Edward VI: June 1551, 1-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Edward VI 1547-1553. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1861.

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'Edward VI: June 1551, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Edward VI 1547-1553, ed. William B Turnbull( London, 1861), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/edw-vi/pp115-129 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Edward VI: June 1551, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Edward VI 1547-1553. Edited by William B Turnbull( London, 1861), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/edw-vi/pp115-129.

"Edward VI: June 1551, 1-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Edward VI 1547-1553. Ed. William B Turnbull(London, 1861), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/edw-vi/pp115-129.

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June 1551, 1-15

June 2.
363. Sir Richard Morysine to the Council. Men think that the Bishop's war and the Bishop's council, being of one nature, will both end or either of them do fully begin. The Guastatori have learned better manners than in this time of dearth to fall to cutting of corn ere it be ripe. His Hollowness and the Emperor thought France would have been entreated to let Octavio be plucked out of his town, and, contrary to promise, have given him no aid, or merely temporary assistance. The French preparations of men, money, and all other things have undeceived them, and they seem to repent what is past, and nothing hasty to make any new faults. The Emperor seldom sets upon any great enterprise, but very slowly and with much wariness: happy that hitherto the luck of his time has bent itself much unto his nature, he stealing upon opportunities, while other Princes had no leisure to look to his hands. He had seemed fully minded to aid the Bishop against Octavio, and by his preparations to make men understand he had good will to have him removed; but of late it is supposed he has cast up the enterprise, and counsels the Bishop to let war alone for some better season. He is considered not to use the best policy thus at present to increase the French courage, and people say that if he will no war, this is a wrong way long to enjoy peace. He has by many evident tokens declared his will to blemish the French King's honour as much as to injure Octavio. Must not power and courage grow great on the other side, while they thus fail and faint on their part? A Bishop of Rome to yield part of his right, where no cause forceth him to do so, is to make such as be greedy not so well content with that that is given, as desirous of some greater portion of that that remaineth behind. Soft and slow proceedings have carried the Emperor plus ultra than hope could be his guide; but the French may perhaps overtake plus ultra, and all to beshent him for going too fast afore. For all this, the Bishop's Nuncio says the war will forward, and there is plenty of time yet to destroy the corn and do the enemy harm at will; and, but that there is good hope that Cardinals Fiore and Santo Angelo should bring Octavio to some good accord, they of Parma ere this had felt the Bishop is able to come by his own when he listeth. He adds that there are 8,000 foot in Bologna; that Don Ferrante has 3,000 foot and 1,000 horse; and that 3,000 Germans are ready to be sent thither. There is much talk in this Court of the amity between England and France. Two or three have been with Morysine, sent, as he guesses, by Mons. D' Arras, to marvel why there should be such friendship between him and the French Ambassador. Showed himself as much surprised that any should take notice of their doings, they meeting not past once in a week, seldom any while together. Of these persons were the Duke of Savoy's and the Venetian Ambassador. Had inquired of the latter if they did not also note their intercourse; and said, he thought where leagues were between their masters, the servants ought to love one another and none marvel at it, but such that think leagues may be where small amity is. If there were that would complain and show why their meetings were misliked, he was sure the weakest of them both had enough to content any reasonable complaint. This conversation was about three weeks ago, he making no more of it than he knew there was cause. Well, they be jealous and feed upon light occasions; so their Lordships may guess what they now think, and how they be now grieved that the Marquis goes into France with such a goodly company. They have a list of all their names, and talk of entreaty of marriage. Their heads are so full of bees, that they can neither hold their peace nor tell what to say. Many in this Court think the English amity with France is one of the best stays, that neither the Emperor nor the Bishop of Rome dare be too busy with Octavio, and that the Emperor is afraid, though he would sit still he should not. "God send them their bellies full, so we may have a time to breathe us in!" Strozzi has 20 Captains in Mirandola, to whom men flock out of all parts of Italy. So many are there for France that something is likely to follow. If the Turk comes towards Italy, as men suppose he does, these may work no mean feat at present, rumours being already cast abroad that Italy means this summer to make a jail delivery of as many Spaniards as are among them; indeed there were news that those of Sienna were up to kill the Spaniards. It was not so indeed; but those that scatter these news would fain it were so. The Emperor is between this town and Monaco, and has found, they say, a new water to drink, wherein he finds more ease. Is expected here next week to tarry but a while, and so forthwith to Flanders. If he goes there, supposes there will be business in Italy; if no war in Italy, supposes he will remain here. If wars be there, he means either to make France look to his confines, or else to take heed that France do him not more harm in the low parts than he can in Italy. If Italy be quiet, he can be no where better than here, where he may know what is done in various quarters; but his chapel has gone to Flanders before him, and therefore sure account is made that his Majesty will follow shortly after. It is even now reported that 150 horse have departed from the siege of Magdeburg, and that daily men steal away as they can, wherewith Duke Maurice is wonderfully dismayed. Besides this, the country there much flock together and confer among themselves how they may no longer be troubled with these wars against Magdeburg. Should this be so, there is like shortly to be great business in these parts. If he wanted money a good while since, trusts their Lordships will think he can be by this time but meanly furnished for the charges of such a voyage as this is. [Five pages; a few lines in cipher, deciphered.]
