America and West Indies: Addenda 1624

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 9, 1675-1676 and Addenda 1574-1674. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1893.

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'America and West Indies: Addenda 1624', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 9, 1675-1676 and Addenda 1574-1674, ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1893), British History Online [accessed 18 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: Addenda 1624', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 9, 1675-1676 and Addenda 1574-1674. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1893), British History Online, accessed March 18, 2025,

"America and West Indies: Addenda 1624". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 9, 1675-1676 and Addenda 1574-1674. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1893), British History Online. Web. 18 March 2025.

Addenda 1624

March 10.
125. Court Minutes of the East India Company The Court was moved for payment of 20l. pretended to be given by the Company of the Coaster towards building a school in Virginia, but considering they had no warrant and only a letter from Randall Jesson, the master of that ship, with catalogue of the names and proportions of each man's gift, therefore the Court conceived they could not safely pay it. [Court Book, Vol. 6, p. 452.]
June 17/27
126. P. Courteen to John Harrison. About the sale of Virginia tobacco, which is at as low a stand as ever was, and like to come lower, for passengers and mariners will sell at any rate to get money. Desires him to procure patent upon some of the company's name, John Powel to have leave to sail and bring victuals into the plantation of Virginia, which would be to the company's profit, and not to the distaste or hindrance of any. Begs it may be sent with all speed, and the cost he will see paid. With Mem., answered 26 June, that the Virginia company was moved but could not prevail, in regard they are afraid he should go to the West Indies, &c. [Corresp., Holland.]
June 19.
127. John Chamberlain to Sir Dudley Carleton. The Lady Wiat, daughter (as I take it) to Sir Sauned Sandes, is returned from Virginia great with child, and Mas Porie in her company. [Extract, Domestic, Jas. 1st, Vol. 168, No. 8.] John Pory was sent to Virginia with three Orders in Couned concerning the govern ment of Virginia, in the capacity of the King's Commissioner, in Oct. 1623, and returned in June 1624. In an Order in Council of 18 July 1624 he is called Thomas Pory. [Col. Ent. Bk., Vol. 79, p. 277.] Sir Francis Wyatt had the King's license, on 15 Sept. 1624, to return to England on the decease of his father, but he did not leave Virginia until May 1626.
June 25.
129. Sir Francis Nethersole to Sir Dudley Carleton. The Virginia Company is like to be dissolved, and the King to take the business into his own hands; and the East India is so discouraged with the last outrage [at Amboyna] committed upon their factors, that they speak of giving over that trade also, which causeth the Hollanders to be very ill spoken of, even by their friends. [Extract, Dom. Jas. 1st, Vol. 168, No. 40.]
July 4/14.
130. Sir Peter Courteen to John Harris. About the sale of Virginia tobacco. Thanks him for his pains taken in the Virginia business. Tobacco of Virginia will yield now no price, the markets are overlaid, and till winter (it) is not consumed. With Mem., 10 July 1624, stilo antiquo, "I writt to Sir Peter to remit the money to me here in safety." [Correspond., Holland.]
July 15.
131. Letters Patent to Henry Viscount Mandeville Lord President of the Council, Wm. Lord Paget, Anthony Lord Chichester, Sir Thos. Edmondes, Sir John Suckling, Sir Geo. Calvert, Sir Edward Conway, Sir Richard Weston, Sir Julius Cæsar, Sir Humphrey May, Sir Saville Hickes, Sir Thomas Smith, Sir Henry Mildmay, Sir Thomas Coventry, Sir Robt. Heath, Sir Ferdinando Gorges, Sir Robt. Killigrew, Sir Chas. Montague, Sir Philip Carie, Sir Francis Goston, Sir Thos. Wroth, Sir John Wolstenholme, Sir Nath. Rich, Sir Samuel Argoll, Sir Hump. Handford, Matthew Sutcliff, Dean of Exeter, Francis White, Dean of Carlisle, Thos. Fanshaw, Aldermen Robt. Johnson, Jas. Campbell, and Raphe Freeman, Morris Abbott, Nath. Butler, Geo. Wilmore, Wm. Hackwell, John Mildmay, Philip Germayne, Edward Johnson, Thos. Gibbes, Sam. Wrote, John Porey, Michael Hawes, Edward Palavacino, Robt. Bateman, Martin Bond, Thos. Styles, Nich. Leate, Robt. Bell, Abrab. Cartwright, Rich. Edwardes, John Dyke, Anthony Abdy, Wm. Palmer, Edward Ditchfield, George Mole, and Richard Morer. Whereas at the suit of divers of his Majesty's subjects intending to deduce a Colony and make plantation in Virginia, and other territories in America, the King did, by his Letters Patent in the fourth year of his reign [10 April 1606], grant to divers knights, gentlemen, and others, that they should divide themselves into two Colonies, called the first and second Colonies; in which