Elizabeth: January 1559, 1-5

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1863.

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'Elizabeth: January 1559, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp61-73 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: January 1559, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp61-73.

"Elizabeth: January 1559, 1-5". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1863), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp61-73.

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January 1559, 1-5

1559. Jan. 1.
B.M. Reg. 13 B. 1. 5.
186. The Queen to Philip, King of Spain.
Has entrusted certain affairs to D[octor] Nico [las] W[otton], Dean of Canterbury, which are to be communicated by him, in her name, to Philip. She asks credence for him in this matter.—London, 1 Jan. 1558.
Letterbook. Lat.
Jan. 1.
B.M. Sloane, 4144. 5 b.
187. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
Jan. 1.
188. John Frederick II., Duke of Saxony, to the Earl of Bedford.
Thanks him for having sympathised in the sufferings of the writer's father, the Elector, John Frederick I., which he had endured for the confession of the Gospel, and in return has grieved over the exile which the Earl and others have undergone from the same cause. The accession of Elizabeth to the throne (of whose adherence to evangelical truth he has been informed by trustworthy persons) will give England the free enjoyment of true religion, and a safe return to their home to the exiles, who will probably now attain higher honours.
Understanding that the Earl, on his return from Italy, had passed through some part of Germany, wishes that he had paid him a visit. Recommends the bearer, a pious and learned Englishman, who had formerly publicly taught in the academy of Jena, who would tell the Earl of certain matters in which the writer's brother was interested, and in the furtherance of which he solicits the Earl's good services. His brothers desire to be recommended.—Weimar, the feast of the Circumcision, 1559. Signed: Johannus Fredericus secundus &c., manu propria scripsit.
Orig. Add. Lat. Pp. 4.
Jan. 1.
R.O. 171. B. ii. 3.
189. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
Jan. 1.
190. Sir Henry Percy to Sir [Thomas Parry] and Cecil.
The enemy are in great force, as may be perceived by an enclosed schedule. The English foot bands be clean decayed since his going up to London, chiefly by the covetousness and polling of the captains. Prays that in this case no man be favoured. The horsemen something reformed, but not in such sort as needful were, "for the crafts and deceits of these captains at their musters or otherwise is not possible to be prevented."
Has been requested by the Scots to have an abstinence of war; this at the motion of Mons. Docell. Has been informed by his espial that this arises from their inability to support the charges that now Scotland is at for this winter. In the spring they look for a great force out of France, either to attempt Berwick or to invade England. This is not only the intelligence of one man but of three several. Possibly "the Queen of Scotland knoweth of a peace betwixt us and France, and thereby would discharge their garrisons, and to keep in her hands such money as was levied of the whole realm both spiritual and temporal, which was the sum of 12,000l. sterling." Besides, the garrison of Berwick would be kept idle, and she has little gain in damaging her enemies by the wars by reason of the fort of Aymouth. Upon these and other reasons he is inclined to refuse the truce. Hopes they will take some order that this polling of the Queen may be relieved, and that she will consider the insufficiency of the force at his disposal, of which a proof was given at the late winning of the barmekinge of Cornhill by the disfurniture of the English.
Requests that the truth of the reports as to the destruction of the county of Northumberland may be investigated. If his letters are sent in the packet of Lord Eure's at Berwick, they will reach him in safety; if the outward direction be to himself they will be intercepted.—Norham Castle, 1 Jan. 1558. Signed and Add: Delivered at Norham, 1 Jan. 1558, at vi. of the clock in the morning.
Endd.: Sir Henry Percy to Mr. Controller and my master, 1 Jan. 1558. Pp. 4.
Jan. 1.
B. M. Sloane, 4734. 154 b. Knox, Ref. 1. 320. Calderw., 1. 423.
191. Reformation in Scotland.
"The blind, crooked, bedridden, widows, orphans, and all other poor, so visited by the hand of God as may not work, to the flocks of all friars within this realm. We wish restitution of wrongs past, and reformation in the time coming, for salutation." The alms belonging to themselves only have been most falsely stolen from them by the friars, who are required to leave the hospitals, which they have induced the people to build, before Whitsunday. If they fail so to do, the writers (by the help of God and His saints on earth) will enter and take possession of their said patrimony, and eject the friars utterly forth of the same.—1 Jan. 1558.
