Mary: April 1556

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1861.

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'Mary: April 1556', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558, ed. William B Turnbull( London, 1861), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Mary: April 1556', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558. Edited by William B Turnbull( London, 1861), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Mary: April 1556". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558. Ed. William B Turnbull(London, 1861), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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April 1556

April 8.
493. King Philip and Queen Mary to Dr. Wotton. Acknowledge his letter of the 16th ult., and commend his diligence. As the French King has by his Ambassador Resident, Noailles, and a Secretary lately passed towards Scotland, informed them of the conclusion of the peace, they have sent the Lord Clinton to congratulate his Majesty on the event. Desire Wotton at a convenient opportunity to request that Henry Dudley, Christopher Assheton, and other rebels, who have most traitorously and unnaturally conspired against her Majesty, may be apprehended and delivered up; and inform him that Simon Renard, lately Ambassador Resident from the Emperor in England, is now appointed Resident in France from the Emperor and King Philip, requiring him to communicate on all points with Renard, who will in like manner confer with him. [Minute, corrected by her Majesty. Seven pages.]
Draft of the preceding. [Eight pages.]
April 8.
494. Sir Edward Carne to Queen Mary. Since his letter of the 12th inst., the Marquis of Sara, Ambassador from the Emperor, is fallen in great displeasure with his Holiness, because having, on the Wednesday before Palm Sunday last, determined to go a hunting 10 miles out of the city, he took his journey at a very early hour, and being refused egress by the soldiers who kept the gate, in accordance with their strict commands to let no man whomsoever go forth, he, with his company of 30 or 40 wellweaponed, compelled the keepers to avoid. For his thus forcing the guard, the Pope is wonderfully moved, insomuch that he commanded him to leave the Court on Palm Sunday. Carne saw and spoke with him at the Court then, but he came not in the Pope's sight, and was not at the Court all this Easter, where all the Ambassadors were except himself. As far as he can learn, the Pope cannot hear well speak of the Ambassador, and has never fancied him since the business here last summer, when the Cardinal di Santafiore [Guido Ascanio Sforza] was in trouble. Four or five of the Marquis's servants are in prison, and he hears that process is made against their master for forcing of the gate. A very honourable and great wise Cardinal here, who bears good will and service to the Emperor and his Majesty, required and advised him to signify to her Majesty that if the King thought good and expedient to have friendship at the Pope's hand, it were well for him to cause such an Ambassador to be sent as Resident as should be more grateful to his Holiness, who cannot abide the sight of the Marquis. Marvels at this, as the Marquis seems a good gentleman, and appears to mean good service to the Emperor and his Majesty; and yet, as credibly informed, the Pope can no more hear of him than if he were his mortal enemy. As informed, his Holiness bears very good will to both their Majesties, and would gladly there were one here that were grateful to him. Where the fault is, God knows. [One page and a half.]
April 12.
495. Same to King Philip and Queen Mary. Since his last to her Majesty the Pope has appointed two Legates, one to the Emperor, the other to the French King. He who goes to the former is Cardinal de Motula, a Neapolitan, recently promoted to the hat; the other is Cardinal Caraffa, who goes by water to Marseilles. Their mission is reported to be for a perfect con clusion of peace between the Sovereigns. All the servants of the Marquis who were imprisoned for forcing the gate have been set at liberty, except one. The Marquis has not as yet come to the Court. [Half a page.]
April 12.
