Elizabeth: Febuary 1559, 21-28

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1863.

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'Elizabeth: Febuary 1559, 21-28', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp145-152 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: Febuary 1559, 21-28', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp145-152.

"Elizabeth: Febuary 1559, 21-28". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1863), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp145-152.

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Febuary 1559, 21-28

Feb. 21.
B. M. Harl. 353. 152 b.
347. Proceedings of Privy Council.
Westminster, 21 Feb. 1558.—Present: the Earls of Bedford and Pembroke; the Lord Admiral; Mr. Comptroller, Mr. Vice-Chamberlain, Mr Secretary; Mr. Cave, Mr. Mason, Mr. Sackeville.
A letter to the Earl of Northumberland to cause the disorder attempted against such as had the conveyance of the Queen's treasure to Berwick at Felton to be uprightly and substantially examined and the offenders punished, to the terror of others, having such consideration in the matter as Mr. Ingleby's man, that is said to have wounded the party that is slain, may have the equity and benefit of the law, if the matter shall fall out against the other parties.
A letter to Richard Whalley, Esquire, to go forward in the bargain made with Sir Richard Lee for 1,000 tons of timber, to be delivered at Hull at 10s. the ton, to be sent to Berwick, and not to make sale of anv wood he shall fell, but to keep the same for the Queen's use at the said price.
Feb. 21.
R. O. 27 V. 83.
348. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
Feb. 21.
R. O. 27 VI. 31.
349. Another copy of the preceding.
Modern transcript.
Feb. 24.
R. O.
350. Earl of Northumberland to the Queen.
On the 17th inst., his brother and Sir James Croft had a meeting with Sarlabos, a Frenchmen and the Secretary of Scotland, who, among other communications tending towards a motion for peace, declared the Queen Dowager's good mind towards peace; that in order to avoid anything to stir displeasure an abstinence should be begun; and that some one should be sent from Scotland to the Queen on the Dowager's behalf. Hereupon, the writer upon his authority as Warden, promised a safe conduct; but this not appearing satisfactory, a new meeting was appointed to be held on the 23rd inst. between him, his brother, and Sir James Croft on the one party, and the Earl Bothwell, Sarlabos, and the Secretary on the other, when the latter would come with full commission from the Dowager. The appointment was kept on both sides, and after sundry debatements they agreed to send a gentleman to the Queen to be a mean for peace.
When they discussed the question of an abstinence, those for Scotland required it might be for three months, under which time the treaty of a peace could not be ended; their commission was expressly for three months, for that they had to obtain the assent of the Scottish Queen and the Dauphin, who are in France. The Earl would agree only to two months, but said that the abstinence could be renewed from time to time, with which they were satisfied, and said they would persuade the Dowager to accept it for two months, commencing from the same day that the gentleman shall enter into England. It was agreed between him and the Earl Bothwell that all incursions on either side shall cease till the 15th March. The Commissioners promised within eight days to reply whether the Dowager agreed or no. If her answer was in the affirmative, two gentlemen would meet with his brother and Sir James Croft for the penning of an abstinence to be signed by the writer and the Lieutenant of Scotland, as soon as the gentleman shall enter into England, which, immediately the abstinence is agreed upon, will be with all diligence.
Desires to know the Queen's pleasure if the Dowager do not consent to an abstinence under three months, and requests that she will command Lord Dacre to take the same abstinence in the West Marches as he shall do within his charge, for so is the desire of the Scotch Commissioners, as he has already advertised his Lordship.—Berwick, 24th Feb. 1558.
P.S.—The Queen's letter, dated 16th inst., might have been here on the 20th, but did not arrive until the 23rd; he was forced, therefore, to put off the meeting two days longer. Signed.
Orig. Add., with armorial seal. Endd. Pp. 4.
Feb. 24.
R. O.
351. The Earl of Northumberland to the Queen.
Asks permission to repair to her presence to inform her of the state of his charge, and also to have audience of her Privy Council, that upon their resolution things here may be in better stay. The abstinence is now to be treated of and like to come to some effect.—Berwick, 24th Feb. 1558. Signed.
Orig. Add., with armorial seal. Endd. Pp. 2.
Feb. 24.
