July 20–21. |
517. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Concerning
the business of those that are behind of their payments and go under
the name of delinquents, which had been referred at the last General
Court to a mixed committee, that it might be deferred until the
Company be "in some better heart" by the return of more ships,
for as the case stands now no man's adventure is now worth money;
ordered that said double committee be warned here on Wednesday
next. Information that the Dutch Company shortly expect ships
out of the Indies, and that in one of them comes Signor Mareschall
(Mareschalke), one of those that tortured the English in the Bandas;
resolved "to procure him to be laid hold of if they may." Request
of Richard Welden, a factor returned in these last ships, that he
might receive his wages; he said divers things had been objected
against him, but no truth in them; one was for powder wastefully
shot away, where the excess was of the Dutch themselves, and not
his fault; another, that he had out of the ship Sampson 1,500 ryals;
he confessed that when he was ashore, sore hurt in the fight, and
had lost all he had on board, the Dutch sent him 800 ryals in
requital of his former courtesy; thirdly, converting to his own use
goods taken out of a junk, &c. The consideration of these things
referred to Messrs. Eyers and Martin.
July 21.—The bills of Tichburne, the Company's solicitor, concerning their suits at Westminster, to be audited and paid, and his
salary to cease till the Company have further need of his services.
Concerning the payment of Mr. Hawley's wages. Robt. Johnson
and Gideon de Lawne, executors of George Herriott, late jeweller to
his Majesty, avowed the transport of deceased adventure of 1,000l.
of deceased to his brother, James Herriott, who succeeds him, and is
made a free brother at the request of Walter Alexander, servant to
the Prince, a brother of this Company and helpfull to them in all
their occasions. The account of Linnis allowed and to be paid.
Letter read from his Majesty, of 9th July [? 19 July, see ante, No. 513],
to his Ambassador with the States, "roundly calling for an answer
to his late letters concerning this Company, with other matter.
Letter to be drawn to Sec. Conway, informing him that the Company have not their discharge for the moneys paid to his Majesty
and the Duke of Buckingham, and that "the release sticks at the
Privy Seal;" thanking him for copy of his Majesty's letter [see
No. 512], and promising to be careful in following his directions concerning the same. Arbitrators chosen for the ending of all matters
with Capt. Greene within one month. Concerning the purchase
of timber. Committee to view the ships at Blackwall, see what
repairs are wanting, and how the stores are supplied. [Six pages.
Court Minute Bk., VII., 24–29.] |
July 22. |
518. Minutes of a mixed Court of Committees and Generality.
Mr. Governor acquainted the Court that the Company had been at
the Council Table, and there made known their complaints against
the Dutch; that the Lords had required the relation thereof to be
read, wherein the cruelties of the Dutch being lively and truly set
down, moved passion in their Lordships, and stirred them up to a
good affection to procure that the Company be righted, whereupon
they demanded of the Company what they would, willing them to
assemble themselves and to consult how his Majesty may best right
the Company, declaring his resolution so to do; and for that end
they are now assembled, and Mr. Governor prayed their free advice
in this so weighty business. Hereupon the Court delivered their
several opinions, and first, it was laid down for a foundation, that
except the Company may have real protection from his Majesty, as the
French and Dane do to their subjects (sic), there will be no possibility
to proceed in the trade; therefore, if his Majesty's pleasure be to
comfort the Company with an assurance that justice shall be really
done then, first, to require for hostages, Bas, Boreel, and Brower,
the principal perturbers of the peace, until there be a real reparation;
next, to seize their ships in the Narrow Seas for satisfaction of
goods unjustly taken; lastly, to procure liberty to erect forts for
future security; and to this was added a fourth, mainly to be
insisted upon, viz., "that we separate ourselves from the Dutch,
with whom (as experience teacheth) we can hold no equal conjunction, no nor so much as treat with them." That they craved pardon
of the Lords, as a thing unbecoming them, to direct the State how
to right what is past, but were of opinion that the stay of the Dutch
ships in the Narrow Seas will be a sure way for restitution. The
