Elizabeth: January 1575

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1880.

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'Elizabeth: January 1575', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp1-10 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: January 1575', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp1-10.

"Elizabeth: January 1575". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1880), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp1-10.

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January 1575

A.D. [1575.] 1. Renewal of the Intercourse between England and Spain.
Book roughly bound in parchment entitled "The Colloquy in 1573," containing different documents relating to the renewals of the intercourse between England and Spain.
1. Copy of the confirmation of the treaty between Burghley and Alva by King Philip. Dated at Madrid, 8 June 1573.
Lat. Pp. 4¾.
2. Copy of a commission by the Queen appointing certain persons to settle all controversies arising out of the late arrest of the goods in England and the Low Countries.—Hampton Court, 22 Feb. 1574.
Lat. Pp. 1¼.
3. Copy of a commission by King Philip giving full power and authority to the Duke of Alva to treat for a renewal of the intercourse between his subjects and those of the Queen of England.—The Escurial, 31 March 1573.
Lat. Pp. 22/3.
4. Copy of appointment by the Duke of Alva of certain commissioners to negotiate with the Queen for a renewal of the intercourse.—Amsterdam, 29 Sept. 1573.
Fr. Pp. 2.
1575. Jan. 2. 2. Geoffry Preston to Lord Burghley.
Doubts not but that he has received his former letters, especially those sent from Emden, in which, amongst other things, was mentioned the unprofitable entertainment of Earl John. Upon receipt of his answer will give advertisement, and put in practise greater matters for the Queen's service.— Hamburg, 2 Jan. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Jan. 2. 3. Answer of the Flushingers to the English Merchants.
Some of their armed vessels having seized an English ship laden with cloths, and bound for Ostend and brought her into Flushing, and Thomas Middleton and John Rings having presented a request on the part of the Merchant Adventurers that she might be given up, it was proposed to purchase her cargo at the same price which it would fetch at Antwerp or Bruges, to which they say the petitioners have no commission to agree. As the seizure was made through exigencies of war, without any intention of injuring the English, they desire that they will send full commission to their deputies to treat for the said sale.—Flushing, 2 Jan. 1574. Signed: Charles de Beaulieu, Adrian Marmarke.
2. Acknowledgment signed by Middleton and Rings of the fact of the above offer of purchase, and the receipt of a similar letter to be delivered to the Governor of the Merchant Adventurers at Antwerp.—Flushing, 2 January 1574. Signed.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Jan. 2. 4. The Grand Commendator of Castile to the Queen.
Passport for Mathias de Monte Hermoso, who is desirous of returning into his own country.—Antwerp, 2 Jan. 1574.
Copy. Add. Endd. Fr. P. 2/3.
Jan. 4. 5. Roger Bodenham to Lord Burghley.
1. It is reported that there is a peace concluded for life between the Queen and the King of Spain, which is joyful hearing. Cannot perceive that there is any peace meant here, for of late divers men have been taken and imprisoned by the Inquisition and their goods taken and spoiled, so that though peace is made with the King of Spain there remains another King to conclude with who commands, and who is of the spirituality. Will bring him a book by a learned physician called Dr. Monardos, in which he finds many things which may do his gout good.—St. Lucars, 4 Jan. 1575. Signed: Roger Bodenham.
2. P.S.—Roger Hawkin of Harwich is prisoner with the Inquisition at Seville.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2¼.
Jan. 6. 6. News from Cologne.
Arrival of the Counts of Swartzenburg, Oldenburg, Hohenlohe, Gleichen, and other noblemen, to treat of peace with the Governor of Flanders and the Prince of Orange. The Emperor will go into Bohemia to make his second son Ernest king, and afterwards to Augsburg, to hold the Diet there, when will be determined what is necessary for the peace of Lower Germany.—Cologne, 8 Id. Jan.
Endd. Lat. Pp. 1½.
Jan. 8. 7. Dr. Wilson to Lord Burghley.
