturbed.
2. That all carrying of arms shall cease, except upon the frontiers.
3. That the towns shall be in the obedience of the King and receive his governors, who shall have a suite of some 12 or 15 persons and his chaplain.
4. That the innocence of Marshals Montmorency and de Cosse shall be declared.
5. That those killed on the 24 August 1572 be declared innocent by the Court of Parliament in solemn manner.
6. That there be only two religions, all others to be punished by the Romish Church.
7. That every man shall be restored to his goods and possessions and dignities.
8. That there be no difference between the two religions in courts of justice.
9. That all poor persons shall be received into the hospitals without respect to their religion.
10. Taxes to be provided in the assembly of the States.
11. That they pay only the taxes exacted in the time of Louis XII.
12. That they can marry themselves to strangers.
13. The benefices lately acquired to remain in the same hands, unless the possessors would prefer money.
14. That the garrisons of the King shall depart from the places and castles of them of the religion.
15. That all papers and moveables that can be recovered shall be returned.
16. That all stranger princes, shall have a copy of this Edict signed by the King.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 1¼.
May 6. 772. Answers of the King of France to the Deputies, not contained in the Edict.
1. He, the Queen Mother, the Princes of the blood, Marshals of France, and Privy Councillors will make oath for the observation of the Edict.
2. He will write to the Pope on behalf of liberty of conscience and restitution of property taken of the Comté of Venaissin and the Archbishopric of Avignon.
3. The presidents and councillors of the new chambers of the Courts of Parliament shall pay nothing for their offices. The 60,000 livres offered by them of the religion and the Catholics united with them, shall be paid at the time of the second payment of the reiters.
4. The presidents of the new chambers shall be named Presidents of the Courts of Parliament in which they shall be established, and be included in the number of the presidents of those courts.
5. The same of the councillors, who shall take their oath in the Parliament, saving those of Montpellier, who shall take oath to the Chancellor.
6. Those of the religion now holding benefices shall resign them to such Catholics as enjoyed them before the 24 August 1572, but shall receive payments out of the proceeds of the benefices.
7. All judgments against those of the religion by reason of these troubles shall be annulled, and they shall have recompense for their losses thereby.
8. The King will confirm the declaration of the late King to the inhabitants of Parniers, in respect of pardoning certain excesses committed therein in the month of June 1566.
9. The King will put in full liberty one of the sons of the Sieur de Chatillon, formerly Admiral of France, imprisoned since the 24 August 1572.
10. The officers of justice shall take heed to the pardoning of them of the religion for all things by them committed since the 24 August 1572.
11. The subjects of the King of those of the religion shall enjoy their goods and lands in the Comté de Venaissin and Archbishopric of Avignon.
12. All money for the payment of the reiters shall be raised on all subjects alike.
13. The King will make means to the magistrates of their cantons that the Swiss with the Prince of Condé be restored to their goods and dignities, and any Edict against them be annulled.
14. The inhabitants of Rochelle shall keep their ancient privileges, and have no governor but the Seneschal.
15. As for the salt sold by the Prince of Condé and M. Danville in the Bas Pays of Languedoc, and not yet delivered, the King will allow them 500 muids to be obtained within six months after the publication of the Edict.
16. The King will preserve the Prince of Condé in the government of Picardy, and give him the town of Peronne.
17. The King will provide 1,200 men at his own charge for the garrisons of the towns of them of the religion.
18. The King will give the town of La Charité to Monsieur, who may put a governor therein, with 12 soldiers for his guard. Monsieur shall promise to return the town within two years in the same state as he received it.
19. If there be any towns belonging to the King in Dauphiny held by those of the religion, they may have an option of them among the eight towns they are to have.
20. The King will give his governors to understand that when they visit these towns they shall give no occasion for quarrel with them.
21. For the reformation demanded in the church, the King has no greater wish than that there should be such reformation.
22. With regard to the prayer of the Count of Ventadour, that those of the county of Limousin should not be obliged to bring suits before the tribunals of Limousin the King will take order that their causes be taken to the Court Presidial at Bonnat.
23. The King will endeavour to provide that his subjects be not questioned as to their belief, or subject to inquisition, while in Italy, Spain, or other countries, provided they do nothing against the law of that country.
24. Monsieur, the Prince of Condé, Marshal Danville, and other knights and gentlemen of their party, shall swear to observe the articles agreed upon.
