Edward VI: July 1549

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Edward VI 1547-1553. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1861.

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'Edward VI: July 1549', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Edward VI 1547-1553, ed. William B Turnbull( London, 1861), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/edw-vi/pp41-45 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Edward VI: July 1549', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Edward VI 1547-1553. Edited by William B Turnbull( London, 1861), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/edw-vi/pp41-45.

"Edward VI: July 1549". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Edward VI 1547-1553. Ed. William B Turnbull(London, 1861), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/edw-vi/pp41-45.

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July 1549

July 1.
178. "The tryumphante and joyffoull income given and granted unto the Dukedome off Brabandt by the Lordes off the lande and confyrmed by thempereur Charles the ffyfthe, and by hys sonne Philippe Kynge off Spayne solempnellye sworne." A translation of the deed of formal recognition by the States of Philip as their future sovereign. [Fifty-two pages.]
Eod. temp. Extract of the preceding, being the 5th clause as to the Council and custody of the seal of Brabant.
July 3.
179. Sir William Paget and Sir Philip Hoby to the Lord Protector. Introducing Signor Malatesta de Rimini, who has lately been put from his living and forced to forsake his country by the Bishop of Rome, and now desires to serve his Majesty with some convenient number of men. Although they have informed him that at present his services will not be required, yet being so near to England, after having come so far from home, he wishes at least to kiss his Majesty's hand. [One page.]
July 4.
180. The Council to Sir William Paget. Had received his letters of the 24th and 30th ult. Commend him for having laid a good foundation and well entered the matter with the Emperor and his Council. Touching a joint invasion, they had only yesterday heard from France of the appointment of the Commissioners on the boundary question, and as although for all the fine words used, they think nothing will come out of it, they think he should forbear to move in the matter; but if the Emperor's Council should speak therein let him give ear thereto, and talk by such means and after such sort as he shall think best to feel and suck out their disposition. For sundry causes also he will forbear pressing the comprehension of Boulogne. Could wish the covenant as to joint invasion reduced from 8,000 to 500 (sic) men. As the treaty on the King's part must be ratified by Parliament, which cannot be assembled before All Hallowtide at soonest, let him agree to Candlemas as the time for mutual confirmation of the treaties. In the matter of the marriage, he must regulate his offers by those made on the part of the Infanta of Portugal, but in no way to exceed 100,000 crowns; if they speak no more of it, let him pass it likewise over in silence. Instruct him closely to fish out their views in regard to a bargain of Boulogne. The late stirs in Essex, Kent, Hampshire, and Devonshire have been renewed, but are nearly suppressed; as the French are accustomed slanderously to divulge and spread these small tumults, think it right he should know the facts. During the absence of their ships and many of the men appointed to attend on Mr. Cotton on another exploit, the island of Inchkeith which he had captured has been retaken by the Scots, with all the ordnance planted thereon. Think good to signify this also to him, because the French will (after their accustomed manner) blow much abroad. [Twelve pages. Draft.]
Eod. die. Copy of the preceding in modern hand. [Six pages.]
July 5.
181. "Coppie of the othe made by the Emperour Charles and King Philip at the investing and accepting of him in the Low Countries, contayned in the booke of theyr privileges, intituled Den Blyen incompst, which is to saye, The Joyfull Entrie, cap. 58." [Two pages.]
Eod. die. Another copy of the preceding. [Two pages.]
July 5.
182. Albert Johansen, Consul of Calenberg, and others to [Christian King of Denmark]. Complaining of the repeated piratical attacks of the English and Scots, not only in British seas and ports, but in those of his Majesty,—of which, and their respective losses, they inclose a specific schedule; and requesting that his Majesty will take the necessary steps for protecting them and obtaining redress. Further, until such is obtained, requesting that his Majesty will cause all British ships in his ports to be detained, or permit them to adopt measures of retaliation. [Latin. Three pages.] Inclosing,
182. I. Querelœ subditorum Daniœ." In this they state where, when, by whom, and of what they have been injured and plundered; and which they are ready to affirm by oath. [Latin. Three pages.]
July 6.
183. The Magistrates of Lubeck and Deputies of the Hanse Towns to King Edward VI. Credentials of George Kemenor, procurator for the owners of the Mary of Lubeck, which had been plundered by Robert Sentleger, who proceeds to England in pursuit of justice. [Latin. Broadside on vellum.]
July 8.
184. William Dansell to Sir Thomas Smith. Since his last letter has had an offer of 100,000l. at 13 per cent. for one year, without taking merchandise. Desires to know whether he shall accept this offer; "doubts not but to get it better cheap." [One page.]
July 8.
185. Sir William Paget to Sir William Petre. Received his letter by Francisco last night. Is like to have here but a cold journey, for although he has sent five times for a reply to the late conferences, he is put off with fair words, and the Emperor has gone to Louvain, whence he will return to-morrow, proceeding in a day or two to Ghent. Thinks to return shortly for any great matter he has to do here, but such as is likely to be soon concluded, namely the confirmation of the treaty, the other points of his instructions being defalked. Regrets being restrained from proceeding farther in the matter of Boulogne. Is much distressed by the rumour of things at home, which he hears in every man's mouth, and to which he knows not what to say, because he knows them to be true, and they are much better known here, he fears, than they are at the Court, "and that not by Frenchmen, but by these countrymen and our own good nation." Wishes to know whether he shall speak farther of Boulogne, and whether he shall, "on the conclusion of the confirmation return home if they speak nothing more, or else remain here still like a cipher in algorism." Requests a reply by the bearer his servant, or else by Fletcher, whom he has desired to return to him within two or three days. As to the appointment of judges for determining marine causes, he will follow the instructions already received, unless directed to the contrary in the next letter. Requests the Chancellor of the Duchy to be good to his servant Palmer, ranger of the chase for the maintenance of the King's game within his charge under that department. [Two pages.]
