Elizabeth: April 1559, 21-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1863.

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'Elizabeth: April 1559, 21-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp222-232 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: April 1559, 21-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp222-232.

"Elizabeth: April 1559, 21-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1863), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp222-232.

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April 1559, 21-30

April 21.
559. The King of France to the Queen.
Supposes that she knows what arrangements have been concluded by their respective Deputies in the matter of the peace. Will send his Deputies in a few days to receive her oath to the treaty, and is ready to receive those sent by her. Sends by the bearer, le Sieur de la Marque, his ratification of the same, who is charged to bring back hers. The King and Queen Dauphins do the like; and the Secretary Ladinthon, returning at this time into Scotland, will convey the same, on their part, to the Queen Regent of Scotland, with the other despatches which he has received from the writer.—Fontainbleau, 21 April 1559. Signed: Henry,—De L'aubespine.
Orig. Add. Endd. Fr. Broadside. Pp. 2.
April 21.
B. M. Cal. B. x. 8. Forbes, 1. 84.
560. The Dauphin Francis and Queen Mary to the Queen.
Are glad to learn, on the return of the Deputies of the King, [Henry II.] of the peace concluded between their respective kingdoms. To satisfy the promises made by their Deputies they send, by the Sieur de Ledinthon, the bearer, their ratification of the treaty, having given him charge to receive hers, that he may carry it to the Queen Regent there Ledinthon is charged to express their desire for her friend. ship.—Fontainbleau, 21 April 1559. Signed: Vos bons frere, seur, et cousins, Francoys, Marie,—Aubeline.
Orig. Add. Endd. Fr. Broadside.
April 21.
B. M. Sloane, 4134. 222.
561. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
April 21.
B. M. Harl. 353. 172.
562. Proceedings of Privy Council.
The Star Chamber, 21 April 1559.—Present : the Lords Great Seal and Treasurer; the Earl of Shrewsbury; the Lord Chamberlain, the Vice-Chamberlain; Secretary Cecil; Mr. Cave, Mr. Mason, Mr. Sackevill.
A letter to the Lieutenant of the Tower to receive into his custody the body of the Lord Wentworth, and to keep him in safe ward, without having conference with any, until he shall receive order from the Lord Marquis of Northampton, appointed High Steward of England for the time.
April 21.
R. O. 27 VI. 89.
563. Another copy of the same.
Modern transcript.
April 21.
R. O. 27 V. 130.
564. Another copy of the same.
Modern transcript.
April 22.
R. O.
565. Surrender of Calais.
Trial and acquittal of Thomas, Lord Wentworthe, late Lord Deputy of Calais, accused of the treasonable surrender of Calais and the marches to the Duke of Guise and the French, 7 Jan., 4 & 5 Philip and Mary. Being brought to the bar by the Lieutenant of the Tower, put himself upon his peers and pleaded Not Guilty. The Peers, being charged, &c., severally answered that he is Not Guilty.
April 25.
B. M. Reg. 13 B. 1. 6.
566. Recommendation for Ch. Threcius.
Circular letter of John Sturmius, certifying that Christopher Threcius and his scholar Stanislaus Comespolius, the son of the military prefect of Wielun, have resided for several years in the gymnasium of the writer and conducted themselves with the greatest credit.—Strasburg, 25 April 1559.
Letterbook. Lat.
April 25.
R. O.
567. Mundt's Negociations.
"Answer of the Landgrave's Commissioners to Mr. Mont." The Commissioners of the Landgrave of Hess inform Mundt that they rejoice to hear of the Queen's coronation. They are especially glad to know that she is attached to the true religion; and hope that she will continue in the same. Their master will do all in his power to preserve her friendship.
This answer was given on 25 April at 7 in the evening.
Orig. Hol. Endd. by Cecil: 25 April 1559. Lat. Pp. 2.
April 26.
R. O.
568. Mundt to the Queen.
1. The Estates here examine all the writings proposed a collocutoribus in Colloquio Wormaciensi in the year past, in which some contentions are arisen. The Catholics have suppressed a writing, which, by the Emperor's decree, after long debate, they were compelled to bring forth. This writing is a refutation of the Pope's usurped power, against the prohibition of marriage of priests, and against impurissimum cleri cœlibatum, and against such other detestable commandments imposed against the Word of God. It is to be feared that in articulo religionis little progress will be done here, where the Spiritual Electors, Archbishops, and Bishops, neither will nor dare condescend to one agreement. It is known that the Pope has wrought to the collocutores catholicos at Worms, and ad prœsidentem colloquii, episcopum Namburgensem, commanding them neither to entreat nor dispute upon acta religionis with the Lutherans. Cardinalis Augustanus has protested that he will agree in no alteration in matters of religion, "neither much neither little." The Protestants will agree to no contribution nor subsidy to the Emperor, except they be assured before of their religion, and that nothing be attempted against their doctrine.
