Elizabeth: May 1559, 21-25

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1863.

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'Elizabeth: May 1559, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp265-280 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: May 1559, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp265-280.

"Elizabeth: May 1559, 21-25". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1863), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp265-280.

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May 1559, 21-25

May 21.
R.O. Fœd. xv. 517.
717. Treaty of Upsetlington. (fn. 1)
Commission of Francis and Mary, King and Queen of Scotland, to James, Earl of Morton, Lord Dalkeith, Alexander, Lord Hume, Warden of the East Marches, Henry Sinclare, Dean of Glasgow, and James Makgill of Rankelour Nether, Clerk of the Council, to conclude with the English Commissioners upon certain matters arising out of the treaty of Cateau Cambresis. Stirling, 21 May, 1 and 17 Francis and Mary. Signed: Marie R.
Orig. on vellum. Endd. by Cecil. Lat.
May 21.
718. Another copy of the above.
In a Scottish hand, date in margin added by Cecil. P. 1.
May 21.
719. Another copy of the preceding.
Endd. by Cecil: 21 Maii 1559. Pp. 3.
May 21.
720. Another copy of the preceding.
Pp. 3.
May 21.
B.M. Calig. B. x. 9 b.
721. Another copy of the preceding.
Cotton's transcript. Pp. 2.
May 22.
B.M. Sloane, 4734. 162 b. Knox, 1. 326. Keith, 1. 194. Calderw. 1. 444.
722. The Congregation in Scotland to the Queen Dowager.
Heretofore they have served the authority of Scotland and herself, now Regent of this realm, but declare to her that except this cruelty be stayed they will be compelled to take the sword of just defence against all who shall pursue them for matters of religion and for their conscience sake. Signify to her that if they are compelled to seek the extreme defence, they will notify their innocence, not only to the King of France and to their mistress and her husband, but also to the Princes and Council of every Christian realm. They require that they may live in that peace and liberty which Jesus Christ has purchased to them by His blood; that they may have His Word truly preached and His Holy Sacraments rightly ministered into them, without which they firmly purpose never to be subject to mortal man. Far better they think it to expose their bodies to a thousand deaths than to hazard their souls to perpetual condemnation.
Wish that she should not be deceived by those cruel beasts the churchmen, who affirm that she need not greatly to regard the loss of them that profess Jesus Christ in this realm. If she gives ear to their pestilent counsel, the writers fear that neither she nor her posterity will find that obedience and faithful service within this realm which she has found in them.
They will notify to the King of France all that they have done, or yet intend to do, and ask her not to invade them with violence until they have received answer from their mistress, her husband, and their Council there.—St. Johnston, 22 May 1559. Signed: The faithful Congregation of Jesus Christ in Scotland. (fn. 2)
May 22.
B. M. Sloane, 4737. 92 b.
723. Another copy of the above.
May 22.
B.M. Sloane, 4734. 163 b. Knox, 1. 323. Calderw. 1. 447.
724. The Congregation of Scotland to the Nobility.
The Congregation of Jesus Christ, unjustly persecuted by the nobility of Scotland (who are employing their whole force to maintain the kingdom of Satan, of superstition, and idolatry) are not ignorant that they, the nobility, are divided in opinion.
1. Some think that the Congregation are heretics and seditious men, and, therefore, that no punishment is sufficient for them. To them they reply that none can prove they have offended against the written Law of God; for whatever they have done they have done at God's commandment, who plainly commands idolatry and all monuments of the same to be destroyed and abolished. They desire that it be disputed whether these abominations, named by the pestilent Papists religion, is the true religion of Jesus Christ, or not. Their request is denied and their lives sought; the nobility arm themselves against their brethren and countrymen. They should consider that the Prophets under the Law, and the Apostles, the Primitive Church, and the Holy Martyrs dissented from the whole world in their days. May not the like be true this day? The nobility have a multitude to agree with them, they have antiquity of time, councils, laws, and men of reputation, and so had they. None of these things can make any religion acceptable to God. If the tree be judged by the fruit, then the Prelates and the whole rabble of the clergy be evil trees; for adultery, pride, ambition, drunkenness, covetousness, incest, unthankfulness, oppression, murder, idolatry, and blasphemy—all these pestilent and wicked fruits do they bring forth in greatest abundance. In labouring to maintain such servants they labour that the devil may reign. The name and cloke of authority, which they pretend, will nothing excuse them, but rather double their condemnation. The authority and God's ordinance can never do wrong, but the corrupt person placed in this authority may offend. If they obey the unjust commandments of wicked rulers they shall suffer God's vengeance and just punishment with them. "And, therefore, as ye tender your own salvation, we must earnestly require of you moderation, that ye stay yourselves and the fury of others from persecuting of us till our cause be tried in lawful and open judgment."