25. The towns of Moulins, Decize, Saumur, St. Jean d'Angeli, Niort, and Cognac shall be returned to the King in the same state as in which they were received.—6 May 1876.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 3⅓.
May 9. 773. M. Sebert to Davison.
Has spoken to the Council for the deliverance of the six prisoners about whom they had conference, who are sorry that they cannot comply with his request, but have written to the Admiral to set at liberty five others, as he may see by the copy of their letter. Sends him also a copy of the Council's letter to the Queen of England.—Brussels, 9 May 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2/3.
May 9. 774. The Council of Brabant to Don Sancho d' Avila.
There having been constant demands for the deliverance of six Englishmen captured in July last, and now serving in the galleys, they direct him to set at liberty five of them, the other one having already escaped.—Brussels, 9 May 1576.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Enclosure. P. 2/3.
May 9. 775. The Council of Brabant to the Queen of England.
As Mr. William Davison is returning towards her they send this letter thanking her for the good offices which she wished to do by his means. They were unable to give any other answer to her proposals, as the Commendator of Castile died so recently, and they have not yet received any messenger with the King's pleasure.—9 May 1576.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Enclosure. P. 1.
May 10. 776. Thomas Wilkes to Lord Burghley.
The treaty of peace has continued since the 26th of last month, now off, now on, and was concluded the 6th of this present, and published. He will best judge of the goodness thereof by the Edict. Either party was greatly desirous thereof, and either for necessity. Duke Casimir, as best worthy, has not sped worst, although he has not three towns according to the first capitulation. He has land and pensions of the King, Chateau Thierry from Monsieur, a company of 100 men-at-arms, a continual colonelship of 4,000 horse, and 12 reitmeisters paid, the whole during life. His army is to be paid for eight months, and the whole debts of Germany to be wholly satisfied at a second payment within six months after the first, which is promised to be the sixth of next month, for four months, until when he departs not out of France with his army. The King has agreed to discharge his army within 10 days after the publishing of the peace. The King of Navarre requires only to have his sister and his wife sent unto him, pretending to live like a king in his own country severed from the Court. Monsieur determines to make his abode at Bourges, and the Prince of Condé now here, now there, between them both. For the first payment, the hostages delivered to Duke Casimir are MM. de la Vaugiron, de la Vagout, d'Escars, and de Luxembourg, and for the second, assurance is to be given in Germany. Is persuaded by Mr. Randolphe to attend here her Majesty's pleasure with Monsieur.—Sens, 10 May 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1⅓.
May 11. 777. Dr. Dale to Lord Burghley.
The doubt is here lest the Guises will devise some practice against Duke Casimir in his return, as their uncle the Duke d'Aumale did against Marquis Albret, for he has all the captains about the Court following him, and has spoken openly that he would give 10,000 crowns if the peace take place at this time. The King's reiters are drawn from the side of Beauce to the Isle of France and Champagne, and the footmen are appointed to march in Brie, coasting Duke Casimir. Many of the religion are not contented with the conditions of this peace, because the faubourgs of Paris are excepted, and yet have they gotten more without any stroke stricken than ever could be had before this time by all the wars, as appears by the note of the provinces that are to be under the government of them and their friends. It is a good amendment since the King was at Lyons, when Monsieur and the King of Navarre were like to be shut up every day, and men resolved utterly to root up religion and all that assisted them. This being brought to pass in so little time they may well hope of greater things in time to come. All the doubt is lest they should not continue in unity among themselves.—Paris, 11 May 1576. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. Pp. 1⅓.
May 11. 778. Randolphe to Lord Burghley.
He may assuredly know the peace is concluded, and with that which is promised to be set forth hereafter; he comes himself as soon as he can.—Paris, 11 May 1576. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. P. ⅓.
May 11. 779. Randolphe to Walsingham.
