Edward VI: April 1547

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Edward VI 1547-1553. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1861.

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'Edward VI: April 1547', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Edward VI 1547-1553, ed. William B Turnbull( London, 1861), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/edw-vi/pp10-12 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Edward VI: April 1547', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Edward VI 1547-1553. Edited by William B Turnbull( London, 1861), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/edw-vi/pp10-12.

"Edward VI: April 1547". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Edward VI 1547-1553. Ed. William B Turnbull(London, 1861), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/edw-vi/pp10-12.

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April 1547

April 1. 48. The Council to Dr. Wotton. Inform him of his appointment to be his Majesty's Commissioner for receiving the French King's oath for observance of the defensive league recently concluded with the Baron de la Garde; and that the Lord Cobham, Sir John Wallop, and Sir Edward Wotton have been appointed Commissioners on the King's part to settle the limits of the Boulognois. The Mary Willoughby and other Scottish ships of war lie at Newhaven, and issue at every tide for the interrupting and spoiling of the English merchants who traffic that way, being supplied with all munitions of men, victuals, and ordnance when they need them. Another Scottish vessel, called the Great Spaniard, lies at Dieppe, pursuing the same course, and is aided in France. The French Ambassador has been spoken with regarding this; and Dr. Wotton is desired at his next access to declare the same, and require reformation thereof, according to reason and the amity subsisting between the two Sovereigns. [Seven pages. Draft, corrected by Sir William Paget.]
April 1.
49. Doctor Wotton to the Council. Announces the death of Francis I. at the Castle of Rambouillet, on the preceding day at noon. The Emperor is reported to be dangerously ill. It is rumoured that the Constable [Montmorency] is to be revoked to the Court. [Printed by Tytler, "England under the Reigns of Edward VI. and Mary," Vol. i., p. 33.]
April 3.
50. Edward Carne to the Lord Protector. A post arrived from the French Court between 10 and 11 o'clock last night, apprising the Lady Regent of the death of the King of France. The Regent has granted passport for the cables, hawsers, and other cordage for his Majesty's use without payment of any custom, as required by the letter from the Council of 16th ult. The Emperor is said to have countermanded the Flanders horsemen, referred to in his letter of the 31st ult. [One page.]
April 6.
51. Dr. Wotton to the Council. Mentions the various changes at Court and in the Government in consequence of the death of the late King. Reports as to his Majesty's interment and of the Emperor's proceedings. Requests a new commission for requiring the confirmation and oath upon the new treaties. [Four pages. Printed by Tytler, Vol. i., p. 35, with the omission of a few clauses in the penultimate paragraph.]
April 12. 52. The Council to Dr. Wotton. Inform him that his commission as Ambassador Resident in France being void by the death of the French King, it is the intention of His Majesty to continue him for some time longer in the same capacity; and therefore a new commission is sent with letters of credence, to be presented by him to the King of France, whom he is to solicit to appoint a day for taking the oath for the observance of the treaty. He is farther informed that the Scots having of late made many cruel incursions, the Lord Warton, Lord Warden of the West Marches, had been compelled to make reprisals, and had taken in an ambush the Laird Johnson, a notable borderer of the Scottish side, with seven or eight mean gentlemen and 120 or 140 common soldiers of his party, all of whom were brought prisoners into England. Also that a subject and denizen of the King's Majesty, commonly called Francis John, being upon the seas, and meeting with a ship from France laden with Scottish goods, had taken the same, by reason of his having previously lost a good portion of his substance by the Scots. That in this ship was a Scottish gentleman, servant, as he alleged, to the Vidame of Chartres, having letters with him from the late King to his Ambassador in Scotland; the packet containing which being brought to the Council, had by them been sent unopened to the French Ambassador, and the Scot discharged by reason of his asserted service to the Vidame. Desire Dr. Wotton to make such use of these facts as may seem expedient to him in the circumstances, should any question arise thereon. [Nine pages. Draft, corrected by Secretary Petre.]