2. As for they who sometime professed Jesus Christ, and yet have left them in their extreme necessity, or at the least look through their fingers in this their trouble, to them they say that unless (all fear and worldly respect set aside) they join with the writers, as of God they are reputed traitors, so shall they be excommunicated from the Congregation and from all participation with them in the administration of Sacraments. The fearful judgment which apprehended Ananias and Sapphira shall apprehend them and their posterity. Their Church and the true minsters have the same power which Jesus Christ gave His Apostles in these words, Whose sins ye shall forgive, etc., and that, because these ministers preach and the writers believe the same doctrine contained in His blessed Word. Now is the day of battle in this realm; if they deny the Congregation they deny God.
May 22.
B.M. Sloane, 4737. 93.
725. Another copy of the above.
[May 22.]
B. M. Sloane. 4734. 165 b. Knox, 1. 335. Calder. 1. 452. Keith, 1. 197.
726. The Congregation of Scotland to the Prelates.
"To the generation of Antichrist, the pestilent Prelates and their shavelings within Scotland, the Congregation of Jesus Christ within the same."
They notify to them that if they proceed in their malicious cruelty they shall be treated, wherever they shall be apprehended, as murderers and open enemies to God and mankind. Let them remove from themselves first their bands of bloody men of war, and reform themselves to a more quiet life. They may be assured that with the same measure that they have measured to others, do they, the writers, mean to measure to them. As they by tyranny intend not only to destroy the bodies of the Congregation, but also by the same to hold their souls in bondage to the devil, subject to idolatry, so shall the writers execute just vengeance upon them. Yea, they will begin that same war that God commanded Israel to execute upon the Canaanites; that is, contract of peace shall never be made until they desist from their open idolatry and cruel persecution of God's children. And this they signify unto them in the name of the Eternal God. "Take this for advertisement, and be not deceived."
May 22.
B. M. Sloane, 4737. 94.
727. Another copy of the above.
May 22.
728. Croft to the Privy Council.
The messenger of this town, whom the Earl of Northumberland sent to the Regent, has returned from Scotland and reports that the variance supposed to be between the Scots and the French is not true. But the dissension of religion continues, and Knox and other preachers remain at S. John's Town, accompanied with sundry gentlemen, by the supportation and assistance of a great part of the nobility. The Regent, meaning to suppress them by force, has appointed a great number to assemble at Stirling this night, thence to march towards S. John's Town. Likewise the contrary faction assemble their power. The Duke is of the Regent's party, and likewise the Earl of Huntley, who was lately supposed to be otherwise. The messenger of this town heard a proclamation for this assembly in Lytco and Stirling; and met towards Stirling about 800 or 900 Frenchmen. A great appearance there is of battle. Howbeit, a great number of those that rise with the Queen being of that religion that the other faction is, being also of kindred and alliance, thinks the matter will fall to some other appointment without battle.— Berwick, 22 May, 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 22.
Sloane, 4277. 184. Epistl. Tigur., No. 14, p. 19. Transl. in Zurich Lett., i. 32.
729. Jewel to Bullinger.
Bullinger's letters were most acceptable to Jewel and Parkhurst, for they can never forget the kindness which he showed them during the time of their exile, and for which they wish they could make some adequate return. His exhortation that they should act with firmness and resolution is very necessary, for at this time they have to contend not only with enemies but friends, who having abandoned them and sided with their adversaries now oppose them with more bitterness and obstinacy than any other adversary. They have also to strive against what the Spaniards have left behind them, viz., those terrible vices, pride, luxury, and lust. Yet they will do their best. Their life is such that it is scarce like being restored from exile. No one as yet has had his property restored to him. It is irksome to wait thus, but they will hope that things will right themselves ere long. Their Queen is prudent and godly, and favours and encourages them. Religion is placed on the same footing as it was under King Edward. The letters and explanations sent by the Republic and by Bullinger have probably helped the matter forward considerably. The Queen does not wish to be either addressed or written to as head of the Church of England, and she maintains with solemnity that this dignity belongs to Christ alone, and ought not to be employed by any mortal whatever; moreover that such titles have been so miserably polluted by Antichrist that no person can use them without impiety.
