Oct. 3. |
1187. —to Giacomo Spinola. |
Venice, 3 Oct. 1573.—The Venetian Ambassador arrived at
Constantinople, where the plague is very bad, on the 26
August. The King of Poland made a solemn entry into
Paris before his departure. Dispatch of ships laden with
merchandise for Constantinople. News of the Turkish fleet.
Add. Endd., with seal. Ital. P. 2/3. |
Oct. 4. |
1188. Sir Valentine Browne to Lord Burghley. |
The Earl of Argyle is departed this life of a sudden, being
well at his going to bed, and ere morning dead; the bestowing of his office of the Chancellorship is like enough to breed
some heart burning; there stands for it already the Lords
Glammis and Boyd. The quiet in these parts breeds no
occasion for his writing. Here is such tempest of weather
and rain as has not been seen these forty years, it has continued without intermission eight days and nights, besides
much like weather thirty days before. For his own part he has
lost at Scarborough one ship laden with corn from Lynn,
and another upon the rock in this haven. There has been a
marvellous spoil of the corn on the ground through all these
parts, where the harvest standing ungathered is like to
perish. The vehemence of the tempest has broken away a
hundred yards of the foundation of the old wall of the town
towards the river, whereby he stands in great fear the sea
shall break into the storehouses ere the winter pass.—
Berwick, 4 October 1573. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1. |
Oct. 6. |
1189. Dr. Valentine Dale to Lord Burghley. |
1. The Marshal of Retz uttered in talk that there had been a
plot devised that all Catholics in Christendom, with his
master as head, should have been joined against the Protestants. Learned of the Provost (of Paris) that divers
ladies of the court and Poles had been suitors for his brother
the Baron de Vitaux, who all had nay, by reason the King of
Poland is so hard against them, yet the Queen was appeased,
the King not offended, and means found that the procès of
the party was not hastened. The Queen Mother had been
a suitor three times already, but the King was loth to pardon
it, because the fact was done before his window. The King
said the same, and added he was always counselled by the
Queen's Majesty to use execution of justice. Desired the
King to deliberate upon it, because the King of Poland might
be either mollified or gone, and the Marshal might work
somewhat if he list. While the King was reading the
Queen's letters, had leisure to view the Duke of Alençon;
he is shot up somewhat in height since his sickness, of a
reasonable good stature, his colour amended of the ruddiness
it had, for the rest liking or misliking is in God only, who
will direct the Queen to his good pleasure. None of the
Poles are made knights of the order, because two being Protestants would not be at their ceremonies, and it might have
bred grudge if the others alone had been made. In truth
none would take it but Alasko, and if he alone had been
chosen it would have increased the suspicion he was overmuch French. M. de Foix is appointed to a solemn embassy
into Italy to all the potentates there, and to come back
through Germany. The Governor of Milan makes no haste
into Flanders, by reason of a faction raised by an execution published by Cardinal Borromeo and disobeyed by the
Governor. The Poles besides their charges defrayed had
each presented to him 2,000 crowns in money, a chain worth
two thousand, and a cup of gold, besides presents to their
gentlemen.—Melun, 6 October 1573. Signed. |
2. P.S.—The Bishop of Meath has taken shipping to Spain.
The deputies for Languedoc demand not only free exercise
of religion, but discharge of the taxes imposed during the
troubles. It is said they will demand an assembly of the
states for reformation of the realm, and it is thought divers
intend to join them from sundry parts of the realm, wherewith the Queen Mother is grieved, as they will direct their
doings against her government. M. de la Personne is sent
into Germany to practise the Princes against the House of
Add. Endd. Pp. 3. |
Oct. 7. |
1190. Count Montgomery to Lord Burghley. |
Thanks him for presenting his letters to the Queen, not
the first obligation he owes to him, and trusts it will not
be the last. Has sent to France to ascertain the state of his
affairs there.—Dartington, 7 October. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ¼. |
Oct. 7. |
1191. Sir W. Drury to Lord Burghley. |
The bearer, Mr. Sutton, being for sundry business occasioned
to repair to the Court, he has thought good to recommend
him. There is nothing in the town that appertains to his
office of the ordnance, but is in such readiness, so good case,
from time to time so well repaired with so little charge, as
since his being there he has not known the like; and for the
rest of the Queen's strengths and forts in the north parts
he hears like report. He may well perceive how the
last powder has been issued by a note that Sutton has
brought up. Touching his travail for allowance, his
request is that since the great charge is past and his office
so well furnished and provided for, he may receive payment
at Berwick.—Berwick, 8 October 1573. Signed.
