Elizabeth: January 1559, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1863.

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'Elizabeth: January 1559, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp88-96 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: January 1559, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp88-96.

"Elizabeth: January 1559, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1863), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp88-96.

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January 1559, 11-20

Jan. 11.
R. O.
226. The Consul and Senate of Berne to the Queen.
Congratulate her upon her accession to the throne. Rejoice to hear that she has recalled those persons who had been exiled for the cause of Gospel truth (especially those who had resided in their town of Arau), and has resumed the work of the evangelical reformation commenced by her brother Edward.—11 Jan. 1559.
Orig. with seal. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
Jan. 11.
227. Tunstall, Bishop of Durham, to the Privy Council.
Yester night late received their letters of the last of Dec. requesting him to pay, before the end of this month, the sums of money still in his hands of the revenues of the late Lord Cardinal, arising from the first fruits and tenths and benefices impropriate within his diocese.
In answer to which he informs them that, by the end of this month, he will send up to London the subsidy due at Michaelmas last, in levying whereof, and of rents of benefices impropriated, he has had great hindrance, because his commissary of Northumberland has been all this winter in Scotland, taken prisoner by the Scots out of his own house in Northumberland; he has heard say, however, that he is licensed upon surety for a time to come home to search for his ransom. Those whom he [the Bishop] has deputed to levy the subsidy and rents are now occupied in levying thereof.
Of such money as was come to his hand of arrearages he had paid to Sir Wm. Ingolby, treasurer of the wars in the north, 700l., and also 50l. to the late Lord Cardinal, as Mr. Henry Pynnynges, the late Cardinal's servant, can inform them. So of arrearages nothing remained in his hands.—Auckland, 11 Jan. 1558. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. On the back are the following notices: Delivered at Darlington the 11 day, about one of the clock at afternoon. At Northealverton [Northallerton] the same day, at 8 of the night. Received at Wetherby, the 12 of January at 11 of the clock before noon. Pp. 3.
Jan. 11.
R. O.
228. The Earl of Pembroke to Montmorency.
Has received his letter dated at Calais, 3rd inst., conveyed by the present messenger, and thanks him for his good wishes for peace between the two realms, which he reciprocates. The hasty departure of the bearer compels him to send a short letter. Has shown his letter to the Earl of Bedford, who desires to be remembered; as do also the Marquis of Northampton, and Secretary Cecil.—London 11 Jan. 1558.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil: My Lord of Pembroke's letter to the Constable.Fr. Pp. 3.
[Jan. 11.]
R. O.
229. The Earls of Bedford and Pembroke to Montmorency.
Acknowledge the receipt of his letters brought by Guido Cavalcante. They have consulted with Cecil, the Queen's Secretary, and will do their utmost to promote an object so desirable as peace is.—Westminster.
Corrected draft. Endd. by Cecil: Letters to the Constable of France by the Earls of Bedford and Pembroke. Fr. Pp. 2.
Jan. 11.
B.M. Harl. 169. 24 b.
230. Proceedings of Privy Council.
Westminster, 11 Jan. 1558.—Present: the Lord Steward, the Earl of Pembroke, the Lords Admiral and Chamberlain; Mr. Comptroller, Mr. Vice-Chamberlain, Mr. Secretary, Mr. Sackville.
A letter to the Earl of Northumberland, signifying the receipt of his of the 7th inst. touching the exploit done by the Scotch, and how they increase their force upon their frontiers. For answer thereunto it is written unto him that the Queen has determined, for the better meeting with that they shall attempt, to send forthwith to the borders one thousand men, and for that purpose has presently addressed her letters to the Bishop of Durham to levy in the bishopric 500 footmen; to certain gentlemen in the north riding of Yorkshire to levy 200 in that part of the shire, and to his Lordship to levy 300 in Richmondshire where he is steward; and his Lordship is willed to confer with Sir James Crofts, who is presently sent down thither, touching the placing of the same numbers upon the borders in such sort as they may most annoy the enemy, whereunto his Lordship is required to have good consideration, and to have always good espial. And where the Queen much commends Sir Henry Percy's forwardness and activity, yet would she that in no case he should hazard himself otherwise than he shall be at all times able to make his party good. As touching his Lordship's coming to the Parliament, it is signified unto him that letters were yesterday written unto him from the Queen to stay. It is also written unto him that the Lord Dacres is presently sent to his charge; with whom he is willed to confer for the better annoying of the enemy, which the Lords think shall be best done if they agree upon some enterprise against them at one time.
