Elizabeth: Febuary 1559, 1-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1863.

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'Elizabeth: Febuary 1559, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp110-119 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: Febuary 1559, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp110-119.

"Elizabeth: Febuary 1559, 1-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1863), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp110-119.

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Febuary 1559, 1-10

Feb. 1.
R. O.
295. Gresham to Cecil.
Thanks for the full despatch of his account. On Sunday night [29 Jan.] despatched a post for the provisions of the munitions and armour. Having always hitherto had the Prince's hand to the like schedule, desires the Queen's to this enclosed for his better discharge. Sends a note of all such sums of money as he has taken up for the Queen, amounting to 5,000l. sterling, or 5,479l. 15s. 10d. Flemish. The Queen having sent a command for the payment of the same into her Exchequer, he recommends a better and more secret course, being that which has hitherto been adopted during the two previous reigns. Requests that in the Queen's warrant the sums be entered both in sterling and in Flemish money, in which latter he always accounts with his correspondents.
Has this morning received letters from his factor from Antwerp, dated 27th ult., with a letter from Mr. Christopher Mount, inclosing a letter to Cecil from the said Mount, which is now forwarded. Mount has received the 100 crowns which the Queen commanded him [Gresham] to pay.
The occurrences are these; the Commissioners of the Queen, and of the Kings of Spain and France have met. The French demand six weeks longer respite for the conclusion of the peace, to which the King of Spain will in no wise consent. Hereupon great preparations are made of men between both parties, and all munitions and armour risen to a great price. The Queen will not be served at the prices she has appointed. If these wars go forward, doubtless things will be much dearer, and none to be gotten for money.
Would himself have waited upon Cecil with all these things, but has had an attack of ague, which took him on Saturday last. Having used a little physic for the remedy thereof, trusts the worst is past.—London 1 Feb. 1558. Signed: Thomas Gresham, mercer.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Feb. 1.
R. O.
296. Loans for the Queen.
"A note of such sums of money as I, Thomas Gresham, have taken up for the Queen, by exchange in London, to be paid in Antwerp, amounting to 5,000l. sterling, or 5,479l. 15s. 10d. Flemish."
Appended is a short letter from Gresham to Cecil, in which he states that he has not raised the exchange one halfpenny "in taking up this mass." Signed: Thomas Gresham, mercer.
Pp. 2.
Feb. 1.
297. Vergerio to Sir Henry Killigrew.
1. As soon the Duke (fn. 1) returned to Stuttgard (which he did on 21 Jan.) he wrote to Vergerio to come to him, and as he was getting into his carriage, being rather unwell, Killigrew's messenger arrived from Strasburg most opportunely. He discussed with the Duke the contents of Killigrew's letter, and at length it was resolved that one of Vergerio's nephews should be despatched with a letter to the Queen, expressive of the Duke's opinion. He writes therefore, and sends not Aurelio, but Ludovico. The advice which the Duke now gives is of much importance; but as it will be communicated to the Queen by his nephew, he will now speak on other matters.
2. The Duke has told him of all the proceedings of that friend who wishes to make out that the other friend should be declared illegitimate. The matter is still hot, and the legates (who, as he had written, were to pass through Strasburg) will not fail to do their worst. The Duke knows all the scheme, and will use his good offices. He said also that the peace between Philip and Henry would be concluded, and that it was the more necessary that England might be employed in her own affairs. He added that he had heard by letter that the Queen had summoned Peter Martyr. When the writer expressed his disbelief, the Duke replied that such was the impression current among the Princes, and that this opinion would endamage her popularity, since it gave rise to the impression that at the very outset of her reign she wished to introduce into her kingdom a doctrine contrary to that of those Princes.
3. When the writer proceeded to apologize for the tenor of the mandate given to him by Killigrew he [the Duke] replied that he had understood it in a very different sense, and that in dealing with Killigrew there was no need to excuse such a proceeding, since he well knew that in a business of such importance it was necessary to advance very quietly and not give occasion to disturbances. He said another thing of importance, namely, that some English people who had recently arrived in Germany, are found to have xxvii articles, which differ from the Confession of Augsburg; that these have been written down, and that the Princes are talking about the matter. The writer endeavoured to excuse it as he best could; he denied it, and said he would wager his life that though one or two might hold such wild opinions, the others did not. Does not proceed to recount all the matters discussed, but will content himself with saying briefly that if the Queen will be contented with a friendship in which these Princes will feel bound to assist her "with their counsels and their help," the Duke thinks she can obtain it; but not an offensive and defensive league, touching matters which have no reference to religion.