R. O.
352. Sir James Croft to Sir Thomas Parry and Cecil.
After the writing of the letters which the Earl of Northumberland now sends to the Queen has thought good to let them both know that as far as he can conjecture, the Scotch Commissioners are very desirous of peace, and he could very well have consented, if the whole doing had been in his hands, that the abstinence should have been for three months, as the Scotch have to treat through the Dowager of Scotland and ministers of France, and they through the authority of the wardenry, and it creates no greater inconvenience in the abstinence for three months than for two, for till June or rather July neither of the realms is able to keep any power in the field.
As far as he can learn as to the manner in which they will begin their treaty for peace, on the Dowager's behalf a gentleman will be appointed to treat of peace between the French King and the Queen, and also the Scottish Queen. The Secretary will probably be appointed to this office, as at the late meeting he called the writer apart and told him he thought it should fall to his lot; and asked him in case he went into England, for his best advice how to effect a peace, and whether the wars between the French King and the King of Spain would interfere with a communication between the French King and the Queen; and that he [Croft] replied that the league between the Queen and the King of Spain stood not so straight as that between France and Scotland, so that the thing might be hearkened to as would tend to the weal of the realm. "This man hath spoken frankly many ways, all which were very much, and not easy to put in writing." Had he been at liberty from the charge that he is bound to, he could ere this time have posted to the Court, whereby they might the more fully understand the likelihood of the success of this treaty. Prays to be advertised if there is anything for him to say to the Secretary to further this treaty as it would be much better to know certainly the Queen's mind than to stand upon conjecture. If the Secretary repairs to the Court he will handle the matter as covertly and as warily as he can, as he has assured the writer and Mr. Percy. —Berwick, Feb. 24, 1558. Signed.
Orig. Add.: To Sir Thomas Parry, Treasurer of the household of the Queen, and Sir Wm. Cycile. Endd. Pp. 4.
Feb. 24.
R. O.
353. Munitions for the North.
"The victuals and necessaries arrived at Holy Island and Berwick in this fleet," by ships from Erith, London, Yarmouth, Hunston, Pakefield, Lynn, Rockliff, Hull, Claye, and Newcastle.—24th Feb. 1558.
Pp. 4.
Feb. 26.
R. O.
354. Croft to the Privy Council.
On the 25th he received their several letters of the 20th and 21st inst., the one mentioning what order they had taken with Mr. Abyngton for hastening forward the grain and fish for this town, the other signifying Richard Asheton's declaration concerning such money as he should deliver to the Treasurer of Berwick.
In reply he writes that upon the 24th inst. 12 sails, laden with corn and fish and other provisions, arrived at Holy Island, which he hopes will be sufficient for the present. The Treasurer has received the money of Asheton, and has paid the old ordinary garrisons to the 14th inst. In three or four days they shall be informed how the rest of the treasure has been employed.—Berwick, 26th Feb. 1558. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Feb. 26.
R. O.
355. William Maitland to Percy and Croftes.
Certifies that since his returning to the Court he has so favourably reported to the Queen, his mistress, their communication at their last meeting, and kindled in her such expectation of the good success they think the matter moved among them is able to take if it be hastily followed to, that she has agreed once again to assay what God will work by her means in this good purpose, hoping to find the Queen, their sovereign, so inclined to an honourable reconciliation as they have made him believe, and to that effect had resolved to direct him to the said Queen, their sovereign, with all expedition possible. It shall well appear that for his matters they shall find nothing but a sincere and true meaning, which he wishes to God may happily be brought to pass.
Has presently sent them a minute of the writing to be subscribed, if they find it good, by the Earl of Northumberland "anent the abstinence," whereof he has left the first day in blank that it may be filled up the same day that he shall enter in English ground, as they communed at their last meeting. Intends, God willing, to be with them within eight days at the farthest, and as soon as he comes in the Merse will give them warning, to the end they may meet at the Bownrod, or such other convenient place as they will appoint, where he will receive from them my Lord of Northumberland's writing touching the abstinence, and deliver them the semblable subscribed by my Lord Bothwell, and fill up the blanks of both "anent the first day." Desires them to have in readiness against that day of their meeting a writing of the Earl of Northumberland "anent" the surety of his passage in double form, that he may have one copy behind him in Scotland, and that besides the common form of passports the Earl promised him sure passage upon his honour, "attour" that he would send to the Court some special gentleman in company with the gentleman the Queen, his mistress, could direct. Desires that he may have one of them two, who has been privy to the beginning of this matter, which if he obtains he will be in good comfort not to be frustrate of the fruit of this voyage as he was of the last he made into that realm.—Edinburgh, 26 Feb. 1558. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Feb. 26.