2. The Emperor's son, Charles, is come hither again to his father, out of Tyrol; the Tyrolese will pay the Emperor 100,000l. within two years, on condition that he will "call down the new toll" which he has of late set upon all merchandise carried through that country for Italy. All goods formerly carried through the Tyrol are now carried through Switzerland by reason of the new toll. The Swiss have Ambassadors here for all the cantons, to obtain from this new Emperor the confirmation of their ancient liberties. They do not like the conjunction and affinity between the two Kings and the Duke of Savoy. Certain cantons, as Berne, Fribourg, and others, have much land pertaining to the Duke.
3. Here in this Diet, a nobleman, who had been sent Ambassador to Maximilian, constantly affirmed "that upon the Emperor, his father's, threatenings, after that he was come home from his confirmation at Frankfort, to leave the new doctrine and to put away his preacher, he hath answered, that he would rather leave his father and all his friends, and go where he might serve God with a quiet conscience, than forsake the true doctrine against his conscience, or to put away his preacher." He has written to a prince that he will rather lose all than leave the true doctrine. The Emperor's second son, Ferdinand, "is wholly after his father's making," in body, mind, and religion; and if the father might conveniently, he would make him greater than the older, and Maximilian stands in great fear. The French King has lately sent an agent to the new Palatine to enter with him into amity.
4. To-day the writer has had an answer from the Commissaries electoris palatini to whom he delivered the Queen's message on the 28 March. Their master thanks her for her good salutation, not doubting that she will restore the true doctrine and religion into her realm again, which she every time professed and worshipped, and hopes that the friendship which existed under Henry VIII. and Edward VI., will grow and increase.
5. The Dukes of Bavaria, Wirtemburg, Mecklenburg, and Zweybruck, and the Marquis of Baden came here on Friday last. To-morrow the French Ambassadors shall have their answer in the presence of the Emperor and Princes, and all shall dine with the Emperor; the Ambassadors have dined with the Princes before.—[Augsburg] 26 April 1559.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
April 26.
R. O.
569. Mundt to Cecil.
1. On the 22nd inst. Vergerius sent a letter to him by his [Vergerius's] nephew, who has been in England, requiring Mundt to meet him in a place distant from Augusta a day's journey, on great and weighty matters concerning the Queen, as may be seen by his letter enclosed. Mundt (although it was inconvenient to him), went, knowing by long familiarity with him his busy and curious intermeddling in many matters." His communications amounted to this, that they two should labour with all diligence to persuade that the Queen should join herself cum principibus protestantibus in Confessione Augustana recipienda, by which means she would have the assistance of the Princes and Estates. Vergerius knew, he said, through his master, that in this she should offend neither the Emperor nor the French King, and get friends and establish her realm without any danger. Before this matter the Duke of Wirtemburg, his master, had commanded Vergerius to treat with Mundt, and that he [Vergerius] should write into England and send thither acta conventus Francfordiensis versa by the Duke's procurement in linguam Latinam; that to this end he had written certain letters which he partly read to Mundt, containing that the Queen should send a solemn Ambassador cum pleno mandato, whom he would assist to conclude a league with the Queen and the Princes Protestants.
2. He then said that the Duke found fault with Mundt's letters of credit, they being wholly general, and directed as well to the Princes Papists as Protestants. Mundt sends a copy of the patent to be perused. Vergerius was determined to go into England, either as an ambassador or for himself, to preach there.
3. To this Mundt replied, that these matters would be considered and weighed by the Queen and her Council, when they shall be proponed, who would cause answer to be given to his master. Although he has no expressum mandatum to offer aliquam confœderationem, yet he has laboured to preserve the old amity; but (to be plain) this general letter of credit directed to bishops and archbishops, and all other Papists, will little promote these his doings as he desires.
4. In going to Vergerius he met the French Ambassador in an inn, with whom he had some previous acquaintance. They communed together familiarly, and he learned from the Ambassador's men that their master came from Laniga. Vergerius told Mundt that the Ambassador had been with him. "It is not unlike that the Ambassador, Episcopus Viennensis, used Vergerius by the Duke in the French King's affairs. Then Vergerius said that his master, the Duke, did mistrust that none of us would come to him;" the meaning of which is, that by the Duke's means we were called by Vergerius to Laynga. Vergerius said that the Bishop had told him that his master, the King, had commanded certain of his Council to study and search de illegitimitate Reginœ Angliœ, and that the Bishop Mariliacus had answered: "If Your Majesty shall stir this doubt, it will be one occasion that she shall make a conjunction with the Protestants."