Our universities are in such an afflicted and ruined condition that at Oxford there are scarce two persons who think as we do, and even they are so depressed and broken down that they are of no weight, so effectually have the friar Soto and another Spaniard, (whose name Jewel does not know,) (fn. 3) plucked up by the roots all that Martyr had planted so prosperously, and the vineyard of the Lord is reduced to a wilderness. One could scarce have believed that so much mischief could have been done in such a short time. Although it would be a great pleasure to the writer could he see in England even a dog from Zurich, yet at this time he will not take the responsibility of inviting over their young men either for the sake of study or religion, unless it be understood that they are to return godless and boorish.
Lord Russell lately asked the writer how he could confer some great act of kindness upon Bullinger and his fellow ministers, for it was his wish to acknowledge, by some gift, the kindness (which he never tires of praising) and hospitality which they showed him. Jewel said that no greater kindness could be done to them than that his Lordship would steadily and boldly defend the cause of Christ and curb the insolence of the Papists. This he has promised to do, and is doing to the best of his ability.
The Ambassadors of the King of France have this day come to London to offer their congratulations about the peace. The chief of the embassy is young Montmorency. Nothing as yet about the Queen's marriage. The son of John Frederic and the younger brother of Maximilian are suitors. The common impression is in favour of an Englishman named Pickering, a prudent and good man and of a royal countenance. May God bless the match, whoever it be.
This is the first letter which he had written, since he came into England, to Bullinger separately, but is sure that he has seen the letter addressed by the writer to Martyr. Desires to be remembered to his wife, to Gualter, Simler, Lavater, and Zuinglius.—London, 22 May 1559. Signed.
Copy. Add. Lat.
May 23.
730. Augustus, Duke of Saxony, to the Queen.
Has received with pleasure the message delivered to him by her legates from the Diet at Augsburg, being tokens of her love for true religion and regard for himself. Rejoices to learn that she has succeeded to her paternal throne, and trusts that she may constantly profess and more and more promote the true doctrine which is taught in these churches, according to the formula of the Confession of Augsburg, which is in conformity with the divine Scriptures and the true rites delivered by God; and that she will cause the same (which for a time were contaminated and endamaged) again to be professed in her realms. Prays that she may be protected from Satan and his agents. The Elector of Saxony acknowledges and accepts her kindness.—Nossavia [Nassau], 23 May 1559. Signed: Augustus D. S. Elector.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil. Lat. Pp. 2.
May 23.
R. O. 171 B.
731. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
May 23 & 24.
R.O. Forbes, 1. 99.
732. Throckmorton to Cecil.
Could not despatch the letter enclosed by Mr. Guydo Cavalcanti, owing to his speedy departure from Amiens, where Wotton and the writer overtook the Lord Chamberlain. On their arrival at Claremont to bed they were invited to take in their way Chantelly (a house of the Constable's) which they did the day following, and dined at the Constable's charge. Before they arrived there M. de Boissy "le grand escuyer" met them and conducted them there, and after dinner accompanied them to Luzars, where they rested the night, and were by him invited to supper. This day, 23 (still accompanied by De Boissy) they took in their way another house of the Constable's, named Equan, where also they dined and had great cheer at the Constable's charges. Thence to St. Denis and saw such things as were there to be seen. When within half a mile of Paris they were met by the Dukes de Montpensier (of the blood royal) and de Longueville, and Conte Brian, in whose company, and with the said Boissie and Noyailes, they rode directly to the Court, and forthwith were brought into the King's chamber, where they found him, the Dauphin, the Constable, M. de Guise, and others of the Privy Council. (fn. 4)
After the Lord Chamberlain had done the Queen's commendations they were brought through the King's garderobe to a chamber where were the French Queen, her daughter, fianced to King Philip, Madame Claude, Duchess of Lorraine, and the King's youngest daughter, Madame Marguerite, to whom were also done the Queen's commendations. The Scottish Queen and the King's sister were absent, as they be somewhat sickly. The Chamberlain is lodged in a house of the "garde seaux" near the Court, and Wotton not far from him; both found their lodgings handsomely trimmed and hanged, and their diet at the King's charges. He for his part does not find any such entertainment, but is lodged by his own herbinger and makes his own provision for all things. Signifies this much that he may better consider what courtesy and entertainment should be used towards the French Commissioners. The Duke of Alva shall do the ceremonies of fiancing the Daughter of France to King Philip in place of the Duke of Savoy, as was first appointed. It is not certainly known whether she shall be brought to Cambray and there be received by the King and thence carried into Spain, or else conveyed through France and not meet him till her arrival in Spain. The French King after the consummation of the matrimony between his sister and the Duke of Savoy minds to bring her on her journey as far as Moulins in Burbonnois.