R. O.
356. Another copy of the above.
Copy. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Feb. 27.
R. O.
357. Mundt to Cecil.
Wrote on the 14th inst. that the commissaries of this town were determined to go to Augusta, and he with them on the 18th inst. This journey is now deferred because the Elector Palatine, Otto Henricus, is dead on 13th inst., with whom he was 21 Jan., as he wrote to the Queen. His death is much to be lamented, for his wisdom and experience in all temporal matters, and chiefly for his rare constancy in religion, for the maintaining whereof he was moved or abashed with nothing. His successor is a Duke of Symmern, out of the family of the Palatine, forty-three years of age, well given to religion, which he has instituted in his dominions after his father's death, and all good men have a good hope of him concerning religion. It is not likely that he will go to the Diet before he has taken possession and homage of the palatinate.
The Diet is not begun as yet, and the succession of these palatinates is like to prolong the beginning of the Diet longer. The Emperor will not make his proposition before the coming of the Electors. It is the Emperor's custom after Midlent to give himself to confession and communion in a monastery, and so do likewise the Electors spiritual. It is uncertain therefore when the Princes will arrive. The new Elector must come thither to take the regalia and investiture from the Emperor. Will go thither as soon as the Diet begins.
Begs that the Queen would send him one especial letter of credence directed to this Palatine, to congratulate him on this dignity, as her father had done when he sent him to Frederick, who succeeded Ludovico in electoratum. Elector Palatinus is the chief prince in all high Germany, et vicarius generalis, vacante imperio. The French King has ever pretended great amity with Otto Henricus. All things are still here about concerning men of war.—Argentin, 21 Feb. 1559.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: 21 Feb. 1558. Pp. 3.
Feb. 27.
B. M. Harl. 353. 154.
358. Proceedings of Privy Council.
Westminster, 27 Feb. 1558.—Present: the Lords Great Seal, the Earls of Bedford and Pembroke; the Lord Admiral; Mr. Treasurer, Mr. Comptroller, Mr. Vice-Chamberlain, Mr. Secretary; Mr. Cave, Mr. Peetre, Mr. Mason, Mr. Sackeville.
A letter to Sir Thomas Hilton, that whereas the Lords are informed that he hath stayed a ship of Flushing in Flanders, being laden with salt, and that he also uses to take such wares out of the ships as pass by him towards Newcastle as he thinks meet, he is both willed to forbear to meddle with any of the ships passing by him, being of the realms in amity with the Queen, henceforth; and to signify hither with speed what moved him to stay the said ship of Flushing, which he is willed to keep in safety, and all the goods found in the same, to be answered as in equity shall appertain.
A letter to Alderman Martin, Thomas Hunt, Thomas Huete, William Holland, and Edward Castelyn, of London, merchants, with a supplication enclosed, exhibited unto the Lords of the Council, containing matter of variance of long depending between one Adam Wintropp and one John Combes, Frenchman, by which letter the said Alderman and the others are authorized to call the parties before them from time to time, and to hear and determine all matters of controversy between them, and to take such final order in the same as may both be agreeable to equity and the good quiet also of the parties hereafter, wherein they be required to travel and take some pains and to certify thereupon what they shall have done in the premises.
Feb. 27.
R. O. 27 V. 87.
359. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
Feb. 27.
R. O. 27 VI. 36.
360. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
Feb. 28.
R. O.
361. The Queen to the English Commissioners at Cateau Cambrecis.
Having in her instructions of the 19th inst. desired, upon conclusion of a peace with France, to have also a like peace made with Scotland, reiterates her purpose therein.
1. "We think the peace with Scotland of as great moment for us as that with France, and rather of greater, so, as to be plain with you, if either there should not be a peace there fully concluded betwixt us and Scotland,. . . . we see not but it were as good to leave the matter in suspense with the French as to conclude with them, and to have no other ossurance of the French but a bare comprehension of Scotland. And therefore the sooner ye decipher the French in this matter the better it is."
2. If the French Commissioners have not commission to do this, they may send expressly into Scotland, and their courie shall have passage through England. Or they may deliver hostages for the conclusion thereof, and in the mean season agree to a suspension of arms, or at the least, to conclude their treaties with covenants and pacts to forbear the execution of such marriages and restitutions as by likelihood are to be performed betwixt the Kings of Spain and France until the peace be fully accorded betwixt her and Scotland.