496. Dr. Wotton to Queen Mary. Of late have been here Sir Henry Dudley, Christopher Assheton, two of the Horseys, one Cornewall, of Essex, and two or three more meaner men than any of these. Knows little of their proceedings yet, except that one who has been in their company told him that they had a secret interview with the King at night, and that they pretend that they with a number of other gentlemen intend to make a great rebellion in England very shortly. Also that they had been sent by the others hither to seek aid from the French King, which he has refused at present to give, on the ground that the King of England is sending a number of men of war to Hungary against the Turk, and if he were to perceive any movement on his part against England, the same would be recalled and set upon France, which is unable to resist by reason of the disarming consequent upon the truce. But the King willed them to go on with their enterprise, making themselves as strong as they can, and when the troops are in Hungary, he will supply them with men, money, and other necessaries. In the meanwhile he has given to Dudley 1,500 crowns, and to the others some 500, some 300, and some less, and willed them to retire to the seaside, that they may have better intelligence from their fellows in England. These men say that some about her Majesty, and even of her Council, are privy and favourable to these proceedings. The names of such his informant does not know, but says that Assheton told him that Sir Anthony Kingston, when going homewards after his liberation from the Tower, had long private conversation with Assheton in his house, and in the course of it said, "They have put me in the Tower for their pleasure, but so shall they never do more." The men exhibit a copy of King Henry VIII.'s will, and pretend that her Majesty having done contrary thereto, has forfeited the crown and right to it, and therefore they may rebel against her. Does not know how far to place reliance on this man, but thinks that if he might be assured of a good living in England, he might understand their secrets and open them to her Majesty or the Council. The man further said that some of them will shortly go to England to their companions, and that Berteville is a great doer with these persons, going to and fro between them and the Constable, so it is likely he knew this ere he came out of England. Though this was no laughing matter, he could not refrain when he was told that Dudley bears men in hand that her Majesty has done him divers great wrongs, and that he will be called here Mons. de Lisle. On Easter Tuesday the Count of Lalaing arrived, being met a league hence by M. D'Enghien, the young Duke of Longueville, the Duke of Mantua's brother, the Prince of Salerno, and two or three Knights of the Order. The same day he had audience; and on Wednesday after mass he received the King's oath and dined with him. On Thursday he dined with the Constable, and thereafter was much in council with him; supped with the Cardinal Chastillon; after supper took leave of the King, and left between five and six o'clock on Friday morning. Wotton thought to have seen him on Wednesday morning, not knowing that the oath should be given that day; but because of his going to the Court, was not with him till the afternoon. Had very gentle words from him. He has been very honourably entertained, and so takes it. The King had shown himself very willing to the peace, saying that he takes the Emperor as his father, and the King of England even as his own brother. There came with Lalaing, the Earls of Ligne and Hoogstraet; the one his cousin, the other his nephew; and his train was esteemed to be about 300 horses. For joy conceived of this truce the Pope has granted a jubilee, which shall be published here shortly. Hears that the King has sent four gallies to bring to Marseilles the Pope's kinsman, the Cardinal Caraffa, whom his Holiness sends hither, but not for the jubilee, it is thought. The Prince of Ferrara, son of the Duke, has returned hither in post, and with him a bastard brother of his father, named Alphonso. It is said another daughter of the said Duke will come here soon, to be married to the Duke of Nemours; and Cardinal Farnese and the Count of Mirandola are also expected. There is some talk that the Emperor desires to pass through France on his way to Spain, but Lalaing said nothing of it to Wotton. After writing thus far, has been informed that news have arrived from Rome of a quarrel between his Holiness and the Emperor's Ambassador, whom the Pope on Palm Sunday commanded to depart from the place where the mass-Papal was said. The Ambassador at first refused, but the Pope threatened him to be thrust out; whereupon, by advice of some Cardinals and Ambassadors, he went away. The cause of difference is said to be this: the Ambassador had obtained permission from Cardinal Caraffa for himself and his train to go out of Rome, where the gates are kept so strait that no one can go out or enter without licence; but when he came to the gate, the keeper would not suffer him to pass, whereupon his company forced the gate, breaking the chains. This the Pope took in very ill part, whereby it appears that for all this truce the Pope has not yet cassed his men of war. [Partly in cipher, deciphered. Two pages and a half.]