A letter to the Bishop of Durham to cause, according to the Queen's letters addressed unto him, 500 footmen to be levied in the bishopric and sent to the Earl of Northumberland, and to confer with Sir James Crofts touching meet gentlemen to have the leading of them; and to have special foresight that none of his officers do use any exaction for the sparing of any man from this service, which disorder as it has been practised in the south, so would the Lords be sorry it should creep into the north.
Jan. 11.
R.O. 27 V.63.
231. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
Jan. 15.
R. O.
232. Dorothea, Queen of Denmark and Norway, to the Queen.
Rejoices to hear of her accession, so universally acceptable to all the people. The writer and her late husband have always been anxious to promote peace; hopes therefore that the Christian friendship which has existed between herself and the late King Edward will be renewed through the medium of these letters, which are presented by Johannes Spithovius, Elizabeth's faithful minister. Kingdoms are to be preserved not so much by arms as by the friendship of neighbouring Princes, especially those who have the same religion. That her late husband was of this opinion is proved even by their enemies; who, when they were reduced to extremities and on the brink of destruction, were assisted by him and the writer. Elizabeth having very often informed her of the sincere love and ardent desire which she had for the true religion, the writer has no doubt that she will now follow the example of her brother Edward, and will expel from her kingdom the entire doctrine of Antichrist. In this the writer and her children will not only assist her, but enter into a league with her, thereby establishing a closer friendship, of which religion is the firmest bond. Audience to be given to the bearer.—Colding, 15 Jan. 1559. Signed: Dorothea, myr oggeur hant.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
Jan. 15.
R.O. 171. B. ii. 3.
233. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
Jan. 15.
R. O.
234. The Master of the Hospital of Jerusalem to the Queen.
Is rejoiced to hear that, upon the death of Queen Mary, the nation has proclaimed her Queen of England and true successor to the throne. He writes to her to declare himself her faithful servant, and to ask her to look with the eye of favour upon his order in her kingdom, which he hopes will be restored to its primitive condition.—Malta, 15 Jan. 1559. Signed: F. Jehan de Vallete.
Orig. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.
Jan. 16.
B. M. Calig. B.V. 325.
235. Francis II. and Queen Mary to Lord Fleming.
Letters of Francis and Mary, King and Queen Dauphins of Scotland, England, and Ireland, acknowledging the services rendered to them and the Queen Regent of Scotland, by James Lord Fleming.—Paris, 16 Jan. 1558. Signed: Maria, —Lespar.
Imperf. Lat. Pp. 1.
Jan. 17.
R. O.
236. Works at Berwick.
Warrant for the payment of 100 labourers to be levied out of the counties of Nottingham and Derby for the Queen's service at Berwick.—Westm. 17 Jan. 1 Eliz. Signed, but not addressed.
P. 1.
Jan. 17.
R. O.
237. Works at Berwick.
Warrant for the payment of 200 labourers to be levied out of the counties of Gloucester and Worcester for the Queen's service at Berwick.—Westm. 17 Jan. 1 Eliz. Signed, but not addressed.
P. 1.
Jan. 17.
R. O.
238. Mundt to Cecil.
Thanks him for having commended his small service done to her father and brother; and will labour for her the more earnestly, because the service that is required of him appertains directly to the advancement of God's glory, and His true doctrine, and the conservation and augmentation of the noble realm of England.
According to the Queen's command will repair to the diet that is to be kept this January at Augusta. None of the princes nor estates are come to Augusta yet, except the Duke of Baviere and Episcopus Ratisbonensis. It is reported here that the Emperor is sick, and that the princes mean not to come to Augusta before February. They make not great haste, as they fear that the chief point shall be for money under the pretence Belli Turcici. Intends to go tomorrow to the Elector Palatine, who is the chief prince in these parts, to renew the amity betwixt him and England, and so to the other princes as occasion shall serve; but as soon as the princes go to Augusta he will proceed thither. Episcopus Baionensis, Mariliac, is now at Thull [Toul] in Lorraine, and has sent a herald to Augusta with two letters of the French King (the one to the Emperor, the other to the Estates) for a safe conduct to come to the diet. The French King "conducts" captains hereabouts and in other parts; he has 200 horsemen in Lorraine to keep the passages open; he has lately sent two agents to the Palatine and others.
Thanks the Queen for her liberality towards him. Her letters dated 23rd Dec. were delivered to him seven days after their coming hither, upon 13th Jan., having been enclosed in letters to a person who was absent.—Argentin, 17 Jan. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Hol. with armorial seal. Add. Endd.: 17 Jan. 1558. Pp. 3.
Jan. 17.
