Edward VI: August 1551

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Edward VI 1547-1553. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1861.

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'Edward VI: August 1551', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Edward VI 1547-1553, ed. William B Turnbull( London, 1861), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/edw-vi/pp158-164 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Edward VI: August 1551', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Edward VI 1547-1553. Edited by William B Turnbull( London, 1861), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/edw-vi/pp158-164.

"Edward VI: August 1551". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Edward VI 1547-1553. Ed. William B Turnbull(London, 1861), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/edw-vi/pp158-164.

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August 1551

August 5.
425. Peter Vannes to the Council. Cardinal Tournon, Mons. Monluc, and the French Ambassador here have several times been with the Seigniory, representing the great friendship of the French King, how necessary the preservation of Parma and Mirandola is for the welfare of Venice, and how injurious it were should they fall into the power of the Emperor, and requiring the Seigniory to help the furniture of these towns with victuals. Also that they should make a mass of victuals, munitions, and other provisions requisite therefor in some place of their countries, and that all French soldiers should have free passage. The Seigniory replied that, fully appreciating the friendship of the French King and the Emperor, they were resolved to preserve neutrality; that they could not assist Parma and Mirandola with victuals, as they are compelled to make provision from far countries for their own use, and the furniture of divers of their places; that to suffer any store of provisions and munitions to be made would give offence to the Emperor, to whom they have refused a similar request; but that the soldiers may freely pass, and shall be supplied with what victuals or necessaries they may need, paying for them honestly in the same manner as do those of the Emperor. Various opinions are expressed as to the tenability of Parma and Mirandola. The French King has lately sent Signor Aluiso Allemayne [Louis Alemanni], a gentleman of Florence, to the Seigniory of Genoa, thanking them for divers kindnesses shown to some of his men lately passing through their territories, and requiring permission for such other soldiers as might be necessary to pass that way. Also that the said Signor Aluiso should remain as his Ambassador at Genoa, as that being known to the French King's friends, the Genoese might be more friendly handled of the Turk's army. The passage of the soldiers, on certain days to be appointed, was conceded; but as the residence there of an Ambassador from France was a new thing not used afore, and that erroneous suspicions might be engendered, they required Aluiso with many loving and gentle words to return home again. Paying a private visit to the French Ambassador to-day, was congratulated by him on the increase of friendship between France and England. The Ambassador had heard from his master of the conclusion of the marriage between King Edward and his daughter, and of the honourable behaviour at the French Court of the Marquis, whose qualities in all other things that belong unto a nobleman the King much esteemed. The said Ambassador had received letters from Pietro Strozzi yesterday, informing him that Mirandola, wherein is M. de Thermes, and Parma are well provisioned for one year; and that the former place feareth nothing although besieged by the Bishop of Rome's army. Since the taking of Mons. D'Andelot and others, Strozzi has several times made a sortie from Parma, doing much hurt to Don Fernando's camp, and has captured Signor Camillo, a valiant knight of high trust with Don Fernando, on his way to the Bishop of Rome with secret despatches. Strozzi had also encountered a great band of Spaniards, both horse and foot, going from Milan to Don Fernando, killing and taking prisoner a great number, and putting to rout the rest, of whom many were killed by the villains of the country. Great hopes and wishes that the French King may withdraw his allegiance from the Bishop of Rome's Court and laws. [Four pages.]
August 10.
426. Dr. Wotton to the Council. When he was first sent hither, as it was thought that he would not remain, the warrant for his diets was made only for five months aforehand in prest. These expire to-morrow, and he can henceforth receive no more in advance by the same warrant, without which nevertheless he is unable to live here. Since, therefore, he cannot be at home within the five months, beseeches them to let him have another warrant to receive his diets in prest, for as long time as they think it will be ere he can conveniently be at home: the warrant to begin from the 11th of this month. And whereas his first warrant was directed to Mr. Cavendish, where, as their Lordships know, is no money to be had, begs the new warrant may be directed to such other place, as he may have the money without any long delay. He could wish some of their Lordships to have been of late Ambassadors in this country, for then they should well know how impossible it is for him to live here with the diets appointed him. Trusts they will so order him herein, as he may be able to bear the charges of this journey. As he understands that it is forbidden to carry any money out of the realm, or to exchange any—from which prohibition none, as far as he can hear, are excepted—unless they shall provide that it may be lawful to him to cause money to be sent to him, or to make exchange with such English or Foreign merchants as he shall think meet, he must needs shortly eat his horses, and when they are eaten, die for hunger; which he trusts their Lordships will not suffer. [One page.]