June 2. 364. King Edward VI. to the Duke of Cleves. Re-credentials of Herman Cruser. Trusts that the answer conveyed by the bearer will appear just and reasonable. [Draft. One page.]
June 4.
365. The Marquis of Northampton to the Council. Informs them of his honourable entertainment on his way to Paris and of his reception there. Will leave to-morrow, intending on Sunday to be at Orleans, whence he proceeds by water to Nantes, where the King willed him to arrive about the 15th. The Marshal St. André will bring with him to England a very brave company, and M. de Beaudaulphin, who is to remain there as Ambassador. Yesterday Sir Anthony Guidotti showed him a letter from Florence, which mentioned that Horatio Farnese, who had left Marseilles with two French galleys, intending to land on some part of the Italian coast, wherefrom he might best reach his brother at Parma, was by force of tempest driven into one of the Duke of Florence's ports called Vireg, near Pietra Santa, where, having with difficulty landed in a small boat, he was discovered and conveyed to the Duke then at Pietra Santa. Whether he will be detained or set at liberty by the Duke is not known. [Three pages. Indorsed by Cecil.]
June 4.
366. Same to the Earl of Warwick, Lord Great Master of the King's Majesty's most honourable household. Sir William Pickering has been informed by Francis, a servant of the Vidame, who speaks good English, and in respect of having been educated there says he will at all times discover what he hears to be prejudicial to England, that one John Hutchins, an Englishman, formerly a tamborine under a lieutenant with Mr. Luttrell, has lately been at the French Court offering his service to the King, and to bring the Scilly Islands and some parts of Ireland into his hands. The King gave small ear to his large promises, and licensed him to depart. He had thereafter seen the Vidame, and offered to send him intelligence from England, with plats, both of Jersey and Guernsey, and all the ports and coasts of England, desiring the company of some trusty Frenchman to deliver these things to him. Francis has been appointed very shortly to go to him in England, and he has promised from time to time to communicate Hutchins' proceedings to their Lordships, advising that no steps be taken against him until he has commenced his enterprise, when they may both be arrested, and Francis put to gentle ward that the discovery may not seem to proceed from him. Has also been told by Sir William Pickering, that having had certain letters delivered to him by a Scottish herald, to be conveyed to the French Court, he contrived to open them, and amongst others discovered one from the Master of Erskine to his wife, stating that when he last passed through England he had privily spoken with the Earl Bothwell, not mentioning the special matter, and requiring her to advertise him with all speed what the Scottish Queen's pleasure should be touching that mater. Refers to the preceding letter for particulars of his embassy. [Two pages. Indorsed by Cecil.]
June 4.
367. Sir John Masone to the Marquis of Northampton. Has received his letter of the 31st May. The Constable, reckoning that his Lordship will reach Nantes about Thursday or Friday next week has arranged for his coming to Chateaubriand, the Constable's own house and seigniory, and has left this morning to prepare for his reception there; whither, the King, who arrived here on Wednesday, goes to-morrow. Desires to be informed of the number and qualities of his suite, concerning which the harbingers inquire daily. His Lordship's lodging was appointed in this town with the rest of his train to the number of 100 beds. The Constable being desirous to feast M. St. André at Chateaubriand before his departure for England, hopes it may be agreeable to his Lordship. Touching the conduct of Senarpont on the frontiers, the Constable has therein written out of hand, seeming not well contented with the matter. M. de Chastillon goes in post to Picardy with 10 or 12 experienced captains to set an order upon the frontiers, and would have gone sooner but for his desire to see the Marquis here. Thinks the cause of his going is the coming of the Emperor to the Low Countries. Horatio Farnese has been, contrary to his expectation, very well received by the Duke of Florence, and after good and friendly handling by the said Duke is departed safely and freely. [Two pages. Copy in Sir J. Masone's Letter-Book.]
June 4.
