[Jan.] |
75. Jerome Dachey to M. de Soubernon. |
Is glad to hear of his arrival at Madrid, and forwards a
packet of letters.
Undated. Add. Seal. Fr. P. ½. |
Jan. 21. |
76. H. Knollys to Lord Burghley. |
The Spanish Ambassador has received answer from Zwegenhem, and is better disposed towards departure. Last night
order was taken for embarking his horses, and for his own at
10 o'clock this day, but about midnight arose such a tempest
that all ships in the road were in danger of being lost; divers
were cast upon the shore, such as could with sea room for
their succour fled to the Downs, but the rest being small
vessels abide out the adventure of the storm, as their anchors
and cables will serve them; thus they wait only upon the
weather.—Dover, 21 Jan. 1571. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. P. 1. |
Jan. 21. |
77. Sir Thomas Smith to Lord Burghley. |
1. Considerations of the respective liability to attack of
England and France, and of the proportion that each ought
to contribute towards a defensive league. In Latin. |
2. The King is minded to send over Le Croc to help pacify
Scotland. Desires to know what charge it is by the common
course of England to find 1,000 soldiers with their captains by
land, and also 1,000 by sea. His Lordship has need now to
help them with particularities on every point.—Amboise,
21 Jan. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 12/3. |
Jan. 21. |
78. Copy of the articles concerning a treaty contained in
Smith's letter of this date.
Endd. Lat. Pp. 1¼. |
Jan. 21. |
79. Henry Killegrew to Lord Burghley. |
Thinks by all the reasons he can gather that they mean
well touching the amity, and is put in comfort that "etiam
religionis causa" shall be put in. The King has appointed
the Duke of Montmorency to be at the conference, who
has assured him there was good faith meant to confirm
the League by sending the Duke of Alençon into England
not as a husband but as a servant to honour the Queen.
It is thought meet that Her Majesty should be resolute with
30, [Cavalcanti] touching the point of religion, by whose
means some think here to obtain a better bargain than by
Sir Thomas Smith. The Queen must needs remember the
Duchess of Uzes with a letter or some token. There are
sundry great personages here who have pensions of the Queen
of Scots, which causes them to urge the King and the Queen
Mother to do more than they be of themselves inclined. As
things stand now they can do no less in policy, for without
the colour of her they have no good means to insinuate any
credit or authority in Scotland. Was never of mind that
they would send any forces into Scotland. The levying of
men and the making of ships is not without the Admiral's
consent, and he is sure it is meant against King Philip either
in Flanders or elsewhere. There is presently at the court a
number of gentlemen of Picardy and Normandy, to be employed in some enterprise; they be all Protestants, and he
hears that they will be able to put 3,000 men on land and
keep their ships furnished. Desires much some more of
Buchanan's books, for they be greatly desired here. Caused
one to be sent to the Duke of Savoy's court, and to the Count
Palatine the Scottish Queen's discourse to the Duke, the
congé given the Ambassador of Spain with "salutem in
Christo" translated, which he will impart to all the Princes in
Germany. Where Burghley writes that they of the Castle of
Edinburgh have committed their cause to the arbitrament of
the Queen, M. de Limoges told Sir Thomas Smith that they
have written hither a clean contrary tale. They say the Guises
have sent to the King that they were at his devotion, either
to come to court or to remain at their houses, and that they
would refer the matter between the Admiral and them to
him. The French King's expenses grew last year to 3,000,000
francs more than his revenue, so that he has cassed so many
of all sorts, as he will save above 5,000,000 a year. All
ways are put in practice to let the marriage between the
Prince of Navarre and Madame Marguerite.—Amboise, 21
Jan. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 4. |
Jan. 21. |
80. J. Wood to Lord Burghley. |
Met the young Count Rhinegrave two posts this side of
Orleans. The Scots at Paris are very busy about Mr. Walsingham for passports, Mackison the Bishop of Ross's man
has been in hand with Sir Thomas Smith and Mr. Killegrew
for the same purpose. Lord Fleming at Paris had commission to levy 100 men under the conduct of Captain Gascogne;
the King's seal was to it, and brought by Lansac. The
matter stayed upon the ambassade of Sir Thomas Smith. Is
counselled by Sir Thomas Smith's wellwillers to put him in
remembrance for the Chancellorship of the Garter. Signed. |
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1. |
Jan. 23. |
81. Henry Killegrew to Lord Burghley. |
The coming of the Queen of Navarre and the Cardinal of
Alexandrino is confirmed. Kirkcaldy's brother shall be sent
into Scotland by way of Flanders to prepare for Le Croc's
coming. Has been assured by the Duchess of Uzes that the
Queen Mother is earnestly bent to a perfect amity with the
Queen of England. This week certain couriers coming out
of Spain were "devalized" beside Chatelherault, and stripped
to their shirts by some that were masked, who did them no
harm. The King made great enquiry for the offenders, but
nothing was found. Count Wolfrade of Mansfield arrived
yesterday to receive money, who shall have 100,000 crowns.—
Amboise, 23 Jan. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1. |
Jan. 25. |
82. William Count de la Marck to the Privy Council. |
The Lieutenant of the Castle and the mayor of Dover have
shown him their letter in favour of certain of the Steelyard
who have complained of the Prince of Orange's servants,
and have commanded him to make restitution. Has done
all he possibly could to prevent his captains from exceeding
their commissions. Is surprised that they have so readily
given ear to his accusers without hearing the other side.