1. Being sent for in great haste by the Queen Mother he went with as much speed as he might, but being come to Nemours, where she was, was sent to Moret to attend her coming there, from thence was adjourned to Montreuil, and so to Sens. Requiring to have some knowledge of her pleasure, she told him Monsieur desired greatly to speak with him, and she prayed him to do all good offices he could with him for the furtherance of the peace. Promised his endeavour and whatsoever was convenient for him to do. After his departure from her understood by La Mothe, whom he thinks of purpose was sent to him, that the difficulty was upon the payment of the 5,000 crowns which Casimir would have discharged; of this matter would take no knowledge, and utterly denied that he had commission to deal therein, but with such as had received the same. The peace was concluded on the 6th at a little village two leagues beyond Sens, proclaimed that night in Sens, and the next morning solemnised with a pious sermon, bell ringing, and general procession, in which the Queen was, about a great part of the town. Next day went to Monsieur, who lay at St. Gilles, two leagues beyond Villeneuf St. George. Cannot write of his welcome, his entertainment, the long and fair discourses, of the Queen's greatness and favours towards Monsieur, being forced for the desire he has to despatch the bearer to write at an unseasonable hour after a great journey and heavy supper. The Prince of Condé, a worthy young impe, used him with great honour and many words of the Queen's praise. Meru forgot not himself in all kinds of duties towards his Sovereign. Taking leave in the morning, went to Villeneuf St. George to Duke Casimir, a most worthy gentleman, wholly at the Queen's devotion. Abode with him almost seven hours, and of many matters he desired the Queen to be privy unto, for that they are great and many, keeps them in store till he comes himself. Hopes the Queen will find sufficient matter to her contentment, and order taken for the 5,000 crowns at the next mart of Frankfort. Attends the Queen Mother's letters to his mistress, which she promised to send after him; herself is not looked for these three days. She attends the delivery of the hostages to Casimir, who are ready, and depart this day. He knows of old what has been said, "Poverty makes the peace," and upon which side is greatest may be seen by that which the Queen is forced to yield unto. Knows none so ill at ease in this bargain as the King himself and those that take his part.—Paris, 11 May 1576. Signed.
2. P.S.—Monsieur sends young Plessis to the Queen with remembrance of his duty and word of this peace. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. Pp. 3.
May 11. 780. Count of Meru to Lord Burghley.
Takes advantage of the sending of M. du Plessis to remember his duty to him, and assure him of his readiness to serve him.—St. Julien, May 11, 1576. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. Fr. P. 2/3.
May 15. 781. Sir Robert Constable to Walsingham.
He caused the surveyor, Johnson, to take a view of the piece, and has sent the plat both of the town and the haven, with his opinion for the measure of every pole and an estimate of the charge. Has also taken advice of others of good knowledge, as Raufe, the master carpenter, who had the doings of the pier at Boulogne when it was English. The mayor of the town has offered to find 100 labourers for the haven at the town's cost. Trusts upon the coming of the new Treasurer he may find time to go to the "banes," to see if he can get an ease of his pain. Thanks him in behalf of the gentlemen, captains, and soldiers of the town for standing fast in their behalf in their causes against Mr. Browne. The Regent understanding of his great pain has offered to send him the cunningest men who were in Scotland.—Berwick, 15 May 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
[May 15.] 782. Constable and Johnson to the Privy Council.
Rowland Johnson's opinion as to what should be done for the improvement of the harbour by means of a great wall of rough stone, the total expense of which including labour he estimates at 701 li. 9s. Signed, Robert Constable. Rowland Johnson. The haven mouth is in breadth at lowwater in the narrowest place, 340 feet, and in depth in the middle 2 fathoms and a quarter. Johnson begs that his entertainment may be increased, as Sir Richard Lee had 20s. a day, and 10 men in wages, Mr. Rogers 13s. 4d. and six men, Mr. Ridgway 10s. and six men, whilst he has served 17 years and has but 2s. 6d. and one man in wages. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2⅓.
May 15. 783. Dr. Dale to Lord Burghley.
There is much difficulty in the execution of the peace, for the gathering of the great sums which are to be paid to the strangers, and also for the deliverance of the towns to Monsieur and the Prince of Condé. It is said they of Peronne refuse to submit to the Prince, but the King is entered so far and has proceeded with such goodwill and courage to the publication of the peace that men have good hope he will not stick at the rest, for he has sent the hostages and 100,000 crowns in ready money, and better than 100,000 crowns in jewels, to Duke Casimir, and has sealed his patents for the pensions of Duke Casimir, which are very great. He is to have 20,000 francs out of the King's receipt of Chalons and the Duchy, and town of Estampes, and other towns to make up 40,000 francs by the year, besides Chateau Thierry which he is to have of Monsieur of the value of 20,000 francs by the year, and besides a hundred men-at-arms and 4,000 reiters to be paid by the King. It was much to be noted that the King caused the Duke of Guise, the Duke of Maine, the Duke d'Aumale and the Marshal de Retz to be at the publication of the peace, and to swear unto it, although it were very coldly done on the part of the Guises. They had the oath ministered unto them, and were willed to hold up their hand, which is the manner of taking an oath in this country. The Queen Mother applies it on her side to the uttermost, and hastens the payment of the money, and the delivery of the hostages and towns, but the Guises seek all the quarrels they may. First they say Duke Casimir braves all France to make him odious, and that he shall not return over their lands, and Casimir is precise he will not go out of his way for the Duke of Guise. The Duke of Lorraine picks a quarrel for spoiling his country, and says he shall not come back by his lands. The Duke of Nemours is at defiance with the Prince of Condé and the King of Navarre, for the matter of matrimony, and Madame Rohan and the legitimation of her son which touches the Duchess of Nemours, mother to the Guises, in honour, and consequently all that house. Thus these particular quarrels are sufficient to stir coals among them, the King lists not or may not stickle them. These men call themselves now malcontents as the others did before. Her Majesty's friends are much increased in countenance and force, and the ways whereby she might be annoyed cut off.—Paris, 16 May 1576. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 23. 784. Dr. Dale to Burghley.