Lords have given order that if any of the Dutch nation defend
their proceedings here, their names are to be delivered at the Council
table, that they be punished for example to others. It was propounded to send some to follow the business in Holland, but that
was generally rejected; for the Hollander is well practised in delays,
and so the business will cool and in the end come to nothing, for
there is good experience that the Dutch Company hath always got
advantage by treaties, never intending to perform any; but there
must be a real reparation and an equal separation, or else the Company must give it (the trade) over, and this was conceived might be
well done, if order be given to seize their ships in the name and
with the power of the King. It was agreed to treat no more with
the Dutch Company, and argued that if there be not now a real
provision for the Company's safety, there will be a very poor underwriting, and it is not long to the time of another. Also as to
whether letters of marque may not be demanded. Other things were
propounded "out of a violent detestation of their last cruelties," as
thus, if the State right us not, forasmuch as "we know ourselves
too weak by the start the Dutch have got of us, let us join with the
Portugals and root the bloody Dutch out of the Indies." In the
close it was of all parts agreed, that except the Company be first
righted here they cannot (go) forward with the trade, and therefore
there is no way left but to implore his Majesty's aid, that neither
the blood of his subjects unjustly shed be left unrevenged, nor the
kingdom be reft of so rich a trade as is that of the East Indies,
which, if his Majesty shall breathe life into it, cannot but flourish.
The full conclusion was to offer to the Lords these three propositions, viz.:—1. To have satisfaction for the lives of our men and a
real restitution of all goods taken from us in any parts of the Indies.
2. Caution for security of our servants' lives and the Company's
goods and ships, which now are or hereafter shall be in the Indies.
3. That if his Majesty's pleasure be that this trade be continued,
that this Company be severed from the Dutch concerning any
contract made with them in anno 1619."
After much argument, in which notice was taken of the persons
and condition of those behindhand, some being "great persons that
attend the success of this business," others not far behind, others
widows and orphans utterly unable, it was ruled by erection of
hands that there should be a set day within which time, if ships
come or come not, the business shall be settled; and the interest
was settled by the ballotting box at 9 per cent., Mr. Lanman to cast
up the interest upon all such as have not brought in their monies
according to subscription, and the brokes to stand in force until the
Company have otherwise determined. [Eight pages and a half.
Court Minute Bk., VII., pp. 30–38.] |
July 22. The Hague. |
519. Carleton to Sec. Conway. Represented to the States on
Thursday last, the 15th inst., how ill his Majesty's friendship was
requited, and that now in the time of their greatest necessity, and
concluded that if satisfaction were not speedily given by them, it
would most assuredly be taken by his Majesty. The States acknowledged with all thankfulness his Majesty's favours. And as to
Amboyna, the opinion was bred in them, by the industry of the
Dutch Company, that the English had a conspiracy against the
Castle, and that the atrocity of the punishment would in part be
excused by the heinousness of the offence. Carleton told the States
he had now received particular information from the merchants in
England, whereby he was able to disabuse them in that opinion of
any treason intended by the English. Whereupon the States appointed three deputies, with Aerssen and Joachimi (the Ambassadors), to confer with Carleton, and they freely communicated to one
another the papers and proofs on both sides. Those from the
Dutch are very short, imperfect, and no way satisfactory, which
Carleton omitted not to make use of and to show the impossibility
of the charge, which he verified by his papers and made it appear
that the confessions they insisted upon were drawn from the parties
by cruel and extreme tortures, while in the treason with which the
English charge the Dutch against their lives and goods, to gain the
sole trade of the Moluccas, &c., there is no doubt of the event, and
much to be believed of the intention, and asked why two of the
tortured and condemned English should be sent to Jacatra but to
terrify others from coming thither. "But as God doth commonly
blind the judgment of bloodshedders and make them discoverers of
