1192. Petition of Edwin Stede and Stephen Gascoigne, agents
to the Royal African Company, to Sir Jonathan Atkins, Governor
of the Caribbee Islands. That the Speedwell has lately arrived
from a trading voyage within the limits of the African Company's
charter without their consent and contrary to the King's proclamation, whereby she is become forfeit to his Majesty and said
Company. That said vessel rides in places unaccustomed, out of
the command of any fort, without having entered and given
security as the law requires, by which illegal practices the King is
cheated of his customs, and the laws of Barbadoes are violated.
That said vessel has for three weeks been daily taking in goods in
contempt of the Governor's commands, and will not permit any
of the King's officers to come on board, but threaten to be the
death of any of them, and refused to let Hugh Archer and the
Deputy Surveyor of his Majesty's Customs come on board, and
discharged several muskets at them in their boat to the hazard of
their life and the great discouragement of his Majesty's officers.
Pray his Excellency to give such order therein as shall seem best
for taking said ketch, that the offenders may be brought to due
punishment. 1¼ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXXVIII., No. 95.] |
1193. Petition of merchants of London, Bristol, Plymouth, &c.,
importing tobacco and sugars from Virginia and other Plantations,
to the King. Set forth the inequalities of the duties paid in
England and in Ireland upon tobaccos imported from Virginia, and
pray for relief. Endorsed by Williamson, 1676. 2 pp. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XXXVIII., No. 96.] |
1194. "A Form of an Indictment for Rebellion by levying
War." The jurors of the King present that A.B. of C., in the
county of D., and other false traitors against the King, not having
God before their eyes or considering their due allegiance but being
seduced by the instigation of the devil, endeavouring the King's
government of Virginia to disturb and change by force of arms,
arrived on day of [1676], at the town of,
in county of, their wicked designs to accomplish rebelliously with a great multitude of traitors and rebels to the
number of 500 men did rise and assemble together and a horrid
war against the King did then and there in hostile manner
rebelliously levy and perpetrate against their due allegiance to the
great danger of the subverting the royal estate and government of
the King within the Colony of Virginia, and against the peace of
the King, his Crown, and dignity, as also against the form of the
statute in like cases made and provided. Two copies. Latin and
English. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXXI., pp. 1–5.] |
1195. "Propositions for the speedy settling of Jamaica" [received from Sir Thomas Modyford, in Secretary Williamson's
handwriting]. That his Majesty by Proclamation declares this
Island to belong to the Crown of England, and will protect his
good subjects there in their just liberties, and not impose tax or
any other charge upon them without the consent of the major part
of the Assembly. To admit any person of what nation soever
to settle and plant, the Governor and Council to have power to
naturalize them for this Island only. To continue liberty of
conscience and free exercise of religion according to their several
persuasions. To encourage the Scotch as being very good servants,
and prevent them going to Poland and elsewhere. To have license
gratis, or at more moderate rates to trade for negroes in Africa,
giving security to carry them to no other market. From 24 years'
experience in the Indies, affirms that Barbadoes had never risen to
the perfection we have seen it had it not been lawful for Dutch,
our own nation, and any others to bring and sell these blacks and
other servants in their infancy. That they may have a coin
allowed either by a mint, or the like in England, with a particular
mark on it and power to export it; if neither be permitted to have
license to import English coin for their bullion exported. That the
laws of the Assembly long since sent home for the King's assent be
returned confirmed by his Majesty, or at least so many as he approves.
3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXXVIII., No 97.] |
Antigus. |
1196. An Act for the due paying, collecting, and receiving of
gunpowder due from shipping. Title only. [Col. Entry Bk.,
Vol. CII.] |
1197. Memorandum. Mr. Secretary Coventry to desire the Lords
Committee for Trade and Plantations to move the King in Council
that some ships of war be sent to cruise off the Channel for the
security of a considerable fleet of Virginia ships homeward bound,
which otherwise will be in great danger of falling into the hands of
the Algerines. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXXVIII., No. 98.] |