Sept. 1. |
Adjourned, at his Excellency's desire, to Tuesday next come 3
weeks, most of the Assembly being gone home by reason of the
lamentable hurricane last night and this morning. 2½ pp. [Col.
Entry Bk., No. XIII., 190–193.] |
Sept. 2. |
660. Sir Chas. Wheler to (Sir Robert Southwell, Secretary to
the Committee of Council for Plantations). Did not receive his of
the 11th till the 17th current [Aug]. Left the papers that were
done between M. de Bass and himself with Sir Robert or Mr.
Prescott, for fear the originals sent to the Earl of Arlington might
be mislaid, so must trust to his own memory. Continues in his
judgment that the wording of those propositions that were sent to
him will much perplex Lord Berkeley, and though he should at
last prevail and the French King send positive orders to De Baas
and St. Laurence to do what is proposed to his own certain knowledge they cannot do it, (1) because the French Planters have not
ability to make satisfaction, and (2) would not obey if they had.
As to the first, computes the English pretence for negroes to be
near 40,000l. (from which ought to be deducted about 5,000l. for
diet of prisoners), and for other spoils and damages to be near
20,000l., and all the French Islands are not worth those sums. As
to the second, the Frenchman produces his contract and makes
oath that he really paid so much, the Englishman swears he
received but half, the process is brought to the National Court,
which never decided any point, the judges of one nation pronouncing a contrary sentence to the other. The appeal from this
Court is to Stapleton and De Baas who agree like fire and water,
or to the two Governors, Mathews and St. Laurence, who are
yet more irreconcileable; how is it possible then that this estimate
can be made? The like again as to meliorations, of which though
there is not a word in the Treaty of Breda, yet Lord Arlington in
his letter signed by M. Colbert, has given some ground to the
French to insist upon. The French say he has " meliorated" the
plantation; the English say he has "pejorated" it; the National
Court deputes an Englishman and Frenchman to survey, who
report diversely, and the judges adhere to the report of the
surveyor of their nation, and so in other instances. But yet a
greater difficulty seems to be in the matter of the negroes, many
were distributed amongst the officers and soldiers for pay and
booty, and by them sold in the market, and the planter who legally
bought them will die before he will part with them until reimbursed. This is so tender a point that for those few negroes that
ran to Sir Charles at St. Christopher's for protection and chose
again their English masters, the French planters did so mutiny
that M. de Baas was very unsafe in his government, and gave
Sir Charles notice that it might not be in his power to prevent
the fury of the populace from running upon Sir Charles and
violently taking away their negroes, so that Sir Charles was
forced to the great hazard of his life to lie in the field with
cannon about him to defend the negroes. But should the French
King's orders be so strict that they must be obeyed, it can never be
proved that the tenth part of those negroes were ever in possession
of any Frenchman now in being, for many were conveyed to the
Continent, sold to the Spaniards, transported to other islands, or
have died since the Treaty of Breda. In this great difficulty,
although pressed, M. de Baas utterly refused to make proclamation
in the other islands, fixing a day for the English negroes to be
brought to make their choice before English Commissioners, or to
point out any other way, saying that there was no such method
directed in the Articles of Breda, and that the English must find
out where the negroes were; which refusal did not trouble Sir
Charles much, knowing that he would not have got 50 negroes,
and he wrote to Lord Arlington his Majesty should lay hold of
this great damage, and at least strike off the money for diet of
prisoners, and so keep alive his pretension for 35,000l. damage,
believes he will find copy of that paper amongst others. Must
trouble him with one particular more. The first violence of the
French was their taking possession of the houses and plantations
of those English who went off the island but did not sell their
estates, for by the capitulations they were at liberty in person or
estate to stay, go, or return at pleasure, so that when the French
obtruded the oath to the French King upon them contrary to the
capitulations the loyal English would not take it nor sell (for not
above 20 or 30 sold), but went off to Nevis or adjacent islands, till
they should know his Majesty's pleasure. What had the French to
do to take possession of their houses? much less had they any
right to carry their materials and those of six fair churches and
all the timber growing in the English mountains into the French
dominions, or to plantations bought of the English, and use them
in buildings, and afterwards pretend to be paid for meliorations.
Has been the longer that his wording of the propositions may be
the more clearly understood, viz.: 1. That such as did not sell
their estates on St. Christopher's may without delay be restored to
possession thereof in as good condition as when they left them,
going off for a time only to avoid the injustice of an oath tendered
contrary to the capitulations of peace, the French King proposing
a way for satisfaction for spoils without putting upon them the
impossibility of proving every particular carried away in their
absence. 2. That a further time be agreed on for repayment of
the price received by the English on sale of their estates, and a means
directed for ascertaining the same in such cases as Mr. Loverain's
and others, where the French pretend to more than the English
actually received; and that in such cases as Mr. Freeman's and
others, who were paid in shipping or merchandize, and were robbed
at sea by the French, they may be put in possession of their
estates as though they had never sold them, the French King proposing a way for satisfaction, without their seeking out the captains
of ships that violated their passports and robbed them. 3. When
any Englishman, who sold his estate, shall (within a time limited)
tender the price actually received, he shall immediately be put
into full possession, and the French receive satisfaction for melioration by the grace of his Majesty, when satisfied that the estate
has been improved. 4. That whereas restitution to his Majesty
was delayed for four years after the publication of the peace by
frivolous and unjust objections, the French King propose a way
to give satisfaction to the English for their losses and damages for
that delay, especially to those who are utterly undone by spending
all their substance in expectation of the restitution; and also make
satisfaction for negroes that have died or have been conveyed
away since publication of the peace. 5. That a further time may
be agreed on, and a fair way proposed by the French King, for
bringing the English negroes of St. Christopher's, Antigua, and
Montserrat to make their choice according to the Articles of Breda.
6. That his Majesty's subjects may have reparation for their losses
suffered through the French Governor's putting the edict of 31st
May/10th June 1670 in execution, contrary to the French Ambassador's memorial, and against the treaties. 7. And that the
French King's positive orders be sent to M. de Baas and the
Chevalier St. Laurence without any further delay. requiring them
to execute the above demands. "Recd., 2 Sept. 1675. Read in part,
16 Sept. 1675. Read again in part, 17 Sept. 1675. 9 pp. [Col.
Papers, Vol. 35, No. 14; also Col. Entry Bk., No. 46, pp. 14–23.] |
Sept. 3. St. Jago de la Vega. |
661. Minutes of the Council of Jamaica. On information of
the arrival of divers of his Majesty's subjects from Surinam in the
ship Henry and Sarah, and that they desired forthwith to be sent
down to the parish of St. Elizabeth where the Surinamers that
came with Maj.-Gen. Banister were already settled, ordered,
that said ship have orders to put them all ashore at Banister Bay,
staying there 14 days, that they may all have time carefully to
remove out of the ship, and carefully dispose of themselves and
their goods; and that they be supplied with provisions and other
necessaries at moderate rates, and that the following proclamation
be made upon Port Royal: Whereas his Majesty has caused to be
transported to this island divers of his subjects from Surinam, and
hath given particular instructions to his Excellency that all possible
assistance be given them in order to their better settlement in this
island, ordered, that said persons be treated well, and received in
all places with all manner of friendship and kindness, that provisions and all other necessaries be sold them at moderate and
easy rates, and that none presume to commit any extortion or
exactions on them. Proclamation proposed for bidding all persons
to go aboard any vessel before the Marshal of the Admiralty or
his Deputy had been there, but the Council thought such a
proclamation ought to be issued by his Excellency as Admiral. On
reading advices from Barbadoes concerning a late rebellion attempted
by the negroes there, and on consideration of the dangers that
might accrue to this island by the ill-government of negroes,
ordered, that no negres concerned in the late rebellion or convicted
of any other crime in Barbadoes be permitted to be bought or
sold, and that the Collector at Port Royal examine all masters of
ships from Barbadoes on their oaths, and take bond of them in 50l.
that they will not put ashore any such criminal or convicted
negroes, or if any such have been brought hither to send them off
the island by the first opportunity; and if any such negroes shall
be left on shore or make their escape, then those that have transported them shall, on conviction, forfeit 50l. The Council
adjourned to the first Tuesday in October, when a quorum not
meeting it was further adjourned to 2nd November. 4½ pp. [Col.