5. The Commissaries of the Electors and others assembled in the Palatine's lodging; the Elector Palatine is the chief Prince, and convokes the others when a consultation shall be holden for religion. If the Queen wishes to propose anything to those who are conjuncti in Augustana Confessione, it might be done now; for if it be proponed hereafter it must first be submitted to the Elector Palatine, and by him signified to the rest. The present Diet will not be finished for the next two months. Has done his message from the Queen to the Commissaries of the two Electors Palatine and Saxon, those of the Duke of Wirtemburg, of the Landgrave, and Johannis Frederici Secundi. Sends the articles of the peace made now in Dutch, which Sir Anthony Cook can interpret.
April 26. P. S.—Sends (in Latin) the style to be employed in addressing the Princes, &c., of the Confession of Augsburg.—Augusta, 26 April 1559.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
April 26.
Harl. 169. 32.
570. Intelligence from Antwerp.
Note of a letter stating that there is great rejoicing and triumphing for this peace; and such hope of amity is looked for to ensue by reason of this marriage that I pray God that they fall not so far in love one with another that they both hate us.—Antwerp.
April 28.
R. O.
571. The Emperor Elect, Ferdinand, to the Queen.
Has received her letter of the 15th inst., in answer to his of the 29 March, and thanks her for this renewed expression of the kindness which has existed in the times of her father, brother, and sister. The same feelings are entertained by him towards her.
He has recalled from the Court of his nephew, Philip, King of Spain, George, Count of Helffenstein and Baron in Gundelfingen, his lieutenant in the upper provinces of Austria, whom he is about to send, along with other orators, to conclude a new treaty of affinity with her.—Augusta Vindelicorum, 28 April 1559. Signed: Ferdinandus,—Singkhmoser.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
April 28.
B. M. Galba, B. xi. 184.
572. Another copy of the above.
P. 1.
April 28.
B. M. Sloane, 4142. 3.
573. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
April 28.
R. O. 171. B.
574. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
April 28.
R. O.
575. The King of France to the Queen.
Has received her letters in favour of Lord Grey, prisoner of war in his realm. Would gladly please her, but this matter is between Lord Grey and the Count de la Rochefoucault, the latter of whom has expended considerable sums in expectation of the ransom.—Fontainbleau, 28 April 1559. Signed: Henry,—De L'aubespine.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Broadside. Fr.
April 29.
B.M. Harl. 353. 174 b.
576. Proceedings of Privy Council.
Westminster, 29 April 1559.—Present: the Lords Great Seal, Treasurer and Admiral; Mr. Comptroller, Mr. ViceChamberlain, Mr. Secretary; Mr. Cave, Mr. Sackevill.
April 29. Two letters to the customers, comptrollers, and searchers of Southampton and Plymouth, to cause Stranguishe and Wilford to be stayed, and their ships also, if they shall prepare to pass to the seas out of those havens; for that it is informed here they mind to go as adventurers and to take an island of the King of Spain's.
April 29.
R.O. 27 V. 135.
577. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
April 29.
R. O. 27 VI. 96.
578. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
April 30.
579. Intelligence from France.
"The discourse of the voyage that Laurence Hollinshed made into France by the King's commandment."
1. Hollinshed, a searcher in Calais, received a letter from one Mr. Jones (now one of the Clerks of the Privy Seal) that he should repair to the King, which he did, 30 April 1557. After three weeks attendance in the Court, the King charged him in secret wise to view the fortifications of Newhaven, in Normandy, (for the winning whereof Hollinshed had revealed an enterprise unto the King more than a year before that time,) and certain landing places in the "Bay de la Hougue, in Base Normandy," which he did, and returned in safety before the war began. He reported to the King the great fortifications at Newhaven since he had last been there, and the great carriage of artillery that he had met for the defence of the coast.