3. If none of these ways shall like the French, and if the English Commissioners can persuade those of the King of Spain to stay with them upon this point, then the matter shall be referred to the Queen, for her further resolution. The former offers and promises of the King of Spain make it probable that herein he will act with them. "And for our satisfaction, beside the matter of Calais, nothing in all this conclusion with the French may in surety satisfy us, if we have not peace with Scotland; and so we will that ye shall plainly inform our said good brother's Commissioners, and that with speed."
4. They shall understand (which they may keep to themselves) that almost a month ago the Scots of the Borders applied to the Warden there for an abstinence, as preparatory to a peace with England, of which she looks daily and hourly to hear more. If this be followed with the consent of the French it will much further their proceedings.
5. These present instructions are based both upon good assurance made to her from the King of Spain, that he will not conclude with the French without her satisfaction, and also upon some arguments that "our enemy" is not so stiff but that he will be content to hear of peace. And therefore in such a reasonable cause, they may do well to persist. Writes at good length to them, because she would not have them ignorant of her mind.
ii. As regards the second point, that seems to touch the new custom set in our late sister's time upon cloths, it had better be omitted from the treaty, or if not, it may pass in general; "for truth is, the French never had any trade of buying of any cloths in this realm, whereby the said new custom might annoy them."
iii. Upon Saturday last came hither with Calvalcant one La Marque, a valet of the French King's chamber, bringing a letter with credit. However as his credit declared only all the previous proceedings, and especially the two offers made of Calais, she referred him to them. As his coming is somewhat strange so his answer is made scant to his contentation.
Orig. Draft in Cecil's hol. and endd. by him: 28 Feb. 1558, minute of an instruction sent to the Lord Chamberlain, the Bishop of Ely, and Dr. Wotton. Pp. 6.
Feb. 28.
B. M. Calig. E. xii. 5.
362. Another copy of the above.—Westminster, last Feb. 1 Eliz. Portions in cipher, undeciphered. Injured by fire. Pp. 3.
Feb. 28.
B. M. Calig. E. V. 33.
363. Another copy of the preceding.—Westminster, last Feb. 1 Eliz.
Portions in cipher, deciphered. Injured by fire. Endd. Pp. 8.
Feb. 28.
R. O. 171 B.
364. Another copy of the preceding.
Modern transcript.
Feb. ult.
R. O.
365. Musters in Northumberland.
"The true muster and view taken by these Commissioners ensuing, the last day of Feb. 1558, of all the inhabitants, as well horsemen as footmen, within the county of Northumberland," viz.,—
Tynemouthshire, mustered by Sir Thomas Hilton, 104 horsemen, 54 footmen.
Norham and Islandshires, mustered by Sir Henry Percy, 313 horsemen, 283 footmen.
Bamburgh Ward, mustered by Sir John Forster and Thomas Forster, of Edderston, Esquire, 162 horsemen, 384 footmen.
Glendale Ward, mustered by Sir Ralph Gray, Richard Lilburn, Robert Collingwood of Itell, and Richard Carre, gentlemen, 65 horsemen, 177 footmen.
Castle Ward, mustered by Sir John Delaval, John Mitfurthe, of Sighill, Rob. Lawson, of Cramlington, and Thomas Harbottle, of Horton, gentlemen, 171 horsemen, 273 footmen.
Morpeth Ward, mustered by the Lord Ogle's Deputy, Sir John Wetherington, the Constable of Morpeth, Roger Thornton and Anthony Fenwick, gentlemen, 480 horsemen, 88 footmen.
Glendale Ward, mustered by Francis Slingsbie, Esq., Sir George Ratclif, Cuthbert Carnaby, Nicolas Errington, and other gentlemen, 438 horsemen, 1,366 footmen.
Coketdale Ward, mustered by Mr. Rokbie, Thomas Collingwood, of Ryle, Rob. Clavering, Thomas Swinborne and Geo. Fenwick, 197 horsemen, 363 footmen; amounting to 1,830 horsemen, 2,988 footmen.
Three sheets of paper, pasted together roll-wise.
R. O.
366. Fortifications at Berwick.
Estimate of the sums of money required "for the fortifications at Berwick."
1,400 artificers and labourers are to be levied in the midland and southern counties of England, so "as to be there the first of March," for whose "conducte" tools, &c., 1,135l. 2s. 4d. is required. The monthly charge is 2,041l. 13s. 4d.
Appended are some memoranda respecting the supply of provisions. With a few marginal additions by Cecil. Pp. 4.