Mary: December 1553

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1861.

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'Mary: December 1553', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558, ed. William B Turnbull( London, 1861), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Mary: December 1553', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558. Edited by William B Turnbull( London, 1861), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

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December 1553

Dec. 1.
92. Lord William Howard to the Council. Yesterday two Englishmen, Thomas Goldwell and Seth Holland, arrived here from Rome. The former, having been a servant to Cardinal Pole, he has detained, until he shall have their Lordships' pleasure. Holland, both by his own confession and the saying of Goldwell, having never been in the Cardinal's service, he has allowed to pass to England with this his letter. Meanwhile requests their speedy answer whether he shall permit Goldwell to cross or not. [One page. Indorsed by Petre.]
Dec. 1.
93. Lord Grey to same. Has received information that the French are in camp on the frontiers of Hainault, minding to invade that way; and that to resist them all the Imperial troops, both foot and horse, on the frontiers have in speed repaired towards them, so that in the town of St. Omer, it is said, there is not a single man of war left beyond the very ordinary retinue. They say if the French do tarry their coming, they will give them the battle. [Half a page. Indorsed by Petre.]
Dec. 2.
94. Peter Vannes to same. Confirms the account of the recovery of Vercelli by the Imperialists. News from Rome and elsewhere mention the arrival of Strozzi at Sienna, and that certain pieces of ordnance, great and small, are coming after him from Marseilles. His coming, it is supposed, will be a great furtherance to the enterprises of the French King, and a great annoyance to the Duke of Florence, for he is of high reputation among soldiers and is accompanied with many banished men of some importance. The Duke, however, is very vigilant in all his states, and loses no time in fortifying and supplying all places meet and necessary. He has about him in readiness divers bands of chosen soldiers, as well subjects as strangers, and entertains several valiant and expert captains. He is reckoned to be greatly stored of money, and able to defend himself, equally ready to assault or to be assaulted; it is generally thought he will spend most part of the winter in his defence, and that neither side will much enter into the wars of Tuscany, but abide first the result of the matters in Corsica and see who shall be superior there. News from Corsica of the 20th ult. mention that on the 16th the Genoese army arrived there at San Fiorenzo, which was kept by a valiant captain called Signor Giordano Ursino with 2,000 men; and that De Thermes was encamped nigh there with 6,000 men, minding to attack the Genoese as soon as they should approach the town. It was reported by some that the French had killed 200 Spaniards who had gone to view the town: by others that the Genoese had taken a galley and a ship of the French laden with ordnance and munitions on its way from Marseilles to Corsica, but of these there is no certainty. The people of that country are reckoned most assured to the French King, and as many as are encountered not having the white cross are slain. [Two pages.]
[Dec. 7.] (fn. 1) 95. The Council to Dr. Wotton. Have received his letter of the 23d inst. and communicated its contents to her Majesty, who commends his wise and discreet answers to the French King and Constable. Since their last despatch by Francisco, the French Ambassador has had audience of the Queen and delivered his credentials: on which occasion he discoursed on the subject of the marriage in terms similar to those employed by the French King and Constable to Wotton, dreading eventually marital influence notwithstanding her Majesty's present assured determination to preserve amity and peace. Her Majesty answered in few words, like as she had already declared, that whatsoever husbands may otherwise persuade their wives, if this marriage should take place it would rather be a mean to bring good agreement and concord to Christendom than more wars, and that God would never suffer her to forget her other promise made to her first husband on the day of her coronation. The Ambassador had then suggested a special treaty or assurance for the free continuance of traffic to be made, in order to remove all doubts or fears from the subjects of his master; to which the Queen asked, what assurance could he have more than her word, which she trusted never to break? and, repeating her determination to keep the amity with France as her father and brother had, she remitted him to confer more amply of this matter with her Council. In this further conference, the Ambassador pressing for such treaty, was informed that he should have no other assurance than the Queen's word, that if the marriage took place the government of the realm should always remain in her Majesty and not in the Prince, and if the nation had listed to take occasion to enter the wars for the Emperor's sake, both occasions had been ministered and request made, and yet no ear given to such. The Ambassador prayed the Council to communicate what had passed to Wotton, which they engaged to do, and it is her Majesty's desire that he will on an early opportunity declare the preceding details to the French King. As he had written that Cardinal Pole had put the French in some hope that this marriage should take none effect, her Majesty desires that he will mention in his next letter whether he heard such statement upon any certain grounds; and to endeavour by all means in his power to ascertain whether any such thing had been done by the Cardinal or not, as she desires much to know. [Four pages. Minute. Autograph of Petre.]
