America and West Indies: Addenda 1582

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 9, 1675-1676 and Addenda 1574-1674. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1893.

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'America and West Indies: Addenda 1582', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 9, 1675-1676 and Addenda 1574-1674, ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1893), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: Addenda 1582', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 9, 1675-1676 and Addenda 1574-1674. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1893), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: Addenda 1582". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 9, 1675-1676 and Addenda 1574-1674. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1893), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

Addenda 1582

April 19.
13. "Secret advertisements "from P. H. to Sir Fras. Walsingham. There is a muttering among the Papists that Sir Humphrey Gylberte goeth to seek "a newe founde lande," Sir George Peckham and Sir Thos. Gerrard go with him. Has heard it said among the Papists that they hope it will prove the best journey for England that was made these 40 years. Extract. [Dom. Eliz., Vol. 153, No. 14.]
June 6. 14. Articles of Agreement between Sir Humphrey Gylberte of Compton. co. Devon, and Sir Thos. Gerrard of Bynne, co. Lancaster, and Sir George Peckham of Denham, co. Bucks. Recites Gylberte's patent of 11 June, 20 Eliz. [see ante No. 3]. Now said Sir Humphrey, for better encouragement of said Sir Thomas and Sir George and their associates, and in consideration that they have adventured divers sums of money as principal adventurers with said Sir Humphrey towards his now intended voyage for discovery and inhabiting of certain parts of America so meant by him or his assigns to be discovered as also for divers other good considerations, said Sir Humphrey, doth covenant with said Sir Thos. Gerrard and Sir Geo. Peckham, their heirs and assigns that they shall at all times hereafter enjoy full power by virtue of said patent to discover all lands and isles upon that part of America between the Cape of Florida and Cape Bryton (? Breton) and the seas adjoining, and to occupy and enjoy the same to their own use for ever, two islands of any four by them taken or named being no part of the now supposed continent at their choice out of the lands and seas so discovered within three months after their arrival or that of their assigns or at any time as said Sir Humphrey or assigns shall make his or their choice of two of said four islands. And also such quantity of said land within the supposed continent lying as near unto said two islands as conveniently may be as shall amount to fifteen hundred thousand acres with power to people and manure the same, together with all privileges, commodities, and emoluments whatsoever, holding same of said Sir Humphrey, his heirs and assigns, by fealty in free soccage, yielding and paying to said Sir Humphrey ten pounds sterling, and two-fifth parts of gold, silver, pearls, and precious stones, out of which the Queen's part reserved by said patent is to be answered for all duties, service, and demands whatsoever: also paying for every thousand acres after the first seven years fifteen pence and two-fifth parts of gold, silver, pearl, and precious stones there found, the Queen's part included With free liberty of trade to said Sir Thomas and Sir George and execution of all laws, both marine and otherwise. And said Sir Humphrey covenants by these presents to do his best endeavour to procure her Majesty's leave that all who shall adventure with said Sir Thos. and Sir George to be entered in a register book kept for that purpose, may freely pass into those countries to remain or return at their pleasure, and likewise said Sir Humphrey shall make such further assurance within three months after the first return of said Sir Humphrey or his associates from his said voyage of discovery in such sort as by the said Sir Thos. and Sir George, or their learned counsel shall be reasonably and lawfully required. [Close Roll, 24 Eliz., Part 6.]