Add. Endd., 7th October 1573. P. 1. |
Oct. 8. |
1192. Campet alias Saujon to Count Montgomery. |
Though he has not the honour to be known to him there is
no one more ready to do him service. Has heard of his
wish to come to France, and informs him he cannot live in
this town without giving great alarm to the Papists. Were
he to go to Montauban, Nismes, or Bearn they would be
happy for him to be there, and still more those of Languedoc
and Dauphiny, who have not laid aside their arms because
they can get no liberty of religion. He could land at a little
port called Rebeyron, and could come thence to his house at
Saujon without being seen by anyone. Could guide him to
Montauban without difficulty. Prays for a word by letter
or by some trusty person before his departure, and will
await him at his house.—Rochelle, 8 October 1573. Signed.
Add. Fr. Pp. 2. |
Oct. 10. |
1193. Sir Valentine Browne to Lord Burghley. |
On Wednesday the 7th there was a march day holden
between the Wardens for the East Marches, upon a complaint which the Warden of Scotland, with the Laird of
Buccleuch and divers of the gentlemen of Teviotdale, had
vehemently set forwards, for redress whereof they earnestly
sought to be licensed to make a foray into England. The
cause was that, at the last march day, they would have Sir
Thomas Gray and his men filed of a bill they had exhibited
against him for taking of 1,000 sheep and much other cattle
from the surname of the Pringles feeding within English
ground, which the Scots affirm was done on Scottish ground.
The Regent for hearing the cause sent the Master of Coldinghame and Carmichael, where the complaint was wholly
disproved by Sir Thomas Gray, who shewed a plain agreement under the hands and seals of the gentlemen whose cattle
the same were, acknowledging the cattle not only to be taken
in England, but also forfeited because they were "staffherded," and that for good neighbourhood he had given them
all their cattle again, saving 20 wethers in name of poundage.
It appears hereby, and by other froward dealing, the Borderers
like not of the good amity between the realms; it would not
be the least means to confirm the peace if the bounds between
both the realms were by discreet commissioners made certain,
limited, and staked out. Sir Thomas Gray has done very
much good upon the Borders of late, by seeking out and
taking thieves, and maintaining good order, wherein he
wishes he were encouraged, being as toward as any of his
ancestors these many years, and very stout and upright in his
dealing.—Berwick, 10 October 1573. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½. |
Oct. 11. |
1194. Count Montgomery to Lord Burghley. |
Sends a letter in which he may see that the King and
Queen Mother have employed a person called La Mothe to
take his life, who will have no pardon for the faults he has
committed unless he accomplish the enterprise. Details the
means to be employed in the same, and asks his advice under
the circumstances. There are four other persons employed for
the same purpose, who are soldiers, but Champernoun has
given order that no Frenchman with whom he is unacquainted shall be admitted to him. Has written to the
Queen, and prays him present his letters.—Dartington,
11 October 1573. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. Fr. P. 1. |
Oct. 15. |
1195. Pietro Bizarri to Lord Burghley. |
A large convoy of gunpowder going from Germany to the
Duke of Alva has been captured by 400 reiters in the
neighbourhood of Spires, and by them destroyed. The
Turkish fleet is making incursions on the shores of Calabria
and Apulia.—Augsburg, 15 October 1573. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. P. 1. |
Oct. 15. |
1196. Richard Bingham to Ralph Lane. |
Asks pardon for not sending intelligence, as the doings
since his arrival have been of small value, besides that the
reports here are so "current and eke so unjust" that it would
bring a man in doubt to deliver forth the things that he has
not seen with his eyes. On the 11th October the Prince
received letters from his brother Count Ludovic advertising
him that he had taken up in Germany 200,000 ducats, and
also levied 4,000 reiters. 1,600 Scots have arrived in Holland
and Zealand, and the Lord of Caker is bruited to be coming
with 1,000 horsemen. The league between the Prince and
the Scots grows very great, and there is motion of marriage
for the young King of Scotland to the Prince's daughter. The
enemy are forced by foul weather and the overflowing of the
waters to abandon the siege of Alkmaer, and to fire their tents
and sink much artillery, as the ground is unpassable. On the
11th the flood tide was a yard higher than it has been these
two years, with which the town of Middleburg was much
drowned. On the 28th September they retired from Flushing
to refresh themselves, for they had long endured all for two
months, never lodged but in the churches or on the dikes,
and very evil fed. The poor men in Middleburg being
brought to great extremity by the floods, many have come to
Flushing and given great intelligence to the governors with
promise from them of the town for the taking of the same,
and therefore Poiet has gone towards it with 2,000 men, but
of very spite and malice has left them behind to keep them
from the honour and gain of things easily achieved without
blows. On the 10th the Duke took a castle and abbey near
Gertruidenburg. On the 14th the Prince discharged Colonel
Chester, and does not deal much better with Morgan, though
he thinks that they have better assurance for their pay. The
Grave Marke [Count de la Marke] has fled, and Bingham is
of opinion that it is with the assent of the Prince, notwithstanding that he sent to stay him, as he has with him four or
five of the hoys and fly-boats that serve the Prince, and which
were sent to take him. Desires him to communicate the
intelligence in this letter to Burghley and other noblemen.—
Delft, 15 October 1573. Signed.
