Edward VI: April 1548

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Edward VI 1547-1553. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1861.

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'Edward VI: April 1548', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Edward VI 1547-1553, ed. William B Turnbull( London, 1861), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/edw-vi/pp19-22 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Edward VI: April 1548', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Edward VI 1547-1553. Edited by William B Turnbull( London, 1861), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/edw-vi/pp19-22.

"Edward VI: April 1548". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Edward VI 1547-1553. Ed. William B Turnbull(London, 1861), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/edw-vi/pp19-22.

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April 1548

April 3.
78. The Bishop of Westminster to Sir William Petre. The device in the matter of the Interim, committed by the Emperor to Malvenda and other learned men, is perfected, and given to the electors to view, but is kept so secret that he can get no copy or learn the effect of it. Mr. Mount has been informed that it will bring back religion to where it was 20 years before, except that communion under both species and such priests as are already married will be tolerated. The device has been subscribed by the Count Palatine, Duke Maurice, and the Marquis of Brandenburg, the latter of whom had sent to persuade Bucer to subscribe it also; but Bucer, when he saw it, said that he liked it in no wise. Melancthon is expected here shortly. Duke Maurice will be guided in matters of religion as the Emperor will have him. Sends translated copy (missing) of the Emperor's reply to the motion of the States that the Low Countries might contribute with the Empire after the old manner. Thinks the matter wisely handled, since if the Emperor cannot directly bring the Low Countries in defence of the Empire, he may do so indirectly. This business may detain the Princes here more than three weeks. Chastel, who was at Basle, has left; some think for France. Regrets this, because he is noted a good captain. Hears that Duke George of Wirtemberg and the Baron of Heydek, his brother, remain still at Basle. [Two pages. The half printed by Tytler, Vol. i., p. 84.]
April 15.
79. Same to the Protector and Council. After very great trouble, and on condition of secrecy, Mr. Mount had procured the copy of the Interim sent herewith (missing). Is informed that the Emperor has sent it to the Bishop of Rome, as he would not conclude the same without his assent, and his answer is expected here daily. Bucer has by the Count Palatine and Marquis of Brandenburg been urged, both by fair promises and sharp words, to condescend to the said Interim, but will not. Divers learned men of Saxony, convened by Duke Maurice to consult for an unity in doctrine, have given their answer, a copy of which and that by Melancthon (both missing) are sent herewith. The Emperor is earnestly bent to bring these matters of religion to such an end as he desires. God only knows what the end thereof shall be. [One page.]
April 15.
80. Same to Sir William Petre. It is said that the Emperor will remain till the Prince of Spain comes with his sister, to whom Ferdinand [Maximilian] the Archduke is to be married here, and that he will bring with him 8,000 or 10,000 Spaniards. The Princes named in the enclosure (missing) will accompany them. It is said he cannot be here before August. Letters from Lyons say that Pietro Strozzi has passed there for Scotland with 4,000 Italians. The Emperor's physician said that the Emperor has long suspected the French, but the Imperialists think there will be no war this year. His own wishes and opinions. Since writing, is informed by an Italian that when Strozzi left Piedmont he had not more than 1,000 men, and thinks it cannot be true that he has 4,000. [Two pages. Printed, with the exception of the postscript, by Tytler, Vol. i., p. 88.]
April 15. 81. Appointment of Mr. [John] Bernardine as Attaché to Sir Philip Hoby, Ambassador to the Emperor in room of the Bishop of Westminster. [Two pages. Draft.]
April 15. 82. Instructions to Sir Philip Hoby, Knight, one of the gentlemen of his Majesty's Privy Chamber, sent presently unto the Emperor's Court to reside there as his Highness's Ambassador in the place of the right reverend father in God the Bishop of Westminster, whom his Majesty presently revokes. [Five pages and a half. Draft.]
April 16. 83. Instructions to the Bishop of Westminster, as to his introduction of Sir Philip Hoby at the Emperor's Court, and notifying the continuance of the services of Mr. John Bernardine. [Two pages and a half. Draft.]
April 16.
84. Dr. Wotton to the Council. Details his interviews with the Constable towards obtaining redress for the English merchants whose ships had been captured, and the various shifts and delays by which he was met. The French King had gone to Volusan on the 7th inst., and while the Court was there the Ambassadors reside at Sens, five leagues distant. But after being there three or four days, his Majesty had returned to Nogent, because he had left the Queen there not well at ease, and, as it is reported, with child again. On the 12th had received their Lordships' letters of the 5th by Francisco, the bearer hereof. Pietro Strozzi is still at Nantes making preparations. Andelot has left the Court, and probably also gone to Brittany, whither those who are to go to Scotland draw apace. The bearer says that on his way hither he overtook 200 or 300 soldiers going to Brittany, to pass to Scotland as they said. Hears that the Admiral's band of 80 men of arms, his son M. de la Humauldaye's of 40, Jarnac's of 40, and other bands of men of arms, with 400 or 500 light horses, are to be sent to Scotland. The French have a high opinion of Strozzi, and expect him to do some great act in Scotland. [Three pages. The latter portion printed by Tytler, Vol. i., p. 87.]
