Edward VI: September 1550

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Edward VI 1547-1553. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1861.

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'Edward VI: September 1550', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Edward VI 1547-1553, ed. William B Turnbull( London, 1861), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/edw-vi/pp54-56 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Edward VI: September 1550', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Edward VI 1547-1553. Edited by William B Turnbull( London, 1861), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/edw-vi/pp54-56.

"Edward VI: September 1550". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Edward VI 1547-1553. Ed. William B Turnbull(London, 1861), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/edw-vi/pp54-56.

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September 1550

Sept. 2.
234. Albert Marquis of Brandenburg to the Council. Incloses memorial by the commanding officers of certain troops raised for the service of the Crown of England under his authority, complaining of want of pay, and recommends the bearer, Count Castel, who will explain all circumstances, to the favourable consideration of the Council. [German. Three pages.]
Memorial inclosed, dated 23d June. [German. Four pages.]
(prior to 6th.)
235. Commission from Henry II., King of France, to certain Commissioners appointed to meet with those of the Emperor for the purpose of settling commercial disputes between their subjects in Flanders. [Three pages. Copy.]
Sept. 6.
236. The Council to Sir John Masone. Have frequently written as to the prisoners of Guernsey and Jersey, and are surprised that any should still be there. He may give letters of credence to the Scots ex gratia, but not by reason of former custom alleged, which was not so. Desire him to confer farther with André de Boses, merchant of Lyons, as to an alleged counterfeiting of the King's coin. The French Ambassador had applied for the names of those who were to be appointed Commissioners to meet those of France for deciding maritime causes: to this they had replied that while most Continental Courts acted upon the rules of the civil law, none but the Admiralty Court did so in England, and to its jurisdiction they proposed to commit the adjudication of such causes. Instead therefore of appointing Commissioners, they proposed that two of their own number should be nominated to act as permanent judges of appeal from the Admiralty Court, should its judgments prove unsatisfactory to the parties. The French Ambassador had also applied on behalf of his master for the release of the Archbishop of Glasgow, on the ground of his having merely omitted a formality; nevertheless though it is not so, but the thing very material, and though the Archbishop is a prisoner of good price, and should pay 20,000 crowns for his ransom, yet out of regard to the French King, his Majesty is pleased to let him go freely. Send copy of report of the Commissioners on the northern frontiers as to the conduct of the Scots and their views of the peace. [Six pages. Copy in Sir J. Masone's Letter-Book.]
Sept. 10.
237. Sir John Masone to the Council. For the last 10 or 12 days the Queen of Scots has been so dangerously ill of the prevailing flux, that her recovery was doubted, but within the last two she is considered to be out of danger. On Sunday the Duke of Angoulême was baptized by the name of Charles Maximilian, so given by the Deputy of the King of Bohemia (no longer called Archduke), who being godfather had place above the King of Navarre. The deputy godmother was the King's bastard daughter, who held the infant in place of the Duchess of Ferrara. Mentions the entertainment and presents given to the Deputy and his suite. The non-arrival of the Dowager Queen of Scotland had caused considerable alarm at the Court, lest the recent storms should have driven her to the coast of Flanders, but they have been relieved by hearing that she did not embark until last Saturday. Immediately on his return M. de Thermes is to go as Ambassador to Rome, and the present one there, M. d' Urfé, is to come to be governor of the Dauphin in room of the late M. de Humiez. Revision of the mintage. M. de Biez is released from close confinement, and it is thought will eventually be restored altogether, much to the disappointment of Chastillon. Three or four ships have lately arrived from England laden with images, which have been sold at Paris, Rouen, and other places, and being eagerly purchased, give to the ignorant people occasion to talk according to their notions; which needed not had their Lordships' command for defacing of them been observed. The Sherif had attempted to surprise Oran, but being chased by Don Bernardine de Mendoça, had gone to Argel [Algiers] to see if he could succeed better there. "This good fellow seemeth to be indifferent to all men, and careth not of what religion he be from whom he may catch any place to put his foot in." Dragut Rey lately had made a descent on the African coast. Urges the regular payment of his salary, to prevent the necessity of his borrowing, which he must do at 40 per cent. besides interest, in consequence of the depreciation of the currency, so that his daily allowance of five marks a day does not yield him 40 shillings, while his expenses amount to double that sum. The French King leaves this about Monday or Tuesday next week, and is to spend six or seven days at Anet, a residence of Madame de Valentinois, intending to enter Rouen on the 25th if no alteration in his plan. The Constable has had leave of absence till the King arrives at Anet, and has gone to his house called Chantilly. [Three pages. Copy in Sir J. Masone's Letter-Book.]
Sept. 14.
238. Sir John Masone to the Council. Had their letters of the 6th, and on the 13th audience of the French King, who was attended by the Cardinal of Lorraine acting in absence of the Constable. The King returned thanks to his Majesty for the enlargement of the Archbishop of Glasgow, and was contented with the appointment of two Privy Councillors as Judges of Appeal from the Admiralty Court, of the delays and lack of justice in which he had heard many complaints. As to the Scots taken at St. Andrew's, he would defer the question of their full liberty till the arrival of the Queen Dowager, when that and all other matters connected with Scotland should be adjusted; but in the meanwhile would take steps to restrain the Scots on the borders. Has not lately seen De Boses, whom he believes to be attending on the Constable, but expects to see him at Rouen. The Emperor's Ambassador here has written to the one in England to get him two geldings, and has requested Masone to be the means of procuring a licence for exporting them, notwithstanding the prohibition by reason of their great scarcity. "There is a little square between the Duchess of Valentinois, who ruleth the roast, and the Constable; a great many of the Court wisheth the increase thereof. He is very ill beloved, for that he is a hinderer of all men saving his own kinsfolks, whom he doth so advance as no man may have anything by his will but they, and for that also he feedeth every man with fair words, and performeth nothing." The King leaves for Rouen to-morrow, taking en route the Constable's houses, then Roche Guyon, and so to Anet. [Five pages and a half. Copy in Sir J. Masone's Letter-Book.]
Sept. 14.
239. Sir John Masone to the Right Honourable Mr. William Cecil, one of the King's Highness's two principal Secretaries. Congratulating him upon his appointment, and eulogising the character of his Secretary, Lord. [Two pages. Printed by Tytler, Vol. i., p. 319.]
Sept. 14.
240. John Lord to Cecil. Return thanks for being continued in his service, and will return as soon as his lord can dispense with his attendance. [One page.]
Sept. 28.
241. The Council to Sir John Masone. Desiring him to endeavour to obtain redress for a poor Irishman who had been plundered of all his goods to the value of 200l. by some French seaman, he being unable to have recourse to the law by reason of his poverty. [Half a page. Copy in Sir J. Masone's Letter-Book.]
Sept. 30.
242. Same to same. Inform him of what passed on the preceding day between them and the Master of Erskine, Ambassador from Scotland, touching the disputes concerning Edrington (called by the English Cawe Mill), the fishing of half the Tweed, another piece of ground on the middle marshes called the Threpeland, and the debateable land. Had referred him for any explanation of the treaty to the French King, and, as the said Erskine was going to France, they desire Masone to act according to the instructions previously given to him. Send copy of letter from Sir John Wallop, and a chart of the boundaries of the English possessions round Calais and Guisnes, to be used when necessary; with general directions for his conduct in the matter. [Five pages and a half. Copy in Sir J. Masone's Letter-Book.]
Sept. 30.
243. Draft of the latter half of the preceding letter, so far as relates to Sir John Wallop's letter. [Four pages.]