Add., with seal. Pp. 3¾. |
Oct. 16. |
1197. —to Count Montgomery. |
Their affairs still progress favourably. If he could come to
Saujon he would find many soldiers and gentlemen ready to
do him service. The messenger will inform him of all that
he has heard.—Rochelle, 16 October 1573. Signed.
Add. Endd. Ft. P. ½. |
Oct. 17. |
1198. Henry Killegrew to Lord Burghley. |
Would have waited upon him but for sickness. Furthers
the suit of the bearer for the customership of Berwick. Is
made believe that King Philip comes in person into Flanders
with 8,000 shot, and that Count Ludovic was to receive
50,000 crowns promised to him by the French King.—
17 October Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1. |
Oct. 23. |
1199. Frederick II. to Queen Elizabeth. |
Requests that John Foxall may have license to purchase
100 iron culverins, and transport them into Denmark for his
service.—Colding, 23 October 1573. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 1⅓. |
Oct. 24. |
1200. Richard Bingham to Lord Burghley. |
On the 22nd inst. there happened a great day of service
betwixt the garrison of Gertruidenburg and those of the Castle
of Ostrehoute, which was lost from the Prince ten or twelve
days before; there were divers prisoners of good account
taken on both sides. Those of Gertruidenburg, willing to
recover those whom they had lost, sent to M. La Mole, but
the trumpeter returned with the information that they had
hanged them all before his coming, upon which they of
Gertruidenburg hanged 30 of theirs, as well captains and
gentlemen as common soldiers, and Mons. Plessis, who was
taken prisoner four months before, was by the Prince's commandment hanged at Leyden. Those who killed Serras were
executed, some at Gertruidenburg and some at the Hague.
It is reported that those of Amsterdam have imprisoned the
Duke and his son in the town. It is thought here that they
have conceived that the towns of Middleburg and Armuyden
are not able to hold out, wherefore, say they, "If we revolt in
time from the Duke we shall recover our ships, which now
rest under Middleburg and Armuyden, being 80 great hulks,
laden with salt and other goods." They had good hope
hitherto that the Duke would so thoroughly succour the
towns that they could have brought the ships away. It is
thought here that the Prince will execute the Grave Bussue
[Bossu], for that he has been his mortal enemy, and the right
hand to the Duke, and also that all the gentlemen taken with
him shall be executed. The Count de la Marke is at Flushing.
Victuals grow very dear in all places in Holland, for want
whereof they have sent the greater part of their forces to
Utrecht and Guelders. Colonel Morgan, Mr. Chester, nor
any of the English captains here, can come to any agreement
with the Prince or the States for their entertainments
according to the contracts. They will neither come to account
in any reasonable sort, nor muster them out. Thinks that in
the end they will be all driven to depart without any satisfaction. About the 10th or 12th the ships of Enkhuisen
fought with those of Amsterdam, and gave them the overthrow. Gives a list of ships and artillery taken, together
with the names of Count Bossu and other principal prisoners.