August 11.
427. Sir Richard Morysine to Cecil. Most unapt to write long letters at this time, he must desire short and witless be taken in good part. Both at once! Who can lodge such sorrows with so small a warning? But the Lord's will is the rule that they must go by; the line that man's felicity is met and marred withal when it pleaseth him. Trusts God's wrath for this time hath his fare, and will tarry for no more. Cecil is where he may comfort the poor mother. Lady Somerset doth less than due is, if at this time she do not visit the sorrowful. He has lost two sisters, and could have been very glad to have found them alive. But they could never have gone so little bewailed. Public loss dulleth the sense of private damage, and calleth his tears another way. He would not advise his son Charles to go now, for that he should scarce do justa to him, being elsewhere too too much encumbered. His brother Stephen Hales doth sue for his diets, seeing they are already spent, and twice as much more. Thinks it maketh no matter whether they come, or tarry till better aid may come with them. He cries to Hales to sell land; leather is dainty, no meat for poor Ambassadors. Thinks Wotton will one day complain; and then if men do weigh complaints aright, Morysine may hold his peace. If Wotton cannot abide his charges, his own reckoning is soon cast. But not knowing where to speak, or how to speed, he will keep all for cries at his home coming. No great honour can it be to others, if it be his shame to come home in debt. Wishes Cecil wealth, or never to be Ambassador, which he thinks the worst occupation under the sun, and wills Charles to be anything else rather than it. [Three pages.]
August 15.
428. Peter Vannes to the Council. The Turk's army was at Malta four days, and battered it both by sea and land. They landed a considerable number of men, against whom the Knights of Rhodes, with some of those who kept the suburbs, made a sortie, and defeated the Turks, killing and taking prisoner many of their assailants. Seeing that the place was stronger and better defended than it had been represented to him by Dragut, the Turkish General departed and took the island of Gozo, belonging to the aforesaid Knights, destroying, burning, and slaying, and carrying off 3,000 persons. Thence, as is said, he sailed towards Africa. Letters from Malta mention that some of the Turkish prisoners have confessed that their General had orders to attack Corfu, but perceiving how well it was fortified, he durst not meddle therewith. He blames Dragut, upon whose representation that it was easy to be had, he attacked Malta. Letters from Vienna of the 1st inst. mention that the Turks had made several incursions on the frontiers of Hungary, and killed and taken prisoner 8,000 Christians, with a loss of only 200 Turks. The King of the Romans made as great provision as he could of horse and foot out of Hungary, Bohemia, and other parts for defence on that side. The Queen of Transylvania and Petro Vicchi [Petrovitz] were resolved to surrender that kingdom, crown and sceptre, to Signor John Baptista Gastaldo for the King of Hungary; which done, the said Gastaldo was to draw himself to the defence of certain passages of Transylvania from the Turk's displeasure, highly conceived for the said surrender. To save expense the Bishop of Rome had licensed the greater part of his army to depart from Mirandola, excepting his horse and 3,000 foot, which are stationed in three forts near the town, which he intends to hold in siege all winter; but the inhabitants being well provisioned and defended have no fear. Four thousand landsknechts have arrived in Don Fernando's camp beside Parma. Much talking here of the marriage between his Majesty and the French King's daughter: had been asked many questions concerning this and the treaty of peace, but had replied that he had no certain intelligence as the sudden sickness of sweating had let the despatch of many matters. Requests information from England. Incloses the advertisements contained in this letter, written in Italian. [Two pages.]
Inclosure. [Italian. Three pages.]
August 15.
[Hampton Court.]
