Nov. 1. Whitehall. |
701. Minutes of the Committee of Trade and Plantations.
Ordered that all the papers (about Virginia) be sent to Mr. Sec.
Williamson to peruse before the report be made (see ante, No. 697).
Report of Sir Leoline Jenkins of the 8th October in the case of
Capt. Cooke, touching his injuries at the Havana, read, and some
new queries referred to him. Several other cases of oppression by
the Spaniards presented, but not looked into, till this should come
to some determination. Copy of Sir Leoline's report sent to the
Lord Privy Seal on 29th November the above matter was again
debated and a report drawn up to be presented to the King in
Council. [Col. Entry Bk., No. CIV. 42, 43.] |
Nov. 1. Council Chamber. |
702. The Secretary of the Committee of Council for Trade and
Plantations to Sir Leoline Jenkins. The Lords of the Committee
having this day read his report of the 8th Oct. on the case of Capt.
Cooke (see ante, No. 693), their Lordships desire him to present
some certain way how his Majesty's subjects may, without such
danger of miscarrying as he foresees, solicit their reparation, and
that the method may be such as may also serve the Spaniards in
their demands upon us, and their Lordships would also be glad
to hear the ways and instances of relief which the English have
afforded the Spaniards on any occasion, and what proof ought to
be deemed authentic in the liquidation of an account on appeal;
whether the proofs made in the Admiralty ought not to suffice, or
whether in this case they ought to be made viva voce at the
Havana. Their Lordships desire his company when he has considered hereof, and hope he may be ready by Thursday afternoon.
Draft with corrections. 1½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. 35, No. 38.] |
Nov. 2. St. Jago de la Vega. |
703. Minutes of the Council of Jamaica. Colonels Whitfeild,
Ivey, Collier, and Byndlosse desired by the Governor to go to Port
Royal and confer with the Lieutenant-General as to the most
proper means for repairing Fort Charles and securing the harbour,
and to make return thereof at the Board's next meeting. Accounts
of the Treasury from March to September last presented by Saml.
Bernard, examined and ordered to be filed with the Clerk of the
Council, and the account current of the contingent charges to be
recorded; total, 927l. 13s. 11d. 3 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XXXV.,
438–441.] |
Nov. 2. |
704. Copy of the preceding order concerning the repairing of
Fort Charles, and securing the town and harbour of Port Royal.
1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. 35, No. 39.] |
Nov. 3. Whitehall. |
705. Order of the King orders (see
Nos. 688, 699). Upon reading petition of Col. Warner representing
his reasons against his being tried at Dominica (where the fact
for which he is prisoner was supposed to be committed), and also
several particulars whereby he doubts not to vindicate his reputation and disprove that accusation laid upon him, and praying
to be heard thereon, ordered, that petitioner be heard on the
12 instant as to the jurisdiction of Dominica, whether the same
was not part of his Majesty's dominions at the time of issuing his
Majesty's Commission to Sir Jonathan Atkins, and whether he
ought not to be tried in that place; but as to the justification
of his innocence the Board leaves him to make out same at his trial.