368. The Marquis of Northampton to Sir John Masone. M. de Mandosse has informed him that, because of the preparations for his reception, the French King wills that in nowise should he arrive at Nantes before the 15th inst. This he regrets, and writes to let Masone understand the cause of his training upon the way. Tomorrow he intends to leave this, and to be at Orleans by Sunday night at the farthest. [Half a page. Copy in Sir J. Masone's Letter-Book.]
June 6.
Plessis Macé.
369. Henry II., King of France, to King Edward VI. Informing his Majesty of his election into the Order of St. Michael. [Broadside. Countersigned by De l' Aubespine. French.]
June 6.
370. Francis Peyto to the Earl of Warwick. With his last of the 23d May, had sent to his Lordship the plot of Dragut's escape, and divers occurrents of these parts. Since then nothing is heard but the daily increasement of Parma's matters. Don Ferrante Gonzaga is ordered to Castello Guelfo, eight miles from the city, there to attend and waste the country. The Pope wages many soldiers and commands them all to Bologna. The Duke here gave licence for 3,000 of his subjects, who have already departed, and it is said he will forthwith despatch 2,000 foot and 200 horse under the conduct of Signor Radulpho Baglione, one of his chiefest captains. No man passes through his dominions unsearched of letters and whither he repairs. He is a Prince who wisely governs himself in all occasions. Good store of ammunition is sent to Bologna. Hard shift has been made of the Pope to have money; besides good surety, he gives two per cent., and so he takes one half-year at this interest; nevertheless he should be but simple furnished, were not the Emperor more his aid. Yesterday arrived some Frenchmen from Rome, who say that M. de Thermes looks for his licence daily, and goes to Parma, and Cardinal Tournon to Venice. The French in Rome are but homely welcome. Dondego [Don Diego], the Emperor's Ambassador, singularly serves his master with the Pope. M. de Monluc, who is sent to the Pope from the French King, passed this way two days ago. The Spanish Prince is daily expected in Italy, and to embark at Lerizzi [Lerice], not trusting to come to Genoa for the business that has been lately in these parts. A plot to give the town into the Emperor's hands had been discovered there, and Spinola, one of the chief actors therein, taken and imprisoned. It is reported that Dragut has taken two galleys off Sicily, and that for fear of the Turk's navy many soldiers are sent to the river of Apulia. Sends herewith the news from Rome, whereby his Lordship will see whether they be truly advertised. If Stafford comes this way his Lordship shall have knowledge. Returns thanks for his reward, the receipt of which he had acknowledged in his last letter. [One page and a half.] Annexed,
370. I. "From Rome of the 23d of May." Latest news from Flanders bear that betwixt the noblemen of the realm (of England) is like to be great sedition, especially in the north, by reason of changes among the wardens; that the Marquis of Dorset with a great company is sent thitherward, and to be immediately followed by the Earl of Warwick with all his power. The Earl of Shrewsbury is put out of his office; and the Earl of Derby commanded to renounce his title of the Isle of Man to the King, which he has plainly denied, and prepares himself. All men out of wages are taken up, but whereunto it is not known. 500 or 600 men waited on the Mayor and Aldermen of London, complaining of the late influx of strangers, and that by reason of the great dearth theg cannot live for these strangers, whom they were determined to kill up through the realm, if they found no remedy. To pacify them the Mayor and Aldermen caused an esteame to be made of all strangers in London, which showed an amount of 40,000, besides women and children, for the most part heretics fled out of other countries. Details of precautionary and restrictive orders issued by the municipal authorities accordingly. The war proceeds against Ireland. The Scots molest England on the north. A ship laden by the English at Antwerp with harness, weapons, and much gold, had been arrested for the Emperor: they are likely to lose all and many of their men be imprisoned. They play bankrupt many of them in Flanders. There is chopping and changing of them of the Council. The gentry are obliged to fortify themselves in their houses, except those who are obliged to go to the wars, and the common people die for hunger. The Emperor has sent to the King and Council that he would have his nephew (sic) Lady Mary to marry with the King of Polonia, whose wife died lately: the answer thereto not yet known. The French take their time, but as yet they keep peace with them. There be of their knot Lord Shrewsbury, Lord Dacre, the Constables, Mr. Bowes, knight, and all their retinue, and the Earl of Derby. The end of this heavy tragedy of that realm, with the ruin of the King, will be shortly seen, as it was never other like with this Government. Morysine has left the Emperor's Court with great rebuke and shame, and is replaced by Dr. Wotton. As they fear sore the Emperor in this travail within the realm, it is thought they will consent to the sending of the Lady Mary. The fourth of September shall be the first sitting of the Council.