Desires to be soon recalled. The French King after the ceremonies touching his daughter and Philip and his sister to the Duke of Savoy, minds to make a journey to Poictou, Gascoigne, Guienne, and other places for the repressing of religion, and to use the extremest persecution he may against the Protestants in his countries and the like in Scotland, and that with celerity immediately after the finishing of these ceremonies. Cecil (fn. 5) may take occasion to use the matter in Scotland as may seem best to serve the turn, and the like in other places, if thought convenient.—Paris, 23 May 1559, 11 o'clock at night.
P.S.—No Ambassador is resident as yet sent here from King Philip, but there is gone from hence to be resident there, Basefountaine, Bishop of Limoges, brother to L'Aubespine.
The Pope is very sick; and the Turk has made great preparation for the invasion of Austria; notwithstanding he is so busied with his two sons, as it is supposed he shall be constrained to give over his intended journey, and will have enough to do to save his own estate. Duke William of Saxe is here, and entertained of the French King with a great pension, besides which the King has given him a house with revenue, called Chastillon sur Loyne, worth 10,000 francs a year.
There has been newly made of the order here the Prince of Mantua, Duc de Longueville, Prince of Nevers (otherwise called Comte d'Eu) M. de Vadamont, uncle to the Duke of Lorraine, and the Count Rochefokaw.
On Sunday the 28th inst. the French King will take the oath with great solemnity at Notre Dame, and on the Tuesday following the Lord Chamberlain takes his leave, and on the day after departs homewards. Nothing done as yet touching Lord Gray. The French King has cassed eighty ensigns of horse and footmen, and still entertains in Piedmont twenty-five ensigns and as many in France. Word was sent unto him just now that a mess of meat would be allowed him for his diet at the King's charges; but how long it shall continue he does not know.
As he was making up his despatch they were sent for to the Court, where the Chamberlain delivered his letters to the King. Omits to mention the circumstances thereof, as he will perceive the same by the letters from the Chamberlain, Wotton, and himself to the Queen.
This day, 24th inst., they were conducted to the Scottish Queen, who was in a chamber with the King Dauphin, to whom the Chamberlain presented the Queen's letters and commendations. (fn. 6)
"Assuredly, sir, the Scottish Queen in mine opinion looketh very ill on it, very pale and green, and withal short breathed and it is whispered here among them that she cannot long live." (fn. 7) Sends a packet from M. de Noailles to his brother.— Paris, 24 May 1559. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
[May 24.]
733. Draft of above, with several variations. Endd.: The like sent to my Lord Marquis. (And in another hand) . . On the first audience after the arrival of my Lord Chamberlain, Mr. Wotton, and my father, by King Henry the Second.
Mutilated, and in a most fragile condition. Pp. 4.
May 24.
B. M. Sloane, 4134. 247.
734. Another copy of the same.
Forbes' transcript.
May 24.
735. Mundt to the Queen.
After divers consultations in this Diet on 20th inst. both Catholics and Protestants have offered in writing their opinions in the article of religion. The Catholics allege that all controversies have always been decided by a General Council, than which they see no more convenient way to compone this strife, and they pray the Emperor to solicit the keeping thereof. If this Council cannot be had, then they desire that the agreements made in various Diets be observed by both parties.
To this the adherents of the Confession of Augsburg reply that they will agree to a Council if it be free, Christian, impartial, held in Germany, and one in which the Word of God and not the Pope shall be the judge and the rule. They say that the Councils of Mantua, Vicentia, and Trent have produced more of discord than agreement, and that the treaties entered into at Passau in A.D. 1552, and confirmed at Augsburg in 1555, should be preserved.
The Duke of Holst, Adolphus, and his brother have sent a gentleman to the Emperor to signify that the soldiers gathered by them shall do no harm to any member of the Empire, and that they pretend to invade Ditmarsh, a strong and rebel country beside Hamburg which will not agnosce him for its lord. It is supposed, however, that they will invade regnum Sweciæ, and that the King of Denmark holds with them.