Dec. 4.
96. Lord William Howard to the Council. A Scotsman, arrived here out of France, was brought to him this morning. There was found upon him two packets of letters which he was charged to carry into Scotland. Considering the state of the world has thought it expedient to forward these packets to their Lordships in case they should think meet to peruse them and thereafter to give them to Secretary Petre, to whom he has addressed the said Scotsman with his private letter, and from whom he will receive them again. [Half a page. Indorsed by Petre.]
Dec. 4.
97. Same to same. This day heard from Mr. Drury, at Brussels, that the Ambassadors are appointed to be here this week and to remain three days. Desires to know what order he shall take for the lodging and transporting of them, since if the French have got any intelligence of their going over, it is possible there may be some danger in it. Drury also writes, that on the last of November, news were received at the Emperor's Court of the winning of Vercelli, the chief town of the Duke of Savoy, where the late Duke did accustomably lie. It was taken thus: the French, during the night, planted their ladders, so that some entered before the alarm was given. The first who were ready in the town resisted, but were unable to withstand the numbers. The inhabitants little occupied themselves, either in fighting or defending. Those who resisted were put to the sword, among whom was one M. Chastelard, in great favour with the Duke, to whom before he was as a governor. The Captain of the town, being of the Order of Savoy, was, with his wife and children, carried away with them, who, after having the spoil, departed. Hearing of this, Don Ferdinando Gonzaga marched towards them with his power. The Duke's own loss amounts to 200,000 crowns. In the town was a citadel, which was valiantly defended by its Captain, a Spaniard. While writing, has received another letter from Mr. Stukeley, at Brussels, stating, that immediately after the arrival of this intelligence, news came, that the town had been recovered by the Imperialists, but the great loss of the spoil remained to the Duke. It is deeply lamented in the Court, especially by the Emperor and the Queen. The Duke is so courteous a Prince that all the States lament him. Stukeley mentions that her Majesty's Ambassador is very extremely sick, and refers also to the coming of these Ambassadors. [One page and a quarter. Indorsed by Petre.]
Dec. 6.
98. Thomas Gresham to same. Has received their letter of 30th November, with bonds of her Majesty and the City of London for 113,000 florins taken up by Dawntesey of Lazarus Tucker. Has delivered their letter to Tucker, and will see the money paid. Tucker adheres to his bargain with Dawntesey, which was for 200,000 florins, and showed the latter letter to Gresham confirming it, a copy of which is sent herewith. Countersigned the copy of Dawntesey's bargain. Begs for the honour and credit of the Queen and for the sake of Dawntesey, that the bargain may be kept, for Tucker is a very extreme man and very open mouthed, has divers partners in the bargain, and grounds himself not a little upon the Council's acknowledgment that Dawntesey was her Highness' servant. Doubts not that he himself will be able to repair the Queen's loss within two months, and to get money at an easier rate; but he must have time. In his letter to Lord Paget has further explained his plans for carrying out the great trust committed to him. Has changed his mind with reference to buying pepper, and thinks the purchase of 1,000 demilances harness would be preferable and to the great strength of the realm. Has conferred with Sir John Masone at Brussels, who will do his best to get him an Emperor's passport in his own name or that of some other person, but will not meddle with the passport for bullion without a commission. The Queen's stuff shall be packed in harness in great driffats; requests commission to put 3,000l. in each driffat, and to lay three driffats on each waggon, in order to save the great charge of waggon and man's hire if he should only send 3,000l. in a waggon at one time. To courage their Lordships, he has in one year conveyed 100,000 marks after this sort in his own name and it was never touched. Sends herewith Tucker's letter and the bonds by his own servant in post. Will see the merchants paid the 16,969l. 12s. 11d. The exchange at present is at 25s. and 8d. to pay at usance.