370. II. "In letters of the 29th of May." News concerning Parma are clean contrary to what he formerly wrote. The Pope and French King are at utter defiance. Don Ferrante Gonzaga has already wasted Campania with 800 horse and 6,000 foot. The Emperor has lent the Pope 3,000,000 crowns, and says he shall lack neither men nor money to defend the Church. The Pope is marvellously offended with the message brought by his nephew Sig. Ascanio della Cornia from the French King, that he swears he will lay his triple crown with all the rest to pledge, but he will have Parma. Imminent danger of great wars. The Emperor and his son the King of Spain reported to be very sick. News from France of the embassy for marriage of the King of England with the French King's daughter, and of the exchange of the Orders of the Garter and St. Michael. If the marriage goes forward, it is thought the Pope will excommunicate both. Two days ago here was taken and put in prison Sig. Aurelio Fregoso, a Genoese, a great captain of the French party, who came privily from Duke Octavio.
Note on back: "Mr. Thomas Stafford, my Lord's nephew, will pass by you shortly, and perchance move you for a certain Partito, wherein take heed what you do, nor in nowise disclose to him of the matter I wrote you of the hospital. And as for all other things you may talk at large, he hath good fancy towards you." [Three pages.]
June 6.
371. Sir John Masone to the Council. In consequence of the receipt of their letter of the 25th May, he had a conference with the Constable relative to the conduct of Senarpont at Sandingfeld, and was assured by him that the King had so written his mind to the former that they should hear no more of it, and that the ground had not been given to Senarpont, or was by any means so meant. M. de Chastillon moreover was shortly to go to these frontiers, and if he found anything there out of square, should have commission to see a full redress therein. This evening M. de Chastillon came to him on part of the King to notify the election of King Edward into the Order of St. Michael on the preceding day, and that M. de St. André was to repair forthwith to England for the purpose of investing his Majesty. Chastillon goes to Picardy shortly. The affair of Parma still hangs upon the answer looked for from the Bishop of Rome; but it is thought the end thereof shall not be so unquiet as it was feared. The Scottish Queen makes as though she would gladly be in Scotland, but he believes she will make no such haste, being desirous of bringing all the forts in Scotland into the hands of the French, which as yet has not been obtained, and were the Scottish noblemen at home again, she knows there would be no possibility in the matter. The Scot that should have poisoned the (young) Scottish Queen arrived here yesterday. The King left for Chateaubriand to-day. About Thursday or Friday next the Marquis of Northampton will be at Nantes, and if no alteration is made in the plan will come from thence to Chateaubriand. By this time he is probably within a day's journey from Orleans. [Four pages. Indorsed by Cecil.]
Eod die. Copy of the preceding in Sir J. Masone's Letter-Book. [Three pages.]
June 6.
372. Same to the Marquis of Northampton. On the evening of Thursday last, the King, their master, was elected into the Order of St. Michael. M. de Chastillon, who officially communicated the fact, informed him that such election had been for some time contemplated, but deferred till a suitable number of Knights could be assembled. The King left this day, and on the morrow or Sunday he intends to follow his Majesty, and to leave Chateaubriand for Nantes when he thinks his Lordship shall have arrived there. [Half a page. Copy in Sir J. Masone's Letter-Book.]
June 7.
373. The Marquis of Northampton to the Council. Communicates to them the receipt of the preceding letter from Sir John Masone, and recapitulates its contents, with his reply thereto. He has been wonderfully well entertained all the way, and specially in this city of Orleans, where he has divers boats ready prepared and trained for him and his company to pass down the Loire. [Three pages. Indorsed by Cecil.]
June 7.
374. Sir Thomas Chamberlain to the Council. Has received their letter of the 26th ult. Knows not what to make of the talk of the King's marriage, considering his right and title to the daughter of Scotland and that realm. The French Ambassador once spoke to him on the subject, wishing that it should be, as a means of uniting the two Kings in straiter amity, although generally it was not much liked. Active preparations for war go on here. At present only four ships are being rigged in Zealand, the least of 250 tons, but many more are pressed for service when required, and some say that D'Aremberg has engaged men in Friesland to man them. Twelve ships are reported as being built in Holland. In Antwerp there is a rumour of a strict alliance having been concluded between the Kings of England, France, and Denmark. Notices the position of Gonzaga in Italy, and the great and unexampled provision of culinary utensils, among other warlike munitions, at Mechlin. The Bishop of Rome had assigned as a reason for letting Parma slip into the French King's hands, that he had no money wherewith to make war. The outlying population on the frontiers towards France begin to remove themselves and chattels into the towns and fortified places. Twenty or twenty-five Anabaptists have been captured in a wood near Ghent; but for the strict laws here, the country would be much troubled with such. Fears too many of them run into England, and thanks God that the Council have taken good order in respect of them, seeing that people say England is at this day the harbour for all infidelity. Effects of calling down the money of England upon the Exchange and trading operations. It is said that the Emperor's departure from Augsburg is retarded until the 12th curt.
