America and West Indies: Addenda 1611

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 9, 1675-1676 and Addenda 1574-1674. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1893.

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'America and West Indies: Addenda 1611', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 9, 1675-1676 and Addenda 1574-1674, ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1893), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: Addenda 1611', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 9, 1675-1676 and Addenda 1574-1674. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1893), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: Addenda 1611". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 9, 1675-1676 and Addenda 1574-1674. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1893), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

Addenda 1611

Feb. 6.
The Hague.
51. Sir Ralph Winwood to Lord Treasurer Salisbury. Has received his Lordship's letters in favor of Sir Thomas Gates; and because the like motion some few days before was made for Sir Thomas Dale, which the Prince was pleased to recommend to the States Ambassadors when they were in England, whereunto the States General gave this answer, that during his absence for three years his company should be upholden for him, but in the meantime the "treatment" for his person as Captain should cease, fearing Sir Thomas Gates should find no greater favor, he first acquainted Count Maurice with the charge he had received from his Majesty, and then Mons. Barnevelt, before his audience with the States General, whom he addressed in these words [Speech in French]. Your Lordships have heard, for it is noised everywhere abroad, howsome English Lords and other honorable gentlemen of quality, at their expense, have undertaken to plant a colony of our nation in Virginia. Among others who have laboured for the success of this design, there is not one who has not done more to advance it than one of your Captains named Sir Thomas Gates, who the past year was there, where the providence of God led him, after having run the risk of shipwreck, being cast in a tempest upon the Bermudas, where he dwelt with all his followers more than forty weeks. His Majesty of Great Britain desiring the happy issue of this undertaking because of the good which he foresees will arise out of it, as well for the Christian religion as for the increase of commerce, is of opinion that nobody is more fit to be employed there than said Sir Thomas Gates, as well for his sufficiency as for the knowledge (practique) he has of these quarters of the world. This is why his Majesty has commanded me to beg your Lordships in his name and on his behalf, that with your kind permission he may be able to make once more a tour in those countries and remain for some time there to govern the Colony, until your service recalls him home; and still that his Company may be entertained until his return, under the charge of his lieutenant and other officers. It is no great thing; and besides these little favours draw closer together the bonds of friends and allies. It must not be feared that this demand will be drawn into a precedent, for there is only he and Captain Dale destined for employment in this service. I beseech your prompt resolution; the business does not require long deliberation. Sir Thomas Gates is under orders and the four ships destined this time for the voyage to Virginia are ready to set sail and only await a (favurable) wind and his coming. To this speech the States General made answer through their President that they were content, that, at his Majesty's instance, Sir Thomas Gates might be employed in Virginia, during which time his company should be entertained, but his treatment as Captain to cease. Winwood answered that was the mulct ordinarily imposed on them who were absent without leave, but the President replied the resolution was taken by the States and could not be altered. Requested them to advise better of it, and send an answer in writing; encloses copy, having delivered the original to Sir Thomas Gates. The States think they do him an extraordinary favor to bind themselves during his absence to the upholding of his Company. Encloses,
51. i. Answer of the States General to the proposition made for Sir Thos. Gates. The States General of the United Provinces of the Low Countries having deliberately advised upon the recommendation made in their assembly by Sir Ralph Winwood, Ambassador from the King of Great Britain, in favour of Thomas Gates, Captain of an English Company in their service, to be permitted to absent himself from his Company for the time that his Majesty will wish to employ him on the voyage he is about to make with four ships to Virginia, or for such time as their Lordships may wish to limit him to, allowing him nevertheless to enjoy his ordinary treatment of Captain, &c., declare that they desire nothing more than to please and serve his Majesty in all things, when the consequence does not prejudice the interests of their State, and in this sense they are content to grant Captain Thos. Gates leave of absence so long as the affairs of these countries will permit, that during such time his Company be entertained and his post of Captain reserved for him till he returns, if he likes. Nevertheless, it must be well understood that during his absence he cannot enjoy his pay (traictement), and even in this respect the Province will have particular difficulty in paying his Company. The States General request the Lord Ambassador to make this excuse agreeable to his Majesty. French. Together, 5 pp. [Correspondence, Holland.]