The consultation is still in hand to send Ambassadors into France. The Papists have chosen the Cardinal of Augusta, and the Protestants the Duke of Wirtemburg, who however will not go with the Cardinal. The Emperor and the Electors will persuade the Cardinal to permit of Episcopus Mesenburgensis to go in his stead, who is now President in Camera imperiali, with whom the Duke is content to go.— Augusta, 24 May 1559.
Orig. Hol. Add., with armorial seal. Endd. Engl. and Lat. Pp. 4.
May 24.
736. Mundt to Cecil.
Has written to the Queen the occurrences they have here and the small doings of this large and tedious Diet. Because he has not English enough to express the answer of the Protestants "de Concilio" properly and sufficiently, has thought it better to translate it in Latin, "considering that Her Highness understandeth Latin well enough." The "articulus religionis," shall remain for this time by the old agreement. Concerning the request made by the Protestants that spiritual persons should not lose their livings and benefices if they gave themselves to the Gospel, as he wrote by his letters of the 17th inst, thereunto the Papists will not agree, and call that "Crimen Stellionatus," as they perceive the grant of this act would "occupare et auferre omnium spiritualum agrorum terminos et limites," and that the papistry would come to a great confusion through all Germany shortly.
It is not like that one new determination shall be made in this Diet except the contribution for money under the title of fortifications and munitions to be made in Hungary and Austria, which were not evil granted if it might be truly bestowed for this purpose. Prays to be commended to Sir John Mason and Sir Anthony Cooke, to both of whom he has written in April.—Augusta, 24 May 1559.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 24.
737. Diet of Augsburg.
The answer of the States of the Confession of Augsburg to the Emperor, in which they advance their objections to the proposal made by him, viz., that the questions in dispute should be submitted to the decision of a General Council.
Mundt's hol. translation into Lat. Pp. 3.
May 24.
738. Diet of Augsburg.
The answer of the Envoys of the three secular Electors, and the Princes who were present, the Commissaries of the Princes and States who were absent, addressed to the Emperor, to his resolution respecting a Council.
Mundt's hol. translation into Lat. Pp. 4.
May 24.
739. The Emperor's resolution as to the exceptions of the States of the Confession of Augsburg respecting a Council.
Mundt's hol. translation into Latin. Pp. 2.
May 24.
R.O. Forbes, 1. 102.
740. The English Ambassadors in France to the Queen.
1. On Monday, the 15th inst., riding towards Abbeville, two miles out of the town the Lord Chamberlain was met by M. de Senarpont, Governor of Picardy under the Admiral, and with him M. de Noailles, who was sent by the King from Paris to meet him [the Lord Chamberlain] and conduct him to the Court. He presented a very gentle letter from the King, assuring the Ambassadors of hearty welcome. Within a flight-shot further there met him all the learned men and lawyers of the town, among whom one made to him a short oration touching the conclusion of the good peace betwixt these Princes, and as he travailed in that matter they were marvellously glad of his coming to this country. At the town's end, as it were an arrow's shot, he was met by the Mayor with divers of his brethren, one of whom made another short oration to the like effect as the former; and so they rode into Abbeville. That night he and all those with him were bidden to supper to M. de Senarpont, where they all supped. He remained at Abbeville the next day, and was presented with a good present of wine.
2. On Wednesday, the 17th, the Lord Chamberlain rode towards Amiens, where at his alighting at his lodging the Mayor with all his brethren were ready to receive him, and presented him with a great present of fish, (a marvellous great salmon, great carps, pikes, breams, and perches,) and also thirty great pots of wine, whereof six were of ypocras. There he remained Thursday and Friday, abiding the coming of Dr. Wotton and Sir N. Throckmorton, who arrived there on Friday night, where Noailles presented the Dean of Canterbury with a like gentle letter from the French King of the like effect.
3. On Saturday, 20th, they rode to Breteul and lodged there that night; and on Sunday, the 21st, they rode to Clermont to bed. On the 22nd, (whilst going to Chantilly, one of the Constable's houses, which M. de Noailles wished they should see,) they were met about a league from thence by M. de Boisy, Master of the Horses to the French King, who, with a gentle message from his master, welcomed them, and from thence accompanied them to the Court. At Chantilly a good dinner was prepared for them by the Constable, and (having seen the commodities of that house), they afterwards rode to bed to Lusarches, where M. de Boisy had prepared a good supper for them, but the Lord Chamberlain, being pained with the tooth-ache, could not be at it. On Tuesday they went to Escouan, a princely house of the Constable's and worth the seeing, where also they had a great dinner and were very gently entertained by such of his gentlemen as he had sent thither for that purpose. Upon the gate and in divers places within the house were set up three scutcheons, the middlemost containing the arms of England, that on the right hand a rose half white and half red, and the third a great E for her Highness's name, and the like they found at their lodgings in Paris. Riding towards Paris and passing through St. Denis they lighted at the church to see the sepulchres of the French Kings, and then were showed the rich jewels of that church, which are notable.