their own crimes, so what the Governor and his bloody Council
intended for intimidation turns to their accusation;" and now
either these witnesses "deserve to be punished for false accusers, or
the Governor, with his Council and Fiscal, for murderers and robbers." To this nothing was replied, but much sorrow expressed,
and Carleton might well perceive they parted not with the same
opinion they entered his house. A suspicion that this bloody
massacre sprang first from Amsterdam. The States assured him
they would call all whosoever have a hand therein to a strict account,
and that they intended to lay all business aside to give an end to
this. Believes there will be fair dealing, because "the Prince of
Orange hath wished more than once unto me, that when Speult
began to spell this tragedy, he had been hung upon a gibbet, with
his Council about him," and the Prince's care is more how to get
them handsomely into these parts, to use them as they deserve,
than how to protect them. [Nine pages. Corresp. Holland.] |
July 23. The Hague. |
520. (Carleton) to Morris Abbott. Has received the Company's
letter of the 10th inst (see ante, No. 499) with the relation of all that
passed at Amboyna and their petition to the King; incloses copy of
a despatch he now sends to Sec. Conway to show what use he has
made of these papers. Knows not how near he has jumped with their
desire in this manner of proceeding, not having any express order
from the King, or knowledge of his mind and the rest of the chiefs
of the Company, but thought this course necessary and not to be delayed, for in such assemblies as these, an opinion once settled is hard
to be removed, and a resolution once taken hard to be changed, and
it is plain these Bewinthebbers, having first won a belief of our
men's practice to have taken their fort, did desire to engage the
States in maintaining the punishment. Has not acquainted the
States with the conclusion of their petition, that they might quit
their trade in the East Indies, doubting that some of them might
prove so unwise as to rejoice thereat. If they have not full satisfaction for what is past, and a good reglement for the future (which
was never yet well settled between them) he leaves them to their
own course, but had rather put things into the way of accommodation than rupture, but that must be with three cautions he learnt
in Italy: "salva la vita, la robba, e l'honore." Wishes to know what
they like or dislike, whereby to go on or stay, alter or change, as
may most avail them; and desires the copy he sends may only serve
for their private knowledge, without taking more note thereof than
shall be given them from Sec. Conway, to whom alone the account
of the business was owing. [One page and a half. Holland Corresp.] |
July 24 ? [London.] |
521. Morris Abbott, Governor of East India Company, to Carleton. Has this morning received his of the 12th [see No. 504], wherewith he presently made the Company acquainted, who send their best
expressed thanks, being much comforted that, before he received the
papers and narration from his Majesty and themselves, the "fact" (of
Amboyna) appeared so improbable to him as that by his own judgment he hath proceeded so far with the Prince of Orange and the
States. At first they barely complained to the King, but since they
have prosecuted the same with all their powers, and by his Majesty's
own command are ordered never to leave him until satisfaction be
made. Has again been chosen Governor, though much against his
will, on account of the unkindly proceedings of the Hollanders in the
East Indies, which he must now of force follow with complaints for
redress, though he knows it will be so repugnant to the "agitations of
our State," at this instant that thereby he shall procure the ill opinions
of many of his honourable friends; but the honour of this fact has
mightily shrouded and encouraged him. Adds these few lines, not
comprehended in the public narration. That Thompson and Clarke
had their breasts slashed and their toes slit, and powder put therein
and set on fire; and that to the execution the Dutch Governor rode
in state. That this train was twice laid in Jacatra against our
President; first, divers Bandanese, accused of treason against Coen,
were often asked, under torture, whether the English President were
not consenting thereto; second, that one of our people watching the
cattle by night, was seized, carried to prison, accused of having
walked the rounds, which he denied, and was brought to torture;
and was told it was by command of the President and that if he
would confess they would let him go, otherwise he must endure
the torment; but when he still denied it, they at last let him go.