P.S.—Her Majesty's letter commands him to follow his commission in regard to the surplus received from Tucker. Finds that he will have to pay 302l. 19s. 7d. more than he will receive, but trusts to see the same accomplished. Is in doubt whether her Majesty desires that he shall pay the merchants here but half, "as you do pay the merchants in London." Has not yet commenced with the merchants, and shall pay them no more until he hears from the Council. [Three pages.] Inclosing,
98. I. Copy of Tucker's bargain with Dawntesey, Antwerp, Nov. 16. [French. Certified by Gresham. One page. Partly printed by Burgon, Vol. i., p. 138.]
Dec. 6.
99. Lazarus Tucker to the Council. Has received their letter of 30th November requesting him to pay to Thomas Gresham, agent of the Queen of England, the sum of 100,000 florins. Is willing to do so. Dawntesey, however, had agreed with him on two occasions, three or four days apart, for that sum, which together makes 200,000 florins. Hopes this agreement will be adhered to. [French. Two pages.]
Dec. 11.
100. Edward Blonkett to Lord William Howard. On the 3d inst. M. Benincourt with other noblemen and captains, having with them 45 ensigns of foot and 2,000 horse, entered into the French pale towards Peronne, and so marched within a mile of St. Quentin, and on the 9th they arrived with in the Burgundian pale. During their progress they burned upwards of 500 villages, and about 60 windmills, and gutted many piles and churches, and in one church were taken 150 peasants. The Spaniards also took Captain Thomas Crayer and some of his men, who are now here in Arras. [One page.]
Dec. 11.
101. Otho, Duke of Brunswick and Lunenburg, to Queen Mary. Congratulates her Majesty on her accession, and sends as his Envoy Florence à Diaceto. [Latin. Holograph. Two pages.]
Dec. 14.
102. Lord William Howard to the Council. Sends letter received to-day from one Blonkett [antea, No. 100] who served the Emperor during all the last wars as Captain of 100 light horse, and from time to time transmits accounts of their proceedings. Requests they will communicate its contents to her Majesty, if she is not already apprised of the news. Hears nothing further of the Ambassadors, and so has written to the Lord Warden. [One page. Indorsed by Petre.]
(Before 20.) [Westminster.]
103. Queen Mary to Thomas Gresham. Thanks him for his foresight and diligence used in the charge committed to him, as shown by his letter to the Council of 26th ult. Requires him to proceed with as much speed as he can for taking up the money. Wishes he may shortly so take up 100,000l. sterling at 12 per cent. at the utmost, notwithstanding some ill-husbandry heretofore used in these matters. If he cannot have the whole 100,000l. for a whole year, he may take a portion not exceeding 100,000 crowns for six months, and would have as much thereof as conveniently may be sent by Sir John Masone at his return. Has given commission to the Bishop of Norwich to move the Emperor for licence to transport 10,000 marks weight of fine silver; the answer to which will be communicated to him by the Bishop. Sir Philip Hoby, Master of the Ordnance, having sent Peter Van Collen to the parts beyond seas to bargain for Collen cleves, he has bought 10,000, which are to be delivered at Dort between this and Christmas at 1s. 6d. a piece, the same having heretofore cost eight groats. Her Majesty desires Gresham will go or send to Dort to receive them, and if they be good ware to pay for them. [Minute, autograph of Petre. Two pages.]
Memorandum as to these Collen cleves to same effect as above. [Half a page.]
Dec. 20.