Complains that the merchants seek their advantage by fictitious sales and attestations. Desires that order may be
taken to repair the injuries done by Captain Hawkins, five
days past, to a captain of his fleet.—Dover, 25 Jan. 1572.
Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 1½. |
Jan. 26. |
83. Mark [Swinborne] to John Swinborne. |
Prays daily for his deliverance. They have had great
triumphs in the Low Countries for this famous victory ob
tained against the Turks by sea, and also for the birth of the
young prince of Spain. The Venetians have taken one of
the chief fortresses in Albania. The Muscovite's Ambassadors are in Rome, and their prince offers to subject himself to
the Romish Church and to enter the League. The King
Catholic prepares a mighty army by sea, as is said against
Algiers.—26 Jan. Signed: "M."
Add. Endd., Mark to Swinborne. P. 1. |
Jan. 26. |
84. The Queen to Sir Thomas Smith. |
Likes very well his plain and circumspect usage of himself, and also that he admits Killegrew to be with him in this
dealing. He is to let the King and the Queen Mother know
that she considers herself not well or plainly dealt with in
this matter of the marriage with M. D'Anjou. Although she
had no natural disposition to marriage, yet through the continual suits of her subjects she has been compelled to yield,
that she would not refuse to give ear to such requests, so as the
same honour and friendship for herself, and profit and quietness
for her realm. The articles that were sent in April last were
by her council answered, and plainly thereby it appeared that
the greatest difficulty was upon religion; in July and August
following, at the being here of M. De Foix, the differences
then stood upon a few words, and if the usage of Monsieur's
religion had been allowed in some secret oratory, there would
have been no difficulty, but that the treaty might have taken
conclusion. And being continually solicited by the report of
the French King's great desire to have her send someone
over to proceed to an end in this matter, she has sent him
(Smith). He shall therefore say that she has great cause to
think this very strange to be thus provoked to send him, and
then to find the case reduced more than backwards to such
kind of conditions for exercise of religion as from the very
first beginning were never specified, neither in the end of the
last conference with De Foix were such things motioned.
Also that she is no ways miscontent in her own mind that
the matter proceeds not, for now she may satisfy her subjects
that she has dealt plainly therein; and will now determine
with advice of her councillors to enjoy her own natural desire
to live unmarried, and yet provide remedies for the quietness
of her realm, both in her own time and for her posterity.
He is to search out truly the ground of this contrarious proceeding. He is to thank the French King for his information
of the malicious intents against her person.
Rough draft in Burghley's writing, with many alterations
and interlineations. Endd. Pp. 10. |
Jan. 26. |
85. Lord Hunsdon to Lord Burghley. |
Sends the answers of both sides touching the abstinence.
The two principal points they of the Castle stand upon,
without which they will never yield, is the equality of government and the restitution of their lands and livings; touching
all other matters he thinks they will be tractable. Burghley
may perceive what hindrance the delay of the Queen's resolution and want of money is to the King's side. If the Queen
detracts any longer they will be overthrown, for even at his
man's being there all their soldiers refused utterly to watch or
ward, so as the noblemen and gentlemen were fain to watch
themselves; and it is feared, lest for want of pay the soldiers
will deliver the Regent and the rest to their enemies. It
behoves the Queen both in honour and surety to resolve one
way or other; lest whereas now she may rule both sides,
by lingering she may lose both.—Berwick, 26 Jan. 1571.
Add. Endd. P. ¾. |
Jan. 22. |
86. Lethington and Grange to Lord Hunsdon. |
Deny that the town of Edinburgh was taken and fortified
in the time of abstinence. Their enemies have never abstained from doing injury and violence to their uttermost
power. Offer redress for all things done by them during the
abstinence, the offences on the other part being in repaired in
semblable manner. Are content to yield to an abstinence,
they doing the like If they will not accord to an abstinence,
they will stand on their guard and not refuse to go forward
with Her Majesty as they have written. Will never consent
that their enemies shall enjoy their livings, and if in the mean
season they be suffered to levy the rents, they shall render the
same back again before they will come to an end with them.