1 p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XCVI., 18, 19.] |
Nov. 3. Montserrat. |
706. Gov. Stapleton to his brother. At Martinico a squadron
of French men-of-war, whose Commander, Marquis de Grancey, is
very uncivil to our merchantmen, denying them wood and water,
and not admitting any but French colours to be carried in the
French roads. Other abuses are given. Will get some depositions
about this affair. The bearer is one Capt. Murphy, who traded to
Windward, and designs hither next year. Hopes this may find
him strengthened. Is bound for Antigua in two days, and to
Barbuda so to Nevis. Endorsed, "Recd 28 Jan." ½ p. [Col. Papers,
Vol. 35, No. 40.] |
Nov. 4/14. Barbadoes. |
707. Gov. Sir Jonathan Atkins to Sec. Sir Joseph Williamson.
Little has occurred of moment since his last, only the fleet that
passed proved to be 5 French frigates who convoy a fleet of merchants annually to Martinico and other Leeward isles, and relieve
the frigates they always keep there. The ships from New England
still bring advice of burning, killing, and destroying daily done
by the Indians, and the infection extends as far as Maryland
and Virginia, where they have likewise done some mischief. At
Virginia they have suffered much from want of provisions this
year, so that the Plantations in America are in no very good condition, and are made much worse by the severity of the Act of
Trade. This day came in a fly-boat, bound for New England to
fetch masts for the King, which was forced off that coast by foul
weather; in her came a son of Lord Bedford, much weather beaten,
and a little discouraged for any more such voyages, but very well
in health. Believes ere this Sir Joseph is advised from Lord
Vaughan of the return to his message to the Spanish Governor.
From the Havana the King's frigate Foresight, Capt. Davies,
called on his return to borrow powder for Jamaica, all their stores
being lost going thither, and he furnished 40 barrels though the
King has no stores here. It seems his Lordship employed one
Brayne, of Jamaica, formerly a surgeon here, to carry his letters,
who took on him the name of Ambassador, whereat the Spanish
Governor fell a laughing, but admitted him and some gentlemen
of the King's ship, but the frigate was not permitted to come
within the harbour. His answer was that what he had done was
by command from his superiors, and that they must have recourse
for remedy to Madrid. He received a letter from Lord Vaughan
that the Commissioners and ships that went for Surinam safely
arrived there with 1,400 persons, who are there disposed of
according to the King's order. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. 35,
No. 41.] |
Nov. 8. |
708. Francis Moryson and Thomas Ludwell to the Lords of the
Committee for Plantations. It is desired by us, the Agents for
Virginia, that the word tax in their Lordships' report may be
altered to imposition, since the first lies properly upon the estates
of the persons taxed and the latter upon goods directed in the
way of trade; and further, since tobacco is the only part of our
estates taxable in Virginia as being with us equivalent to money
in England, land, cattle, or other personal estate being of no value
or current to pay debts or answer any public payments. Further
to be pleased to express their just meaning that it shall not be
taxed or imposed there till it be as a commodity shipped to some
of his Majesty's ports, where they are most willing it should pay
such impositions as Parliament shall think fit to lay upon it. 1 p.
[Col. Papers, Vol. 35, No. 42.] |
Nov. 10. Boston. |
709. Commission from Gov. Leverett appointing Richard
Newman Ensign of a Foot Company at Marblehead, in Essex, New
England, under Samuel Ward, Lieutenant. Endorsed, "Form of a
Commission to be an Ensign of Foot." 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. 35,
No. 43.] |
Nov. 20. Whitehall. |
710. Warrant to the Attorney-General. To prepare a bill for
the King's signature to pass the Great Seal, containing a grant to
George Harris, of the office of Secretary of Jamaica and Commissary or Steward of the provisions for his Majesty's fleet and
forces there during life, with all fees and perquisites enjoyed by
Richard Povey, or any other who held the same. 1 p. [Col.
Entry Bk., Vol. 110, p. 79.] |
Nov. 20/30. Barbadoes. |
711. Sir Jonathan Atkins to the Committee for Trade and
Plantations. Theirs of the 11th August came not to hand till the
18th instant. Begs some little time to confer with the Council as
to their instructions, transferred to him by Sir Robert Southwell.
Not knowing his Majesty's pleasure that he should address to their
Lordships, has communicated all affairs of these plantations with
the Secretaries of State, and principally with Mr. Sec. Coventry,
from whom they will receive them. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. 35,
No. 44; also Col. Entry Bk., No. VI., 28, 29.] |
Nov. 23–25. |
712. Minutes of the Assembly of Barbadoes. Adjourned till the
morning, only eight members being present. |
Nov. 24. |
Col. Chr. Codrington re-elected Speaker, the Assembly having
sat three times by adjournment. An Act for continuing the Excise
on Liquors passed. Ordered, on petition of George Hannay,
Deputy Provost Marshal, that the Treasurer pay him out of the
Excise on Liquors 5,416 lbs. of sugar, being 33l. 17s., at 12s. 6d.