June 6. 15. Articles of Agreement between Sir Humphrey Gylberte of Compton, co. Devon, and Sir George Peekham of Denham, co. Bucks. Whereas her Majesty, by Letters Patents bearing date 11 June 1578, hath granted to Sir Humphrey, his heirs and assigns, for ever, free liberty to discover lands not possessed by any Christian Prince or People, and to occupy and enjoy the same with all commodities, jurisdictions, &c. Said Sir Humphrey for the more speedy executing of her Majesty's said grant, the enlargement of her Dominions, and the better encouragement of said Sir George and his associates, and in consideration that said Sir George hath disbursed divers sums of money and adventured the same as principal adventurer with said Sir Humphrey towards his now intended voyage for discovery and inhabiting of certain parts of America so meant by him or his assigns to be discovered, as also for other considerations, doth covenant, with said Sir George, his heirs and assigns, that the same Sir George, his heirs, assigns, associates, adventurers, and people shall at all times hereafter, enjoy free liberty to discover and also to enjoy such lands at their choice adjoining so near as conveniently may be to the islands and lands mentioned to be conveyed by said Sir Humphrey unto said Sir George, and to Sir Thomas Gerrard, by Articles of Agreement of the date of these presents, as shall amount to five hundred thousand acres, with power to inhabit, manure, and people the same, together with all jurisdictions, privileges, &c., for the governing, inhabiting, &c., of same, paying to said Sir Humphrey, his heirs and assigns, yearly for every 1,000 acres, after the first seven years, which the same shall be actually possessed, fifteen pence and two-fifths of gold, silver, and precious stones, said Sir George to have free trade in said lands, isles, and countries, and the execution of all laws, said Sir Humphrey to use his best endeavour to obtain Her Majesty's leave to all adventurers, whose names shall be entered in a register book, to travel or remain in said countries; and to discharge and save harmless said Sir George, his heirs, &c., from the payment of the ore and other duties, services, and demands to Her Majesty, Her Heirs, &c., by said Letters Patents payable; and to make further assurances of the premises, within three months next after the next return of said Sir Humphrey, or his assigns, consorts, adventurers, or associates from said voyage of discovery. [Close Roll, 24 Elizabeth, Part 6, No. 1126]
July 8. 16. A "Writing indented" by which Sir Humphrey Gylberte, "calling to mind the mortality of mankind, and the uncertain event of long voyages in marine and martial affairs, and carefully foreseeing least bro his death, captivity, or other mishap this intended enterprise might 'quaell' thro' the misfortunes aforesaid, and the minority of his next heir, for the avoiding of such inconveniences as might thereby ensue to the hindrance of so godly and honorable an enterprise," assigns and appoints to his brother Sir John Gilbert, of Greneway, co. Devon, Sir George Peckham of Denham, co. Bucks, and William Aucher of Borne, co. Kent, all his estate, right, and authority granted by her Majesty's Letters Patent herein recited, bearing date at Westminster, 11 July (? June) 1578, to the uses set down in a schedule annexed. The authority to be to them jointly or any two of them after said Sir Humphrey's death, or other impediments in his lifetime, whereby he shall not be able to confirm all the grants for land to his adventurers as he has covenanted. Also power to dispose of all offices during life, countries, lands, &c., within said countries now to be discovered, to govern the same, and dispose of the revenues thereof to the best behoof of his wife and children, as hereafter is specified, reserving all customs, chief rents, royalties, jurisdictions, and services to his heirs male, and to Dame Anne his wife, during minority of his eldest son, or heir, the third part of the whole revenues before specified, and after his full age the fifth part thereof during life, and also one entire seignory or lordship, fifty English miles square, at her choice, which parcel to be for ever the jointure of the wife of the Chief Lord and Governor of those countries under the Crown of England, with authority to appoint two such other seignories to the behoof of such other wives of the said Governors living together as may happen to survive their husbands. And to every one of his sons the like seignories at the least, and to every of his daughters twenty square miles in like manner in fee simple, and his wife and every of his children to have execution of justice within every of their seigniories, paying unto the Chief Lord of hose countries under the Crown of England, yearly after the first seven years that they shall manure any part thereof, for every thousand acres fourpence with one-fifth of the gold, silver, pearl, and precious stones, in free soceage, only serving him in his wars forty days in the year, at their own charge, with one soldier sufficiently furnished for every five thousand acres inhabited, whereof as many to be horsed as may conveniently. And to dispose of all the soil in fee farm reserving the best places for the building of towns and forts with sufficient for their commons of pasture, and for the provision of the captains or governors, to be annexed rent free for ever to every such charge; and also for some small portion, not execeding ten acres, to be allowed for every house built for the better maintenance of the poor inhabitants, reserving some small rents for the same. Also every one that shall be sent over by the general charge of the realm with such provisions as is hereafter mentioned, shall have in lease for three lives, sixty acres of land, besides