Letters Patent his Majesty declared that he, his heirs and successors, would from time to time ordain such further laws for the rule of the same. And did, by several privy seal letters, give such orders for directing said first Colony, and afterwards, upon petition of divers adventurers and planters of the same, did by his Letters Patents in the 17th year [7th year, i.e., 23 May 1609] of his reign incorporate divers noblemen, knights, gentlemen, and others, by the name of the Treasurer and Company of Adventurers and Planters of the City of London, for the first Colony in Virginia, granting them divers powers and liberties; and afterwards, by Letters Patent in the 9th year of his Majesty's reign [12 March 1612], did further grant to said Treasurer and Company divers other Islands within the limits in the said Letters Patent expressed, with other powers. And whereas his Majesty, having still a careful eye to the furthering of said plantations, and finding the courses taken for the settling thereof had not taken that good effect which his Majesty intended, did, by Commission lately granted to certain persons of quality and trust, cause the state of said country of Virginia to be examined, and how the great sums of money collected for the good thereof had been expended. And whereas his Majesty's Commissioners, after much labour, certified that the people sent to said country were most of them, by God's visitation, sickness, famine, and massacres by the native savages, dead, and those living, in miserable and lamentable necessity and want; but the country appeared to be fruitful and healthful, and that, if industry were used, it would produce many staple and good commodities, tho' as yet the sixteen years' government now past had yielded few or none. And this neglect, they conceived, must fall on the Governors and Company here, and that said plantations were of great importance and would, as they hoped, remain a lasting monument of his Majesty's happy government if the same were prosecuted to those ends for which they were first undertaken; and his Majesty's instructions for the direction of affairs there by thirteen Councillors in Virginia and as many here, all nominated by his Majesty, had been pursued and not altered into so popular a course; and much better effects had been produced and much contention and confusion avoided. His Majesty, in consideration of the premises, did, by advice of his Privy Council, resolve, by altering the Charters of said Company, to settle such a course as might best secure the safety of his people there, and cause said plantation to flourish, and yet with preservation of the interest of every planter or adventurer, so far forth as they shall not prejudice the public plantations. But because said Treasurer and Company did not submit their Charters to be reformed, his Majesty's proceedings therein were stayed, until upon a Quo Warranto the said Charters are avoided, his Majesty being resolved to proceed in the course he ever intended by a new Charter. But because the points thereof may be many, and require deliberation, and yet the least delay may prove perilous to said plantation, his Majesty, reposing assured confidence in the circumspection of those above named, appoints them his Commissioners, with power to any six, whereof the Lord President, Lord Chichester, Sir Thomas Edmondes, Sir John Suckling, Sir George Calvert, Sir Edward Conway, Sir Richard Weston, or Sir Julius Cæsar, to be one, to take into consideration the state of said Colony and Plantation, as well for the safety of the people, strength of the place, and government there, as for the managing of the business here in England, to settle the same by such orders, as they shall find most fit, and gives them power to execute authorities, privileges, &c., mentioned in said Letters Patent, and to take into their hands goods and money in the hands of any persons for the public use of said Colony, or of said pretended Governor and Company; also to give orders for sending of supplies to said Colony, out of proceeds of said goods and money, and to confer with the adventurers or planters for the advancement of said Plantation, and appoint Committees for the preparation of affairs; also to set down such matters as they think most necessary for settling the Government of said Colony, and concerning the planters, adventurers, and inhabitants thereof, and of the trade, and all other things whatsoever, requisite for the maintenance, increase, and continuance of said Colony, necessary to be inserted in the new Charter, declaring that in case of any question which requires aid from his Majesty, he and his Privy Council will give such directions as shall be most necessary. Also that if any be hereafter willing to raise any joint stock to be sent to said Colony, every such adventurer to have a free voice in the ordering and disposing of the same. Power also given to take into their custody the seals of the Treasurer, Company, and Council of Virginia, and to keep and peruse all Charters, Patents. Grants, and Instructions, heretofore given to said Treasurer and Company and others, concerning said Colony and all books, orders, letters, and other writings in whose hands soever the same be; requiring all persons to deliver up same to said Commissioners for their better information "in this work of so deep and great information; willing and requiring you to be diligent and attendant at the execution of the same." This Commission to continue in force until his Majesty, by writing under his Signet or Privy Seal, signify his pleasure to the contrary. [Patent Roll, 22 Jac. I., Part I., No. 4.]