1. Until he hears from the Council only deals in particular causes.
2. There is dealing for an agreement by certain sent from the Commendator to the Prince, as Leoninus the learned man of Louvain, but he doubts greatly of its success. Count Swartzenburg and Count Oloffe [Hohenlohe] are sent from the Emperor to deal herein, and are now at Bois-le-duc. The Emperor has sent heretofore an ambassador to King Philip for the same purpose, who has referred all to the Emperor, to do and deal as he shall think meet. The Marquis Vitelli has discharged himself of his pay, which was 1,000 crowns monthly, and has in reward 1,500 crowns yearly pension during life. He would fain be gone into Italy, and craves licence from the King. It is written by way of Hungary that the Turk passed out of this life the 13th Nov., at Adrianople, and his son succeeds, being 23 years of age, and greatly given to war. The Neapolitans desire King Philip to build at Biserta. King Philip has lately sharply charged the Venetians with the loss of the "Goletta." It is reported that of late the King had a sore fall as he came out of his coach; the "nodel of his head" being sore hurt, and that he is in some danger with a burning fever. The Cardinal of Lorraine was dangerously sick of the "petezzi," a kind of plague. The French King does not give that satisfaction that was looked for when he was Duke of Anjou. It is said that there are 2,000 Frenchmen in the Downs, others report that so many are come from Rochelle to serve the Prince. An Englishman called Wynche lately wrote that three English gentlewomen, very sumptuously apparelled, and one or two men were lately apprehended at Flushing upon the accusation of one Bishop.
3. Richard Thompson of York, servant to Edward Dacres, has lately come out of France and returned to Brussels to the English assembly there. Has made a large offer to know their secrets.—Antwerp, 8 January 1574. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
Jan. 8. 8. Duke Casimir to Dr. Dale.
Prays him let no occasion slip for the advancement of a good and firm peace, which would be to the honour of God and the establishment of France in tranquillity.—Camp de Chastelet, 8 January 1575. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. Fr. P. ½.
Jan. 10. 9. Benedetto Spinola to Lord Burghley.
Is thankful that he is freed from his severe illness. Sends him news from Italy. Begs that the rest of the money belonging to the Genoese may be sent to him, as he has to make some pressing payments for cloths, and has made an agreement with the Genoese for all the money owing to them by the Queen.—10 Jan. 1574. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Ital. P. 1.
Jan. 10. 10. Dr. Wilson to Lord Burghley.
1. On Saturday was with the Commendator to have answer on particular matters; but especially for that he heard the rebels were paid their pensions at Brussels due to them by promise from the King. The Commendator said that it was but an alms paid to them because they should not starve. Wilson said that he dealt for their banishment on the 29th November according to the conditions of the treaty of 1495; whereby, upon intimation given, either Prince's rebels are to be banished within one month. He answered that if the Queen would banish the Flemings out of England then the Englishmen should be sent away. Wilson told him that such conditional answers were not agreeable to the treaties of intercourse, and that he [Wilson] should be first satisfied, and then if the King wrote or sent into England no doubt he would be satisfied. After many speeches had passed with some heat, the Commendator asked what the Queen meant to deal thus against these "wretches," who can do no harm, and are rather to be pitied than punished, being all good simple Catholics? Wilson said that traitors were not to be pitied, and that they continued in their lewdness and practised daily what mischief they could against their Sovereign and country. "Well, quoth he, let that be proved and they shall all be presently sent away." Wilson said that their first offence done in England deserved present punishment. "Well," quoth he, "you speak much against these people, and England still cherishes the rebels of Holland, and you yourself have in your house at this time some of the Prince's company." Wilson told him that he should not give over easy credit to reports, and if some Hollanders traded in England the Queen should not bear the blame thereof, as he himself could not stay some of Antwerp from dealing with the Hollanders.
2. Wishes that he had authority to deal more sharply, as he is out of patience with this late pay to the rebels, which not only the Commendator but also the Marquis Vitelli and President Rodas term a kind of alms.
3. The Earl of Westmoreland is much grieved with him because he gave out that by his report Sir Francis Englefield was a deeper dealer than he was, and so they are now at great variance. Lewd is the speech that the Earl and Countess still use of the Queen. Trusts to understand shortly the bottom of their devices. Has of late offered largely to one that shall deal with a rebel to undermine their doings. Richard Thompson of York is returned to Brussels again, and will take shipping into Scotland. He is apparelled all new in fair blue, and carries many letters with him.
4. Chamberlain's brother of Woodstock, who is married in Ghent, and Lyggons are chief counsellors with the Earl of Westmorland. They do what they can by all means possible to discredit Wilson.