4. Betwixt St. Denis and Paris were met by the Dukes of Montpensier and Longueville, the Conte de Brienne, and other gentlemen, who brought them straight to the Court, since the King could forbear the sight of them no longer, so welcome were they unto him; so they went, booted and spurred and well washed with the rain. He received them with words and countenance as gentle and loving as could be devised, and inquired with very hearty and loving words of the Queen's health. The Lord Chamberlain having declared that he had letters and credence, the King said he would be glad to receive the letters and understand the credence when they thought good, and talked very familiarly with the Lord Chamberlain, the Dean of Canterbury, and Sir N. Throckmorton. They likewise did her commendations to the King Dauphin, and saluted the Constable, the Duke of Guise, and other great princes and cardinals there present. From thence were brought to the French Queen, to whom the Chamberlain did the Queen's recommendations, and did reverence to her and her three daughters, being there present. The Queen of Scots was not there, for she is sickly. Finally, having saluted the Duchesses of Montpensier, Guise, and Valentinois they were conducted by the Dukes of Montpensier and Longueville, the Master of the Horse, the Conte de Brienne, and M. de Noailles to the Chamberlain's lodging, which was very near the Court, instead of the other side of the water by the Augustine Friars, as was once appointed; the King, thinking it to be too far from the Court, caused these lodgings by the Court to be prepared. At their coming to the Chamberlain's lodging, found two of the King's mâitres d'hotel, who were appointed to wait upon them; and not only were the chambers prepared with the King's hangings and stuff but also meat and drink; and the same was done in the Dean of Canterbury's lodging.
5. On the 24th the King ordered that Sir N. Throckmorton also should have a mess of meat sent to his lodgings at the King's charge. More honour or gentle treatment could not have been shown them. They certify this that she may the better consider how to use M. de Montmorency and his company. The same day the King sent that they should have audience with him at 2 o'clock, but afterwards word was brought that he intended that afternoon to play at tennis, and therefore required that they would be with him at 11 o'clock, the time that he rises from dinner. They did so, and delivered the Queen's letter and declared their instructions. The King trusted there should be as good amity betwixt them as had been between their fathers. As for the delivery of the ratifications, he had sent his to the Queen for the better declaration of his goodwill to the conservation of the treaty, but was very well contented to redeliver it to them again. On Sunday the King intends to take his oath at Notre Dame for the more solemn ratification of the treaty. He has already sent her his ratification by M. de Montmorency for like purpose. The Lord Chamberlain repeated to him that his delivery of the ratifications showed the Queen of the very good mind he evinced to her, the reciproque whereof he should not fail to find in the Queen.
6. Albeit that the Queen of Scots was sickly yet they were brought to the King Dauphin and her, to whom the Chamberlain declared first to the King Dauphin that which was appointed for him only. Whereupon, "being admonished by the Constable," the Dauphin said he was very glad to see his father and the Queen in such amity, and would do all he could for the conservation of it. The Chamberlain then delivered the Queen's letter addressed to them jointly, which was read by the Secretary de l'Aubespine, and that done, he declared the rest of his instructions. The Queen herself replied that for the better observation of the treaty the King, her husband, and she had sent their ratification to Her Highness; and that they were well contented with the peace, and would omit nothing that would tend to the conservation of the same; and for her part, she had more cause to do for the near parentage betwixt Elizabeth and herself. To which the Lord Chamberlain answered, that the Queen would not only see for their part the treaty in all parts observed, but would be glad to increase the amity betwixt them. Because the Constable, considering the Queen's weakness, seemed to be loathe they should trouble her with long communication, they took their leave of the Queen. On Sunday the French King will ratify the treaty by his oath.—Paris, 24 May 1559. Signed: W. Howard,—N. Wotton,—N. Throkmorton.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 7.
May 24.
B.M. Sloane, 4134. 251.
741. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
May 24.