429. The Council to Dr. Wotton and Sir Richard Morysine. Acknowledge Wotton's letters of 29th June, and 14th, 21st, and 28th July. Instruct him to refute the rumours spread by the French party in Italy that the treaty between France and England is in express derogation of his Majesty's treaty with the Emperor. Think it very strange that the Emperor, notwithstanding the repeated contradictions and testimony to the contrary by the Lord Treasurer and Lord Paget, should persist in maintaining the permanency of the grant to the Lady Mary for use of her religion. Such grant his Majesty had allowed for a time only, upon the hope that by this forbearing his sister might be reduced to that order of her own good disposition which was universally received of the whole realm. But now of late his Majesty sees, that this long sufferance of her and her family to do manifestly against the laws and common order of the realm, not only works not in her that obedient conformity that his Majesty wished and looked for, but also has of long time been, and yet is, a great occasion of much strife and contention, and a very ill example of disobedience to the rest of the realm. Therefore his Majesty will no longer suffer such, and has sent for the officers of the Lady Mary's house to give them in commandment to see the laws from henceforth sufficiently executed in her house accordingly. And if any chaplain of hers, or any other whatsoever, shall presume after this warning to use the mass, or any other ceremony or service contrary to the laws, they must look to feel the punishment of the laws according to justice. His Majesty also considers the Emperor's demand for his Ambassador in England to use the mass, and his denial to suffer his Majesty's Ambassador within his dominions to use the communion, too much unequal and unreasonable; and therefore doubts not the Emperor will otherwise consider this matter. Wotton shall farther understand that all the ships of his Majesty's subjects, or which were freighted with any of his subjects' goods, have lately been twice stayed at Antwerp; and besides that certain edicts there set forth declare sweet wines, spices, and sugars to be comprehended under the term of victuals. Upon which pretence, the export of victuals being prohibited, the said ships were stayed. Desire him to remonstrate with the Emperor thereon, that the ships be no longer stayed and the traffic be continued with like liberty as heretofore. Also to move him again for licence for the export of powder to the King's use. Farther to declare that as the Emperor is well contented Morysine should remain as Ambassador resident, his Majesty determines that he shall so remain, and minding to employ Wotton otherwise, revokes him accordingly. Thank Morysine for his several advertisements, notify the recall of Wotton, and his Majesty's will that Morysine shall continue Ambassador resident, requiring him to take patience for a while for the supply of that room, which his Majesty says shall not be long. [Draft. Ten pages.]
Two extracts from the preceding in modern writing. [Four pages.]
Aug. 25.
430. Dr. Wotton and Sir Richard Morysine to the Council. They received on the 22d inst. their Lordships' letters of the 16th, written from Hampton Court, perceiving thereby whom-his Majesty willeth forthwith to return home, and whom they leave in good hope that he shall shortly follow: the one as sorry to stay as the other is glad to depart. Wotton expects hourly to have access to the Emperor; and Morysine beseeches that if the Emperor's Ambassador be driven by ship to sail for new masses, he may not be left where the communion, else made for the increase of quietness, may breed in him some new troubles. He has already met with his part, and may well spare any new coming troubles. They hear from Italy that Alessandro Vitelli, with 50 of his horse, has been taken at Mirandola in an ambush, into which he was led by a false spy, whom he was accustomed to trust, but who was employed by M. de Thermes to mislead him. Detail the particulars. Much talk in Italy of the marriage concluded between his Majesty and France. They that would the French to seem big, say the league is offensive and defensive, and embraces Scotland and Sweden, with great hope that Denmark will follow. They say M. de Tournon practises with the Venetians, and that the French King has sent the Duke of Ferrara's Ambassador back to his master, not in displeasure, but to make certain offers. "They also add, that one of the covenants between France and England is, that we must return to the true faith of holy Church, as they call it, that is, as we know it, to the blind Romish synagogue. Would God the French King were as like to become a right Protestant, as our master is unlike to become a blundering Popistant! They do what they can, poor honest men, to comfort the side, saving your Lordships' honours, with well-devised lies, by which they laid their first foundation, by which they set up their pillars, they made their walls, and covered their roofs; by which only, these many years, they have stayed the fabric of their whole state. It may be some friend to France bleareth the Bishop's eye, in scattering these grateful news in Rome." The Turk's navy has taken Gozo, an island near Malta, and is either returned to Malta or gone to Tripoli. They landed at Gozo nine great pieces of artillery, and battered the castle for three days continually. At their first shot it is reported they killed the Governor, a Spaniard of Valentia, and Knight of Rhodes. They have carried off 5,000 Christians, with loss of a very few Turks. All men are afraid lest the Turk shall this year get a great piece of Transylvania. The men of Magdeburg were never stouter, skirmishing with great disadvantage to the Mauritians. This month they have been often at it, and slain on one day above 1,000, and on another above 500, with small loss on their side. Duke Maurice is more in love with diets than skirmishes, and has called a new one to treat on conditions of peace. The winter is nigh, which is likely to do great harm to the besiegers and little to the besieged. Send a chart of Malta, with Gozo and the adjacent islands (missing). [Four pages.]
