America and West Indies: Addenda 1655

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 9, 1675-1676 and Addenda 1574-1674. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1893.

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'America and West Indies: Addenda 1655', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 9, 1675-1676 and Addenda 1574-1674, ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1893), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: Addenda 1655', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 9, 1675-1676 and Addenda 1574-1674. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1893), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: Addenda 1655". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 9, 1675-1676 and Addenda 1574-1674. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1893), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

Addenda 1655

March 17.
On board the Swiftsure, Barbadoes.
213. Vice-Adm. Wm. Penn to the Navy Commissioners. They may understand what a gallant passage the Lord gave us and both seamen and soldiers in health and in a quiet and cheerful posture. After his arrival on 29 Jan. seized all foreign ships and vessels found here trading contrary to the law which with those since came in; 15 in all are fitted for transportation of the forces raised in the Island, being above 3,000 foot and 2 troops of Horse. Shall be necessitated to victual all these vessels out of our fleet, for from this island nor any of those to leeward can any provisions be had or hoped for, only a small quantity of flesh which is part of what the Navy Victuallers sent hither for sale, and which has been disposed of for the use of said levies. The great increase of the number of mouths made by this accession and the necessity that they must all depend and be sustained by that provision brought with us from home, will easily persuade them that our stock will suddenly be consumed and we driven to great straits and disadvantages if speedy and large supplies do not come, especially bread which cannot be sufficiently provided in New England though all the bakehouses there were constantly employed for that purpose. What provision they have to spare are usually brought to this Island for sale, where the inhabitants give excessive rates for all they bring so that we may be supplied at more easy prices from home and with more speed. The case being fully before them, prays them consider how much this great and honourable design is concerned in the care that shall be taken touching supplies and how easily it might become abortive through the want thereof. The non-arrival of the ships left behind in the river, and wherein are most of our arms and other necessaries very requisite, has occasioned our stay here thus long, but having with much difficulty procured 1,500 fire arms of the Islanders and some other things held absolutely necessary in carrying on the work, had fully determined to depart hence, though those vessels do not arrive, on the 24th inst, throwing ourselves upon the goodness and providence of God for the rest and hoping you will accompany us with your prayers and be motives to the people of God to become Petitioners to the Lord for his presence to go with us. P.S.—Find the old canvas brought very much decayed by the rains and dews in these parts, and if supplies be not made the ships will receive 20 times more damage through want than the charge thereof can amount to. Encloses,
213. i. Account of carpenters' and gunners' stores expended in fitting prizes for transportation of men, also account of what stores are needed in lieu thereof. Together, 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. 32. Nos. 17, 17 I.]
March 19.
Dover frigate, Barbadoes.
214. Lewis Hyres to Commissioners of the Navy. Sends duplicates by Capt. Collins of the Malaga, merchant of the men's tickets discharged since his departure from England. All the ship's company in good health. Has given in two muster books to be sent to them. ½ p. [Col. Papers, Vol. 32, No. 18.]
May 9. 215. Order of the Council of State for an allowance to Major Robt. Sedgwick during the time he was employed in the public service at New England and thereabouts against the French at the rate of 15s. a day, and directing warrants to be issued for payment of same. [Dom. Interreg., I. 76, p. 64.]
June 7.
216. Commissioners for prize goods to the Admiralty Commissioners. Having been impowered by His Highness' Commissioners for managing the affairs of America to transact the business of the Prize Office in this Island, have seized some few Dutch ships and Hamburgers. Upon first entering into the employment, found many considerable debts due to his Highness for a prize goods sold in the time of Sir George Ayseue almost four years since, for recovering whereof and such other contracts as they should make the Commissioners here empowered us to enquire after those debts and upon good evidence to condemn, and upon condemnation to grant executions for the same, which course on confidence of their power and ours derived from them we practised until it was declared against by the General Assembly as being against the law of England, since which we have foreborne and desire your direction therein, and as speedily as possible as the delay is already of great prejudice to His Highness's affairs, and will be much more if we be compelled to sue in the Courts for every debt formerly due or hereafter to be contracted by us. Desire to be advised what the practice is in the Prize Office in England and what acts are in force to warrant their practice, and in case the Prize Office can only sue for their debts due on contracts made by them in the Admiralty Court, as it seems by one Act we have seen, they conceive there is no Court of Admiralty in this Island, which if his Highness will erect and confer upon honestable men may supply this defect, and in other matters much advance his Highness's service. Signed by Thos. Modyford, John Roberts, and Rich. Saunders. [Col. Papers, Vol. 32, No. 19.]
June 22.
217. Bond of Capt. Giles Pasfield, Mate, and Capt. Geo. Pasfield, Commander of the ship, Barbadoes merchant, in 1,000l., that said Giles Pasfield shall, when required, appear before the Commissioners of the Admiralty in England, to answer what shall be objected against him by the Commissioners of the Prize Office of Barbadoes. Witnesses, Thos. Modyford, John Roberts, Peter Lear, and Rich. Saunders. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. 32, No. 20.]