There is much heart burning touching the execution of this peace. The churchmen and the Guises show themselves open enemies to it, and solicit the towns to make resistance, namely, touching the exercise of religion, as though it were by the manner of complaint that they having done the King good service as the town of Paris may not be as well exempted The King hitherto stands constant, and yet he had much ado before the Queen Mother returned to this town, but now she takes the matter upon her. Ambassadors and others congratulate the King and her. The Guises are well put to silence. The Nuncio has been earnest with the King for that he has taken upon himself to deal in church matters without the Pope's consent. Montmorency begins to take upon him his new government, and thereby arises daily new matter of quarrel between him and the Guises. The King has caused the admiral's image to be taken down from Montfaucon, and has amended the pourvu of the Edict for the exercise of religion, that the restraint shall be for men's houses only, and not generally of all places as it is in the Edict, and other things are partly done hastily or doing for the execution of the Edict. Duke Casimir remains about Troyes until the payment of the rest of his money, which is to be paid the 6th of June, being 800,000 francs, and Monsieur remains with him, for as yet there are none of the towns delivered to him. Howbeit the King has passed his grant of appanage under seal to be verified in the Court of Parliament and Chambers of Comptes. —Paris, 28 May 1576. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
May 25. 785. Fortifications of Berwick.
Estimates of the charges for the reparations of the fortifications by the master gunner, amounting to 1,345 li.
Endd., May 25 1576. Pp. 2.
May 27. 786. The Regent Morton to Lord Burghley.
Desires that he may be advertised of certain things moved to her Majesty, partly through his letters and partly through Mr. Henry Killigrew. Trusts that he may not be burdened with the redress of more goods than were taken at the late unhappy accident at the Redswyre, as sundry horses and goods being brought to the place appointed for delivery were refused, such as wanted them rather claiming the high prices they had sworn them unto than the horses and goods themselves. Smells an intention of some new trouble by a defiance sent by Mr. Phenik, in Northumberland, to the Rutherfords in Scotland, and trusts that "tymous" order may be put thereto.— Dalkeith, 27 May 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1⅓.
May 27. 787. The Privy Council to Mr. Beale.
Direct him not to return as long as there is any hope of his prevailing in the matter of the merchant of London's goods, which are stayed in Zealand.—Greenwich, 27 May 1576.
Copy. Endd. P. 2/3.
May. 27. 788. Dr. Dale to Lord Burghley.
Men do nothing but prepare money to pay the reiters and Monsieur. The reiters make harvest with their horses in the fields until the 6th of June. It is thought upon the passing of his appanage to Monsieur, he will be towards Bourges. The King of Navarre is gone to Chatelheraut, and there tarries for his sister. The King's forces are dismissed.—Paris, 27 May 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
May 29. 789. Stephen, King of Poland, to Henry III.
Has undertaken the administration of the kingdom of Poland, as otherwise great disturbances might have arisen not only there but in other parts of Christendom. Assures him of his goodwill and friendship, and desires to know what he will have done with such household stuff as he has left behind in Poland.—Cracow, 29 May 1576.
Copy. Endd. by Burghley. Lat. Pp. 2⅓.
May 30. 790. The Queen to John Clopton.
Directing him as receiver-general of the revenues of Northumberland and Durham to pay to Robert Bowes, her treasurer of Berwick, the sum of 2,000 li each half year, whose receipt shall be sufficient warrant for such payment.—Greenwich, 30 May, Anno Regni 18.