B.M. Harl. 169. 26.
239. Proceedings of Privy Council.
Westminster, 17th Jan. 1558.—Present: the Lord Great Seal, Mr. Treasurer, the Lord Steward; the Earls of Shrewsbury, Derby, and Bedford; the Lords Admiral and Chamberlain; Mr. Comptroller, Mr. Vice-Chamberlain, Mr. Secretary, Mr. Cave, Mr. Mason.
A letter to the Bishop of Durham to cause a copy of the indictment of Griffeth Rice for the murder of Matthew Welsh to be sent hither with speed.
Jan. 17.
R.O. 27 V. 67.
240. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
Jan. 19.
R. O.
241. Munitions from Flanders.
"Minute of a letter to Thomas Gresham," ordering him to bring to the Exchequer 10,000l. Flemish of the Queen's treasure in his custody in Antwerp; retaining the remainder to be employed in provision of armour, munition, and powder as he shall hereafter be instructed.—Westm. 19 Jan.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Pp. 2.
Jan. 19.
R. O.
242. Original warrant, as above, 19 Jan. 1 Eliz. Signed by the Queen, with seal impressed.
Add. Broadside.
Jan. 19.
B.M. Harl. 169. 26 b.
243. Proceedings of Privy Council.
Westminster, 19th Jan. 1558.—Present: the Lords Great Seal and Steward; the Earls of Bedford and Pembroke; the Lords Admiral and Chamberlain; Mr. Treasurer, Mr. Comptroller, Mr. Secretary, Mr. Cave, Mr. Mason.
A letter to the Bishop of Ely and Doctor Wotton, signifying the Queen's determination to send the Lord Chamberlain to join with them, and they willed in the meantime to proceed according to their commission sent now, &c., as appears by the minute in the Council chest.
A letter to John Malyne, Admiral of the fleet in the narrow seas, to waft John Somere presently sent with letters to the Commissioners beyond the seas, and to provide shipping for six geldings of the Lord Chamberlain's, to be transported over when they shall be sent thither.
Jan. 19.
R.O. 27 V. 68.
244. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
Jan. 20.
245. Philip, King of Spain, to the Queen.
Credence for the Count of Feria, his councillor, for certain matters which he has to declare to the Queen on the part of the King of Portugal, Philip's nephew by the sister's side, and respecting which he appeals to her favour and justice.— Brussels, 20 Jan. 1559. Signed: Philippus—G. Perezius.
Orig. Lat., broadside. Add.
Jan. 20.
B.M. Cal. E. V. 50. Forbes, 1. 24.
246. Henry II. to the Queen.
The affection that he bears her is so great that he has never on any occasion doubted that hers is equal to his own. The confirmation of this, by her letter, has been so agreeable to him that he could not receive a greater pleasure; the more so, as she is disposed to the union and peace of their kingdoms and subjects, which he hopes to effect, since from it can arise only perpetual good peace and tranquillity for both their kingdoms. To arrive at which, she has informed him of two ways, one of which is that he should send back to her this bearer with his letter and instructions containing certain special points on which this matter ought to be treated, which will tend not only to the cessation of present war, but abolish for ever the occasion of it; the other, to employ certain trustworthy persons, now sent as Commissioners to the public treaty at Cercamp, and that she, on her side, will send others secretly to confer with them.
Having well considered the importance of both of these ways, thinks that if the matter were remitted to the said general assembly, however thoroughly his ministers might be charged to behave as secretly as possible, yet their actions, and indeed those of all others, whether from the King of Spain or herself, would be spied out by so many sharp eyes that it would be impossible that this communication could escape detection.
Having decided upon the first of these two means as being the more sure and secret, sends the said bearer with a memoir which he has caused him to make of all that seems necessary towards giving a sure foundation to this treaty, and making a sincere and lasting friendship.—Paris, 20 Jan. 1558.
[What follows is written by the King's own hand.]
Jan. 20. Awaiting the time when he shall give her a better proof of the greatness of his friendship, he has placed in the hands of the bearer a little present as pledge of his constancy, which he prays her to accept as willingly as he offers it cordially. Signed.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil. Much injured by fire. Fr. Pp. 2.
Jan. 20.
B.M. Sloane, 4142. 54.
247. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
Jan. 20.
B.M. Sloane, 4134. 116.
248. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
Jan 20.
B.M. Cal. E.V. 50 b. Forbes, 1. 26.
249. Instructions for Cavalcante.
Instructions entrusted to Cavalcante by the King of France for Queen Elizabeth.