July 24.
The Torrington, Jamaica.
218. Vice-Admiral William Goodson to the Commissioners of the Admiralty and Navy. Hopes Genl. Penn will arrive before this, who will give account of having left 12 ships under Goodson's conduct; six of which were at sea, two left to ply off St. Domingo, one of which, the Selby, took a small vessel, and having taken out what they thought good, made a hole in her and turned her adrift, for which and other misdemeanours (the Captain) is cashiered at a Court of War (proceedings inclosed) and sent home in the Augustine. The Selby and Grantham came in on 28th June and are both careened. Capt. Vesci is dead and Capt. Blyth appointed in his room; in the Selby, Capt. Henry Powell, and in the Hound, Capt. Symon Evans, formerly Lieutenant of the Gloucester. Two small pincks taken at Barbadoes on the 5th July came in the Dover from Caymanos, and the Great Charity from England, by which received their Honors' packets to Genl. Penn and understood of some ships of war coming with provisions which will be welcome if good. Could have wished they had sent some flesh, poor-jack or stockfish, for they have none even to refresh sick men. The Falmouth came in on the 8th and the Arms of Holland from Caymanos, and on the 11th the Hound from the same place; they failed to meet with the French, but have saved a little turtle. Sends their "Diurnals." The 13th September the Portland "spent" her foremast, yards, sails, and all in a great sea, and in making a new one. find that the sap of the new masts, which have not lain two months in the water, is eaten by the worm like a honeycomb. By direction of Genl. Venables and Esquire Butler, Commissioners, has sent home the Marston Moor and Augustine, a victualler, and hopes in three days to sail with eight ships to lie before Carthagena and Portobello. The Falmouth and a Brigantine ordered to the north of the Island, to prevent correspondence between Cuba and the Spaniards of this Island who are mostly fled to that side, and to meet a party of our soldiers. Has received 3,000l. for what he has disbursed to the ships for victuals; sends herewith an account, also accounts of the victuals in the fleet at present, how many men dead since 25th June, what stores left by the ships that went home and what expended. Great want of boatswains', carpenters', and stewards' stores, and of provisions for sick men. Advises that no drink be sent but brandy in very substantial casks, and a little vinegar, for the eider wholly decays, and the beer grows flat or sour, all provisions must be very good and well saved or they perish in this country suddenly; also copy of same letter. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. 32, Nos. 21, 22.]
Aug. 14.
219. Tho. Modyford, John Yeamans, Ri. Saunders, and John Roberts, Commissioners of the Prize Office of Barbadoes, to the Commissioners for the Admiralty of England. On 2nd May last Ralph Woory, and Giles Pasfield informed they had seized the King David of Hamburgh for coming to the Island contrary to the Acts, and Pasfield undertook to preserve ship and goods for his Highness; but Pasfield has confessed that he sent 2 hhds. of wine and brandy on board his cousin's ship, the Barbadoes merchant, and certain sails, &c., are wanting (as by the oath of said Woory inclosed appears). Have reason to conceive that much more has been embezzled by him, in regard the invoice of goods found on her comes far short of what the Master and Merchants allege was upon her at the time of seizure. And further, said Pasfield having seized the Fortune of "Auquisen" [?Enkhuysen], suffered her to siuk in the harbour, to his Highness' damage of at least 25,000 lbs. of sugar. Annexed,
219. i. Deposition of Erick Wrede, Commander, John Behn, Class Sure (cook), Jacob Honemester, and Roger Shapley, of the ship King David. That the ship belongs to Jerome Sincker, Daniel Brandess, Ber Mulder, John Rorus, and said Erick Wrede, all of Hamburgh; bound for Martinico, St. Christopher's, &c., with beef, pork, clothing, brandy, wine, &c, and was to return to Hamburgh, and that they came to this Island only for water. 1655, May 12.
219. ii. Deposition of Ralph Woory, Solicitor General. On the 27th April last, seeing a ship with Hamburgh colours in Hawley's Bay, he went aboard and (in the hearing of Capt. Mott, the Provost Marshal) seized the ship to the Lord Protector's use, and ordered Capt. George Pasfield's mate and men to keep her. Capt. Mott brought the master of the ship to the Governor and demanded what power Dept. had to seize the ship; but Col. Modyford and Mr. Leer, Commissioners of the Prize Office, confirmed what he had done, and drew an order to Pasfield's men to keep the ship; whereupon Dept. went on board again, and the master not being on board, broke open his chest and took out such books and papers as he could find.