104. Thomas Gresham to the Council. Has not written since the 6th, as, waiting the Queen's further pleasure, he could do nothing in his commission. Has received from Tucker a thousand guilders, all in silver Spanish rials, and has paid the merchants in full. Has also paid to Dawntesey 111l. 12s. 9d., and to Harry Creed 10l. 18s., which were not entered in the remembrance sent to him or in that of the payments to be made at London. As for the 100,000l. which her Majesty would have him to take up, he finds that several men have sums of 40,000 or 50,000 guilders to lend for a twelvemonth; but when they come to the price, they are not ashamed to ask 15 per cent. and when he offers 10 or 11 per cent. then they burst out and say "Think you that we do not know that the Queen's Majesty gave Lazarus Tucker 13 per cent. for an 11 months, which is now above 15 per cent., and is not our money as good as his?" Some, too, said that they had commission from their masters to let out their money at the same rate as Tucker, or else keep it in their chests. Knows that the rich merchants have consulted and agreed that if they keep up the price now with her Majesty the price will not fall again. Had gone no further, which astonished the rich merchants, as he doubted not but in time things would have framed according to the Council's expectations. Now that he knows the Queen's pleasure will proceed to the best of his ability; he has difficult persons to deal with, but keeps watch and ward, so that no time is lost. Arte Van Dalle and Christopher Chrewen offered him 16,000l. for six months at six per cent., but having no commission to borrow for that term had declined it; now, however, having authority, he finds that the Emperor has taken it up. This Bourse of Antwerp is strange,—one day there is plenty of money, and the next none,—because there are so many good takers and deliverers, that if one will not, another will. Fugger and Jasper Schetz are bare of money, and no good can be done with them at present, as the Emperor owes above 300,000l. Received the Queen's bonds for the other thousand florins last night at six o'clock, his man having had to tarry a day and a night at Dover for passage, and was on the seas the same space of time. Shall deliver them to Tucker to-day. Cannot send the money in crowns of the sun, as they cannot be had here at any price. Already they are worth 20s. the 100, and Dawntesey's open seeking for them did mar all here, as people suppose they wish to rob them of all their gold and silver, which indeed has been asked by some of the best merchants on the Bourse. If he can accomplish Tucker's matter in crowns as nigh as Christmas, he shall send or else come himself with it. Will do his best to serve her Majesty, and has already written to them, that it is a small matter to bring the Queen in debt, but the greatest matter will be to bring her out again. Requests that ere he proceeds further he may have his quietus est for the sum of 260,000l. in which he found the late King indebted, and for which he is still countable; this being his chief object in coming home during the holidays, when and for ten days after, there will be nothing done here. Went to-day to Brussels to confer with her Majesty's Ambassador as to the demi-lances and other parts of his charge. Desires to know their further determination as to packing the harness. There is no kind of gold stirring, which is the strangest matter ever seen on the Bourse of Antwerp; the whole payments are in silver Spanish rials, no angels and sovereigns to be got, the exchange being so high. At present it is 22s. and 9d., and likely to rise, which he prays God may continue. Gives a practical illustration of the effect of operations in the money market. Will see the matter of the Collen cleves speedily dispatched. [Five pages.]
Dec. 20.
o'clock p.m. Antwerp.
105. Thomas Gresham to the Council. Had written to them at 10 o'clock this morning. On arriving at the Bourse he found divers of the merchants had advice that the crown was to be proclaimed at 6s. 3d. or 6s. 4d., whereby such a demand for crowns will be created that he fears in a short time they will not be attainable at any price. Points out the effect of this. If the Council proclaim the crown above 6s. it will cause the exchange suddenly to fall. He was the founder of the raising of the exchange, the effect of which has been to arrest the export and create an import of gold and silver into the realm. Advises that the crown be proclaimed at 6s., and not to be current from merchant to merchant, but to be brought into the Queen's mints, sure payment being promised within six days; and that the French crowns be melted down and turned into English crowns valued at 6s. 8d., by which means the exchange would be brought down, and the demand for crowns stayed. Gives lengthened details as to his experience in financial matters, and the benefits that will follow from his advices being followed. [Three pages.]