Next thinks fit to advertise him, that after the treaty of 1619, when
the merchants on both sides met to explain some points, the Dutch
demanded certain restrictions in the sale of the cloves of the Moluccas, which the English denied, knowing that the Dutch had
cloves in Amsterdam sufficient to serve all Christendom for four or
five years. The Dutch were mightily offended, and after many hot
words, "Monsr. Bass said openly we should repent it, nay he bid
us take notice thereof and writ down, that we should buy it dearly
in the business of the Moluccas, and it is entered in our Journal."
Mr. Skinner, who compiled the narration, would have put this in,
but the Company contradicted it, because they would not breed dispute, "but we are confident that they have plotted ever since to
drive (us) out of the Moluccas," and thought to have effected it by
laying intollerable charges upon us, having in one year exacted
70,000 pieces of eight more than our part came to; the rectifying
whereof is committed to Messrs. Messelden and Barlow to mediate
quietly without troubling the States. "And questionless they seeing
this prevailed not, they certainly devised this inhuman plot, to
accuse our people of treason, wherein they will prove the traitors by
the justice of God;" for the foundation was to give this plot credit,
that it should have been executed at the coming of our ships to
Amboyna, but our President being no longer able to support their
injuries, sent no ship at all that year, but wrote to our factors by
the Dutch ships to come away from thence. These ships arrived
two days before the execution, but too late for the Dutch to give
over the plot, for two of our people had been so tormented that it
was impossible for them to live so they opened our letters and went
on with their practice. About a month after they gave our people
that remained our President of Jacatra's letter, wherein they found
nothing to take hold of, "otherwise in our opinions, they intended to
have proceeded against all our people within their jurisdiction."
We are induced to believe that this great plot was hatched in
Holland, yet will not presume to load his Lordship's opinion with
their conjectures, further than may stand with his grave judgment;
but is confident, from many years' experience, "that if Bass and
their advocate, Boreel, were not, there would never have been so
many differences between them and us, to the prejudice of both
States." [Two pages. Holland Corresp.] |
July 24. |
522. Morris Abbott, Governor, Christopher Eyres, and William
Garway, Committees, of East India Company to Carleton. Have
received his of the 12th, and find in him a sympathy with the whole
current of the State here, both the King, Prince, and Lords in Council
having concurred in a detestation of that fact of the Dutch, which if
the State there should not speedily expiate by some speedy and exemplary justice, will render the nation to all the world odious. Have
been commanded by his Majesty "not to give him over until there be
a full reparation and satisfaction for all, so our purpose is to pursue
his Majesty's command therein as well in respect of so much blood impiously drawn from his subjects, as for avoiding the like practices
against the rest of the people in the Indies, together with their
itching fingers to be dealing with our estates there, of every of
which in their due place we are sensible." Pray him to apply himself to those ways of remedy, which they know "are put home by
the State." [One page. Holland Corresp.] |
July 24. |
523. Thos. Locke to Carleton. The massacre at Amboyna has
much distracted the East India Company; no man will pay in any
money. [Extract from Domestic Corresp., Jac. I., Vol. CLXX.,
No. 52, Cal., p. 311.] |
July 24. London. |
524. Chamberlain to Carleton. Has taken his letter of the 17th
to Morris Abbott, who deferred reading it till he met with some of
his assistants. Abbott says that Carleton has a long narration of
the business in which it appears not only improbable but impossible,
that our men should attempt any such matter as they are accused
of. The case is much commiserated by all sorts of people who cry
out for revenge. The King takes it so to heart that he speaks somewhat exuberantly; could wish he would say less so he would do
more. "For my part I shot my bolt at first, that if there were no
wiser than I, we should stay or arrest the first Indian ship that
comes in our way, and hang up upon Dover cliffs as many as we
should find faulty or actors in this business, and then dispute the
matter afterwards; for there is no other course to be held with such
manner of men, as neither regard law nor justice, nor any other
respect of equity or humanity, but only make gain their God." It
is to no purpose to urge the States for redress, but rather make our
selves amends out of their East Indian Company. When the matter
was opened at the Council Table many shed tears. Believes that if
some notable satisfaction be not given, the sore will rankle till it
grows incurable. [Extract from Domestic Corresp., Jac. I., Vol.