Entry Bk., No. XXXV., 434–438.] |
Sept. 6. Boston, New England. |
662. Gov. Leverett to the Lord Privy Seal [Earl of Anglesey].
Acknowledges receipt of the King's commands subscribed by his
Lordship and 16 of the Privy Council, dated 2nd December 1674,
by the hand of Thomas Deane, agent to the African Company,
on 21st June 1675. Is ready to afford him due assistance according
to the King's command and as their service may call for, which,
he thinks, will not be in haste. For 40 years there has not been any
attempt on that navigation by any of our Massachusetts adventurers, only some from England or some Barbadoes merchants that
have sent upon that voyage, and taken this way to repair their
vessels. Thanks him for his favour in appearing to the King
when the masts were sent, thinks possibly they may have
prejudiced themselves by not manifesting a suitable confidence,
but good manners teach them to be sparing in their intrusions. They are not altogether ignorant of the complaints with
which the King is unjustly troubled by their adversaries, but
are too poor to defray the expenses of some one to appear in
answer, and have not meet instruments among them; are thus all
the more grateful for the goodwill of the King since his restoration.
Must not omit to mention the condition the hand of the Lord has
been pleased to bring them into by the breaking forth of the
Indian natives by war first on Plymouth and then on them, by
their skulking and hiding way in the brushy woods, shooting
several English, and firing many hours, thereby doing great damage
to many out-plantations, and although on pursuit by soldiers most
or all that appeared in open hostility have heen forced to desert
their country and places of habitation, yet not without bringing
suffering upon many English, the which from the natives is most
unjust, they having no provocation, only were vexed at the execution of some of them for wilful murder, clearly proved. Endorsed,
"Read at Comtee, 4 Feb. 1675–6." 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. 35,
No. 15.] |
Sept. 6. Boston, New England. |
663. Copy of the above with Minute that it was read, 4th Feb.
[Col. Entry Bk., No. 60, pp. 94–97.] |
Sept. 11. |
664. Caveat that nothing pass in favour of the patentees of
Connecticut in America to the prejudice of his Royal Highness'
interest at New York before notice be given to Sir John Werden,
Bart., his Royal Highness's Secretary. ¼ p. [Dom. Entry Bk.,
Chas. II., Vol. 45, p. 14.] |
Sept. 12. H.M.S. Bristol, Bay Bulls, Newfoundland. |
665. Sir John Berry to Secretary Sir Joseph Williamson.
Refers to his former letter of 24th July (see ante, No. 628).
Encloses a perfect account of all the fishing ships employed by the
merchant adventurers from Cape de Race to Cape Bonavista, with
their boats, men, and where bound. This year there are 175 ships,
with 4,309 men, and 688 boats, which at 250 kentalls per boat at
12s. per kentall amounts to 103,200l.; 7 hhds. of train oil per boat
at 40s. per hhd. is 9,816l.; and 20 kentalls of core fish per boat as
5s. per kentall is 3,440l.; which in all comes to 116,272l. Has
likewise sent an exact account of the planters, who are 1,655 men,
women, and children, they employ 277 boats, and cured upwards
of 69,250 kentalls of merchantile fish, most of it shipped in English
vessels, which, with their core fish and oil, will amount to 46,813l.,
upwards of one-third of the fish taken by the merchant adventurers. By this his Honour may see what a loss his Majesty will
have if those poor people should remove, for they design to settle
amongst the French on the other side of Cape de Race, unless his
Majesty will let them continue. Stands in admiration how people
could appear before his Majesty with so many untruths against the
inhabitants. It was never known since the memory of the oldest
man using the trade that any New England ship brought wine or
brandy in exchange for fish, only some provisions, taking those
goods for payment. For better satisfaction, encloses a list of all
ships that have furnished them this year, with master's names, and
where they belong. The masters are the beginners in destroying
the stages, and to save 30s. for a seaman's passage care not how
many are left behind. Believes his Majesty will never have a
regulation of this fishery unless a governor be settled, for the
strongest treads down the weakest. Most of the ships bound to a
market are gone away two or three in company, scorning convoy.
Shall not be above 30 sail, and the weather proving ill for curing
will keep them till the 20th or 25th instant. Has sent home one
Jno. Bastard, who was apprehended for the supposed murder of
John Tozer, his fellow boatman, in May before his arrival, and
having examined the matter, has bound over four witnesses to
prosecute. Cannot get any certain account of the French and
their ships; they have two men-of-war of 40 and 30 guns for convoy,
and rendezvous at Trepassey, near Cape de Race; the St. Malo
fleet of 20 sail go without convoy, being all considerable ships,
and about 40 or 50 with convoy. Endorsed, "R. 11 Oct.
1675." Encloses, |
665. i., II. Duplicates of inclosures Nos. I., II. to Sir J. Berry's
letter of this date to Sir Robert Southwell. Together,
14 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. 35, Nos. 16, 16 I., II.] |
Sept. 12. H.M.S. Bristol, Bay Bulls, Newfoundland. |
666. Sir John Berry to Sir Robt. Southwell. To the same effect
as his preceding letter. Incloses accounts of the fishing ships and
inhabitants, and list of the ships bringing wine and brandy, above
half of which is sold to the fishing ships' crews, who come unprovided, trusting to those ships that yearly bring great quantities,
and sell cheap, there being no duty. It will be easy to prevent all
this clamour about pulling down stages and seducing men to stay
in the country if every commander be bound in 500l. to return all
his crew (mortality excepted), and to take down all stages and
preserve them in some convenient place to serve next season; for
if there be not some course taken, in a few years wood will be
very hard to bring out, and the sea and ice destroy many stages.
Endorsed, "Read at the Committee, 4 Dec. 1675. Read again at
the Committee, 13 April 1676. Read again the 8th Augt. 1676
in presence of Sir J. Berry." Encloses, |
666. i. "A list of ships making fishing voyages with boatkeepers who come passengers on their own account;
and what ships bound to foreign markets; from Cape de
Race to Cape Bonavista;" with the harbours' names, and
distance apart; latitude; masters' names; ships' names
of whence; burden; guns; men; boats; stages; trainfats; and whither bound; amounting in all to 28 boatkeepers, 172 ships, 13,106 tons burden, 675 guns, 4,309
men, 688 boats, 160 stages and 139 trainfats. |
666. ii, "A list of the planters' names with an account of their
concerns from Cape de Race to Cape Bonavista;" with the
harbours' names; planters' names; children, male and
female; men; boats; stages; trainfats; and head of
cattle; amounting in all to 146 planters, 187 children
1,253 men, 277 boats, 127 stages, 51 trainfats, and 548
cattle. |
666. iii. "A list of those that have furnished the inhabitants
and ships' crews with brandy, wines, &c., in the year
1675," with the names of the masters, ships, and ports
whence they came, all English. Together, 15 pp. [Col.
Papers, Vol. 35, Nos. 17, 17 I–III.] |
Sept. 13. |
667. Sec. Sir Joseph Williamson to Gov. Leverett. Encloses
an authenticated copy of the Treaty with the States General of
1 Dec. 1674. Mem.—The like letters were sent at same time
with authenticated Latin copies and translations in English to
John Winthrop, Governor of Connecticut, Josias Winslow, Governor
of New Plymouth, and Wm. Codington, Governor of Rhode Island.