5. P.S.—Will be more earnest than ever he was to have a resolute answer to his chief demands for the merchants and for the rebels now that he has word out of England.— Antwerp, 10 January 1574. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Jan. 15. 11. Walsingham to the Queen.
Sends her certain letters which he has received from the Regent, and also a copy of instructions delivered by the Bishop of Ross to his servant Lesley, sent into Scotland, by the view of which she may see how the two great Princes her neighbours are affected towards her, as also what unsound she has at home. Though the Cardinal of Lorraine be dead, he has left successors enough of his malice to execute such plots as he has in his lifetime set down, the dangerous effects whereof she will see whensoever the foreign troubles of the Princes her neighbours are at an end, unless by prevention she puts in execution such remedies as good policy and the necessity of her estate require. If she uses not expedition, the malady in time will grow incurable, and the hidden sparks of treason, which now lie covered, will break out into an unquenchable fire. By the enclosed letter she may see how much the Regent finds himself aggrieved, for that there is so long delay used in sending to him, it were therefore very convenient that one were sent to him out of hand, with full satisfaction to his demands, which tend only to her safety. There is no man of judgment who loves her Majesty who can imagine any peril can befall her so great as the loss of that gentleman, either by death or alienation.— London, 15 Jan. 1574. Signed.
Endd. Pp. 1⅓.
Jan. 16. 12. Edward Carey to Walsingham.
1. The Regent's letter specifies a cipher which the Queen has not received in the packet which he sent. As for the man dwelling in London, whom the letter mentions the Queen's pleasure is, that forthwith he should be apprehended, for she says that it has always been her manner, that when any councillor tells her of anything that merely concerns herself, she is not used to impart it to any other until the thing be executed. He is to devise instructions to be sent to the Regent, together with a letter of thanks from her Majesty for his advertisements, and to write that she will ere long send Ralph or Killegrew to him.—Hampton Court, 16 Jan. 1574. Signed.
2. P.S.—Complains of an extreme cold which he has taken.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
Jan. 16. 13. Dr. Dale to Lord Burghley.
1. Lord North shows his good nature and virtue in all his doings; he has good cause to be offended that the King should write that he had not spoken in the merchant's causes, in which he not only did most earnestly speak, but delivered a remembrance of those that were most recommended. For his own part, he delivered the whole catalogue of complaints Lord North brought over with him, and special articles of remembrance of all the complaints, he had commandment to deal with the King that dead is, and also a particular discourse for the privilege of the English merchants, all which contained little lack of two quires of paper. God help a poor man that shall deal with them in matters alone! Will try his best for satisfaction of the complaints. Sends a catalogue of such persons as are about the King in credit, and what manner of persons they are. Will have no controversy with the Chapter of Wells, but will end it friendly; hears the Queen has forgiven him the first-fruits of the Deanery.
2. The King is in his way hitherward from Avignon, and nothing done. They of Provence are more busy than they were before. M. Danville has 5,000 or 6,000 footmen and 1,800 horsemen, besides the towns well furnished, and look for more men by M. de Terrides, out of Gascony. They of Livron have repulsed three assaults, and slain 300, and hurt as many; now the siege begins to be famous, being but a very little uplandish town. The Duke D'Uzes is left behind with the charge of the wars, only for the enmity that is between him and Danville, for D'Uzes has been always of the religion; he has not past 3,000 footmen and two cornets of reiters, with two bands of French horsemen, and yet has he such force as M. de Retz brought out of Provence. Now the King's back is turned, the men will take more courage into them. Montbrun takes men going and coming daily between Avignon and Lyons. Two cornets of reiters are sent from here to Rheims, with the corps of the Cardinal of Lorraine, not willing to serve against them of the religion, and therefore not trusted. One of the reiters has been put to execution before Livron for intelligence with Montbrun, and likewise two French at Avignon as spies from Danville. La Nocle and La Haye, lieutenants of Poitou, have been entertained with treaty of peace at the Court. Cannot hear of the return of Du Challier from the Prince of Condé. The ambassadors of Poland that are here have declared to the King that the election will be proceeded with if he come not thither at May next. The Duke of Ferrara has sent to the King to be his suitor for that kingdom, it is said privily that the King will make money out of that realm, and that the King of Sweden is entertained in that behalf as one most likely to give. The ambassador at Venice desires that if a ship laden with wine taken by them of Rochelle be brought to England it shall be stayed; has written to Dr. Lewis of the matter. The news of the death of the Turk is confirmed by letters from Poland.—Lyons, 16 January 1574. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Jan. 17. 14. Edward Carey to Walsingham.