April 16.
85. Same to Sir William Petre. Goodman Harpax is clamorous for money; incloses letter from him to the Lord Protector in regard thereof. Informed by him of a conversation which he had with Andelot as to Berteville, a French officer in the English service, whom the French were endeavouring to induce to leave and to return to France, and thinks it very necessary that good heed be taken to him. Said Harpax considers that this information, and that other of the fire, entitle him to a good reward. The French merchants who traffic with England convey letters from their Ambassador there to Scotland. When Francis, Mr. Speke's man, was last here, Harpax at his earnest suit had introduced him to De l'Aubespine, when he promised to give information of all he could learn in England. Also heard from him that Pietro Strozzi intends to do great things in Scotland, especially out of regard to the Queen his kinswoman, in whose exceeding hatred of the English he fully participates. His character depicted by Harpax, who seems to bear a great hatred to him for the sake of Baron de la Garde, of whose ruin Strozzi is the cause. Says that at this time 500 or 600 gentlemen go into Scotland; and that there is no doubt the King of Denmark sends great aid of men and victual there, to the number of 30 ships, as he hears, one or other; being entertained by the French King with hope that his brother shall marry the Scottish Queen, although the said King intendeth nothing less indeed. [Four pages. Printed by Tytler, Vol. i., p. 91.]
April 17.
86. The Bishop of Westminster to Secretary Sir William Petre Marillac had reported a great victory of the Scots over the English; but Bernardine visiting him had learned that the French King, having been apprized by Marillac of Lord Wharton's defeat of the Scots, wrote, on the authority of Chapella, that the English news were not true: this letter Bernardine saw, signed with the French King's hand. Believing therefore the intelligence from the Council, a little thing will persuade him to believe that the French do lie. Begs that he may have new letters ere he departs, that he may confirm his brother Ambassadors in what he had told them before, and they might learn consequenter that the French will lie. It is reported that the Count of Mansfeldt has been defeated by the King of Denmark's brother; that the Commissaries of Bremen treat for submission to the Emperor, and there is hope of an accord; the like said for Constance, but not so certainly affirmed. Of Magdeburg hears nothing, save that being under the Imperial ban they still hold out. The process between the King of the Romans and the Duke of Wirtemberg is now so diligently called upon that many think he will at length go without his duchy. Certain Hungarians have been here to ask aid from the Emperor against the Turk. Some think Ferdinando will not make the demand himself as in Diets past, for that the States, not being troubled with such demands, will be the rather content with his process against Wirtemberg. Forwards letter from Mr. Harvel. Hopes to hear of the safe arrival of Bluemantle [Edmund Atkinson], who left on the 15th inst. [Two pages.]
April 20.
87. Dr. Wotton to the Council. A friend of his has shown him part of a letter from one said to be worthy of credit, stating that M. de Chastillon is practising an enterprise upon Boulogne, and has such intelligence with the garrison there that he looks to have it delivered to him assuredly within three weeks or a month at farthest. Whether true or not thinks it proper to inform them. Hears that Andelot has been at the fort by Boulogne and has returned to the Court, but knows not what his errand was. The Ambassador from the French King to the Turk has returned with such reply as causes much rejoicing; with him has come the Count of Rogendorff, otherwise called Monsieur de Condey, who had fled from the Emperor's Court to the Turk, and had been condemned to death by the latter, but on the Ambassador's intercession had been freed. Harpax informed him last night that he had supped with Monluc, who told him that if one that was sent into England had executed that thing that he was about to do, the French navy ere this had been gone towards Scotland, and that if the English ships were in any place together, they should hear shortly of such a goodly fire as had not been seen in the sea; and Harpax harpeth still on this string. The King goes to Troyes about the beginning of next month, and thence to Je . . ., belonging to the Duke of Guise. Hears that the Duchess of Lorraine is coming thither, or to some place thereby, to see the King. It is thought they shall go to Lyons as the Queen is amended, yet he has always been of opinion that the King would not long remain distant from Paris, to hearken better to the affairs of Scotland, unless there appear some suspicion of war on the other side of France. [Two pages, partly in cipher, deciphered.]
April 24.
88. The Bishop of Westminster to the Lord Protector. Sends copies of the electors' answer to the Emperor touching the contribution of Burgundy and other parts as members of the Empire, and of that of the spiritual electors to the Interim (both missing). The Interim pleases no party. Bucer has left without signing it; The Bishop of Rome is said not to like it, but his answer has not yet been received by the Emperor. It is reported that the Archduke Maximilian is to be declared King of Bohemia before he goes to Spain, whither he is said to proceed about the end of May, attended by the Cardinal of Trent and Marquis Albert, also with 500 horse. [One page and a half.]