219. iii. Depositions of Capt. Giles Pasfield and Caleb Elliot, gunner of Capt. George Pasfield's frigate. On 27th April last, seeing the ship King David "lying off and on as if she expected some intelligence from the shore," Pasfield went on board with four men and asked where they were bound; they answered, for Curacao, and asked if they might water and if there were any other Hamburghers there; he answered he knew nothing against their watering, and there was one Hamburgher there, &c. They then anchored in Hawley's Bay, where the Provost Marshal, Capt. Mott, came on board, and after him Mr. Woorey who required Dept. to take charge of the ship; but Mott "commanded them to begone or else he would carry them ashore and lie them by the heels," whereupon they repaired on board their own ship. But afterwards warrant being brought by Mr. Woory, Dept., with nine or ten men, went aboard and seized the ship and goods, and keeps possession thereof to this day. And further, the King David at her coming in saluted the Fort with three guns. 1655, May 2.
219. iv. Inventory of the tackle, furniture, ordnance, &c. of the ship King David of Hamburgh, taken by Elias Pilgrim and Roger Larrance by warrant from the Commissioners of the Prize Office (at Barbadoes), and valued at 17,924 lbs. of sugar, together with a receipt for same, and for three months' provision for 15 men, from Capt. Nicholas Shapley, dated 7th June 1655.
219. v. Invoice, appraised by Edward Collinson, Tho. Cooper, Ralph Woory, and Edw. Thornburgh, by order from the Commissioners of the Prize Office [of Barbadoes], of goods landed out of the ship King David, of Hamburgh, amounting to 69,609 lbs. of sugar. 1655, May 16.
219. vi. Charge of Ralph Woory, Solicitor, against Giles Pasfield. That whereas said Woory made seizure of the ship King David, of Hamburgh, in the name and for the use of the Lord Protector, and put said Pasfield and company in possession of said ship; said Pasfield purlioned wine, brandy, sails, and other goods belonging to said ship. And further that said Pasfield having order to deliver to said Woory the goods seized in the Manatee prize, refused to do it and let her sink. Also deposition of Roger Shapley, steersman of the King David, that said Pasfield carried away to his owner's ship the new mainsail and fore topsail of the King David. 1655, June 6. Together 8 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. 32, Nos. 23, 23 I-vi.]
Aug. 29.
Boston, New England.
220. Robt. Wadeson, Thos. Broughton, and Wm. Crispin to [Commrs. of Admiralty?] Send particulars of their proceedings as Commissioners for managing the affairs of America, for contracting for and buying provisions for the Army and Navy at Jamaica to the value of 10,000l., and to draw Bills upon Rich. Hutchinson, Navy Treasurer, for payment. Suppose they have heard from Gen. Penn that they sent the Falcon Fly Boat, Adam and Eve, and Golden Falcon, the last losing her captain on the way from Jamaica to Boston to lade, but they were somewhat delayed for needful reparations, also for mills to grind corn and bakers to make bread, but hopes to give them quick dispatch. Have desired Mr. Broughton to lend one of his ships for the transportation. Have also drawn bills of exchange to the amount of 2,009l. 4s., of which they have given notice to Mr. Hutchinson, and will give all further accounts on their arrival in England. 1¼ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. 32, No. 24.]
Sept. 6.
Marmaduke, Barbadoes Road.
221. Major-Gen. Robt. Sedgwick to the [Navy Commissioners.] Sailed from Plymouth 11 July and arrived safely with the whole squadron 27 Aug. "God was pleased to smile upon us in a very comfortable passage." There is no news from the leeward save what they heard by a dogger boat after the repulse at Hispaniola. "What since they have done we know not." Is this day setting sail in her to Jamaica to-day by order of Gen. Penn, and will touch at St. Christopher's to inquire after friends. "God in mercy direct us." Men's thoughts here are various concerning them. "I hope God hath brought down our confident spirits to fill us for some more noble work. When flesh begins to glory, it is mercy if God will stain the glory of it." Many think Jamaica a more considerable island than Hispaniola, and may effect more than the other. Has bought some provisions at reasonable rates, and there are some effects in the Prize Office to pay for them. Finds both soldiers and seamen active and willing and not discouraged, and therefore hopes God has yet a blessing for them, and that this design is His and that He will own it. Desires they will thank their honest brewer for supplying such good beer, and that he will find mercy for former offences for this his good service. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. 32, No. 25.]
Sept. 6.
On board the State's Ship, Marmaduke, Carlisle Bay, Barbadoes.
222. Capt. Wm. Godfrey to Robt. Blackborne, Secretary to Commissioners of the Admiralty. Had a comfortable passage in this part of the expedition in the Western design. Arrived 26 Aug., and Major-Gen. Sedgwick having since taken in a supply of pro visions for the army intends sailing to-day for St. Christopher's, and if no news present there of the fleet then to proceed to Jamaica. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. 32, No. 26.]
Sept. 19.
On board the Gift, St. Christopher's Road.
223. Capt. H. Maddison to Col. Clarke, Admiralty Commissioner. Arrived in Carlisle Bay, Barbadoes, 26 Aug., and sailed to St. Christopher's, 7 Sept., where he is staying to enable the Colonel to procure men to complete his regiment. Major-Gen. Sedgwick intends to sail to-day for St. Domingo and Jamaica according to instructions sent to Barbadoes from Gen. Penn. 1 p. [Col. Papers. Vol. 32, No. 27.]