1 p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XCIII., p. 141 a.] |
Sept. 14. St. Jago de la Vega, Jamaica. |
668. Exemplification of the trial at a Special Sessions of the
Peace before Sir H. Morgan and others of Edward Cran field. On
the charge of having maliciously assaulted Thomas Younge, Chief
Mate of his Majesty's hired ship America, by running a cane (to
the value of 12 pence) into his right eye about the depth of 5 inches,
of which he immediately after died; upon which the petty jury
found him guilty of chance medley, and he was quitted by proclamation by order of Court. Two large sheets. [Col. Papers,
Vol. 35, No. 18; also Col. Entry Bk., No. LXXVIII., 136–141.] |
Sept. 15. St. James'. |
669. Sir John Werden to Gov. Andros. Acknowledges letters
of 15th and 26th February and 20th April. His Royal Highness
is satisfied with his design of loading the Castle frigate with
timber from New York, on his being satisfied of the impossibility
of having her freighted from New England or Virginia. The
ship is safely arrived, and the timber and planks unloaded in his
Majesty's yard at Deptford; it is very good of its kind, and comes
seasonably for his Majesty's service. Hopes it is come to a good
market, although the produce of it and the benefit of the freight,
will not countervail half the charge of the seamens' wages, besides
the victualling of the ship. As regards the protest against Capt.
Burton, sent to the Master Attendant and Mr. Shipwright of his
Majesty's yard to survey the ship as she was unloading, who restored
(sic) a certificate that she was full and advantageously stored, his
Royal Highness has considered of his reasons for letting the Dutch
pass with her lading of planks and pipe staves, and is very well
satisfied with his care to comply with the Acts of Navigation and his
taking the advice of the Council and with his care and prudence in
quelling the disorders of the chief of the Dutch with so much
calmness. He is to endeavour on all occasions to repress inclinations towards mutiny, but not to impose anything that's hard
and severe; he did very well to permit the person who so earnestly
petitioned for it to be sworn upon his submission. As regards the
Mahakes' propositions at Albany, he is to do his best to bring to
pass such an understanding that the French may not come on this
side the lake or river Canada to direct the trade or annoy the
Mahakes. As regards the stricter peace with the three Southern
Indian Nations and the murder of Dr. Reed [Roades] and his servant,
leaves it wholly to him to deal with them as may best stand with
the honour and safety of the Government. As regards salt refers
him to his Royal Highness' letter of April (6). Has consulted the
Judge of the Admiralty touching the Bostoner's ship arrested by
Mr. Dyre. Has consulted the Judge of the Admiralty, whose
opinion is that, if the ship came into possession of the Dutch
during the hostilities it was well judged to be a prize by Gov.
Calne, and the judgment cannot be reversed, the possessions of the
Dutch vesting in them an absolute property of all moveables
taken during the war. This Sir Leoline Jenkins declares to be
both by the general law of nations and by the Treaty of Breda
confirmed by that of Westminster, 13 Feb. 167¾ knows not
whether Evertson's letter to the Mayor and Aldermen of New
York promising security for all their estates may make an alteration in the case. Sir Leoline Jenkins' opinion is that Calne's
judicial proceedings are not to be questioned as either void or
unjust. If he has done them wrong they are without remedy
(except from the mere generosity of the States General), the peace
having established an amnesty extinguishing all right and pretence
of action; doubts not but he will thereby know how to govern
himself as to those particulars. Is informed that pieces of 8/8 may
be current money anywhere according to their true value (as in
England), but no proclamation by the Duke ought to make them
so without the King's authority under the Great Seal, the like also
for putting any stamp thereon; it is worthy his further thoughts
what profit will result from these things before they go about to
get the King's grant. There is no law prohibiting sending their
brass farthings thither if it be worth the while. The Duke is
pleased to hear he has probable hopes of settling the fishing trade,
he looking upon the fishery as the most likely thing to produce
wealth and power at sea for the Plantation. Capt. Salisbury is
arrived; will send a clear account of all as soon as he has his
Royal Highness's opinion. Presents his service to himself and lady.
Printed in New York Documents, III., 232–234. 3 pp. [Col.
Entry Bk., Vol., 70, pp. 19–21.] |
Sept. 15. Barbadoes. |
670. Edwin Stede and Stephen Gascoigne to [Sir R. Southwell?].
Cannot yet prevent the presumption of interlopers who brave
his Majesty's authority. Formerly wrote about the ketch which
came hither with negroes belonging to Morris and Fowell, 10 of
which they seized; after which said Morris and Fowell sold her to
Vaughan and Middleton, who it was apprehended designed to fit
her again for Guinea, and therefore obtained the Governor's order
that she should come into port or depart the island. But the
owners and master obeyed neither, nor could they prevail with
Capt. Health or Chevall to send boats and men to take her.
Whereupon, seeing she daily took in goods, Stede, as Collector of
Customs, ordered his boat, with 3 waiters, to go on board and
search for uncustomed goods and set the broad arrow on the mast;
but after many threats they shot several muskets and forced the
officers on shore. Presented enclosed petition to his Excellency,
who had no vessel to send out; but in the nick of time his Majesty's
ship Foresight and another came to anchor, and the ketch sailed
immediately. It is evident the people will no more obey Acts of
Parliament than his Majesty's Patents, the collection of customs
being settled by Act. Endorsed, "A paragraph of a letter from
Edwin Stede, Esq., and Mr. Stephen Gascoigne, in Barbadoes." 1 p.
[Col. Papers, Vol. 35, No. 19.] |
Sept. 16. |
671. Papers read before the Committee of Council for Plantations, viz.:—Letter from Sir Chas. Wheler to Sir Robt. Southwell [see ante, No. 660], and Sir R. Southwell's report of his
discourse with Sir Chas. Wheler about amending the draft of a
memorial for reparation to be made to the planters in St. Christopher's, viz., Having on the 5th and 6th instant exposed to Sir Chas.
Wheler's amendments the draft of the memorial which lies before
their Lordships, Sir Charles observed to the 1st Article, That the illusage from the French arose chiefly from their attempt of imposing
an oath of fidelity to the French King, whereof no mention being
made in the capitulation the common people of the English were
so incensed that they left their houses and fled and the French
entered and demolished them. 2, To this must be added that all
contracts being in French the English were ignorant of what they
had signed, and in some cases the French proceeded by threats of
imprisonment, as in Freeman's case when he refused to sign.
3, Stet. 4, The word "Plantation" is not so proper as the words
"on the English part of the island." 5, Add, That the said delay
was the utter ruin of the English interest, in regard that despairing
of ever returning they settled themselves in other parts of the
world and in that time the value of ameliorations might exceed
the principal; plantations not sold were so overrun with weeds
as to be less valuable than new ground, and the mean profits were
detained. 6, He remembers no such case. 7, M. Colbert and
Lord Arlington agreed to refer meliorations to the parties concerned, with the Commissioners to assist; and M. de Baas and
Sir Charles agreed that surveys should be taken of the meliorations
and pejorations, and if the parties and Commissioners could not
agree the decision was to be left to them, but through the discord
of the Commissioners such surveys were delayed and never presented. 8, Instead of "publication of the Articles of Breda," must
be said, " publication of liberty to be given to the negroes to come
in and make their choice." 9, M. de Baas and the French Commissioners always insisted on having the advantage of the double
contracts, i.e., it seems that by the style of France there is always
mentioned a greater value paid in the contract than is really received, that the seller might less think of redeeming his lands, but
the English not holding themselves obliged to pay more than the just
value received were kept off, and this contention wasted the time
till the year and a day had elapsed. 10, Nothing of this happened during his time. On the other points of the memorial
Sir Charles added to the 1st, That to the best of his memory none
were refused their lands, but the goods thereon and the wastes
committed were the points contested, and are therefore fit to be
separated, for the lands whose proprietors did not return, were yet
restored, and called the King's lands and at the King's disposal.