2. The King wished him to go again into France "as a practiser," which he consented at last to do, (after many motions made by the King and Domp Barnardin de Mendossa,) and went to Boulogne, where he offered himself to the Captain thereof, Mons. de Senarpont, with whom he had acquaintance, offering to serve the French King by advertisement in all points which might be prejudicial to the King and Queen of England, and they that would take their part, so as the same were not prejudicial to the commonwealth of the realm, which the said Senarpont accepted. Accompanied by a gentleman, he was sent first to the Admiral, at Abbeville, and afterwards to the French King; who, after long talk, accepted his service, and gave him 100 French crowns and an assurance to come into France and return safely during the war. The King caused him to be accompanied to Boulogne by two gentlemen, by means of whose company the writer thought to have found opportunity to view Abbeville, Rue, and Monstreuille, according to his charge, but this he could not do, being so straightly looked to, nor could he speak a word to Mr. Wotton, into whose lodging he entered by fortune at Amiens, not knowing before of his being there. When he returned, he besought the King of Spain never more to employ him in such sort, for that there was no trust to be put in the French King's word. The King would not be satisfied, but wishing to employ him once more, he besought the Lord Paget to move the King in his behalf, declaring that besides the great danger, he was allowed by the King less than his charge near 100 French crowns; the King, however, charging him to adventure once again, he went.
3. The three chief points of his mission were (1,) to view the fortifications of Abbeville, Rue, and Monstreuille; (2,) to understand what force the French King was able to make; (3,) "to entertaigne espialls." Going forth, he stayed at Calais a day or two, and the French Ambassador arriving there, he thought it best to go with him into France. By mean made to Sir Thomas Cornwalleys (who much misliked the same) the writer went with the Ambassador, who used to him by the way much talk, sounding altogether to the dispraise of the nobility of England, some particularly by name, and others by general terms. Arriving at Picqueny on Friday, 1 July, the writer was sent the same night to the Court, then at Compiègne, in the company of the Ambassador's Secretary. In the meantime, until Monday, (he having full liberty to go where he list,) he entertained certain espials, by whom he understood the estate of France. Here was warning given him to take heed, for he would be practised on by one who would betray him. The same Monday afternoon there came to him a Scottish gentleman, who said to him, "If you can find mean to get me entertainment of the Queen, I will bring with me to Calais the greater part of the Scottishmen that are in France, who, with the rest that shall tarry behind and serve my turn, will (fn. 1) be able to do her great service." The writer appointed to talk further the next day, but he, seeing the same but a feigned matter, discovered it the same night to the Ambassador. On the Wednesday, being brought to the Constable, was by him promised his despatch to return in the afternoon; but on going for the same, he was by the provost of the household arrested prisoner, and at the end of sixteen days the Constable, going to the camp, delivered him into his provost's hands. A Frenchman dwelling at S. Katherine's, (who had never spoken to Hollinshed,) said that he had offered him money to show him the secrets of Boulogne. Thereupon "having irons given him," he was plundered of his horse, worth 40 crowns, 80 French crowns and above in gold, his apparel and weapon, two rings [worth] ter than 8l., and had to the castle of Coucy, 23 July 1557, where he remained until 1 April 1559. During which time he was practised withal as follows:
4. He was kept there until 5 October following, accompanied with a Bourgoinon, taken at Lens in Artois, an honest and wealthy merchant. Being continually by one or other threatened, and doubting to be used worse and worse, he determined (by the consent of the merchant) to break out of prison on 5 Oct., which he did; but was taken by the warder at the further end of the castle bridge, and forthwith cast into a dungeon, where he lay until 2 Nov., when the Bourgoinon caused his delivery. Hollinshed had declared to him certain advertisements which he had understood by such espials as he had entertained, desiring him at his return to repair to Calais and declare the same to my Lord Deputy, Mr. Treasurer being then in England. These advertisements were as follows:
5. That Hollinshed had been informed that the King of Navarre and M. de Langey, Governor of Normandy, (and named King of Yvetost) were earnestly moved by the French King to invade England at the return of the Duke of Guise out of Italy, in the right of the Scottish Queen's title, who before that time should be married to the Dauphin of France; for that they, having the name of Protestants, might the better allure the nobles and commons of England for religion's sake to join with them. This they refused to do, at the King's motion.
6. That there was great intelligence between the French King and the Cardinal Poole, and that the Cardinal du Bellay, resident in the Court of Rome, had caused the same.
7. That the Cardinal's "argentier" went over into France with the French Ambassador. By his speaking he seemed to be an Italian, by his own report a Limosin, but by the Ambassador's secretary's saying he was born in Noyon, in Picardy.
8. That the French King had few men before the return of his troops out of Italy, and that his treasure was sore wasted away by his wars of Italy.