1. The King (as he has told the Queen) has no greater desire in the world than to see peace firmly established between them and their subjects, not only during their own lives but for futurity. In this work he wishes that Guido Cavalcante, the present bearer, should be employed.
2. And for this cause the King, admitting the reasons which she has given for not sending her deputies for this negociation, as he had proposed, accepts the first of the two means which she has offered him by her letter, and has despatched to her the said bearer with the answer which he carries, and to assure her that he has the best possible wish for peace.
3. To affect which, and to assure the Queen that he says nothing which he does not mean, the King is content, in the first place, to treat of a peace which shall comprehend the kingdoms of France, England, and Scotland, not only in his own name but also in the name of the King and Queen Dauphin, so that henceforth there may be nothing which shall give rise in their time, or in that of their successors, likely to lead to any rupture.
4. This being mutually agreed upon, there now only remains the affair of Calais, which the Queen affirms she cannot allow to remain in the hands of the said King in accordance with her honour and the consent of the people. The King prays her to remember that when she demands restitution of Calais it is the domain of the King of France, and thereby requires him (for whom she professes regard) to despoil himself of what is his for her own advantage. His nobles and subjects have endured infinite loss by the war with the late Queen of England, and also by the help she gave the King of Spain in conquering places which he still occupies in France; and since that time, by the descent of the English army last year into Brittany, and the destruction, sacking, and burning there committed; also many French vessels have been taken. All these incredible ills amount to the loss of three or four millions of gold by his subjects alone. The crown, indeed, has been re-established by the taking of Calais, its old possession, which so well pleased the nation that last year they granted all the money they could, and further have supplicated him rather to strip them to their shirts than to give back what is his and what God has allowed him to conquer so justly. So then if the Queen wishes to consider her own honour and the pleasure of her people, the King has not less cause to do the same in an affair so important; whereas were he to surrender Calais he would by that one act lose the hearts of his subjects and deprive himself of their aid on every other occasion.
5. The King moreover makes two other difficulties: (1) he doubts whether he ought to decide about Calais before being assured about the Queen's marriage, lest the said town come into the hands of the King of Spain, who is so desirous of securing it that he has offered Henry the free choice of other towns in exchange for it. And considering what a husband can make his wife do, and what a wife would do for her husband, it is no wonder if the said difficulty makes him doubtful. (2) Another difficulty is that the Spaniards affirm the existence of a treaty by which they say the English are so holden to them as to be compelled to assist them in every war with France; so that if (the treaties remaining as they are at present) the Spaniards should continue the wars, the said King shall find the English his enemies; and so, instead of having made friendship with them by the restitution of Calais, he shall find that he has given them a footing in France whereby to damage him the more.
6. Still, whatever difficulties present themselves at first, some means may be eventually found for their removal. If the Queen would marry some one upon whose friendship reliance could be placed, an opportunity might thereby be offered for the union of these three kingdoms, and a solution in the affair of Calais could easily be found. Begs her to consider this; and asks her, if she judges other means more prompt, to inform him thereof.
7. As it seems necessary to come to a suspension of arms, lest some acts of hostilities might cause greater bitterness, if she will agree to the suspension he will do so likewise. Or if she think it best to conclude a peace promptly, such as was between the late King and the late King Edward of England, with the reservation to each party of their respective rights and pretensions, he will agree thereto. Signed: Bourdin.
Orig. Much injured by fire. Fr. Pp. 5.
Jan, 20.
B.M. Sloane, 4142. 60.
250. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript. Fr.
Jan. 20.
B.M. Sloane, 4134. 118.
251. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
Jan. 20.
R.O. Forbes, 1. 78. Dumont, V. 1. 30. Fœd. xv. 510.
252. Commission by the Queen to Wm. Lord Howard of Effingham, K.G., Thomas, Bishop of Ely, and Nicolas Wotton to treat with the Ambassadors of the King and Queen of Scotland respecting a treaty of peace.—Dated, Westminster, 20 Jan., 1 Eliz. Signed: Elizabeth R. (fn. 1) Lat.
Jan. 20.
B. M. Calig. E V. 57 c.
253. Another copy of the above.
Jan. 20.
B. M. Sloane, 4134. 216.
254. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
Jan. 20.
255. Works at Berwick.
Warrant for the payment of 200 labourers to be levied out of the counties of Suffolk and Norfolk for the Queen's service at Berwick.—Westm. 20 Jan., 1 Eliz. Signed but not add.
P. 1.


  • 1. Transcripts for Fœd. vol. 137, from the original, with seal, in the Tresor des Chartes at Paris, J. 652, 39.