P.S. Skyperius, who is lame and scarcely able to move on two crutches, was sent to Zealand three days ago in great haste. Men are being pressed at Bois-le-Duc. Trusts Skyperius has not the like voyage to England that he had a year ago, and wishes him in such a case to speed no better than he did then. During the last fortnight there have been every second day terrible tempests, which have wrought great devastation. Last Friday the Queen took refuge in a cloister, and on Saturday an express arrived from the Emperor, whose letters were immediately forwarded to her Majesty. On receiving them she retired to her chamber, and no news can be had at the post's hands. She has since returned, and has gone to Tournehault for five or six days, to see the effects of the storm there, which are reported to be wonderful. [Eight pages and a half; partly in cipher, deciphered. Printed by Tytler, Vol. i., p. 375.]
June 8.
375. The Marquis of Northampton to Sir John Masone. Thanks him for his letters of the 4th and 6th inst., and proposes that instead of Masone going to Nantes, they shall meet at his last loading between this and Nantes, called Engrand, where he intends to be on Sunday or Monday night at farthest, considering that coming down the water they shall be in more quiet and have better time for conference. Refers to the discretion of Masone his reply to the Constable's wish for Marshal St. André's tarrying, but he should be reminded of the mutual understanding that there was to be no delays in the reciprocal departure of the Ambassadors. Sends list of those who compose the embassy with the number of their servants, as follows:—
Marquis of Northampton, with 62 servants.
The Bishop of Ely " 21 "
Sir Philip Hoby " 30 "
Sir William Pickering " 30 "
Sir Thomas Smith " 7 "
Dr. Oliver " 4 "
William Thomas, Secretary " 2 "
The Earl of Worcester " 8 "
The Earl of Rutland " 9 "
The Earl of Ormond " 3 "
Lord Fitzwalter " 4 "
Lord Lisle " 8 "
Lord Abergavenny " 7 "
Lord Braye " 3 "
Lord Rivers " 4 "
Mr. Throgmorton " 4 "
Mr. Sydney " 4 "
Sir William Cobham " 2 "
Sir Joseph Cutts " 2 "
Sir John Perrott " 4 "
Sir Anthony Guidotti " 3 "
Sir Gilbert Dethick, Garter King of Arms " 4 "
Mr. Fitzwilliams " 3 "
Mr. Cary " 4 "
Mr. Knolles " 1 "
Mr. Edmund Vernay " 2 "
Mr. Francis Vernay " 2 "
Mr. Young " 4 "
Mr. Nicholas Alexander " 2 "
Chester Herald at Arms, [William Flower] " 2 "
Rouge Dragon poursuivant [Martin Maroffe] " 1 "
Lucas Fringer " 1 "
[Two pages and a half. Copy in Sir J. Masone's Letter-Book.]
June 9.
376. Sir Richard Morysine to Cecil. Where little matter is to write of, and plenty of good will able to pick such a somewhat out of nothing, he must acknowledge Love's labour, and give him and Cecil hearty thanks for both their pains, blaming yet Love, as he may and dare, for changing the latter's style. Did like much better Cecil's needful admonitions, than he can brook undeserved praises; sorry that the sour Chancellor is not where he might continue his office. But he is now angry with them both; with Cecil, for giving Morysine occasion, by not chiding of him, to think that while he was in office more came from his crabbed and froward nature than from Cecil's mild and friendly advices. "And he is angry with me that I wish him where he might be a Momus to Morysine's doings; for so might I at the last do my best to content whom I cannot please." Shall he think his doings well taken, when they that see him go barefoot will stick with him for a little leather ? Does not see what slander it is to his Majesty to bestow a licence of leather upon his own service, upon one that doth not ask it but so that he may otherwise be able to do that he cannot leave undone. No; he does think it a more slander that lousy beggary should thus hang upon his Majesty's Ambassador, and none to put her off, none to drive her out of sight for a season. She for lack of leather, treadeth upon tenderer places than upon his bare heels. He bears all, and would do, but that shame is got up upon his burden, and maketh his pack too heavy. He can better lack leather, whatsoever his necessities are or shall be, than he can allow slander for a good excuse. He would say they did him hurt that set him upon so endless a suit, but that they meant him good and are sorry he cannot come by it. To what purpose so many thanks for his diligent advertisements, and not to allow him any leather to lay them up in? Thanks come in good array, when they come half in words and half in deeds. If there were not covenants of duty that lace him straiter than leather is able, he would give up his lease of waiting where he does, and not become farmer to so many sorrows for ten times so many dickers. His friends would have him sue for 4,000 French crowns in prest. He would rather pay those he owes than fall to borrowing of more, and means to know what he may speed in, ere he ventures any new way, the old being so hard to digest. Beggary may be better borne than can despair of help. Prays Cecil to help that he may have his diets paid in French crowns after a reasonable value; or if he cannot, changes the suit, and prays him let it alone. Hopes shortly to come home, and then he is sure lands sold will salve harms past; and mice that eat in corners may be sufficed with a few scraps. His wife would fain bestow her ladyship upon some lusty squire's wife, thinking it were as good reason she should be a lady and her husband a squire, as Morysine a Knight and his wife no lady. They say the Emperor will have the inquisition to be in his Court, and that order was yesterday taken that men should order themselves after the Interim, and none so hardy. The Court is not now great, and either they that be in it need to be overlooked or no. If they need it not, then have they a wrong to be suspected; and if they be entered, and have after the sour of the one tasted the sweet of the other, commandment will serve but as it can. "My wife hath her commended most heartily to you and to my lady, your bed-fellow, that should or would write, you said, but hitherto ne gry. I pray you let her send me word my leather is granted, and then Greek, English, or Latin, so they come leathered, will come, I can tell you, and so can you tell her, very grateful." [Three pages.] Annexed,