common for so much cattle in summer as they can keep in winter, with allowance for housebote, hedgebote, and ploughbote as the country may serve, and shall pay for the same per annum being manured, after the first three years, two shillings, with two-fifths of gold, &c., and the tenth of all metals and subminerals by the name of a toll, and after every death or alienation a best beast for a Herriott, and one year's rent for a relief. The provision that every of the poor must bring as aforesaid: a quarter of wheat, 20s.: four bushels of barley, 6s. 8d.: four bushels of oats, 3s. 4d.: two bushels of beans, 5s.: two bushels of peas, 4s.; one hatchet, 12d.; one pickaxe, 12d.; one hand-saw, 12d.; one spade, 12d.: total, 43s.: besides allowance for transportation and apparel, to be received on their arrival by an officer appointed for the purpose, and re-delivered when they shall be appointed their dwellings, within forty days after their arrival for boys and wenches sent over, their portions to be appointed at the discretion of said officers and re-delivered with their lands and dwelling places, when married or become able to take charge of household. Provided always that the realm of England be repaid said charge for these poor, every third year the whole country standing charged for the same, which can be no loss to England. And all that come furnished at their own charge, with a sword, dagger, and "hargabusse of enerease," shall have on the like terms six score acres. All that shall come over upon the general provision of the realm of England or not at the charge of other adventurers to be tenants to Sir Humphrey, his heirs, &c. Those coming over at their own charge or at the charge of any adventurer who before their arrival enrol themselves in the Master's or Purser's books of the ship upon which they embarked, that they mind to be adventurers, tenants, or servants to any one man by them to be named, to have free liberty to do so, for which neither Sir Humphrey, his heirs nor successors, shall be charged to give any land. Every gentleman "or such person as shall be so there allowed," that shall bring five men at his own charge, and furnished as aforesaid, to have in fee simple, two thousand acres of land, and he that shall send the like number in like sort, one thousand acres, each man so brought to have six score acres in fee simple, paying for a fine ten shilings for every hundred acres so allotted, and yearly after the first three years, twenty shillings rent for every thousand acres. No man to be capable of those benefits unless an adventurer in the two next voyages, without special allowance of Sir Humphrey or his assigns; every one of their men to have allowed in fee simple six score acres, paying for a fine twenty shillings, and yearly after the first three years two shillings and sixpence, together with two-fifths of gold, &c., and the tenth of metals and sub-minerals, and after every death of the chief lord of that soil or alienation of the land, a best beast and one year's rent. Similar proviso for every man that shall bring thither ten men, the proportions of land being doubled, "and so more or less according to the number that he shall then bring." And every wife that brings five men or upwards in the next two voyages, to be allowed also during their lives a third part, and every one of their children a fourth part of as much as their husbands and fathers had heretofore set down, paying rateably as their husbands and fathers should have done Every tenant to sixty acres of land to maintain a longbow and a sheaf of arrows together with a sword, dagger, and a wooden target. Every man of six score acres to do the like, with increase of a caliver furnished; and of 240 acres, to keep in his house an able man besides himself, furnished for a "hargabyzier," to serve in the wars. Every gentleman maintaining five men, and having 2,000 acres, to keep a hight horse furnished for the wars "after such time as God shall send sufficient horses in those parts, and in the meantime to keep two men for shot, in lieu of every such horse." Every man allowed 4,000 acres to keep according to the like rates, and to build a house for himself in the chief city of the Province, in such place agreed upon by Sir Humphrey's assigns, payable for the same seat per annum, fourpence. One half-penny sterling to be levied yearly on every aere of land and wood after the first ten years that any of the same shall be manured, which money shall be only employed towards the maintenance of a navy and soldiers for the general defence of those countries, and employed with the consent of the Chief Governor, and the more part of thirteen Councillors to be chosen by the people. Every minister to give yearly the twentieth part of their whole livings, and every landlord being a temporal man. the fortieth part of his land towards the maintenance of maimed soldiers, and of learning, lectures, schools, and other good and godly uses, in such sort as is thought most meet by the chief magistrates, and law makers. Every country parish to contain just three English miles square, and the church to be in the midst thereof: every minister to have besides his tythes, three hundred acres of good land, as near to the church as conveniently may be, with allowance of common of pasture in the waste, and other privileges. No minister to have at one time above one benefice, nor any at all except he be resident thereon at least six months in the year. Every bishop to have ten thousand acres in one seigniory, two thousand of which to be tythe free. Every archbishop twenty thousand acres in two seigniories. Said assigns of Sir Humphrey not to dispose of any of the premises, any longer than during the minority of his heirs. Four membranes or skins. [Close Roll, 24 Eliz., Part 7, m. 8.)