CLXX., No. 54, Cal., p. 311.] |
July 26. |
525. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Mr. Lanman
delivered into the poor box 54s. abated from the wages of John
Neave, for fees unjustly extracted by him as purser in Lanman's
name. Offer made of a parcel of coral. Capt. Adams being demanded concerning the Hollanders, said that the Dutch are not
likely to stay at Pescadores; they have no other use there than to
lye for the Chinese; the Dutch have much shipping and few men;
their fort at Jacatra is sunk already 5 ft. 4 in., and ships may ride
at 8 or 10 fathoms without the reach of their ordnance; there are
about 4,000 people in Jacatra, of whom about 500 Dutch, the greater
part never christened, being of several sorts which refuse baptism
in such sort as is to be administered;" ships of Jambi homeward
bound need not come by Jacatra, but might go a much shorter way
by the Straits of Malacca. Committee to be present at the arbitration between the Company and Capt. Greene. Protest of Ralph
Cartwright, purser of the Exchange, against Mr. Spaulding for provisions and stores delivered without his consent, &c. [Three pages
and a half. Court Minute Book, VII., pp. 38–41.] |
July 27. Delft. |
526. Edward Misselden to Carleton. "Our secretary," having
entered into the translation, felt his body not able to bear it; no
other whom he dare trust, so there is no better way than to
take Palmer into his (Carleton's) house. Had given our secretary
order to have turned it into the sharpest style the translation would
bear, the hardest expression being not bad enough for the subject.
That objection to the first confession is clearly avoided, by their own
leading him into it from the Japanese, and he also was compelled so
to say. That remorse of Towerson, if there were any such, may
rather be ascribed to his repentance, for such a false confession in
himself and others, than any such project or action in him or them.
[One page. Holland Corresp.] |
July 28. |
527. Court Minutes of the East India Company. The going
down to Blackwall put off "until the Company have some more real
comforts in their trade." The Elizabeth to be viewed, and, if there
be cause, brought into dock. The Company's books to be searched
concerning the double warrants for Sir Thos. Smythe, Sir Wm.
Russell, and Mr. Decrowe. Good report from the Indies brought
by the Company's factors, Robinson, Hollman, Duke, and Beaumont,
returned in these last ships. 200 ryals to be paid to Wm. Rootes,
now that the two wills are reconciled. Exception by divers of the
committees to the high price of pepper. "One silver salt, gilt, and
a small maudlin cup with cover all gilt," found in the chamber of
the late Governor in this house, delivered to Mr. Treasurer Stone.
Letter read from Mr. Barlow, advising that a protest be sent over
against the Dutch, but the Court were of opinion that the protest
by the English President, &c. is sufficient. Offer of Robert Hooke,
behind of his adventure 1,100l., to pay the same, on conditions that
were accepted. Mr. Governor read the propositions made by the
Company to his Majesty, and his Majesty's answer to every proposition, subscribed by Mr. Sec. Conway, among which were two things
which the Company held worthy of serious consideration, viz.:
their desire to sever from the Dutch, whereto there was none but
an implicit answer that there must be a total separation, without
which there is no hope of a prosperous trade, "the English having
found by miserable experience that the Dutch Company have no
intention towards the English in those parts but treachery, tyranny,
and conquest;" the next thing considerable was his Majesty's offer
to be free of this Company, and become an adventurer, but after
much discussion, it was by unanimous consent resolved to answer
his Majesty that "they cannot conceive how with his honour it may
be done, the condition of partnership in trade being a thing too far
under the dignity and majesty of a King," and therefore they
"beseech his Majesty to apply the strength of his favour in severing
the two Companies that cannot hold together, and in righting this
Company by the power of his arm, that are no longer able to bear
the tyrannies of their feigned and false confederates." [Four pages
and a half. Court Minute Book, VII., pp. 41–46.] |
July 28. Amsterdam. |
528. Barlow to Carleton. Perceives by his letter of the 5 Aug.,
N.S., that he has received from the East India Company copies of
all the passages of the cruel execution, and that the States intend to
come to a near examination of the business and not slight it over as
these men made account of, and that they had given the States full
contentment, who would bear them out in whatsoever was done, and
that their Governor had sent all their confessions voluntarily made,
without any kind of torture, which Barlow could not contradict till
he received the protest. Has since shown them some particulars,
which they say are false, and boldly and stoutly maintain the truth
to be on their side. Will attend their assembly to-morrow to demand
payment of 23,906 ryalls of eight now due, and it may be they will
move something concerning this business. Holds they will put off
payment on pretence of demands they pretend against our Company.