Aug. 28.
431. Peter Vannes to the Council. The Imperial army, consisting of 4,000 Germans, 2,500 Spaniards, and certain Italians, daily spend and waste all the countries about Parma, so that though the land is fertile, there is likely to be small harvest next year, by reason of such destruction and no preparation of saving being in hand. The Bishop of Rome begins to be weary of his proceedings, as they add nothing to his profit and do not answer his expectations. Sends herewith certain advertisements, which the hasty departing of the courier prevents him from translating. The Seigniory make efforts to bring about peace between the parties, and hearing that the Turk's army intends to remain all winter in the parts of Christendom, have appointed their General, with 48 galleys, to be abroad in their Gulf during the winter for the defence of their places, which will be to them no small cost. [One page.] Inclosure,
431. I. The Turk's army had arrived at Tripoli and summoned the Governor of the castle to surrender, promising to respect life and property, but were informed that it should be defended to the utmost in the name of the Grand Master of Rhodes. Whereupon the Turks landed several pieces of artillery and commenced to batter the fort, with what success was not yet known, but there is much fear that, by reason of the strength of the Turks and the weakness of the place, it will be lost, which will be very serious both to Sicily and all Italy. Letters from France mention that the King had dismissed the Pope's Nuncio, having offered to him with friendly expressions both money and intercourse as Archbishop of Toulon and as member of the house of Triulsi [Trivulci] so attached to his crown, but as Nuncio he must leave, because he would give him no farther audience. Also that in two Councils held in France, the power of the Pope to interfere with ecclesiastical matters there had been taken away, although his agents might collect as usual; but no remittance was to be made to him while this war lasted, to the end that the King should not be combated with his own money. The King likewise was said to be raising 4,000 men-at-arms, and 50,000 infantry, intending to go in person to the relief of Parma. Between the King of France and the close vicinity of the Turk's army, the Pope was in a sad plight and knew not what to do. The Duke of Ferrara was exerting himself to restore peace between the two Princes; and for this end were to be sent to Venice on part of the Pope, De Crassis, the lately created Bishop of Monte Fiascone, and on the part of the King of France, the Prior of Rome. The ecclesiastical electors, viz., of Treves, Mayence, and Cologne, were to go to Trent to the Council. [Italian. Two pages.]
Aug. 29. 432. John Dominic Panizonus, the Emperor's Secretary, to King Edward VI. Informing his Majesty of the death of William Panizonus, and requesting that his sons Constantine and Christopher, whom on his death-bed he had recommended to his Majesty, may be taken into his service. Two of the same family,—Francis, a physician, and John Baptist, a valet (domicellus),—had previously died while serving the Crown of England. [Latin. One page.]
Aug. 30.
433. Sir Anthony Guidotti to the Earl of Warwick. Last Wednesday the 26th inst., in a private interview, the Duke of Guise suggested that, during the trouble between the French and the Emperor, England should arm by sea for the defence of her coast; whereby the Emperor might be put in some doubt, and yet could have no occasion to be offended. And thus England keeping one side, and the French having a strength on the other, the Emperor would not be too hasty to adventure into the canal between both. If he may offer an opinion, it would be well to do this, even though they should expend 50,000 or 60,000 crowns, as by such a step they would secure for ever the good will of France. The Duke also mooted a marriage between the Duke of Ferrara's son, who is one of the goodliest young men of all Italy, and the Princess Elizabeth. The Duke of Florence's son is 11 years old. If this party were liked, it were an easy matter to be concluded without any excessive dote. [Two pages and a half.]
Contemporary translation of the above. [Two pages and a half.]
Aug. 31.
434. Colonel William Wallerthum to King Edward VI. Requesting his Majesty's interference towards procuring payment from Henry and John Albert, Princes of Magdeburg, and John Margrave of Brandenburg, for a body of cavalry which he had raised for their service; and begging his Majesty to recommend him to the King of France for employment. [Latin. Three pages.]