Sept. 19. 224. Petition of Margaret widow of Major-Gen. Edw. Gibbons of New England, to the Lord Protector. Petitioner's husband, by victualling the State's fleet in Virginia and by losses in reducing that plantation, as also by piracy, together with many public services rendered in New England, where he lived 30 years, hath been so much impoverished that his whole estate, to the value of 4,000l., is in the hands of La Tour, the late French Governor, for payment of which the fort of St. John, in the Bay of Fundy, was mortgaged, together with the plantations adjoining, which being taken by Major Sedgwick petitioner's husband, together with herself and family, have been wholly ruined and his creditors damaged. Was sent to England by her husband and has given attendance for half a year, during which time he died in New England. Beseeches his Highness to grant an order of reference to the Navy Commissioners to give a certificate so that some relief may be granted to her. "Oliver, P. We refer this petition to the consideration of the Commissioners for the Navy, wishing them to consider what course is fit to be taken for the petitioner's relief, and to report unto us their opinion concerning the same. 1655, Sept. 19." 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. 32, No. 28.]
Sept. 19. 225. Order of the Council of State. That it be referred to the Commissioners of the Admiralty to give order for the speedy providing of the particulars after mentioned for the use of the English in Jamaica. These include spades, shovels, pickaxes, handbills, hatchets, and hoes; also clothes for the officers and medicaments; also that the two ships lately ordered be hastened away. Signed by Henry Scobell, Clerk of the Council. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. 32, No. 29.]
Sept. 22.
On board the Marmaduke, in the Old Road, St. Christopher's.
226. Joshua Wilson to the Navy Commissioners. Had a comfortable passage to Barbadoes and arrived in Carlisle Bay 26 Aug., and remained until 7 Sept., our General in the meantime providing an additional supply of victuals to carry to Gen. Penn's fleet, as it is not known in what condition they are. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. 32, No. 30.]
Sept. 26.
227. Order of the Council of State. That it be referred to the Commissioners of the Admiralty to give order for a fit ship to convoy beyond Scilly Island a vessel bound for New England, wherein is Daniel Gookin employed in the State's service. ½ p. [Col. Papers, Vol. 32, No. 31.]
Sept. 27.
228. Order of the Council of State. That the Commissioners of the Admiralty give speedy order for providing and shipping for the service of this Commonwealth the provisions and other things herein specified, which include 60 tons of beef and pork for 3 months for 2,000 men, bread, brandy, rice, spices, lampwick, tallow candles, two pinnaces or skiffs 20 and 30 feet long, sails, spars, axes, and hatchets, with one or two glaziers, smiths and masons with materials, coopers, carpenters, calkers, and armourers. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. 32, No. 32.]
Oct. 10.
229. Proclamation of Oliver, Lord Protector, giving encouragement to such as shall transport themselves to Jamaica. Whereas the Island of Jamaica is, by the providence of God, in the possession of this State, and the enemy found upon it fled into the mountains with intention to escape, save such as daily render themselves to our Commanderin-Chief; and we being satisfied of its fertility and commodiousness for trade, have resolved to use our best endeavours to secure and plant the same, and to this end make known, especially to the people of the English Islands and Colonies, the encouragements we have thought fit to give to those who shall remove themselves and their habitations thither within the time herein expressed. And first concerning security against the enemy, above 6,000 soldiers were landed there in May last, and in July a regiment of 800 men drawn out of our old regiments in England, with eight ships of war added to twelve others left there by General Penn under command of Capt. Wm. Goodson, and we shall take care to send both land and sea forces to secure the island against any attempt of the enemy. Those who remove thither will be under the immediate protection of this State, and so eased both of the danger and charge which other plantations are subject to. They shall have twenty acres of land, besides lakes and rivers, for every male twelve years old and upwards, and ten acres for every other male or female, to be set forth to them after six weeks notice of their remove. To have liberty for seven years to hunt and dispose of horses and cattle upon the island not marked by or belonging to other planters, subject to certain rules. To hold said land with houses, woods, &c., to them and their heirs for ever in free and common soccage for seven years, and then to pay one penny an acre, but no other rent, tenure, or service whatsoever. Said lands, on desire of the owners, to be confirmed by Letters Patent unto them, their heirs and assigns. To hold and enjoy all mines except of gold and silver, and all fishings within their bounds upon paying one-fifth, part of pearls or precious stones, and one-tenth part of all metals in mines. No custom, excise, or duty to be paid for three years from 29 Sept. 1656, and not to be drawn into the wars themselves or their servants, unless in case of invasion or rebellion and for defence of the island. Power to build walls, bulwarks, and castles upon their own land for security of their plantations, and to arm themselves and servants against enemies or rebels under the directions of the Commander-in-Chief. All born within said island to be accounted free denizens of England, and to enjoy all the privileges as any nativies of England. All transporting themselves within two years from 29 Sept. 1656, and professing the Protestant religion, to enjoy said privileges and advantages. And for the more certain carrying on this business our Commander-in-Chief of said island is authorized and required to take notice of the premises, and cause a due and effectual execution of same to the purport and true meaning hereof. 2 large pages. [Dom., Interry., I. 76a, pp. 152–154.]