April 15.
53. Edward Carne to Sir William Petre. Has no news but what he has sent to the Lord Protector. Entreats him to procure the warrant for his diets, and hopes that Mr. Hussey has spoken to him on the subject. Assures him that he has here now [to pay] by the above 100 marks for 100 pounds sterling, the exchange is so ill, and so has been these 12 months and more; which keeps him the barer and causes him to trouble his masters and friends the more. [One page.]
April 15.
54. Same to the Lord Protector. Nothing has occurred since his letter of the 3d, but news have lately arrived that Mons. de Groning had been wounded, and another captain slain, by a gunshot from Bremen; which injury M. de Groning had survived three days. This the President Schore informs him happened by reason of his own wilfulness: there had been sundry sorties and skirmishes, with many slain and taken on either side; and at the end of the last M. de Groning, "drawing too nigh to the town, gebarding himself too nigh, was taken with a gun suddenly." The President also tells him, that the Duke of Brunswick has gone to join them, and has taken the castle of Dunelhorst belonging to Munster, called the strongest hold in that quarter, and near Bremen, which is a great aid to that town, and let to the Imperialists. They have burned all the ships of Bremen, except 36, which they have taken. It is said that the Count of Bure has been sent for, and is to succeed M. de Groning, and that Mons. Brabanson will be left in his stead at Frankfort. The Emperor is reported to have gone to Saxony, and supposed to have arrived there by this time. [One page.]
April 16.
55. Edmond Harvel to Sir William Paget. Although by private letters he has been certified of the King's coronation, yet the absence of official ones prevents him from notifying the same to the Duke and Senate in a befitting manner, and interrupts his accustomed familiar intercourse with the Court. Wherefore he requests that such letters may be sent from the Council by every ordinary post. Congratulates him on receiving the Garter. Hopes he will have his poor friend in some small care and memory, as he has plainly consumed his years and goods in the service of the late King. Incloses letter to the Lord Protector.
P.S. Sir Francis Bernard came late this evening, desiring that Paget might be informed he still labours with the Senate for the recovery of his goods, and till the matter is ended cannot write to him or any about the Court. After his business is expedited intends to repair to England. The Senate hopes continually to have Ludovico de l'Armi in their hands, but it is thought that the Emperor will not consent to their desire, but will feed them with words. It is reported that said Ludovico should be delivered out of prison with surety of 20,000 crowns, which the Cardinal of Trent hath caused to be made for him, and that he should be departed for England. This he thinks not credible. [One page and a half.]
April 17.
56. Edward Carne to the Lord Protector. Last evening the Lady Regent received letters of the 12th inst., informing her that the Emperor with the King of the Romans and Duke Maurice were at Egra in Bohemia; and on that day the Duke of Alva marched with the Emperor's vanguard to Saxony, and the Emperor marched next morning. Some think he will give battle to the Duke of Saxony; others not, as the latter has at least 5,000 or 6,000 horse and 25,000 or 26,000 foot well appointed. 2,000 Bohemian light horse are said to have left the service of the King of the Romans for that of the Duke of Saxony; and the Emperor to have sent to Spain with all diligence for more Spaniards. No farther news of the army before Bremen. [One page. Printed by Tytler, Vol. i., p. 47.]
April 17.
57. Same to Sir William Petre. Has no news beyond what are contained in his letter to the Lord Protector, except that the Lady Regent makes preparations at Gand for celebrating solemnly the exequies of the late King of France, and it is said that she intends to be there on the 23d inst. [Half a page.]
April 26.
Plantsenitz in Misnia.
58. The Bishop of Westminster to Sir William Paget. Yesterday had written by Honyngs, who for want of post-horses was detained until to-day. Had been to see the bridge and the place where their men passed the day before; gives an account of the engagement from the information of an officer in the Emperor's light horse. The Emperor is said to have summoned all the Duke's strongholds, and it is thought that there will be no resistance. [One page and a half. Printed by Tytler, Vol. i., p. 52.]