4. Wishing thoroughly to comprehend him, Vergerio asked what he meant by the words "with their counsels and their help." He answered that he meant a good understanding on both sides, such as giving intelligence of danger and deliberating together; and that if the Queen were molested on account of her religion, and should apply for 10,000 or 15,000 men, horse or foot, they should be furnished. The Duke said that this was a most important thing among the Protestants, that at a pinch they can always have 15,000 horse and 50,000 foot. Wishes that this information should be taken as a sort of explanation of, and comment upon, what he has written to the Queen. Wishes Killigrew to inform her that he, the writer, has further information to send her, which he will do as soon as she sends back his nephew. This will probably suffice, and be the means of giving a great check to those persons who are wishing to disturb their kingdom.
5. The Duke says that the Queen may have this league by accepting the Confession of Augsburg. It is his duty to write in plain terms, and this is the point to be settled. The Emperor and the King of Spain say, (and it is certain that they have so said,) that since England is not to have the religion of the Pope, they do not care about it, so long as no other doctrine than the Augsburg Confession is introduced. If any other doctrine be adopted, these two persons will be the Queen's chief enemies; they will help the Pope and the King of France against her, and such of the Princes as are not yet hostile. This the writer does not believe. On the other hand, if she accept the Confession of Augsburg, the Emperor and the King of Spain (as he has already stated) will not make war against the Queen on this account; and if they do not, she will have less to fear from the Pope and France, more especially as these illustrious princes [the Emperor and the King of Spain] with their authority, prudence and power, will stand shoulder to shoulder with her. Hopes that God will give her grace to make a good choice between these two sides. The writer is not called on to advise, and his opinion is not worth much, so he does not write it. This much however, he says outright, that the Article about which the Lutherans and Zuinglians are disputing is not, in his opinion, de necessitate salutis. As he has already said verbally, he trusts the Queen will make the choice which will procure for her the greater favour of our Heavenly Father His nephew will tell the rest by word of mouth, so the writer need not say more. Hopes for a successful issue of the negociation.
In Vergerio's hol. Asks pardon since he cannot write the letter with his own hand, being indisposed; but ill as he is he wishes to return to Tubingen.—Stuttgard, 1 Feb. 1559. Signed: Vergerio.
Orig. Add. Sor. Henrico Chillegreuo. Endd. by Cecil: Pa. Vergerio ad H. Killigrew. Ital. Pp. 4.
Feb. 1.
R. O.
298. Vergerio to Sir Henry Killigrew.
The previous letter referred to matters of greater importance. On leaving Stuttgard, Killigrew had paid the post not only for himself but for the whole party. The Duke wishes to have a copy of Killigrew's letters from Strasburg, saying that he wrote with zeal and prudence. He will be glad to repay the said expenses.
If the Queen accepts the offers now made to her, she should continually keep one of her officers among those Princes with whom she has contracted alliance. His duty will be to keep up the friendship and to give daily intelligence. He has already said that if no other can be found, he [the writer] would be willing to undertake the office, and would serve for a couple of years in conjunction with his three nephews. Killigrew knows in how good esteem they stand with the Princes. Has already written that he does not wish to enter into a bargain, but to serve the Queen faithfully, and to her advantage.
He adds somewhat with his own hand. In serving such a cause he serves Christ, and would willingly endure fatigue, expense, and inconvenience. He neither asks, nor thinks of, remuneration, God knows. But having extricated these his nephews from the papacy and having employed them against Antichrist, he cannot think of their return into Italy. He wishes to see them established in England, where if one were employed he would divide his income with the others. They would wait obediently upon every wish of Killigrew's. They must, however, be detached from Marilach. He will send the letter to M. Abel.—Stuttgard, 1 Feb. 1559. Signed.
Orig., partly autograph. Add. Endd. by Cecil: 1 Feb. 1558. Ital. Pp. 2.
Feb. 1.
B.M. Harl. 169. 28 b.
299. Proceedings of Privy Council.
Westminster, 1 Feb. 1558.—Present: the Lords Great Seal and Steward; the Earls of Shrewsbury, Bedford, and Pembroke; the Lord Admiral; Mr. Secretary, Mr. Cave, Mr. Peetre, Mr. Mason.
A letter to Sir Edward Carne, late Ambassador resident at Rome, signifying unto him that the Queen is pleased, in con sideration there is no further cause why he should make any further abode there, that he do put himself in order to return home at such time and with such speed as he shall think most meet.