Oct. 10. 230. Instructions to Richard Fortescue, Major-General of the Forces in America. To apply himself to the making of forts and fortifications in fit places to secure the island against any attempt of the enemy, particularly to strongly, fortify the harbour of St. Jago, where the fleet first arrived. To take care that the soldiers who have lands for plantation be not severed too far asunder, but to be in a capacity to unite their strength as there shall be occasion. To inform himself of all harbours and landing places upon the island, and take care that soldiers and others shall have land next adjoining such harbours and landing places, and be engaged in making defensive fortifications thereon, especially within fifteen miles of St. Jago, which he shall endeavour to be well peopled and fortified at the State's charge, if he cannot get it done upon the account of particular planters. And until such places can be peopled and planted to take care that works be made to prevent the landing of the enemy. And although we do not understand your condition so perfectly as to the number and health of the soldiers or otherwise as to enjoin you by any positive commands to attempt further upon the enemy, yet considering the supplies both of men and provisions sent you beginning of July last with Major Robt. Sedgwick, we give you powers and instructions to be made use of according to your strength and opportunity, not doubting but you are sensible of the state of our present affairs in those parts, and how much it imports us and this nation that there be diligence and activity in those who have the managing of them. Power and authority to land his men upon territories claimed by the Spaniards, to take their forts, castles, and places of strength, and to pursue, kill, and destroy all who oppose them; Vice-Admiral Goodson to assist him with the sea forces, and that they both advise and consult together for the better carrying on the affairs committed to them, "The want whereof and of that union of hearts and councils which ought to be amongst persons so trusted hath been the occasion, amongst other things, of great miscarriages in this work." Power to offer reasonable conditions to any who will submit to our government, and to treat for the surrender of any fort or place for our use, with advice of said Commissioners. To give frequent account of his proceedings. Whereas all particulars cannot be foreseen, nor positive instructions given for emergencies, therefore on all accidents to use his best circumspection, and so dispose of the forces under his command that the Commonwealth receive no detriment. 2 large pages. [Dom., Interreg., I. 76a, pp. 154, 155.]
Oct. 10. 231. Instructions to Capt. Wm. Goodson, Commander of the squadron of ships in America. To use his best endeavours by all opportunities to seize all ships belonging to the King of Spain or his subjects in America, or of any other enemies or rebels to this Commonwealth, with their goods and monies, and in case of resistance to sink, burn, and destroy them. All seizures thus made to be preserved without embezzlement and delivered to his Highness's Commissioners, who, with a trusty person appointed by himself, is to set a due valuation upon them; and that he take a receipt for same that the seamen be satisfied how much to expect from the State for their shares. To seize all ships trading contrary to the Act of Parliament of 3 Oct. 1650. To preserve the honour, jurisdiction, territories, and people of this Commonwealth. To take care that all instructions as to matter of discipline and well ordering of the fleet be put in execution. Power, with consent of a Council of War, to suspend officers under his command, and give commissions for places vacant by death or otherwise. To wear the jack flag at the maintopmast head. To give frequent notice of his proceedings to the Commissioners of the Admiralty and Generals of the Fleet, and receive directions from them. To supply and succour the Army to the best of his power upon all occasions. To join with the land forces in any attempt made in pursuance of instructions given to Maj-General Fortescue, who will also afford him assistance, and that upon all occasions they consult together, as also with the Commissioners and others concerned touching the carrying on of our affairs both at land and sea in those parts, and to use his best endeavours to maintain love and a good understanding. Authority to land men upon any of the possessions of the King of Spain in America, or other enemies or rebels to us and this Commonwealth; to seize their places of strength and ships, and use all other acts of hostility. To use his best endeavours to gain intelligence from places in possession of the enemy, to communicate same to Maj.Gen. Fortescue and the Commissioners, and to consult together how it may be improved to the best advantage. Power to arrest and use any ships to whomsoever belonging he finds necessary for said services, giving them reasonable satisfaction. To give frequent intelligence of his proceedings so that he may receive further directions if there shall be occasion. To use his best endeavours to get provisions for the fleet from Jamaica and those parts, and to supply himself from New England or other places and charge bills for same upon the Treasurer of the Navy in England. 2 large pages. [Dom, Interreg., I. 76a, pp. 155–157.]