Aug. ? 17. Articles of petition by Sir Thomas Gerrarde and Sir George Peckham to Secretary Sir Francis Walsingham. That whereas Sir Humphrey Gylberte hath granted and assigned his Patent to discover and possess, &c., certain heathen lands, &c., to petitioners. They pray that all persons whose names shall be set down in a book may have license to travel into those countries at the next voyage for conquest, there to remain or return back to England at their will. That recusants of ability may have liberty to travel there, upon discharge of the penalties due to her Majesty; also those not able to discharge the same, provided they pay when able to do so. That none under colour of this license go to any other foreign Christian realm, or do anything tending to the breach of any league between the Queen and any other Prince. That the tenth person which petitioners shall carry with them, shall not have any certainty whereupon to live or maintain themselves in England. 1 p. [Dom. Eliz., Vol. 146, No. 40.]
Nov. 2. 18. Articles bipartite indented, between Sir Humphrey Gylberte and the Merchant Adventurers with him. Said Adventurers and their posterity, and their apprentices serving seven years, to be wholly free of all manner of trade, in all countries to be discovered by Sir Humphrey by virtue of her Majesty's Letters Patents to him granted of 11 June 1578, and to sue and be sued by the name of the Merchant Adventurers with Sir Humphrey Gylberte, until they shall be incorporated by some other name, upon payment to Sir Humphrey, his heirs and assigns, of half customs by said Merchant Adventurers, and of the whole customs by said apprentices. A perpetual staple, receipt, and repository for all manner of merchandizes in said territories laden, to be kept only in the town of Southampton; and nowhere else shall said merchandizes be discharged or landed, without special license of the Governor and Society aforesaid. Sir Humphrey, before his present departure out of England, to nominate and appoint a Governor, Treasurer, Agent, and Secretary and their successors; but if Sir Humphrey be absent, then Sir Francis Walsingham to prick a successor out of three persons to be nominated by said Society, within twenty days of said nomination. Eight assistants to be appointed upon first day of August next ensuing, by and out of said society, to establish convenient orders and statutes. General Courts to be held on the first two days of August and March in every year for ever, with power to assemble themselves together as often as they shall think meet for the direction of newly emergent causes. Power to admit new Adventurers upon certain fines, with reservation of part of said fines to Sir Humphrey, his heirs and assigns. Every Adventurer of five pounds, whose name shall be set down in a Schedule of Adventurers, to have one thousand acres of ground, over and above the return of his adventure. Every Adventurer in person, and not in goods, in this first voyage, to be free of all trade in said territories, paying to Sir Humphrey, his heirs and assigns, half customs for their goods; and every officer and gentleman, in respect of the adventure of his person, to be admitted an Adventurer of a double adventure, and every private person of a single adventure. Every person that shall in this first voyage adventure in stock and in person, to have a double proportion of land in said territories Every gentleman may have four adventures, and every private man two adventures. Further privileges to those who will tarry with Sir Humphrey, in this first voyage, in said territories eight months after his first arrival there; paying to Sir Humphrey, his heirs and assigns, after the first seven years, as quit-rent, ten shillings for every thousand acres yearly for ever. All Adventurers in this first voyage with Sir Humphrey, their heirs and successors for ever, to be free, in person and goods, of all tortures, martial laws, arrests, and attachments whatsoever. Sir Humphrey, his wife, and all their kindred in blood, to be for ever free in said territories, and to enjoy all privileges, without any fines whatsoever, in as large manner as any of said Society. Provided always that none of the now Merchants of the Muscovy Company, or of the now inhabitants of Southampton, or the children or issue of either of them, who neither adventured with Sir Humphrey in his first pretence of discovery, or now in this last voyage, shall hereafter be capable of the freedom or privileges aforesaid by any means whatsoever. In consideration whereof Sir Humphrey, his heirs and assigns, covenants with said Society to confiscate and seize all goods, &c., found in said territories belonging to any person not free of said Society, to be diyided in equal proportions between Sir Humphrey and said Society. All those certified by Sir Humphrey to have been Adventurers in the last pretence of discovery with him, and also all those which continued with him in the voyage until the breaking up thereof at Kinsale in Ireland, to be as free to all intents and purposes as the now Adventurers. Sir Humphrey, towards the comfort and relief of the poor travellers and decayed persons of said Society, and other good uses to be bestowed and employed in said town of Southampton, gives and grants to said Society ten thousand acres of land for ever in said territories in soccage tenure, also one pound of every his hundred pounds out of his fifth part of fines aforesaid during fifty years, which said Society will also give to said uses in money out of every hundred pounds to be hereafter gotten out of the yearly profits of the whole Company for ever. Sir Humphrey to ratify, as soon after his first arrival in said countries as may be, to said Adventurers, their heirs and posterity, all lands, freedoms, &c., requisite and incident thereunto. Any difference arising between Sir Humphrey, his heirs and assigns, and said Society, about any ambiguous construction of any articles in these presents to be finally determined by the Lord Chancellor of England. 16 pp. [Dom. Eliz., Vol. 155, No. 86.]