2, To this he queries, How shall any adjustment be made when all
the English say their estates are worsted, and the French that they
are improved ? 4 and 5, M. de Baas agreed to both points, but
said, "Take both the persons if you can find them who did the
wrongs, and the things you inquire after." 6, This being subject
to replies and delays might be as well laid aside. 7, He advises
that the particular means of adjusting differences be set down and
negotiated here rather than referred to agreement there, which
will not easily be ever consented to. 8, From whom is such satisfaction to be expected ? For the French planters impute those
wastes, &c., to hurricanes and time, and though the English have
been eye-witnesses of many of their spoils, they cannot bring the
proof home to particular persons; and if the French King should
impose reparation on the French planters, he does not think them
able to make any tolerable satisfaction. Thus much Sir Charles
said he had done in obedience to their Lordships' commands and
in the way they were going; but that in a paper of his own he
would present what he thought most expedient for the security of
St. Christopher's and the other Leeward Islands. 13 pp. [Col.
Entry Bk., XLVI., No. 14–27.] |
Sept. 16–17. Whitehall. |
672. Minutes of the Committee of Trade and Plantations.
Sept. 16. Letter from Mr. Cranfield and the other Commissioners
of Surinam of 25th June, setting forth the good progress of their
business, read and well approved. Their Lordships find a want of
maps, and the account given in by Mr. Slingsby ordered to be
inspected, and the things paid for, for their Lordships' use. Letter
of 2nd instant from Sir Chas. Wheler read in part, being new
animadversions on memorial about St. Christopher's, and a new
draft made his own way; but their Lordships, not liking the
matter, did not read far, but read again his amendments of 7th
July. Their Lordships' reflections thereon. It was proposed to
have the opinion of Sir Leoline Jenkins and Dr. Lloyd on the
Treaty of Breda, whether any meliorations or reparations are thereby
to be considered. |
Sept. 17. |
Ordered, that Sir Chas. Wheler and Mr. Slingsby attend the
Lords to show what proofs there were to support the complaints
in the Memorial, &c., and how Sir Charles makes out his observations.
2 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. CIV., 35, 36.] |
Sept. 20. Jamaica. |
673. Governor Lord Vaughan to Sec. Sir Joseph Williamson.
Advises receipt from the Commissioners sent to Surinam of a letter
from his Majesty. About 10 days since arrived three of he
Majesty's hired ships, with 1,100 or 1,200 whites, blacks, and
Indians that the Commissioners had removed from Surinam. All
seem exceedingly satisfied with coming hither; and has, according
to his Majesty's instruction, received them with all the friendship
and kindness possible, allotted them double the land usually
granted, and required all persons to assist them with whatever
they want at moderate rates. Has, on their own desire, transported the poorest to the leeward part of the Island, where the
Surinamers which came with Gen. Bannister are already settled;
the more wealthy intend to disperse themselves, and being so well
furnished with slaves and all other necessaries for planting, will in
a short time make very considerable plantations, and be much
better settled than ever they were at Surinam. Has received from
the Commissioners list of the persons put aboard the Hercules and
America, and since they came into harbour has mustered all that
were brought. Will send by the next ships fair lists of both. The
flyboat Henry and Sarah left the Commissioners in the river of
Surinam, and came without any Orders or Despatches, so no list
was taken of her passengers till her arrival there; she is since sent
down to the westward with those Surinamers desiring to be
transported thither, and on the Master's return his breach of orders
and the whole matter shall be examined, and when the other ships
are unladen he will make up the accounts with the Captains concerning the King's provisions put aboard them, and return duplicates
to the Commissioners of the Navy. Mr. Cranfield, about 4 days
before his arrival, going aboard the America to examine the Captain
concerning the King's provisions to be delivered to the passengers,
and the Mate giving him very unhandsome language, he struck
him with his cane and ran the point of it into his eye, whereof
next day he died; on complaint whereof Lord Vaughan issued a
Commission for trial of the fact on the Statute of Henry VIII., and
the best gentlemen of the Island being returned of the jury, they
found it chance medley; for which Mr. Cranfield has sued out a
pardon under the Broad Seal of the Island, and has since himself
complained against some of the Captains, and a poor man that
came from Surinam in his own sloop, for breach of orders and
other misdemeanours; on examination will send an account and
his opinion thereon, as the King's letter appoints. No ship from
England these 6 weeks, and hopes the next will bring advice of
the receipt of his by Sir T. Lynch. Exceedingly desires to know
how his Majesty and his Royal Highness resent the miscarriage of
Knapman, and his declaring Sir H. M. to be the true cause of it.
Is every day more convinced of his imprudence and unfitness to
have anything to do in the Civil Government, and of what hazards
the Island may run by so dangerous a succession. Sir Henry has
made himself and his authority so cheap at the Port, drinking and
gaming in the taverns, that Lord Vaughan intends to remove
thither speedily himself, for the reputation of the Island and
security of that place, though he pretends it is only to change the
air, having lately had a fever. His Majesty's speedy resolution on
what Lord Vaughan proposed would exceedingly satisfy all the
sober and wealthy people, who are very doubtful of what may
happen in case of his death or absence; in all else they are fully
satisfied and everybody bent on planting, which will be much
improved by the arrival of these people from Surinam. Expects
great numbers, and some of the best quality from Barbadoes; and
Col. Freeman, lately come from St. Christopher's, says the people
there are almost quite undone by the hurricanes and the French,
and would all, if they could, remove hither. The Royal Company
have of late very well supplied them with negroes, though at
extraordinary rates, none being sold under 22l. per head ready
money. What does the most injury is, that our right of cutting
logwood is not yet determined, so that that trade can neither be
made profitable, nor so governed as to exclude strangers, which
might easily be done were the coast once asserted and affixed to
this Government. At present the New England men reap the
whole profit, and his Majesty receives no Customs for it, and unless
his Majesty's authority be settled there they will, under colour of
their patent, make the trade of most of the Plantations (as they
have their own) independent on that of England, nor will the late
Act of Parliament restrain them. It much imports his Majesty's
interest that this point be timely considered, and possibly this is a
juncture his authority might be easily established, the Indians
being in rebellion against Plymouth and the Massachusetts, and
not like to be reduced this winter. 2½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. 35,
No. 20.] |
Sept. 20. Bay Bulls, Newfoundland. |
674. [Mr. Page?] to [Sec. Sir Jos. Williamson?] Arrived at
St. John's Harbour 11th July, 4 weeks after departure from
Plymouth, found the Swan with 40 or 50 merchant ships, and
sailed 3rd Sept. for Bay Bulls to make up their fleet. There are
here 175 ships, which employ 4,309 men in 688 boats, and have
taken 172,000 kentalls, which at 12s. per kentall is 103,200l.,
besides train oil and core fish to the value of 12,872l. The inhabitants are 1,655 men, women, and children, with 277 boats, and
their concerns amount to 47,363l.; and all or most of the things
laid to their charge by the merchants, desiring their removal,
proved false. If removed they design to settle amongst the French
on the other side Cape de Race. Most of the ships are gone 2 and
3 in company, making a jest of convoy; so that if Sir John has
30 convoys, believes that will be the most. The French fish to
northward and southward, have 2 men-of-war for convoy, and
rendezvous at Trepassey near Cape de Race; the St. Malo fleet of
20 considerable ships goes without the men-of-war, and 40 or 50
sail with convoy. It will be the 25th before they sail, the weather
having hindered the fish from curing. Will punctually observe his
commands in the Straits, and would have sent him some fish but
could not meet with any ship of Weymouth. Endorsed by
Williamson, "R. from Mr. Page."1½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. 35,
No. 21.] |
Sept. 22. Port Royal, Jamaica. |
675. Edw. Cranfield and Marcus Brandt to [Sec. Sir Joseph
Williamson]. Their last of 13th August only advised of their
departure from Surinam, without particulars since Capt. Dickenson
left, by reason it is a frequent custom with the Dutch to open
letters. The ships being laden and his Majesty's subjects on board,
directed the Commanders to issue provisions as ordered by the
Commissioners of the Navy Board and mustered the passengers
in the Hercules and America at the mouth of the river, but the
Henry and Sarah went away without sailing orders and arrived
at Jamaica a week before them. Were forced to consent that the
families of the removers upwards of seven years old should be
victualled from the time of their coming aboard to the day of their
landing, though it was at first 12 years old. On 9th August
before they passed the Fort of Surinam, the Governor sent to
demand all the free Indians on board; but some having voluntarily returned, they were demanded again, and all on the Hercules
and America delivered to the Commander of the Snow in the
mouth of the river, yet he protested against carrying them away,
though at request of his Majesty's subjects who alleged they were
domestics and had lived many years in their families and had
wives and children. Send copy of his protest, and copy of theirs
also, for detaining the Hebrew nation, with list of such as are
willing to transport themselves and estates to Jamaica; others
resolve to go when occasion shall present. On 13th they got over
the Bar. Next day not seeing the Henry and Sarah they sent their
clerk back with the order for delivery of the free Indians and her
sailing orders, but a small sloop belonging to one Davis, bound
for Jamaica, told them she sailed away in the night. Made their
way direct for Jamaica, where all the removers desired to go.