376. I. List of "men in a readiness to defend the sea coasts against the Turk's navy." The names of officers with number of men under their command, and where stationed; the whole force amounting to "Soldati, 10,500; Lanci, 1,300."
June 9.
377. Sir Richard Morysine to the Council. Their letters of the 24th May to Dr. Wotton and him arrived on the 6th inst. Wotton as yet is neither come, nor any man or letter sent before him. Being uncertain when he will come, but supposing something might be required to be done in his absence, has opened the letter directed to both of them, but finds he can do nothing till Wotton's arrival. His knowledge of its contents, however, will enable him the better to act when talked to regarding the amity between France and England. Instances various reasonings which he has already made use of in reference to this amity, the exchange of the orders and intended marriage. Alludes to their jealousy. "Certainly, if they measure our love by their own, it will be hard for me to put into their heads that our good will needeth no reparations, when theirs being utterly decayed may better pray an allowance in a corner, than challenge it where the auditor sitteth in open court." Letters from Italy of 29th ult. that the Bishop's 500 horse and 8,000 foot were to join on the 6th inst. with 6,000 foot and 1,000 horse, that Ferrante Gonzaga, or his deputy the Marquis Marignano, brings against Parma. It is thought they have already gone about to destroy the corn: if so, some shall be heard of shortly, that might have fought less for corn, seeing they shall need no more bread. The Baron of Sezen and Count of Nuce [Nuys], the one an Almaine, the other an Italian, are here, ordered by the Emperor to take up 6,000 Almaines, some think to be sent to Parma, others to go to Spires with the Emperor, and so to Flanders, thereafter to France, where other troops now in preparation can join them. The French in Mirandola makes frequent predatious sallies into the ports of Bologna. The Duke of Ferrara fortifies Reggio, and has 4,000 men in arms. The Duke of Florence has also many soldiers. The Swiss held a diet, supposed to have been convened by France. It is reported that at Genoa has been discovered a foul practice by some of the inhabitants to spoil Prince Doria of his galleys, take the town by treason, and give them both to the Prince of Spain at his coming thither. One P. Lazagna is said to be already beheaded. Bernardo Spinola, P. Spinola, and Scipione Flesco are in prison and likely to suffer, because Bernabo Adorni, by force of torture, has disclosed all. Comments thereon as to presumed complicity of the Emperor and probable effect upon Doria's conduct if the details come to his knowledge. For a good while the Spaniards have used much evil talk against Doria, for spending so much time and doing so little harm to Dragut Rey, even charging him with intent, by his long tarrying abroad, to deceive the Prince of his return, leaving too little time for him safely to enter into the seas. If Doria be as testy as he has been, and can as well upon great causes leave the Emperor as he can upon light occasions forsake the French King, revolting at this present from whence he fled, he might easily annoy whom he has well served, and largely make France amends for all faults. M. Brissac, lieutenant in Piedmont for the French King, wrote that some of the imprisoned in Genoa have confessed that they meant to kill Doria. If these news be well conveyed to him Doria perhaps may seek to serve a new master. Speculations as to the consequences of Spain being invaded by the Turk and French King simultaneously by sea and land. The fleet of the former has been seen not far from Candia. The Prince only left Trent yesterday, the Cardinal thereof having made him great cheer, and so caused him to lose a day or two there more than he thought; wherefore it is doubtful, whether under the most favourable circumstances, by making no more haste than he has done, he shall have time to get out of the Turk's way. The Assembly at Trent seems rather a privy conspiracy of a few in a corner, than anything like a General Council. There whisper together a few Bishops with a few Spanish friars, devising how they, when time cometh, may [lie] a good and blush but a little. It is said in this Court that a Scot made offer to their Lordships to poison the young Scottish Queen, and that they forthwith sent the French King word thereof; whereupon the man is committed to prison, and the young lady is out of danger. Commends them for this their noble fact, as teaching the King in these his young years to abhor foul practices. On Saturday last the Emperor returned here, very well able to abide riding, and will, as some say, shortly go to Flanders, though others hold no farther than Spires. Secretary Gerardo hath been sent for from Brussels, some