April 10.
52. Sir Francis Cottington, Ambassador in Spain, to Lord Treasurer Salisbury. The ships built at the Havana, and said to be ordained for a journey into Virginia, are now in Lisbon. Is daily told by many that from thence shall the Virginian voyage proceed and with at least forty sail of ships, to which he gives so little credit (knowing the poor ability of this State) as he is almost ashamed to advertize it unto his Lordship, yet can assure him out of his own knowledge that with those plantations they are here so much troubled as they know not how to behave themselves in the business. [Extract, Correspondence, Spain.]
April 23.
53. Sir Francis Cottington to Lord Treasurer Salisbury. The rumour of sending from hence certain armed galleons into Virginia doth daily increase, but he is still so far from believing it as he would not willingly that his Lordship should so much as dream of it. [Extract, Correspondence, Spain.]
Nov. 2/12.
54. Hugh Lee to Thomas Wilson, Secretary to Lord Treasurer Salisbury. The success of Francis Lymbrye, the English pilot that went out of Portugal to the discovery of Virginia, is happened unto him as I ever hoped it would, for the carvel that carried him is returned without him; but whether he were stayed there against his will, or that out of his love to his country he stayed himself, I refer me to the truth which you shall receive from thence; but very glad I am that he returned not to make report of what was committed to him in charge. I hope the advertisement given of his going will be esteemed for a loyal service. It hath pleased my Lord Ambassador to acquaint me with this news, unto whose larger relation I refer you. [Extract, Correspondence, Portugal.]
Nov. 4.
55. Sir "Jhon Digbye" to Lord Treasurer Salisbury. "I advertized your Lordship of one James Limry an English Pilot serving the King of Spain, who was sent to the West Indies, and was said to be returned some few days before the Armáda went out, but I since understand that he remaineth in Virginia, having been sent thither from the Havana upon discovery, where arriving he went on shore with the Captain of the ship and one man more, saying that distress of weather had brought him thither, whereupon a Pilot was sent aboard to bring in their ship; but because this Limry came not aboard, according to his promise, the Master of the ship, growing jealous, set sail and went back to the Havana, carrying with him the Pilot which was sent aboard him at Virginia. This news cometh by a Frenchman and an Irishman, who say they spoke with this English Pilot at the Havana where he was prisoner, and they say that he is now brought secretly to Seville in this last fleet, where I will use all diligence for the freeing of him and sending him speedily home." [Extract, Correspondence, Spain.]
Nov. 15.
From the Pardo.
56. The King of Spain to his Ambassador in England, Don Alonso de Velaseo. "Don Alonso de Velasco of my Council, and my Ambassador in England. A carvel having gone by order of the Governor of the Havana in search of a ship which sailed from the port of Carthagena of the Indies with certain artillery which was there taken from a galcon which touched on the coast of Buenos Ayres, and having passed by the coast of Florida in that expedition, and three men of the said carvel, named Diego de Molina, Marco Antonio Perez, and Master Antonio, landing in good faith, certain Englishmen took them, who say that by order of the King of Great Britain they have set foot in the part of that coast which they call Virginia, of which I have determined to advertize you, and to command you (as I do) to express to the said King the just resentment which I feel at the seizure of these men, and that therefore (I expect) he will give order by the briefest way which may present itself, to the effect that without doing them any damage they do give them liberty to return and accomplish the commission which the Governor of the Havana gave them, and you shall inform me immediately of the offices which you shall have done in this matter, and what shall be its result. From the Pardo, on the 15th of Novr. 1611, I the King. Antonio de Archstepin(?)." Original in Spanish. Literal Translation. [Correspondence, Spain.]
Dec. 13.
57. Sir John Digbye to Lord Treasurer Salisbury. "The advertisement I gave your Lordship concerning the Englishman that was brought from Virginia to the Havana is true, and I have spoken with another Englishman that saw him and spake with him there, and the man is himself kept prisoner in one of the galleons at Lisbon. I humbly beseech your Lordship that I may receive directions in what manner I shall behave myself herein, for that I believe this accident of demanding his liberty will set the main question on foot." [Extract, Correspondence, Spain.]