per cent., for his charges upon divers rebellious negroes, some of
whom were executed, An Act for an Imposition on Liquors imported, with some additions by his Excellency and Council, passed;
also an Act for the rebuilding of St. James's Church. |
Nov. 25. |
Ordered, that the Treasurer give credit to John Powys, merchant,
on his account of Excise for the duty of 14 pipes of wines, or so
much as shall appear to be decayed and unsaleable. An Act for
allowance of a second free entry for the dead productions of this
island lost or taken, and relating to the 4½ per cent., passed.
Resolved, on consideration that many inconveniences may happen
to the inhabitants through the want of affixing the seal to the
laws, and the Governor signing the same, to move his Excellency
and Council to order the originals of all General Acts to be sealed
as expressed in his Excellency's patent, and that his Excellency
sign the several copies of all Acts for publication in the parishes,
and order the Secretary to direct them only to the representatives
in each parish, that due care may be taken for safe keeping the
same. An Act giving license to Richard Forde, Surveyor, to have
the sole benefit of selling his plots of this island, passed. Ordered,
that the Treasurer pay out of the Excise to John Higinbotham,
Clerk of the Assembly, 10,000 lbs. of sugar for salary; to Joseph
Withers, their Marshal, 1,500 lbs. of sugar; to Paul Gwynn, 3l. 10s.
for accommodation of their Clerk and Marshal at several sittings;
and to Paul Gwynn's negro woman Marrea, 20s., for her diligent
attending the Assembly. Ordered, that the freeing of Fortuna,
a negro woman belonging to Mr. Gyles Hall, sent in recompense
of her eminent service in discovering the intended rebellion of the
negroes, be recommended to the succeeding Assembly. The
Records of the Assembly ordered to be left in the hands of the
Speaker, to be delivered to the Speaker of the next Assembly,
the Assembly's year being near expired. 5½ pp. [Col. Entry Bk.,
No. XIII., 196–202.] |
Nov. 24. Whitehall. |
713. Order of the King in Council. On reading the ensuing
proclamation of this date, prohibiting the importation of commodities of Europe into any of his Majesty's plantations in Africa,
Asia, or America, which were not laden in England, and for putting
all other laws relating to the trade of the plantations in effectual
execution, ordered, that the same be forthwith printed and published. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XCVI., 23–26.] |
Nov. 24. Whitehall. |
714. Order of the King and Council. On petition of the inhabitants of Barbadoes, with a paper annexed containing several
grievances, referring same to the Lords Committee for Trade and
Plantations, to examine and report to his Majesty in Council.
Annexed, |
714. i. Petition of the Council and Assembly of Barbadoes to
the King. Beseech his Majesty to take notice of their
just grievances inserted in the paper annexed, and to
apply such remedy as to his princely wisdom shall seem
meet. |
714. ii. Grievances of the inhabitants of Barbadoes. First. In
accordance with the Act of the 4½ per cent., Francis Lord
Willoughby ordered that butts of sugar should be entered
at 1,250 lbs, and hhds. at 625 lbs., according to which
the duty has been collected ever since; yet his Majesty's
Farmers of that duty, on pretence that some casks were
of late made much bigger than heretofore, have obtained
his Majesty's letter for the weighing of all casks of sugar,
with a much less allowance of tare than in England, to
the grievous vexation and damage of his Majesty's subjects
there. Doubt not to make it out that the Farmers' pretentions of defalcations are very frivolous, and have passed
an Act ordaining a gage for casks, with penalty of
confiscation, if sugars he put into larger ones, which
expedient they beg his Majesty will approve. Secondly.
Whereas the produce of the island depends on a continual
supply of negro slaves, the Royal African Company
supply them very scantly, and their price is become
excessive, viz., 20l. and 22l. for able negroes instead of
16l., the usual price before the erection of the Company.