Jan. 1.
B.M. Sloane, 4737. 87 b.
192. Another copy of the above.
Jan. 2.
Galba, B. xi., 218.
193. Challoner to the Queen.
Arrived at Augsburg upon Christmas even, the journey being longer than he expected. Ascertained that upon the same day the Emperor would arrive at Ratisbon from Prague (where not long before he had been received most solemnly by the citizens,), there to keep the feast of Christmas, intending within two or three days to take his journey hitherward.
The Emperor made his entry upon New Year's even into this city. Although he had given leave to many of his subjects, Bohemers and Hungarians, (who had conducted him from Prague to Ratisbon) to return home, yet his company consisted of 1500 or 1600 horses [burnt]. Of the great Princes the Duke of Bavaria only attended on him; his three sons were absent, and the rest of the princes had not yet arrived. The senate of this city for a gift yesterday presented him with certain loads of oats, barrels of Muscadels, and loads of other wines, and vessels of live fishes, as their custom is, and also (because it was the first time of his entry into their town as Emperor) with three fair gilt standing cups with their devices, each of a gallon, full of gold money. It was told the writer, by one of his servants there present, that the Emperor said to them that for their present he thanked the Senate and them of their pains; of their wine out of those fair cups he would drink, of their fish his supper he would eat, and besides what pleasure he might do them as an Emperor, he would be ready thereunto as their affairs needed. Four thousand of the citizens in armour, fair appointed, were ready to receive him by the high streets as he entered, and would have enlarged further in other additions save that in respect of his dole he willed them to spare the same. As soon as he was alighted at his lodging (notwithstanding his long journey) he first made his orisons at the Cathedral church.
Intimated his arrival to the Emperor, who sent to ask whether his interview should be public or private, the meaning of which Challoner did not at first understand. Having ascertained the difference, which was explained by the secretary, he left the decision to the Emperor, who presently sent to him M. de Hairrat, a grave personage, speaking good Latin and Italian, but the question still remained undecided. After supper the secretary returned and fixed the meeting for this Monday, 2nd inst., at eight in the morning. Was admitted to the Emperor's privy chamber where he might see him, accompanied with a few only of his councillors and gentlemen of the privy chamber. Having delivered his letters and declared his credence in French, the Emperor said that he was happy that the Queen had succeeded to the throne, hoping above all things she would have God the giver and His honour and service most for commended. Replied that she was a princess always of a most godly disposition, and attributed to His goodness all that she had. "Marry (quoth he, somewhat smiling), I have not spoken that I said herein as in ought doubting thereof, but only after my wonted manner, as a man of my years." Thought not good to enter into further proof with him but to proceed with his instructions. The Emperor said he was most sorry for the death of the late Queen Mary; he then congratulated the Queen on her accession and desired her friendship. Coming to his last point, Challoner said that if any other thing should occur to further the amity between England and the Emperor's patrimonial dominions, she would be glad to give ear thereto, whereupon he answered to the same effect. Expecting whether the writer had any particular charge from her to open to him in that business, "axed" him the question. "I said, No; save only as farforth as my words afore imported, repeating distinctly that last point again, agreeably word for word with mine instructions;" and he offered his service in this, or any other matter, with the Queen. On his return, will give a more ample discourse hereof to herself. "The Emperor did use and temper in such a fashion as neither gentle and familiar gesture did fail to his words, nor yet most courteous speech, full of humanity to his good countenance," as these bearers, her subjects, gentlemen of good skill in things abroad, who with other English gentlemen there present, can testify.
After Challoner had finished his instructions the Emperor fell with him in questioning of other matters of the late Queen's decease, and of what disease she died, and of others like, wherein the writer largely satisfied his demands. And upon occasion taken (as she, by word of mouth, had commanded him) he declared to the Emperor the honourable and costly funerals she had employed upon the late Queen, whereupon the Emperor used a good countenance and familiar and gentle words, joined nevertheless with an evident show of knowledge of many things. The common voice attributes to him the name of a gentle prince. The writer then took his leave, with intent to pass a few days in suspense, according to the Emperor's saying that he would think upon the matter. Perchance before his leave taking shall in that behalf have some more direct answer of his resolution.