Cranfield and others went aboard the America to speak about the
passengers complaining of want of water to Capt. Paxton, who lay
sick, and Thomas Young the Mate behaving rudely, Cranfield
with a bamboo cane went to push him away and unfortunately
ran it into his eye, of which he died. On arrival at Jamaica, 8th
September, he surrendered himself to the Captain-General, and on
the 14th there was a trail and the fact found chance medley. The
passengers on the Henry and Sarah desiring to settle to leeward,
his Excellency ordered the ship to carry them to Blewfield's Bay,
and she is not yet returned; the America will be unloaded the
21st instant, and the Hercules the 24th. The Commanders not
having yet delivered the provisions to the passengers, they can give
no account of the sale of the surplusage. Send list of all his
Majesty's subjects and slaves transported in his Majesty's three
hired ships from Surinam, and lists to the Hon. Saml. Pepys
of those victualled and not victualled. By the first opportunity
Cranfield will come for England. Encloses, |
675. i. Demand by P. Versterre, Governor of Surinam, from his
Majesty's Commissioners, that all the free Indians that
are aboard his Majesty's ships may be put on shore to
prevent all the mischiefs that may arise by their carrying
away, from the cruelties the heathens are wont to
practise. Dutch. Surinam, 9/19 August. |
675. ii. Translation of preceding. Also answer of the Governor
concerning the Hebrew nation. 11/21 August. |
675. iii. Protest of the English Commissioners against Gov.
Versterre for refusing their demand for the removal of
the Hebrew nation, and free Indians that are domestics to
his Majesty's subjects, having lived many years in their
families. Which being read to the Governor, he sent the
following answer in Dutch, dated 11/21 August 1675. Will
always be ready to let the Hebrew nation pass when he
shall have received more express orders from his masters,
but meanwhile believes he has satisfied the Commissioners demand in giving leave to all that were free
denizens of England. The Indians he is constrained to
detain from a report spread by their friends that the
Dutch had sold them to the English for slaves, and that
they would revenge it; so that he continues his protest
that they be delivered, having not yet received them.
11/21 August. |
675. iv. Protest of Peter Versterre, Governor of Surinam, against
his Majesty's Commissioners for carrying away the free
Indians. Having desired the Commissioners to put on
shore certain free Indians, and notwithstanding having
notice that there are yet 30 on board designed to be
carried away, which not only contravenes the orders
but may cause the total ruin of the Colony, in that their
friends (people without reason) will accuse the Dutch to
have sold them to the ships, whereby nothing else is to
be expected by the remaining nation but an utter
destruction, he protests that the Commissioners carry
them not away, and demands (in case this be not
effectual) satisfaction for all mischiefs and bloodshed that
may ensue. (In Dutch.) To which the Commissioners
answered, That part of the free Indians had been sent on
shore, and if any more were on board they should be
delivered; that they would make publication on board
that if any person privily conceals them, it must lie at
their doors, and would use all care to give compliance
in this or anything else his Honor should demand.
11/21 August. |
675. v. A list of such persons of the Hebrew nation willing to
transport themselves and estates to Jamaica but hindered
by the Governor, yet humbly request another occasion,
numbering 10 with 322 slaves. Several others resolve to
go when occasion shall present. |
675. vi. Publication by his Majesty's Commissioners (for Surinam). Having received an Order from Governor Versterre,
demanding all the free Indians from on board his Majesty's
hired ships, and being informed that some are privily
concealed on board, they strictly require the Commanders
and all his Majesty's subjects not to carry away any free
Indians, as they will answer the contrary (except one free
Indian belonging to Mr. Arthur Norris to which the
Governor gave his concession), ordering them to deliver
all said Indians to the Commander of the Snow, who
has orders from the Governor to receive them so soon as
the ships should come to anchor over the Bar at the mouth
of the river of Surinam. |
675. vii. A list of his Majesty's subjects and slaves transported in
his Majesty's ship Hercules from Surinam to Jamaica,
viz.:—Andrew and Dolorosa Knight, Ferdinando and
Lucretia Woodstock, John and James Jennison, John
Lawtis, John Horne, Thomas Sparkes and Thomas
Abraham, Christians, with 64 slaves (the names are given);
Major Rich. Scott, with 33 slaves; Hierome and Jane
Westhorpe, and John and Mary Creamour, Christians,
with 50 slaves; George Gordon, and George Gordon, junr.,
and Mary Hawkins, Christians, with 26 slaves; Samuel
and Eliza Tare, and Benj. Holeman, Christians, with 12
slaves; Arthur and Mary Norris, John and James English,
Mary Norris, junr., Grace Norris, Daniel Ohane, Will.
Johnson and John Tayler, Christians, with 44 slaves;
Matthew Eliza Hide and Mary Eliza Hide, junr., Christians,
with 35 slaves; Dorothy Wayle and Eliza Render,
Christians, with 83 slaves; Arthur Gally, Robert Hudson
and George Tindall, Christians, with 42 slaves; William,
Mary, William, Philip and John Yearworth, Christians,
with 15 slaves, belonging to Aaron de Silva; Isaac de la
Parr, Overseer, and Gabriell de Solis, with 33 slaves;
William and Dorothy Boone, James and Joane Grimes,
Samuel Earle, and Anne Matthews, Christians. Total,
53 Christians and 449 slaves. List of those transported
in his Majesty's hired ship America to Jamaica, viz.:—Mary Urpith, Adam and Dorothy Braythwaite, John
and Sarah Urpith, and Robert Hurtly, Christians, with
77 slaves; William and Jane Davidson, Tho. and Anne
Robinson, Christians, with 12 slaves; Elias and Jane Ely,
Mrs. Sarah Ely, Elias Ely, Sarah Ely, and John Sherwood,
Christians, with 34 slaves; Oliver and Jane Hampton, and
Philip Shaw, Christians, with 37 slaves; John and Penena
Horton, John Horton, junr., and Nich. Colegate, Christians,
with 19 slaves; William and Mary Smith, William
Thomas, Richard, Sarah, and Mary Smith, Joane Starky,
Saml. Gates, Christians, with 25 slaves; Peter Manton,
Margaret and Eliza Manton, and Solvodore, Christians, with
16 slaves; John, Katherine and Mary Wood ward, Christians,
with 8 slaves; John Spencer, with 8 slaves; Walter and
Amy Greene, Christians, with 2 slaves; Edward and Sarah
Saule, Christians, with 26 slaves; Henry, Mary and John
Long, and Henry Robinson, Christians, with 11 slaves;
Henry and Mary Ferrers, Mary Ferrers, Jeremy,
Katherine and Mary Chase, Christians, with 20 slaves;
William, Martha, Mary, and Martha Vaughan, Sarah
Viccers, James Baker, Mingo and his wife, Christians,
with 15 slaves; John, Margett, John and Thomas
Pearson, Sarah Holland, Samuel Bacon, Rich., Eliza,
John and Mary Armstrong, Christians, with 38 slaves;
John, Joane, and John Jones, and John Rose, Christians,
with 1 slave; Ralph and Rebecca Larkin, and Ralph
and Rebecca Larkin, with 3 slaves; Thomas and Frances
Gamball, Christians, with 3 slaves; Roger, Bridgett,
and John Phillips, Christians, with 2 slaves; William
and Eliza Slade, William Slade, and Grace Slade, Christians,
with 10 slaves; William and Eliza Whaley, and Richard
Loftus, Christians, with 4 slaves; Richard and Prudence
Dunn, Christians, with 2 slaves; John and Anne Hanes,
Sarah and Patience Haxby, and Rebecca de la Ware,
Christians; Eliza Sutton, Anne Larke, and Dorothy
Lowe, with 1 slave; William and Margett Carpenter,
and Charles Bray, Christians, with 1 slave; Robert and
Alice Browne, Christians, with 2 slaves; Thomas Cotton,
Christian, with 1 slave; Andrew, Alice and Hierome
Clifford, and John and Alice Harwood, Christians; Joyce,
John, and Sarah Biggs, Christians, with 3 slaves. Total,
116 Christians and 381 slaves. List of those transported
in his Majesty's hired ship Henry and Sarah, viz.:—Anne
Waller, daughter and a little negro, with 12 negroes and
2 Indians; Charles Graves, wife, 2 children, maid, and 3
little negroes, with 16 negroes and 6 Indians; Austin
Gabriell, maid, and 2 little negroes, with 13 negroes and
2 Indians; Will. White, wife, daughter, 3 little negroes
with 14 negroes and 1 Indian; Will. Pauer, wife and
son; Teag Matemarah and wife, with 1 negro; Alexr.