A letter to Sir James Croftes and Sir William Ingleby to consider both what proportions of munition, ordnance, and other things Thomas Gower, Master of the Ordnance in the north, has issued out of his office for the Queen's service at Berwick, and to comptrol his books from time to time as the case shall require; and when they will have anything out of the said office for the service and furniture of the said town, they are required to address their warrant to Mr. Gower, signed with both their hands.
Feb. 1.
R. O. 27 V. 73.
300. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
Feb. 3.
R. O.
301. Celio Magno to the Queen.
Congratulates her on her accession to the throne in adulatory terms; pays an indirect compliment to her personal attractions, largely commends her talents and acquirements, especially her acquaintance with the Greek, Latin, and Italian languages, and encloses two sonnets in her praise.
The first commences, "Ecco mirabil Sol, ch' in Occidente Del Britannico mar sorge à noi fuore, E comparte al suo ciel gratia e favore Tal, ch' invidia ne porge à l'Oriente."
The second, "Nel felice giardin, ch' irriga e'nfiora Tamigi, e l'Ocean cinge d'intorno, Spiega candida Rosa il crine adorno Dopo lungo tardar d'amica Aurora."
Orig. Sig. Add. Endd. by Cecil: 3 Feb. 1558. Ital. Pp. 4.
Feb. 3.
R. O.
302. The Privy Council to the Earl of Northumberland.
"Minute to the Earl of Northumberland touching the supply and ordering of the bands under his charge."
The Lords have received his letters of the 24th [ult.] and regret the late mishap that has chanced unto Captain Ellercar and his band, occasioned by his negligence and overboldness.
The Earl having requested that some numbers of horsemen might be levied and sent unto him, thereby to supply the want of the decayed and unserviceable bands, they recommend as the easier and more expeditious plan, that they be levied in the north, as they may be gotten.
Corrected draft. Endd.: 1558, Feb. 3. Pp. 4.
Feb. 4.
B. M. Harl. 169. 29 b.
303. Proceedings of Privy Council.
Westminster, 4 Feb. 1558.—Present: the Lords Treasurer and Steward; the Earls of Shrewsbury and Bedford; Mr. Secretary, Mr. Peetre, Mr. Masone, Mr. Sackville.
A letter to the Mayor and Barteram Anderson of Newcastle, and Thomas Gower, Master of the Ordnance in the North, that whereas the Lords are informed that certain pieces of ordnance there are concealed by certain of the inhabitants of that town of Newcastle, which ordnance were delivered forth by John Bennet, late Master of the Ordnance there, they are willed to examine diligently where and in whose hands any of the same pieces remain, and by what warrant they came by the same, and thereupon to cause the same to be returned to the officer of the ordnance and to signify hither what they shall have found herein. It is also signified unto them that it is informed here that they have caused the Queen's arms and mark to be defaced and taken out of the said ordnance.
Feb. 6.
R. O.
304. [Cecil?] to Paulo Vergerio.
1. Hears with great satisfaction from Kylligrew (who had received letters from Vergerio dated 3 Jan.) that Vergerio had informed the illustrious Prince, his master, of the whole matter. The Prince, in his zeal for the propagation of the glory and honour of God, (which are highly commended,) having suggested that a confederacy in the cause of religion be entered into by the Protestant Princes, and in furtherance of this project having instructed his orators to the Diet at Augsburg to discuss the matter with the other Princes;—in reply thereto she sees difficulty in this plan, which cannot be dealt with as one would act in secular matters, by forming a treaty offensive as well as defensive, but accepts it in good part.
2. Having heard that he is anxious to know how an embassy sent to the Queen for such a league, were it formed, would be received by her, (of which embassy Vergerio desired to be one,) he is informed in reply that in the meantime she wishes to know who are the princes who will despatch the embassy, and what will be its object and result. When she is made acquainted with these points she will answer; at present she will say nothing further. She presumes from his letter that the affair has advanced somewhat further, which, however, she will attribute to his desire to promote the Gospel, in which matter she will be found to be neither slow nor cowardly.
3. As to the request of those persons who wished that the Confession of Augsburg should be received and approved by her, she informs them that she has certainly no intention of departing from that mutual agreement of Christian churches, amongst which that of Augsburg appears to her to be the most weighty. (fn. 2)
4. Thus far the present letter expresses the Queen's reply to the letters which she had received from Vegerio. But now the writer desires to express plainly and clearly his own sentiments. Nothing is more gratifying to him than to take part in this cleansing of the church and her restitution to her primitive beauty. Although far inferior in learning to others, he will not yield in labour and diligence to the best workman in the Lord's vineyard. The Church of Christ in England again revives, after having undergone immense and miserable afflictions. Recommends it to the prayers and assistance of Vergerio. The adversaries should be made to understand that the Princes of the Evangelical Alliance regard the affairs of England with as much interest as their own. The defence must be as vigorous as the attack.