Their advocate Boreel and others still at the Hague, and doubts not
they do their uttermost best to possess the States, and settle an
opinion that ours were very guilty. [One page. Holland Corresp.] |
July 28. |
529. Carleton to Sec. Conway. Is exceeding glad that the course
of conference he took with the States touching the fact of Amboyna,
did so well concur with the more express commission he received
yesterday, by Conway's despatch of the 19th [see No. 513], and doubts
not before the 12th of August, the day set down by his Majesty to
drive them from all pretence of delay, and bring them to a determinate
resolution. This day the original papers concerning Amboyna are expected from the Bewinthebbers, the perusing of which in the Assembly
will give occasion of meeting again, when he will not only insist on
satisfaction in that particular, but inform them likewise of the
other grievances of the East India Company, and require their
resolution touching Greenland. The States have written to the
King a letter of thankfulness for his favour, deprecation of their men's
proceedings at Amboyna, and promise of satisfaction. The Bewinthebbers have likewise written to our merchants. Some of the
chiefest of them are hot-headed and haughty, so that the jealousy
that they may have a hand in the continual course of violence
against ours in the Indies is not without ground, "but they are not
all one mother's sons, and this accident lately happened, now it
begins to be better understood, can be no more generally decried and
detested in our own country than it is in this, which your honour
knoweth is naturally misericordious." Finds the Prince of Orange
in the same sense he had formerly of this cause after acquainting
him with the true state of the business; for he says that when the
States desired him to be a mediator therein to the King by an
express messenger, he refused to embroil himself in such an odious
business. [Rough Draft. Extract from Holland Corresp.] |
July 29. |
530. Edward Misselden to Carleton. Has received his letter of
the 29th, but concerning the whipping of one of our nation at
Jacatra, there is not a word of it in Misselden's instructions, nor in
his conference with the East India Company in England before his
coming out did they make any mention thereof. Will attend
Carleton as his health will suffer, which is so little profited by physic
that he is more and more thrust upon his journey to the Spa, yet
hopes first to attend him more than once. [One page. Holland
Corresp.] |
July 30. |
531. Court Minutes of the East India Company. The pinnace
Swallow, of 100 tons burden and fitted with 12 pieces of ordnance,
ready to be launched; to have a complement of 30 men, besides
master and boy. The sister of Robert Farrar, deceased in the Indies,
to be paid 510 ryals according to his will at 5s. per ryal, also 25 ryals
to Cartwright. The stolen pepper being 2,200 lbs. compounded for
at the Custom House; also the searchers have laid hold of 11 bags
more in corn sacks. Petition of Morgan, master of the Elizabeth, for
the gratification promised for bringing home his ship without
touching till he came into the Downs; though not chief commander
of the two ships, he said his ship had a great leak in her, and by
consultation he was to have gone back, but contrary thereto he
stole the ship home to the great benefit of the Company and was
recommended for some good service in the Indies; ordered that he
shall receive 100 nobles for these services. A deduction of 36s. 4d.