Dec. 21.
106. Henry II., King of France, to Queen Mary. Acknowledges her Majesty's letter of the 8th inst., and reciprocates her amicable sentiments and desire for peace. [French. One page. Signed by his Majesty and countersigned by Bourdin.]
Dec. 22. 107. "The effect of the letters sent to Mr. Gresham 22d December 1553." Knowledge given to him of the Emperor's consenting to the Queen's request for 10,000 marks' weight of bullion before the coming of the Bishop of Norwich, who was charged to open the same and to request Gresham to prepare his things accordingly, and to call upon the Ambassador there for the Emperor's passport for the same, and to send money with all diligence. Letters to the Bishop of Norwich or, in his absence, to Mr. Masone at the same time to thank the Emperor most heartily for the granting of the licence, to procure the passport speedily, and deliver it to Gresham. [Quarter of a page. Autograph of Petre.]
Dec. 23.
108. Commission by the Emperor Charles V. to Count Egmont, Lalaing, M. de Courrieres, Philip Nigri, and Simon Renard, to treat of the marriage between Queen Mary and his son the Prince of Spain. [Latin. Copy. Two pages.]
Dec. 23. 109. The Council to Dr. Wotton. Yesterday the French Ambassador being with the Queen, had referred to the prevalent report of her Majesty's intended marriage with the Prince of Spain, with whose father his master being in open hostility, did occasion his said master to remember her Highness of his former good words and affirmations in behalf of peace. To which her Majesty replied, that he might assure his master that she still remained of the self same mind as heretofore, from which neither husband, father, kinsman, nor any other person alive should, God assisting her with His grace, cause her to change; and that she should strive to observe the treaties of peace both with the Emperor and the French King. The Ambassador's conversation leads them to infer that the French desire a peace should be negotiated, and instruct him to sound the Constable thereon. Hear that there are naval preparations in Brittany and Normandy, and desire him to ascertain the truth of the report, and what enterprise is intended. The Ambassadors from the Emperor, of whom they formerly wrote, are this day at Calais and will be here shortly; if he can procure any intelligence touching the peace will be glad to hear from him before their departure. [Draft, partly autograph of Petre. Seven pages.]
Dec. 23.
110. Dr. Wotton to the Council. On the 13th inst. had received their letter of the 7th. Audience of the King, appointed for the 17th, was deferred till the following day by reason of his Majesty's severe cold. Long details of his conversation with the King and the Constable on the subject of her Majesty's intended marriage. The Pope has been dangerously ill. The son of the Grand Turk has been murdered in his father's presence and by his command. The Scots say that the Governor of Scotland is at last content to meddle no further in the management of that country than shall be appointed to him by the young Queen when she has attained the age of 12. The French fleet on its way to Corsica has been overtaken by a great storm, and several of the gallies driven back. The French King seeks money by all means, and is said to borrow every man's plate to coin money therefrom. His Majesty declares that he will not be taken tard, as he was last year, and therefore makes great preparation to be stirring with the beginning of the fair month of March. He says he shall lack no money to distribute his troops where he likes for six whole months. It is thought he will divert the war into Italy as much as he can, to relieve his people at home from the great dangers of it. It was for some time said that Marquis Albert was reconciled to the King and should serve him again; but that talk begins to wax cold. The Protestant Count of Mansfeld still remains here; does not know wherefore. Captain Poulin is said to have come to the Court, and to report the safe arrival of Pietro Strozzi and the gallies at Corsica; but some doubt this, for the Genoese have 36 gallies lying before a haven town in Corsica, and if they had knowledge of their coming, the French if they have escaped, must have done so with great danger. It is now said that the Prince is going as commander of the army in Italy, which before had been reported was to be generalled by Strozzi; also that Marshal Brissac had taken the town of Vercelli, but by reason of the diligence of Gonzaga had been unable to retain it. On the 7th inst. had received their letter of the 20th ult. concerning the robbery by Francis Kelwaye and Robert Drury, and immediately dispatched one of his servants to Paris and Rouen to make diligent inquisition for them and the plate among the goldsmiths and in all places where Englishmen commonly resort, but without success. On his way to Rouen, on this side of Pontoise, the messenger met some Englishmen, one of whom bore so strong a resemblance to the description of Kelwaye, that he returned and followed them to Paris, where he learned that the individual was not Kelwaye, but a brother of Sir John Thynne, of that stature, making, and face, which their Lordships write Kelwaye to be of. He then proceeded to Rouen with equal want of success; but the English merchants there are to be on the outlook for the delinquents and plate. Has just heard that Poulin has gone back, and that the King has heard of Strozzi's arrival at Sienna, and the return to Marseilles of all the missing gallies. [Thirteen pages. The greater portion printed by Tytler, Vol. ii., p. 261.]
