Mary: July 1557

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1861.

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'Mary: July 1557', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558, ed. William B Turnbull( London, 1861), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Mary: July 1557', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558. Edited by William B Turnbull( London, 1861), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

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July 1557

July 2.
641. Sir Edward Carne to King Philip and Queen Mary. Since his letter of 19th ult. addressed with diligence, has daily made suit for the expedition of Francis, her Majesty's post, and received fair promises only; for the Pope and Cardinal Caraffa supposed that he had not apprized her Majesty of his Holiness' determination of the legacy, seeing Francis was detained, and they pretend that his Holiness' messenger shall be with her Majesty with the first news of the sudden provision of the cardinalate and legacy de latere for Father Peto, of Greenwich, and specially seeing daily suit made for his dispatch. On the 26th ult., hearing that the Pope's messenger, called Antonio Dangadro da Vercelli, Secretary to the Cardinal of Pisa, was ready to depart with the expedition, he waited upon his Holiness to see whether licence and safe-conduct might be had for Francis, and whether he would send his letters to her Majesty as he had showed he would. The Pope said that the expedition for England was made and dispatched already, nevertheless Carne should have the brief for her Majesty, the double of which being now dispatched all necessaries for the dispatch of her post should be given. Had told his Holiness that if this expedition of the legacy does not please her Majesty his Holiness is likely to hear of it before long, and that he thought surely it would not, whereby his Holiness shall be molested therewith again. On this the Pope laughed, and said he doubted not her Majesty would be contented. Replied that he thought the contrary, and told him somewhat frankly his mind, whereupon the Pope stood still a pretty while and at last said he trusted that her Majesty would consider that he had not done this to his great expenses and charges unless he had some great urgent cause moving him to it, and besides made the Cardinal freely where other Popes were wont to take 40,000 ducats for the making of a Cardinal. Said he knew not what moved his Holiness, but if it be not cause sufficient to move their Majesties, he thought it would not serve; whereupon the Pope sent one with him to Cardinal Caraffa to deliver the brief for her Majesty to him with licence for the post to pass and have horses. Caraffa told him he should receive all things that night sure, but nothing came; when he sent the next morning and the one following, receiving the like answer, but nothing came. The truth is, the Pope stayed his messenger two days after, and altered some words of his brief of the new, as he is informed and dispatched him on the evening of the 28th. He has sent with him 2,000 ducats for the new-made Cardinal towards the maintaining of his state, and besides the brief to her Majesty another for Cardinal Pole, commanding him to repair hither; for no goodness to his Grace, as he is credibly informed. If Pole comes he will be served as Cardinal Morone who is still confined in Castle St. Angelo and has been four times examined and nothing found against him. Hears that Morone should be at liberty if he would abjure heresy in genere before the inquisition, but this he will not do, seeing no point can be justified against him, and if he were to abjure in genere he should confess himself to have erred otherwise, and so will not admit himself to be guilty, seeing he never offended. It is said that all is done to diminish the reputation of Morone and Pole, if they could. As far as he can learn there is no great hope of Morone being set at liberty. Hears that the Pope has prorogued to September his determination of calling hither all the absent Cardinals, that the heats may be past, but notwithstanding sends for Pole out of hand, because, if he might have him, he would have that he desires, of which Carne had written fully to her Majesty in his letter of 19th ult. Until now, for all the labour he could make, could not obtain a licence to send away this post. Herewith she will receive the Pope's brief sent to the post. The messenger of his Holiness has with him the hat for the new Cardinal and a brief for the Bishops. The French army is spread abroad here and there in La Marca [d'Ancona], at least such as are alive, for when together they died so fast that few are left. 2,000 Grisons there have returned to Ferrara. Marc Antonio Colonna with 4,000 foot and 400 horse is at Palestrina, 20 miles hence, and it is said destroys all that quarter. On the 27th ult. Cardinal Caraffa sent a gentleman of Cardinal Santofiore to him to assay to stay him with some fair words (whereof they lack none here), but it is said Colonna takes all there except the strong holds. This post has promised not only to overtake the Pope's messenger but to be with her Majesty before him. The Duke of Paliano returned from the Duke of Guise on the 28th ult. Cardinal Sequenza and others had doubted whether the usual payment of the hackney and the cense for Naples on St. Peter's day would be made, and therefore had detained the post lest anything should be attempted therein that should require hasty advertisement to their Majesties, but nothing such had been perceived. The Pope trusts most with Cardinal Sequenza, who is most privy with his Holiness, and can handle him better than any other man. [Six pages and a half.]
July 2.