Edinburgh Castle, 22 Jan. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Enclosure. P. 1. |
Jan. 23. |
87. The Earl of Marr to Lord Hunsdon. |
Thinks that the hearts of the adversaries cannot be more
hardened, as they leave nothing they can unattempted. The
sparing of them so long draws the obedience of the King into
contempt. The delay of Her Highness' resolution works no
small incommodity. As to the abstinence he trusts his Lordship allows his last answer, which he needs not repeat. Their
adversaries having received intelligence that Lord Fleming is
to arrive with 300 men and some Gascon captains, have
engaged William Trotter to enlist quietly 100 horsemen to
join them on their landing. Leith, 23 Jan. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Enclosure. P. 1. |
Jan. 22. |
88. Articles sent by Grange and Lethington. |
Protest that they only condescend to agreement to please
the Queen of England, and that they would not otherwise
accord with their adversaries; also that they esteem that form
of regiment of the realm of Scotland most assured for the
Queen, which shall give her the greatest sway in the affairs of
Scotland. The government should consist of noblemen of
both parties, who should make full surety that the realm
should continue in good neighbourhood and firm amity with
England and neither receive or join foreign forces to the
prejudice of the Queen of England. The religion is not to be
changed. Order to be taken for the compounding of particular debates which have fallen out. The decision of
doubtful points to be referred to the Queen of England. Forfeitures and penalties which either side have incurred shall be
abolished and declared null. Those who have been dispossessed to be restored to their lands, benefices, and offices.
Sufficient provision in money and victuals to be granted to
Grange for the garrison of Edinburgh Castle, which shall
remain in his custody during the Queen of Scots' absence and
the minority of her son. These heads are not to come to
the knowledge of their adversaries until they be entered in
conference. Edinburgh, 22 Jan. 1571. Signed.
Endd. Enclosure. Pp. 2. |
Jan. 27. |
89. Advertisements from Venice. |
Don John has sent several messengers to Rome and Spain
to announce his great victory. Intended levy of soldiers by
the King of Spain. The Cardinal of Alexandria has been
received with great splendour in Portugal by the King, and
has refused a present worth 20,000 crowns. He has desired
the King to join the League, and has departed for France on
a similar mission. Contingent of troops of the Italian
Princes. Movements of the Turks' armies and fleets.
Pp. 2¾. |
Jan. 27. |
90. William Count De la Marck to the Privy Council. |
Complains that William Winter the younger, lieutenant to
Captain Hawkins, has forcibly seized seven prisoners of war
taken by the Prince of Orange's captains in Flanders, and
lying in Dover roads, and also wounded and taken prisoner
one of the captains. As Winter refuses to give them up he
is obliged to seek redress from their Lordships.—Dover,
27 Jan. 1572. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. 1. |
Jan. 30. |
91. Anthonie De — to Jan [Canning], Pilot. |
Desires him to render assistance to Lord Seton in his proposed voyage towards Scotland.—Middleburgh, 30 Jan. 1571.
Add. Endd. by Burghley. P. ½. |
Jan. 30. |
92. Sir Thomas Smith to Lord Burghley. |
Does still a little "rough hew," but cannot perfect till they
hear from him. Is glad for Her Majesty's surety that the
Lords have done so uprightly justice. Is sorry for the Duke.
The great lenity of Her Majesty so nourishes the perverse and
devilish minds of the Papists and Atheists, that except she
shows some example of severity one day the devil will have
his purpose, and again trouble all England, and turn religion
upside down. The first time that Smith saw Mather was
when he came out of Italy to Marseilles, where walking his
horse negligently his budget, wherein his shirts and all the
money he had, was stolen from him as he said. When it was told
him that an Englishman was come out of Italy, and so desolute and destitute of money and comfort, he sent for him and
gave him his dinner and supper, and 50 or 60 French crowns
in his purse to ride post into England and carry dispatches.