Dec. 24.
111. Thomas Gresham to the Council. Repeats the recommendations of his letter of the 20th. Has sent them 9,000 crowns by his servant Francis de Tomazo, whom he requests they will move the Queen to take into her service as post. He is a very fit man for the purpose, having all languages, trusty and secret, and has been four years and a half in his service. Will not be in quiet until he has brought things round to the state in which he left them when commanded home. At that time the proudest merchants on the Bourse prayed him both by mouth and letters to England to take their money; now it is no small grief to him to find all things out of order and to the contrary; for it is a great difference for a man to seek money, and may have it offered him. Trusts ere three month are over to bridle the merchants well enough, who now are not ashamed to ask 15 per cent. On the 23d concluded a bargain with Jasper Schetz and his brothers for 60,000 florins at 13 per cent., amounting with the interest to 67,800 florins, at 20 stivers the florin, to be paid on the 1st of January next and re-paid on the same day, 1554–5. The bonds for this are to be drawn in the same manner as those to Tucker were; the broker to the bargain is Thomas Down. Has also taken up the same sum and on similar terms, from Andrew Lixsalls and Thomas Flechamer and Co., for the like period. Has desired his servant to make all the haste he can with the letter, that he may have the bonds by the aforesaid day. Wishes to know how much they will have sent by the Ambassador, and how to load the harness. Sir John Masone has got him licence for 200 demi-lances. Has also purchased 500 more to be delivered at Whitsuntide at the furthest. Van Collen can give no answer as to the Collen cleves until he hears from his merchants, because the bargain has been so long in hand; if it is to go forward licence must be procured for them passing through this country. Hopes to be at Brussels on Christmas-day to confer with the Ambassador on this and other matters. Desires to know if the 33,000l. now to be sent home will suffice, and requests licence to come home to settle his account. Requires warrants for the payment of such money as from time to time he shall send home, and for such bonds as he has delivered at home in the time of the late and present Sovereigns. [Three pages.]
Dec. 28.
112. The Council to Thomas Gresham. Acknowledges his letters of the 20th and 24th. Her Majesty thanks him for his diligence and the payment of the money by Francis Tomazo. Sir Edmund Peckham is ordered to receive all other money sent by Gresham to the Queen's use, and to indent with him therefor, which indenture shall be his discharge. The rumour of the valuation of the French crown is unfounded; neither that nor anything else contrary to his advices is intended. If upon talk with Tomazo they find him meet to occupy the place of a post they will be suitors to the Queen for Gresham's request in his favour. He is to send as much money as he can by Masone and follow his former instructions for the rest. Not to forget to call upon the man for the Collen cleves, for the conveyance of which the Bishop of Norwich has commission to find a passport. He will receive herewith the bond of her Majesty and the City of London for the 120,000 florins last received. He is to take up 60,000 more, and as soon as this is done and their conveyance arranged for, the Queen will permit him to come home for a time. [Minute. Two pages.]
Dec. 28.