642. Sir Thomas Cornwaleys to Queen Mary. The first portion of the treasure was this day conveyed to Gravelines by Mr. Marshal and him, accompanied by the men-of-arms. Mr. Drury, the bearer, will explain why they removed it before the other part arrived; he will also declare that an enterprise intended towards Ardres is not now feasible. Entreats that a larger force than what he with Lords Wentworth and Grey had sought for may be sent, as the troops they have are far too few. Knows the charge will be great, but the peril and dishonour will be greater if they are not sent. Respects her Majesty's honour more than her treasure; although in time of peace, when good husbandry might be used, he trusts her Majesty has found him no wasteful servant. [One page. Indorsed by Petre.]
July 7.
643. Queen Mary to the Duke of Albuquerque [Bertrand de la Cueva]. Thanks him for his letter, especially as it gives promise of his speedy return, to which she will defer other matters that might have been written herein. Shall diligently recommend to the King, her husband, the petition contained in his said letter. [Latin. Draft. One page.]
July 10.
644. Intelligence from Italy. From Rome, July 10. The negotiations for peace are renewed; for carrying on which the most reverend Camerlengo [Chamberlain to the Pope] has dispatched one of his gentlemen to the Duke of Alva, and the Ambassador of Florence a courier; which will give time for the return of Strozzi before it goes further. It is expected that the Duke will send a person to conclude, and it seems that the Imperialists content themselves with the capitulation which was discussed in the conversation between Cardinal Caraffa and the Duke of Alva; but the Pope appears not to wish to do anything unless the King is satisfied. The citadel of Palestrina has been lost, having been surrendered to the Imperialists by the lieutenant of Francisco Colonna there, because there were only provisions for the day on which it was given up. The Papal cavalry has retired from Frascati towards Rome, not without some slight loss from the enemy; it was quartered outside Rome, and the next evening entered the city; yesterday they were mustered, and it is said that to-morrow they will be sent out. The French King has written to the Pope that being occupied in defending himself against the English and Flanders he will not be able to help his Holiness as his wish is, and that he must make use of the Duke of Guise; nevertheless he exhorts him to make peace with the King. The relations of the Pope do all in their power to dispose him to peace, whereto they have employed the interposition of the Camerlengo and Pacheco. The four Cardinals deputed for the examination of the cause of Cardinal Morone went on Tuesday to the castle and stayed a long while. It has been said since that a witness, who pressed most against him, has recanted, and that he would be now set at liberty if he would give security that he would not leave Rome, and appear whenever required, either taking for a prison his own house or that of St. Maria in Transtevere, which is his own, because he is primo prete; but he holds out to remain where he is, and that the deputies shall determine whether he has erred, or freely absolve him if he is innocent. The affair of the alum mines in the Apostolic Chamber and Mons. Sauli, on account of which he has been in the castle from the middle of November till now, is understood to be so settled that Sauli and his co-renters shall pay every year 15,000 crowns more and continue tenant of these mines, for which reason Sauli hopes to be liberated shortly. To-day the battalions of Terni, Harni, Todi have arrived, and it is said that Sipier will also come with 400 horse. The Pope has given the bishopric of Lodi to Cardinal Capisucci, charged with a pension of 1,000 crowns to the son of Bartolomeo de Benevento. Fantuccio, who was made Bishop, is to go to Venice as Nuncio. It is said for certain that if peace is not concluded, at least a truce for four months will be confirmed.
2. From Ancona, July 9.—The Imperialists have taken Angaranno, a castle of Ascoli in these marches, by force. Because they stood 60 cannon-shot, not a man within escaped; it was ordered that 12 of the principal men should be hanged and all the rest sent to the gallies; the women and children were conducted to Tronto, which they then burnt and levelled. They advanced from Tronto, took Pigniano and a place called La Rochetta, both belonging to Ascoli, and deliberately besieged Ascoli itself. They are cutting all the crops, and soliciting it with drums and trumpets to surrender. Within are cavalry and 15 ensigns of infantry, but the natives of the country stand ill with them because they have taken away their arms, a quarrel having ensued between them and the soldiery. There is a very small number in the French camp, some have returned home to France and Picardy, some distributed to the garrisons; a great number of sick remain in these confines; and the few who remain in camp it is expected will depart in six or seven days. Some say they will go into Tuscany and some to Ferrara. Three hundred men at-arms have gone towards Rome; at Urbino they are preparing the Piazza for the 4,000 Swiss who are coming into the Pope's service for the defence of Rome. The Duke's army since the retreat upon Guastalla has come to a place called the Ponte dell' Imperatore, a mile distant from Corregio, from which they devastate the country. His Excellency does not possess so great a number of troops as was said; there being not more than 6,000 infantry, raw and ill-conditioned. The Swiss, however, are expected, with whom he is more determined than ever to accomplish one of two enterprises. He has no baggage-master, and though the army has been without a master of the camp, serjeant-major, commissary general of artillery, and other officers, yet now he has provided for most of these wants. By reason of their not having a commissary for provisions, there has been great scarcity of bread. [Italian. Three pages.]