Oct. 10. 232. Instructions to Maj.-Gen. Richard Fortescue, ViceAdmiral Wm. Goodson, Major Robt. Sedgwick, Daniel Searle, and (blank) Stoakes. Commissioners for governing our affairs in America. Rich. Fortescue and William Goodson to assist each other according to their instructions, and Dan. Searle, Robt. Sedgwick, and (blank) Stoakes, to advise said Fortescue and Goodson in the execution of their trusts according to their instructions. All prizes to be preserved for the public service, a perfect account kept, and to be disposed of for carrying on the present service. To secure by the best means the interest of this Commonwealth in Jamaica, and to make from time to time constitutions and orders, and appoint officers and ministers for the good government of the people, and to cause justice to be administered "in our name and style, and to use and preserve same in all commissions, writings, instructions, and other proceedings." To endeavour the promulgation of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the power of true religion and holiness, and the suppression of idolatry, popery, superstition, and prophaneness, and set apart and apply to that purpose from what shall come into their hands upon the public account as they find necessary. And whereas we are informed of the horrible prophaneness and wickedness of very many of the soldiers and others belonging to the army "whereby the Lord hath been justly provoked to leave us a reproach to our enemy at Hispaniola," to use their utmost endeavours for the punishment and suppression of vice and prophaneness, and upon all occasions to bear witness effectually against the same. To publish proclamations in our name, to invite the natives to submit to our government, and on submission to encourage them to live peaceably, and instruct them "in the knowledge of God and Christ." Power to administer oaths. To hold constant corre spondence with Barbadoes and other English plantations, and one of themselves, or other fit person to remain at Barbadoes to attend the service of our affairs. To appoint officers under them with fitting salaries. Power to commit to prison any disobedient to their orders, and to impose reasonable fines upon the refractory. Directions for the taking due inventories of all prizes and prize goods, and selling the same, the moneys so raised to be put to account for the use of his Highness and this Commonwealth, with power to expend the same for the better carrying on the affairs in which they are employed, all accounts to be produced and entered in the Court of Admiralty. And whereas we have resolved to use all possible endeavours to people and plant Jamaica, and to that purpose have dispatched Daniel Gookin to New England with instructions to make propositions to those who may be inclined to remove to Jamaica to cause agreements to be made with those people willing to transplant themselves, and certified by said Gookin, and all other encouragements to be given to them. And whereas we have published the terms and conditions to be granted and have also by patent granted to Martin Noel, merchant of London, twenty thousand acres of land in Jamaica, with certain privileges, to cause same to be executed and observed on our part, and so see that their part be likewise performed. To admit any other people of this Commonweath who are Protestants to plant upon said island on the conditions of said Proclamations [see ante, No. 229] or granted to said Martin Noel, which we shall ratify and confirm. To cause said conditions to be proclaimed in the islands and plantations in America, and use all means to invite people to plant upon Jamaica. To inform themselves of all harbours and landing places; directions as to soldiers who become planters [same as to Maj.-Gen. Fortescue]. As to hunting and taking of horses and other beasts, to give such directions from time to time that the stock be not destroyed, so great numbers now being yearly killed for their hides and grease. That stores and provisions be justly distributed, and to provide the fleet with flesh and necessaries. To send convenient shipping for those wishing to come and plant, provided it can be done without prejudice to any design upon the enemy. They will receive a particular of the stores and provisions sent by the four ships in May last, and those sent in July under command of Major Sedgwick, for which they are to account how disposed of. To use their best circumspection on all occasions for which they have no positive instructions for securing and enlarging our interests in those parts. 4½ large pages. [Dom., Interreg., I. 76a, pp. 158–161.]
Oct. 20. 233. Order of the Council of State. That the Commissioners of the Admiralty and Navy take care that the fitting of the Marston Moor be hastened and dispatched for Jamaica with the first fair wind, if possible, and that Mr. Secretary Thurloe be desired forthwith to prepare and get in readiness the letters and instructions for Jamaica, to be sent by said Marston Moor. [Dom., Interreg., I. 76, p. 339.]
Nov. 2.
234. Order of the Council of State. That the Commissioners of the Admiralty give order for payment of two bills, one drawn by Capt. John Leverett for 500l., the other by Wm. Crispin, Robt. Wadeson, and Thos. Broughton, Commissioners for supplying Jamaica, for 190l., both being for provisions delivered at Boston, New England, for supply of the fleet and army in Jamaica. Signed by W. Jessop, Clerk of the Council. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. 32, No. 33.]
Nov. 6.
235. "An account of what stores are in Jamaica for the use and service of the Commonwealth's ships of England under the command of Captain William Goodson, Admiral," in alphabetical order. 4 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. 32, No. 34.]
Nov. 14.