9. That Monstreville and Rue were greatly fortified, but Abbeville very little.
10. After the departure of this Bourgoinon, about ten or twelve days before Christmas, one Courtenay, an ancient gentleman and keeper of the said castle, came to Hollinshed and told him that the power of France was gone to meet and "recounter the King of Boesme in a certain strait in Savoy." In the Christmas holidays he told him that they were gone to victual Arde; and in the end of Christmas he said that they had besieged Calais, and within four days afterwards he told him that the same was lost; and in the end of January gave him the discourse thereof in print. The writer thought it untrue, and tore it in pieces, and (having obtained paper, pen, and ink) made about 2,000 French verses, in form of a satire, in answer thereof. Within a month afterward he began to nip and pinch the said Hollinshed in dark and covered words with an old matter done three years ago, and somewhat after touched and charged him with the enterprise of Newhaven. But he answered that he saw he had trusted an unsure pillar in crediting their King's word; "howbeit [it] were better he should lose his life than the King his occupation, which was to abuse the world by dissimulation and untruth in promise keeping." After this time they used him no more the like talk.
11. About ten or twelve days before Easter two plats of Calais were sent to him, and he was asked if he could draw the like, whereunto he answered that, though he could, he would not; thinking, assuredly, that Calais was not lost. He was put in irons by the Governor's commandment, 20 May 1558, and remained in the same until 14 August, during which time much talk was ministered unto him, and specially in the month of July, whilst the French camp was assembling not far from thence, by French gentlemen, but specially by Scottish men, whose whole talk was in praise of the Scottish Queen and of her title to the crown of England, and to the dispraise of the English nobility, ever moving him to serve the King.
12. On 14 Aug. the French King, coming "along that coste" with his army, dined in the castle of Coucy, as did also the Cardinals of Lorraine, Guise, and Chastillon, and diverse noblemen, and came to see the writer and talked with him awhile; and going forth, left the Cardinal of Lorraine there still, who (entering into talk of discourse of chronicles) spoke of the crown of England, preferring much the Scottish Queen's title more than the Queen's, her sister's, or any other. To this point Hollinshed seemed to agree, and thereupon the King entering in again, seemed to be sorry for his trouble, and promised to send him apparel, (he had then neither hose, coat, doublet, nor jerkin, but was only wrapped in an old torn gown,) money, horse, and other necessaries, and also large recompence if he would enter his service. He gave the Cardinal of Chastillon charge to put him in mind of Hollinshed, to whom he declared the loss of Calais, and how one Philberd, a physician, and an apothecary dwelling upon the marketplace, were causers of the same. He commanded his irons to be taken off, and, leaving him still a prisoner, went his way.
13. Here the writer remained without fire, candle, or apparel (other than the coverlets of his bed) all the last winter and the spring time, and until 1 April, when he was single and simply apparelled and sent into the Bourgoinon pale without money or weapon.
14. From the time the King was at Coucy he was more visited than before by diverse gentlemen, and moved to serve him and to accept recompence and entertainment. During January, February, and March, M. de Boucheavanes, Governor of Dorlens and Coucy, promised him 200 marks of lands in inheritance, a large recompence, and a pension besides; telling him that Queen Mary was dead of the dropsy, and that one of her gentlewomen had got the crown, but what she was he could not tell; Mary, the rumour was that she had but a simple title to the same. The better to accomplish his matter he ordained him flesh all Lent, (where he had no want of red deer and wild boar) and further, dissembling his religion, offered to give him a notable good book called Sledanus de Statu Religionis, and seemed to be offended with his lieutenant for not advertising the King thereof, with diverse other words of feigned friendship, but ever extolling the Scottish Queen and her title to England, whereunto he feignedly agreed, in order to hear in what wise they would employ him.
Endd.: Ultimo Aprilis 1559. Hollynshed. Pp. 10.
[April 30.]
R. O.
580. Taking of Calais.
Copies of two supplications exhibited to the Constable of France by Thomas Gery, alias Monceaulx, son to Philibert [de Monceaulx] late physician in Calais, against the Vidame de Chartres, who had despoiled him of certain possessions granted to him by King Henry II. upon the taking of the town of Calais.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
R. O.
581. Remembrances for the Borders.
Commission to be given to the Lord President of the North for levying 1,000 light horse, to be ready by 1st May, to whom ten captains shall be appointed who shall be approved by the Queen. These horsemen shall be "mere countrymen and no borderers," and on their coming to the borders all Northumberland men shall be discharged out of wages.
The President shall also have commission to appoint 1,000 footmen for service in Berwick. Earnest letters to be sent to the Lord Warden for appointing the watches, and for the punishment of them that will not rise to the frays. A deputy to lie at Harbottle. The controversy between the Carres and the Herons to be decided. The Warden shall have commission to execute the law martial during the wars. The like commission to be in Berwick, the new orders for which place shall be set forwards. A comptroller to be appointed. The Master of the Ordnance shall be directed to mount all his ordnance. Wark and Norham to be considered.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil: North, Mr. Brend. Pp. 2.


  • 1. The MS. here reads, "I will be able."