Godding, wife, 2 children, and 4 little negroes, with 10
negroes; Alex. Wilson, wife, child and 1 little negro, with
4 negroes and 4 Indians; Henry Pearson, wife and 2
children; Edwd. Wooton, with 2 little negroes, and 5
negroes and two Indians; Thomas Wright, wife and maid,
with 4 negroes; Peter Clerke, wife and sister, with three
negroes and 3 Indians; [Will. Davis, wife and child, John
Smith, John Westwood, and William Fowler, with 19
slaves belonging to Davis]. The names in brackets are
not in this List, but appear in another List, No. 677 I.
Will. Creek, wife and 4 children; Will. Heath, wife,
3 children, and 2 little negroes, with 4 negroes and
3 Indians; John Morris, 2 little negroes, and 4 negroes;
Abrah. Baker; John Chambers, wife and 2 children,
with 6 negroes and 1 Indian; Edward Edy, wife, 2 children,
2 whites and 5 negroes; Alex. Simms, 2 little negroes,
and 5 negroes; Samuel Pincheon, wife, 2 children, and
1 negro; Thomas Scattergood, a child, and 1 negro;
George Mascall, a little negro, 3 negroes and 2 Indians;
Samuel When, wife, 1 negro and 1 Indian; Robert Gheste,
with one Indian; Stephen Fisher, wife, 1 child, 2 little
(sic) 3 negroes and 1 Indian; Leonard Pollard, with
1 negro; Saml. Starling, wife, 2 negroes and 2 Indians;
George Carter, Daniel Young, Isaac Richardson, Will.
Ruddyford, Tho. Foster with 3 negroes, and James
Watkins; Total 81 Christians, 31 Indians, and 120 negroes;
Total in the 3 ships (and sloop), 1231. Also a general
list of the English that depart from Surinam to Jamaica
with the number of their slaves. Together, 25 pp.
[Col. Papers, Vol. 35, Nos. 22, 22 L–VIL; also Col.
Entry Bk., Vol. LXXVIII. pp. 106–118.] |
Sept 22. Port Royal, Jamaica. |
676. Edw. Cranfield and Marcus Brandt to Secretary Williamson.
Duplicate of preceding letter, omitting the last paragraph; and of
all the enclosures. [Col. Papers, Vol. 35, Nos. 23, 23. L–VII.;
also Col. Entry Bk., No. 78, pp. 119–131.] |
Sept. 22. Port Royal, Jamaica. |
677. Edw. Cranfield to (Sir Robt. Southwell ?). Almost word
for word the same as the letter of Edw. Cranfield and Marcus
Brandt of this date, except the last clause about enclosures. Has
brought from Surinam 250 whites, and 980 slaves. Endorsed,
"Read at the Commtee the 6th of Octobr 1678." Encloses, |
677. i. Another list of the names of his Majesty's subjects and
their slaves transported from Surinam to Jamaica in his
Majesty's hired ships Hercules and America. The Henry
and Sarah going away from us at Surinam without her
sailing orders could not take a particular list of the names,
but the whole number of whites and slaves is 232. Together,
13 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. 35, Nos. 24, 24 I.; also Col.
Entry Bk., No. LXXVIII., 132–135.] |
Sept. 23. |
678. The King to Sir Jonathan Atkins, Governor of Barbadoes.
Understands by his letter of 30 June last to Sec. Coventry
that six persons have been tried for the murder of Capt. Swanley,
Master of a ship bound for Barbadoes, five of whom were found
guilty and three executed, but William Knowles and William
Sherlock reprieved, the one only assisting to throw Capt.
Swanley overboard when dead, and the other being at the helm
pushed him back to prevent his misfortune. His Majesty has
thought fit to issue his pardon under the great seal to said Knowles
and Sherlock, and the Governor is authorised to set them at
liberty on giving security for their good behaviour in future.
1½ pp. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. 110, pp. 77–78.] |
Sept. 23. Spring Gardens. |
679. Sir Robert Southwell to Mr. Bertie. The Committee for
Plantations propose two queries: (1) whether all Governors abroad
have taken the oath to perform what the Act of Navigation requires,
and before whom they do it; (2) whether all such Governors return
the bonds they are to take according to the Act, and who have
omitted the same. Desires the answer of the Commissioners of the
Customs. [Col. Entry Bk., No. 97, p. 21.] |
Sept. 23. |
680. Certified copy of charter party between Richard Hall,
merchant, of New York, and the owners of the ship Nevis, factor
about 100 tons, riding at anchor in Rhode Island, and William
Dervall and William Williams, merchants, of New York, for a
voyage to Jamaica and the Bay of Campeachy to take in eighty
tons of logwood for New York or Boston, as shall be agreed.
1 large sheet. [Col. Papers, Vol. 35, No. 25.] |
Sept. 24. Whitehall. |
681. Minutes of the Committee of Trade and Plantations. The
Minutes of April 22, May 1, and May 24, read, in order to open
the state of Messrs. Mason and Gorges' pretensions in New England,
but the business put off to a time of more leisure. The memorial
for redress in the business of St. Christopher's to be prepared with
haste, and Sir Chas. Wheler and Mr. Slingsby to be called on for
the vouchers of the many allegations therein specified touching the
injuries of the French. Discourse on the return of Mr. Cooke from
Madrid without any redress of injuries sustained in the West
Indies; and letter read from Sir W. Godolphin showing how
indifferent the Spaniards appear to our friendship or enmity owing
to the late proceedings in Parliament, and that foreign ministers
there testify as much in reference to insolencies from those
of Ostend, and the privateers of Biscay, and injuries suffered
from the Spaniards. Report by Mr. Secretary of a letter from the
Duke of Courland, desiring his Majesty's protection touching his
pretensions to the island of Tobago, but the Lords said it was not
fit for his Majesty's concern if the Duke would not hold it under
his Majesty. Proposal to have Greeks from Morea, &c., to plant
in the West Indies, discoursed and laid aside as a thing of charge.