236. Major Robert Sedgwicke to (the Commissioners of the Admiralty). Arrived with their whole squadron 1st October last, having lost but few men between Barbadoes and this island, including Capt. Fenn of the Wildeman, and Capt. Maddison of the Gift. The ships at sea proved well conditioned and tight. Found both Commissioners and both Generals gone, "and not any sign remaining that ever there was a Commissioner in these parts of the world." The fleet here is commanded by Adm. William Goodson to whom in Gen. Penn's absence he resigned his sea command, and the army by Major-Gen. Fortescue. After some few days' debate they drew up the enclosed instrument by which they acted in public business. Though provisions had been expected every day, there was no shelter to receive one ton of goods; but, "with the activeness" of the seamen, in 6 or 8 days they finished a house 100 feet by 25, and in 16 day unladed the merchantmen and housed the goods without the help of the soldiery. There are some days of demurrage, spent at Barbadoes and St. Christopher's, which could not be avoided. Knows Adm. Goodson has given their Honors a satisfactory account of the fleet, but the army is in a very sad condition. Major-Gen. Fortescue died after they had been here 20 days, and many of the other commanders are dead or very sick; 50 of the new soldiers that came with him are dead, and two captains, one lieutenant, and two ensigns, and their colonel and lieutenant-colonel sick. Fears that no account of the State's storest here will ever be attained to in this world. At his first landing found the whole shore covered with butts, barrells, and chests of dry goods, as clothing, arms, surgeon's chests, &c., lying exposed, to all the damages imaginable, when a week's time with soldiers or sailors would have built a house to have received them all. Is very sensible the Commissioners can give but a lame account thereof, for "I am certainly affirmed" that soldiers have offered to sell dozens of shoes for 12 pence the pair, new and good; many prizes were also brought hither from Barbadoes, and no order left how to charge any man with the stores. "Here is not so much as the show of any Commissioner that hath been in these parts; nor no account left by the Secretary to the Commissioners, whose papers, it is reported, the Lady Venables seized into her hands." Will endeavour to keep account of what comes to hand in his time, and is about calling to account any that he hears have been employed in any public business; knows the army has swallowed up much. Has sold 5 old prizes that lay rotting, for 500l., to be paid in goods and provisions, except a bill of exchange for 155l. to the Treasurer of the Navy. Concerning the wines arrived in Capt. Crowden's ship, they have disposed of 60 butts to the army and 170 to the fleet, and laid up the rest in store; the fleet had no need of them, being already victualled in drink for 8 to 12 months, but how to dispose of them better they knew not. The provision allowed the soldiery is ½ lb. bread a man per day, a pint of oatmeal, a pint of peas, or a pound of flour per day to four men, and one butt of brandy more to each regiment, at which rate the provisions may serve 5 or 6 months. Their Honours must think of a supply of provisions, for the soldiers, except some few, will not work. 200 barrels of powder in an old ship belonging to the army they have divided among the fleet, conceiving they have more on shore than can be expended while good. The arms and ammunition brought for the army they yet keep on board, knowing them to be better there than on shore. The beef and pork they bought at Barbadoes was marvellous acceptable. "What God will do with us here I cannot tell. He at present seems highly displeased, and shatters us and breaks us to pieces, and in destroying goes on to destroy us, but I hope will spare and pity a poor sinful people." Questions not that Admiral Goodson acquainted them of his business performed at St. Martha, which though honorably performed produced little profit to the State, the contract being that the seamen and soldiers should have half what they took; but what was taken sold but for 400l., to balance which the State had 30 pieces of ordnance, and some powder, shot, hides, salt, and Indian corn. Must say he thinks "this kind of marooning cruizing West India trade of "plundering and burning of towns, though it hath been long practised in these parts, yet is not honorable for a princely navy, neither was it, I think, the work designed, though perhaps it may be tolerated at present." Are building a fort at the harbour's mouth, and 9 or 10 guns are mounted. Begs them to further his return home, his constitution agreeing not well with this climate, fears he shall not long trouble it, but he goes ashore not oftener than business calls him. "I beg your prayers, we all need them, our condition calls aloud to you, the Lord make you prevail for us." 5 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. 32, No. 35.]
Nov. 14.