Of other events which have here come to his knowledge some are such as he cannot well commit to writing; of some she shall be certified otherwise; some he will declare at his return, which he thinks will not be long deferred. Men interpret the affairs of England as they are severally affected.— Augsburg, 2 Jan. 1558.
P.S.—A little after his return from the Emperor there came to his lodging the secretary of the Ambassador of Spain, who said that his master, understanding that Challoner had come here to speak with the Emperor, would gladly know at what time he was appointed to repair to His Majesty, in order that he might accompany him thither. Thanked him for his gentle offer, but said he had his audience already; and thought to himself (though the Ambassador had come in time) that the Queen's affairs should be executed without other assistance.
Orig. Hol. Signed and Add. with armorial seal. Ink much faded, and margins damaged by fire. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 10.
Jan. 2.
194. Challoner to Cecil.
Writes by two gentlemen, who in post return homewards.
Hopes that this will be his last letter and that he will speedily return. Things are narrowly looked into in the passage by interceptors of letters. Men here speak diversely of our affairs in England, each after his own fantasy, chiefly for matters of religion. The Queen's marriage is cardo nostri negotii. She should take the benefit of time, to consider what fair offers she may have, and shall have (if it please her) on all sides, to chose the meetest if she suspend her resolution. But others esteem her for already resolved. Afore the late Queen's death and after, practices in that behalf were set abroach by great princes. Advices by letters make divers accounts, all to one point, esteeming the balance of the wars between Flanders and France to depend upon which side shall overweigh. Considering where he now finds himself, which ways he has to pass home, what respect is to be had in sending letters, he cannot add more, but wishes that upon good and ripe advertisements when all coasts of the air are discovered likely for a clear weather and calm seas to continue, that then the galley take the gulf to cross the seas, and in the meantime to sail along the shore.—Augusta, 2 Jan. 1558.
P. S.—Has written from Dover, Antwerp, and from the town of Rynehowsen, beside Spires. The King of Bohemia is at Vienna with his brother Ferdinando. The Princes of the Empire perchance will be slack enough afore their assembly.
Orig. Hol. Add., with armorial seal. Pp. 4.
Jan. 2.
B. M. Harl. 169. 20 b.
195. Proceedings of Privy Council.
Westminster, 2 Jan. 1558.—Present: the Lord Great Seal, the Marquis of Northampton, the Lord Steward, the Earl of Bedford; the Lords Admiral and Chamberlain; the Controller, Vice-Chamberlain, and Secretary; Mr. Cave, Mr. Peetre, Mr. Mason, Mr. Sackville.
Thomas Gresham, Esq., the Queen's agent in Flanders, brought to the Lords four bonds, whereof two from the late Queen, sealed with the great seal, and other two sealed with the seal of the city of London, which were heretofore passed for the sure payment of certain sums of money borrowed in Flanders by the said late Queen, as followeth, viz.:
One bond, bearing date 25 May 1558, to Balthazar and Conrad Schett, for 53,035 florins, due the last of Nov. last.
One other bond, bearing date in July last, to the said Balthazar and Conrad, for 30,249 florins, due 1 Jan. last.
Both which bonds were cancelled, and those sealed with the great seal were sent to the Lord Treasurer to be laid up in the treasury, and the other two sent by the said Mr. Gresham to the Mayor of London.
This day Sir Ralph Graye, Knt., having charge of 100 men in the north, because he came away without licence of the Lord Warden, as himself confessed, was committed to the Porter's Lodge.
Jan. 2.
R. O. 27 V. 53.
196. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
Jan. 2.
R. O.
197. Cloughe to Gresham.
Wrote last on 31 Dec. by the ordinary post. On his arrival at Brussels he was prevented from having an interview with Seignor Rugomos [Ruy Gomes] in consequence of the latter having so much to do with the King. Would have remained, but had promised Lord Cobham to be at Antwerp next day, both to despatch him for his money and to help him in his purchases. While at Brussels the Bishop of Ely had asked him for 200l. which should have been paid him at Arras, which he intends to do.