Copy of Colonel Stapleton's letter of 18th February last, touching
the exploit in San Dominico, to be given to Colonel Warner in the
Tower. Complaint of Sir R. Southwell that it was impossible for
him to make searches up and down in offices, and put together the
patents and charters of all the plantations, &c., as directed on 24th
May last, without some help, his Majesty to be moved for some
allowances. Mr. Sec. Williamson had a list of said patents, and
where to find them, and was about some narrative which when
perfected he would expose to the Lords. 3 pp. [Col. Entry Bk.,
No. CIV., 37–39.] |
Sept. 28–29. |
682. Minutes of the Assembly of Barbadoes. An Act for the
Settlement of the Militla passed. Ordered, that the Treasurer pay out
of the excise on liquors to the gunner, mate, and matrosses of Charles
Fort, 15,840 lbs. of Muscovado sugar for salary; also to Thomas
Harte, 2,880 lbs. of sugar, gunner of Willoughby's Fort; and that he
give credit to James Houlsworth, merchant, for the duty of 9 pipes,
2 hhds. of Madeira wine, turned eagar and unsaleable. Resolved,
on petition of Thomas Cullam in relation to hire of his boats in the
war time in 1666 and 1667, that the Assembly are in no way
concerned therein. Resolved, that the presenting of something to
his Excellency for his charge of holding the last general sessions,
and for his support in the Government, lie under consideration till
the morning; as also an Order from his Excellency and Council for
payment of the charge of the Commissioners sitting upon examination of negroes. Motion that the Assembly again address his
Majesty touching the 4½ per cent., setting forth the great and
general calamity the island lies under by the late dreadful
hurricane, to the destruction not only of their buildings, but crops
of canes; as also for a supply of servants from Scotland to
strengthen the island against the outrages of the negroes, laying
before his Majesty their late plotted rebellion; and to move that
the late Custom laid on the growth of Barbadoes transported to
New England may be taken off, the island already suffering great
scarcity, the former trade in provisions from thence being much
decayed by reason of that impost. |
Sept. 29. |
Ordered, that the Treasurer credit John Strode and John Tibbotts
on their accounts of Excise for the duty of six pipes of Madeira
wine turned eagar and unsaleable; also that he pay to his
Excellency 200,000 lbs. of sugar out of the imposition on liquors
imported, presented by the country for the support of the Government, and that the concurrence of his Excellency and Council be
desired. Adjourned till Tuesday come 7 weeks. 3½ pp. [Col.
Entry Bk., No. XIII., 193–196.] |
April 6 to Sept. 29. |
683. Edwd. Cranfield's Narrative of Proceedings upon his
Majesty's Commission and Instructions of the 28th Mar. 1675, for
the bringing of his subjects from Surinam. Sailed 6th Apr. from
the Downs, and from Torbay on the 12th; met some ships on 21st,
and wrote by them to Sec. Williamson, as follows (see ante, No. 527);
anchored at Madeira 27th, where the Governor refused to return
gun for gun, and declared that unless they would enter the King's
ship as a merchantman they should not have so much as a drop of
water, whereupon they resolved to make the best of their way to
Surinam. The merchants of the place being debarred coming off
to them sent the following letter to the King's Commissioners,
signed by John Shattocke, Madeira, 27 April. Cannot express
their resentment for the unmannerly behaviour of their unworthy
Governor, who hath a second time rejected his Majesty's concern
that have touched at the island to buy refreshment. Have some
days since dispatched their complaints both for Portugal and
England, and hope for a speedy redress, for he did the same with
Lord Vaughan and Sir Thos. Modyford. Has not spoke with the
Governor himself since Lord Vaughan departed, for whose sake
the Governor is continually molesting him; has forced away one of
his servants, limited him a time for stay on the island, yet will not
let him compose his affairs, nor pay him a penny of above 5,000
crowns he has owned him these two years. The answer of Edw.
Cranfield, dated the same day, thanks them for their generous
resentment of their reception by the Governor, and he is not less
concerned to hear of their barbarous treatment, of which he has
given account to the Secretary of State. Thanks them for their
letter of credit to the Canaries, but having no orders is resolved
not to touch there though they come short of water. Then follows
copy of Cranfield's letter to Sec. Williamson (see No. 542). Sailed
the same night, and 14th May met two ships, and wrote to the
Secretary of State with duplicate of their former letters (see No.
560). Arrived at the river of Surinam the 2/12 June, and dispatched
a letter to the Governor giving notice of their arrival and desiring
him to send a pilot; copy of their letter. The 4/14 th June Cranfield and Brandt taking with them all the letters from the StatesGeneral, the Prince of Orange, and the States of Zealand, landed
at Paramaribo, the residence of the Governor, who received them
with civility, and had a list of those that had then given in their
names to remove, by John Trott, who had directions in case of
Capt. Baker's death, who died before the Advice boat arrived, to
execute his Majesty's instructions. The next day the Governor
published at Paramaribo and Toororica the orders from the StatesGeneral, and on 10/20 June a Proclamation, signed by Governor
Versterre and the King's Commissioners, appointing the 30 June/
10 July for deciding all differences concerning debts between the
Dutch and Hebrew nation and English; ordering them to draw
their accounts of debtor and creditor between themselves, discounting one debt with another as much as possible; and giving
notice to all that will depart that his Majesty's ships will make no
longer stay than 4 or 5 weeks from their arrival. The Governor
having granted permission to confer with his Majesty's subjects,
the King's Commissioners sent a letter to acquaint them with the
provisions his Majesty had made for their transportation and
settlement, and to desire them to repair on board the America.
Copy of said letter, dated 9 June 1675. Afterwards they visited in
person the several divisions, to encourage them to embark and inform
themselves of each man's case that might fall under debate at the
General Court, and found they would all be in readiness to embark
the 26 July/5 Aug. Took care to avoid menaces which was also
observed by the Governor, but some of the Dutch raised a report
that they were to be carried to Providence, next the Bahamas,
which a little startled the common people. Their demands concerning debts owing by the Dutch, and the cattle, provisions, and
other goods taken during the war were fairly complied with. The
Jews who were inhabitants at the time of surrender, having demanded transportation with his Majesty's subjects, the Governor said
his orders were only to let the English go, and produced a Dutch
translation of the Articles of the late Treaty; but they told him
they were to be governed by the Latin original, which used the
word subject, which the Jews were to his Majesty before the
articles of surrender, and that Scotch and Irish might be as
reasonably detained as Jews; whereupon he made publication that
they were free to depart, and several sold their estates and made
preparation for departure, and desired his Majesty's Commissioners
to move the Governor to appoint some persons to settle all matters
between the Dutch and them, which they did. Copy of the
Commissioners' letter dated from on board Hercules, 6/16 July. At
the same time there came a ship from Zealand, by which the
Governor pretended to have received orders not to suffer the
Hebrew nation to remove, but he would not, neither indeed could
he produce these orders. Mr. Cranfield found from the Major of
the garrison that a list had been taken of the Dutch inhabitants,
and that there were but 130 besides the garrison who, with the
merchants in the town, consisted of about 140 more. The Governor
finding more Jews would depart than he expected, feared it might
too much weaken the colony. With much importunity the Governor
gave way for Sigr. Aaron de Silvis to send off 33 slaves under an
overseer, but finding the Governor deaf with regard to the rest
the Commissioners resolved to protest against him the day before
their departure. In 4 days all matters were brought to a final
determination at the General Court, according to equity. The
Governor's "Publication" that discounts and transferring of debts
be accepted by creditors as payment. The Commissioners found
that the English in general were rather creditors than debtors, and
had good debts to satisfy what they owed; except one, Wm. Wyat,