from Robt. Farrar's wages brought to the poor box. The Court was
moved to be mindful of the coming home of ships to get something
out of men's wages by way of voluntary charity towards erecting a
school in Virginia, but that the money be deposited with the Company, "until that plantation be so settled as there may be use of a
school there." Offer of 12d. per lb. for dust of flat indigo to be
accepted. Offer of 3s. 4d. per lb. for indigo to be shipped into
the Straits. It was said that it will turn greatly to the Company's
benefit if they may vent into those parts, but the price was not at
3s. 6d. Offer of an extraordinary good parcel of coral but though
the Company shall now send coral to Coromandel where they have
sent none before, it was advised to stay awhile until the letters come
in this ship (the Dolphin) be read. [Three pages and a half. Court
Minute Bk., VII., pp. 46–49.] |
July 30. Amsterdam. |
532. Barlow to Carleton. Was yesterday with the Bewinthebbers, to demand the 23,906 ryals of eight, but they desired him to
have patience till Monday. Told Burgomaster Basse he feared the
Amboyna business would prove very foul on their people in the
Indies, and that their ends were other than show was made for; to
which was answered, that if it were found they had done anything
contrary to what they had written, out of any private quarrel, not
one of them but should receive their just reward; and that they
intend to give the King, the States, and our Company full content
therein, protesting that their people had no other orders but to live
friendly and peaceably, and as near as possibly might be to maintain
the contract. They shut up the business with very good words,
saying they knew the disagreement would ruinate both, so "it stood
them upon" to maintain friendship, and they would so carry themselves in the business that there should be no cause of complaint.
Will certify when he receives their further answer. [Holland
Corresp.] |
July 31. Amsterdam. |
533. Same to same. Has perused all the papers he formerly
received from the Company, but finds nothing of the whipping of
one of our men at Jacatra, yet well remembers that such a thing
was done by General Coen, and that after he was extremely whipped
they cast salt and vinegar upon his body, saying that would keep it
from putrifying. Has written to the Company for the particulars
thereof. Sends examination of two Englishmen, whereby doth well
appear their cruelty and inhuman dealing, whereof, he holds, there
may good use be made, for the island of Pooloroon, the surrender of
which to the English is not yet performed according to the last
agreement, neither will be but upon such conditions as the Dutch
please. The Bewinthebbers make account that Boreel will be here
this day, saying he has nothing to do but to attend on the business of
Amboyna; but he understands the complaining adventurers are there,
soliciting the States for redress of manifold wrongs. [Holland
Corresp.] |
July 31 ? |
534. Morris Abbott, Governor of East India Company, to
Carleton. Has this instant received his letter of the 23rd, wherein
appears his generous proceeding "in this bloody business, moved as
a true English blood to seek revenge for so much blood so innocently
executed." Their petition and papers according to promise they
delivered the next day (i.e., 11 July see ante No. 499), which the
King received "with so much expression of the detestation of
the fact and determination of satisfaction therein, as appeared in
his countenance by the perturbation he was in for the insolence
of that fact." He presently communicated it, with a great deal
of expression, to his Lords, with command to meet in Council
next day, where they heard the whole narration read, "whereat
sundry of the greatest shed tears." They again appeared before
the King, who continued his protestations to see them righted,
commanded them to comfort the adventurers, and caused a copy of
Sec. Conway's letter to Carleton to be delivered to them; but some
of the Lords much entreated that all other courses might cease
until answer might be received from the States, which his Majesty
had given leave for until the 12th of August. So, the progress
beginning, they have acted little since, save only have received a
fresh encouragement from Sec. Conway of his Majesty's remembrance of this business. The Dolphin has arrived at Plymouth from
Surat, in company with a Dutch ship, which was relieved by the English at the Cape. Time suffers him not to repeat his advertisements
of the 24th, but to express the thanks of himself and the Company,
who will give further testimony to his favours hereafter. Has
made six of the chief committees acquainted with his letter, who
take it most kindly, and assure him of the concealment thereof.
[Holland Corresp. One page.] |