Having seen the burial of the Emperor Charles he returned to Antwerp, where he found Lord Cobham (to whom he has paid the 120l.), a very gentle and sage young lord (of whom he wishes there were more in England), who gave him a letter to one Mr. Henyche, which is enclosed. Since his coming to Antwerp has spoken with the Lyxsalls, who say that at this present they can do nothing, they can employ their money otherwise.
Has received his letters of the 28th ult. from Dunkirk enclosing the Queen's letters to one Dr. Mont at Strasburg, which he has forwarded along with a bill of credit for 100 Δ. at sight, which he has obtained from the factor of Goryche Wollse, which he sent next day by John Fywylyams' [Fitzwilliams?] letter to Richard Sprynggam. The servant of Sir Thomas Wrothe, to whom he was to have delivered 40 Δ. was departed from Antwerp before his (the writer's) arrival from Brussels, but he has no need of any, as he has told one Wm. Brown, servant with Wm. Brode. Has shipped Sir John Mason's chest of butter (?) in a vessel of Anthony Pettersone, of Antwerp; has also shipped Sir John Mason's waggon, with harness for the Queen, and part of his copper.
Funeral Services for Charles V. Being at Brussels he saw the burial of the late Emperor Charles. It began on the 29th of last month, and continued two days, according to the following order:—
In the Court there were no great ceremonies of mourning, saving over the gate hung about six yards of black cloth with the arms of the Emperor painted upon a table. The like hung before the door of the great hall within the Court.
From the Court to the market ("or Fechemarkt") and thence to the head church, "called S. Golls," the streets were railed on both sides, all black, and on each side stood the burgesses of the town, the one distant from the other about one fathom, in black gowns, with a torch of wax in their hands, with the Emperor's arms on them, about 3,000 torches. The church was all hanged with black cloth, above which, the breadth of a velvet round about the church, whereon were made fast many escutchions of the Emperor's arms.
In the middle of the church stood a fair hearse, which was covered above with cloth of gold; but by reason the candlesticks, whereon the candles stood, were so thick and black, the cloth of gold was little perceived, whereon might be by estimation about 2,500 candles, or 3,000 at the most; but round about the church there stood wonderful many. And under the hearse the chest, or coffin, for the corpse covered with black cloth.
The burying began about 1 o'clock. The order of the procession from the Court was as follows:—Eight of the guard, all in black, the schoolmaster of the town and all his scholars, all in white surplices; the four orders of Friars, all in copes, vestments, and tunicles, saving two of every order that went before in their own apparel, and in every of their hands a wax candle, which were a great many in number. After them all the priests and clerks in the town in copes, vestments, and tunicles, as the friars were; then twenty-eight or thirty Spanish priests, all in copes, and after them fifteen abbots, all in mitres of gold, or silver and gilt, set with pearls and stone. Next after four bishops, all in mitres of cloth of silver. The Bishop of Arras went alone, and after him followed the Bishop of Luke, and on either side a bishop. There was carried before the Bishop of Luke a piece of cloth of gold, as if it had been an altar cloth, which was holden by the other two bishops, whereon he put one of his hands and blessed with the other. Then came 200 poor men in black gowns and hoods on their heads, hanging over their faces, and in every of their hands a torch of wax with the arms of the Emperor upon it. After them the lords and officers of the town of Brussels, all in black gowns, to the number of eighty. After them the masters and officers of the artillery in black gowns, to the number of forty. After them the lords and officers of the finances, being in number twenty-eight, all in black gowns. After them the chancellor, the judges, and officers of the chancery, in number sixty. After them twentyfour pursuivants of the King in black gowns, with the badges upon their breasts. After them 120 of the King's household servants, in gowns, being all Dutchmen; and after them thirty Spaniards of the King's officers. There followed them thirty-five of the King's pages, all in black coats and round caps of cloth; next after them forty gentlemen of the state of the Duke of Savoy. After them fifty Spaniards of the order of S. Jago, and other orders of the same in Spain, with white and red crosses. After them three knights of the Sepulchre, with the cross of Jerusalem upon their breasts; there followed them two in black, carrying either two of the Turk's drums, covered with the Emperor's arms. After them twelve trumpets with flags at their trumpets, with the Emperor's arms, whereof the ground of the flags was gold and the eagle black. After them two noblemen carried two standards, one of S. Andrew, and the other of the Fire Stall. After them a gentleman carried a helmet.