April 15. 497. Rental and survey of the possessions of the Duchy of Lancaster, renewed at Calais the 15th of April 1556, upon view and measurement of the grounds by the sworn land-escheators of the said town, thereunto charged and appointed by John Chaloner, the King and Queen's Majesties' Auditor of the said town of Calais, with the particular rents of every of the same, charged according to the precedent rentals, showed by John Knight, Receiver or Collector of the said possessions, without expressment as yet of the estates and tenures of the tenants, which is referred to sight of their evidences upon a further time given. Names of the tenants:—John Knight, Thomas Aprice, Robert Lake, William Stephens, heirs of William Johnson, Thomas Massingberd, John Aster, Richard Brooke, John Kele, John Holland, and the heirs of John Perche. [Six pages.]
April 25.
498. Henry II., King of France, to Queen Mary. Has received by the bearer, the Sieur de Clinton, K.G., the expression of her Majesty's satisfaction at the truce between the Emperor, the King her husband, and his Majesty, which he trusts will augment their mutual friendship. [Signed by the King, and countersigned by De l'Aubespine. Broadside.]
April 25.
499. Peter Vannes to same. On the arrival of the Queen of Poland at Padua, she was visited by a number of the Princes and honourable persons of Italy, and by all the Ambassadors here resident. Though he had no commission to do so, went to Padua as honestly accompanied as he thought meet for the purpose. After resting a day at his lodgings, sent to know her Majesty's pleasure as to when he might resort to her. At the time appointed he was honourably received by her gentlemen and taken to her chamber, where she sat in her chair with her noble women at her left hand, and a good number of gentlemen about her. Approached her with such reverences as he thought meet for that place. Her Majesty rose from her chair and met him, and upon his offering to kiss her hand, would in nowise suffer him, but kissed her own, and brought him to a chair, willing him in anywise to sit by her. On his refusal, her Majesty said she knew well enough how it became her to handle the Ambassador of her dear cousin and niece the Queen of England. Had then desired her pardon for so long deferring his visit; because he had daily looked for a letter from his mistress of friendship and thanks, which would have come if she had had timely knowledge of her arrival. Upon that, "with a very hearty affection she asked me how doth mine own good and godly Queen of England ?" and enlarged upon her Majesty's virtues, worthiness, acts, and "how God hath chosen you and conserved you in health for his own worthy minister;" to which he replied as well as he could, agreeable to the truth and her Majesty's honour. After this the Queen inquired of the late Bishop of Canterbury's false and erroneous opinions. "In that point I did ripely answer, that his iniquity and obstinacy was so great against God and your Grace that your clemency and mercy could have no place with him, but you were constrained to minister justice." Further asked what had become of the conspirators against her Majesty. Replied that he could not well inform her, but that he was well assured the matter was easy to be repressed and punished as it was intended should be done. After long discourses, she desired him to offer to her Majesty any pleasure that lies in her to do. Within a week she intends to go to Naples, and on her arrival she will salute her with her own hand. To-morrow she will enter Venice, with great honour and pomp. She is a very honourable and godly lady; and if her Majesty be pleased to write her a letter of friendship and thanks, it can be well conveyed from Venice to Naples. [Three pages. Indorsed by Petre.]
April 26.
500. Dr. Wotton to same. On the 20th received her Majesty's letter by Lord Clinton, and after conference with his Lordship, they had audience of the King on the following day. Remits to Lord Clinton the declaration of all that passed, the keeping of the Feast of St. George, and the friendly entertainment shown. Very few could have been better welcome to the Court than his Lordship; they having conceived an honourable opinion of him, for the good service which they know him to have done in the offices and rooms committed to his charge. As concerning the Lieutenant d'Aumont, Simon Renard, now appointed to be Ambassador Resident here, will be glad to use himself to him according to her Majesty's commands. They had acquaintance and friendship heretofore, being Ambassadors together at this Court for a time, and his appointment settles the question of precedency, which Wotton considers Renard should have over him, unless commanded by her Majesty to the contrary. It is still reported that Cardinal Caraffa comes here as Legate, and that the Cardinal de Monte is to be sent likewise as Legate to the Emperor and King Philip. [One page.]
[April ?] 501. Note of prolongations of days of payment to various of the Queen's creditors. [Two pages.]