think to go on a third message to the Turk, from whom the Emperor had a letter on Sunday. This he has only heard, and cannot speak with certainty, still less know its contents. It is reported that Count Landi, one of the three who killed Piero Luice, upon warning given him by Ferrante Gonzaga, has killed 300 or 400 Italians that were going to Parma by the mountains of Genoa, and taken their captain, who with torment has confessed as much as he can. His confessions have come to Mons. D'Arras. Letters state that Magdeburg has recently given a lusty overthrow to Duke Maurice, whose soldiers taking to scaling, were many of them slain when they had nearly got up, by those within letting fall large pieces of timber upon them. The Duke has sent a plat of Magdeburg to the Emperor, with a letter declaring that unless he has more men and money, he shall lose men and spend money with small damage or fear to the town. This talk of money may perhaps cause their Lordships to think that he must also put his soldiers away, if some help be not granted to him the sooner. To their goodness and wisdom need's talk may suffice, and so he may hold his peace, only beseeching them, till they may think some better thing not evil bestowed upon him, that he may now have his diets in French crowns at some convenient rate. [Six pages.]
June 10. 378. The Council to Peter Vannes. Commend him for his diligence. In his learning his Majesty excels, and in other feats of manhood and arms, as in shooting, riding, running all manner of ways with his horse and armour, his Majesty daily shows himself to the world the towardest Prince that ever England had to be her King. The estate of the realm is in good ease and quiet. The Commissioners on the frontiers of Scotland have concluded a peace with the Scots. Ireland grows towards good policy: at this present divers goodly havens are possessed quietly and fortified for the King's Majesty. The new deputy, Sir James Crofts, is in the remote parts, beginning to set justice and law in good hand where they were unknown. The base money has been called down, and commercial exchange reformed. Divers Englishmen are travelling in Italy, some for learning, some otherwise; amongst these is one Dudgeon, a prebendary of Wells, at study either in Padua or some other university, who also has become a doctor in divinity there. Desire to ascertain the truth thereof, as they know that whoever takes such degree in that country maketh his oath to the Bishop of Rome. Direct him to make secret inquisition as to this, so that the person may not be aware, and to inform them in his next letter, Approve of his accompanying the other Ambassadors to public assemblies. [Three pages. Draft. By Vannes' letter of 13th July, it appears to have been dispatched on the 16th June.]
June 11.
379. Peter Vannes to the Council. The preparations for kindling of war between the Emperor and the French King daily continues, and the assembly on both sides increases more and more, although as yet they be not come into plain field and to hand-strokes. The Bishop of Rome is the cause thereof, being so stirred partly by the Emperor and partly by his own lust, having a desire to edify the Church of God upon his own blood and kinsmen. Duke Octavio has in Parma 5,500 men, and Pietro Strozzi has at Mirandola about 4,000, all well chosen, and goes about between him and Duke Octavio to increase it unto the number of 10,000, if need be, for the defence of Parma. The Bishop of Rome full godly makes his army at Bologna. His vacillating conduct. Aurelio Fregoso, a captain of the French King, recruiting men for Duke Octavio, being taken prisoner by the Papists, and by the Bishop of Rome's commandment brought to Ravenna; Mons. de Thermes, Cardinal Tournon, and the Cardinal of Ferrara interceded for his liberation, but were denied with many high words. It is said that Fregoso has escaped out of the said Bishop's hands, sore against his will. The Prince of Spain is shortly expected in Italy, and as men say comes armed. The incredible rumour of a practice against Andrew Doria still prevails. Letters to the Seigniory from Constantinople of the 6th ult. mention that the Turk's fleet will sail about the 21st curt.; in each of the galleys, beside rowers, are 80 soldiers. The Venetian Ambassador lately sent to the Turk had been very well received, with strongest assurances of friendship; nevertheless the Venetians prepare some additional galleys—seven in Dalmatia and three here, and have resolved to have 20 more in readiness. For these they have appointed 20 captains, among whom is Cavalier Bernardo. Letters from Rome of the 6th state that on the same day M. de Thermes left that city for Parma, having the Bishop of Rome's safe conduct, and on his departing openly said that if the Bishop should take the dukedom of Castro from Duke Horatio, the French King would take away his jurisdiction in Avignon; and if he should deprive the Cardinal Farnese and other friends of their revenues, perhaps his Majesty would forsake obedience to the Church of Rome, and govern his Church of France by some other ways as should be thought convenient. This, however, is not thought to be very probable. Advices from Bologna of the 8th inst. inclosed, show that the Bishop of Rome's army assembled there on the 10th to begin its march towards Parma with 13 pieces of artillery and 1,000 pioneers. The Duke of Florence had sent to the Pope's army a large supply of powder and shot. Large quantities of grain and provisions have been taken into Parma. [Four pages.] Annexed,