237. Major Robt. Sedgwicke to [Navy Commrs.?]. Arrived Oct. 1, and in our passage God was pleased to smile upon us, though at the last mixt with some humbling providences by the loss of about 30 seamen and soldiers by the Flux, amongst which were Captains Maddison and Fenn, whom we left sick at Barbadoes, and, as we hear, are since dead. Our ships and provisions proved generally good. We dispatched our merchantmen, though by reason of our stay at Barbadoes and St. Christopher's, and the want of housing to receive goods until we built them, exposed us to some few days of demurrage. The goods generally came out good and according to invoice save some biscuit bags and 100 cwt. of wire. Questions not but Admiral Goodson gives a full account of his proceedings since Gen. Penn's departure, as also of the present state of the Fleet, and his acting at St. Martha. We have been agitating about the Fleets going out again, but divers occurrences have hindered; hopes, however, we may come to a resolve within two days. The state of our Army is sad, as God has visited us with a sore hand of sickness, tearing and snatching us away in much displeasure. Major-General Fortescue, Commander-in-Chief, died about 14 days since; believes since he came to this place not less than 700 men are laid in the grave; the greatest part of the Army now sick, and many of our new Regiment that landed in much health, about 50 of them dead. Unless God in mercy stay his hand it will be very sad with us. Concerning this Island, it seems to present itself in a capacity to produce any commodity that other Islands do. Here hath been and are store of cattle of all sorts, but our soldiers have destroyed many of them, the rest being grown thereby more wild, and so more difficult to take, which before by the Spaniards were most of them kept under command. The Harbour very convenient for much shipping and may be commodious for any design in the Indies, if there be future intentions this way. We have sent home a bill of exchange to the Treasurer of the Navy for 155l., for one moiety of a prize sold. As for the account of the delivery of all kind of provisions and stores, hopes he may give a satisfactory account, but as yet what came in the State's ships is still on board. Finds all manner of accounts here for stores belonging to the State in a strange posture, by reason of men deserting and others dead, so scarcely knows how to begin that work although entering upon it, but hopes there will yet be some care had for this poor distressed Army for provisions, or else fears they may suffer, for the soldiery cannot be brought to plant, or at least very little. What God will do with us he best knoweth. I am willing to hope he will yet pity us. Our case and condition calls for your commisseration and prayers. 2¼ pp. Also copy. [Col. Papers, Vol. 32, Nos. 36, 37.]
Nov. 17.
238. Order of the Commissioners of the Admiralty. For making out three bills, amounting to 779l. 12s. 9d., for provisions for the use of the English in Jamaica; one signed by General Penn and Comr. Gregory Butler and two signed by W. Crispin, Robt. Wadeson, and Thos. Broughton, and placing them to the account of the several persons who drew said bills. Signed by John Disbrowe, John Clerke, and Thos. Kelsey. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. 32, No. 38.]
(1655.) 239. "Proposals of certain ships for the West Indies, and other necessaries for Fleet and Army, humbly represented by (ViceAdmiral) William Goodson." There should be 14 frigates and 3 ketches, well sheathed and carefully coppered. Stores for boatswains, carpenters, and gunners to be extraordinarily good, and double or more than the ordinary allowance. Provisions to be very good and "saved" as for the East Indies; also flour, peas, and biscuit, or they suddenly decay in this country. All liquor casks to be of more than ordinary substance. Surgeons to have fresh supplies every 6 or 8 months, and double allowances of necessaries for sick men. The ships to be manned as in the Channel, and public declaration to be made what number of servants every officer shall carry, and that all servants shall be 16 years of age, that the Service suffer not by numbers of useless boys. Two frigates and a ketch to lie before St. Domingo, 5 and a ketch before Carthagena, 5 before Havana, and 2 and a ketch in the North Keys of Cuba. Those three to windward to impede the trade and give intelligence of the arrival of any Fleet; those off Carthagena to intercept trade with Spain, Angola, Caracas, &c., and be ready to the assistance of Jamaica; those on the north side of Cuba to intercept the trade of Santiago. Carvello, Principe, &c., and also that between the Canaries, Spain and New Spain, and Havana. If the Spanish Fleets attempt nothing upon Jamaica, all the squadrons may meet at the Dry Tortugas to intercept them "in their conjunction homeward" at the Havana. There should be kept always a magazine of cordage, sails, tar, &c.; also a "Master of Attendance" appointed, by whose order stores may be delivered, with a boatswain, storekeeper, carpenters, boatbuilders, which would not only supply their own shipping, but invite all private men-of-war to Jamaica; also sealed measures sent to the Steward General, and a plumber sent to make cisterns for oil and tar. On account of the Army,—That the Fort already made of timber and shingle, be built of stone, and others made at Ports Morant and Anthony, for all which 5,000l., is the least that can be sent. Provisions should be "suddenly" sent for 6 months, and after that the soldiers may "live of themselves;" also a supply of shirts, shoes, and drawers, of which those first sent were in want at his departure. New powder should be sent, and the old brought back to be new made. Both Army and ships in want of iron, steel, and coals, Some Surgeons and their "means" should be sent, also hooks. lines, and twine for tortoise nets, and some "extraordinary" axes, hatchets, and bills, and some honest knowing man employed in the buying of them; also some Scotch servants, who would be every way as serviceable for defence as soldiers, and some Godly ministers with monies for their maintenance and that of Surgeons and Penmen. That there be some expedient found whereby the Governor of Barbadoes may cordially affect this design. 6 pp. Endorsed, "1655, &c." [Col. Papers, Vol. 32, No. 39.]
(1655 ?)
240. List of men, well and sick, women, and children in the General's regiment, the Major-General's, Col. Carter's, Col. Buller's, Col. Doyle's, Col. Holdippe's, and Col. "Humphere's," amounting to 2, 194 well, 2,316 sick, and 172 women and children. ½ p. [Col. Papers, Vol. 32, No. 40.]