Draft, with many corrections, one by Cecil. Endd.: Copia literarum ad Paulum Vergerium, 1558, 6 Feb. Pp. 4. Lat.
Feb. 7.
R. O.
305. Mundt to the Queen.
On the last of January he had audience given him by the secret and chief council of this town, wherein he declared her wish to maintain such amity as had existed between Henry VIII. and Edward VI. and the Princes and Estates Protestants in Germany. They answered that they had heard with great joy that she was ordained to this high dignity, to the singular benefit, not only of England but of all Christendom.
On Feb. 2 there came with a safe conduct from the Emperor to this town Achiepiscopus Viennensis, Mariliacus, and M. Burdilion, the French King's Ambassadors, going to the Diet at Augsburg, with about fifty horses and six mules. They remained here a day. A learned man of this town, among other communications with the Archbishop, said: "If it should please your master the King to render Calais to England again, tanquam in dotem, with the Duke of Saxony, peradventure a treaty might be had upon a marriage with the Queen and him, and that thereby a perpetual confederacy might ensue between the realms." To this talk the Bishop would give no ear, saying, "James, james nows rendderon le villa de Calays." The magistrates, against their old custom, presented no wine to the French Ambassadors. The Princes have not yet come to Augsburg, nor is the Diet begun. Intends to go thither with the commissaries of this town on the 15th.—Argentin, 7 Feb. 1559.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: 7 Feb. 1558. Pp. 3.
Feb. 7.
R. O.
306. Mundt to Cecil.
Has signified to the Queen such occurrences as they have here. The King of Denmark died cal. Januarii, and now his eldest son Frederick reigns. "Hie hath a iunger brother whiche hath but one iye." It is reported that the King now is quite French. The French King has had an ambassador in Denmark for more than two years, and has sent many gifts to Frederick. Desires to be recommended to Sir Anthony Cooke.—Argentin, 7 Feb. 1559.
Orig. Hol. Add., with armorial seal. Endd.: 7 Feb. 1558. Pp. 2.
Feb. 6.
B. M. Harl. 169. 30.
307. Proceedings of Privy Council.
Westminster, 6 Feb. 1558.—Present: The Lords Treasurer and Steward; the Earls of Shrewsbury and Bedford; Mr. Vice-Chamberlain, Mr. Secretary; Mr. Peeter, Mr. Mason, Mr. Sackvill.
A letter to Sir William Ingleby, Knt., Treasurer of Berwick, whereby he is requird to signify hither the occasion and lets by the way that the Queen's treasure (wherewith he was despatched hence so long ago) is not hitherto arrived at Berwick; for that the Lords were given to understand the same treasure was not gone so far as Durham the 27th of January last.
Feb. 6.
R. O. 27 V. 76.
308. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
[Feb. 6.]
R. O.
309. Treasure for Berwick.
"The charges of Sir William Inglebie, Knt., Treasurer of Berwick, for the transporting of 12,000l. of the Queen's treasure from London to Berwick" (268 miles), amounting to 49l. 3s. 9d.
Pp. 2.
Feb. 9.
R. O.
310. Lord Eure to the Privy Council.
In his letters of the last of Jan. had signified that he stayed here only in expectation of the arrival of the treasure, which now he finds had come to Alnwick four days ago, and is likely there to remain, although he has several times in vain sent convoy and has written to the Lord Warden for expedition thereof. Signifies his stay to them, as he must see the servitors here under him of all sorts paid, they having been long unpaid, often mustered, wanting apparel and necessaries, and by that cause driven to the greater need of money. For all which respects in his opinion Mr. Treasurer is too slow in conveying the treasure hither.—Berwick, 9 Feb. 1558. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: 9 Feb. 1558. Pp. 2.
Feb. 10.