379 I. Letter from Rome and advices from Bologna referred to. [Italian. Five pages.]
June 11.
380. Sir John Masone to the Council. Marshal St. André left this day, with a very great train, amounting to between 400 and 500 horses; the whole of these, however, he does not intend to cross the seas, but the substance of them he will leave about Bologna till his return. They who accompany him to England are many and of right good sort. Incloses a schedule of the chief of them (missing, but the names supplied below from the copy in Masone's LetterBook), who are men of very great livings and of no mean estimation in this Court. He "carrieth with him divers kinds of instruments, and men skilful in the handling of them; he hath also with him the best musicians that appertain unto this King." The Marquis of Northampton's journey has been "slowed" by the King's appointment somewhat longer than his Lordship would have wished; either on account of some ceremony in preparation for his reception, or because Marshal St. André could not be got ready sooner. Touching Parma, matters, instead of mending, seem to grow from ill to worse. When Sig. Ascanio was in France the King seemed to accept his proposals that Parma should return again to the see of Rome, and that as recompence Duke Octavio should have the duchy of Camayne [Camerino] and 10,000 crowns per ann. in lands pertaining to the Church as they call it, and be captain-general of the said Church. To this, it is said, Duke Octavio is now not inclined, and therefore that the Bishop of Rome has levied between 7,000 and 8,000 foot wherewith to waste the country about Parma. On hearing this the French King intended to send troops from Piedmont to Mirandola, with other forces to be levied there, for the purpose of resisting the Bishop's enterprise; but these men are stayed by the way in the straits, and driven back with some abatement of their company. Upon these tidings the King has despatched Monluc to Rome with instructions to his Ambassadors there, the Cardinals of Ferrara and Tournon, and Mons. de Thermes, to require the Bishop to desist from his attempts; and, in the event of his refusal, to declare war against him and his allies, and thereafter to retire,—the Cardinal of Ferrara to Ferrara, the Cardinal of Tournon to Venice, and M. de Thermes to Venice. Under the pretext of fortifying Sienna, the Emperor has sent thither 130,000 crowns, of which it is said here that 50,000 go to the said Bishop. M. de Chastillon is to receive the Marquis of Northampton at Nantes and conduct him to Chateaubriand; thereafter he will proceed to Picardy as General during the absence of M. de Vendôme, who is at present with his father-in law in Berne The blind Scot that nameth himself Bishop of Armachan is departed with his despatch to Ireland: "Would to God my Lord-deputy might by some mean give him some honest welcome into the country!" To-morrow leaves to meet the Marquis of Northampton in his way to Nantes.
P.S. Nantes, 17th June. Has met the Marquis here. News have arrived that the Bishop of Rome's army is in the field and marching towards the wasting of Parma. The trains of the Prince of Spain and the King of Bohemia have safe conduct to pass through France to Spain. [Three pages. Indorsed by Cecil.]
"The names of the French gentlemen" inclosed in the preceding letter:—
"Mons. de Gye.
Le Comte de la Rochefoucault et son frère.
Mons. d'Acon.
" de Jarnacq.
" de Vieilleville.
" de Beaudolphin.
" d'Alegre.
Le Comte de Montgomery
" de Creance.
Mons. de Clerevaulx.
M. de la Rone.
M. de Stevailles.
M. de Seneterre.
M. de la Salle.
L'Evesque de Perigeux, son frère.
Mons. de Morveiller.
Bourdin, Sécrétaire du Roy."
Eod. die. Copy of the preceding in Sir J. Masone's Letter-Book, without the postscript. [Three pages.]