July 10.
186. Christian King of Denmark to King Edward VI. The complaints of his subjects, in regard to the treatment which they experience from the English, increase daily more and more. Regrets to find that both by letter and legation he has brought these before his Majesty in vain. Incloses the representation of some of his subjects, and requests that satisfaction may be given and orders issued by proclamation or otherwise, to prevent similar outrages. The Scots have also been warned. Points out the consequences should such piratical acts be persisted in. [Latin. Two pages and a half.]
July 12.
187. Sir William Paget and Sir Philip Hoby to the Lord Protector. Fifteen days having elapsed since their last conference with D'Arras, Paget sent last night to Granvelle intimating his intended departure, and desiring to know if he could be of any service to him in England. Granvelle being confined to bed, tormented with pains in his legs, requested him to visit him at eight o'clock this morning, at which interview he sought to explain the delay by the Emperor's having been much letted by matters of importance in settling his son in those countries, disclaiming all unkindness or indifference towards the King of England, and stating that the Emperor wished Paget to meet him at Ghent, whither he would be on Sunday night at farthest. Details at much length their conversation, in the course of which Granvelle emphatically assured him of the Emperor's regard for his Majesty, of the warning which he had given to the French, and sundry times recommended England to look to their affairs this year, and thereafter to doubt not to have assistance of friends. His talk was marvellously frank, but words cannot please except some deeds follow. The rumours of doings in England are more and more. [Nine pages.]
Copies of the preceding and of the letters to the Protector of 24th and 30th June. [Twelve pages.]
July 12.
188. The Deputies of the Hanse Towns and Magistrates of Lubeck to King Edward VI. Acknowledge his Majesty's letter relative to complaints made by some of his subjects against those of Dantzic, to the Council of which city they had referred the whole subject. Joint commissioners will be sent to inquire into the matters. [Latin. Broadside on vellum.]
July 13.
189. Sir William Paget to Sir William Petre, or, in his absence, to Sir Thomas Smith. Thanks him for his letter, and requests that as his own time may be occupied, he will cause his clerk to write of the doings in England; letters being sent to Masone will be forwarded by the ordinary post to Calais, between which and Ghent there is daily communication. Longs to hear that matters are appeased; which sentiment of anxiety is felt by the greatest here. Granvelle had touched on the subject and recommended to the Protector the same firmness exercised by the Emperor in these quarters with the sword of justice in his hand. Begs to hear how the enterprise at Aberlady goes on, having had an inkling that the enemy has either taken or has a design to take it. [One page and a half. Quoted by Tytler, Vol. i., p. 183.]
July 14. 190. The Council to Comptroller Sir William Paget. If the question as to marine causes shall be mooted again, he is to covenant that such shall be judged not by two of the Privy Council, but generally two of the Council; for so may they be more easily heard and as well provided for as if two of the Privy Council were named to the same. Should they talk again of the comprehension of Boulogne, he may proceed in terms of his former instructions; but if the subject is not revived, he shall pass it over in silence, and as soon as he has concluded the satisfaction of the treaty return at his convenient leisure. [One page and a half. Draft.]
July 16.
191. Christian King of Denmark to King Edward VI. Acknowledges his Majesty's letter of the 6th instant, wherein, professing amity, he complains that the Danish merchants supply his enemies with warlike subsidies. Refers to the treatment of his own subjects, who can obtain no redress: their charges are all duly and distinctly specified, those of the English are vague and indefinite. He has always maintained and desires to observe a strict neutrality, his merchants dealing alike with the Scots and the English. It is unreasonable to require that they should have no commercial dealings with the Scots, as the Scots might with equal propriety demand of them to have no dealings with the English. His Majesty refers to the difficulty of restraining the passions of soldiers in time of war; trusts that military discipline is not so relaxed in England, but if it is, his Majesty may consider how much more difficult it is to restrain those of the Danish subjects, who can get no legitimate compensation for the atrocities committed. Requires that preventive measures shall be adopted. The complaint of the English merchants as to impositions is unfounded: each country has a right to levy its own dues; but while his subjects are charged three or four times more, those of Denmark cannot be found fault with. [Latin. Six pages and a quarter.]
Duplicate of the preceding. [Seven pages.]
July 22.
192. Sir William Paget to Sir William Petre, or, in his absence, to Sir Thomas Smith. Thanks him for his letter and the gentleness shown to its bearer Fletcher, Paget's servant, in a suit wherein Mr. Thynne has shown himself so dishonest and covetous. Fears the covetous disposition of this man may do his Grace hurt: nothing his Grace requires so much to take heed of as that man's proceedings. His sentiments as to matters in England. He will return by the long seas, having need to purge himself well, being well farsed with Rhenish wine. The Emperor leaves on Friday for Hainault; is glad to be rid of him, being unprovided of all things, especially of money. The 200l. which he received at starting, and which was worth to him scant 150l., being all spent, and 300l. more at the least. [Two pages and a half. Printed by Tytler, Vol. i., p. 190.]
July 24.
193. William Dansell to the Lord Proteetor. Being unable to procure the 100,000l., at 12 per cent., has offered 12½, which is at present refused; and even if 13 is given, doubts as to the repayment are expressed, in consequence of rumours as to the state of England and the rebellion of the Commons. Desires to be informed whether he may agree to pay 13 per cent. John Dymock has asked him to pay an Easterling 150l., or thereabouts, for 600 "yunghendallers," which he says he had to employ for the King's service. Wishes to know his Grace's pleasure hereon, else the bill will be protested for non-payment. [One page and a half.]