This is all the acquaintance he has had of him. Hopes that
justice may done, and so they may once do some good deed
in being example to others to be afraid to attempt such
devilish enterprises.—Amboise, 30 Jan. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½. |
Jan. 31. |
93. Walsingham to Lord Burghley. |
1. Perceives that he has escaped the danger of a most
devilish Italian practise. "So long as that devilish woman
lives neither Her Majesty must make account to continue in
quiet possession of her crown, nor her faithful servants assure
themselves of safety of their lives." Hopes that the Queen's
eyes may be opened to see that which may be for her best
safety. The state of Flanders is such as will very much
encourage them to proceed in their enterprise. Desires him
to move the Queen to write unto the Queen of Navarre some
friendly lines, and also to recommend the marriage of her son
with the Lady Margaret. |
2. The Duke of Alva begins very much to droop, and
nothing more discontents him than the condemnation of the
Duke of Norfolk. Kirkcaldy of Grange's brother departs
shortly hence towards Scotland. The Cardinal of Lorraine
begins now to hang down his head.—Paris, 31 Jan. 1571. |
3. P.S.—The writer of the last story of these latter wars is
an advocate of this town, named Boissy, being of years not
above 26. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2. |
Jan. 31. |
94. Sir Thomas Smith to Lord Burghley. |
Yesterday in the afternoon they were sent for by the Queen
Mother, the sum of whose talk was that Smith was very
obstinate to have religion mentioned in express words. For
the merchants in Rouen they should have a house to use the
exercise of religion in English, but only to Englishmen, and
the door shut. Smith said that their meaning was to make
there a staple, which would bring there 2 or 3,000,000 of gold
in wares at once. The Queen Mother said that as the King
was called Trés Christian, he must somewhat consider the
opinion of others as well as the desire he had to please the
English. On Killegrew's complaining of M. de Croc's being
sent into Scotland on account of his being a Guisian, the
Queen Mother declared that he would do no more than he had
been commanded, and that was to do all good offices for the
perfection of amity. |
That afternoon there was with her the Pope's Nuncio, and
the Ambassadors of Venice, Florence, and of the Queen of
Scots, as is thought to let the alliance between France and
England. Some of their reasons were that the Queen did but
make fair weather with the King here, whilst she got her
pleasure of the Queen of Scots and the Duke, and established
herself in her place, and then would agree with the King of
Spain, and that Smith was only sent to delay time. |
Was told that he would be asked for his commission, which
it is high time were sent. Sir William Petre was Chancellor
of the Order of the Garter, of which he hopes to see Burghley
a knight.—Amboise, 31 Jan. 1571. |
Jan. 28. |
95. Articles for a Treaty between England and France. |
Negociations between Smith and the deputies of the King
of France, relating to a proposed treaty between him and the
Queen of England, principally concerning the measures and
regulations to be adopted for the purpose of establishing a
staple of English merchants in some town of France.
Enclosure. Latin. Pp. 8. |
96. Copy of the latter portion of the above.
Endd. Latin. Pp. 4½. |
97. Another copy.
Endd. Latin. Pp. 2½. |
Jan. 31. |
98. Articles for the Pacification of Scotland. |
Providing for the obedience to the King's authority, the
continuance of the Regent in office, the reversal of attainders
and forfeitures, the composition of the Privy Council, the
restitution of offices, lands, and goods, and the composition of
all particular controversies. The Castle of Edinburgh to be
delivered into the King's possession, and the Laird of Grange
to be recompensed by the gift of some abbey. The Queen of
England may be required to interpose for the security of lives,
goods, and honours on either side. No foreign nation to be
permitted to enter Scotland with men of war.—31 Jan. 1571.
Draft, corrected by Burghley. Endd. Pp. 3¼. |
Jan. 31. |
99. Addition to the Articles of Pacification. |
1. The adverse party to the King must directly understand
that the Queen of Scots having attempted so many enterprises
against Her Majesty, any expectation of her restitution to
rule, either alone or jointly with her son, is in vain, and
that to imagine any other government but by the King is a
mere fantastical device, and not to be heard of, which must
be clearly answered, or else all the rest is in vain to be
treated. |
2. There is no reason why the murders of Murray and
Lennox, being against the law of arms, should be remitted.
Arrangements for the admission of some of the Queen of Scots
party into the Council, and for according the controversy
between Lethington and Dunfermline for the secretaryship,
and also for the keeping of Edinburgh Castle in case Grange
refuses to give it up. Measures to be taken for the delivery
of the Earl of Northumberland and other rebels, and also that
the Earldom of Lennox may be granted to Charles Stewart.
the son of the late Regent.—31 Jan. 1571.
Apparently instructions, and headed "of more secrecy."
Draft in Burghley's writing. Pp. 6. |
Jan. |
100. Battle of Lepanto. |
Discourse of Franchiotto on the results of the battle against
the Turk's navy.
Endd. by Burghley. Italian. Pp. 42/3. |
Jan. |
101. Treaty with Portugal. |
A note of various treaties between England and Portugal
during the reigns of Henry V., VI., and VII., and Edward IV.
Endd. P. ½. |