R. O.
311. The Earl of Northumberland to the Lords of the Council.
The Queen's treasure, in its journey towards Berwick, between Morpeth and Alnwick, came to a place called Felton, where they should have had new carriages. They took certain cattle for the same purpose by the Queen's commission and the Earl's given to the sheriffs and bailiffs to that effect. The town and poor men of Felton, not being willing that their cattle should be taken, resisted stubbornly the commission, whereupon one of the Treasurer's servants gave a man a blow of the ear. The matter being well pacified, the treasure was carted and set forward, when there came a gentleman named Harvy, brother to Mrs. Leslie, a gentlewoman of Felton, with divers of her household servants; who, having lance-staves, pursued the Treasurer's men and asked who gave the blow of the ear ? He coming so near, one of the Treasurer's men kept off the first blow and got within his lance-staff, and hurt the said Harvie on the head, whereof he is dead. Yet they of Felton deem that they disobeyed the Queen's commission.
Sir William Inglebie himself, by reason of extreme sickness, was forced to stay in Yorkshire. The man who killed Harvy immediately after came to the Earl, but afterwards fled; but he has sent to apprehend him.
In his opinion either the treasure should be otherwise conveyed to Berwick, or else remain at Newcastle; and especially in winter, as the cattle of this country are so little and so weak and the way so deep that they can scarce draw an empty carriage; in all the last wars the treasure came no further than Newcastle, unless it were in an army time.
P.S.—The enemy has done nothing lately on these borders, except that about eight nights ago forty Scots came into England and "took up a town" and burnt nothing, but carried away eight prisoners with them.
On the same night by chance Christopher Rokbie (whom he had appointed keeper of Ridesdale and Harbottell) was forth at a fray, and had followed the Scots seven miles into Scotland. On his return he "subitanlie," met in the dark night about twenty of the Scots who had the prisoners. They gave the first onset of him, and he relieved all our prisoners and took sixteen of the greatest Scotch riders in Jedworth forest. The residue leapt from their horses and gat away in the dark.—Warkworth, 10 Feb. 1558. Signed.
Orig. Add. Pp. 4.
Feb. 10.
R. O.
312. William Lord Dacre to Leonard Dacre.
Sends hearty commendation and God's blessing and his own. All things in these borders are in good state. Having been informed by his secret espials, that fifty cannons are shipped already in the New-Haven, in France, and are looked for with Duke de Guise, and that 10,000 Frenchmen are to arrive in Scotland about, or soon after, Easter, to aid that realm; and that it is concluded between the Kings of Spain and France that the Prince of Spain shall marry the French King's daughter, and the Prince of Pymont the French King's sister, for which the said Prince shall have all his lands again except two or three holds on the uttermost frontier, for which he shall have lands in France,—has thought it meet to inform his son thereof in order that he may advertise the Privy Council thereupon. Will from time to time advertise the Lords of what occurs.
Sends a letter to Thomas Baxter to pay to his son-in-law, Mr. Culpepper, 100l.; and when his own suits are gone through he shall repair home.—Carlisle, 10 Feb. Signed.
Orig. Endd.: 10 Feb. 1558. L. Dacre to Mr. Leonard Dacre, his son. Add.: To my loving son Leonard Dacre, Esquire, at my house besides Ivy Bridge at London."
On the back occur the following memoranda: Post, haste with all possible diligence, haste, haste. From the Lord Dacre. Delivered to the post of Carlisle the 11 Feb. at 4 of clock in the morning. Received at Newcastle, 12 Feb. at 9 of the clock before noon. Received at Duresme [Durham] 12 Feb. at 12 of the clock at noon. Received at Alverton [Northallerton] 13 Feb. at 12 of the clock at noon. Received at Burrobr[idge at] . . . . . . . . . clock, afternoon. Received at Wetherby . . . . . . 13 Feb., at 8 of the [clock at] night.
Pp. 2.
Feb. 10.
R. O.
313. Henry Tamme to the Consuls and Senate of Hamburg.
In the beginning of 1557 John Moller, a citizen of Hamburg then resident in London, had bought for him 39 pieces of English cloth, the exportation of which was forbidden. The Senate at that time had written to the aldermen and merchants of the German house in London, but ineffectually. He then offered the cloth for sale to the English, who refused to buy it. The cloth was purchased by him before the promulgation of the decree by which it was supposed to be affected. It is now said to be damaged by mice. He prays the Senate to aid him in obtaining licence for him either to export it from England or to sell it to the English.—Hamburg, 10 Feb. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Lat. Pp. 3.


  • 1. Christopher, Duke of Wirtemburg.
  • 2. Quod attinet ad consilium eorum qui Confessionem Augustanam et recipi a nobis et probari cupiunt, hoc illis breviter testificamur, non cogitamus certe discedere ab illa Christianarum ecclesiarum mutua consensione, in quam Augustana illa maxme nobis videtur propendere.