July 12.
645. Intelligence from Italy. 1. From Rome, July 12. The Prince of Salerno had arrived in Rome. Notwithstanding that formerly he had caused the Marquis di Polignano, nephew of the Pope, to be thrown into prison, he was well received by his Holiness. He lodged with Cardinal Caraffa, and on Monday was to set out towards the army. Marshal Strozzi had arrived; he brought information to the Pope that Mons. de Guise would remain firm until new advices from his King; in consequence of which the Pope has sent him to the King of France. With him will go the eldest son of the Duke of Paliano for the greater security of the King. He was to go on Tuesday the 15th. In Tuscany Don Alvaro de Sande had entered the field with 24 ensigns of Germans, Spaniards, and Italians, who went to Montalcino to guard it; but it was understood through the French Ambassador that Monluc was in no fear at present, being much stronger in cavalry than the Imperialists. Mons. de Guise had 2,000 foot over and above those of Ancona, who were going successively to join the infantry sent by the Pope, which will be to the number of 5,000. The four Cardinals appointed to examine Morone this morning went to the castle, namely, Pisa, Romano, Spoleto, and Alessandrino. The Roman Barons were content to pay for the one per cent. imposed by the Pope 100,000 crowns, but still they had not agreed entirely, as the Pope desired a larger sum. Caraffa was going to the army to arrange with M. de Guise for the future, the Pope not intending that his [people] shall mix themselves up with affairs done in that way, and desiring that Guise shall have no further hand in the command nor in any other provision.
2. From Ferrara, July 15. They brought Totto from Ormo on Thursday last, and put him to the question (?); it was understood that he was with Fossa alla gagliarda. Some Imperial soldiers had gone to Gualtiero and pillaged it considerably, and while they were wasting their time in ravishing some women, the men of Borscello got in their rear and handled them severely, cutting them all to pieces. Below this is written by Sheres,
"Because the advices from Ferrara be of less moment and divers write diversely, you shall receive these as they come to my hands from thence, with also a certain brief extract of those from Rome." [Italian. Two pages.]
July 13.
646. Cornelio della Croce to Francis Yaxley. Holds very dear the news given to him by Hieronimo Spaglia of his arrival in the French Court, especially with such honourable protection, and to show the pleasure which he feels, desires on this occasion to give him news of himself, which he would have done previously but for the indisposition from which he has suffered for many months, and from which he now feels himself free. Would have written to him 20 days ago if he had not been so occupied. Hieronimo has been very courteous and came many times to visit him. Now when he is beginning to write Hieronimo will not fail to communicate his letters and some knowledge of matters on the coast and of the proceedings of England, and he will not fail to give him the like from Venice. At present there is nothing of moment, but they will be accepted as a good beginning for the future. Hieronimo, who does not write this time, desires to be commended to Yaxley, and will do so at the first opportunity. Two days ago the brother-in-law of Mons. de Raimond, Ambassador of the French King to the Grand Signor, left for the Court; he came in 22 days from Constantinople and says that on the 9th the fleet had arrived at Scio, and on the 12th ought to be at Negroponte, and that M. de Raimond would remain at Constantinople and go with the fleet. Letters of the 17th ult. from Zante mention that a man had arrived from the Morea who states that Dragut Rey with 30 gallies had arrived on the 11th at Negroponte in the port of Karysto, and had made alliance; that he had sent on other 22 gallies to Volo; that the French fleet was still at Scio, and the muster would be made at Modon, and letters of the 24th mentioned that 50 discharges of artillery had been heard in the direction of Modon, whence it was concluded that the fleet had then arrived there; and that the three French gallies, which it was said before were at Corfu, were at Zante, where they took up the cousin of the Prince of Salerno and then sailed to Corfu to take up men and munition, and on the 7th returned by the canal of Zante without touching there. If the information given in letters from Rome of the 8th inst. be true, that on the 24th the said fleet was seen at Cephalonia by the royal frigates, news may be daily expected that it is near Naples, for the distance from Cephalonia to the Cape of Otranto is only 160 miles. At Rome it was believed that the Duke of Florence would restore Lusignano in order to avoid bringing a needless war upon his shoulders, without making any other terms, as the Spaniards do not wish to go out of Orbitello. They say that since the Pope delivered to the Duke the Prior Strozzi's man, he has caused to be arrested at Florence one of the Cavalcanti, the other of the Strozzi, and another of the Capponi. Many grieve that the Pope having no cause of offence should have been led to give occasion to such evils. His Holiness had little hope of peace, seeing that the Cardinals Dandino and San Giorgio have found small grounds for it. The Marquis di Saria, brother of the Portuguese Ambassador, was to come as Ambassador to Rome, Don Giovanni Manrique having been recalled by his Majesty. Advices having been received from the Imperial Court that the Imperial army at Terouanne was increased by a good number of infantry, and it was intended to go to Ardres. Here are three Ambassadors from Mantua who have come to participate in the rejoicing on the election of the new Prince. Requests he will write at the first opportunity, and give the letter to the Venetian Ambassador. [Italian. Three pages and a half.]