742. Lord William Howard to Cecil.
Since by their letter to the Queen he shall understand the whole discourse of their entertainment since their arrival in France, it is not needful to write it to him. Desires him by these few lines to consider well how they have been used, "and that although I know well the like cannot be showed there to them, yet I would that they understood that we have made report of it, and that you would, as much as in you lieth to travail, that there might be as much done to them as may be."
Thinks assuredly by this day "senyght" to return. "Ah! master Secretary, full little knoweth the Queen's Majesty the charges that I am at. I assure you there is no day that I escape under 10l. a day, and sometimes more, besides rewards to minstrels and others. I trust the Queen will consider mine estate, and the better by your setting forth, which must be out of hand; or else I shall be forced to return home with scorn, and not greatly to the Queen's honour." Would have written more, but is sent for to the King. Commendations to the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal.—Paris, 24 May.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd.: 24 May 1559. Pp. 2.
[May 24 ?]
R. O.
743. [William Kirkaldy to Sir Henry Percy.]
His long silence has not proceeded from forgetfulness. Athough the Queen [Regent of Scotland] promised to the Earls of Argyll, Marshall, Morton, and Glencarne, with the Prior of S. Andrews, being accompanied with many nobles and gentlemen, that she would be content that all such as favoured God's Word should have liberty to live after their own consciences, yet, in the conclusion of the peace, she has uttered her deceitful mind, having now declared that she will be enemy to all them that shall not live after her religion. Upon which declaration many of all the Protestants of this realm convened together and have offered their obedience both in body and goods, so that they may live at liberty in their conscience. Thus seeing themselves denied of their godly and reasonable request, they have gathered themselves together and have pulled down all the friaries within their bounds. Whereupon the Queen and Monsieur with the Frenchmen and all such as will take the Duke's part, purpose to pass to S. Johnstown to pursue the Lord Riffen and all who assist him, where are already a sufficient number to meet upon the fields. The noblemen and gentlemen of the west come to their rescue. Dares assure him that if all men keep promise, the Frenchman's wages will be soon paid without the receipt of any money, and the writer's poor country set at liberty of the French nation.
"Herefore I pray you let me understand what will be your mistress's part if we desire to be joined in friendship with her; for I assure you there was never a better time to get our friendship nor at this time, therefore make labours, and lose no time when it is offered. I wish likewise Her Majesty were not too hasty in her marriage."
Requests a speedy answer. If he can have leave to be from this journey, (which shall be on the 26 inst. if the Queen hold forwards,) will not fail to see him at this day of meeting. If he cannot obtain leave, prays his correspondent that none call upon him for the prisoners. Will call for none that are bound to him. "I trust rather to come nor bide, because the Queen and Monsieur D. suspect that I shall pass from them to the other party." If he does not come his correspondent shall know his mind at length by R. "In haste; by Zours as ye knaw."
Orig. Hol. Pp. 2.
May 25.
R. O.
744. John Frederick II., Duke of Saxony, to the Queen.
Credence for the learned, beloved, and faithful John Ælmer, Archdeacon in England.—Vinaria [Weimar], 25 May 1559. Signed: Jo. Fred. Secundus,—G. Bruck.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
[May 25.]
R. O.
745. Francis and Mary, King and Queen of Scotland, to the Queen.
Have received with great pleasure the good news communicated by her Ambassadors, Haward and Wotton. They on their part will reciprocate her friendship.—Paris, [blank] May 1559. Signed: Francoys,—Marie.
Orig. Add. Endd.: May 1559. Fr. Broadside.
[May 25.]
R.O. 171 B.
746. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
[May 25.]
R.O. Rymer, xv. 559.
747. Treaty of Cateau Cambresis.
"The form of the oath to be required of the King and Queen Dauphins of Scotland, according to the treaty of peace last made at Cateau in Cambresay."
Copy. Lat. Pp. 2.
May 25.
748. Another copy of the above.
[May 25.]
R. O.
749. Treaty of Cateau Cambresis.
"The form of the act of the giving of the said oath," with marginal directions how the blanks which occur in it are to be filled up at its execution.
Corrected by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 2.
May 25.
R. O.
750. Another copy of the above.
Endd. by Cecil: 25 May 1559. Pp. 3.
[May 25.]
751. Treaty of Cateau Cambresis.
Oath of the Queen to the effect that she will faithfully observe the treaty of peace concluded between herself and the King of France at Cateau Cambresis, 2 April 1559. Signed.