Next after that came a ship about 24 feet long, or by estimation of the burden of 20 tons, which was exceedingly well fashioned and costly graven, or "courven," and gilt, as hereafter followeth:
The ship was carried as if it had been in a sea, and was so made and painted as if it had been a sea indeed. The ship went in the streets by strength of men who were within it, and no man seen. There stood in the sea before the ship two strange monsters, who had either a collar or bridle about their necks, whereunto was made fast a cord of silk being fast unto the ship and unto them, and so it seemed as if they pulled the ship forwards. Upon the ship from the water to the shrouds were painted all the voyages and victories that the Emperor had done by water. The sea wherein the ship went was stuck full of banners of the Emperor's arms upright, and amongst them many banners of the Turks and Moors fallen down and lying in the water. All the shrouds and upper part of the ship was costly "corven" and gilt, the shrouds and masts, sails and tops, all bare. Round about the stern of the ship were painted all the arms of the kingdoms whereof Charles the Emperor was King, and above in the ship it was stuck full of banners of all the countries whereof he was Governor. There was made in the midst of the ship after the mainmast a stool of estate, wherein sat no man. In the fore part of ship sat a maid, all clothed in brown, and in her hand an anchor. Before the stool of estate sat another maid, all clothed in white, and her face covered with white "lampors;" in her right hand a red cross, and in her left hand a chalice with the sacrament. In the after part of the ship stood another maid all clothed in red, and in her hand a heart burning. And at the mainmast hanged a streamer with the picture of the crucifix, with many other streamers. And upon the sides of the ship were written these two verses enclosed. (fn. 1)
This was the "preporsyng" of the ship, but there were many more matters about it, which he will not molest his mastership withal at this time lest he should be too tedious.
After the ship followed a pillar of "plousse houlltre" [plus ultra] standing in the sea as the ship did, and drawn as the ship was by two monsters; on the top of one of the poles was a close crown, and upon the other a crown imperial. After them came twenty-four horses, all covered with the arms of the countries whereof Charles the Emperor was prince; the trappings were costly gilt and stained, being most taffeta and satin. And before every horse went either an earl or a duke, and carried a standard with the arms of the country that the horse following did represent, the horse being covered with the same arm and the saddle of the colours of the country; some white, some red, some green, some blue. Every horse had a great bunch of feathers in his head of the same colours, and on the other side of the hearse went a gentleman, leading the horse, all in black, having either a long cord of black silk in his hand, which was fastened unto the bit of the horse. Then followed first twenty-one horses after the same order; but so far as the writer could perceive there were no horses for any earldoms, but only for dukedoms and kingdoms. There were the dukedoms of Brabant, Guelderland, Burgundy, and Austria, and six or seven kingdoms of Spain, as Castille, Aragon, Granada, &c., and those of Sicily, Naples, and Jerusalem, with divers others, which he did not well know, to the number of twenty-one.
After them came a horse, which represented the Emperor's person, being covered with cloth of gold with the arms of the empire, whereof the covering or canopy was very short. After that came one other horse, covered with cloth of gold to the ground, "which stood like unto the gentlewoman's vardygalles," whereon were very costly and embroidered the Emperor's arms, which horse represented the Emperor. And after that one other horse covered all with black to the ground, with one great red cross upon him; these horses were led as the others were. And besides these three horses, divers great standards, or banners, carried by noblemen. After them five noblemen, who carried the arms of the kingdoms, costly graven and gilt, in small shields, whereof four of them went by two and two together, and the fifth came after alone, carrying the arms of the Emperor aloft, with the helmet after it. And before these, five men carried the standard of the Emperor, with divers other standards. After them came divers heralds of arms with their coat armours. After them came divers of the Council, and two with great maces of silver gilt, or else gold. After them the Emperor's coat armour, and after that two heralds of the Eagle. After them the Duke d'Albe [Alva] with a black rod or staff in his hand, tipped with silver, as High Steward, and on either side of him a nobleman, with two staves somewhat shorter than his. After them the Prince of Orange, carrying the sword with the point downward, and after him the Earl of Swartzenburg carrying the Emperor's collar of S. S. upon a black cushion; after him another lord, whom the writer did not know, carried "the worde" (fn. 2) and the sceptre, and after him Don Anthony de Toledo carrying the crown imperial. After him the king of heralds, or greffier of the Fleece, being clothed all in cloth of gold, bareheaded, carrying the great collar of the Fleece, with a white rod in his hand. After him came the King, all in black cloth, in a long robe, and a hood upon his head. On the right hand of him went the Duke of Arcus a Spaniard, and on the left hand Duke George of Brunswick, and either of them held up the King's robes before, and after him another duke of Spain carried up the Duke's train. After the King came the Duke of Savoy, "mourning as the King did," having a hood on his head, but he carried his train himself; and after him all the lords of the Order of the Fleece, with their collars about their necks, and after them the rest of the Lords of the Council.