Formerly they were plentifully furnished with English
and Scotch servants, but now they can get few English,
having no lands to give at the end of their time, intercourse with Scotland is almost wholly cut off by the Act
of Navigation, for men will not bring servants when they
may bring no other commodities, and Irish servants they
find of small value; so that their whole dependent is on
negroes, and unless his Majesty favour them, a considerable
part of this once flourishing island will soon lie deserted.
Thirdly. The great inconvenience of the Act of Navigation and Trade, which by constraining them to bring
all they produce to one market, so beats down the price
of sugars and advances freight, that in a short time it
must bring ruin on his Majesty's plantations, and is very
prejudicial to his Majesty's Customs; for half the sugars
brought into England are shipped off again, and half the
Custom paid back; whereas the whole Custom being paid
back in Barbadoes on sugars sent to foreign parts, his
Majesty will have no defalcations nor any risk of the
seas. They will trade with none but English ships,
sailed by his Majesty's subjects, which will perfectly
answer the end of that Act, and will be encouraged to
build ships of their own; nor can it be any hindrance to
his Majesty's subjects in England, since they must still
fetch thence their provisions as formerly. Signed by
10 of the Council, and Chr. Codrington, Speaker of the
Assembly. Together, 7 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. 35, Nos. 45,
45 i., ii.] |
Nov. 24 Whitehall. |
715. Copies of preceding Order in Council and annexed petition
and grievances, with original signatures of ten of the Council of
Barbadoes and the Speaker of the Assembly. [Col. Papers, Vol. 35,
Nos. 46, 47; also Col. Entry Bks., VI., 29–36, and XCVI., 19.] |
Nov. 25. |
716. Minutes of the Council of Barbadoes. Ordered, that all
Acts be signed by the Governor before publication, and that the
rest of the Memorial given in by the Assembly be under consideration. ½ p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XI. 289.] |
717. An abstract of the records of all grants of lands that have
been made in the Province of South Carolina, from the first establishment of this Colony, specifying the names of the grantees, the time
when each grant was made, the quantity of acres, and the quitrents, if any, reserved thereon and expressing the situation and
location of each grant to 31st October 1765. [The first date is
1674, and the following grants are abstracted for that year and
1675.] |
Persons names to whom granted. |
Number of Acres. |
In what County, Parish, or Township, or on what River or Creek situated. |
Date of the Grant. |
Lady Marg. Yeamans |
1,070 |
On Yeaman's Creek |
9 February 1674. |
Authony, Earl of Shaftes bury |
12,000 |
On Ashley River |
18 March 1675. |
Joseph Pendarvis |
137 |
1 January 1675. |
Matthew English and John Morgan |
140 |
On Wandoe River. |
John Smyth |
1,800 |
On Ashley River |
25 November 1675. |
John Hooper and Wm. Cason |
240 |
20 November 1675. |
[Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XXIII., p. 1.] |
Nov. 29. Whitehall. |
718. Warrant to the Attorney-General. To prepare a Bill for the
King's signature to pass the Great Seal containing a grant to Thomas
Ludwell, of the office of Secretary of Virginia with the same fees
and perquisites as were enjoyed by [Richard] Kemp or any other
who held the same. 1 p. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. 110, p. 80.] |
Nov. 29. Council Chamber. |
719. Report of the Committee of Council for Trade and
Plantations to the King. Have several days met about the case of
Capt. Cooke, and perused not only the papers he brought with him
from Spain, but the opinion of Sir Leoline Jenkins thereon (see
ante, No. 693], and do not find any other regular way for his
reparation, but by his going to the Havana to demand the benefit
of the Queen's decree in his favour. But that the prosecution
may have due effect, propose that his Majesty move the Queen of
Spain to command her own Proctor to prosecute, and the rather
because the case is criminal. The report of Sir Leoline also presents
an expedient for the accommodation of such complaints in the
future. Endorsed, "Read at the Council, 1 Dec. 1675." 1 p.
[Col. Papers, Vol. 35, No. 48.] |