113. Thomas Gresham to the Council. Repeats the bargains made with Schetz and others. They will receive by the bearer 9,000 crowns French and Imperial. Trusts they approve of his scheme for valuing the French crown. Advises them not to meddle with the Imperial crown, because, as it is the cheapest gold to be had here, it will be said that they seek to rob them of their gold. The alteration of the French crown is of less consequence, as most of them are spent here and carried into England. On the 27th inst. received their's of the 22d, whereby he perceived that the Emperor had granted her Majesty passport for the 10,000 marks' weight of bullion. Has sent their letter to the Bishop of Norwich and written to him to send the passport with all speed. The exchange has fallen to 22s. by reason of the news of the intended proclamation of the crowns and the silver Spanish rials. There is also a rumour that the base money is to be called down in England; this will injure his devices. [Two pages. Indorsed by Petre.]
Dec. 28.
114. Lord William Howard to same. On arriving at Canterbury on Thursday, the Emperor's Ambassador was informed by Count Egmont and the other Ambassadors that there was only one lodging at London prepared for the whole four; and at supper the Count having mentioned this to Lord William, stating that one house would not be sufficient, as his own train was large, comprising many servants of the Emperor of great estimation, and that M. Lalaing had more gentlemen than he, thinks it right to suggest to their Lordships the appointment of two other houses, one for M. Lalaing and the other for M. de Courrieres and the Chancellor. [Two pages.]
Dec. 28.
115. Dr. Wotton to same. Although the King has already dispatched M. D'Oysel to Scotland with renewed commission, he is sending thither the Vidame of Chartres with a number of soldiers. This and the talk of the intended marriage of her Majesty with the Prince of Spain, makes the people here believe that France is going to war with England. If the King had at first only intended D'Oysel to go, and now on the news of the marriage sends the Vidame, it would seem either that the French stand in fear of war, or make use of this occasion to occupy the forts in Scotland, and so to keep them; which troops peradventure the Scots would else be loth to receive into their country, and less into their forts. Whatever is their meaning, if words could satisfy him, he never had fairer nor gentler ones. neither spoken nor written to him, than he has now of the chief of this Court. [One page.]
Dec. 31.
116. Thomas Gresham to the Council. On the 28th, sent them a letter and 9,000 French and Imperial crowns by one of his servants, John Sprytewell. Trusts in God they be safely arrived. By this bringer, his servant William Bendlowes, sends 8,211 philippines, which he received from Lazarus Tucker in the payment of his money, and which are as good to be melted as the French or Imperial crowns, whereby they may see that no gold shall come into his hands worthy and meet to be sent, but it shall be dispatched with all possible expedition. Awaits the arrival of the bonds. The whole 20,000l. will be with them shortly. Requests licence to return home.
P.S.—Moreover send by Bendlowes 2,819 French and Imperial crowns, which amounts to 939l. 13s. 4d., and with the philippines makes in all 2,787l. 2s. 10d. [One page. Indorsed by Petre.]
117. Memorandum in modern writing that Gresham was employed by the Queen of England to take up large sums of money from the merchants in Flanders upon interest and good security, for her Majesty's use. [Half a page.]
118. Heads of Agreement between Henry II., King of France, and the Marquis of Brandenburg, for services to be performed by the Marquis against the Emperor. [Latin. Copy. Two pages.]
119. "Summa privilegiorum Hanzæ Societatis de Concessionibus Regum Angliæ ab anno 44 Hen. III. Regis usque ad annum 1553, tempore Mariæ Reginæ." [Latin. Twenty-seven pages.]
December. 120. Articles proposed by the Emperor Charles V. with reference to the marriage between the Prince of Spain and Queen Mary. [Latin. Copy. Thirteen pages.]
[December.] 121. Articles for the treaty of marriage between Queen Mary and King Phillip. [Latin. Twenty-two pages. Draft. The treaty itself is printed by Rymer, Vol. xv., p. 393, 2d Edition, 1728.]
[End of year.] 122. Notes as to the succession of the issue of the marriage between Queen Mary and King Philip. [Latin. One page. Autograph of Petre.]


  • 1. Vide Wotton to the Queen, 26 Jan. 1553–4, postea.