—Dortrecht, 24 October 1573. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 22/3. |
Oct. 24. |
1201. Dr. Valentine Dale to Lord Burghley. |
There is an ambassador come out of Poland to hasten the
king elect thither. The King calls on his brother earnestly
for his departure. Follows the King to Chalons and so to
Rheims, and so do the rest of the ambassadors. Has travailed
in the matter of the merchants, and gotten the answer
enclosed. If they cannot get satisfaction for the corn that
was spent for the provision of their camp, and bills given
for the payment, knows not what may be hoped in other
suits. There is great expectation of news from the Queen.
The matter of the brother of the Provost of Paris shall be
called to the Parliament of Paris. In the matter of the
deanery of Wells, his meaning is absolutely to do for the
satisfaction of Mr. Wickham. The dearth of things marvellously increases; wine is 14 or 15 pence the English quart.—
Crespy-en-Valois, 24 October 1573. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2¼. |
Oct. |
1202. Petition of the English Ambassador for William
Nutshaw. |
Prays for the speedy payment of the claim of William Nutshaw for corn used in the King's army and for public
Copy. Lat. P.⅓. Enclosure. |
Oct. |
1203. Inventory of documents relating to the above claim.
Lat. P. 1. Enclosure. |
Oct. |
1204. Order of the Privy Council for Stephen Calart to discharge
the claim.
Fr. P. 2/3. Enclosure. |
[Oct.] |
1205. News from France. |
The Duke of Medina Celi has a passport through France
into Spain, greatly misliking the Duke of Alva. The Governor
of Milan hastens to the Low Countries, and the Marquis of
Egmont is appointed his successor. News is come that the
Princess of Portugal, sister to the King of Spain, is dead.
The embassy of M. de Foix is thought to be procured by himself to get the favour of the Pope for the Archbishopric of
Lyons, which the Pope would not suffer him to enjoy, notwithstanding it is given him by the King. The Emperor has
sent an ambassador to attend on the King of Poland through
P. 1. |
Oct. 24. |
1206. Instructions from the Queen for Thomas Randolph
sent into France. |
He is to thank the King for the sending of the Marshal de
Retz. He is to enlarge, as if it were the principal cause of
his coming, upon a promise made by the King to have certain
staple towns appointed in France for English merchants to
resort thither. The merchants say that although the promise
of the King ought to be thankfully accepted, they cannot
adventure into any other trade in those countries than they
have of late, for the experience they have of the evil usage of
themselves and their factors in those parts. If he be answered
that such order shall hereafter be taken that there shall be no
default of justice therein, he may require that their ambassador commune with the merchants, whose conditions are
naturally thither to resort where they may have most freedom
and favour to reside and use their trades. The inward, secret,
and principal cause of his voyage is this: the Marshal de Retz
having treated earnestly for the Duke of Alençon to come
over to solicit his own cause for marriage, was answered that
there were many difficulties therein, as chiefly the misliking
of the people, of which he himself could not allege ignorance.
Yet he seemed to gather there was another difficulty, that by
reason of former accidents of sickness happened a year ago
with the small-pox the Duke's personage and visage should
not content her, and offered if she would send any person
thither, he should, by his means, secretly and without any
open note to breed speech, see the Duke at good leisure, and
also have a perfect portraiture of him, and bring it over and
report what he had seen and understood. He is to procure
private speech with M. de Retz of this matter, and is to
observe the Duke's personage, complexion, speech, and behaviour. If he shall perceive that he is so disfigured by nature
or disease that in common reason he shall think she shall not
like to match with him, he is to say to the Marshal that since
his departure she has found a continuance of the causes to
him uttered, and also a secret grudging even among her own
servants, as it seems of a zealous care of her, and that by this
marriage she should lose the affections of her subjects.
Though by her authority her subjects might be prevented
from making outward demonstration of dislike, yet she would
not have her husband subject to such doubts and conceits,
and therefore cannot hazard so far as to admit his coming
hither. He shall request the Marshal to use his wisdom to
suspend this matter without further proceeding, and shall
earnestly move him to have the Duke's portraiture. If he
shall not perceive any such notable disgrace and deformity,
he shall forbear to utter in such plain terms the misliking of
her subjects, and shall say that the necessity her subjects find
to have her married will induce them hereafter to assent to
what shall be agreeable to her. Having the portraiture he
shall not stay longer, but shall so deal for his return that
the Court may think his coming is not for the matter of
the Duke.