[May 25.]
R. O. 171 B.
752. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
May 25.
753. Treaty of Cateau Cambresis.
Statement that on 25 May 1559, the Queen, in the presence of Francis de Montmorency and François Despeulx, Seigneur de Vielleville, Captain of Metz, specially appointed thereto by Francis and Mary, King and Queen of Scots, made oath that she would observe the treaty of Cateau Cambresis. This was done in the presence of Sir Nicholas Bacon, Keeper of the Great Seal, Wm. Marquis of Winchester, K.G., Treasurer of England, Thomas Duke of Norfolk, K.G., Wm. Marquis of Northampton, K.G., Henry Earl of Arundel, K.G., Stewart of the Household, Wm. Earl of Worcester, Henry Earl of Rutland, K.G., Thomas Earl of Sussex, K.G., Francis Earl of Bedford, Wm. Earl of Pembroke, K.G., Walter Viscount Hereford, Francis Viscount Howard of Byndon, Edward Lord Clinton, K.G., High Admiral of England, Sir Thomas Parry, Treasurer of the Household, Sir Edward, Controller of the Household, Sir Francis Knolles, Vice-Chamberlain, Sir Ambrose Carr, Chamberlain of the Duchy of Lancaster, Sir John Mason, Treasurer of the Queen's Chamber, Sir Richard Sackevile, Vice Treasurer of England.
Corrected by Cecil, who has added a clause in the margin by which it is made available to the oath tendered to the Commissioners of the King and Queen Dauphins.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil: 25 Maii 1559. Lat. Pp. 2. (fn. 8)
May 25.
R.O. 171 B.
754. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
May 25.
Throgmorton Papers, A. S. 4. Forbes 1. 107.
755. The Lords of the Council to Thomas Wotton.
By the report of the Ambassadors recently come to England from France the Queen has heard of his diligence in receiving and conducting them, and returns him her best thanks. And as these noblemen and their trains will be at Canterbury on their homeward journey, on Sunday at noon, the Queen wishes him and all those gentlemen who received them, to meet them with him at Canterbury (where the Lord Cobham will conduct them) and to accompany them to Dover. Prays him not to fail.—Westminster, 25 May 1559. Signed: N. Bacon, —F. Bedford,—E. Clynton,—Ab. Cave,—W. Northampton, —Pembroke,—W. Cecill.
Orig. Endd.: To the post of Sittingbourne.
May 25.
B. M. Sloane, 4134. 257.
756. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.


  • 1. See May 31 for other copies.
  • 2. Knox, 1. 328, mentions two other letters written at the same time and closely connected with the above. They are the following:—
    See Sloane, 4734.
    Sloane, 4737. 92 b.
    The Congregation in Scotland to M. D'Oysel.
    Require him by his wisdom to mitigate the rage of the Queen Regent of Scotland and of the priests; otherwise, the flame which now has begun to burn will so kindle that it cannot be quenched. Add, that he declares himself no faithful servant to his master, the King of France, if for the pleasure of the priests he would persecute the writers and compel them to take the sword of just defence.—S. Johnstoun, 22 May 1559.
    The Congregation in Scotland to Captain Sarlabos and the French Troops in Scotland.
    Admonish them that their vocation was not to fight against them, the natural Scotchmen, nor had they any such command of their master. Beseech them therefore, not to provoke the writers to enmity against them, considering that the French had found the Scots favourable in their most extreme necessities. Declare further, that if they enter into hostility and bloody war against the writers, the same would remain to their posterities to come, so long as natural Scotchmen should have power to revenge such cruelty and most horrible ingratitude.—S. Johnstoun, 22 May 1559.
  • 3. His name was John de Villa Garsia.
  • 4. The draft, mentioned in the number next following, here reads,—We found the King Dauphin, the Constable, M. de Guise, the Cardinals of Chastillon, and Strozzi, with certain other of his Privy Council.
  • 5. In the draft this passage is cancelled and rewritten in cipher.
  • 6. The draft here adds, "The Duke de Namures returned. The Cardinal and Duke of Lorrain. . . . Philip's co[urt.]"
  • 7. In the draft the following memorandum occurs instead of this passage: "The Scottish Queen's sickness and danger."
  • 8. Transcripts from the originals of these two instruments in the Tresor des Chartes at Paris, J. 652. 34, occur in the collections for the Fœd., vol. 137. Pp. 2.