whose land, cattle, and some moveables were valued on oath by
English and Dutch men, by which means be removed with his
family and slaves. One Rowland Simpson selling two plantations
in Nov. 1674 to Messrs. Pringall and Henry Mackentosh, and to
Francis Browning to be paid by half-yearly payments, hindered
their removing, the Governor and Simpson's agent arguing they
could not make void the contract. A debt of Simpson's to Andrew
Clifford for 240l., and one of Francis Watson to his brother-in-law
Matthew Hide for 21,733 lbs. of sugar, were the only debts unsatisfied
due to his Majesty's subjects who removed. Having prepared a
list of the passengers and proportioned them to the ships according
to their tonnage, it was found an absolute necessity to employ all
the ships. The Governor and his officers in all appearances kept
themselves within their superior's orders, except the detaining of
2 orphans whose fathers had committed them and their estates to
the guardianship of the Governor and Council; and the Jews and
Free Indians that had lived many years in the families of his
Majesty's subjects as domestics, some of whom came voluntarily on
board, and being delivered on the Governor's demand, returned
again, on which the King's Commissioners sent an order to the
masters of the ships to forbid their transportation. The order
of the King's Commissioners about the Free Indians. This order
was no sooner published than great discontents arose on board,
and on request of the masters of the Indians the Commissioners
protested against the Governor for hindering the free Indians and
Jews from coming off, the Governor afterwards did the like against
the Commissioners for carrying off the free Indians, notwithstanding
their care to prevent the Indians going off. The Commissioners
protest. It was proposed by the Governor mutually to sign an
instrument to acknowledge everything had been accommodated
according to the Articles and Orders, excepting the particulars
mentioned in the protest; but believing that which concerned the
Jews to be of importance, his Majesty's Commissioners thought it
not reasonable, the Jews being in the same condition as his
Majesty's natural-born subjects. Took leave of the Governor 12th
Aug. 1675, and all his Majesty's subjects petitioned to be transported direct to Jamaica without touching elsewhere, no person
wishing to go for England or Virginia. Their petition signed by
Edward Saul and 28 others. Found on arrival at Surinam the
provisions in good condition, except the bread, and gave orders
to the several masters for the issue of victuals to all passengers
above 12 years of age, which not giving content were obliged to
alter it to 7 years. The Henry and Sarah going away without
them, and ordered by Lord Vaughan to Blitchfields (Bluefields)
Bay, have not heard how they were satisfied with this order. The
Commissioners order for victualling to Capt. Geo. Broad of
H.M.S. Hercules and Capts. Packston and Piper. To issue to every
passenger over 7 years on their list, 1 lb. of biscuit, 2 lbs. of beef or
1 lb. of pork, and ¼ pint of oatmeal a day, and 1 pint of oatmeal
when they have neither beef nor pork, giving out for 4 days fish and
3 days oatmeal. Copy of order to Capt. Roger Packston of the
America, and Capt. Wm. Piper of the Henry and Sarah, for the
America to keep company with the Hercules, dated 13 Aug. After
a tedious passage they arrived at Jamaica 8th Sept., and delivered
his Majesty's letters to the Governor. The Henry and Sarah got
there a week before, and was ordered down for Bluefields Bay.
Had one James Davis before his Excellency for bringing off a
planter and 3 free Indians in his sloop, pressing he might give
security to indemnify his Majesty in case the Dutch assigned
damages, but his Excellency judged it not reasonable. Were
commanded by his Excellency to give him a narrative of all proceedings, but they refused, finding no commands in his Majesty's
instructions to that purpose, but gave him copies of all orders
concerning the passengers, provisions, and masters of the hired
ships. The America being unladen 21st Sept. and the Hercules
the 24th, his Majesty's Commissioners left them to their sailing
orders, and the Henry and Sarah returning from Leeward 29th
was discharged the same day. Have performed this service with
their best care, and hope a favourable interpretation will excuse
their defects. 21½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. 35, No. 28.] |
April 6 to Sept. 29. |
684. Copy of the above. Mem.—Mr. Cranfield having on the
18th May 1676 presented to the Committee for Plantations the
foregoing narrative, and given account of all his proceedings, their
Lordships remained satisfied with his behaviour and agreed to
their report of 30 May 1676 as contained in his Majesty's Order
in Council dated 31 Jan. 1676–77. 24½ pp. [Col. Entry Bk.,
No. LXXVIII., 142–166.] |
Sept. 30. Port Royal. Jamaica. |
685. Edw. Cranfield and Marcus Brandt to Sec. Sir Jos.
Williamson. Have advised of their arrival with his Majesty's
subjects, since which, have had James Davis before his Excellency
for bringing off from Surinam persons that had not given in their
names to the Governor 10 days before departure as directed, all
they desired being that Davis might give security to indemnify his
Majesty in case the Dutch assigned any damages. He used means
to make Cranfield his friend, as appears by enclosed deposition.
Would have sent copy of the examinations, but Atkinson, his
Excellency's Secretary, denied them, refused his Excellency a
narrative of all their proceedings, not being so directed by his
Majesty's Instructions, at which he has taken great offence; but they
sent him a copy of the orders from the Navy Office, and all that
concerned the victuals or hired ships which was in their Instructions; but he will not be satisfied. Presume they are to be
accountable to his Honor and not to his Excellency. The number
of those brought off is a sufficient demonstration that they have
not violated his Majesty's Instructions. Left the America and the
Hercules to their sailing orders, but the Henry and Sarah is not
returned from the leeward, where she was ordered by his Excel
lency to carry the passengers. The Henry and Sarah has come into
Port Royal, but have not spoken with the Commander. Enclose, |
685. i. Deposition of Daniel Eyrs, sworn before Sir Hen. Morgan,
Antho. Swimmer, and R. Wilson. At the desire of James
Davis he told Cranfield that Davis would give him 20l. if
he would not prosecute, but he replied that as the King's
interest. lay at stake 10,000l. should not bribe him. Yet
Davis has reported that Cranfield sent him to discourse
privately with him about the matter, but Eyrs declares
that Cranfield never sent him to Davis on any business
whatever. 1675, Sept. 19. Together, 1½ pp. [Col. Papers,
Vol. 35, Nos. 26, 26 I.] |
Sept. 30. Whitehall. |
686. Minutes of the Committee of Trade and Plantations.
Ordered, that Mr. Attorney-General hasten the Proclamation for
bringing in the head of FitzGerald the Pirate from the Havana.
Capt. Cooke attended touching the unsuccess of his negotiation at
Madrid, Sir Leoline Jenkins to be spoken with, whether Capt.
Cooke ought to be sent for reparation to the Havana, or whether
it should be made at Madrid. 1 p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. CIV., 40.] |
Sept. 30. Whitehall. |
687. Minutes of the Committee of Trade and Plantations.
Ordered, that Mr. Attorney-General hasten the Proclamation for
bringing in the head of FitzGerald the Pirate from the Havana.
Capt. Cooke heard touching the ill-success of his negotiation at
Madrid for reparation for ships Virgin and Thomas and Mary;
Messrs. Littleton, Stamp, &c., also heard on several points touching
the answer given by the Queen of Spain. Forty papers transmitted by
Sir Wm. Godolphin to Mr. Sec. Coventry (see ante, Nos. 640, I.–XL.)
touching this affair (many of them) perused; and Sir Leoline
Jenkins to be spoken with to-morrow morning, touching the
validity of the Queen's answer; whether Capt. Cooke ought to be
sent for reparation to the Havana, or whether it should not have
been made at Madrid; and whether the valuation made here in
the Admiralty should not be conclusive, but a new one be made
there, which seems intended by the Queen's order; for by the
value of the fifth part assigned to her Majesty, the whole if so paid
would be of little importance. The Lords to meet again on
Monday afternoon, and petitioners then to attend. Endorsed,
"Mem.—Sent to Sir L. Jenkins by order of the Lords the 2nd Oct.
the letter of Sir Wm. Godolphin to Mr. Sec. Coventry with 40
papers, also 2 letters that belong to the E. of Anglesey. What
is the method of reparation by the Treaty? If the method be
right, what judgment ought to be made of the reparation proposed?" 1½ pp. (see also No. 683). [Col. Papers, Vol. 35, No. 27.] |