Pp. 3½. |
Oct. 24. |
1207. Another copy of the same.
Endd. Pp. 4½. |
Oct. 24. |
1208. Another copy of the same.
Pp. 4½. |
Oct. 24. |
1209. Staple for English Merchants in France. |
The merchants trading to France do not like to have any
staple there for these reasons:—They cannot enjoy the privileges that have before been granted, but be grieved with new
impositions and customs. They are discouraged to have any
great dealing there, for want of due execution of justice, so
they be driven to leave their suits with great loss. Some
have lost their lives by seeking of justice, and many escaped
not without great fear and peril. There is no such vent or
utterance of wool and cloth, being the chief commodities of
this realm, that they have need of any staple, but be content
to traffic there as they have been wont to do.
Endd. P. 1. |
Oct. 28. |
1210. Pietro Bizarri to Lord Burghley. |
The Grand Commendator of Castile has set out from Milan
for the Low Countries. Don John has gone with his fleet
towards Africa. The Turkish fleet is going into winter
quarters. The Duke of Tuscany expecting death has
appointed the Cardinal Pacheco to administer his estates
amongst his children. The Venetians have called home all
their ships save 30 galleys, which are to guard the Adriatic.
Different reports as to the route which the King of Poland
will take towards his kingdom, which will not be safe through
Germany on account of the large sums owing by his brother
to the reiters and through the retention of Metz. There is a
large quantity of gunpowder at Frankfort which they are
afraid to transport through the hostile territory to the Low
Countries. The news of the disaster to the Duke of Alva's
fleet is differently received here according to the affection of
men's minds.—Augsburg, 28 Oct. 1573. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. P. 1. |
Oct. 28. |
1211. Sir Valentine Browne to Lord Burghley. |
Has caused Home and Fast castles to be given over to the
Regent, who has not only caused the Queen's captains that
had the keeping of them to be contented for their charges, but
has made further promise to perform recompense to such of the
soldiers or their wives as were hurt or slain at the expugnation
of Edinburgh Castle. He was by the Queen's letters required
to make delivery of such ordnance found at Home Castle as
by the marks thereof might be approved to appertain to the
King and Crown of Scotland; the same he had caused to be
brought to Berwick, being in all seven pieces of brass of
divers heights, small and great. There is not one of them
that has the arms or any cognizance of the King but a
"robenet" of two cwt., two of them, a bastard culverin and
a saker of 4,000 lbs. weight, are cognized with a salamander
and a porcupine, two other pieces have on them the arms of
Lord Home, and the other two have graven on them a merchant's mark in a scutcheon. All these the Regent makes
some account of as appertaining to the King, but he cannot
deal for the delivery more than for the "robenette" till he
have further warrant. The room of Strother, deceased, stands
in the ordinary establishment, and if it would please him to
bestow the same upon George Beverley, his servant, he knows
none who seek the same of better desert. Begs his favour
for his son to serve him, whereunto he mistrusts not he will
apply himself. Captain Reade is coming up about his suit,
and will present him with a "fair goshawk and a good."—
Berwick, 28 Oct. 1573. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½. |
Oct. 31. |
1212. Christopher Landtschadt von Steinach to John
Sturmius. |
Informs him of his and his son's desire to serve the Queen
of England, and urges his various qualifications for such
employment, &c.—31 Oct. 1573. Signed.
Add. Endd. Germ. Pp. 4. |
Oct. 31. |
1213. The Same to the Same. |
Copy of another letter of a similar import to the above.—
31 Oct. 1575.
Germ. Pp. 4. |
Oct. 31. |
1214. Christopher Landtschadt von Steinach to the Duchess
of Suffolk. |
Beseeches her Grace to procure employment for himself and
his son Hans under the Queen of England, promising his
most faithful service.—Steinach, 31 Oct. 1573. Signed.
Add. Endd. Germ. P. 1. |
Oct. |
1215. Advices from Italy. |
Palermo, 17 Oct. 1573.—News of the capture of Tunis by
the Christian fleet under Don John of Austria. Rome, 31 Oct.
—Movements of the army at Tunis and Biserta. Vienna,
24 Oct.—Dissatisfaction at the recent election of the King of
Poland. Incursion by 4,000 Turkish cavalry.
Ital. Pp. 32/3. |