Copy. Endd. P. 1.
791. Another copy.
Endd. Broadside.
[May 30.] 792. The Queen to the Governor of Berwick.
Appointing Robert Bowes, Esquire, Treasurer of the town of Berwick-on-Tweed, and paymaster of the garrisons of all the holds on the marches towards Scotland.
Rough draft. Endd. Pp. 1⅓.
May 30. 793. Edict of Pacification in France.
1. Requests of the deputies to the King of France that he will cause the several articles of the Edict of Pacification to be put into effect.
2. Answers of the King to each of these several requests stating what he has done and will do for these matters.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 3.
794. Another copy.
Fr. Pp. 3⅓.
May 30. 795. Droit d'Aubaine.
1. Request of the English Ambassador to the King of France that he will cause his officers to cease troubling Thomas Morrice for the goods of Oliver Fisher who died at Rouen, under pretence of Aubaine, which right never had place in England against the French nation, and that by right of the last treaty it ought not to take place in France against the English.
2. M. Brulart answers that the article of the treaty whereof mention is made not being accomplished the right of Aubaine remains still to the King. Had not the Queen Mother already given the fruits and profits of the Vicomte of Rouen to one of his special servants, the King would gladly have gratified the suppliant for the ambassador's sake.— Paris, 30 May 1570.
Copy. Fr. P. ¼.
796. Another copy.
P. 1.
May 31. 797. The Prince of Orange to the Queen.
The bearer, Mr. Beale, brought him her letter which he communicated to the States and the Admiralty, and by their advice has drawn up an answer which he begs she will take in good part, considering the urgent necessity in which they stand and the justice and importance of their cause.— Campveer, 31 May 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
May 31. 798. The Prince of Orange to the Lords of the Council.
Has received their letter and heard from Mr. Robert Beale the continual complaints made against his people for outrages committed at sea against the Queen's subjects, and especially for the arrest of certain vessels belonging to the Merchant Adventurers. Has not been able to answer sooner on account of having to attend to the revictualling of Zericksee. Expresses his regret that this should have happened, and has consulted with the Estates of Zealand about a remedy, but could find no other more expedient considering the present state of affairs than that reply which they have given in writing to the bearer Buiz than to have regard to the justice of their cause, and the great charges they are at to deliver this poor country from a tyranny which can only redound to the great detriment of religion, and also to the realm of England, and hopes that they will be contented with the said answer.— Campveer, 31 May 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 1¼.
May 31. 799. The Prince of Orange to Lord Burghley.
Was greatly displeased when he heard from Mr. Robert Beale of the injuries which the Earl of Oxford had received at the hands of certain sea captains calling themselves Flushingers. Has taken such order that some of them are already in prison, and if they are found guilty they shall be punished in such a manner that all who have been aggrieved by them will be contented and will see how unpleasing such actions are to the States.—Vere [Campveer], 31 May 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. ½.
May 31. 800. The Prince of Orange to Walsingham.
Begs him to use his influence with the Queen to induce her to take their answer in good part, especially as he does not doubt. but that there are some who will endeavour to set her against it. Campveer, 31 May 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ¾.
May 31. 801. M. de St. Aldegonde to Walsingham.
To a similar effect as the Prince of Oranges letter of this date.—Campveer, 31 May 1576. Signed, Ph. de Marnix.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 2/3.
May. 802. The Prince of Orange's answer to Mr. Beale.
Although the inhabitants of Holland and Zealand have often made great complaint to him of the wrongs and damages received at the hands of the subjects of the Queen of England the Prince has not thought fit to trouble her Majesty, hoping that she, seeing the good affection borne towards her, would find some convenient remedy for these grievances. Since, however, Mr. Beale, being sent from her Majesty's council, has required him to make some declaration of them, he has collected some of the most notorious examples, which he begs her Majesty to take in good part. [Here follow a number of notices of pillages perpetrated by her Majesty's officers and others her subjects on the Hollanders and Zealanders since the year 1572, for which he begs that restitution may be made.]
Endd. 1576. Fr. Pp. 3.
[May.] 803. Affairs of France.
1. List of the names of the Councillors, &c., of the Dukes Casimir and Alençon and the Prince of Condé.
2. The covenant of the pensions for Duke Casimir.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 1½.
[May.] 804. Affairs in France.
Articles for the exercise of religion and the administration of justice in France, accorded between the King and the Protestants.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 3.