This was the order of the first day, how they went to the church, where the King tarried till about five of the clock, and so returned back again the same way with all his officers, not having either the priests and bishops nor horses, saving only his own train.
The next day came the King to the "kyrke" with the same state that he did the other day, all in black; but there was neither the horses, ship, sword nor crown, saving all in black, which was about ten of the clock. "And being in the kirk I did all that I could to have seen somewhat was done there, but I could not." The horses were offered there at the mass, and all the arms taken off them and given to the church.
"The service being done there went a nobleman unto the hearse (so far as I could understand, it was the Prince of Orange) who, standing before the hearse, struck with the sword upon the chest and said, 'He is dead;' then, standing still awhile, he said, 'He shall remain dead,' and then, resting awhile, he struck again and said, 'He is dead, and there is another risen up in his place greater than ever he was." Whereupon the King's hood was taken off, and as I did learn of others that were there, the King went home without his hood;" but he could not tarry so long to see it, because he had promised Lord Cobham to meet him the next day in the morning at Antwerp.
This was the order of the burial of the Emperor so far as he could carry away; but if he might have tarried till the next day would have had the names of all who carried the standards before the horses.
"It was sure a sight worth to go 100 miles to see it, that notwithstanding I have seen at Venice, as I went towards Jerusalem, a more number of people go at the burial of one of the 'seignory' of Venice, according to the order as they use there; but the like of this I think hath not been seen. The Lord give his soul rest."
Intelligence. Gresham's affairs are in good order. Since the writer's coming from Brussels finds money on the Bourse very scarce. As touching munition, things wax clean out of order; saltpetre begins to rise apace, but the Court here does not buy any as yet. Fears that all things are not so well used at home as they might be. "And if the matter be now used as it was wont to be in the time of the Queen deceased, perchance when the Queen thinketh to be served of them that she shall have need of, she may be deceived. If I might counsel your mastership in these matters, you should not at no hand, meddle with the furniture of the munition. . . . For in my foolish opinion it is not meet that any stranger shall or should know no part of the lack of a prince, or his own subjects, but and if it were possible otherwise."
Occurrences here are not worthy of writing, but that the letters of Dutchland make mention that the lords of Dutchland meet according to their formal order, on 1 Jan., when it is thought that many matters will be reasoned, both for religion and otherwise. Hears that there is much ado at Brussels about the Confession of Ousbourche [Augsburg]. Some hold with it and some against it, so that it is thought that matters of religion will not be so straight looked into here as it hath been. No news touching the peace, but rather no peace than otherwise, for, as far as he can learn, the King takes up men of war afresh in this country, which is no sign of peace. All men much desire to hear of the Queen's marriage; if it might go after the most voices here it should be with the King. This talk is so rife among all men here that no man may say against it. "And as I hear say, the matter shall not break on the King's side." Signed: Your mastership's apprentice, Ri. Cloughe.
Endd. by Cecil: Tho. Gresham, 2 Jan. 1558. Pp. 16.
Jan. 3.
B.M. Harl. 169. 21.
198. Proceedings of Privy Council.
Westminster, 3 Jan. 1558.—Present: the Lord Great Seal, the Marquis of Northampton, the Lord Steward; the Earl of Bedford, the Lord Admiral, the Lord Chamberlain; Mr. Comptroller, Mr. Vice-Chamberlain, Mr. Secretary; Mr. Cave, Mr. Peetre, Mr. Mason, Mr. Sackville.