Whereas he wished the Queen to make some two or three of her Council privy to the matter, she will show the substance to them herself, so that he thinks her further pleasure will be signified to him by some of those to whom she means to impart the secrecy of the matter unto.—Hampton Court, 17 Jan. 1574. Signed.
Endd. P. 1.
Jan. 17. 15. News from Lyons.
The King's camp before Livron is 4,000 Switzers. Count Charles has 400 reiters; Marshal Bellegarde, two cornets of men-at-arms, 2,000 footmen, and 16 pieces of ordnance. The breach is above 60 paces, very reasonable to enter. Three assaults have been given, the two first on the 27th December, wherein were hurt 150 gentlemen of name there for their pleasure, with stones in their faces, arms, and legs, and M. de Valam's son slain. The second assault was given about 3 o'clock the same day, wherein was slain 36 soldiers and four captains. On the 30th December there entered Livron, sent by Montbrun for their succour, 55 soldiers with powder, every man with 30 pounds weight, and their harquebusses. The 2nd January the King's side went to discover the breach, and lost of their men 24; the Governor of Livron, for whom much moan is made, was slain with a cannon shot. The 6th of January entered into Livron a new Governor, with 250 shot, at 10 o'clock at night. The 9th of January the King's side gave a general assault with two "moynes" they had made, but were repulsed, and lost 200 men, besides 300 hurt. Marshal Bellegarde hurt in the thigh, 20 captains and 15 reiters slain, 50 that went with Count Charles to the assault slain, and Count Charles himself slain or hurt. Two cornets of reiters are sent home, for they told the King they would not fight against them of the religion; the rest of the reiters are sent to Languedoc to Duke . . ., the force of whose camp is 3,000 French soldiers, 2,000 Switzers, two cornets of reiters, four companies of men-at-arms, eight pieces of ordnance. The Duke is sent to besiege Bocas, a town four leagues of Avignon, in which are 600 good soldiers; and Danville is but four leagues off at Nismes, with 1,200 horse and 1,000 shot. The Count de Retz's camp is broken up, and he has given up his charge; Strozzi, they say too, will meddle no more, neither a great many captains, whose governor he was. The towns Retz won are at the present as he found them, and more strong with them of the religion in Provence. Count de Retz is sent into Dauphiny and Provence to see it, that they of the country will do as they of Languedoc do. The King has had of the States of Languedoc [190,000 livres], with which he has paid his soldiers, and maintains war in that country, he is like to receive no more. There was lately at the Court one that came from the Prince of Condé, brought to the King and twice racked to make him confess somewhat; it cannot be learned what he has confessed, save only that Danville should be in readiness, taking heed whom he trusted. There was hanged at the Court gates a captain of Danville's; they laid it to his charge that he was sent by Danville to kill . . . ., but he denied it to the end. The Pope's Nuncio going to Avignon by water was like to be taken; his boat was shot through in 20 places, and certain of his mariners slain. Montbrun lately took going to the Court 28 prisoners, merchants, and of the King's officers going to serve their quarters, whereof were five of Paris, which were slain, for they will not save one of Paris. Montbrun has taken 200 horse that came from Lyons to the Court to fetch their masters. Montbrun's force is 700 horsemen and 3,000 footmen; he has in readiness 300 or 400 mules laden with victual for Livron, notwithstanding they have already in the town three months' victual and 600 men. Montbrun holds in Dauphiny these towns, "Bordeaux, Die, Laval, Sobriers, Soreze, Nevenena, La Risa, Livron, Orange, and La Garde." . . . . . . . . . The King has hanged the man that came from the Prince of Condé, because he would confess nothing of the Prince's coming. He also hanged a gentleman of the reiters before Livron that would have conveyed into the town 30 harquebusses of crock, and for sending a pistol with letters to Montbrun; he confessed nothing at his death. The reiters were in arms to have saved him, but came too late; they slew five or six of the King's men.
Mutilated. Pp. 2½.
Jan. 23. 16. Sir Francis Englefield to Dr. Wilson.