July 30. 132. Court Minutes of the East India Company. The Court was moved to be mindful at the coming home of ships to get something out of men's wages by way of a voluntary charity toward the erecting a school in Virginia. But they desired that the money so gathered may be deposited with the Company until that Plantation be so settled as there may be use of a school there. In the meantime it was thought fit that as they gather of those that will give when they return, so a course may be taken that those that die abroad in the Company's service may be also moved to the like contribution. [Court Book, Vol. VII., p. 48.]
Aug. 3. 133. Court Minutes of the East India Company. The motion put forward at a former Court (see preceding abstract) for collecting from seafaring men in the Company's service voluntary contributions towards a school to be erected in Virginia was reconsidered, and it was thought that if such a collection were made towards a hospital to be erected for the aged and impotent in the Company's service it would be both a benefit and a grace to the Company, and if anything can be collected from men that die abroad, the same to be reserved for Virginia. [Court Book, Vol. VII., p. 50.]
Aug. 26. 134. The King's Commission to Sir Francis Wyatt and others, to be Governor and Council of Virginia. The substance of his Majesty's Letters Patent of the 4th (10 April 1606), 7th (23 May 1609), and 9th (12 March 1612) years are recited; the examination of the State of Virginia by Commissioners, who certified that most of the people, by sickness, tamine, and massacres by the savages, were dead, though the country appeared fruitful and heaithial, so that the neglect the Commissioners conceived must fall on the Governors and Company here. His Majesty's resolve to alter the Charters of the Company as to the point of government, and that because the Treasurer and Company did not submit their Charters to be reformed, said Charters were upon a Quo Warranto avoided; and also the appointment, by Commission dated July 15, 1624, of Henry Viscount Mandeville, Lord President of the Council, and others, for managing the affairs of said Colony in England. And said Commissioners having advised to appoint persons residing in Virginia for the ordering of affairs there, his Majesty, by these presents, nominates Sir Francis Wyatt Governor, and Francis West, Sir George Yeardley, George Sandys, Roger Smyth, Raph Hamor, John Martin, John Harvey, Samuel Matthewes, Abraham Percey, Isaac Madison, and William Clayborne, Council for said Colony, with authority to govern and punish, according to instructions heretofore given, or that shall hereafter be given by his Majesty or his Commissioners. 3¼ membs. [Patent Roll, 22 Jac. I., Pt. 17, No. 2.]
Oct. 22. 135. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Sir John Wolstenholme acquainted the Court that, by an Order of the Council of Virginia, he was authorized to demand payment of the moneys gathered out of the benevolence of this Company's servants returned out of the Indies towards the erecting of a school in Virginia. The Court ordered that, upon a good and sufficient discharge in law being given, the money shall be forthwith paid. [Court Book, Vol. VII., 170.]
Dec. 13. 136. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Mr. Copland, a minister returned out of the Indies, doth labour to draw a contribution from thence for the erecting a school in Virginia, which contribution the Company thinks will be more proper to be for the relief of their own, or for building a hospital for such as are hurt or maimed in their service. Notwithstanding if any have a mind to contribute to such a school they will not hinder it. Ordered that it be inserted in the Commissions to the Commanders by sea, and written to the President in the Indies what the Company intends concerning such a contribution, and to what end. [Court Book, VII., p. 259.]
Dec. 26.
137. Captain Christopher Levett to Sir John Coke. Asks employment in anything he is capable of to bring glory to God, His name, and some good to this Church and Commonwealth. Friends advised him to go to New England. Beseeches he will help him forward with that or some other employment. Could conduct a ship from any place in the world that is yet discovered into England. Protests it is even a death to him to live idle. [Coke MSS., Hist. MSS. Commis., XIIth Report, App. I., p. 178.]