Dec. 12.? 19. Additions to the preceding Articles between Sir Humphrey Gylberte and the Merchant Adventurers [of Southampton] Every person intending to go into the remote countries aforesaid shall first enter into bond of said Society, to go such course as near as may be, as shall be set down by said Society, and not to attempt anything contrary to the true meaning of her Majesty's Commission granted to Sir Humphrey; and, upon arrival in those countries, to do everything to the use of said Sir Humphrey, his heirs and successors, in such manner as the now Adventurers with Sir Humphrey, do or ought to do according to said Articles. Power to said Society to admit to this action for discovery any persons, upon the conditions aforesaid, or such conditions as by said Society, with the consent of Sir Francis Walsingham, shall be thought meet, so that they depart from England before the end of April next, and their names be enrolled in the records of Southampton, to enjoy the like privileges as the now Adventurers in person with Sir Humphrey, but if said persons do anything tending to the destruction of Sir Humphrey, or commit piracy or hostility, whereby said Letters Patents may be made void, these present additions in such case to become void. Power to said Society to arm and set out ships to discover remote, heathen, miscreant and barbarous lands not possessed by any Christian Prince, and to people same under the authority of her Majesty. Grant to Sir Humphrey such lands to be occupied and governed under Sir Humphrey, according to the Articles aforementioned, and with the privileges therein set forth.
The high and honourable personages here underwritten, and their heirs for ever, by the free gift and full consent of Sir Humphrey Gylberte and the Society aforesaid, after their several adventures herein entered, rateably as in these Articles expressed, shall have free trade in the countries within written, now intended to be discovered, in as ample manner as the said now Merchant Adventurers:—
Sir Thos. Bromley, Lord Chancellor of England: Wm. Lord Burghley, High Treasurer of England: Earl of Sussex, High Chamberlain of England; Earl of Warwick, Robert Earl of Leicester; Sir Christr. Hatton, Vice-Chamberlain to her Majesty; Sir Francis Knowles, Sir James Acroft, Sir Walter Mildmay, Sir Henry Sydney, and also divers others, Knights, Esquires, and Gentlemen, viz.:—Philip Sydney, Sir George Peake. Sir Henry Knevett, Thomas Knevett, Wm. Archer and his son Wm. Archer, John Dee, Anthony Packhurst, James Parkinson, Richard Bingham, John Mawle, Andrew Mallery, Laurence Thompson. Edward Cordell, William Parry.
The Names and Surnames of such persons with their several sums of money and commodities, adventured with the said Sir Humphrey Gylberte in this present voyage of discovery, here ensueth, viz.:—
Sir Francis Walsingham 50
Wm. Barwick, Mayor of Southampton 10
Edward Cotton, of Southampton 50
Nicholas Caplin. Merchant of do. 20
Robert Knaplock, of the Town of Hampton 20
Wm. Knaplock, of Clement's Inn, gent. 30
Rich. Goddard, of Southampton, Merchant 40
John Knight, of do., Ironmonger 10
Robt. Moore, of do., Merchant 20
John Errington, of do., do. 10
John Smith, of the Town of Hampton, gent. 20
Thomas Holmes, of Southampton 50
Francis Mills, of do., gent. 10
Edward Staflord, of do., do. 10
John Eyles, of do., Mercer 5
Barnard Courtnill, of do., Merchant 10
John Hopton, of do., Draper 5
Andrew Studley, of do., Mercer 15
Rich. Waterton, of do., gent. 10
Edmund Capelin, of do., Merchant 5
Thomas Demaresk, of do., do. 5
Robert Russell, of do., Beerbrewer 5
Henry Moore, of the Town of Hampton, gent. 5
Wm. Grove, of Southampton, Mercer 5
Thos. Courtnill, of do., Baker 5
Thos. Haward, of do., Draper 5
John Sedgwick, of do., Merchant 20
Paul Elliott, of do., Merceer 5
Lawrence Grosse, of do., Mercer 5
Thos. Griston, of do., Shipmaster 5
John Grein, of do., Yeoman 5
Hugh Dervall, junr., of do., Mercer 5
Christopher Kenn, Esqr. 10
Wm. Eling, of Southampton 5
Sampson. Thomas, of do., Beerbrewer 5
Sir William Winter [blank in original].