Desires that he will vouchsafe to give him some written testimony of the effect of the message sent to him by the Earl of Westmoreland as far forth as it touched him. Regarding how much the accusation imports him, trusts he will excuse him for not leaving anything undone tending to his defence. As for his further commandment, to use his endeavour to bring to light the author of that book; will within three or four days send one to him that by personal conference with him he may more largely understand all the circumstances.— Brussels, 23 Jan. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Jan. 25. 17. Dr. Dale to Lord Burghley.
The King has said to him that there had been deputies to him to treat for peace, who had appointed to be with him again at Rheims with some resolution, and that they of Lusignan had rendered themselves. Touching Montmorency, the King said he must abide his trial by justice, wherein he desired no rigour. When he moved the King touching the Queen's subjects, he willed him to give him a remembrance of them, as though he had never heard of the matter; when he put him in remembrance of those books he had delivered at Lord North's last audience, he called the matter to mind, and willed him bid Chiverny call upon him the next day with the books for the despatch of the matters. Wrote to Chiverny, whose answer is that since the King departs so soon there can be nothing effectually done till he be in a place of stay. The Queen Mother used much the same speeches, saving that she added that the King should be able to compass his subjects otherwise if they would not willingly incline to pacification. The King departed this town on the 24th, and appoints to be at Rheims the 10th February to be sacred the 15th. The Poles have had a short despatch; the King will send one to Poland with his answer. Since the departure of the King from Avignon, Danville has taken Aiguesmortes, a strong port, well furnished with munition, the staple of salt for Languedoc, Dauphiny, Lionnois, and Burgundy, a matter of great consequence. They of Provence have taken Digne, a strong place in that country. The King came under the walls of Livron in his way, yet the very same day Montbrun put 100 men into the town, and the King was fain to withdraw his camp. Count Ghiazzo passing between this town and Avignon was slain with divers of his company. M. de Gourdes is not sorry for the evil success of Bellegarde before Livron, because the charge was taken from him, being lieutenant of the country. La Nocle was much made of at Court; he returns to the King at Rheims from the Prince of Condé. The Venetians have news that the Turk is alive again.—Lyons, 25 Jan. 1574. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. Pp. 1½.
Jan. 26. 18. The Prince of Orange to Lord Burghley.
Letter of credence for M. Calvart sent to the Queen of England.—Dortrecht, 26 Jan. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ⅓.
Jan. 28. 19. "The Attempt against the Duke of Alençon's Person."
Upon the news of the attempt upon Monsieur's person, the Queen Mother, being at Chatelherault, coming towards Paris, was taken with a great "fevre," whereof she had nine fits, and withal a catarh, which fell down into her arm, so that she was constrained to stay her voyage. In the mean time she endeavoured to pacify the minds of Monsieur and others; and because she was so much offended with the Chancellor, the Dukes of Guise, Nemours, and Nevers, and with M. Chivernay and others of the King's Council, the King sent Chiverny to her to purge himself, but she was so much displeased that she would scant speak with him, and used very sharp words against him and the rest; in the end he is returned with much ado upon promise to amend all faults and to do nothing hereafter contrary to her determinations. The Duke of Guise and the rest stand so in doubt of the Queen's displeasure that they are ready to give over and deal no more against her. There have been great practices to stay the reiters, who have promised to stay about Chaumont so as the agreement made with Monsieur be performed, and so that the King stays his reiters, and the army of the Duke of Maine, which lies at Vittry, be withdrawn, and so that they be quietly served with victuals. Schomberg has come out of Germany and puts the King in comfort that there are 8,000 reiters ready for him. The King requires the Swiss to send him 6,000 men, but they refuse to come under 10,000, to be of force to defend themselves. Monsieur has sent divers to the King of late, and shows himself willing to procure the quietness of the realm, but stands still to have Bourges and La Charite, and the King has sent M. Villeroy in outward countenance to cause these towns to be delivered. On the 16th Monsieur sent to the Court of Parliament offering to justify his doings. The fortifications of St. Denis go forward busily. The King has been at two nunneries lately to accomplish his devotions. The King is in such need of money that he has taxed the noblemen and gentlemen of the Court to lend him 50,000 francs towards the payment of the wages of his guards, which brings a new miscontentment among them.
Endd.: 28 Jan. 1573. Pp. 2.
20. Copy of the above.
Endd. Pp. 2.