July 14. 647. Queen Mary to the Earl of Pembroke. Has received his letter of the 5th inst. relative to the ordering of Guisnes and Hampnes, and demand of a further supply of horse and foot for the defence of the low country. Although she trusts her dearest husband the King, being now at the siege of St. Quentin, will so occupy the French that they shall not have much time to molest her subjects on the Marches, and she has sent over extraordinary crews of soldiers for the defence of her pieces, yet she has directed her Council to require from the Deputy and Treasurer of Calais a statement of the number of soldiers there presently in pay, when further order shall be taken. [Minute. Autograph of Petre. Two pages.]
July 22. 648. Same to Lord Grey. Has been earnestly requested by the Earl of Pembroke and others, who are going to serve in France under King Philip, that he may accompany them. Although strongly persuaded that no one is so meet to take charge of Guisnes as himself, and would rather wish that he should not leave it if it be possible, yet, if he should do so, desires that he shall entrust the command to Sir Edward Braye, leaving with him full instructions and the piece in a proper state of defence. [Minute. Autograph of Petre. Two pages.]
July 22.
649. The Earl of Pembroke, the Lord Deputy and Council at Calais, to Queen Mary. Send articles agreed upon for the safe custody of Guisnes during the absence of Lord Grey, and desire to know her Majesty's pleasure thereon. [Quarter of a page.] Articles inclosed,
649. I. The castle to be delivered to Sir Edward Braye in same state and with such troops and supplies as Lord Grey now has it.
649. II. Lewis Dyves, by reason of his great knowledge and trustworthiness, to remain to assist Sir E. Braye.
649. III. Think that 200 more men should be added to the 300 already there.
649. IV. Think that Sir Henry Palmer should have the chief command of these 500 men, and for this new charge to have 10s. per diem in addition to the 4s. which he presently has.
649. V. Think that 300 more infantry should be sent to the low country, 100 at Hampnes, and 100 horse at the Causeway, so that the whole force in these places will be 600 foot and 100 horse. Of this number of foot and horse, so many shall be left here as the Earl of Pembroke finds he has beyond the number appointed to him, the residue lacking must be sent from England. This shall be signified with all speed. [One page.]
July 27. 650. Queen Mary to the Earl of Pembroke. Has received his reply to her letter of the 23d, which although she takes in good part, knowing his true and faithful heart to her, yet thinks there was no cause for his being much troubled with her letter, as it contained nothing but a great and earnest care of the safety of Guisnes, which she could not forget, especially being admonished by the courage shown thereabouts by the enemy since Pembroke left, and moved by most causes to consider Lord Grey the meetest man to serve there. Her consideration for that piece is the greater by reason of the King's words when present and his letters when absent willing her thereto. Nevertheless, for the advancement of the service of her dearest husband, the hindrance of which would be greater grief to her than her own loss, she consents to Lord Grey going, his absence from the King's army being alleged to be a great disturbance thereto, and has signified the same by her letter to his Majesty inclosed. Wills that Sir Edward Braye shall supply the place of Lord Grey, doubting not but that the piece will be left to him furnished according to her former letter, considering that he goes thither without any supplement of men gathered for that purpose. [Minute. Autograph of Petre. Two pages.]
July 27. 651. Queen Mary to Lord Grey. Although desirous that he should have remained in the command of Guisnes, both for its good defence and the safeguard of the adjacent country, which by his foresight and good service has to her great contentation been well defended, yet as the King her dearest husband requires him she is pleased that he should commit the charge of Guisnes to Sir Edward Braye. Having already signified her pleasure herein to the Earl of Pembroke had considered it unnecessary to write to him, but does so as a mark of her approbation. [Minute. One page and a quarter.]
July 30.
652. Power of attorney by Oliver Lison, English merchant residing at Seville, to Mr. William Fayer, Englishman, against Christopher Jurado, merchant of the city of Cordova. [Spanish. Two pages and a half.]
July 31.
653. Lord Wentworth to Queen Mary. Yesterday the Earl of Pembroke with the army left this town, and encamped all night at Calkewell within her Majesty's pale. To-day he has gone to Balingham near Ardres, where he will remain all to-morrow, and continue his march on Monday. The enemy makes new naval preparations. At Newhaven 30 sail will be sea bound in 15 days, and more are being set forth at Newhaven and Dieppe, so that it is supposed the entire number will amount to 50. [Half a page. An indorsation states it to have been forwarded "from Sittingbourne the first day of August at six of the clock before noon."]