A letter to the Lieutenant of the Tower to suffer Sir Francis de Ryxalde, Treasurer of the King of Spain, to carry and convey of the Tower at his pleasure certain ashes, irons, tools, and other instruments belonging to the said King, and not to the Queen, as appears by letters addressed in that matter unto Mr. Secretary Cecil from Stanleye, the Comptroller of the Mint.
A letter to the Earl of Westmoreland willing him to signify hither what Scottish prisoners were taken during his lieutenancy in the north, and where they were bestowed, and what the value of each of their ransoms is, and whether he thinks meet that they be sent home upon payment of their ransoms, or retained here for a longer time.
Sir Ralph Graye, Knt., being yesterday committed to the Porter's Lodge, was this day (upon his humble submission and promise of amendment) set at liberty.
Jan. 3.
R. O. 27 V. 55.
199. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
Jan. 3.
B. M. Galba, B. xi. 234.
200. The Emperor Ferdinand to the Queen.
Expresses his sorrow for the death of the late Queen, and congratulates her on her accession, of which he has been informed by Thomas Challoner.—Augsburg, 3 Jan. 1559. Signed: Ferdinand.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
Jan. 3.
B.M. Sloane, 4142. 1.
201. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
Jan. 4.
B.M. Harl. 169. 22.
202. Proceedings of Privy Council.
Westminster, 4 Jan. 1558.—Present: The Marquis of Northampton, the Lord Steward, the Earl of Bedford, the Earl of Pembroke, the Lords Admiral and Chamberlain; Mr. Comptroller, Mr. Vice-Chamberlain; Mr. Secretary, Mr. Cave.
A letter to the Lord Mayor and Common Council of London, to seal certain bonds sent herewith unto them with the common seal of the city, for the taking up of money in Flanders.
Jan. 4.
R.O. 27 V. 57.
203. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
Jan. 4.
204. Lord Eure to Cecil.
Has received the Queen's letters patent of the captainship of the town and castle of Berwick. Has also received her writ for his repair to Parliament, and requests that during his absence some fitting person be appointed to the charge. Desires that he may speak with Cecil upon the affairs of his office in the presence of Sir James Croftes and Sir John Brende, who likewise are about to repair to the Court. Requests that a commission of Oyer and Terminer may be addressed hitherto to him and others, for the administration of justice, as well by the laws of the realm and the statutes of this town as by the martial law. Refers to the schedules sent up by him on 26 Nov. respecting munitions, none being to be had here nor at Newcastle.
Understanding that Captain Vaughan is about to return here, notwithstanding that upon the writer's complaints of the insubordination of the said Vaughan, the Earl of Westmoreland determined to discharge him (a copy of whose letters to the writer is enclosed (fn. 3) as also the articles with which he charged Vaughan to the Lord Lieutenant,) requests that the said Vaughan's return may be stayed.—Berwick, 4 Jan. 1558. Signed.
Orig. Pp. 2.
Jan. 4.
R. O.
205. Lord Eure's Charge against Capt. Vaughan.
"Articles touching the disobedience and misdemeanour of Captain Vaughan used against me, the Lord Eure, Captain of the Queen's town and castle of Berwick, 27 June 1558," sent by him to the Lords of the Privy Council.
The charge made by Lord Eure against Captain Vaughan has reference to an act of disobedience in not delivering up his muster-book when requested by his Lordship's clerk, Humfrey Collwiche, and for inciting the other captains to a like refusal.
This act of disobedience was repeated in the great chamber in the castle, in the presence of Sir Wm. Brewtone, Knt., and Sir Hartur [Arthur] Mannering, Knt. Signed.
Orig. Add.: To the Lords of the Privy Council. Endd.: 4 Jan. 1558. Pp. 3.


  • 1. These verses have not been found.
  • 2. "The world," i.e. the orb.
  • 3. H. Earl of Westmorland to Lord Ewre. Sends a schedule of the captains who, by direction of the Council, shall remain in Berwick; the rest shall be cassed and shall depart as soon as they are paid. Will confer with Captain Vaughan upon his repair to him, so that his credit be as little impaired as may be.—Newcastle, 17 October [1558]. Copy. P. 1.