William Winter, gent. [blank in original].
Helen Edmondes, of Southampton, Widow 5
Harry Edmondes, of do., Yeoman 5
Thomas Clark, senr., of Burton, co. Dorset 5
Nicholas Roche, of Southampton, Merchant 5
Roberte Mawle, of Chalock in Kent 20
John Elsey, of Southampton, Merchant 5
John Deslile, of do., do. 5
John Smith, of do., Tailor 5
Robt. Studley, of do., Baker 5
These hereunder written are free also of said trade by gift aforesaid, according to proportion of a single adventure, but not to enjoy the division of any gains until they put in their stocks:—
Henry Hopkins, of Southampton, Clerk.
John Calvert, of do., do.
Emery Lakes, of do., Merchant.
Thomas Dickenson, of do., Yeoman.
John Riges, of do., do.
Robt. Kenninges, of do., do.
Rich. Jackson, of do., do.
Rich. Mudford, of do., do.
George Dalton, of do., do.
Augustin Reynolds, of do.
John Pavor, of do., Clerk. Merchant.
Dionis Brett, of Sale, co. Norfolk.
These also whose names are here written, which adventured with Sir Humphrey Gylberte in his first voyage, in money or commodities, not inhabiting within the Town of Southampton, shall in like sort be free of trade:—
Lord North, Mr. Edmondes of the Privy Chamber, Sir Mathew Arrundell, Sir Edward Horsey, Sir William Morgan, Sir John Gilbert, Sir George Peckham, Chas. Arrundell, Mr. Mackwilliam, Walter Rawley, Carew Rawley, Mr. Cotton, Mr. Edward, Henry Nowell, Mr. Wigmore, John Dudley, Thos. Dudley, Will. Moham, Edward Bartley. Thos. Smith Customer of London, Edmund Eltoft, George Carrowe of Okington, Mr. Rudgwaye, Lawrence Radford, Adrian Gilbert, George Carrowe, Charles Champernowne, Robert Wraye, Thos. Hamond, Mr. Whelst, Edward Snelling, Mr. Haies, gent. of Leerpole [? Liverpool], John Upton, William Hawkins, James Hilston, Barnard Smith, John Periam, William Weymouth, William Martin, Lawrence Barckham, John Radford, Simon Bowiar, George Mayer, John Amerrideth, John Robertes, Mr. Warckhope.
Also those persons hereunder written, who adventured with Sir Humphrey in his first voyage, and continued with him until the breaking up thereof at Kinsale in Ireland. [There are not any names underwritten.]
Also all other Adventurers with Sir Humphrey, of Totness and Dartmouth, and all others adventuring with him under the name of Sir John Gilbert, the elder brother of Sir Humphrey, Barnard Drake, or Anthony Bridham, to be free of the traffic aforesaid.
The names of all such as now in this present discovery adventure in person with Sir Humphrey Gylberte. [There are no names, but a blank space left.]
The names of the four principal officers of said Society, that is the Governor, Treasurer, Agent, and Secretary, elected and chosen by Sir Humphrey before his now departure out of England. Space left blank. 11 pp. [Dom. Eliz., Vol. 156, No. 13.]
Dec. 12. 20. Instructions left by Sir Humphrey Gylberte unchangeably to be observed. 1. The yellow wax is to be broken up at the Land's End of England, and not before, for that it is for their course only. 2. The red wax is not to be broken up before they come upon the coast of America, or within a hundred leagues thereof. 3. The parties to whom the same are delivered are to give their faiths not to do anything contrary to this direction. "There are 12 of the same bales for direction, delivered upon the delivery of Articles of our Agreement, and one little roll with a label wrapped up in red wax, and sealed as the other this 12th of Dec. 1582." Sir Humphrey would have these writings, the Letters Patent, the Grant to the Town, and the Sea Card, and all other things touching this matter, put into an iron chest with three locks and not to forget to speak with Iron Simcottes, merchant of London, at his return from Barbary, for this grant Sir Humphrey had conference with him about before departure. The keys to be kept, one by the Mayor of Southampton, one by Rich. Goddard, and the third by Robert Moore, until the officers be known. 1 p. [Dom. Eliz., Vol. 156, No. 13.]